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Page 20 Tbe Times•Acivecate, November V, 19514
Native Of Clandeboye
.arks Gold
ar , en , e ing
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carley of Needham. Memorial Chapel tin
Cleveland returned to London to Saturday evening when the Rev.
celebrate their golden wedding Dr. B. C. Eckardt conducted a
anniversary on Saturday evening prayer service. Then to the
et Braemar Lodge, Wortley Rd. Sturdy funeral home till Monday
Mrs, Carley. the *former Eliza- at 2 p.m. when the rector, Rev.
beth Lee Paton, was born in J. P. Prest of Holy Trinity
ZleGillivray township. daughter church conducted the funeral
Paton. einging two favorite hymns. 149cal
of the late Mr, and Mrs. Andrew services, with Mrs. Heber Davis M's Club Liberals
Phone 10? Lisca.n.
And District News
— . ,,,ess.711111111141910111011111101.11.1.11.
Correspondent; Miss Lina Abbott
IS„ ells Trees !Receive Posts
She was married to Albert Interment took place in the en
Carley by the Rev. Kerr, pastor family plot m Parkhill cemetery
of the Lucan arid Clandeboye with Guy Ryan. Cecil Armitage,
Methodist church, at the home Maurice McDonald, Clare Paton.
of her parents in the village of _ Please Turn To Page 2t' The opening Fall . Holy Trinity Church Men'smeeClub of
Clandeboye with her sister, Mrs.; • .. . . • . I
Robert Cruellin as bridesmaid, was held in the Parish Hall last
her brother, James IL Paton, as ,Lucan Personals !Monday evening with the presi-
dent, Mr, Austin Hodgins in the
best man on November 23, 1908.
They have resided n Cleveland ' Guests from Burlington, To. chair and leading in the deyo.
for 50 years. . ronto. Windsor, London. and trans.
• They have one son, Leonard , Rockwood attended the Colvin -1 Plans were discussed on ways
:Stanley wedding last Wednesday. and means to increase the sale
C. Carley, Bellevue. Ohio and Mrs. Wes Atkinson is staving of• Christmas trees. Mr. Harold
one daughter, Mrs. Man (Cath- •grandchildren in Lon- Hodg,ins offered his lawn as A
eerie) Bernier of Cleveland and with her
. don, while their parents, Mr. display centre and the school ,
;ix grandchildren. ;
Seated at the head table were and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson, are children will be asked for Volun-I
Away on vacation, :leers to make signs, Scouts and
Mr. and Mrs. Carley, Mrs, Creta Mrs. Eldon Hodgson has re- Cubs will be given the opportunity.
lin and Mr. Paton. ' turned from a 10 -day visit in to increase their funds by sell.:
Other guests were Mr. and Stratford with her sister, Mrs. ing trees on commission.
Mrs. EarlPaton, London, Mrs. Lila Beadle. I Messrs. Ken Clarke, Harold.
J. H. Paton, Clare Paton. Ti. Mrs. Ed Furness, nee Hazel Hodgins and Roscoe liodgins
T. Glendenning, Mrs. L. O'Neil. : Fresis underwent an operation were named a committee to
Ze IIa Ross, Mrs. R. Dor- in St. Joseph's Hospital, but • is bring in a slate of officers at
man and Mr. and Mrs. Earl now able to be home. • the December meeting.
At a meeting held at Aiwa in
St. John's Parish Hall last Mon-
day evening, Chas. F. Ross QC
of London was elected president
of the North Middlesex Liberal
Association to succeed Mr. Bruce
Grant of Granton who has held
the position for the past three
Dr. Lloyd Hall, Lucan, was
elected to the advisory board
and Bernard Benn, Lucan, was
named a district director. Colonel
Duncan Ross of London, former-
ly of Lucan, will act on the ad-
visory board and Mr. Lloyd Durr
of McGillivray, well known in
the Lucan district will be •a dis-
trict director.
