HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-27, Page 17;
1 .1
, •
Talk Of The Town Election„
Comment; About
Afr. and Airs. joint. Wallace-
-and Debbie visited, -on SundaY
with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wal•
lace, Carlingford.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 13, Abbiss. SUCCEEDING INSERTION
Th. Thnes,Adyocets, Noyemb, 7, i98 ?-41.
y Cup, lass! le
25 words or loss 7Qc
More Than 2S Words
2r Per Word
200 OFF
acl paid with order or by
Saturday fellewing the last
Ocorgetown, spent the wee end Mora thqn WPrOS
War Per Word
Semi-Piaplay Classifieds first van'. tine soon. A (so c,01,,,
(Restricted to one column) phone 54 Dash wood,
with. her Parents, Mr, and Airs.
Harold Carey.
Misses Margaret and Eleanor
Boa, Cliisclhurst, .visited on Sat-
urday with Miss Alice Walker,
Miss Olive. Spear, accom-
panied by Mrs. Gerald Carey and.
Mrs. F. Taylor, motored to To
COAT, mouton, large stele. 110CSES--New hotter* Riveted in
oeeellent -C.0111.1.11-10)1. 0411 after 6 lexet cr. 2 or 2 "bedeooine. land -
p.m., Exeter Den. irire licaPed, mortgage arranged Also
, lo iv .cost homes for rent or sale.
Y111.1.011• FORMAL, size I.1 green After small (IOWA pa:, me nt let
formal anti mauve formai. size yonc rent be payment on your
a1II.'III. be seen at (ileum. own home. Apply .111 11•11 Ilsot It '
ere. 2027:41' contractor; EX eter, phone 1s6-51.
I ..)
1.4111-1-1Y" reasoimbir
•phow, 16..11-1 Dash w 10n. ortee, Apply Tont Walker. lo
XelSOn i31.•• EXeter, phone 553. i
' • " rase, reaeonab le. i 10:ain fe •
l'hone 2,16 th.f IPr.
11111) .10,11S, carpentering. painting .
kW, Pitotte leXeter 40 . 5:1st fu
, . .. .. Tow.iship Of H,
, Nomination ir,,,. „Election
,.. . .. ....
1.t.n.,..F; t•siTt.:1) SI ales au! rim" Mitt in °not lee Is IteeehY given
ailien 512tnufact urine Compel** re- it t 'l . .
lieart ti.:144111nInnitP1 1.vd. Ifil'e,('71): P3peall ttl::: I Pa g in hNfet'• in1;:. , II:as::;aThiel° Al onittuelli.riii:a, :11A9,'1,'‘.*
, teplicii and Cehoritc Towne1111/8. Imo,. „,,/ Ii. u• 0 t. (it chant cr. 256,
Guaranteed repeat business. .1 Mo. ,,,, n 1, m ine (If the elemni.s of tire
coamr.lbuifteng estithean„tkiax11..011.4..nadrieltlitlot sutra! .0,1... Ha y Ii III lie lipid in tiip Town.
( c'r Mu oleIrialit V of Ill o Townston or
portant, sales training' I'll"n• slip Ilan in the Village of Zurich
IleplY to Dux 51, 1.,ondon, Ontario,
II 'L "4.1 •
rinated, ayeettga Moo Ilm. oatTY- i
4 ornir.At 11EllreiellS, .gooti. var.- 1 .
WA C. Pearce [NOTICES— ' ' / at 1 he hour ft oin one 1. i:le.lifitt.15115S:,,,I;hait.:ocai c•;,..,sartt;1 e made
'TREASURER'S SALE :oPnloy Reeve nod Couneillnrs foi
nominating canaille tea for ileevP. I ' ' '
! sr.fling. will start at 1021 p.m,
Corporation of the AUCTION SALg
,twart The. tin ( inolliecla Finhbeiner).
i tile TOW11811ip a tiny for the '.'at / " The property of 1114 late Tara.
:0 wi,m(st,p9 rms. S weeks 0 hi. , 86 Anne St. Exeter *Phone 435 ; • 1959 'tutu for 2. Tr11Ft ern for the t
Apply ,I• 1*. Deiong, Phone AC X- 2- Diiii) buck collage, wired for I,
2Te range, Ilepieee bath, oil flAra4Cei 1 COMILY of Finn -on for 1950 and 1 tom,
I 08f91.0Ree:hlojEdstagtfefeacnt:.
mrts. lift:11R 3 (IN ES.
