HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1851-01-02, Page 2mow hem god by the Cbwrch of Eme- Ia.d, .ad wale bashed front the coustrs ! Then re mime e..e.4flow, however in the sa4 t►tt M rel w Woven. d ret.. t 1 `oma keel wee' •Mor tie "hole Pant/ W Ii the Owe ter tied by gi W Ntort, Calarrik all tree Gm, wet( bort w dtetou.tau.ee a project freight with esi.cb,.(, and dretat..4 b a.N.stti tvlrit MM tet ayi Ole lee e Set1 MINN LA NINNY people wield esti ie all prubaitlity, be ea. ler el ;►e lax levy apt Sri th5 e n AV, 104 *.lute jokier, weeW ail be t of the erimyblp•(Jkuecit, atK woe a rear • 1 el on at tilt. a it is bold. R : e . be expended N sliest truth, aad gt.. a b.ah*del tone to Wooten Canada e..te _y_iiii,balit lTHUSUAj• t•pnAl a '.... `educt SI 03311.11161Wrk wNielt the pay. the • newly. lien'. .hu., it is about time that • hem. THE TOWN COUNCIL * (ND g Te1Mb ether rose .( ties. average iiistitchis only hormonal Amidbe severed.- men. A• ,p .wase Yr. , II the hent cu only M preserved by pan- taken, can only regard this @nem, t of •I mtet`Tr'MRe over to Mr. Mason's ' denwg to rhe prejwdkrs and courting the Then is an old Sr•oieh prover =heat sen !leers. Longworth sed Watson, as an at- sodM ,pp.pea; ., mad a nine favor of OUT eastern br.threp, the .weer it - "ie." illeerereal swarth Mei i(✓!es its Ars tempt t• keep the 'P... fk(Oetrlftrleb twee - or Il{i telt- msrid, to brevet Robert, 1e J*wnlr.d the ',otter for all peruseco.cer- nom' sod however rough the dee mar sv ly year. lunger 111 the wird, without put• A l til a nod Myr rr ++tie► tree tai r...i4 , OKA' Ile, 0 I =lea' it AMAS ' sed as week I reed another col.. • la of b tie d r We, two the ewer wArhtk'obsme, ' nog ertb'Ne sZRTie io fidTr ore o IfeR't Have rise n mon R R poet - three its hour." r.moneirat.d Robert. Mntien a>o Ro,as to Dssn.es, Mleu. 4V1111 tae Metier ler that, my .on: I like-Yi.e'aay morning. One til the 4005 •t• 410141141 Use trove baron it le raid." - 15attats murders it was ever "„r out t.. Wiest I don't think Mr. Meson has had et'Nnrele, was discovered in the ser. out" tweets read ti bnw+eu. Tae *..t is.. 1 of ear city. A person of theatre* of John west to harrow itf r y our. he rod toe 4a41Charbunea., so paha. 4.o .4un Propel' - bd/y Ioekd tote i1, sad 4. seemed a. d p. 4111111, who had beeo a resident it this • mu del Nee wont le lend 1t." several year.. war found murdered in Ale „yin in eery oist:441 ag, *4... be tin- shop. on Woodward avenue, a few doors bourto Ise' a trw•papwr to • *toots.Timeme been fog ped IPes bo." in ped4llns wnt4 a tnttatl .d•WMrlre Myo for it. sed *hooldoo h. waggon, COnlainiog co/eel:1.d with jewel- Mee►heArM reading of int' n, watehe., Yankee notions, the like t'Due't talk shoe* what won dna`. reader. of which then r. • great many in the city. ett.4 Robert, 44ge le M.. Mi..•.. •.d 04 I..o he hu dao necupted $ .mall shop, •tib her the peplos." shoos tact has earned ora eke bu.►.eet, esti Sateen slowly esti radio/tato le oopeoa, also lodged. On oproeeg the dour of bis aad in a fsw.,mese rmturned .414 ten bone shop. yesterday moroun1, • horrid girt:- rowed peerowed Viper, wh'eh the owner h.d not yet mel. prea.nt.4 omit. H. lay at lull length kited gpne.ry to open. s, h e fel, Aie lead belly cut, several *eddies a but os- ammo a ntulnh:de d wound• ..o hi. face and throat. An ase, re5deolw 1 amllar ehanctrr, whir** ere was found under !Os 1.d with which :he e50 Mlyaecwrner, to rhe great •nota- •"'fol de..1 was doubtless .'one. Ile must somaaodsomariraetr tothesenonsdrady.a. have Seen first struck with ,he are os the lawn 01 thee, *50 .ubeerib. and Pay rev, heed severe, lance, which most have in Indy for the newspaper which Ober read. els.11y k1f1.4 him. 1t .ear d seam th.l he Numerousmetanoes of constant and slides- Wall 6rtstruck and Meld=' with a heavy In- criminate basso/nag, le .4ieb the lender strumeoi, and the Je.p•raU perpetrator,. bee been exposed to much ncoor,oe10e, of this rold blooded deed, not satisfied sad vo l*on. Gave some .tibia ail 1enth their beHteh act, had finished their wince' oblaervatioo. guts recently, i work wish a knife. Ho wsa known to be beard a geoll.iogn remark, that wase he Personal coestesrabla degree of abr..dn•.s stmesnced taking a carter° new.paper, he and had, it is r./peed, accumulated annul v..olse4 Thal h. would never load it, until liS00 w -,oe tm hiuk ore-wh!ch wa1 mot- hs had ant read it b=eer. no waatea ly inm.nev. It was generaly known among *i ba determination, aotwthauoding con his associates and acquaintances that he a (s importunity n. the part of sum. bad conoideable maser. and u.ually earned ef je neighbours. until about three menthe 11 ••out aro pe(eoo.