The guest speaker at the Meet-
ing was Mr. Harry Worton,
M.L.A for Wellington South,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paton Frank McIthargey the Lucan Public School, was Church
Sullivan. I Mr. Wesley Clow, principal of
were unable to attend. t Frank Mellhargey, 48, died in the guest speaker. He gave a
Open house was held on Sun- Victoria Hospital Sunday, Nov' talk on the teaching profession,
: day and Ilionday at the home of I ember 16. He rested at the E. the in ea ns of entry, the a dvan.
MO Drive.
Lucan El Own
E..„. gine Witt Serve.
Participating Area Only'
"Our new fire truck will not! The reeve Announced. the pur.
go out of the defined protection chase'•of a new fire engine which
area," said Reeve C. H. Lewis, I will be delivered .on. December
of Lucan. after he was returned; 10. "Although we. saw engines as
by acclamation on Tbursday. high as 403,000, we were. able to
"Unless McGillivray Township purchase , a new, completely
helps out financially, they will modern fire engine for .$17,015,"
receive no protection whatsoever, saidLewis, e have men told
We are very disappointed lo .1.1Y those who know, that it has
McGillivray. So far, no assist- everything and then some."
since has been forthcoming and Because of a high surplus,
C. H. as things s.tand now, only Laicals hydro rates will be cut in Lucan.
Vice-presideet • Mrs.
and Bichiciph will benefit from In addition, taxes have been
George presided at the.November
meeting of the Lucan held
• in the Community Memorial
Centre last Thursday evening.
"Things to do or not: to do in our
institute," was the eat'. call,
answered by 24 members. The
November motto was, "The more liable. We just can't take suchsiill isaeiomilater'tiauinit isisienit.caarie; inspector
chances.chances. Naturally, we are
hoping that residents of enough to keep him that way and
vray will see fit to urge their Iiiueakdioneasn'beadbav;rielopolvorzhabolliiist
• council to. participate,"
I About two dozen citizens neighbors."
Mr. Lewis also emphasized the
clustered in the back of Stanley importance of the sanitary by-
. Hall, Lucan, as Clerk Don Chown
law governing septic tanks and
' chalked up their nominations.
When he had finished, the reeve, disposal beds, The law must be
•. • , .
.strictly enforced since we are in
councillors, school board and
Position to install .a costly
members of the hydro commis- tin
sewage disposal plant."
gion were elected by acciama. -With Biddulph, Luean has per -
chased land for a new, dump and
Tweedsmuir Book. It was de-, Only new naMes on the slate
the,pfii.ruete.eettilne. areas must be 1:0‘,1:celoTudnt,(yroicuol7in7citlo is ntlri3lrlisn,g to
clearly defined," lie stated. "If get a health unit into operation,"
the fire equipment was out of fsoarid tLheewissn.la'iremfueleiilciipt municipality
that area when a fire oecurred
inside the area, we could be held for the county as a whole since
we experience, the better we can
Ten dollars was voted to the
War Memorial Children's Hopis
tat, and $25 to L.U.C.A.N,
1 It was decided to assist the
Muscular bystrophy campaign
by placing cans in stores and
As convener of Historical Re-
search and current events, Mrs.
William Cochrane discussed the
tided to purchase a new book w•ere Elizabeth Goddard for -the
and cover. • school board, and Alan Scott,
The purchasing of fast growing who was appointed to fill out; the
shade trees for the arena grounds ; remaining year of B. H. Lankin's
it will be put Into use in the near
future. "The dump will be locat-
ed on the second concession,
between Highway 4 and the
county road. It will be fenced in
. .. was also discussed. the sem- . term. Mr. Lankin was forced to
: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paton, Elm -IC. Killingsworth funeral home, tages and disadvantages of the .
tary was
resign because of ill health, and open two or three days a
! •wood Ave., when nieces and E London until Wednesday morning,
profession, the part personality United Church -commissioned to write
the Department of Land and A.. slight flurry occurred when week under supervision," said
; nephews from London, Thorn.; Requiem High Mass was sung plays in its success and salary Renovations in the Forests for further information,
churchCouncillor lean yearn announced Auri Lewis.
