HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-12-04, Page 3• Road BUdget' Hits Record The largest road and bridge- program ridgeprogram ever undertaken in llurori is being carried .out this year, and is now nearly com- plete said J. W. liritneli, county engineer, In his sessional report,1 M November. All the new road building .on' the 1958 program has been done,! he said, and the bridge building •for this year is clone, except for. one small bridge near Hensall, which is not yet. completed. An .official opening ceremony is being planned for the three new bridges built this year, in. lxowick tow.nsh+ i, as the biggest undertaking of 1958 in the county road system, The three bridges, ohne with a span of 60 feet, and two with spans of 50 feet each, are grouped within a Mile and a half, where a county road NEW EXETER COUMCII,LOR crosses the Maitland River tribu-i taxies ,in Howick• township. .. , Eldrid Simmons places fifth Paving work completed this' Year, Mr. •Britnell reported, con= sists of 3.5 miles west from Kirk - ton, 2.5 miles in Ashfield town- ship, and two miles in the Credi-t ton neighborhood. Another 12.1 rules of county road have been. rebuilt and graded in prepara- tion for paving. New Type 1 The new bridge that is being built near Hensall, said Mr. Britnell, is of a type new in Huron. The bridge deck is to be of prefabricated reinforced con- crete sections, cast in Wood- stock, and transported to the bridge site, The county' read 'department is building the abutments on which the pre -cast deelc will be placed. "This . method," said Mr. Brit- nell, !`should result in a 'sub- stantial' saving over other me- thods on this type of bridge, par- ticularly in light of the steel strike. To the best of our know- ledge, this is the first bridge of this type ever erected . in Western Ontario." "As a' point of interest," Mr. Britnell told councillors, we have calculated that on Huron county. roads ,the motoring pub- lic drives a. total of 64,157,670 miles a. year. If we assume a vehicle: gets 15 miles to the gal- lon, and that the gasoline tax. is 13 cents a gallon, the province receives from gas tax, from cars driven. on Huron county roads, 5546.000. This year theywill pay us in subsidy about $460,000." "Obviously," said Mr, Britnell, "we are not getting our share of 'the gasoline ta.. dollar. It is not, however, the fault of the pro- vince; they are willing to sub- sidize any amount the county can raise for new construction. If we are to keep up to the ever increasing traffic volume, our objective should be at least $1,- 000,000 a year, irequiring a mill tate of eight mills to raise the county portion." • Huron CAS Wins Praise' Huron' County 'has been com- plimented on the work its Child- ren's Aid Society is doing in adoption cases, said 'Mrs. Mary P. Chaffee, CAS director for Huron, in her sessional report to county council. "We have.been very fortunate in our adoption program, and have placed 29 babies this year, and have completed 27 adop- tions," said Mrs. Chaffee. "Seve- ral families have accepted handi- capped children, thus giving security and a family to children with a very special need. The Department has complimented this county on its special adop- tion work." The 1959 council will be asked to consider building a 60 -foot ad- dition to the Heron Pioneer Museum at Goderich, on the re- commendation of the county -his- toric committee, of which Ches- ter Mawhinney, deputy -reeve of Exeter, is chairman, The pro- posed 'addition would be built as a shell, with the finishing of floors and 'windows to beleft un- til later. Meanwhile, it would provide roofed storage for the museum's acquisitions. • The' - historic committee also asked council to seek to have an approach to the tomb of Tiger• Dunlop, at Saltford, included in the plans for. ' the new route of No. 21 Highway, north from Goderich, Building of a new bridge across the Maitland, from Goderich north to Saltford, is expected to alter the route of No. 21, past the historic site of the Dunlop Tomb. Total attendance at the Mu- seum this year, to Oct. 28, has been 15,657. Receipts to Sept.' 