-Dr(rtei Tribe", D. after his subsc-iptiuo, the paper war rcgu_ 10. Iarly,mi.. ng for several bourn afler,tt .40uld Tau,QTII TO Tan Mi*OtT or owe iiota" have mack its appearance. The paper -oar- Waaaeoa Baser (TAoyend...g.$).-At tier war accustomed tojoavat ret oa a table the reletnment of t►ir remains of *Ara Inas meter entry of the house. The goo• Chief and hu eon at Brantford on the 20th Hoene aaeertaned that a .ear aetghbour.elf., ore Amaerices .l the some of Ho -eh - who took so newepvper in the regular and 1.. stated that ni,y four year. moos but Impel way. Sad whose property wee more father knocked at Brent's door, and •.ked! Stepthree times much as hown .wee fur empa t.yment, hie funds wereexhsutt- in the u u e ba4it of watching the carrier. and ad, and he had no meano of procead'ns nn. pneeeeeieg himself of the piper se soon as Thin was readily gime hors. A short time made the mortiiy.ng, discoverythat 4lr. It was left. After reading it Lobar eatisfac• after he took sack ; was carefully, nomad and Longworth'• ser.,ce., as Councillor, were tfo,, he returned and replaced tt. weeded to for nine weeks by the Chafnc°'. not a marketable commodity. And, Inc... Is view of such cases -gad they are by family, and when suflieiently recovered to 'forma, with the deer -.meg to which we far more numproue than u generally sup- be stile to preened, sed being de•notu to moot feel C.mwlne•d del the weoddoontan• • great number of these'til/entered +.oaths." Men who really feel $ Met of pl.a.ure in !nputnr themselves, if by •o doing they can injure ethers. Th. miechietrines dis- posuioo is very prevalent, nertteelar!y m twosome poesosung large •e1'- .teem and doss reeler with • de6ciewcy of the moral sentiments and inferior intellect. -- Such tndisiJoule aro the most lipse to dis- appointment .h4e they are of ell others, the least capable of bearuig upeeder It. -- in fact, to theirtmnd•, desappomasr.t and rereega phial but one des ; sod there revonge will uotformly be of that ugly, airppeh ked, rspresested by the figure et the mouth biting its own noes ! Our woraby museum bare by a very Aarnlea exhibition of this kind of paltry ill -nature during the Wet few days, and as we are always willing to enligbten the Public to *be full extent .(oar amine soil atubtn., we cannot allow eves this Do rider occurrence t0 pees, without en- desvoring to •afore, some imolai lesson from st. it a well known that our very remarka- ble friend, John Longworth 13.q., who would, at any tithe, rather work mischief Stan es idle, ham, in anticipation lithe apo proa:hieg lfiimcipal election, bees pokier and feeing !be pulse of the several N-anls. of our young corporation, in order to serer sus whether or not, he could by any pron. ►le policy, •u in the Coi*oly Crimped of 1851, as the Reeve or Representative of the Incorporated Tows of Guderteb ! Mr. Longworth, however, to his poking through the several Wards of the Town, err, by the tresownlu. f And all *he, merely. tie serous* ef personal di.appoiot- ment and ..emit lestto.. r fres. 411 meter ed month Ara bites its a. non !" We hope our readers are *ware that we have amt toe farthing's worth of perineal inter- est fe ember sole of this question, and we lathed le make Stem sees, that neither fear, furor, interest, nor affecrfen, s4afl ever prevent. us 'spotting these low, despicable efforts of disappointed vanity tint presume - tem to gratify their chagrin, and meridi- cmton, by terns( the !gristle interests. (r!' The fullowwg tea etstenteet of the number of traveller, carried o. the Huron Road by Mr. Daly's Opposition Sieges. ■p to the tat of December •- Peens the 3018 Sept. to 1st Now. Up Down.. 405 Total is Oct.her...... 017 Frnm 1.t Nov. to 1st Dee. op 983 Down 243 Total litres mein 525 104 L'p and down ,a October tip sod down to•Nevember 317 313 Total in two months 10:1 Here. then, aro one tko.a..d triad forty• two passengers convoyed by • oe• line of Stares (the Oppsoit.on) in the two were* months of the year ! Certainly the Ht•tel