Huron Signal, 1850-12-26, Page 4TWO 0004 FARMS FOIL BALE. OVE witbii 9 moles, sad the other with 1• about 3 miles td Uode►teb T. we Piot. The first to I.':T 10 la 1.t C.•tM- PROCEZDING5 OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL. C. Moved by Mr.'llulrutes, seco,.Jwl by Mr. Bays, That a committee on R••Js and Bridges be appooi.ted to eo•eist el S.-l'a,lird tintnirnus,ly. Wee , Towoefnp of tiwietreh, - he hereupon a Ball..t took place, and the following Memhera of CON'1'AIN1Nt Ilio ACRES, •3. -.mord wore an,•.,int.d. via : Meese. Peen► H •iu..s• k•trb,q Helmer, Donk:o, 1►. Mot -d by Mr. Ctaid•• a e, ..t tsdlid by Mr Daly, That • teammates oil School. b. &ppotuted, tu cuasut of 8.- Carri••d uoasiuiouele. WJss.upoa a Bailor leek place, end the f dlew.ag Members of the Ci uneil were eppeiated. sin : M•sare. laeadineio, Ilayb, (licks, 8',ith, IIo!mee. The Conned thee adjusrsei ti 1 t. -morrow the btb December, et 10 o cluck• le bosomed at die one tied by Lake Hueco, and at the other by a Pub' a itusA,NaJ the ieto.d is LOP 8 in 8:b C.ncessise, C.lburee, Vi'.Ihet.iona CONTAINING 100 ACRLS, bud M situated at the Jua&uru ul two I'ub. 1.e Roads. Yor Particulate apply to JNO. AimfONALD, P..q. OuJorich, 130 June, 1819. 1.9-11 NOTICE -The en•lereiaarJ by p of A'torney .fated the 27u'i der of Mel. 1860. e.vra bile by Phonies It. W....Illi.(, to sol eel ell o'tsu.dini debts doe the 4•m Files et htites and Wendt, tr.. end hio,✓tt trees ,miff-r•tesest e0 Im.nedrelt eel i.m.•n' ..1 no, •,.:,e at they wall be given to the Clerk et tar 'heiress Coast 1. s collective. ceNJ. PARSONS. GaJerish, Jose flab. I:4511. . %33.19 A VAI.UAI3I.h; FOR SA147.1 ! ! riplIE subset -thee offers, for SALE les. 1 Bolsi and t4.\W MILK., ',tainted to the Township of M G limey, on the Dec Sable, TV ltulo ttur.o wiles of Flanagan'. Corner. The %bile streamer in'oueral ..n aril newly b.•i,t. The 1'rie.!.g.• i. the t est . n the liner, anal "stowed in the 1:• et l'ess•- •htp in the Ciente of Heron -erg tie toed, and Roads op••ned in all directions 1.. (scour O. The Machinery and materials are of the vary beet quality, and put are by the ve- e beet alacbini.te. 1'..r Pert.etiiaro in yoire ofJ.,ne. Crumble, E -q., Colt, or ap- ply to the suheeriher. PATRICK FLA NAGAN.Proprietor . Mrailtivray, 136th January, (CSU. 21Sb.f 17 'The Galt Reporter mill insert the abate ou(it forbid. FARMER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL. T'RANCIS FISt1Pla1t hems is iel.rm hota .11' seised.. awl the fuelie gseerally, thri be L.. pieldes•rd huseel( in the •bo.. Yrtlsee, mei hopes by strict ene,•tieo to the cem.n "ad con- ,eoteace of Traveller*. to mets • seats of their pasruaze. Gooi Sabliug dud as etteatire Groan is aneaJanc.. Mitchell. May 151h. 1850. 3e•s:5 r�0 BI S0l.l).-:1,n Excel- 1.st FAIIM. being LOT No. 13, MAIT- LAND CONCE'JSION, ,Tow able of Guderieh, containing 100 acres -30 of which is cleared. The mod is of a superior quali- ty, acrd well watered. It is situated cxact- ly nine utiles from the town of Goderich on the Huron Road, and at the junction of out dife'rent roads; a d as it is in the centre of a populnos and preaperous locality, it le ex- cellently adapted fur • Tavern trend or • Store. This farm is well entitled to the kttenu,.0 of persona desirous of an eligible sanitise for busiucsr, end will be sold 0o %ay reastrmable tenni. For part.tculars apply to 1►. H• LIZ \RS, Land Agent. Goderich, June 2u, lo50. 2,-r.-0 WILLIAM CHALK, \Norden, 11. P. re 13. arts.oty, 5T111 Decennia, 1850. The C• .lead en t aecordi.1 t,. a1jn•trataSat. 3.a V.,::.• T. 'rhe 1Vaid.s to the ('two. 111w6s. SMITH. 10HNb )N, ANNAND. HENRY. HUiiGINS. \\' ALLACE. HI)I.VE:1, R iTCIIIK, HiLI. ✓ SCOTT, CLFN DINNIN, HAYS. PUNKIN, EL )ER. HBLME!