30. were $3,986, and expenses were $3,901. • Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. L Desjardine have moved into their Rorie on Main Street. Maryan (Lena) McDonald, wife of Leroy Coultls, a former rest- dent of .Exeter, died recently at her ho.tne in Toronto. Mr. Coul- tas, before moving to Toronto many years ago, was a 'druggist in Exeter. Mrs. Joe Simpson, heterboro, Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson and Joe, of Sum- merville, ville, were weekend 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. tile Simpson and family. They were Sunday callers with. 'Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton, Lucan," and guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. F.. Cheshire, London, Mr, and Mrs, J, hl'ubort Jones spent a few days last week in. Toronto. Mrs. Bertha O'Brien is a pa. tient .An ,South litiroti Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, .Nelson Vickers,. s`Sf Drumheller, Alberta'. Made a flying visit with their sister-in- law and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. lirtersoln, Cornish, and Other relatives in the surrounding dis. tri rat . Mrs. Norman • hockey has innoved to Albert street. Mrs, lid Johns, Alts, Tidgatw Squlre,, Mi' Magi' ;Hannigan and ritl�s. liwant Pytit attended thot e Clinton aevintlt birthdayof trn Mary Hastings club on Thursday. • Town's Senior FoI'i.,,'•Celebrate -C. hristm A lighted tree and Chirstmas Mr's. Edwin Miller; ladies' guar- decorations, a good program and tett. Mrs. R. •Shapton, Mrs k:. ',a record attendance of 150 were'Lindenficlil, .Mrs. .;James -Smith highlights •of the Christmas Party , and -Mrs. • P. AteF.alls; solo by of the Senior Citizens on Tues- George tIodbolt Ip his own ac •day evening. •I compapinrent on the likelele, The program included carol 'and solos by Gordon Snaith ko singing led by Walter Cutbush his., guitar muslc. with Mrs. Rhoda Shapton at they .The chairman, Mr. Cecil Skin - piano; duet by Mrs. Frank Wild- ncr, called an Clinton Sweet,. long and her daughter, Mrs. •G.' Andrew Dougall, Maurice Quante• ' Kiaat; solo by Heather Davis, and Walter Gunning for' an. iiia.- Saintsbury, accompanied by her .pronrptil comic Ruiz which mother; violin solo by Andrew brought forth much laughter. .Dougall with Mrs. Dougall at The group voted s20 to, the the piano; male chorus, .Allan Children's Aid,. ?Goderich,. for and, Melvin Bus -;ell, Sanm, Cecil Christmas cheer, • and Gerald Skinner anti Frank Committee for. .next 'progeain Wilclfoltg, with Mrs. A. Dougall includes Mr..aim Mrs, li. Powe,. at the piano. • Mr. and Mr's. Edgar Redd,. Mr: Reading by Helen Hendrick; and firs. Alfred •l-Tynknt, Mrs, solo by Mrs. Ross McFalls; skit F. King and Mrs. E. Stone, by Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Music for 'the - dance which • followed lunch was supplied by • - Mr. and Mrs. William -Marshall and Thomas Walker.' Plan Safety Campaign. As Holidays' Adays APproach J. 'E, Combes Dies At Home An intensive traffic safety campaign' stressing winter holi- dayhazards will „be conducted during December by the Ontario, Department of Transport. The immediate goal of the campaign •is to reduce traffic accidents during C h r is t iii a s . and New Year's holiday season, ' iiIany police departments have , indicated -they intend to step up their public education programs as well as increase .thea traffic law enforcement activities dun- ing this highly dangerous period. Their efforts will .be strongly supported by a broad advertis- ing and publicity program using every appropriate medium of public information including daily and weekly newspapers, radio and '1 V stations, farm and foreign language publications, bus and streetcar cards, and out • - door signs. . Advertising will concentrate on She: "Harry, why don't you take Stephen to the zoo?" Harry: ' 't•Nothing doing! 