keepers of the 11..,.. Tract. and ',Weed,' he people generally, should pretreat Mr. Dry with a gnld medal or a gold watch. And If the C.nada Company rraily posers a tithe of that liberality which they profess, they w.ii pree.a Mr. Daly with a span of the best hones in Heron -for, the Corpa ny must have derived' a very Targe atnocnt of benefit from the vast influx of people that have been brought to Unclench by the petted -we hero but one word of advice for go to his family, some four hundred melee - hare referred. t6is daappoinlmeet meet be. Orposition Stage*, and that ton. at a sea. the newspaper berTowera-"Subscribe, and distant, he was - furm.bed with a bores and teenged by an attempt to enjoin *hit whole eon when nn stage would hero been running pay r.guarly for your paper."-Trane/ler. nee e....y means to do so. Tows! the entire late/ems of G •Jerie1. n• had Mr. Duly not commenced. In year. A CRASH !-FALL OF PART OF THE sable one, and req.nree no eulogy to exalt worth, met be sacrificed 10 rave* for Inc, and a sennas lora to G• Aer=ie, to be HORSE SHOE FALL. I ire A. ,de, m.y be formed of ir, /rem en p On Tuesday evening lot. our citizen extract which We 'like from one of ht. lit Mr I ongwort!.'e dl.appo,otmewt ! A p._ entirely destitute of any conveyance to .rid ten rootlet to (,*neral Chapin in D.cem- titian to the Legislature is of u from Hamilton duan the fel asasnn. The character of Snot was indeed a eluting even a small interest of Mr. Long_ past, it was a sad tnc'n'entence to the pub were startled on bearings loud and terrifici g g p, praying R The rs t n oire, heavy as near as, We can describe I her, 179:, in regard to a boundary line be that G„deach shall be no longer en Ineor- Mal was then earned on borer back for the •s very *enabl7. We did not know for • 1 " lily principle aro /Geode,' ,,n imams. ■red falsehoods and misrepr.eeetauoos, .t 1101es ones "re**. and the moretnvle mei, ail Pole .hat could be the cause of such a 1 justice ie all i wish for. Never .h*11 I ex- that the petitioners have been mr,abtaaie the "' Sing public," were alln..d to fearful noise; sod for a few minutes were ort mv.e!f for any nation or taunts. let of Godenek once the year 1898, that,>ti accommodate them•.her, by paddy rag thy.' Milthrown into amazement, supposing that their opinions of m• 8. what they will unst twenty-two years, when In troth. It is ►ta,n. the mod n the best way !bey eo.dd. Thi. wed lto 85 ailpart o(athe Home Swas at eo. F.lpron in .6s I0* 54.y atm 0*, a.d chat nn nothing more d by some who here ecareely bees tweese toe Canada side, which bad fallen, carrying than street justice ie what they wrier._ 1 Iwo moa/Aa to the piece ! The petition bae anti) about tea reds of the rock in leogth, Wben i perceive fief these are the sten- been secretly hawked about and we are in erg 1• mock tween the Indians and the United `Stater, ponied Town ! Among o, her crudities, accommodation of Melon. Hobson k Di • aeeeo*io., wluh olio"k the cute around I of which he was a modular by four in width. 'The canal boat, which meets of a people. 0o e..feoenr ever .hall lodged for Ilio tut few months a the be formed, that through the Ieflirnei ofJamei ha; waiting on my part to brig tore to Watson E.q., who had almost been fret Mayor of Godericb, and who, 11 is rumor- ed, umored, kat .recently got 101.1' the kiwis of red recrecy, it has obtaisol rex or seven signa- tures. chiefly of the slick -its -4e wed claw, brink of the rock which has fallen. and which bar excited the admiration of all whu, beheld l4 was also carried over with the pock. It le sow Io Lb• whirlpool, two mile* *good understanding." .Such .eetam.nte wen worthy of the great man. He wee a member of the A.eient Order of Free and accerted Ma - down the river, daociog attendance, to the sons, Led many are the Iestaacee left on freaks of that great mabtroom. The crash record, and .o11 told by persona yet limns occurred shout 7 o'clock In Ow evening ; where he bee exerr,Ised that Masonic ver. and it le jerked presidential that it fell a tut, Charity in soviet e+rse of lilt white inch an boor, and at, this season . f the year. brethren, although his pn•nners, and doom - Had it been in the slimmer whop so many ed by 055tnm to suffer death with torture.