HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-27, Page 44. Page 4 The *Mmes. -Advocate, November 274 MS E...I itorial This .newspaper believes, the right to express an opinion in. public contributes to. the pro- gress of the nation and that it must be exercised freely to :pre• serve and: improve democratic government. Time For Change? Is it time for a change? Voters in Exeter and Hensall must decide that Issue on Monday. They should do so with record turn- ! outs at the polls, In Exeter, veteran Councillor Ralph Bailey has challenged Mayor Ted. Pooley's bidfor a fifth term and three new men, along with five incumbents, are seeking the six council posts. '. There will be some who will question Council- 4-1or Bailey's move to seek the chief magistrate's chair, by-passing the two reeve offices. Lest this should lie held out as a major argument against him, it should fairness be pointed out that he has served on all council committees and that the present mayor, him- self, joined council at the reeve level and has done 4. a good job sine. It appears there is no major point of contention between the two men; the issue must ,:t• be decided by comparison of their abilities and ser- ' vice to the town. Unwillingness of council members to step up, thereby providing seats for new faces, is the apparent cause of the council race for the second year in a row, Here again it is a matter of personalities al- -. though some candidates have specified issues on which they seek action. This type of campaign, in our opinion, shows merit since those who wage it in- dicate they are not afraid to state their opinions and tight for improvements they feel necessary. Hensall, the old order is under fire and the desire for changes may bring some upsets there.. To the polls, everybody. Reeve's I Reeve Bill McKenzie's public complaint re- garding the PUC's concentration of Christmas light- ing in. the main business section is not one worthy of a senior town official. We feel it is importune {= and unfortunate. The reeve stated that the lights should be strung along the full length of Main street, suggest- T7.• uggest- T• ing that "the public should be used alike—they all pay the same." He specifically complained about the lack of lights at his business corner—Wellington and : Main. It must be obvious to the reeve that it would cost a tremendous sum of money to decorate the : Main street from north to south in an affective man- pier. In addition, if the reeve's argument was extend- ed further, why shouldn't lights be placed on all town streets where there are hydro users? atY Certainly, all of us pay the same rates—and the same taxes. Why shouldn't all of us have paved. roads? Why shouldn't every street have new storm sewers? New lighting? The type or argument is one which leads to narrow-minded community bickering IT and forestalls any progress whatsoever. . The PUC, in this project, has done exactly what council has done with many others—it services the most necessary area first, gradually extends it t.. to other areas. The reeve cannot deny that the main �= business section is the most important retailing area `;,_ . in town and that, as such, deserves first considera- tion. This year, the PUC added more decorations to the concentrated area in the north end. Another year, ;`. no doubt, it would be able to service the corner on 'which the reeve's two stores stand and other coin- "; mercial areas. To expect the PUC to decorate resi- 4'.- dential as well as commercial sections is too much, in our opinion. The'reeve is a hard-working and earnest public servant and we respect him for that. Such ill- conceived complaints, however, detract from the good ,: work he does. The PUC is to be commended on its lighting .. project. We hope the commission will not be deterred by the reeve's stand. e e ,Publicity For GB 1 Recent criticism in this newspaper, and from. other sources, concerning the recognition received by Grand Bend in the publications of the Ontario 4 Department of Travel and Publicity isn't all justified, we've learned since, thanks to the efforts of C. S. . MacNaughton, Huron MPP, who investigated the Situation. One complaint was that Grand Bend wasn't mentioned in the department's general tourist folders which we saw this year. It appears, however, that it =' is the department's policy to rotate communities featured and we have been shown a beautiful full- color picture of the 'resort's famous beach which dominated a page of the department's principal • tourist booklet in 1957. 