HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-27, Page 13RESERVE -CHAMPION AT ROYAL --, Old Orchard Lord Verne 24L, owned by Whitney Coates and Son, R.R, 1 Centralia, won the reserve grand championship in the Hereford class at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto,- last week, The win climaxed the best showing yet made by the Usborne breeders since they began entering at the Royal three years ago, Earlier this year, Lord Verne won the grand championship at Western Fair, London, —Jim Rose CO-OP'S BIGG4ST YEAR—Most successful year in its history was celebrated Tuesday night by members of Exeter District Co-operative at the annual banquet in the Legion Hall. Guest speaker was Aldan McLean, Muirkirk, president of the United Co-opera- tives of Ontario. He's seen above talking to Arnold Cann, director; Albert Keyes, president, and Wellington Haist, director, of the local co-op. Mr. Cann and: Mr.' Heist were elected the same evening. —T -A. Photo Feldman Comments Second Section EXETER, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 27, 1958 Pogo Thirteen Wins In serve Grand Honors oyal Fair Hereford ,Show Co -op Approve S IC) ivides+ At.er Best Yea y tin Histor First patronage dividend in 10 years was approved by mem- bers at the annual meeting of Exeter District Co - operative Tuesday night after they learned the past year has been the most successful in the organization's history. A three per cent dividend was declared on purchases for the past year and the 1945 deferred patronage loan will be paid in cash. • "This past year, the co-op- erative has shown the most prog- ress in its history," said presi- dent Albert Keyes in his report to a record crowd of 225 at the meeting. "Sales have reached an all- time high of $283,000, a gain of $42,000 over one year ago," he continued. A net savings of five per cent, or $14,255, was "very encouraging as to the future po- tential" of the co-operative. The past year's record-break- ing operation continues the growth which the co-operative has experienced . since 1954, In five years, its total, sales have doubled and its net savings have increased 11 -fold Manager Ken Horn comment- ed: "The past year has indeed been an important one for the Co-op, Its success has only been made possible by the continued patronage and support of its members and customers who have stuck with it during the difficult period of the last few years." Forums, Hold Review Night Monday night was review night for Farm Forums when some met for discussion, or for a social evening, and some did not meet at all, Parr Line Forum. Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home :of` Mr. and Mrs. How - and Adkins with a good atter- e + "Surpluses," dance. discussion was on • hStill Ape p �'ro e+� By .1. CARL HEMINGWAY The following was Copied from the "Wheat Pool Budget", Nov. 14, 1958: "Agriculture Minister Harkness—moved from farms anal;delivered has predicted that for the first to elevators in the current crop time in several years, all sur- year. • plus prairie wheat may be re- "According to estimates, 204 million bushels of wheat remain- ed on farms last July 31. Produc- tion amounted to 342 , million bushels this fall, giving total supply of 545 million bushels. After allowing for seed and feed it shouldbe possible to needs, s o p b deliver the balance, he predicted. Last. year, prairie marketing of wheat totalled 387 million bush- els." Seems to me I r• emember some- one agricultural one sa in ha saying "surplusses" have ,a strange way of dissappearing. • My memory isn't too accurate when I have to go back over ten years but I think it was 1946 that we had our last poor crop in this area, Ever since it seems that each year's crop .has been just a little better that the year before. This was true in the west until a year ago there was a drop in yields and this year, -a greater drop. Are we heading towards' a series of poor crops? Some of you may recall that once upon a time there was a king called Pharaoh who had a chief adviser named Joseph. This wise man Joseph told. Pharaoh that there would be —Please Turn to Page 15 NEW Co -off Feed