%, HICKS. Ielating to the T*zation of the United Cassettes Townships, ler the F. Mored i y 81r. Smith. seconded by Mr. Ritchie, support of Comities Schools was read by the Clerk. That the Cl.,k of this Council write to the CuuotieeTresnirer 0 16-80. Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Wallace,- f.•rthrah,ceding hie •tIe,tton 10 the 46 section of the New That euqu:ry be made by the Council if ties School fund intended to meet the Government Groot bast been assuaged according to By- Liw. P 17-81. Mowed is amendment by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. 11ells, Teat the gntstioe he referred i• a committee of three. Where- upon • ballot took place, and Messrs. Houle., Hays, and Waltaee 1111YT 111 1tIILa 1-77. Mood by Jolla Holmes, Esq., sad aecoaded by William M O F F A T'$ t`Thaat he ..I.eriptioe List In the bands of the Clerk, relative to V E E E T A B L E LIFE PILLS the ereeUos of lite Utilized Bridge, at Mr. Benjemee Mttler's, be • N D beaded is the said Mr Miller, the Clerk tallies Lie receipt fur the PHONIX BI 1 1 C"S loon.. --Carried uaatmoo•ly• The hose ..d s., .i Meese, .awe itrw pe -.faces K-78. Moved by Job I3 lloltttts•, Esq., aecooded by James sweetie. see. wowed &.r W. r eowl.l,le saes, ie sit IZ Stutz Esq., W .. Mauwhich try pool.. t. ern. Ws .eodwed Abs u,a.l pteslr. ,,pias ,a ...Irw.r- That the County Clerk be regnested to apply to the Clerk of the .r, .t SI . Th.) v. ►re.1, t►su tree. • try �s Peace, fur s11 the copied of lbs Maltese received by bred, for the ii+LA 1Iyy t i 'Lee, ..t ,S41,..i.• ..t ►7 0.. bila el Municipal Councils and Tuwnshiye is the United Cuubtie* of Hu- _�,ensONIMc� res, Perth and Bracco and that the Couety Clerk do bold in his of aaraal I, vial .ed caao�Jc arras udrr&>L poe.ei.ieo, cubism( to the orders of Council, such copies, addressed uracrtexiaof w ILIUD►a..d aw • to any Tuwashlp, stet being a 1fuolcipeloty of itself that is sot to BILIOUI FEVERS & LIVER CD,dPLA1YTe.- eemienes Carried seaai W e U.. .3. b.ly et tie gout s., .L••• Owe Armor ie...d. Awl .0 b 1"".1."6N 1' Wtrl•. "P. is ..ad Mb"... "I" ,tl L-79. Muted by J. K. Cltlulmots, Esq., seconded by William w,ow.sawee s. mil WI*See &be.l�M.4w. 13 Snath, Eaq , 1tLIut•y CuULrt:. and ceases ewe.... MILLS. That the committee of the Whole en the Report of the Select COST( •anti,:. COLDS & COZ'Ults, t•u.u.'t:, � y. Usti ..► .era,.. w Sr Swam. committee on C OQI/ be resumed. L Yf UUaOYa. DauYolarw Too Wardennominetcd Janes 11 0, E -q., to the Chair. DZSLOPT 11*. w,.,w.•••••aL...r,e..eS is The Report of the committee un Cowmuo SC Eisele Slag then ss••• arms L.aiiijtli"w"aLOf.rsJr.er Y[ur71(Y..i J Al baa. Lot Ydir". 1, f"ru real, and the motion of yesterday again brought befuie the cum- LsacY. mattes. School., cu>„taru,. owes Luse u Yi YY0. orad £l1VV... r.. u.. drawn •f t.. w► h:-1♦ 80.a 3fowd ie amendment by J. K. Clendiooie, Esq., ra•�"r'tw+ •'I't t•"� " `''a'a seconded by 1V I Ilttim 9m• tb, E, mew....ee.elr oars erase.. Bare UN .)e.+., 0.104•41.• Esq., ,,,1b.. -. e3. ►. res. rare . Iw,.ess.l- That the words io the first clause of the proposed Bv- Law be- Tae rutli. 0t: sa7 Writ:u, AN" W CIOLD. •weatthew... .be itenacteJ"sod 'prow dedelweys"he struck Pi ULN►.:x.rCOMPLEXION. oat, and that the fullowiog words he asserted -••That each Town- •11VERAL DEDZLITTr g r DJbttay, uxavar uuwurae.t✓sswl u.WT. U D ship Treasurer be appointed sub -Treasurer, subject to the duties Sera. JAI(IAD 00133.. 1'.lLALY4TULY aagulfa and habiliuee of the County Treasurer, with regard to the School Tr.9L. ILYULL PLAID. JILJDIL&, LUSS tri Arra •uo.ea to bet Towoahi,i."-Carried unaoimuusly. t7rt L:VaR o03ttrLAIig:Ill. N-15. Moved further to amendmect, by J. K. Cl.odtanio, sad Lieeta•Y. Luu_ra.%aux ieeuaded by Thomas, Johnson, E.q . Ila liM C C It 1 A L tD I$ E A a E S.