. Hay' 'To wnehip Sehool Area Hoard '
ac a e liberal te • ".• When a Premise:ell 0;01111,1a te is ' 1:111 FINEBEINE11,
Lamberink, 193 Sinleoe St,. Ex* . nace, hot "water heat, flail 1).11'11. : Ity the Via rdeo of the County of • , ss ' • - " 3
Mee. 27* lovely kitchen, 'Id lied well; Ce n - i Enron tinder his hand and the wr„ in„ 8,,,„ed by the i,,.111)05010, A r P ' MM. 3-T. SMITH'.
nit atm en there I to P ..' i 11 e n i• P ill ,
. .
HEL,,P WANTED FEMALE---- 3 Avendert" heds, 'Springs and matte
6 eitairs; 'writing desk,. ;boolsraft6111
• - • " ' " , ,reeses; tease re; sta 11087 'Weel,Te•
YOCNG 1..111Y, to erk with film ; rote: 4 rneittnx; chairs, . ,eentri
r.rranting unit travelling a'050 taith pedestal: electric 30.211 -pail
Canada. good age. steady P.„.111" flay' cushions, a tut s.
ploy ment. ago 211-2% Write 640x 111/41/6 owl ru-s: pillons. 9 x11 cost,
'tr., Times -Ads ova t e. „ goleutit rtig;°dIto therm oil stove,
30,5'12' ," lihe new: china cabinet; eloolel
, mirrors: good eon% eta% o ; 1106
BABY CHICKS— guilts: 18.0111711 cleaner;
bureau: fl'amest antique
laMps: candle holders; silver
P it FulIBMEN 110111 ed !lone biscuit holder: tot of cook.
ttuant PLY, Itray ("MTV"; Wu^ mg, ut ',netts anal kitchen dielleSI
pose innlete„Aleo Autos eat -week spaters with fruit; A or •6 cord.
pullets available,n y n Id an split stove wnogl: Inn hard coal.
order. Doak la nitary - • Et cry article mold In highest
jerfs11PrS III1W. I'.ru- Pal's' hid Pr. No, resort, e. ihlany other
redden, phone 246.W. Exeter. 27c nets; P1181100113 iIP1n41.
bales 1111..‘e(i hay, Al ally Weill. !
First Insertion $1.40 Per Inch
Subsequent Insertions
$1.25 Per Inch
Minimum 1"
rent() on Thursday, and attended
the funeral of the late Air, James Classified ads accepted up till
Kerr on FriclaY. Wednesday noon. Auction sale
i• • • •
Linda Currie, daughter of Mr. copy should be in Tuesday at in Mardi. .i mite north of crech. IYLD oil burning fur- " MT date of the 12th day of A
look, titni. for the poi -pose of , known ort clay of sale.
11.1(1,1.1.,TC111 .
orituln SED 8N—ApplY Job n 3-10.11,i 'I -storey veneereel, oll ettr• Ily virtue of a waren lit issued as” Jr( s`
,t, his Nom in:it ion Pripet in the 4V-PelliOrS
11111 t V1141 1 14,1 thorn is VILLAtIE Ole IIENSAI,I,
I ItDA V ".01 Auctioneer
tt a lint. i seal of the said enrpore t ion bear- - ',.•
et 1200 Pim.
COW, earrying seeond calf line c andidat e Ain rfsfa ((tory no tine 110- .
and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Porches- noon, .ning.s.
ton. Phone ,,1-11-11. t red 1.011, e.,‘, ...E.:, , iarge lot'; Centralia.
' • ' i tavis In the County of Dor u. ,
ter, spent the weekend with her I 2 -STORE 17 1.10Clen, nicely Ritual^ will be held a t my o ff we at it
grandParents. Mi and Mrs. Otto poR sALE__.
Dense on t I tl 1 .• of perm)
; liner of 2.00 p.m. in the Colt
; 6 1VEANER pin S. good, 7 weeks ed, with f u :mace and bath, mei-
: old. Also 2 short -haired tey pitp8, , derat eiY Priced.