- thoussods of Strangers are hers. there un- His efforts for the ',oral and religions nm• doubted!, would have been persons crushed pro.einent of bee people were indefatigable to death; fur 414 precisely the spot where in the Church which he reused to be built so many continually passed, and when so he also got erected the 8r•t Cbnrch bell - .rn[re,s of Goderich, we will coaulet our• IloluLsyr, and that mosey is both uee(& mast' ba., stood to contemplate the grand that ever cels-' together the Red or While and rateable in such 'knee. fur of nature, and behold the waters of the Man to worship the Almighty Rolm.of the •ileo with merely jotting it down as one _ migby Cataract above them rustling t*rnfi- Uni iree in ow part or t*e,Pr.vinee. Mt, of the avenge fact. of the times ; and then (r_7" We are recto: by J ten Helm.. merino.. puhlre calemiry has bite removed by the en'erprio* of Mr. Hely, end we are glad to learn that the pnbhe ars to a very coe- siderable degree, diapered to appreciate and support the eoteepri.e. There is a @front nreeumption, that So moon as the Poet Ogre Department .s a..omed by the Cohens! Go vernmsnt, Mr. D.ly's Opposition ire* will heenmo at once the " Rnyal 111a.1 who think that a country can ret slung well S.rh i• the public 'ceiling ;n hot f.,nr,-..end trough wit hoot taxes. Without condo o•.Mte feeling will have its owe weight in trending to entree° into the casein or mo. his matter. tivee that hare Induced Mr. Watson toes. we remind our Teodoro, or 'whey ermi=ne "ascii with Mr. Longwortk an at- Subtenben, that these are thea New Yea, tempti.g to retard the already Irngenmg cal y over their head., that is now f=lied 1 was also the int MO/11Vthat attempted a take a slight glance at the wisdom and ea- Esq., to state that the following Resoon with J. huge maces of rock which havetranalattoo of the8cnpture. into the No - fallout from above. The lou of this portion I hawk language, tn which he stec.eded, ea. of the rock ham sot in the least dtmtoehed.ted ,by another p.r.on :-and who In appearance the view of the Fails : but I tasted would not hold in 'r.eration such a Ms, u cur °piston, added to the seine, and benefactor of he subject., who left looks grander and more sublime, if pu.stble, them is their own {magnate t(ho wseteet sky fiver. -(Niagara Fall. lora, Dee. 14. Sliming they could enjoy -11m Holy &rip - gutty of the proceeding. In the first place, *6!s farce of penuostng the Legislature i• altogether superfluous. It Is akin to 34r. 1Yatpon's former petition for a " Remedial Act." According to the J<luicipal Corpo- rations' Act, Gnderich will or .111 not be an Incorporated Town. put as the inhabi- tants think 6t to doe ids. 11 it . Wat- son and Longworth can.occeed .o tonne - icing the people of the Town that the Mee nicipafily should curare to exist, -.f they can persuade them aot to hold any Municipal clition. ora Mo nday next. then Godertcb, as a matter of course, ceases to be an (scor- por•ted Town. The town wilt be assessed fer Couoty ores -perhaps for Town•Mp reties -but the Leg .T.ture will allow us the glo- nous privilege of living fro* of Well taxes and of wading througb the mud to the knees! Messrs. Loog,orl4 and Wale.e er dP.slte Works, nidi his nest 1t the have takes advantage of the very extrse,- Previscial Cab..et. Ther carp M. bees denary and unfavorable circumstances of the •Otie•peted for some tone, as Mr. M.rntt's ysar 1830, elms the want o/ a proper es- fisencul seMmee could not pnrably be easement law crimped a yup portion N • harmonised voth the avowed policy of the G.eseetweet : sod we believe *bet the ilon. the Town prop•rt) from taxation -whet G..tleeneet retar.s.et rotes selely on abs. the Tavern License mosey wee but partial- het. We are kap►y 11 learn Hist Mr. IT available, sed when an attempt at Fre. Merril liw.ra /4. Ch=est 0s 16. mmit io e'• eo sir a that wettable. We say, this -'rtIty pair.( leer tel dui** d lb* uses be he re.igsd sell Majeay's Magistrates ban take, adeaauap es►tas impertest taller. e.rsseted .ab of these extraordioary Cl • to apo the Pother VP orb, cod sow 1a head are du- ped to tbe prejudices of t8e ignorant a. Peet' ef..-Qkie. guest 1.1.1*on sod the expiates .f a ►(o- Rasa..ATrew 0f Tee Hes. W. H. MOO- ' seetpal Corporat,0.. gut time worthy . atm -W. wk, it rotated la the de rent T,,. eeoeomety aro roNn pspsts, test rbe sror.btr /nr .hie BEAT OF GOVERNMENT. toms. Notelets Monot*t.