- Tti•t the word. "any Br -Law or By -Laws to the cootrar not- Ke'wa"'"V1°ea'•""'Iwlr•11'ar`a"'.ta.+""`► J- J „lade o..w rasa 3.r ....I++.ai ve.+rate. d e•rrsr,sa witi.alaeding, be bustard after the words fur the eurtent year.- seam &wear;..LLru1n Da1ULITY. Pisan/us carried unentaoualy. COMPLII\Ts e1' err Loa.. UAW\re 4ktLe.74'Ai. PALPITATION VOA MUST. PALrret•e coots,. The committee thea rose, and the Warden mnnou ed the Coate.rix. 63. The Report was then recsrTed dud cou6rmed. The 13j -Law „no.; s o. -ata .us,h le urs Urea�Liiii las.ier.s a4... A.sceameol Leo, which req ores that a !let of all laods to arrear of Tues within the United Counties be laid before this Council, pre- ..eus to the first of January, le51, sod stoliOR that It 1s desirable that 11.e same shuuld he complied w:th during Otte sitting of Council. 1'. Moved by Mr. Donkin, seeoadd by Mr. Eider. That a Comn, tt.e or Fite be appointed to examto• and report were appointed. on the *tate of the Cells in the Gaol -Carried unanimou, The Council then 'di -tweed until Moodily morning the 91b De- u'clock, WILLIAM CHALK. Warden, ll. P. k B. Mean. BMITH, \VAW.ACE, HENRY, HODGINS, ‘ANNAND, CLENDEN.NIN, iiLLER. N. IflU RITCHIG TT, IiELDER, HATS. bill DECEMBER.. 1850, 4 o'clock; P: M. The minutes of the meeting oo Saturday ware read and coalrwed. The Council met pursuant to adjournment. 62. The \Varden presented so appircatioo from 1h• diarrmao of ?ABSENT. the nuance Commute G the Board of Public Instruction, which The \Varden in the Chair, and • quorum. .as read, crdered to the neat general meeting of the 1'ounmll. 11. The Report of the Committee appo nted to investigate the 83. 'l'be Report of the Committee on School Taxation was, reed, elate of the Gaol was received, read, ad approved of in open received and adopted to Mien Council. -Conned. 1 84. The report of the Fiance Committee was read and referred • 'Ile ('ba-rman of the Comm:flee on the Canada Company's Ap- 1 to a Committee of the Melo. prepnstioo Flied reported progress... end caked leave to sit again. • The warden Dominated Mr. Holmes. to tho chair. The Council sdj Memel until 10 o'clock, to -morrow morning. M. -Nog. 1, 2, 3.4r 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10 rare read and adopted. Q.-1 I. It was mimed by Mr. Ritchie, seconded by Dr. Chalk - WILLIAM CLALK. Tbat the Solicitor he instructed to sign Cogoovits to any lawful Warden, H. P. Et B. suits against the Counties, in addtttoo to the authority given ham to receive summonses. -Carried uoaeawously, and adopted to addl- Fatnat Tew6Tu DAT OV Dwcaraatt. 1850. tion 1011 Section of Finance Report. The feller -inn Cuu,rl ttee was nominated be the Council, vie:- crusher, twist, at 10 M . Duni,n, Hill, theta. Hudgins sod Helmer. The County Clerk mode a aiatea,eot relative to the Canada Ct-lnpaty hoprotement Fund, relating to the discrepancy to some cases between the amount guarenteed by the Company, and the amount certified by the County Surbeyor. (I. it was moved by Ur. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Ritchie, That the paper• relative to Um Canada Company's Improvement Fund be referred to a Select Committee of Firs -Carr ed useni- mously• Whereupon a Ballot took place, and the following members o! the Council were spectated, as: - Memos. Ritchie, Holmes, Scott, Wallace and pays. The Cuunctl thea adjourned until 4 "'cluck. this day. WILLIAM CIIAI.K. Warden, 1i. P. lit 13. A"OTICE. TBEG is intimate to the iul.abitats of the Townehlps us Gudrneh. StaLley and ('ol- horne, that ander a power of Artoroet frau the BARON DE TUYLE, dated the 95.1 April, 1949. I no ■elhoriacd tedispose of Jos LANDS in these Tuworteps, and to grant Title Deed for the same-aedalw to collect ail Morons dor him. dud to grant D,-ehareesfar die.arne.-aed 1, hereby regent all person iadebied to the mid J4."