HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-27, Page 5I 'H.i•.L•ites' Highlight Kin Pane!: :Stig.gest.ion Citizens Start Own Industry' Variety Show _ • CE 4 By 1,4 I The nightclub humour of Wally • •• .,,.. • ...• • „ The ft-Lites lived up to their 'Pc"' ern-cce' we° ever ulcii A ,suggestenthant idustry eArl 'town has nsuccessful inducement. Several members of industry. That would have. to with the audionee. The fact that bp ii,i0.0„ed in town by tin securing ;ugly manoracturing the panel felt it would, suggest- he done outside of council," he name 'and proved to be the high-lhe had us ,, ed most of his material - • , • d light of well -paced O'Keefe on TV did nothing, to dampen P "13 men P•414114r1FALtdaP.(:itg.t quite flay night on the last lap cif an though they did mest et their act on a dead mike they still • 9,m , • ", ustry Pight-week tonr. I came through with a blend well could be started locally," the a committee several Years ago assessment, can be set for an by extol ne, the 131014 0 by Councillor Ralph Bailey dur- Variety Show which bowed into the enthusiasm of his admirers. ing a panel dis CUSS 00 on liidust RCAF Station Centralia Setup.' Then came the lii-Lites. M- re ti KInS plants. 'He pointed out, however, , .mg it might be an .e)ceellent pro- iedicated, that the town, was fortunate, jest for the club, Most of the Members of the from A taxation standpoint, that: George Bether ,askedi 4'What :panel agreed the promotion pro - ii dirt not have any large build.. can the town offer:industry in gram -could be improved and Ings which were vacant, the way of an inducement?' that Kinsmen and other inclivi- • Mr. Pickard also revealed .that Mayer Pooley replied fixed duals In ;the town vould. assist Something for everyone was enough that few groups manage ceinteillor said, introdneing a had estimated that between $50,- dustrY, new twist to the topic. Be sug. 000 and $70,000 would be avail- by the ratepayers. But he felt Panel members included D providing It is apProved town wherever they travelled. e - the theme of the well -produced, ! to attain so early in their ea- lighly-polished show, feers. The old 1 f g min cc o s- gested Kinsmen conduct round able from localr t sources to e ce the most important thing was a mity-Reeve Chester Mawhinney. g ap lause with A hand-cla - f who n P p table discussion on Possible in- building or an industry Weii-0100aged town with modern Councillots Glenn Fisher an The Williams Brothers, ping actP a5e a big Pal in dustnies for the town and they hail from Sweden, were mag- the camaraderie of the group. might be surprised at the ,sug- pificently blase in on acrobatic The boys. have appeared on gestions which emerge. routine that showed the skill slack Kane's TV show and when "lf we woula all pool our ideas the O'Keefe Variety Tour ends and, after all, that's all an in - and timing of many years' cx- next week they check into the CIUStrY is, an idea—we could Perience. Barclay in Toronto, They'll do come up Len Moss with an answer. Any and his orchestra a guest shot 04 Bit Parade one of you fellows might have prOvided musical hacking for the December 1- a suggestion which could lead to show and featured Sean Wilkin- Before the variety show the an industry." son on drums and vibes with a crowd of close to a thousand lie suggested that if a practi- 4,Old Man had an evening of bingo sponsor- cat proposal was made, support rocking version oi ed by the Huron Park Council. could be solicited from other River." Prizes of cameras, appliances, Petite and pert, the Holly Sis- ters of Detroit danced their way blankets and luggage and con - into the hearts of the audience solation prizes of chocolates and with help of 'assistants' were "a by the luckier play" choien from the crowd gave a ers, hilarious hula lesson. In a draw following the variety A statuesque, red -head helped show a movie' camera was won capture attention for' the Vir- by Mrs, Gloria White of Exeter, ginians, a juggling act from a transistor radio went to' j. Copenhagen. ELECT SHERMAN .Councillor promising one came along. l services. Bill Musser, and John Burke, a mittee felt the erection of a would he illegal for the town to mittee- me mayor pointed out it member of the Promotion cam - One Kinsman asked if the corn- I building which could be ()flood secure land or to erect a build- , Kin President Gerd Daynham to industry would serve as an ing which could he offered to was in charge of the meeting, Th. TionsPAdvocots, Novomkor 27; 1950 NIP $ .0 nosy IAI 011111-1111111PHAIINP.1411011010.111.1011111,100M141.1,111.1111401/$014111M,WIllAttalM.1)1411WHOMMOMONA Exeter Salvage Co.. Dealers in Scrap MOO, .iron, and $tiet ‘,E BUY AND, SE. "YOU CALL, WE HAUL.." Harry Joseph, Lee Sherman. PHONE 423. 