HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-27, Page 22, • 1771,11,,,,,Di Part -22The Tiroles-A4Yeate, November 1?58 rwinioutillowilimmintwommommommiumuommmouilmumm.....ium.mmimonimmim .1.1 „11 Down To -Earth. A SPECIAL 1NVITAT/ON to all Senior Citizens to their Christmas Party Tues., Dec. 2 8;00 p.m. I EXETER LEGION HALL F Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches or Cookies. COMING EVENTS— elicHRE 4 DANCE -Sponsored tty Icippen East W.i. FridaY, December 5, 830 p.m., itensall: Town Hall. Morris orchestra. E. Ladies please bring lunch. Lucky lunch prize, draw for Christmas cake. Admission 73e, 27e e i 2 • BAUAR, Bake Sale and Tea.1 Greenway United Church school- ' 1 rooms. Saturday. November 29:, ' at 2;30 p.m. Sponsored by :W.A.,BIRTH5.— Everyone welcome. 270 BALE:WILL At the II omen's Pa - $9CIAL EVENING - E x e to r i legi'.'" oii‘i••;14.'-r Ti '41"'"1 }In\ . '," en IfIr 11% ire. 0 Lodge lan. 67 1.0.0.F. Christmas i i*,i, anti airs %%imam• J. Baia. win, a daughter, starer Jean. party. Tuesday. December ;1,1 1958. Lunch will be served. 27e Announcements RATES; Birth* Marriage* and Deaths No Charge 750 tMarriapes and deaths are :reported without chere in news. columns. This oharge applies only to listing under Anneuncements.) Cards -ot Thanks, Engagements „ In Memoriam* (4.1ine verse/ •Eatra verses, each Dance Mt. Camellia Arena Fri Nov 28 Activities FRIDAY, NOV .28 4 te10-5 010 --No Childretts Skating i0e-S:00-MidgetA St20-Ilderton zs. Mohartka SATURDAY, NOV. 29 SiC10-12t00-111nor HoekeY 1,00,a 200--publie Skating' No eharge, t5pnaered by Exeter Buzinesa- men'e .4.es °eel 3:3045130 -Figure Skating :00 -$800 --Ba n ta ms 5:00-10:00-Publ1c S kat ing SUNDAY, NOV. 30 12 :00-2100-'11ohavrks 0:00-St00-rigu re Skating 1) :00-11 :00 -Curling MONDAY, DEC. 1 4100-5 :00-Ska ting :30-10;a0-B.CAF TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY December 2 and 3 Curling THURSDAY, DEC. 4 4400-5 :00---S klz g:30-10120-11CAP • Lyric Theatre NOW PLAYIN "THE BRAVADOS" (Cineinaseope, Color) * Gregory Peck * Joan Collins .e.....,••••••••••••••,•,•••••••••••••••1••••••••••1,1 MON., TUES. & WED. December 1, 2 and 3 "FRAULEIN" (Cinemascope, Color) (ADULT) * Dana Wynter * Mel Ferrer •••••••1••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••OWW1.0.0.1•04.0a, NEXT THURS. FRI. & SAT December 4, 3 and 6 "CATTLE EMPIRE" (Cinemascope, Color) * Joel McCrea • *•Gloria Talbott BILL MARSHALL AND HIS ORCHESTRA BAZAAR and • Auction Sole J.A.D. McCURDY SCHOOL 2 to 5 p.m. Sat., Nov. 29 Auction Sale 3 to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Protestant Chapel Guild, RCAF Centralia EVERYONE WELCOME HEAR YE, ALL This.Fri.,Nov.Fri. Nov 28 at 8:30 p.m. Sharp The Cancer, Polio and. Tuberculosis committees of Rebekah and Odd Fellows Lodge of Exeter will hold for your pleasure a Progressive EUCHRE ,ODD FELLOW'S HALL EXETER - ADMISSION 500 EA. Ladies Bring Lunch Lots of Fun — Good Prizes EVERYBODY WELCOME R. HUNTER, Chairman Shows Nightly, 7:30 and 913 10. S. ATKINSON, Sec.