Servic Molasses Mixer Gives Feed More Palatability Exeter District Co-op has installed a new molasses mixer and' bulk tank to improve the feed service to our customers. End the 'Muss and foss of feeding molasses by having it mixed with your feed—you don't have to worry about it- thickening in. cold weather or the mess in spreading it around. Molasses makes feed more palatable, helps cattle grow Tty pit on your next load of feed; EXETER DISTRICT 'Phone -187 Coned Free 'Delivery' n Sn1r 65,I ,ri iii .rr6, r e the Look Been bdpel DEADLY TO RATS AND MICE but safe to use because its relatively harmless to humans, all livestock, pets and poultry. HOWARD, WAR• MAIN `RAT RILL Is ready 10 uie-•in rtleol or pellet torn(.. *~~ PRODUCT'S ARE SOLO BY Exeter District Cos' P pilose 187 HOWARD Theyreported: "This forum. believes that ,if big business would stay out of farming we would not have such surpluses. Farm organizations should in- vestigate this problem. We con- gratulate- Nova Scotia on the system it has of processing its own meat. We believe this to be a step in the right direction," Winners at euchre which fol- lowed the discussion were: Ladies, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott,Mrs. Glen Weido; men, Eldon Jrrott, Wilfred Mousseau. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan. Fairfield Forum ru m Mrs. • Herman Powe spoke of the trip to Florida which she and. her husband took last winter, at the meeting of Fairfield Forum, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilson. A contest was conducted by Mrs. W. Heist and Mrs. G. Hep- burn, after which euchre and lost heir were played. Next Monday night's meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe when the topic will be "Wanted: A Measuring Stock, for Costs." Hillcrest Forum The Hillcrest forum meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Banting in Lucan, • After listening to the broad- cast three tables of progressive euchre were played. Prizes for high score Went to Arthur Simp- son and J. H. Paton; lone hands Gordon Banting; consolation, Mrs. Clover Lewis, Ailsa Craig. The financial report indicates the co-op has almost completely pulled through the setbacks it suffered through fire and mis- management earlier, Guest speaker at the banquet was Alden McLean, Muirkirk, president of the United Co-oper- atives of Ontario, who attended the International Federation of Agriculture P'roducers'. confer- ence in Belgium this summer. farmers of the world, he said were working together to solve their mutual problems, particu- larly the development • of the economy of undeveloped coun- tries to give them a source of income with which to buy sur- plus farm products. The conference voted for in- ternational agreements whereby there would be someinternation- al understanding as to trade, Since gov'ts began handling sur - plusses of food, world prices have fluctuated detrimentally a n d there is no longer stability in the markets. The conference also stood for international concilliation in trad- ing to ensure some sanity in the price level. ' The world, he felt, could he divided into two 'classes — The starving poppies of India and other undeveloped countries and the farmers in the Americas. "What has happened is that we have a surplus of agricultural products in the advanced part of the world while in the other part there is hunger and want. It is a challenge to the thinking of all people to overcome this con- dition." He showed pictures of the world's fair at Brussels. He was introduced by Lloyd Morgan, Two new directors elected to the co-op are Arnold Cann and Wellington Heist, who succeed President Albert Keyes and Ray Morloek, both of whom are re- quired to resign following two. full terms. Walter McBride was re-elected by acclamation, Other members of the board are R. B. Williams, Ralph Weber, Harold Palmer, Theron Creery, Ray Jones and Kenneth Hem, manager, Speakers included William liar- vey, area supervisor; and Bob Morrison, UCO livestock official, who said cattle prices are strengthening. Entertainment for the banquet was provided by the Russell Sis- ters, Russeldale; Mrs. Hugh. Davis and Mrs. Ross McFalls, Usborne; and Doug Insley and Gordon Smith. Hurondale WI served the tur- key banquet. Down To Earth By D. 1. HOOPER ,•. x sm v: •.