1 l'1,1,1!11141O11111.1411111/111.01/IiiPitltill1141till111$111.,11101113111,11110.0101,11tIMMIMMI/11111411/1t111110,1011,Milnlj S'141414 ;430 444 141 1.:f4CfpligrifiV Ali UV UliVAritig 1004,04 4434.4 'WO& tIngi 4414314 41.414*.:0 144 .41414 tzr 47/$ 47P 4.7P 4.7P organizations and individuals the town, Members of the town's indus- trial promotion committee and the council were on the panel, whose moderator was George ve, Rether, Kinsmen fired questions 4 about industry at the town of- ;In Jennings of St. Thomas and five Murray Greene, chairman of prizes of ten dollars cash were the industrial promotion commit. awarded: tee, indicated that while' no pro - The evening was sponsored bY „gram has been launched yet to the Huron Park Council who entice industry here, this may worked long hours to ensure its be considered during the coming success. Proceeds of the bingo year. Up to now, the committee and variety show 'will be used in the council's recreation pro- gram for children in the married 111111111111111111111111111Moininimaimis quarters 'area, • Will If it,411/111/1,10,101141111111 ff 1 ll 1111,01M1111111,1400111111 IMO! llllll 11,11111111111111 llllll 111111;$11;11411111111111,1111,10 RETHER'S offer you Silverwood's famous ice cream treats —enjoy them in our res. teurant or in your own horn. eel 4 iblerwao FRUIT SUNDAE ROLLS AND ICE CREAM PIES Try these 'dessert treats on your family! HALF GALLONS IN ALL THE POPULAR FLAVORS. Christmas Chocolates YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS IN ALL SIZES . . . * Neilson's * Smiles 'N Chuckles * Moir's In Christmas Wraps and a , complete range of prices. Buy them for gifts or holiday treats. MAIN ST. EXETER For take- out orders, phone 302. ,01111111111 lllll 11111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111 still. -1111111111111111 lll 111 lllll 1 ll I llll 11111111111 lll 111 llllllllllll 111 llllll /111111 llll 11 lll 1111/1111.11111111111111111111 lllll i llll 11/ LSMF EDSEL. "CORSAIR" SEDAN — automatic, power steering, power brakes, tint- ed • glass, whitewall tires, 5,000 miles 35 of them! '58 EDSEL. SEDAN Radio, power brakes $2,700 '58 FORD 6 CYLINDER SEDAN Power brakes 0,300 '56 MONARCH 'LUCERNE' SEDAN — automatic, radio, lovely piece-ot metal $2,300 '57 DODGE SEDAN She's good! '55 BUICK COACH Radio, one of those things at $1,495 'Si NASH. METRO HARDTOP 11,000 miles, makes with the music! $1,250 '54 CHEVROLET COACH I A sexy red and white $ 950 • '53 PONTIAC SEDAN A hied beige and breeze. $ 750 • '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN Driven by A mechanically minded individual $ 695 '51 FORD COACH '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN '51 PONTIAC SEDAN Your choice of these beauti- ful mechanical masterpieces for. $ 500 '50 DODGE SEDAN „ $ 350 TRUCKS - 15 FORD DUMP You're breaking my heart at $1,500 '53 FORD 1 TON $1,795 EXPRESS $ 750 '53 MERCURY PICKUP You'll have to see this one at night. The boys want to drive it all day long! $ 750 '51 FORD PICKUP Used only`for carrying light loads such as bodies, etc! • $ 495 '51 CHEVROLET PICKUP Same price as above 'but I don't know why $ 495 213( DOMINION - SAKE TRAILER Fifth wheel $ 600 12 DODGE SEDAN . TRACTORS— !. A gleaming black .... $ 595 '49 FORD I '51 FORD SEDAN With Sherman back hoe, Needs several things sub goodfor digging graves. 1 as a buyer! $ 195 Want to bury ymit.Mother- l 11 i in-law? '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN '52 PONTIAC SEDAN '49 FORD ; 4: 14 MASsEY CORN PftkElt. '51 METEOR RANCH WhO waht5 one of these? WAGON $ a50 Larry Snider Motors 1.FordaEcIsel Nide, I , PHONE 624 Satei aild SerVitit EXETER Lowiffimirmyrnynymoinfmoffewomunethimnumninvoromminovoliommyromoovirow, has concerned itself with answer ing enquiries which have reached .75 the town from firms looking for locations. The sum of $300 has been bud- geted to the committee by coun- cil but more funds were avail - :113 `CA able if the committee required them, He said the committee had not • .1.1 held regular -meetings during the case past year but it had attempted •,7; to find land available for inclus, try and members have attended numerous conferences when in- L"? dustrial promotion has been dis- cussed. "We have been educating our- selves during the past year through these conferences to get ft our feet under us. Now we have a better idea of what should be n done and how to go about it." Members of the committee at- tended a provincial conference in Toronto this year and several zone and general meetings of the Mid - Western Ontario Develop. meet Association, which is at- tempting to secure new industry for the four counties of Huron, Perth, Wellington and Waterloo. Reeve William McKenzie, vice- president and Huron zone chair- man of this group, was not able to be present. Mayor