1 Crediton, Phone 7.7n
' 1 , Imre us -ate,' pressure garage, gust sale of lands, In arrears of "nil"' Officer drat be eellSeniS . REA,T, 1.11 -7.1 -ATE. Coneiet et of 11s•
nn to be so nominated.
le In veer( a poll is demanded. leitgth basement., furnace; also ,
et polls will be opened on: Aloe ble garage. ^ ( • *I
Ai niaNt ITe ASYe'it einet.CIEioNli 11Bne,(ERsit81.111i9,3;8.. a. Trj::e12'11..841 ( 14.1111..1. 1 Pit t s au,ulhc tp rte‘-' 1 Qf Valuable Real Estate,
,.... bpdroonl!''.3ei 41,1t,srt.s. 15a1r4e el 1 oinPol tel9se 1 it iffeaN"c(:t1 n ( ea 1 ii 'j
Pail) 11) go. Mrs, D. :Mold lee, •
- ' "ill" furtlitee. 1-Pleee bath PP' hereby gi‘ en tiler the list 01 SiOrIS nf the Township as follows; , t ionsly to sale dale. /
Y.P.S. DRAIN TILE ( entrant!.
The Y.P.S. meeting was held ; inch ; 55 per 111 Perri
In the basement of the church pa 7, inch FA per AI fled
110 per AI Dei'd
14.1 per Al Del el 0FFIer, pmvse. Head. reom lionse, part basement, _3-
175 per at lie,
Scripturequarters for Royal typewriters, l 2Sha ',al des' ISsedei;
We have several farmsF."1"“
Victor adding machines. WA can • -• • •
save you money/ Exeter Times -
Advocate., phone 770. 27tfo
EArtr., PARSONS, Phone 507
Sundae evening with the prest- p2.11
dent, Alex Meikle, presiding. The v bqcc;
Scripture lesson was read by T's, T's and Elbows In Stock
MOrld Scott, and Alice Sorsdahl prices for 111" 12" and 14"
led in prayer. The secretary's on flequest'
rePOrt was read by Alice Sors-
I - piere a ; could be duplexed ; lands fn r sale for arrears or 1 --Sehool House No. 2; Perry (*0-,NTENTS: West logbonee frig. ,
/Auto, Restaurant Equipment
Pont act ilarves. 1.0P1iPPY, '.1.'hei2- mediate possession.
PERO C VITROTS, $12 per toll. " horn ; lienb onset extra. lots: lin- i taxes was published in the 011- Campbell. D.R.O.; Lorne Chap- 0 11104 IIP • VO1P1110.11 I -I
3o:.tuc lark, rhretto on the h f
tf rl PP 5 " h E f
• • 2, n PI k.
COM 5'0.11'.1•ABL fe. compaet 1 -bed. September 1'115 d 1.1 t e ' with. cm en • 3-plere clieet erfield 1
The Bible study was led by LIMITED lltin
.1 PARTMENT, four large, bright
Rcv. S. Kerr, lelginfield Phone 191 Luea.n rooms, partly furnished, heat.
; 1r, and Airs. Lloyd Sorsdahl light, bath, hot and cold 'water,
In 'WE kNli•11. 'PIGS— epply Georgie central 1 e o
an.I Connie, vielied On Sunday Kellett: hit. 3' l'ex'ete'r.' ' 27e session, inipaastni nrat.blejnirt)ilesndti.ateadullint4,24-.
will their daughter and son -in- cal RV?, available, 343 Andrew St.,
Is w, Mr. and Irs. John Chessell, rr''''N'e''Fi PC)STS' -n ,c
dry cedar; also Exeter,
anehor posts. ApPIY Baird 11us
in Mitchell. sell, R.11., 3 KInen rfill1P. 2.(1:21.1.1'
PAlft .tk:a.Torei.ENAIP 1 yfurnished,10iili ropnr I vsatt.p.
'mrs. T. L. Scott was guest
spcaker at the Thankoffering
meeting of the Woman's Mission-
-ary Society of Caven Church,
Exeter, on Monday $vening.
The following quotation is
.wortb thinkine about, says
Charlie Smith, B M Manager,
Exeter; "Much has been written
on tuccess; but I find that there
is one simple unfailing rule for
it, Heed the advice of the great
aid successful men, everywhere,
and you will not go far before
you, find this admonition: Save
motley! It runs through and is
the bottom of all that is re-
cor.led about success. As a mat-
ter of fact it is, the one rule
;necessary to success, for follow-
ing it brings all the other re-
quirements. The man who saves
will soon become industrious, in-
telligent, alert—even if he was
not so' at first. So remember
that the one single and funda-
mental rule for sucess is .'Save
Money!' " (Harold Thorpe),
The Last Name
On Your
• Ballot
Need ca$h for
Christmas . . . ?
Open Mon. & Wed. Nights
Office Opposite Post Office
Large, Furnace
, • •
CLA.rtzkali.:CLA 26"
All Steel
Air Condit ion' ng
- Coal , or Wood
Suitable for church, school, hall
or large home,
'Very reasonable in price.