4 Grand Bend's facilities are also included in folders listing campsites, golf courses, airfields and dockside facilities throughout the p rovince, We are happy to see the department has not .: ignored Grand Bend and we hope it will continue to give thisresort the recognition it deserves. t je exact Timez6bbotate, `Times Established 1973 Advocate Establishes! 1881 Amalgamated 1924 Yeah Published each Thursday Morning of Stratford, Onft Authorized as. Second Class Mail, Post Office Depp't, Ottawa AWARDS y— Frank Howe Beattie Shield, beat front page r:. (Canada), 1957; A. V. Nolan Trophy, general excellence for, •naw#papers Published in Ontario towns between 1,500 and > 4,500 pepulatian, 1950, 1951,.1436; 5. George Minaton Trophy, . kypegraphical excellence (Ontario), 11457; E. T. stephetrlson Ttrephy, beef Rant pbge (Ontario), 1956, 1935; Alr•canad'e lnsurence Peder'atlen hatlonal safety*we'd, 1930. ris►id•in'Advertea circulation, March 31, 1958 • 3,240 SUBStir;tP11O$' RATESt Canada $4.00 Pit Yaatj USA $3,00 cAlle:Pat*i#'6 b'Q$Y Opie.! Ol1A t �If(1o. G' po vm'c fratidafie ►-ogrlo i,, +nr5aorr- There's been a whale of an argument going on in one of the daily papers. Some old trout wrote in and declared that teach- ing French in Ontario schools was a lot of . nonsense, Immedi- ately the battle was on, and the letters -to -the editor poured in. All those with liberal pretensions attacked him vigourously as a reactionary, a bigot, and gen- erally a misguided clot. But the old boy got ;ilenty of support from people who felt as he did, +N * * * As usual there 'is a lot to be said for both sides. It's no news to educational people that the present system o f teaching French is unlikely to turn hordes of bilingual Grade Thirteeners loose in the world, but it's the only system they've got, It's something like democracy, a de- plorable system, but better than any alternative in sight. Except, of course, for the one I am about to offer. * * * * `Whenever this question arises, noble sentiments, dire warnings, and sheer snobbery pour front a small but voluble group. They declare roundly that it is our duty to learn to speak -French if we are to do pur part in weld- ing this great country of ours into a single nation, etc., etc. They hint that the ability to speak two languages automati- cally makes the subject a cul- tured person. , * . * * Needless to say, people who talk like this need psychological help. They are, as a rule, people who have endured a long, pain- ful and fruitless relationship with the French language. They have studied it in high school. They have taken French courses at university and thrilled to the limpid beauty of the French Romantic poets. In translation, of course. And they can neither speak French nor understand it. That's why they're so intent on' putting others through the same ordeal. * * * * These people are invariably E n g 1 ish-speaking Canadians. French-speaking Canadians will agree that everybody should Iearn French. But they them- selves couldn't care less about learning to speak English. Un- Iess, of course, it's for a sees. ,u(u.o,mfnu,u,un1nuu111HIVhnn,umlll1101I News Of Your x LIBRARY 'z By MRS. J. M, S. The Huron County librarian, Mrs. Eckmier, in her report to County Council last week stated "A greatly increased demand for books over the whole of the county has made our work heavy this year. Mainly the increase has been in the fields of non- fiction and children's books." From the library short course given in Wingham last August by the Department of Education six of the librarians in the coun- ty were successful in obtaining their "E" certificates. One of Please Turn to Page 5 ii-,4 Olt. Sugar AND • Spice Dispensed By BILL SMILEY ible reason, like business or politics. When they do learn it, they make a job of it, as witness Laurier, Lapointe, St. Laurent, I still recall with a jangling of nerves the shattering effect of hearing Prime Minister Diefen- baker addressing the French- speaking electorate after the last election. Honest John made an honest effort, but had I been a French-Canadian, even a Con- servative one, I should have fled the country immediately after the broadcast. * * * * However, we drift. Is there any point in teaching our children to speak French? In some cases, yes. I remember one .occasion I could have used some. It was in a city in France. I had met this vivacious, black-eyed doll in a —let's face it— bar. I was 'strict- ly