-Jnhe Cherbo*ean, 'i'hla gnostic,. 1. begs thing to attract the was foiled In hes bed yeeterdy monrne, Pauce ol.11 pine's In Western Canada. and mnrdererl is lbs mert'bvutsl meaner. The pet17so, roe the eont.mpl*1.4 removal mug throat was laid open by aheivy blow, sof- gest, points of deep importance ; first, ills &lent to ha ie canoed re.tant death. There oaquired stat are the reasons given fur was • deep gaieb acro.s the cheek extending such a step. in answer to this et ti stated along the jaw, the top of the back part n/ that the uaJerstaeding was that the Seat of the bead rose also lard open, in w horrible Goveromeet should be removed to Quebec manner, from wh1e4 Wore piece of the at the expiration of the present parliament. skull were takes out. There were ether It roes well understood in Canada Weat, *sends .►art the hod, all dons wish an that the removal should take place after the' are, whreb w., foand ander the bed. (t ie I aupseed *het the .murderev entered the front lapse of four years. We cbaco,ve that to boor by means wt w faire key, a no .,.rk• be of smell consequence, however, a It ora•' d violence were found ■ lh. deer, each ver war fempetoot lb, nay one .didweet re to deelara that all fu'ure parfiamenu,nnonW lea week' seem neee..ary in forting it, or that be dept wish era •1et•m. The 'reorder be hold at, nr .bean *rli a is •matter , 1." =video*! enmwat5d for the plrpew. for the om.. government and parliament of 1. r 1 rof rnholer him. a he was etoposel le have may 10 'eel's. Prom the preparatroet .1 read) made, however, it would neem that esn.tderahle mosey 1n s-5 po.ereeton, end *be resent gnvera.vent ere Met on eon.' 'inn. enol' M /mmo4 ya0terdaV. Dana alrulig the resolution of the Au.mh(. in 1 t•tct"'o moil Archibald Nal, two•heemaken .oeA t mono.' a u bet c.k..l.tmJ to se- w.,* occupy, the aripusing shop, Mee bee, e bet cure the approbet,in of their ! 5.tera imps aitAn beard panle rotated! se ni n be oesTh.r.tt 1r bad 0. peters, and is •e ding t^ 'evolve the cnuo glad t►• •ee used by C8arboow•u.-L.s.dow try in somber extravagant charge for ro err. Yrea. leeegl. Now, it really bet ernes a lagulrs- a • gesstioo. " IVbat rood ere we to ex. L.0**11. -Th. p►inpfle!d ((11:) Jest - poet is retort' for ties ..• expensive move- nal menttone that • plan le in &mustnpla- aeate, es 1. It 'see ..dela wuh the desire ,.on by morn. of the colored pnpnlston of tp eo5tiliat. our French fello._. ,hitt. r• that vicinity to emigrate to I. bens. The At' tie howsoever .eon for,.' stieetpt. persnne taking t Ira' in tje enterp/ise d to be either*, we .r very rt►turu.tly propod. to tonna a rllinoh e guy. en the compelled to entitled, t e latter to be the same prinefpl+ that of the 'Maryland nal grimed of Such a cap. We aro none tolo1y, end w111 blt irk a smell .p- d thee, wit. wiped the alarm of " French propnation by tot Legislator,. to sestet 8epe.e/ .y," and seed., k• beg -bear *to- them in aceempti.A g thin "Pet. ■ e A. n e pr..b• rope, by( Me 44•.14 he wattle" a wander if Co,ena.eteaa t. AwwcsnTs,-D.ring ll1r. Cassini °bopay'. wenn Towe Lou, Leal Ake, stets cert ani nes of toe County Connell •hnuld hove read. "eecoed.d by Mr. Helmer," instead n1 "Mr. H••Ime.." MT. -43. it was unwed by Mr. Robert Henry, and prevailed be Mr. Holme., Thin the Sorv.yor A. allow.' twenty p.rond•, niece' of fifteen pnnndi for his errs •er veer, that the C.n.neil woe mat aware of at the time of fiver the said salary. p?F+.her Mathew refereed in New Orleans a dew days Bliley foam a stow w•i rem a the mie- «ea el Meamell White. Freq., , ..ar that city. - O. bidding the Rey. G..titiore adieu. Mr Whir. handed 4 *s s I.ner enele•ing a draft for *ISO, •renmpanied with • regent .hot he weak, draw era him for .ny sesieo.1 .(,rtes,, b, nsieb, stand i0 nerd of d o sg hit event in the [laird State'. RESIGNATION OF MR. MERRITT. We learn that the Hon. W. H. M.rnu hair resigned his office a Chief Commiuion- School Educattoe rendered a hear Meweiy terms arta A n red y 1•x m• be alleaesime ya perfer.lA. d.partmen fallow el the esti 1•t.met (se Dr. De M re these • •1 oars- saws, ars- ng To be so anomer, to w I considered In be the "frivolous and vexatious" guerre sod remarks • f the "Taxpayer." But, with all due defereare, Nr. Elite', to both thee. e esllesise,. 