�m� rrrrtan �s x x� •�. . way x�r Implants 'Canada ' Adopts Cattle Im- plant," was, the headline of the article in. the November issue of The Country Guide. Just what this means to the beef trade is stupendous. Now there is no danger of feeding valuable breeding stock a hormone addi- tive feed by mistake. Looking back at the progress made in the daily rate of gain since the turn of ,the century, one is amazed. Science and re- search has played an important part in making the tremendous strides of converting pasture, coarse grains and hay into beef, . All too often many of us have fed what we had. Research has proven that we were penny-wise and pound-foolish. The first re- quirement of economical gain is a well-balanced ration. A steer requires. a sufficient amount of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, calcium and phosphorous, etc., to build bone and, muscle which make beef gains. Research has proven time and time again that this is our First Requirement. Back when we were kids it was just about "the most" to get into 'the blackstrap barrel. We sort, of developed a taste, and today our kids still have the same taste. Cane Molasses has, for many years, been known to I Huron County aid the action oi- the• rumen Research scientists produced u what became known as 'Supple- ment ment A. This formula performed very favorably under test• and is still marketed today and gives very satisfactory results;, • Scientists -have really •b'ee'f getting into the act during the: last decade. What with the•'syn- thetic sources of protein and the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics •— How they were hailed as the answer to our troubles, They cut shipping fever losses, . they did this — they cured that,Man,theyreally y cleaned thigs up and generally helped to clean up a few extra dollars profit, • Next came stilbestrol. This was a find? If you believed all the advertising you could be a millionaire in one season (pro- vided the market followed the '57.58 pattern and you had enough cattle). All joking aside, stilbestrol did give much higher gains, better feed conversion and did lower the cost per pound gain. The best results were ob- tained using a good 'balanced —Please Turn To Page 22 `Pot 0 Gold' IRoyal's Best Climaxing a most successful 4year of showing, "Stonewall Pot 0' Gold", saddlebred Palomino I stallion owned by Mrs, Alton I Wallis of Whalen captured the !grand championship at the Royal Winter Fair last week in To- ronto in„ a strong class. He also took first hi the stal- lion class and was model horse of the show. "Pot 0' Gold" has also been nominated by the Canadian Horse Show Association as 'the top palomino and parade horse of Ontario for 1958. 13e won 21 firsts, 10 seconds and four trophies this year. Following in his father's foot- steps. a foal "Golden Promise", owned by Roy Revington of Lu - can, placed first in palomino foal for 1958 and was reserve junior champion of the show, Advertising helps c o m b a t harmful propaganda. Whitney Coates and Son, It•tt 1 Centralia, copped a "once-in-ae lifetime" award at this year's Royal Winter Fair when their Old Orchard Lord Verne 2410 won reserve grand champion- - bull honors for Herefords. Competing in a heavy class,. - one of the largest in years, tile. Ushorne bull came a split -hair second too a western white -face in the breed finals. Lord Verne, who won the grand championship at Western Fair earlier this year, also won the senior champion bull award. The bull's victory brought the local breeders their best record in four years of Winter Fair competition. They also captured . fourth place for a junior year- ling; fifth far a junior calf and second, fourth and eighth prizes for steers. The Usborne breeder almost missed the competition because of an accident which hospital- ized him temporarily. His leg ,,. was injured when he was tramp- led by a steer at the fair and authorities took him off to hos- pital for treatment, Although . they wanted to keep him there, doctors finally put a east on his leg to allow him to return to the show. Prospects Stay Bright For Good Cattle Prices Ontario Dep't of Agriculture's Iwo cents below last *spring's "Outlook" for farm business this supports; recent quota• on price winter was released Wednesday support purchases weakens post— Is. the economics branehf , tion still more, BBEF CATTLE Very heavyFEED .