-Treas. ,0111111111111111111101411111H lllllll 11711111H111011111HIMM11./111111111111/111111M l lll lllll 11111111111HID, -~-~~ • Zurich HNS Presents. GRAND TURKEY RAFFLE Friday, December 5 Zurich Town Hall 9:00 p.m. Bevies of Beauteous Birds—Valuable Door Prizes Lots of Fun FREE ADMISSION ti lt EA1 AN • lloY a n(I olive These t t London. aro 112.611(1 in announce I lir birth of a son. Ronal!! Wro On, at Sout 11 linsrun Hos111141. Not ember 2.:(. It A DEIZEll • Mr, ant Mrs. 1',t'.1 Fla bcror Jr . Zurich. RIM n117WP Ito IbirItt Of a son at Soot 7$0 $1,00 250 Woodhom Topics Continued From Page 13 ration but good management I By MRS. ARTHUR RUNP1.-4. aWl played. as important a role . , • . as before. . . Then came otyLAmrs. Per- The Nevember meeting of the 1.irother, Mr. Grant Hera /MCI: ' haps we should say that implants W.M.S. was held in the church ' Airs. Heim, in Toronto. . came first. Not in cattle but they em. basement with 15 members pros- • Mr. and Airs. John Brookshaw The president. Mrs. Ira - of St. Pauls were Saturday eve - hat e been legal in the U.S.A. MeCtirds, °Petted the Meeting. ' fling guests with Mr. and Airs. • for use in poultry and other :The scripture was read by Airs. Walter Levy, 'livestock such as lambs, for soy,: V. Chatten Ivan comments on Mr. and Airs. Joe Blommaert .1 mat asters. Alter Prolonged lest- ! the same. i and family apent Sunday with CA1.1.513.1111Paleirt Lucan. ad. Air. i! Airs. Kenneth Savage. Mr. and MeLoed of London called ,• on Mr. and Airs. Robert Rundle on Sunday 'afternoon, Air. and Mrs, Lawrence KOOL .QUINS ORCHESTRA were Sunday evening guests with and Airs, E. Vodden, • Margaret Rose Levy enter- - tallied 14 of her girl friends at her home on Wednesday after .aaret's ing. researchers ev•entually found! The new study honk on Nortl t that implants could be success- .' America was introduced by Mrs !CARPS: .QF THANK-. !fully used in beef cattle - that Geo. Wilson. Rev. J. -Warehan 1, I a ,a), is catona mi' tiyipt•P re an. is eattle being fattened fur presided for the election of of . preciat ton awl thanks to the slaughter - Without . i nurses and st aff of South Houma . ,any residual 'ficers for'hath W.M.S. and W.A I 1,1.ito.,,lk)iili a A n a Liu n4t..)4. ynia. IR. Ir. ri el lantin- ` :I ' limits' • ' ( • , effltehtileillottlii:r Igroat;th '• stimulants : Qfifllic.vesr.isdIFit9raWA%"!M.A15.s.. is Mrs, I" , an neug for 1 lien* k I no muss ; ., ' to me v. lute a pat tont in tlte hos- , 4 mixed. • feed, - • :Doupe; vice -presidents, Mrs pital... Mrs. 'Alma Isaac. 27* , implant, licensed for use by food Gee. wasen and Mrs. Al.. chat 1 a WI to i hank everyone for'and drug directorate, has no Cf - ten: feet on aeimals or humans ifass.t, mrs, secretary, Airs, AL'Cope their t wits, cards. flowers and ; A. Dewar; It innity 141161 deeds during tily re-1 cent illness,- Charles Waghorn. ; taken orally. When implanted, it ' treasurer, Mrs, E. Vodden; ass't Airs. 27', leaves no hormones in the meat ' Miss A. hopkins; pianist, alio Laspi assosiation or rintao,s, tissues of the animals, g brother for Cnristine, the Hari hers it 110 &mai Pt1 ha ii i41g ; What does this mean? :' It's lill'ail‘nic:.(2iiiiitiddfto; auditors, sAlirsil,IrVs.. ji;l1r1laTtatr:11. ilu rim Hospital. Not ember 22- and itrownws aisnos to t ha uk all for limit. ha 14 inp, salt' last Smut r- . safe. it's effeetive, 11, has little and Miss A. Shier; sica.AL'IlliTON At, St„losepir's das. to make it a success. 27c ; or no - Nnvonthas 1.. a 11 alight l`r sins a ni 1,1 Alliej I, tafulita. nit', ,, tiP,IglYwn,1,1,,Pii Willi,?, t. methodside effects. It's :a proven i Secretaries, Temperance, Mrs. Hospruc 1. London, on Tu reds v, of showing a. high bal-1.w. L. Switzer: stewardship, iiiid,t..