Pooley said.: "InclusLry such as we need here you can't find every day. Unfortunately we have no unused 'buildings which adapt themselves to in- dustry. This is a definite handi- cap." "I want to stress one point," he said. '"If we want to get in- dustry here, all of us must -be obsessed with the idea that we need it and must work for it." One of the drawbacks for in- dustry in this area, he felt, was the lack of labor supply. A new firm would have to compete with civil service employment at RCAF Station Centralia for workers, Clerk C. V. Pickard pointed out that 90 per cent of the enquiries during the past 10 years had been from firms looking for an available building. This has been one of the main reasons why the Your Library — Continued From Page 4 these was our librarian, Mrs. Hilton Laing. There are now 16 with this certificate serving in the county. i* The World Book Encyclopedia in 18 volumes with guide has just been purchased for your li- brary anu is already on the shelves. This encyclopedia is double starred, meaning that it is most highly recommended. Al- though it was planned as a source of information for ele- mentary school children it is often consulted by grown-ups. There are 20,000 illustrations which make important facts twice as clear. It is hoped. that this encyclo- pedia will fill the gap between Childcraft,and Britannia Encyclo- pedia for the children. Also nine volumes of Encyclopedia Canadi- ana which tells about the people, places love and life of the Canadian nation, have been re- ceived in your library and the tenth and last voIum is ex- pected this year. The Library Board fed new that a very good reference de- partment for all ages has been provided in your library. The Story of Peter Townsend Not many love stories have a- roused such a world.wide in- terest as that of, Princess Mar. garet and Peter Townsend. Nor- man Barrymaine, a close friend and eounsellor of Townsend re, alized that sooner or later a book would be written on the subject. Ile decided he Would write it himself to ensure the facts of the story would be correct. •„i7V %It The hook brings the story up ar to the summer of 1959. It is now running in ,serial form in one of r' our daily papers. Read it as a n whit book from your library. tti "My, what a strange looking vA cow!" exclaimed the Wed young thing from the city, "Ent 'Why ve2 hasn't She any horns?" "Wal, you sec," said the farmer, 'patiently, "some tows-,.* wd de.horn and settle cows 181t4r born without horns and never f7V has 'em, and some cows Ah0d: '0111, There's i0tA of reasons why some cows ain't got horns. tut:1m tbc tato that OW Ain't got Shop In EXETER For The RISTMAS JACKPOT Gifts Galore at your Exeter Stores! 4.,;`;7•0 9V,IS as these VoV-eattivev. • cgSt Sf‘t.504G Saturday Akternoon, ey.eter Arena, 4 . p.tc'i *gtot SVIO1 S For atlidren, every Saturday Aiternoon OSCOg OSS Stores, tiornes, p Streets, 1.1p1 fitO p A.100,41G Pienty OE Parking Space Avaliaille CSS1gS "(ou'ii find A Conlp10e Seiection IN CASH! krst 414 44 44 csir.S 0,4 crici 4licS • W, Dec. 50.00 :44 Sat., Dec. 1.3 '100.00 Sat., Dec. 20 '150.00 14 Wednesday, December 24 $ 5 00.ai‘0% ILO Every purchase you make in participating Exeter stores between now and Christmas betters your chance to win these big cash prizes! Draws will be made as soon after 10 p.m. as possible but you don't need to -be present to win! Enter now . . . enter often. Here's your chance to win • a really BIG Christmas gift from your progressive Exeter merchants. FREE Chance With EVERY (f.tirici!a ase 2) At These EXETER Stores - Food Markets A & H SUPERIOR DARLING'S IGA FINK'S MEAT MARKET , EXETER LUCKY DOLLAR FRAYNE'S GENERAL STORE SANDERS' GROCERY Jewellery Stores JACK SMITH JEWELLER S. B. TAYLOR JEWELLER Stationery Stores CHOOSA BOOK SHOP EXETER TIMES.ADVOCATE MacMILLAN'S Cleaners BRADY CLEANER.:1 MID -TOWN CLEANERS Shoe Stores SMYTH'S SHOE STORE WUERTH'S SHOES Miscellaneous Drug Stores ERSMAN'S BAKERY CANN'S MILL EXETER DAIRY SIMPSON-SEARS Furniture Stores DINNEY FURNITURE HOPPER -HOCKEY FURNITURE Restaurant's BURKLEY RESTAURANT RETHER'S COFFEE SHOP CASINO RESTAURANT Clothing Stores LLOYD FORD MEN'S WEAR GOULD & ZORY IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR F. A. MAY & SON WALPER'S Variety Stores CHAINWAY GREENE'S VARIETY BROWNING'S HUNTLEY'S IDA ANDREW JOHNSTON DRUGS COLE'S DRUG STORE Auto Supply GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS CANADIAN TIRE STORE EXETER MOTOR SALES NELL BROS. GARAGE LARRY SNIDER MOTORS Hardwore-Electric BEAVERS HARDWARE FISHER'S. HARDWARE LINDENFIELD'S LTD. RUSSELL ELECTRIC SNELGROVE'S TRAQUAIR HARDWARE Open Wednesday Afternoons Until Christmas Shop Early! she's a •nitild," t COCO Ari1 i10404 44104 .010.A.071.0 ilt;W:04!1 .0i104 t.04.0i1.01. I* dfrottli* t" 0