dale, Kirkton, Grand Bend, Park- . by Father Costello at St. Marys ranges. His talk was followed school were sufficiently complete
that he • would not be able to
Fluorescent lights have been
hill and Ingersoll called. IChurch at 9 a.m. Interment was by a question and answer period. ed to again hold service last live, In be acted upon by the execu-
accept the nomination because.:
purchased to light main street to
the enc oftown, an intentions
Previous to their trip to Can- iin St. Patrick's cemetery, Bid— In addition to the regular Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Robh reported on of conflicting duties. Since no
are to have fluorescent lights on
• Ada a celebration was held. in .: dulph. The rosary was recited ' variety programs, the Men'sW.A. bazaar is being held on
the meeting at Mount Brydges, additional names were on the
all of Main street by the end of
T Mrs. Thomae Flynn ' nephews and two cousins were meeting a guest speaker who is
Brownlee attended. Mrs. Robb asked to reconsider and made his
Cleveland. I at 8.15 Tuesday evening. Three , Club plan to secure for each Saturday, Nov. 29.• which. she and Mrs, William nomination list, Mr. Hearn was .
next year.
: among the pallbearers: Arthur , an authority in his particular Pentecostal Holiness.Church .
Reeve Lewis thanked council
particularly interested in final decision on Friday.
Mrs. Thomas Flynn, the for- Mellhargey of London, Fred Mc- „line. The, theme will be Voeca- Evangelist Samuel Learning,
problem of help for retarded In speaking to eatepayers fol.
• neer Eva May Smith died ' Mersey of Lucan, Frank Melt- tional Guidance and the speaker who completed a successful two.
lowing the nomipations, Reeve
Victoria Hospital Friday, No- eargel„ of Byron, Clarence Mit- will relate his reasons for cboos- week evangelistic campaign in children. • •
vember 21 in her 71st year. ellen of Biddulph and Charlie ing his career, the qualification.s the Lucan church ;last F'ridaY,1 Mrs, Benny Saulnier and Mrs. Lewis quipped,. "Judging by, all
• • left on Saturday for Lion's Head.1 William Brownlee gave reports the phone calls rye received
Last Sunday evening, Mr. James ; also on the area convention held during the year, 1 .expected the
She is survived by her me ; Mellhargey of London. I neeessery, its drawbacks and . .
H. Taylor, of the Pentecostal in October at tile Masonic hail o ,,,,
Holiness Church Conference, was Temple, London. Between their Mr, Lewis read a financial re -
the guest speaker. . reports, Mrs. Murray Hodgins port of the year's work, and
-..• (Myrtle) Harmer; one brother, 1917 where he worked at the conducted a "rip -tearing" con. commented on the excellence of
Ernest Smith of R.R. 3 Park- Capitol Theatre. ;In Song Color Anglican test. The members were divided , the county home. "Those of us
band, two daughters; Mrs. C. • Son of the late Mi'. and Mrs. olentials be
T,), Ross (Gladys), Mrs. Ray- Archie McIlhargey, he was born i - • •! d "
:Describe Year
7 .mond Allington (Anne), both of an Concession 16, London Town.'
London; one sister. Mrs. George ship but moved to London in
..., hill and nine grandchildren and ! He is survived by two brothers ; e 1 Next Sunday, Archdeacon C, J. inte five groups Each group who have seen the borne realize
. . . . .
' Born on Con. 7, McGillivray 'John H. of Toronto and Mrs. ' letter day in the history of Hole. •
ments and two memorial plasues. I was given a copy of the morning that it is far more than a mere
13 great grandchildren. and:one sister, Joseph of London, 1 •
Sunday morning was a red Queen will dedicate the new vest.
• ft will also be White Gift Sunday. Free Press with instructions to shelter, it is a real home to its
' • 'd • "
-. township, she was a daughter • James Dey (Rita) of Bradenton, . Trinity Church, Lucan, ..ca on .
ei. of the late John and Anne May 'Florida. ' that day, for the first Hine, a • The afternoon and evening
' .(Mathers) Smith, . "Church Year in Hymn and ; auxiliary will partake of corpor-
..e Following their marriage in , John Charles Spence Colour" service was celebrated. i ate communion.