„::,,:,..\.tletNyaillhiltden,••%Irkrt.L,P7 ,itisitillts 1.tirliilisi: a f 'In.nviviTorlsi i in e tail es i IT :II! li 171014% r on the correct side of the Airs. W. wesen: literature, Mrs. . i • roust cud rumor( return mg limns, i * * * * I,J. Wareham; missionary month- ROCISED0uAl. Mr: and Mee. '.5 il. w ith snecial t banhe to Dr. Mel t LlY, Mrs. B. Wilson; correspond - ham noasasnom. Hensel). an- cher and nursing staff of South I it's new: TAPAZULJ - the ' eine and press, :Mrs. M. Cope- nounee the birth of a son, Ham Huron Hospital.-- .Mrs. Ells Mitreb. William. at South Huron Hos- 21* I ' thyroid -blocking feed additive - 'land; community friendship, Tha ramas• or ilia late Sydney ; ImProves eareass stilaillY, III- • Mrs. A. Rundle, Mrs. Al, Cope - al, Al. -Arthur wishes to extend : creases gains during early stages :land, Miss A. Hopkins, Mrs. W. [lima ameero onnha and apprecia- • of feed period - does not do so ;Wilson, Mrs. F. Thomson, Mrs. Don to all those is his helped (hem P In any stay (luring their • after 30-60 days, Researchers ' A.. Scott; associate members, recent sail bereavement. Special ( find Tapazole and Stilbestrol Mrs. L. -Copeland; supply, Mrs. i hanks to the Boni lu ron Euneral I team up to give excellent re- E. Vodden. TIME HEIM •- At Clinton Public Horne, Rev. V. 1 i. Da 0 tot of Hon- i , •.• hospital, nn Not ember II. to .a 11. TZPV. it. ( (. MacMillan. of PJ O. u W. A. Officers • Mn. and Mrs. Herb Tort:beim, ooderich. lions:III and Eget er ' TRANO Zurich, a son,' Daniel John. . gra nehes of 1 lit. Capadian Legion. I • . ..,,,, - marketed in U.S.A. I . • President of W. A. is Mrs. A. andC by Charles Phizer and Co., trausau cimairr I . O. C.F.. Vs ' Down" vice-presidents, IVirs• A. • • Reception • and • :17ANCE FQR: MR.:AND MRS, 4ACK 13DIMAND FARQUHAR HALL Nov.. 28 , school, it was itia4a 13th birthday and a good time. was enjoyed by all the girls. paal. Nov ember -a brother for Eddie and ,Margaret. (rt•tux•By ... I :in pint) General Hospital. November 11, to Mr. and Mrs Hen Tuckey, a son. Charles F,du and. DEATHS— ['ASK • Suddenly. at her late rest- denee in Crediton. on Aloriday. Nat ember 17, ISI04, Mrs. nn te iZabel .Sefit 1., Was ed wife of Tient Pasit. dear sister of Mrs: Ethel Gillespie, Mrs. Ewa as air and Pr. Wilfred ti en rgo Scott, air or Toronto, and Mrs, Ber- nice Thornton. Crediton, mai sett u as hohl front the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home. Dashwood, on Wednes- day. Nov ember 1f, at 11 a.m. with Rev. Glen Strome official - Jog. interment in TharninirY Cemetery, 27c GLAVIN - the real- linkup Nursing' Home. Ailsa Craig-, on Saturday. November Winnifreff 'Keogh, widow of t he late Joseph Gla.vin of Mount Carmel, in her aeven y -ninth Year. Survived by turn step- daughters. Miss Madeline Way - in, Port Lam in rm. Miss Clara Gist in, St. Mar.) 2 step -sons, Rev. Ti'. John ;la vin. owen • Sound, Chas. (3Iavin, Mt. Carmel, and a number of nieces and nephews. Resting at the T. Harry ITOM6 an Pumerai Home, shwood. until Tuesday when requiem high mass will be smug a t The Chnreh of Our Lady, Mt. Carrnel, at 10 a.m. liter - fluent in Mt. Carmel Cem et Pry. Prayers will be said on Monday evening at 2 p.m. Cu