HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-27, Page 10Popo 19 The Tinit.e.Aelvocete, November 27, 1950 Hensall Arid District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude .Hoticlen, Phone S Archie MacGregor,Phone 56 Officials l.n Election ,Stor Continued From Page 3 the town. Council should have been told this before the bill was paid. By the time I found out it was too late. "In regard to the Parkhill Dam. which I think is just an engineer's pipedream, it's just little creek and they want to put a costly dam over it. We would be saddled, with a bill of about $1,000 for our share. So we voted against it. No one from, the council had attended the meetings to discuss the darn since their letter inviting us was filed away without being read to : council." Mr. Henderson showed his I audience the bulky Ausable River Authority report. "1 picked this up by chance and then dis- covered that we are supposed to have a representative on the Authority. On checking back we got as far as 1946 before we !learned that the clerk was our 'representative. We have never received a report." - At this point Charles Fiford. president of the chamber of commerce asked Mr. Henderson H ENSALL VOTERS As a lifelong resident of Hensall and with one year's experience on council, I feel qualified to serve again as your representative and to bring a youthful outlook to village problems. I sincerely solicit your support on Monday. Jack Lavender • S41DON .a!utim IJOI 310A WADI no NI NYWOM 'd ID313 LLMOCI eNsdn ease TIVSN31-1 'O slienV 01-11 To The Electors Of The Village Of Hensall As a candidate for council in the coming election, I urge every man and woman to exercise his or her fran- chise. Vote for a council that will clean up your municipal affairs. 1 1 7 EDNA MAE SANG.STER need three things, honesty. .ener- gy and courtesy. Honesty is the most important, with energy you'll soon learn and won't need to rely on past experience and you must have courtesy and re- member that you are a servant of the public." Mr. Armstrong read from the oath taken by public servants, emphasizing the sections re- lating to bribery and graft. "1 think things have been going on in this town that shouldn't be going on, he said. "Where is the P.U.C. report? •' I have never seen one." Then he addressed the reeve, "Were • ; tenders called for the new P.V.C. • building?" 1 Mr. Jones said "No." ! "Where were materials for the building purchased?" j • "From Spencer's," said the • incumbent reeve. "Laws are made for the rate- payer's protection, " said Arm- ; strong. "We have been letting 'them slip, We should stop that. ; An elected man cannot take : money, or gifts, or anything whatsoever for favours. I think there is something wrong here, and in the county as well. Although I sympathize with re- sidents of the County Home and. • 1feel they deserve the best 1 , think an auditorium that seats 400 and other extras at the home arc not necessary. Something must be done We can't continue SEEKS THIRD TERM • Reeve Norman Jones if he could be more specific and state a direct complaint, Mr. Henderson indicated that he was complaining about the' village business being conducted without council's knowledge or approval by the clerk. He went' on to cite further instances of disagreement; a tax assessment that he feels is too low and thus is costing the village thousands. of dollars, the operation of an unlicensed wholesale firm in the area, "I have been very dissatisfied. I am tired having the clerk con- stantly say no to council's pro- posals." At this point a member of the audience quipped "It sounds to me as if you all should resign." Councillor Jack Lavender said that lie agrees on 90 percent of Henderson's points. •"This was my first year on council. For the first few months I coasted along until I found my footing. Now I feel capable. I like the job,— it's interesting and educa- tional and I intend to qualify. When I was first appointed to council I was told by a few old- timers that the town was run by one man, that no council could ever buck that person. I found this hard to believe but after three months on council I realized that it