.'s Parkhill on June 16, 1908 they I John Charles Spence, 87, died i Weeks of practice and planning! The While Gifts will be packed
; resided in Crediton, Thedford, I at Beloit,. Wisconsin on Wednes- paid off, for everything ran : Wednesday, Dec. 3, at the Par-
- N h e Mr Flynn started a bar-! dav November 19. Funeral eery- ' smoothly. On e member of the ' ish Hall at the W.A. meeting.
find and tear out as many copies •
of the word "Christmas" as in discussing roads, Mr. Lewis
possible in five minutes. (What questioned the advisability of
the papers looked like at the hauling gravel for local work
end of the five minutes, is left some thirty Miles, when it can
to the imagination.) be purchased closer to home with
hauling charges for only three
Airs. Jack Steaey and Mrs.
• years in Forest and 21 years in ;Beloit on Saturday, November rector that it was the nicest; C. C. Bradford reported on the
"So far I have been unable to
ber shop, Lucan and lived 101 ices were held a L 10.30 a.m. in 'large congregation said to the C. G. le T.
. ; London, returning to Lucan till ! 22, ; service ever held in the church.' The C.G.I.T. meeting last Mon- recent course, "Sew to save
out the reasons behind, this
Mrs. Flynn's health failed over 1 Mr. Spence was the son of the The Junior Choir took an active
day evening had to again . he dollars to make sense," anncliae4.. find
, but I have been promised a full
t a year ago and she was in Vie- 1 late Mr. and Mrs. William Spence part in the service. , held in the Arena committee hibited some of the articles
. the Treport. Possibly the gravel is
toria Hospital several times. I of Granton, i There was no sermon, but Mr ; room. Eight members answered Mrs. Bradford- demonstrated the
They ,resided with their daugh-1 He is survived by his wife, the Prest explained briefly the origin, roll call. hcheaper per yard at*the distant
e newly elected cutting of bias tape. -
• ter, Mrs. Allington. for several ' former Edith E. Hyndman; three of the service and the colours i officers were in charge. • The project of dressing girls pile however, it would seem that
hauling charges would cancel out
e months. • brothers and one sister, Edwin used for each season I,- einning I Most of the evening was spent as cheer leaders for the Lepre-
saving there. Perhaps this
• She was a member of the ' A. Spence of St
tathroy, Eugene ,with violet for Advent, Alltfte for , on craft, making candy baskets chaun hockey team was dis- any
.i iam is a matter that has merely been
-:• Anglican church and a past ;IL Spence of Beloit, Wisconsin, : Christmas, Innocents' Day an ; fortheW A baeaar, November 1i .. Cochrane 1! overlooked, or maybe someone
mistress and charter member of 1Melville Spence of Norman Okla.; Epiphany, violce for Septuages- .29. Each girl was asked to make ."'1'.preference along the line.
-S. Victoria Lodge ,
L.O.B.A. 387„Ihoma and Ella I. Spence at home, ' ma, Sexagesfina. Quinquagesima i candy and to meet at the church Mrs. Harold Whyte volunteered! has a
the ' We'll soon:know the full reasons."
Lucan. 'also' one brother, Robert Spence Lent and Palm Sunday, white for' ! parlors at 7.30 Friday evening
'11 thebaskets.to represent the W.I. for
The bode.. lay at rest at the of Granton. Assensioniede„ red for Whitsun- 'eve
.' making of cancer dressings for
- the November meetine to be 1 Personal Items . •
• 1,11111111111111111111111111 lllllll lllll lllll 1111.1111$111111111 lllllllll llllll 1111111111111,1 lllll Ili11111111111111111111/ tide and grenn inr Trinity. They were also asked to appear • .
Members of the newly -organ- in costume at 2.30 p.m. Saturday he:1d in the United Church par- Mr. Will Havekost of London
sized Servers' Guild. in their new 1 for the bazaar. lois Thursday evening at 8 p.m.1
called on Mrs. W. J. McFalls
- -
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ! green and white vestments,
changed the markers in the el -ran. UC Men's Club
eel as the service progressed.I
PRE — CHRISTMAS They were Robert Jackson..