ANNOUNCEMENTS— MORLEY-Mr. and ra, William Morley, R.R. I Gran ton, will cele- brate their golden wedding an- niversary by holding open house at I heir home on Tuesday, Dec. 2. They will he pleased to greet relatives. friends and poi tV.1 harm om e to p.m. and it lit the evening. No gifts please. Z4 C ENGAGEMENTS— Air. and Mrs. Lloyd David Tiro- phey. of Parkhill, announce the engagement of their d eau ght or. lerances Mary, its leredrick Joseph Rinker, son of Mr. and Aire. Ernest Herman rtin1( er, of Par - Ilia. The marriage wit take place Saturday, December 20 in Green- way United Church, GreenwaY, CARDS OF THANKS --- Mrs. Alberta MacHea h and Mr. Alf Moffatt wish to express sin- cere thanks for I he many sym- pathy cards and arts of kindness shown them -during their bereave- ment in the death of their sister, Mrs, John Armstrong, 27c Verne and Mpna .k1,41erdice wish to extefut their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many lett( of kindness, messages of sympathy and beaui Ifni floral tributes received. following the sudden loss of their baby son. Bryan, I C Former Minister Dies At Brantford Rev. A. B. lrwin, 70, associ- ate minister of Wesley United church, Brantford, and former pastor of James Street United church, Exeter, died in Brant- ford. on- Monday, November 24, After leaving Exeter he served churches at Sarnia and Wheat- ley retiring two years ago, , I Suriving are his wife, the for- mer Blanche Alagwood of St -rat - ford and a daughter, Mrs. Eliza,beth Blackey, Brantford, The body is resting at the Ale - I Mister funeral home, Brant- ! ford. A service will be held in CALVARY CHJRCH .1 Wesley Willis United church, Brantford, today (Thursday) at Evanvelical United Brethren 1:30 p.m. A community service will be held in the chapel at DASHWOOD Avondale cemetery, Stratford, a on arrival at 330 p.m., with in- terment Stratford cemetery, employees of General Coach . Canada. . .,4,21• 1 tranquilizer-hydroxzine - chea.p, • secretary, Mrs. 1. Me- . , -.. 25 cents for 100 -day period in Nr e is 7S11 fii express our SIIIPPrP — Rundle; --- Curdy; treasurer, Miss Ma Hop- aparosiaHan for titr, many 14 ind- ( creases gains and efficiency i I above ssnilhes„t,r,2,1,1e," '. isnss4, 111:Iirlfal.11,11.' W.alirle7sh a inF;, auditors,°3e IIPPArr s awl expressions • of sym- ; over and pat hy during our reeent loss ofa slilbestrol - antibiotic k,11,4,11q.. .. AIF ks B. mils and Airs. J, smith, loving IN ifo, and mother. Special the nits to Rev. T. .i. pia, 'Dr, M„- UM. Works for steers or heifers i Master and 1 hose who remember -i-- on roughage or high -grain • Evening Auxiliary Meeting ed us in their prayers. - Johnt. I The November meeting of the Armstrong and family, 27, ra ton, i AEvening Auxiliary was held at August and Gerry Gregus wish I to express their appreciation to the home of Mrs. Harry Webber, their friends and neighbors who '1 • Inquired for Jimmy while a. pa- t ient in Smith 'Huron Hospital.Prices at Hensel]. Community ss i charge of the devotions assisted HENSALL SALE PRICES I Mrs. Alex •Gartenburg was in Sale,Thursday 20. Special thanks to Dr. Read and I . Nov.I ' by Mrs. Harry Webber and Mrs. hospital staff. 27c i Weanling pigs :John Tipping. Airs. Oscar Brine $ 9.80-12.35 man. inttny Feedersilin9 I conducted by Mrs. J. :Wareham. 