Can be seen in operation.
('opt act
27:4c FRAME HOPS el, 7-ronm, in Dash -
Wood, in good repair. 'Priced to
APPW Wally Wein, Dash-
?, 'MEN'S WENTE11. COATS, sleet! weed 5 t, 2T:4,
40-14. la test style, excellent con-
dition. For a real. bargain, call
Exeter 990 a ft er 6 p.m. , 2Te
Miscellaneous items
lenity tolirefirspaid list may be had at ' '. +tea art Pell lleslilenee. Lot : Suite; 2-beilrooni Suites, beds: a- ,
ti, can, a; Hugh 51eblaien, 11.11.0.; i piece dining rooin suite; combine- I
On the Premises,
Biome I:m*111er, Poll Clerk.
The adjourned sale, if neree. ' tinn "ak (-ace and "Msg. desk: Put of Lot 20, .South BOUndari
vanity; sewing' Pa
no the 16th day of Decem- tier'k.'
saes', will he held at the above r1:?;w11001'1!,70",;‘ L.(urzr!'rus`,1BrIfolli • s,„Zlinif;.f. : "1).011:Iraqi:: 011PAT.: inching:. .(
leer, 11355. l isrthnSeilisi loadbdlees•halerisii:1 wticallisdsess:"71sVa, • Nigh way se,Antes East 0;
FRED COLE, Photic 544 -ft Treaeurer's Office this 13th day
I • S'
le in • ecater ma ts; rug ; tone; • .
rio,„ er5)lassrav ioneer
e:4tfc of August, MS. n.41.6.T.,, 1i:11,ov nieia .1.).1.:10p;‘.11,10,1011 lamps; rilight lamp: cut glass
(signed) .7. G. Berry, fi--Sehool X^. 12; I-IA.10n Pillows( hPthrillg; 1./11"8: e'l( instrueted to sell bY public Rue.
Plets,Strer ' Tritroll enmer, n. Ito.; ci ford
Iii;j11;;; velllinreetwaftife: "ITV . isn ss „ ,
Roam APAP(TMENT, heated,
private. bath, with hot water;
ed e possession, Apply At -t -
field's General Store, phone 05
Creel Itoh. , 27e ,
APARTMENT. -available 'nevem,-
her 15. Simmons Apartments,' •
phone 280-M, or 873-W after 5
T: N S FT r4 17,1 APA 'PATENT, 3
remote with bath, upstairs, sepa•
rale en t ramie. Apply 257 ' Huron
St. West, phone 192,
-. •
TORE HOG, 200 lbe, servieeable
age, Apply to Gladwyn Hooper,
11.11. 6 St. Marys Ont., phone
115-11-21, • 27nr
Used Articles
For Sale
• Gibseen Air Conditioner,
11. -too capacity •
• Whlrl-AwaY Egg Washor
• Beach 36" 'White Popane Range
• Jewel Coat Range
• 26' Extension Ladder
• Automatic Poultry Waterer
Phone 168-j-2 '
with arch top, pick-up, volume
and tone control, Apply 173
Marlborough St,
James Kerr, 74
Veteran Of War
monmr,,N HOCS:F1 in Exeter, close
to schools, Three bedrooms. d I.:l-
ino' room, largo kitchen, tying
room with fireplace slid com-
pletely finished recrea Lion room
with fireplace. :Many extras, in-
cluding ' one -car garage,
$5,e00 buys a 1 -bedroom instti
brick house with basement. In
WANTED— very good condition and well 10 -
rated in Exeter,
Good Location
Low Rental
Established Business
Ideal For Class "A"
Mechanic or Car Dealer
hold 6......Kai iii.li,, r? (input her; Sidney Baker,
rtn Rogers Ilene. silvewareit.tia,r11181,70. !, 11:7),,,,,.`,1.F:.elr2704..,c1:7.1,f Fsrthasintirrigk.‘1:1140......