Harvey Poole. Peter Prest and • Hears Minister
Skate Exchange
Now is the time to make
your skate exchange. We'll
trade anything from men's •
or boys' hockey sketes 'to
ladies' figur; skates!
B. Ready Hardware
l lll ntiosanonaritstaitannallyariailinallon lllllll On ll It lll anassistionsonslisano.
The night was dark, the snow was blowing,
The traffic rush was homeward flowing,
The road with Slush and ice was deep,
And oats were moving of a creep.
Joe boaices was travelling close behind
The car In front, so he could fold
r's way by the red light ahead
Ms windshield wiper had gone dead.
And ell was well with Joe until
tar up ahead, a sudden spill
Stopped ell the cars right down the line.
Pot .,celittut drivers, this wee the,
Joe jammed his beofte$,:bettee toilder.
Wise drivers don't, but lateph diet.
Pow xi* feet down, Joo takes it okay,
Ha Wasn't smart when if was froriey,
OfKatliti in 'fa Hamilton, LonetegeWinisef,
Oftwat, Owen Souni
f s insert*, it Cerefvel Driverst,/
Pat Egan, while at the altar, I
:Peter Shipley had charge of the ' The November meeting of the Young, Mrs. 'Harold Ribson, and ' mamine. over for a visit with
Iburse and veil; Frank Hardy, the ! United Church Men's Club was Mrs. N. W. Wasnidge were his 7' i •
sister and srother-m-law.
• i held in the church last Wednes- hostesses. Mr. V. N. Prest of London
• veiling of the cross in purple for I Mr. Gordon Bantine, in the chair, Personal Items was a Wednesday guest with the
hook markers; Fred Culbert, the day evening with the president, .
Lent, in white for Palm Sunday, •
Rev, and Mrs. J. P.Prest.
land Mr. Ivan Stanley's group in Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hodgins, • •
and black for Good Friday, when,snear of 1 refresh- of London, called on Lucan tela I Mrs. Cecil Armitage under-
all vases and ornaments were , mentgse. went an operation in St. Joseph's
program and ;removed. i lives last Saturday.
Hospital last Monday.
I Jane Steady, a member of the
• • I • Speaking on "Men's Club!
:Work," Rev. 3'. H. Vardy, of , spent last weekend in Toronto
where they attended the Winter
Terry Culbert and Barry Black
funeral of her nephew, Mr.
Mrs. J. Jackson attended the
Frank McIlhargey last Tuesday.
Miss Kate Bowyer has returned
home from. a week's visit in
Woodbridge where she was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
J. Garrod, •
Mr, T. A. Hodgins, who under-
' Messrs. Alan Scott and Roscoe Granton.Wesley Men's Club went an operation in Westmins-
liodgins assisted the wardens,' Speaking on the history of the I Wed Wednesday
able to be home and is progress -
ter lidsoital• two weeks ago, is
Messrs. Clare Stanley and Wilson telephone system and the reason! - Baekets of white glade and ing favorably.
Hodgins, take tip the collection. for rise in rentals, Mr. john A number of -ladies ;of Holy
'mums and lighted candelabra
Elizabeth Heenan shard municipal telephone eye- ity
. formed the setting in Holy Trin.
Anglican Church, Lucan, for time last week cutting and sew -
Stephens, chairman, of the Blan- Trinity congregation worked over -
Lifelong Residentsupper meeting of the Granton -Wesley Men's Club in the Gran- : tshicannleiyarriage of Marie Elizabeth leg
and Alexander Edwin the Servers' Guild to be used at
cassocks and surplices for
o'clock service
tern, was the guest speaker at a
Colvin at 3 p.m. Wednesday, the special el,
November 19. • last Sunday.
Each organization in the village ; last 'Monday. .
is asked to send at least two Mr.
representatives but . as many :. Mrs. Raymond De Mormenay
Mr. John McMillen, Mr. and
others as possible are invited to i and Lynne all of Norwich were
heti-) in this effort. , 1 Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, Saulnier, Mrs. Erle IN. Wasnidge, Mr. McMillen re-
lAtIllor Altar . s,
the seasons. changing Granton, was the guest speaker.