a "la plume de ma tante est dan's le soup aux pois" type French speaker. But I could un- derstand it pretty well. Anyway she rolled those eyes at me after a while, kept say- ing something about a party and pulled at my arm..Needless to .say, she only had to give it one small -twist, and 'off. we went. The trains weren't running. I, swear I walked that girl four miles, through- the blackout, and only the thought of the "party" kept me going. We arrived. She pulled out her key, opened the door, turned to me, took my hand, gave it a firm shake, mut- tered "morel, bon soir" or some- thing and vanished into a great stone building. it wasn't until halfway on the long, lone walk home that I realized the "partee" she'd been -talking about was some part of the French verb "partir", meaning to set off or take off or walk me home, or something like that. Since then, I've confined my French translating to figuring out what it says on the wrong side of the branflakes box: "Souffrezvous d'irregularite"." * * * * On the good old other hand, there is a vast portion of our English-speaking youth -to whom the teaching of French is a sheer waste of time. They may be brilliant in other lines, but they have no aptitude for languages, they are not interested, and they will never get past the "parley- voo the ding.dong" stage. * * * * . Solution? Easy. First,ensure that those teaching French speak it with reasonable fluency, Most of -them are well grounded in French grammar and composi- tion, but can barely distinguish between a bidet and a bistro when they launch into the spok- en tongue. This could be solved by giving, them an intensive course, say six months, in which they lived with French people. spoke nothing but French, and learned to think in French. Make it attractve to potential teachers by offering a fat bonus if they pass a tough verbal test. * * * * Second, screen our kids, at about age ten. Select those with s. good ear, an aptitude for languages, anda ready intel- ligence, Give them plenty of oral and Written French instruction Jottings $y JAS. Former Reeve Of Town Sparked Improvements Last week I mentioned that Charles B. Snell was instrumen- tal in promoting Exeter's first hospital, which did .not turn out as successful as was first hoped for. Mr. Snell did more for Exe- ter as far as building was con- cerned, than any other man. lie was reeve of Exeter and in his 77th year, when in Decem- ber, 1929, he suddenly passed away. On the Sunday, the day before his death, he attended three services in James St. United Church, where for years he had been one of the leading officials ici is and was the assistant teacher of the Adult Bible Class. Rev. D. McTavish in conduct- ins the funeral service stated that Mr.. Snell was one of the outstanding citzens of our town, with a desire for the improve- ment of his native village and he had probably done more than any other man for the building up and improvement of Exeter.. It was Mr. Snell who was in- strumental in having the open ditch, which passed .through the centre of the town, closed in. It is the same closed..in ditch on which there is some contro- rersy as to whether the tile then used is . sufficiently large to carry off the water at flood season. On top of the drain Mr. Snell built a garage that was operated by Milo Snell, now Snell Bros. On Ann Street Mr. Snell erect- ed four red brick houses. lie also purchased the old Commercial Hotel and transformedit to ac- commodate the several lines of business now operating in the building, with apartments in connection. Mr. Snell was born in Stephen Township. He began business in Exeter as a -butcher and later with his brother George went into the pork packing business in the building on James Street, now the Exeter Furniture Co. This they sold to Mr. Frank Wood. Along with Mr. Chris Znefie Mr. Snell operated the first electric light plant in Exeter in the building on the earner of Main and Wellington streets,, the former office of the Verity Piave Co. The power in those days was closed down at mid- night when lights went out and it was time for bed. Altogether Mr. Snell built six- teen homes in Exeter. lie built and lived in the home on And- rew street now owned by Mr, R. N. Creech. He purchased and demolished the large brick home on William an Stieet owned by Lawyer Dickson and also the large brick home in Exeter North owned by Diggory Braund, a blacksmith. The material from these homes he used mainly in many of the homes he