Poll ('beck, l, silver . spoons.; silt PPAVA re. 11- ,
twines, elneks, ornaments: e A1,1 AFir,s RE A T., , . t
, !imiripra: love seat: trunks; hooka, Consist a of ._ „t 0„, Lot ti,„,0„.ti,
AlcAllist er, D.n.o.; Glen Weida,
7*-Stillo°1 liol'” 'Ne-). 3; ja3. ''' pletures; toilet sets; bird eages; : Boundary, ,f0"'t•y„h`ippi" Nay,
'''' 4
• earpenter tools: e stepladders:
I will he in 1 he Town Hall on Poll Clerk. , . acre of land on which is situated
the (la tee and tilleing the 11011ra 5. --Jas. ,11-nsse Dwelling; F. • Du- ; stenianicle-rs: garden tools; whnter see I.: a 2-stnre'y white, brick throning.
listed below fee the collection of charms', D.R.0.: led teerriyeaa.11,8erow.and,r..articles too
taxes for the Town of Exeter. Poll (leek, elltapinn. fl.untoicitcioneAsollsn, of living
Please arranget to make :payment
flfl n P before these dates to avoid seta unite will he kept 0„n i numerouslitlsj toi mention,l;i)a11101 Estate dining room and bedroom. Second
Friday, November 21, ointoe c p.m, ED COIIBETT., Anetioneer sfiltoroer, system,
Friday, 5...PiPj'"all"
. Sa JP f) 4
from nine o'clock a.m. until five i m. Large basement and preSe
H. W. 71110TeENSIIIRE, 270 'Phis home Is completely re.
700 - 900 p.m.
modeled, nicely situated, and .,in
Returning Of firer
Saturday, November 39 AUCTION SALE all-around new stare of repair,
L10 - 5:00 and 7:30 - 0;00 Dated at Zurich, Ont., iN3o::Ivo. :2171c,,
Of Real. Estate & Chattels ''''.'"*.b' s""rmelr by i"sP"fills
this property. before, sale date.
Tax Collector
11:2(1:27c 19:;8. . public :motion in the ACTO--19511 Dodge coach, blue
TENDERS— I hate rpeeiv NI ingl rile( limit T4Ins of feat Estate: inc..; on
from the executors to sell by day of sale. Balance. in 10 days.
PARCEL OF LAND .. vird,,AnAinalnops•ifn,nEr)pros in color. -radio, seat rovers and
. snow tires; in guaranteed eondie •
Township of Stephen ,,,,ror i r;Pos a icicifi Irtil,t.i•iid 'ITV Penitent ion ed.
Tenders will he rPPP II ZI.) atNo•101111e. tSh•Ver I follow111.rtt111.1,1g0:1411L'ir:kr1104:artrpfT, toss , ntiontn.DTreovihoeuseilyffersedd.day of sale ' et
/ 'Extra large list of 'Restaurant
Al on (ley, Deetember. 1, for the fol.
ar Financial Assistance ProvidedREAL Esr.r.vrE: 9-storer brick ' linen ipm lent and Household Ef.
for Qualified Person Nomination & Election lowing parotid of, land,
house, inhae
Apply the Township of Stephen will be " vont aining il•-'a aPrPS of bush land
that a meeting of the pleetors r,f ! li In the
held in the Town Hall, Crediton, • with some trees of a size to be
Public not lent Is hereby given Semi li Its if of Lot 22, Coneessien 1 -piece„
Pert of the North half of -the
Township of Stephen, good! nal -n.1 167(30, setts hie for
school.ra 's : i Solds'151Psubject 1citolii‘::e.s besideoiabl e
grid plenty ;•11,dwaritlenrri / .PT".0s61111S; Cash. week's iss"e'
g a - ii: .(.;, oq‘'‘haen .(734iti:st ,e
In next '
ilct.fm,sthBe, late' Norma
W. G. COCII'n..vsfe. reserve bid.
CHA.TTELS; Dining rout table, I
CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. on ;cut for timber. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer
Box 34, Second Si,,ondon MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1958 i
, I Barrister & Solicitor.
at 1110 oielnek in the aft ernoon, Box 'loll,
rPreiVing' nominal ions for Rem- c,I
f n I. the purpoee of mak lag and ' Exeter, Ontario. 1,0 : .27"c Cgeti1C.C.C.fisilig.C.CRACCOIC.C.CriMfgfr.lfg.0610
24:4c also for Trustees of the Township
Demi t y - Reece, Couneilmen and '
1. -hoot rieo7ipirn;fnd1-,eri:iilnonl,sti
C,.12, 14 and 16, three to be elect- I
oz).k.r., 4, wool) 31:13ApNytt_Ap.ply (.1"iicacill.ttrilostlftial:pritrilliz.173)eventrTio°pI,.: :A:ft more.can-efitii jaPal:11-. i in jTSofit';11c:s;AeLrF17'Ernf)-0(1 te:T•stlErPI Supply(Finasarain14.P sendorsedsi end.