11 they want him, let them come and get him." r * * r Curve - Speedometer: When you see.a "curve" • sign, a quick glance at the speedometer can save your life. SLOW DOWN I 44 4444444444 i7/si7lsst9r4i7/r44it7/r` • alerting motorists to the dangers of drinking and driving, and on reminding pedestrians to he on guard against the dangers. of in- creased darkness, rigorous' wea- ther conditions, thoughtless in- dulgence, and the hurry • and excitement. of- shopping and ,hol- clay festivities.. A special kit of safety pramo- tional. materials emphasizing winter; holiday hazards will he distributed • to police depart- ments, safety organizations, ser- vice clubs, boards of .trade- and chambers of commerce, home and school associations, and other public-spirited groups.. • It contains samples of - posters, leaflets, place mats, coasters and other materials made avail- able free of charge for local dis- tribution by the Ontario Depart- ment of Transport. "Th,e records show that the four main causes of accidents that make December the deadli- est month of the year are speed too fast, for conditions, drinking drivers and walkers, pedestrian errors; and the dangers of dark- ness", commented Hon. AL,. 13, Dymond, Minister of Transport for Ontario, in announcing the campaign. "We intend to con- centrate all our efforts on di- minishing • their effects during the critical year-end period". James Edward ' Coombes, i, died at his residence in Exeter on Tuesday,. December 2,' I- is wife, the :former Christina Airth, predeceased him some years ago. One son, Edward Coombes, survives. • • The -body is . resting at the Hopper Hockey . funeral ;home, Exeter, until Thursday when funeral service will be •conduct- ed at 2. p.m. by Rev. S. Kerr, terwithy, interment in- Exeter ceme- 444444444444 Victor has a g5ft for. from +149ks, aking p eopie happy As Times Go. By -Continued From Page 2 of Mrs.. Clarence Dabars, Zurich: Mr. and. Mrs. William Morley served a dinner, to friends on Thursday to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Milton Webb was elected presi-! dent of Dashwood Hockey Club at a meeting in Hayter's 'Garage Friday night. Mr. V, L. Becker has his new building completed on . Main Street, .Dashwood. At the Exeter Lions Club sup- per meeting it was decided to sponsor the United Emergency Fund for Britain and -the sum. of $500 was voted to head the list. 444444 444444 -Yo VICTORIOUS BOWLER - While his opponents and other contestants in Monday's election waited impatiently for results at the returning office; Mayor R, E. Pooley took his regular turn on his bowling team. He was still, on the alleys when his victory was declared. In 1955, the first time ,,the mayor was challenged at the polls, he waited for results in the same fashion. -'l?-A Photo • Air. and .Mrs,. Whitney Coates and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc- Bride attended the Huron Here- ford Breeders Association an- nual banquet in Dungannon on Tuesday evening. • 444444444444 Mrs. It, A. Delve of Leth- bridge, Alberta, returned' to her home after visiting for - two weeks with her father sand mn- then Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott and other relatives. The Ttm, tAdvecette, Cie;ember 4, 1954 PIE I: Reeve Dixorl Ex�lair� Reeve Earl Dixon of Mc1Gil- iivray has Pointed not that .the :clerical .error of $90,350 n the '.township assessment for county. purposes •was an increase over the correct ;amount, not a de. crease as' reported hi The Times - Advocate. The :error is described in an interim report made by Robert. G. Quick, county assessoz<, which reads: . "McGillivray township made a MD'Victim: chi m: SeeksAi_ Aid' • During the next few weeks, as shoppers andbusiness people • make their daily rounds they will be seeing a new face This is the face of Kirk Clouthi.er, a four-year-old victim .of 'muscular dystrophy, . The boy, has been chosen by The Muscular Dystrophy As- sociation of Canada to appear on campaign posters and can- ister cards. The canisters are plastic hourglass -shaped piggy banks which are fixed to display cards urging the public to con- tribute money to the fight against muscular dystrophy. The canisters have been' placed at strategic locations by local fire departments and AIDAC' repre- sentatives. . For several years the fire de- partments of Canada have been making a major contribution to the fund-raising