13.25-17.50 - T wish 1 o thank my ' I gave a reading. friends and. neighbors for the u 19,00-30,75 - while a 63.00-81.00 1 The study book on Canada was lovely cards and treat s received 'Saws patient. in _St. Joseph's I Holstein calves 16,50.27.00: given by Airs. Robt, Robinson, Hoepital, .London. -11 ilham GOS$, Election of officers for 1959 was 27c Durham ....... llllllllllll 35.00-65.00 .. ••-••••••••-•••,•::::::•:s:s•ii.s:,•s;:::•-• ,-• - • •• - - • • • •• - •••, An exchange of house plants was . made after which a social hour THE BEtirIEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m. -Worship and Sermon (English) 3:30 pan. -Sunday School 8:00 pan. -Temple Time, CHAIL • All. 'Welcom e ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD 10:00 aan.-Service 2:15 p.m. -Sunday School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs.' Bob Pryde 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Stewardship Sunday Dedication Service for "Visit- ors" Nursery for children up to six years. Visitation of congregation in the afternoon, Monday, 4 p.m. -Children of the Church. meeting in the Sunday School room, Tuesday, 8 p.ni.-Circie meeting at the home of Mrs. W. G. Cochrane. THAMES ROAD' MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me „Thy Truth D Lord" 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School 11;30 a.m.-Worship Pastor; Stanley Sauder, Exeter timaimumintilmultaintfinittaialonlintimIllstinnilinuntinommillinmelltaulnituninimminitioutma Ii• • it It „OWN MIFIC 4' EXETER LEGION °ft* ‘9) a. Fowl Bingo „." Exeter Legion 'HA WED., DEC' 3 OOPS tion R 0611106 Start fl REGULAR ROUNbS.CH1CKENS • TO SPECIAL ROUNDS — TUR,KEY1-, PLUS TURKEY DOORPRIZE Admission SO Spoil ketone -hi & tefrt Cerds 100, 3 tor 2S0 „ 11*•'''• • s•-• - . ll This Week ir Winchelsea By MRS, F. HORNE • s.. Mrs, Perkins of Owen Sound is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Horace Daibridge, Misses Beatrice and Dora Del - bridge were also guests Sunday evening, Air. and Airs. Newman Baker of Wellborn were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford. Ale. and Mrs. Eoopmao and family moved last week to their home south of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MeGul- firi add Airs. Elsie AleGuffin of Devizes visited on Sunday with Mrs. Isobel Sutdcn, Honor bride,To•Be Miss Wilma Walters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ?red Wallets, WAS guest of il6hOr at United Church Friday evening last when friends PM neighbors of thipresenteds her With a kitchen shower and other lovely gifts. t The behle.th•be was received by Mrs. hey Parsons and led to h. gaily decorated dab'. Mrs. ParSOOS read the address and Misses Carol and Dianne Johns presented the gifts. Mrs. John flatten was F.M.C. for a shOrt program of songs sod readings after Web' lunch Was served, Rev, W. F. KrOtz, -Minister Mrs. Kan McCrae, Organist 10:00 ani. -Missions Day 11:00 a.m.-Sunday School 7:30 p.m. -Rev, A. AI. Amacher " ZION CHURCH Evangelical United'Brothren CRED)TON Rev. G. R Strome, baster 10:00 a.m.-Worship "Christ 1 -hits Come" 11:00 a.m.-Church School 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. -Visitation Monday - Youth Fellowship Wednesday--Alid-Week Service Thursday - Friday - Mission Band BAYFIELD BAP tIST CHIURCti Paget Ivor Bodenham 9:45 School 11:00 A011. Morning Worship Service 7:20 p.m. - Evening Service Wed., 8 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Service A Warm Welcome To All •.