S. Deeistra, 3 miles east of Cen. IfYlsg. • -I” any Sari'l°111" office stallat ion of a Post Off iee Screen-
tralia. ... than requitied to he elected, the line, Hensel], Out arlo" will be re -
pt neeedings will be adjourned to , volved in the office of the Dist-
Accorwrox, good, used, 120 MONDAY, DECEMBER 1,19-8 IriPt :"2"4."' Pr°""tY and R"ild-
a i 1 11 .67 -Management Braoch, Depart -
Telephone Goderich 1330
810.5,00 for a 1011 acre. farm, C4ond
brick house and barn. Some
mortgaging can be at•ranseed.
69,000—Fifty S.Cre farm of which
20 acres Is muck land suitable
for market gardening. A very
good 1 -bedroom house with oil
1)051. and a good barn. Another
82,0110 will buy all the equipment
needed to operate this farm.
Terms can be arranged.
"MN UrflJ6E
Eepresent ing L, COSI* :Realtor
534 'Main Street, Exeter
Phone 663
FA 1151-10n acres. Quite modern
barn with fine home. Water
Pressure a!, Aeons in barn and
house. A lot of machinery which
could he bought with farm. Large
Alio. Possession as arranged. Near
FARM -100 aeres. Fine home and
Mr. James Kerr, who was a good barns, Near Exeter,
respected resident of Cromarty FAB:W-100 acres. Modern equip -
tor the past 27 years, died in I pert house, tion. Best of and. barns. In good, lo.
South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on ,eoland, Would like
I to' sell .imm
pleenta and any live -
Wednesday, after a short illness, !stock Wanted by buyer.
in his 75th year.
His early life was spent in
Toronto, and he was a veteran of
the first world. war, '
He is survived by four brothers,.
two in Toronto, and two' in U.S.A.
The remains were removed to
Toronto where a funeral service
was held from St. Patrick's
Church on Friday "morning,
Interment took place in Mount
Hope cemetery, Toronto.
Pays Tuition
— Continued From Page 16
education of Canada's intelligent
youth. Although it will help to
relieve the financial burden of (aNei„,7-RnArl.kkte--;wPil located hsrlit'i
the university student, I
A will not N'ett12-drilled-htctlil;ht and
release him from the responsi- equipment. Extra lots Va1117113?
bilities or labors of obtaining a Prl" ;4,500'91
0' Terms' Quick 71)°:6so-
degree. Now, with such a tempt-
ing goal beforeTo buy or sell, see C. V
them, all grade PICKARD, 'Realtor, and General
13 students should aim for an theme:thee, 194 Alain St. Exeter,
average of 75 per cent. phone 165 and 628, 6:5tfe
A lot of other properties in this
section. Would like to meet pros-
pective buyers and sellers. Phone
1 or write Morley Wass, Granton,
agent for R. R.Harris, London.
C. V. Pickard
EN ET el It
We have clients wishing- to pur-
chase Exeter homes. If you wish
to sell, see us.
We are offering the following -
and other properties: „
p,rxr+ALow, 1 -bed room. excell-
ent location, elose to schools and
business section, full basement,
hot air f unmet:, garage. Reason-
able price with, terms. . 10:30c
ote For Da
I know him better than anyone else and I think he'll
make a dandy mayor for Exeter • . . LET'S ELECT HIM1
Vote As You Like
-Phone 459 Exeter
ttsaa; typewriter; toboggan; also .
„.ned and coal rook st.pre. web, 1....1 an emits shall be opened from merit of Public( Worke. 165 Yrinp.,•A
Box "W", Times -Advocate. 21. .1 o'clock a.m. until 6 &di. emp.m. 1 ti:treet. Toronto. Ontario, until
' at the following' places with the 4:00 p.m.. nevem her 15, 1056,
1-4L.E.crfun Trt.".2,__Ple„, 1,1"., itilderillPilliOned officers in charge Plans and,•or Speei Nee Dons tan
names and address at The Times- as fixed by township by-law v le: i he Scott and nbtained at. the of-
fice of the District Manager, at
Ad voeat e. .7:4, 1—Library norms, Lot 265, Con.
the Above-mentioned address. ol'
1* Gordon Wilson, D.11,0.; na.lph at the office of the Caretaker at
Unites, Poll Clerk,
Post wive, Hensel', Ontario, The
2—Prank 'Mohr) er's 'Kitchen, Lot Interest or an v tender not neces-
ANYONE wishing' to. have their
barns or henhouses white washed
call Bill Wat soh. Phone 07-r-19
Dashweod. Also grain or corn
sp ray i it g, . ruffle.
down or disabled horses and
cows. Dead stock at vatue. Call
peomptly; 7 -day week service, -
Call Ed Andrews, Collect, 851-11-
11 Sea f orth. 9:25-1:1
21, Con. 2; P1 -pet on :Dearing
P.11,0.; Frank TrIehner, Pol
3---Weneel's Barber Shop, expel -
lion : William -nest D.R.0.;
Aaron Wein, Poll Clerk,
4-T1-111.12 ((all, T.ot Ill, roil, 7;
Alvin Baker. D 11.0.; Russel Fink -
better, Poll Clerk.