Musical numbers were given
; of the Psalm Board,
Graham Thomson (who was , by11 a Stuart McLellan and Mr.
, crucifer), and Frank Egan, re„;.,lohn Kincacle, also by the Hughes -- - - Thomas Brooke.
Donald and Douglas, of ,
ceived the collection 'at the ellen-1°1)3.'8,
own duets -on their guitars. • E. Stanley
the . Ilderton, who accompanied their Marie es ee
eel steps and presented it to
Mr. Harold Brooke. of Toronto,
was a Sunday guest of Mrs.
Miss Elizabeth Heenan, gc ton United Church.
died on Friday, Nov. 21, at the A second speaker was Mr,
home of her sister, Miss Nora Gordon Hale, of St. Marys, a
Heenan, Con, 9, Biddulph. United Church layman, who
C. Haskett and Son, funeral spoke on the Alma College school
directors of Lucan, were in for leaders, and Bimini' Camp.
charge of funeral arrangements1He stressed the necessity of a
front her late residence at 9.30 ;United Church residence in con-
. a.m., Monday, Nov. 24, to St. I nection with the University of
Patrick's Church, Biddulph, I Western Ontario. ,
where the Rev. Father 3. A.
Mathesy sang Requiem nigh Anglican Group
Mass at 10 am. Interment was in ,
St. Patrick's cemetery, I Cheers Shut -Ins
Pallbearers were Messrs. Pat-
rick Toohey, Anthony Lamohier, I
, The 'Wean - Clandebove A Y
Joseph Grace, Michael Powe, • . .
P.A. began their meeting last
Harold Ryan and John Whelilian,
. ' Sunday evening by visiting the
The Rev. O. A. Moore, of
Rockwood, brother-in-law of the
bride, and the Rev. J. P. Prost,
rector of Holy Trinity Church,
is the daughter of
"Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Stanley, of
Lucan, and the groom, the son
of Mr. Alex Colvin, of Loedon,
and the late airs.. Colvin. L9
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor-
lerigth gown of brocaded satin,
styled on princess lines and
featuring a sabrina neckline and
iilypoint sleeves. A coronet of
seed pearls held her fingertip
Miss Heenan was the thud Pines Revert Nursing Home, Di- veil and she carried. a cascade
reeled by Me, Ken Clarke, the of ,Johanna roses arid
eldest daughter of the late James
and Bridget Heenan. She lived all organist the young people never Sienharl°tis'
The beide was attended by her
sister, Mrs. G. A, Were, of
floekwocid, as matron of honor',
and Mrs. W. T. Townshand. of
London, as bridesmaid. Both
were gowned in . peacock blue
crystalcharm. Flower girls,
Wendy And Lynn Townehend,
wore tangerine crystal charm
-frocks. All attendants carried
Londe.cascades of roses, 'MUMS and
1 She also reported she had gardenias.
Mrs. Roy Schlueter called on made arrengements visit St. The geoomemati was William
Lucan friends last Thursday, and Nee and "St Peter's Church, TOwnsliend, end ushers were Mr.
took 12-year.old Ruth Frost back London, on Jan. 11, The rector Mare Stanley, of Ltican, and Mr.
h" life in the home where she salve, better. The ratter led in
died. Her only survivor is her the devotioes.
sister, Miss Nora Heenan. • 1 On returning to the Parish Hall,
Personal Items • i ti -re president, Marilyn Brownlee,
Mrs, Sheridan Revington, Mrs. presided. She reported that at
;John Park And Mrs, leek Lankin the- next meeting, Dec. 7, a film
last Thursday attended a tea at • would be shown,- to which the
McKiiinoe House, a house for tongeectatioe would be invited,
United Church university, stu• and that Tom Tonne' group
dents, on Richmond street north, . would be in charge,
to Drayton with her to spend the consented to tell a story at the
weekend with her girls. Christmas meeting, Dec. 21,
Mrs. 'Lloyd E. Bissell, of Lon. I A rousing sing -song was fa.
don, spent a few days with Mr. lowed by a Mittel:.