1 think eke one showed the eleven foot, sad the other a rather !erne one. ode n yes, or pets tip. more 01/10117 aresk- iag, your reedera. .iti ha. p0ieoce sen4 me, 1 shall try s.4 expiate myself, as- as it le 5 mailer e4 some pob.io Importasee„ especially at 144. particular oar; although the epeeist interest is purely meal, other localities may be somewhat sworn, cir• cum.taeced, and therefore the geosral rea- der somewhat enterer led to the subject. First ly, tbop, a• the CunecillnrwwtldMy, it •ppeers to sue that the terminations of Tazpaver u dn•pl.y.d by be letter. esti. thin Rolling but at ungrounded, captious, halt seeking attack on the Corpo'atior., or wore *dwelt! ep.ak!.g, •gals, on that per - tor .4 the Corneille'. that by unweaned attention to their Muatelpal donee,haw. 'Sews *ser they at least were sa/bj, how- ever iecompet.st they mlght be eoasidered by some puttee, to de their duty to their . .edtura.ta. Oo s4..lher heed, it esswtr 10 Inc that "A Cuwcthur" hes ataply.d more zeal -hit. tut'" or di.eretrnn, to bis re- ply. But to the point, Taxpayer sell out with a servos d q.evrl..oe mrto*tro* drat the Cerpratwe, .ase* 'hen year. bare linty leaded teee annrs.ntty t. the marts ",lough of despotic" of rumour debt, and grnWieg (amatios; but quaintly b•.te that be knows ell about it, if he only choose to •perk boo mood; aid .tans up hoe remarks with an apparently iagenuoos request tot t*(ormolu.., merely 1.r the public geed. - Again, the "Counsellor" barely merle the covert thereat of "Texpeeer" by a some. Whet hursi.J etatetwest t. =goes., sheet, however eurreclly set (•,5th they may be, wn.•Id appear with more force and erre!, In the Statutory Report of the Auditors. *loch o..ght at lout, to be fortbcomisg- ext month. I .hall not trouble you, Sir, with any re- mark• on the (males., and somewhat un• .eemly aftercetmn whmh characterized the first nteNtng of the Courted, nor on the diflerenee of mamma which emoted amongst them u to the legality of the elec not of Mayor. And h•-.ce.of all ibe:r.u4sequest proceeding., mffre It to say th t fire of the ponies elected conceived the proceedingo to be Illegal. fore or them Iberefore'echoed to act along nab the other., and one, for rho and oiler closes returned. There were therefor., (..r sane flaunt ha, only .even, the .malls. number allowed by the Statute to room a totem; and •Ithnngh three .even telt brs.iy co.yinced that they were not nnlx legally autb"rued. whit .=belly ►.tied to do the work (or which they were elected: yet a the private offers of one of their .d.bl, ab.eete. for number, caused hr months rni.ther, en the mariner part -of the season, it you utterly i.p.naib4 ler them to carry on II e buan.,. of the To.n n • ra t.(attury manner; then, how worthier• im.•t appear the cry (n even rep. j,id•eed :.Imo) of "what have tbey done, they ere abed to act," 504 how nutmeat 'tweet M •..+r the question, "wbo a to Warne b 11'h'•ther 1• it the four who would not set, .rod dad not resort', Or is it the seven? who fawn reeunrelase over which trey 1.A se coatrul. (owed themselves swain. to carry on the business of the Town with Muefae• lion to Ihemsefv^e nr the public. On that 1 molter no opiates, the electors must judge torr lhemseiene There e., however, Sir, another pollee, which had been br."iglel before are publ'e, n a somewhat .•*ret manner witbta (helm* few day,, on which 1 w-•uld solicit space diva law rem.'ks. It is. Petition t., I6. d.Rnnt ►vane:. o/ I6. L•[Idanrs prsytog tar the repeal "f the Am of Inc..rporatlou, end to have rbe Towu again joined to else Township; the reasons assigned for the. ,e- e- post, I .heti notice shortly by and by .- This Pei union, Sir, is hawked about from -door to dour fur signature, or rather tt n being exhibited at one fluor and posted ley another, and so on; for reasons best known to the bearer, who, Irke every other pedlar who has ware& for sale, or so ohj•ct to gain, h+• a miry by rote of the ben.pu to he gstned by purchasing from ham only. er tethering in he report of the afore of the 'nation generally, and u( the direful loss of the ,nd!viduai who will not but from him, .std of the 0111 1 ruin which wdl inevitably n.ereholm the Town, if hot Wer not bs- a1d kis opiates* scud upon. le the present tortance the .ali,n as* being treated to something like the follow- ing. Good morning Mr. -. Well. have you nand your taxes? if the aawer Well allure you're a fool if you pay a hap'„5th of them. they cassot legally col- lect them, its to.e 1 paid mine shore, but I'm sorry for It sow, lam, but this Corpora IMO *111 run the Alio. share, its ten years toils soon, we are far wares .baa .lits we were joined to the Towuhrp shore, we are, 8 o is trying to be elected Mayor, and store if he gets to, d-1 a hap'orth he'll do kms. •tt T bids him, ke., kta. The peau.. et its outset asserts that the Petit tonere have "r.'d.d is the Town of O-dtrich for tetany peers, and fears the rorm.tion o/ the Tew.ehip in 1SQ."