--ft' rtourk e's Lot 10,
Con. 12: Gern Id O'Rourke, D.R.0,;
be Itegler, Poll Clerk.
6—CI net Iloome. Lot 94 ("on
sadly Secepte'd,
T' RI•Al ENT or
runr.io, wortf:S.
W. T. m•TI-flyIrtFono,
District Manager.
'Property & Building
his nagemen t Branch.
Toronto, November 21, 1055,
io OR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- N.B.; Otto W Wert, D.R.O.; Ches-
VON service or more In forma- lee (Miser, Poll Clerk. NOTICES TO CREDITORS
tion, telephone the 1Vaterloo Cet-
i] Breeding. Association collect at onu,
7S we item( Te itehen. Lot • 10.
Clinton . HU 2-1441 between 7:30 Iteas Ley,. Pell clerk.
17; Art Pink beiner, D.R..0.; In the. Estate of
and 9:30 a.m. week days, 6 and William Blair,
for service on Sunday. in S.11 : 'Mansell 1 -lint --ins D.R.O.:
e--Pollrieles Store. T.ot 4e. Con.
5 pm, on Saturdays, Do not call
heat on Sunday can he Cows in
Win lam Hicks Poll Clerk,
sled sat isfaetonly on Monday,
We supply service to top quality
hulls of the .Holst ein, Jersey,
Ayrshire, O•uernsey, Brown Swiss,
Red Poll, Hereford (pollen! and
norned), Beef Shorthorn (polled
mod honied), and Dual Purpose
Shorthorn, Angus end Che rola is
breeds. The. Cost it low. 7;241In
FILMS DEVELOPED in 46 hotuts.
Exetee agent — Russell Electric;
HOnsall agent — Fink Plumbing
& Heating, Prompt Photo fintett-
ing. • 5;21.10;11,
Nursing Home
Invalids and chron Malty ill per-
sons rated for its Warn], pleasant
:Recently renovated 'home,
New hospital beds ready 'Dec, 1
:MRS. ROTH', Reg. N.
30 Sanders St., Exeter
9—William Deeja reline. Tot 4All p e r s o n s having claims
Con. A,: Georgie Wa1per. D.R.O.;
' '' against the estate. of William
111;111.,late of the Village of ('en -
Cecil Desjardine, Poll Clerk. Ira lia, in the Connty of Huron.
And all electors are hereby re- Gent !ennui, dereased, tom died On
quested lo govern themselves at:- or about the 4th dat' of October
3.A'ArNtmening ()Hs MAWITINNirer by the 20th clay of November
Crediton, Ont., November 4, inss '197,s, aft.). millet, dale the estat
1321c will be distributed having regard
only to those claims of which
notice has been received.
Bell & Laughton
&inciters for the Executor,
Exeter, Ontario.
11 :20;27c
Public no t lee is heredity given
that, a meeting of the electors of wee iii(tre efie“/AV
AA1ISTAAVPA*ti111.1AVilitilift "1417.1,A1AtIOIACIt./P).• In%
the Town ot :KxPter 1)e held ViiI.FiaPilfilfilriafWarilViltri17:1711T,PUtil.f/raril5eUrilVWCOilrinnVatilri‘fril.V.rilFigaitifilY,
in the Town ITall on
between the hours of 7:10 O'clock
and 5:10 oieloek lo flip ,evening
for the purpose of inalchig and re -
are required to file portico -
tars of snore with hell & Laugh-
ton, Solicitors of 'Exeter, Ontario,
Town Of Exeter
Nomination & Election
vetoing nom Inn t Ions for 5laynr,
Reeve, Dept' t Reeve and eIx
Council loes for the year 1959 and
for one Pit bile l't [Mee Commie-
sioner for the years 1059 and 1080
eni for three members of the
Public School Board for the years
1910 and 196e.