and Mrs, Murray Hodgins and
family. All spent Sunday in tiel.cle'E, fedt Pl1m1674:1
Guelph, Mts. Bissell', With Mr., Prior to her marriage, Miss
and Mrs. Fred dfish, and the Marie Stanley was guest of
ItOdgins family with Mr, and honor at four miscellaneous
Mrs. B. E. Hociglits. ish)wers, a dinner and a kitthen
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins enter- ' shower.
tained on Sundey with A birthday' Hostesees ineluded Mrs. Wit.
party for Mr. Hodgins and for , Hain Townshend, Mrs. S. W.
her son -1114w, Mr, If. A, Chown,l Jeffery, both of London, Mrs,
whose birthdays both come in Edward Antays, of Windsor,
the same Week. joint hostesses, Miss Jean litocig.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ttaskett 'ins and Mi AS NOWA' Marshall,
spent last Sunday ifl St. Thomas.I a Lucan (the shower being held
Pat son of Mrs. KV at the home of the former).
Egan, featured a hone in his l The bride...titers Aunt, Mrs, 14,
lel wrist at the arena 1ASI, Sat.' S. Stalliey. 1911tffaitikt With A
urday tight.
Gordon MeMellen, of London.
Mrs. C. W. Ilawkshaw, if
tatitaTI, played traditional wed.
cling MISIt, and ACentnpanied the.
soloist, Mrs. Jack Elson, also of
At a retention held at the
Armstrong Restaurant, Exciter,
the bride's mother received in a
gown of Dresden blue clod and
a corsage pink roses.
For a honeymoon trip to Mont,.
real ,and points east, the bride
donned a teal blue wool n.
semble with matching aCedS-
getteg, grey fur Jatket, and a
corsage of red tarnetifitle.
The htide is a graduate of Si.
Josenh's HosnifaI School of
Niiesing. London.
'the rouble will Maki their
Whiner and kitchen shower.. lititrie in Witidsor,
t, .111111111111111110,11IIIIIMIIII lllll III llllll
members for their .past support
'and expressed .his delight M. their
being returned with him for, an.
other term.
School lewd Chairman Ready
announced that a tive-reoin Add" -
Wm wilt be completed on t
and lie
school -by next :Sento
SeeondarY School Representative
Murray Hodgins toldthegather.
ing that a new high school on
Oxford street in London, would
be in operation then to relieve
overcrowding at IlledwaY.
Councillors airs, Gladys Reilly
and Charles Sovereign thanked
their supporters and expressed
a willingness to stand again.
"This year's council has accom-
plished more than has been done
in many years in. Lucan," sad
Councillor Roy Stanley. tin
thanked The Times -Advocate for
its contribution to the community.
"The editorials with their con-
structive criticism of our old
dump did much to spur us on to
rectify that situation," lie said.
Councillor Ivan }.learn an.
pounced that he would be taking
a dairyman's course .at Guelph,
and thus would be unable, to
qualify. However, he decided to
Postpone a definite decision until
the next day,
Other nominees expressed their
thanks ' t'o their supporters. ,
Officials for 1959 will be Reeve
C. H. Lewis, Councillors Gladys
Reilly, Roy H. Stanley, Charles
Sovereign, Ivan Hearn; school
board, Elizabeth Goddard, Clan.
.ence Haskett Murray liodgins,
(on the board also, with another
year of their terms to serve; are
J. B. Ready, C. B, Colbert and
Clare Stanley); .hydro commis-
sion,cottRuss Goddard' and Alan
l ll lllll llll l I llll lllllll l llllllllllll llllll
End -Of -Month
Women's Blouses
a Fall styles in
S1ZCS 12 to 18
Reg. $1.98
. to $2.98 •
1.59 -2.39
Flannelette Blankets
All First QualityESsiazueL A890:$907.5:04.,
Size 70x90
6 4
4 •
Tots' Snow Suits
25% Off Regular Prices
Regular .$8.98 to $12.98
6.69 to 10.39
Men's Gift Ties
Values $1.00 and $1.25
SALE 79,
Lucan Dry Goods
S;S: CC;;;.: CELECT-10'i; o.r
Pe r so
4 _