- NemBw. mf the bet( dimes or so 05.51, which were at it os Friday lame, some of them may clam the term "aaaey hese*" bet not even the ►rarer of it kiewoU Nat of 1028. And whoa i keine that bdiyideale bee0t bees &Ami to l a ft who beetroot Inas •e i$ pert rd the eaten., for tyre Peke, ..d i6o anomaly 1e the Temp °sesames/1y, to earn m.'pty by the week or job ! What an ere t0 think of 1s- troth of the se.,r. tion. Apia. the resorts emegned for rte repeal M the Aet of iwewporeies, h tees, `ennroou. •xp.nee by be ere..s tri offices sod facets" that we are few is Iowa ben. sed fist strew of M are "very loth :" tee INN► prvby. bs1 ted trNt set pevey l r M1esw aeretittgt5ee1 W eta5ot55517panmea*N/5,l 6. . tam Me povorty from ate rated 51 tee Fre ,05e M lbs robin; fief we skiff de.Stbar ligmhti i.rtlp w pmpawwd h M.ae tmMlod 111 •*rob *•..-em sea. eeltdt.wa Rog My '•p•te•• •'a•f JSes• 1Atl T.*hef4s-i N•nuthejays 001049 I..Rw 1 blsr'A 1' A Ms Taw* taws t1M411•14/ VINO wywU lmltlbe tl111 L w.Pao ata le.* le IS p 4.i s •, W ars, or. ,l 1'MI, r naw of ne lupe pre.tanea, should be that «*sty ash t 4. dI S se ne gen 5t+ •mnstlir.me; hew. yon that w all s.,u*w o. t. *4. pne,.t year, the tax analog fres the (heehags the departmeet all dirties of we heeltiu/ le Stew emir coagenes..be1 ff%reoe s Atre,niotrsitos. Syrup wad pro• comb's awn r 1be iq...*1 ltafee ti owe of t4... wooed a the Caisson*, The was fnrnm•Itd the Tater, Loewe esney, Ina em..st to t Board or Werke are disposed •f. v .i•eh ."01NA..!bliel =are eft.* bee re- sad charred Hooter his Med of et.lf.err ' m5mb h'gmr row lbw "We wait ems• Rw tMi M+M tri teles y" 5q+ttg tdb. k . B e r1/rMMM to spealre, lfrp epsauaa.ee of the TM .Valiseof htellireacer tells no that • He pea yet,. They sleek k awgl' jys " '(•W MI III leg illsg itis abet* MNgbv1 v eh. A...1n m.,eb.,' wbo d'd rent Yb Ib. beverage, Je• the Statues Leber shim, *Ai be Ile gga tirtsf gamiest' t .sly marked that be Afield be very glad tilts sine *swim, anewut tmdlF ' le_ M e. M v rs..wsb+ I Ib5 e H 1s- eilkSe of pee flame ** pr«W aetre► Ib,Of tb5 lase * r". r A its 111MiwrlblMri: 1b • r j111A/A1 11 Igsktitheallg for tette tits„ Mlmet thee or Ash 'Ater able/ s. moo .,js.:w os kavirat.a a 4(0 .1,• t tsgrr you rr t , r +*' •• Ny Ullsiireletteesellitetteelbook *AL _r.dRltlaiMitsitsik 111ttt.Tdwt at' salta,..: dw» to •tsy,e g wimp Ile i. - m... , - - t, err* IMMINIelliew-too aa, 4•18141003w tl r J,N Its. theta f w whet the Totes_ or .f no. Rust .toted sett Sad wWel pal4 siiii+nu 4mm, 1, 44 050, bat bate y ga=ve like the "e .,_ oy elsm.rehy 1t wank, : • 1 1es t Tows .111 sever arrygibiggoi ,...ht.. from which webees se sec pray* to .J3'U _1 y 'bib' FHMM Oppoeug 1 ki' r.e air 56011 atm int41.1 sty 1 6414 that we eheplddo eh to 1bo utm The groat nutere ogam.t the O epr4fh is the enormity of 'hs?ettest .Adis Is most iieriduowely Ammo' foto rbn lean w the tinware and u,rhtaktog, the *attestbr the prepared change sever *eft the ere that the Council bad as _ dile the greater portios ofulj'TglLtlgB mar in the moon bed, t ager._ •oholerily taxed themsel.si teHimemmeek nf.f 11$ fur a8041 *:p!.5Mbeed Mews salaries; is steer weedea With* eatassetyt 41 per pseud ; a,d If they cheese enemy seem state best enema .1b1.4 to whet way, 1 wield ad, roam the C porat*oo help it, or why oboes- they et: to do on. Bet m. ere people may see. peer We 't Imo. Teutons'8.I.rt.. with es.pan.avr erpeuy/ 1., this reuse, (.ad did tlntr permit r 1 weed proven,) dal the. by' ..raw`A4.awwe.t Ley *Web tau..s tele spserl.0 wish a8. fltewTw,, n iter 4..enpsiaa .f aew.dd. pepr/ly bod.m IMM. a taxatme triune. the T►h, srelhl►sl the ret, of MS pow, tear retied. I WWO e.oeu 4 film t tie r o rapt,, peel e n the Ire*►s f. .