built, Mr. Snell was an ardent lawn bowler. He owned one of the first automobiles in Exeter and Ile used it for conveying the lawn bowlers on their visits to other municipalities. I remem- ber being wth him on one occa- sion on a trip to Goderich. The car failed to make .one of the hills between Clinton and Gode- rich and Mr. Snell backed the car into the side of the hill to get it stopped. His enterprise was not always appreciated. There was consider- able oppositon to closing in the ditch referred to above as it would be years before sufficient revenue in taxes would be re- ceived to pay for what was thought' to be a considerable ex- pense. At the funeral service which was 'conducted in James St. Church members of the Huron County Council, the Exeter Coun- cil and- the Public Utilities Com- mission attended ih a body and marched at the head of the funeral procession.' The pall- bearers were six nephews, H, Ford, J. Snell, Wm. 'Snell, Wm. Ford, J. Norry and J. Caldwell. As The "TIMES" Go By rK r x«xceni t '. 50 'YEARS •,AGO Next Sunday morning the new Lutheran church will be formally opened and dedicated. There will be three services; in the morn- ing it will be in the German language and inthe afternoon and evening in both English and German.. Miss .Sarah Neil:: has been re- engaged as pianist, of Centralia church, a position she has filled for a' number of years. ' The local . (Crediton) court of the I.O.F. in a body attended the funeral of the late Moses Kestle on Sunday. David Cantelon, Hensall, ship- ped 1,000 turkeys last week. The smoke stack of the Zurich grist mill blew down last week during -the heavy wind storm and punctured the roof of the dynamo annex. At a meeting of the School Literary Society 82 members re- sponded to the roll call. The pro- gram includeda reading by Loney Heywood, duet by John and Gordon Butt, reading, Earl Copeland, duet by Misses Ida Rowe and Lulu Martin and a reading by Chester Harvey. 25 YEARS AGO Messrs. Earl Allen, Gordon At- kinson and Bob Turnbull have returned home 'from a trip to Cobalt, North Bay and Kirkland Lake where they disposed of a car load of apples shipped by the Hogarth Hatchery. The good sleighing of the past two weeks is about over, the snow having nearly all gone from the roads. Mr. Sandy Eliott will be in Toronto this week for the first showing of the new 1934 V-8 Ford car. Mr. William Hatter, local dairy- man, is this week installing a pasteurization plant at the local creamery. from those well-trained teachers above. Presto, :at age of 15, they'll not only be able to pro- duce the past pluperfect sub- junctive of "faire" without turn- ing a hair, they'll be able to write amoral novels like Fran- coise Sagan, or plead their case with busty gals like Brigitte Bardot. Doesn't the prospect get you all fired up about my plan? A call has been extended to Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., of Cookstown in the Barrie Pres- bytery to become pastor of Caven Presbyterian church, • The carol singers are holding their ;first practice at 'the home of. Miss Marion Woods Wednes- day evening. , 15 YEARS AGO Messrs. Gilbert Johns, Harold Bell, Emerson Penhale, Clifton Jaques of Ellinville and Cpl, Harry Murch of London were among the successful hunters to bring home venison. Fourteen libraries 'are now be- ing served by the Huron County Library. - Rev. James Anthony conducted the services at Lucah and Clan- deboye United Churches on Sun- day. Miss Jean Snell, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital and Lac: Orville Snell of St. Catharines spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarise Snell. Mayor Win. J. Heaman of Lon- don,- formerly of Exeter was re- turned to office by acclamation Tuesday,' Miss Ella Sanders left on Fri- day for Georgia where she will spend the winter. 10 YEARS AGO Miss Velma Ferguson of Us - borne who won the oratorical contest for Huron County in the Junior Farmer's Association pub- lic speaking also won first place in competition with Perth Coun- ty at Mitchell Monday night. William Cross for 15 years in charge of the Bank of Montreal at Hensall retired on pension on Tuesday, The fourth class of pilots trained at the Flying Training School at Centralia will receive its wings on Friday. Joanne McCurdy was Daisy Mae and Uel Schroeder was L'll Abner at the Sadie Hawkins dance Friday evening. Owing to the unusual weather conditions prevailing the lilac bushes are in bud, rhubarb is showing an inch of growth and strawberries are ripening, Mr. and Mrs, Evelyn Brode- rick marked their golden wed- ding anniversary on Thursday. qej Li 11.27' 4p ,c. drl•Y,urvH, itaw tbtrnirt sir, itVC joshproved this lttth1 illook will wske yott up • xe esi t sells for r r 40 _... , ��.