efforts of MDAC. They have the strong sanction of the international Association of Fire Fighters which has now pledged its support until a cure is found for the disease. The target figure for MDAC, 'one of Canada's top ten health i organizations, is $300,000. At least 85 of the money 'raised will be channeled into medical research in an all-out attempt to find the pause and ;cure of muscular dystrophy. "Twenty -four research projects are already in effect in fifteen !Canadian university and research centres, but the muscle -wasting process still defies all efforts of scientists seeking an explana- tion. The remainder of the funds will provide essential patient 'services, clerical error of :59043$0 -in adding: its 1.95504411roll, which was pl increase an on The clerk"! return. This was brought to the attention of the reeve at That time and was confirmed by th4 assessor that it was an increase, 'This amount was inclutiedl'in the 1957 equalized Will a_4'd county taxes will be collected in 1958 on this amount. "Your county assessor, lar clerk. ther with the M1 Gil.livra ► lerk, went over er the rolls to vera+ ty that this was a clerical error, The 1957 :clerk's assessment re' turn was reduced by the amour of $90,350 for the 1958 equalizas tion.in order to correct the error, and it has ,been necessary to further reduce McGillivray equal,; ized assessment by the amount that they are overpaying on WS' year in order that the township. will he refunded the .amount which will be .collected. this year and the 1959 equalized assessment will be increased to its original" amount as corrected." The Times -Advocate appreci• ates being notified 'of this •cqr- rection by Reeve Dixon, SHOP IN YOUR HOME COMMUNITY one 102 for HARVEY'S . TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE 444444444444444444444444044444444444 from $2795 ...radios, portables and Victrolas* by 'RCA Victor LOW -priced RCA. Victor radiol Dig dial. Nipper V.H.$27.95 4•speed portable! Sniart 2 -tone • 'styling. K-371. $29.95- • •. • • STEREO SPECIAI. reg Records :Your choice of records- to the ahioulit of 1b°b of the purchase price, with each SOA Victor Stet eo"Or tiro j'hor Itr .1i41 Set. r y •• Low-priced RCA Victor clock radio. Maroon. C2.20. $39.95 ' ' Portable with tone oontrol l ' Plays 4 speeds. K353. $39.95 Transistor Radio. Earphone,, an- tenna, case, batteries. P332. $49.95 Battery plays B years with re - charger (extra), 1BT2. $59.95 Automatic .portable"Victrol a". 4 - speeds. Tone control. F382, $69.95 r Portable radlo•"Victrols'. 4- speeds. Automatic. L301. $119.95 newest gift idea .. Stereo-Orthophonic Hi-Fi ,;Y.:.,;„•:H�u•d.<:4�ii'3^•.;•"'".�.v-^;'"';,;4rs,,------- -. Portable! PIays stereo! Extra speakers in lid! SF384. $149,95 • Table etereo t 3 speakers, 2•in-i amplifier. SHP362. $189.95 New Debonatre: radio-"Victrola". 3 speakers. ' 141atchJng 3 -speaker cabinet for SHC461, $349,95. With FM $399.95 ' New Debonaire. S3, $ 79,95 from $22995 ...perfect family :gift... Achievement Series TV I:titcury portable. 17" screen. Transformer -pow- ered, 17PT904, ransformer-pow-ered,177PT904, $229.95 • . 21" Table TV. balanced Fidelity Sound. Wood gab- idiot, 21T352. $279.95 Luxurious styling at a budget price! 3 finishes, 21TC310. $320.05 Striking styling! Front controls! Twin speakers. 21TC290. $849.95 MagicTuner remembersi Set fine-tuning once . , forget! 21TC293. $399.95 GIVE '"THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING" *"Pielro!h" is d Ptbistered i hrk',,fJ RCA Victor Contocoo , Ltd* RCA CTOR SNELGROVE'S Phone 18 Tt y 1 l 1 � 1 is � ACP 1 7 �s t ]�`s �s �s A'. s �" T1'rti's Lt` s F`'ti t � '1 1 1 't�j '1y�, , 11 •l s t s � � s s yds A"s s 1/r`. y� s '1�+y�'t 't s. !d a TiF, t ft s Q, Lt`, �,yt 1 n s t D`i }�` Drs ,� t r i in 41#10101 1ZSMhvfiOCyMi ls Exeter 110i ..,...0?0�T�1vf: DM1tip ii ri i fc ri Lr p' Fi i z'.�Lr"�L� ��ir'"S s. it iibr s6 1 �i it Et tr 1. Suebtsteti tial ',fixes hi+ treble ritivIt thou e. Oth.tr lntakee thdhtty lutph•tr. AT 5 • W4NTED SED -TV We have an excellent mar- ket for sets in working cow ditior and can give you to' trade-in allowance on a ID set.