was true. The council has had the wool pulled over its eyes for too many years. It's time something was done." From the audience: "We've heard what, the old council didn't do, now let's hear what the new nominees think they can do." George Armstrong, by far the best public speaker was nomi- nated for reeve. "Experience isn't everything," he said. "You need more than experience to be a good public servant, You 1 this way with taxes for such things increasing constantly. if a depression should strike we would still have to pay these high taxes whether we bad in- comes or not. We want men on the council who can look after these things." Charles Fiford said that he would be unable to qualify for $UPER SAVE GETS THE JUMP ON council since his duties with the I 11111111t1111111i111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iiiiiii 111111/111,111111111111111111111411 ttttt 1111 t 1 ttt 1111111111111111/, Schwalm for. Reeve To Hensall Vott,rs: I have served on village council for 2 years and have endeavored to do my best to represent all of the ratepayers of Hensall. If elected to the position of Reeve, I will serve with honesty and sincerity. Your support will be greatly appreciated, YOURS VERY TRULY, Gordon H. Schwalm N1111111111111111111101111111111111•111111111111!111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tM11111$ vOlultifnlflikitatM101fi111110101ifintfitutfitilni0MIUMMOUlftlitlfilleilmilft111101111101111101hutniNt Re -Elect Jones • To the Electors of Hensel': I hereby solicit your votes and sup- port in the coming election as candidate for reeve. In, the past year, I have tried to do what is best for the ratepayers of the village and I will continue to do so if re.electecl. THANXING YOU'y NORMAN H• JONES Amber Rebekahs War Veteran Nan Yule:Party The social which was to have followed the regular meeting of Hensall WOnesday !evening was cancelled also the euchre party which was to be held on Wed. nesday. November 21 owing to the sudden death of a brother of the subordinate lodge, Mr. Sidney AicArthur. Airs. Glenn Bell. Vice Grand presided at the meeting in the absence of the Noble Grand, Airs. Ines MeEwen through ill- ness. Arrangements were made for the Christmas party to be held Wednesday. December 3 with an exchange of gifts. The enter,: tainment committee is Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. George Parker' and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, The social committee is to include Mrs. Ross Richardson, Mrs. Wes 'Richardson. Mrs. Clifford Weido and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell. •Shelter at 1;0th-rich and a done - Gifts are to be brought to the [ion was voted for the Spring - next meeting for the Children's bill disaster fund, Amber Rebekah Lodge No, 349, Funeral -,rvices were held at 11:30. Sunday in :Carmel Presby. • !,,„—!. Wien ghtireh, of which the de- csaaedwas a member of the Kirk ...Session. Rev. R. (I. Mae - Milian of Knox Presbyterian • Church, .Goderich, assisted Rev. C. 1). Daniel in the services. 1The local branch of the Canadian Legion attended in a body. Interment was in Kxetcr ceme- tery. Members of the Session ;acted as honorary bearers. The • pallbearers were Glen Bell, Metre Elliott. Raye Reid, Hilton Laing, Don Rigby and Harry Flower hearers were Pa- vey Hall, Jack Traquair. Bill Elliott, Bob, Gerald and Edsel Bell. Dies :Hunting: Mr. Sidney MacArthur, to, died suddenly at Manitowaning where he was on 4 hunting trip. lie was a farmer on Von. 2. 'Hay Township before moving to lIensall several years ago. He served overseas in World War Ile was past Noble Grand of Heiman Lodge No. 323, 1.0.0.n: past president of the Hensall Branch of Iie Canadian Legion: and a member of the School Fair Board. his wife, the former jean Max- well, passed away March 33, 1927. Surviving is one son, Donald, Quebec, one brother, Ray, Tuck. ersmith Township; four sisters, Airs. Stewart McQueen, liensall; Airs. Roy. Lamont, Zurich; Airs, Ruth Manson, Exeter; and Mrs, John Reid, London. Personal Mina Airs. John Henderson spent the weekend visting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Keith Lindsay and Pamela. Air. and Airs. Wilfred Glazier of Holmesville were recent visi- tors with Air. and Mrs. E. Shad. dick and Bill. Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys were recent visitors with the latter's aunt, Airs. Annie Blatchford, • - • 1 (.4001110.1111111flIUMJHAMIDIOLHIUMIUMIU1111M4M1111111111U11101011111110111M11411101111.11111t11111U11111g1g ,..._„o•agiratulations 'To The Hensall We --J...±.1170111K Were-•.‘, Proud To. Do Tho Cement And Mason V.M.oek ON THE NEW BUILDING N. J. Corriveau General Contractor PHONE 209 ZURICH lotimisiolill1111mil lito1iii111io111 iiiii illititilittm1111111iiitilm111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111 • • x to,;,4.441%K•S.;,,ciM This weekend Al's Super Save Mar- ket "Goes to the Mat" with Food Prices, See how you save chamber of commerce and its PRODUCE. PRICES MAIN EVENT FEATURE! McCormick's CHALLENGES REEVE • Councillor Gordon Schwalm many projects, including a new weekly newspaper, would keep • him too busy. • "I feel a man should stick to one job until he has done it well and not move on to anything else till that time." Mr. .Fiford assured all the no minces of C of C support. "We are completely, absolutely im partial and interested only in the goodwill of the community." He urged ratepayers to get ba. hind their candidates and assist them. He congratulated council- lor Henderson on his words, "To j be able to express the things he 'dislikes and disapproved of to this gathering took courage," 'said Fiford. Others nominated for council 'then thanked their supporters land spoke briefly, and asked for ;support if they decided to run. Lorne Hay: "I haven't agreed with council in the past. I think !their financial statement could certainly be enlarged, There isn't much in it." • John Baker: "I agree with Hay." Mr.. Leonard (Minnie) Noakes ' the first woman candidate in Hensall said, "If things are ! wrong here, and after hearing :the speakers it seems likely that they are, then I as a ratepayer • am as much to blame as any one, I hale to admit it but ibis - is the fisst nomination meeting • I've ever attended. We. have let . things ride and so we are to blame. If I am elected I hope to learn and to better myself a% well as to aid in the betterment of the community." Mrs. James (Edna) Sangster, another warn an nominee, ex. pressed amusement at "a woman being nominated." and hoped that there would be • enough younger men on the slate to carry OIL Bob Baker: "I've done a lot of beefing about council this year so I decided to do some- thing about it, I'll pot all my eCX orts into the ,job if I'm elected." The school board members, Howard Sean e, 'Rey Campbell and Leonard Noakes thanked the assembly and the school's finan• tial report was read by Principal Rebell Reabure, Mr. Noakes re. placed retiring trustee Douglas Cook. Walter tipeneer, reelected to the PVC, agreed that a fifelneial report Would he a good idea, lie said it seemed likely that hydro rates in the area would soon he lowered, When asked if he thought the PUC building 'might have been eroded More theap,ly with Please 'turn TO rap 11 Oranges Grapes 2 Grape Fruit 5 FoR 29c TEXAG LB. BAG 29c Le 9. 33c Meat Prices Tumble At Super Save Bologna. 3 Smoked Ham. Centre Cut LBB. ROLLED Pot Roasts Hamburg BEEF AND PORK Sausage 3 WING OR T-BONE Steak. q000 LB 45c LB. LB. 55c 45c 2 89c '1.00 LB. 73c [Jan, FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! Birds Eye Green Peas • I2 -0Z, PKGS. 2 For 37( K R s MAIN EVENT FEATURE! Aylmer Condensed Tomato MAIN EVENT FEATURE! Aylmer Choice Halves CHES MAIN EVENT FEATURE! Kraft Velveeta EESE MAIN EVENT FEATURE! Granulated SUGAR 10-GZ. 2 2 10 -LO, BAG MAIN EVENT FEATURE! Nabisco Shredded Wheat EAL MAIN F EVENT FEATURE! Five Roses API Purpose MAIN EVENT FEATURE! Wagstaffe's, with added pectien MAIN. STRAWBERRY EVENT FEATURE! uper $ave Sliced AD MAIN EVENT FEATURE! Allen's Vitaminized Apple JUICE 49-0Z. TIN F R F 0 R .F 0 R OPEN DAIRY FOODS FEATURE! Friday • and Saturday Nights Super Save Creamery. Butter lb. Lb. pkg. — C 12c 15 -oz. tins 3 5, 8-0z. pkg. 59c 89, 'Pkgs. 37c 5 -lb. hag 39, 24,oz. jar 47, 18' 29c e•••••••,3••••••••••••••••111/14 68.