— 15.5.- stocks of feed exports to the U.S., high prices.' grain have established a new in the U,S„ and some hold -back i record for the seventh consecu- of U.S. cows and calves, have all live year. Canadian stocks are contributed to good prices in' down, but reduced exports are 1958. Present prospects in the likely, with the result that there U.S. are for continued strong ' should be no problem meeting' prices at least until the fall of demand in spite of larger hog 1959. Even then, the build-up of and poultry numbers, numbers and inarketings are, SOYBEANS — Another record not expected to produce a crisis U.S. crop will keep• prices at or serious. break. about 1957-58 levels; i.e. related Canadian exports in the first to the national support price of 9 months of 1958 were 300,000' $2.07. Deficiency payments in Canada will bring the average price, to $2.10. POTATOES — The Canadian crop may be lighter, but a heavy LJ ;S. crop will likely keep prices down again, head compared with 66,000 Jest year. Our prices have depended almost entirely on the U.S. market. Feeders are high in price and show little prospect of decline, 'DAIRY CATTLE -.Exports are up and prices have been good. Prospects, unchanged. HOGS—Heavy 'slaughter in the' next few months will keep prices close to the 25 cent floor. As with beef, the' 'MS. market has saved many Canadians this year: nre,have.exported 8 to 9 per cent of . our' 1958 production. On Octo- ber 1, Canadian prices were down $3,25 and U.S. prices up $3.50 from last year,. The U.S. outlook' is for lower prices in 1959, hut not disastrously low. We can expect• prices at just about the flood this falland early Malt. «inter, some seasonal a improve- ment in the lar spring and sum- Feed mer, but priceill be well be- low 1958. CREAMERY BUTTER—Situa- tion dominated by support price of 64 cents. Consumption is down 4 per cent largely because of higher prices. Stocks are up but not unduly. Outlook dependsen, tirely on price sunnorts. SKIM MILK POWDER—Fur- Ickle S C Weekly Markets Wheat Oats Mixed Grain timer pressures for lower prices are possible. Stocks were up 155 per cent on October. 1; present supports of 15 and 12 cents (spray, and roller process) are Crop Report 'By D. H. MILES Most of the cattle are now housed for the Winter, and are in very good condition for win- ter feeding and milking. Turnipcrop is practically all harvested — early stored crop is, not keeping as well as expected. „ DUIIItI,1,ill,IG,Ut1,lU1I/q,l„ITU,p,Ip,Unn,p„uln,lui,li„iDp,„O u, 01, 1111t1ilUfIll Htllf lig -0 12 RICES For Your E E. L,. Miekle G Son Phone 103` Open' Nighis lade You' Convenience Hensel s; ��`Ys7YfiYYTs'ii�iirilY6YiYiYrisnlYYrr'fie”iTiYPI'�iYiiYsi�Yfs'rffiiirriiriYtfrirrl�YfryY'1�'YYil�rriiiiYrYYirbriYYiYYlliirfYYirsrrril'giiiYYli b° Cy,coto iy SV 2: $1.40 57 bu. 57. Barley ... ........».. 1.06 bu. Barley .. .,.,.» .96 bu. Beans $6.50 Prices Subject To Change j E. L. Mickle 41, Son Ltd PHONE 103 HENSALL Fast, Courteous Service Storage Facilities .i Purina Chows RETURN YOU MORE DOLLARS . .-.....' --" /rO.)::::f(714/ % 4t With Your Grain OltSSA EA A • EM ARKS I,,. I DAN'`(' CARE HOW GALLoUsE.D MY BACK' GEIS FROM GOOD-NATURED SLAPPING . Invest In Purina Cattle Concentrates Cwt. Ton CALF STARTENA ...,.,... $5.95 $119.00 D & F CHOW , 4.15 78.85 D & P SPECIAL . 4.30 81.70 COW CHOW CONCENTRATE ...,...,..,,.,.,.,,.. 4.75 90.25 BULKY -LAS ..... :..,.,. 4.20 79.80 'STEER FATENA 20 4.15 78,85 SPEC. STEER FATENA 32 4.70 89:30 OMOLENE • 5.90 7'4.l0 THESE ARE DELIVERED PRICES. IF YOU RETURN FAGS YOU REDUCE THE COST ANOTHER $2.00 PER TON . We offer you the last word in gudity and up-to-date, complete Service, 17. e I' GRAIN -FEED -SEED EX TER s'w.- 735••WHALEN CORNERSJ'ko.vKIRKTON 35RI5