Anil further Ithi 1CP Is hereby
giVen that Iii PVP11V of more ran -
Man tee being proposed and ttah-
fill' any Partiettler office -
SEPTIC 'PANES ptIMPed, than req lifted to be elected, an
late servite. :Butler lei he 1
"1"1"1" election wl it he held
phone 110.1V or 10q, 111:2-11;27*
WASHING NIACITT'S rota teed, it nolle ;than be Opened 'front
new and old, Phone 354-1V Exeter 9 o'clock a.m. until A n'yineln o. to.
or apply maul Sass, 66 at i he fni In wing plaepe tu itli tile
St. North. 27* underment.ioneti officers in charge
,as fixed by ton n by-law:
YOt'hI CtItlioi'ht&d &inlet' for 'Polling Sit it- Divielon NO. 1-5 •
Viking Electric Senara toile end at showrooms of Feed NPwion,
Apply Brien (/' 11On els 0, Alain Street; e is r g e, Lewson,
l'ilaewstall'll and Welding- Shoo. D.11.0.; Vera Itnwe, Poll Clerk, 2
Bettrefield. t7' petting sub -Division No 1-11 • •
SlIOW1`001I18 of vrica Ne et• nn,
WOC1,11 TAT: (e; to inurePA 111e blelim „Street; i'llarleS '510tit Pith,
from gravy with horses, rea - D.1t.O.T Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk.
able rates, Phone 500-51-1 Exeter, roiling sj .1) !vim jou Nr,,,
211°t 'Town halt, Alain Street.. Asn
• • renhitle, 1).11.0.; (11APP. '
PERSONAL— Poll I 'trek.
Polling Snit.Divieion No. 2.T1 • .
Wily plenty; 01,13? Feel years 111111, Main Street ; Erie
younger. ost rex Tunic; Tablet f'firSPIXIMPth 1/.1t,().; Sint.:
revitailze thoussnds Dam 40, only limits. roll Clerk'.
doe, At all druggiets. temit No, 1..\ •
(11011 tIc N ill gill's reanienee,
STRAY '1D— NI Mit Street ; Saritlt LAMA II it.87.;
Grace McKnight, Poll clerk.
Porting Suh,,luvicon No,
at Glen hi n; K trigittee rot Melte
Alain Street; 1VIIIInto A1118011,
lb. fin.;tole teal -it. lisil ('lock.
It Should be 'noted nisi lieu a.
mammon eandlelittei IS 110f yirtacat
.At t nominal Inn meeting, It1t4
nonttnnt fon paper 1% III not he
taltd unless thetre iii M*1(10111.0
,saiieto ory to (Its rot wen in er or -
tied' that the prOpneed candidate
co101e11t9 to be so nominated,
And all elootors are hereby re.
(meet eel to gc‘crit thelittoiN, et ac.
I 1 IMPT.Ins, 2 rod with is -lull p
fare, 1 black with whit e f noA,
?Mtn tot 10', SW, Benntlary,
ho elm 'Tonmship Invitee 41- r.3
Eirtkon. Owner they Int e an tin'
by proving' proDrty and tuwittg
for expenses. 1322t1:272t
15, l'en. 5„ Ceb erne Town eh fp.
Other may have Mune by paying
.oNlIonse.a, Call Roy (Iowa
leirk ten, 28*
ANG" IIIP1111, ton voars
old, frontto! 20, voncossion
r•;:tel Ont., Ntivelliiier 12. 10.5A.
'wit reek/Mtg./6 .itintlir NI.▪ , et.,AllEN014 ricx.Ant),
iptiont S20.4.4. 20.141,,t, tee 010"*O*00*0*001* ff'0*1040 0 0 0*fr0 "tri 0"rP0 Ao0 frePPOr CO'0'
a it 4 A A A0A AA A A AA it it it A 4 'A A WA it il Ailitit it A a iv
Prank Triebtert Lletcr 11 Returning officer,
Easiest step you can take to successful. gift giving . . . choose slippers for
one and ail. Our selection includes handsome slippers for men . . . glamorous
slippers for the ladies . cute 1n1 comfortable slippers for the. kids. Come
in and select now for a wonderful Christmas for one and all.
, All the family like the foot comfort and good looks that conic with slippers
for Christmas. We have the right SiZ3S, styles and colours for Mon.), Dad
and the children, Colne in and select now! COUPONS given with every our.
chase in the store, Be sure you get in on the giant CHRISTMAS JACKPOT
offered by Exeter Merchants.
Smyth's Shoe Store
014ON.E 174. Mih Strc't EXETER