-�•'•' art:_,,,^.. , ..._._.. MO/OIYAL, skeet se 07 i5i5, link Fe.nnek t7I(flf. te, Th, td rid it*i tR tb'befve 1, °Your ltusbshcl is much letter' .this morning' except for s, big lump where his head'' lit the #loorl'i Vote els You 4ike OUT 'VOTE flosness D-i:rectory BELL & LAUGHTON .BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER, D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER PHONE 4 USBORNE 'HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ,Head Office - Exeter, Ontario •P resident E. Clayton Colquhoun 11;.11. 1 Science 1 -Till Vice -President Alex J. Rohde 11.11. 3 Mitchell Directors • Martin Feeney 11.11. Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR, 1 Cram arty- Milton rtyMilton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Timothy B, Toohey ILL 3 Lucan ,. ' Agents Harry Coates 11.,11. 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR - NOTARY PUBLIC Mensal) Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons ' 1:30 to 5:30 EXETER PHONE 14 DR, J. W, CORBETT " L.P.S., 0.0,5, "DENTAL SURGEON :814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons G. A.EBB D : W ,C, DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY For Appointment - Phone 6O6 DR. H. H, COWEN DENTAL SURGEON. L.D,S,, 0.0,5. Main • Street Closed Wednesday Exeter Afternoons. PHONE 36 N. L, MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 355 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 ALVIN WALPER • PROVI4CIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient' service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHWOOD A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CU-STOME.RS OF THE B OF M Here's a 3 -BILLION -DOLLAR Story for You... Charles Smith, Manager Exeter Branch Bank of Montreal Yes, you've written .a three. billion -dollar story in your bank -book this year. It's my bank's annual report for 1938. And it's a story you can be proud of, because it's, about the money you liave on deposit at the B of M, Throughout the year, your bank keepd that money hard at work through loans and invest- ments -- expanding, improving and pioneering Canadian enterprise of every description and size financing Canadians of every calling and build-. ing Canada in every sense. Because of your growing deposits, the B of M's 141st annual report just published — shows that the money you have entrusted to the Bank liar passed the three -billion mark for„ the first time -in its history. Clearly the facts behind the figures in your batik's report show that the dollars you save work hard and long to secure not only your own futurep but the future of the nation as a whole. 'NAN' 1'41'4 is 2 $11111 01 0120 /414 • • • e e 1 e e • • • • i.• 0 • • • SS • I • I • • I s s! a $• B0 Highlights of the B of M's 141st Annual Report - DEPOSITS; Because pf your confidence and that of more than two million other Canadians in all walks of life, the T3 of M holds over three billion dollars in deposits, Half these de- posits are made tip of the.personal sayings of private citizens — hard-earned dollars that mean a backlog of money for their use. At the end of the Bank's 141st year on October 31st, 1958, total deposits stood at the record figure of $3,038,349,556. LOANS: During the year, your Bank has made nutty thous. ands of loans to business and industrial enterprises for production of every kind — to farmers, fishermen, oil -men, miners, lumbermen and ranchers—t.o citizens of every call• ing, and to provincial and municipal governments and school districts, At the end of October, 13 of M loans amounted to $1,416,518,876. INVESTMENTS: Always keeping a good proportion of the money on deposit in quickly available form, your Bank has $1,004,904,111 invested in high-grade government bonds which have a ready }market. This money is helping to finanee government: projects for the betterment' of the country and the welfare of all Canadians. Other securities held by the Bank, which include a diversified list of high-quality and short-term inlustiai issuesbring total investments to $1,220Y018,562: BANK OP MONtREAL &wadi9(44e Sat. RESOU'IICBS $3,27Y, 'a1't1,. Sd j outing u.ttl 'Cart in.. ...,e-.. ;... � s i d�rifd a tri ei cry talktt if a. airice ,IBI i rr