• , .• THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, November 30 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communioa 11:00 aan.-Confirmation Service The Right Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron. 7:00 p.m. -Evensong, CHRIST!AN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 9:45 a.m.-Morning Worship (English) • Rev. A. G. Van Eck, Exeter. 2:15 p.m, -Afternoon Worship (Dutch) Rev, A, G. Van Belt, Exeter, 3:30 p.m.-Sund „- School JP:MES STREE1 UNI–ED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a M orning Worship. Stewardship Sunday , Sermon Subject: "Treasure in Heaven" Anthem by the choir, Duet by Marilyn and Kathryn Hicks, 7:00 p.m. -Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "The Lost Sheep" A Warm Welcome is Extended To All PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 9:45 am-Ia.-Sunday School 11:00 aan.-Worship Service 7;30 p.m. -Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Service Thurs., 2:30 pan,-W.AI.C., Meet. log at the home of Mrs, E, Cudmore, Theme: The Holy Spirit, Fri., 8 p.m. - Christ Ambassa- dors "I will not leave you cgmfort- less: I will come to you." -John 14:18 Fester: Eveng, L. Winn.flutler • MAIN STREET The United Church of Canacil Supply MiniSter: Student K. Barry 08551110re Organist: Mil. A. Willard 1000 a.m,-The Church School 11:15 a.m.-Service Of Worship Nursery provided in the P171111. all Robins. Beginners, ages .4-5, wilt retire during the second hymn. Come And Worship With ' Us " Sunday, December 7 10:00 a.m.-white Gift Service will be observed in the Sunday School, Miss Wilkes, skiff member of Gotierich Children's Aid, will be the guest speaker, It Tuesday, December 16 7;10 pan. --Sunday School Christ - Inas toneert, 1 Ghee GerierOusly To The 'Canadian :Awdliary.Of •I British & ,foreign Bible :Society THR0UG4 YOUR LOCAL CHURCH. I tnvolopos May Bit Media Oil Thi C011itit Heti Platt ithfill pi t ,it,ttitiit,m,Itt illt111 fartrititiMili (ft if(tillirdalifi IthYlraffifflifil ItHilatIt was enjoyed. Personal Items • Mr, and Mrs. Norris Webb and Julie were Thursday and Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ball of Dundas, Norris attending the Royal Winter Fair on Thurs- day. Mr. and Airs, Lloyd Cowdry of London were Friday evening visitors with Air, and Mrs. If, Webber. Airs. Roy Kirk and Lorna have returned home after Spending several days with her sister, Mrs. T. Tufts of London. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. were weekend visitors in Toronto arid attended the Royal Winter Fair. Dianne Smith visited with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, E.' Goligh, St: Marys, over the, weekend and Douglas was with' his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Kirkton. • Mrs. Kenneth Savage, Mr, and Mrs. 