•e.sher. Th.. skew, delimit limns t ie map she reef ie rep..l el abs Aes W leerier. Nur. "Al. '" but ser they...ems be wine d with the T.wyyib..sy . a•""T:bti C het *4. T..m i rp .s smiting i rye es i. !eters f r.. Nue dug hes-., ii'4... ,n1 m. property .d tee , r•e,H.ns. lathe* t.. ,. he .IF -.'ed w oacb ea cartel Ity *8. sew Ammer went Low. a. I styei aflsd., sir, re the impr.vereost.l,rk the Qutsie tabor ..11 •.nas4y mak., .ors ron6ard .i•hia the hesnd•ry line, tr.'he T...r. L=iens ford. Ate.. wire! ear .. t.45 se seem -.0 sexless fe shore with their anomie,41.et/m, 6,4 space *ell net premie. 1 e.an.:.w.,, close wittiest .eking •sa of ih. se•ssnit. .hat resole they via ai.s ie haeme write some two years inhibited their maws tit. pso- i n for 'he Inrotporauna of this rd Tows .f Oowlerieh : and sew, wires, giving 16.. t- iment stair trial, proviso to have ter Acs rimed pd• dad 0 sot siren to thorn two yes,' •r. ,Mt Offices and O8..r. " would bt excised, ace dors it not recur to them sew. that ties, m.y •s !asked in point out the "rnerr*05. rrer.' - will ihr ettroar•nt same,., of.. . £3Ser £44 anpeer to the L.ridarsrs • seAkint acre for m.k.,g Acts of 1.rliameei tlw... day aad to. paling 'hem the Joss? Mgly rt out WISH lo «oma mr .her Week whorls.? time seb.n W. hai .r hod No, cried ,n 6'I some mf thea •• Sw., really to. roe .4$.. h, is w ride'.,., silly. .ad trewxper tile, that it all .rt sear a4r- r.o05 thought. Time., X. Ashfield, December 28. 1844. T. Ttsa an4T05 O Tax mass smma& Elea... -In loo reg over your paper if the 511th het., I sew a letter rigged 'The es- Cour.c.11er for A.hbeld," and is nodes out. that that precious deem:leaf, see wadi wept- that :he old Tory Cwseilhr ter ArAAeli; had turned Reformer ie good ••rtaet''Alt this wild be eery gat' of we aide, kl111!11161 11 Came fn, bet • body ke.e wine eat. hods red seek Councillor b. .ode .R,i e w as in hitnso;f. Asa its se sestet tbee•brr moved heaves tied earth, to get blV..ilfetflt beck again teas tut year, ata of Imbed bees is again M wou4 have bee. a r••dffo► the high prey se u7 ase among tkeq,+, Now Mr. Falltor, 1 ana a plots Sew ebmaa. area doses ken .vent t.reekl,, bet'! hes this. that when 1 am forced to give sea .ilei, i like ate to keg .het 1 °as wirier it swig fur. Ana tt the beet sok C esmilssees. stead of tellies the Tome reeves et the (Jetted Casettes trial they sbwld da, eker d,scead to enhgbt.s the rote payer, a.oto tk►' United Tn.hir.a, on a subj.ct of hr S importance to tfo..., thea ho. the. Tusp5s menet are paid, was., what is thprlteg•eF the business that he and ►ie premise hNB 1 of eo,ltesgues in Ake, bail done for to 1411! title them rhe pit thirty pounds of peat .s their poueb,s. He says le biSisYsstbtb• the are some of . '1.W5+bMeM" ti% ars not womb hyo llhsper 1 , lima or place; but I skam asq ger ,a Ire had 6e*.l the very soot of tkMaeel- here they wed bee dose std t.0? bestowal/. simony days, w Irish paying thee &ibis r woof' only has cum 50 ate pousaa shilling. Messed of thirty poead•, M : work wed bee been egsally weal dump; M' I wed rather tree one plsyieg hide if melt '.04.y, as4 pay them fur 11 teat teas- MIC them for sitting day after any, a. e,akilhp oboe like as many fish were*. Bir tbeedil folks of Ashfield, 1Vawwstsosb se 1axllww digs h., the belt se the bL/1( m•tmsA Ob heed, and i/ *bey pt Musty wit met Is age their Whirs agate. t4.y dewy* sot or. to pay high weir bet to be po=sted .$,lsl the Anger of seers hoe 1s- este ey'Vis Cased' to the Ohm'. '' isle i 8'.re, yoga ekeelMt „':fes . i A Rarsam Pru oh ,jjgMgte wl•, kid es Asnnatr, W a - ) ,dr Pea* Aaflil',1ry; * My Dow Bfrr.,le yew immthlA4 sit a few awakes is my pumbrmllie *h t h the toned p•rtgrepl, one of t►egs 441*,.. bi1N ylItt set as Treasurer." t /Nest N ant Y PlprommoiMMikollsimalt feedeese Is Mnest tab W oe . weed er Ittt'1e 1 1 3 1 T A 1R AI i 0 leu if Ai 1'1 df At a Tr 1 T, Poe A. A. 'Mi Pee Aa Imi lB1 he Ti11 Pro Till bed Thi Thr. pbril 11 Sion nada Jam lbeel Cont ed Son w Esq. Com *Ore Teel reel dee able 8noe WI Feriae steno net pend Iberian we ea tent with bates es de stee=r Yvon 'atm. kepi. 544th gseru seer, by alar met stood preset hataih treittn Tal nae A -Aur cps g no toe capon Yam sod hi the t a. fag ffi arms, fort8e *Priem nttIPpl mew bl 1 her of be Am Aar M, t• tta,ltee. WOO* ,w51 * vR • sot_sr.) . 7..: ,..,. itlibril !` *.112 rp 7t wove.. - w.. a .r..+.•..._ - *IIINAL 1 r Mads /AI II relies • O..ess I paw•.