'McLeod of London. were Sunday afternoon callers on Air, and Mrs. Robt. Rundle. Mr. and •Mrs, Lawrence Cope - hied and Murray and Mr. Reg Darling of Brown's Corners visit- ed a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Fulmer of Rochester, Mich, and with Airs. W. .1. Rut- ledge and Carol of Berkley, Mich, *Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 'Hem, Norma and Carolyn, were week- end visitors with the former's Bibles Fight Communism The British and Foreign Bible Society, which launches its an- nual campaign for funds this week, needs help to fight the in- filtration of Communist Mem. lure into underprivileged coun- tries, local chairman G. A. Cann said this week. "While the Society is supply- ing Bibles to most countries -at half their actual cost, they are still more expensive than litera- ture supplied by the COM1111.111/8. tie countries to those same peo- ple. "In the battle for men's minds," lie continued, "it be- hooves Christian • nations to do much more, much faster if we are to compete with communism in the. winning of the many mil- lions of people in Europe, Asia and Afriea to our way of think - him" Many :people in these areas, he said, are just learning to read mid are. hungry for literature. The Society prints Bibles in some :1100 different languages and estimates there are still 1,500 dialects into which the book must be translated. Monty for the campaign is being accepted through • local churches. Bing d Provides' Christmas Fowl Prank Triebner. Mrs, Lee ;tory and Ted Wright were major winners at last week's Exeter Legion fowl bingo, second in a series in the branch's hall. Triebrier won two tur- keys; Mrs, Jory and Mr. ,Wright took 'home a turkey mid A chicken each after a profitable evening at the gam& Turkey winners inetuded Mrs. Barbara Guilford, Mrs. Irvine Armstrong, Wiliam Coifing, Ge- rald McLean. Mrs. bill Parsons and Mrs. Jim Rripp, 4,arry Drinthell won the tur- key door prise. Chickens went to Amos Aar - L01116 Johns, Airs, Wilbert Adwards, Mrs. Arthur Pord, Miss Pearl Ilideswell, Jack My - wood, Tom Smith, Mrs. Mihail Schroeder, Mrs, Andy Alerting, Jaek Carr, Day Smith, Mrs. Don \Nis and Mrs. Delbert Taylor, Another binge will be held Ails taming Wednesday night. • CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Bake Sale And Tea LEGION HALL, HENSALL. Sat., Nov.,29 3:00 p.m. Draw for Bride's Doll Sponsored by the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary CAVEN CHRISTMAS • FAIR SIMMONS' SHOWROOM' Sat., Dec. 6 3 to 5 p.m. * Home Baking * Farm Produce • Delicatessen • Fancy Work • Christmas Booth * Tea lllll lll I lllll Everyone Welcome BINGO Grand Bend Legion Branch No. 498 . EVERY Saturday Night * Cash * Prizes * Jackpots * Specials Come One, Come All ADMISSION 500 DANCING Every • Friday.Night COMMUNITY CENTRE Zurich 10 1:30 Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'it Roll Square Dancing Sponsored by., Zurich Lions Club Lions Club Paper Drive Wed., Dec. 3 Please Have Your Paper Out By 1:00 p.m. Please Have Your Paper Bundled or Rolled Proceeds For Christmas Welfare Work lllll ll l Parents' Night at South Huron District High School Friday Evening, Nov. 28 7 to 18 p.m. Parents are cordially invited to visit teachers at their home rooms , to. discuss their student's progress. DASHWOOD Fowl Bingo DASHWOOD FIRE HALL Friday, Nov. 23 Starting 9 p.n'r. Sharp SPECIALS FOR Turkeys Geese Ducks & Chickens At this Monsior Feather Party i : e 1 : I Proceeds tor Santa Parade and Gift Mr Children I 1 • Your Attendance will be Greatly Appreciated 5 . : i f Ad11111$5k011 gie .,, Trutltoy boot hitt SPONSORED .WY DASHWOOD MEN'S CU./6 kirretteaunremmtroutrirminamitatinantrememmonimiandialimakiitinallientiniammoutunirri!