* de 'Foyle. forthwith to settle op their reel • ettive debte. THOR. MERCER JONES. •Ialerich, 8th May, 1930. 3e -n1511 NOTICE. 1 13E0 to intimate to all that it may eoneere, 1 that i have eudet a power of Attorney trent- ed to WILLIAM S 14)RY, aothoriseJ turn Id; *oiled all money, dee me either by Note of lased Or otherwise, and east dtarhatee• for she w roe. And 1 hereby request all persons indebted to In forthwith to settle the same and save' - come The Council met in persuaoce of the aJjouoment of yesterday. 14. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 30. 21, 23, 23, 64, 25, 66, 27, 39,29, raa.INT. 30, 31, 32, 33 were read aid adopted. The Warden in the Cbair. SIR. -34. It was moved by Mr. Wallace and seconded by Mr. Messrs. HiCKS, Henry, ocorr, That the • (accounts of the Sole:tor be taxed by the proper MAYEN. officer for that purpo.c, adopted in addition to S4 Section Flossie RITCHIE, Committee 35, 36, 37. 39, adopted. ' DONKIN, . MS. -39. it was i.c.cd that' the decision of the Council oe the i}ILL. subject of the debt, due frees the late London District bet referred HENRY. to the next General meeting of the Council -carried uaammuosly, JOHNSON, and in addition to 39 Secnoo Finance Committee. SMITII, Nos. 40 A,--40. 41, 46, were read and adopted. CLE\DENNUI. M'!'.-43. 1t was moved by Mr. Robert Henry, and seconded bJ ELDER. Mr. Holmes, HUDGINS. That the Surveyor be allowed twenty pounds, instead of fifteen WALLACE. pounds for his extra services, that the Council was 1101 quare of at ' IIOLMES, the time of fixing the said salary.' HELMER, M. -It was then moved to amendment by Mr. Motch's, seconded • ANNAND. N. -by Mr. Hedging, That -the Report of tbo Scleet committee be confirmed. There voted for the amendment For the motion of £20 to confirm the Report of 'the Pi- addilioeal salary, nonce committee, recommeeding Messrs. Cbalk, £I5 additional salary, Hays, Messrs. Kitehie, Helmer, Scott, Ciendinein, Hudgins, Hill, Elder, Wallace, Armand, -5 Henry, Smith, -8. - The testier was carried by a majority of 3. Noe. 44, 43, 46, 47, 47. 48,49, 80. 61, 8114 53, 54, 55. 56. 57, 81, 68, 68, 66, 67, 33, 70, 71, 71, 711, 73, 74, 71, were read trod adopted. The Warden hnlag resented the Chair, the Report of the eots- mtttee of the Whale's the Report of the Finance committee was confirmed. The Cosset! the adjourned until 10 o'clock to -morrow. WILLIAM CHALK, \Varden, 1f. P. k 3. JOHN LANCASTER. 61. Answer of the County Treasurer to the County Clerk's G.ierioh. 2Stb day 31.7, 870. '31'17 Litter, to pursuaeee of the Motion (E) of yesterday, referred to the Finance Committee. NOTICE. The County Treasurer's Report (No. 1) was allowed to be . MR Soiseriberhevla.bees appeistedAgent withdrawn sed a sew Report substituted to its steed. fol the PROVINCIAL 111U'1'l:.tl. AND 62. AccountofStewart Campbell tor work done on the Town GENF:RAL iN4CItANC'I: COMPANY, here• line of Ellice and North Eatbope (local), referred to Ffnsoee by intimates, 'het he a prepared to receive Sub- Committee t3 t- 6 scripuon. for Stock in the Proprietary Branch, 63. llepor'1 of School Commltlee read, and. referred to a Como and applacattoos (sr lneuront.s in the Mutual : mutes of the Whole. . Break, sod to pts such i.,format.00 on the 64. The \Vardet nominated Mr. Doable to the Cbbir, the Re- aA)rct as may be requred. port was read, and the proposed By -Laws, and -s ttiotios by Mr, JOIN CLARK. Clend•nnia, seconded by Mr. Smith, h,troduced; whim it war Gudoieh, 2611s 8Cpl. 1819. 4.-u34r. mowed by Mfr. Holmes, and secondedby Mr. Ritchie, that the Com - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: nuttier •Douro, report pr. grew, sad ark 1..,. to art again. The 11 arden .seamed the Chair. rrllE Robseriber beg, (rare to iDfurm the 65. Account of W. Piper. referred to Foresee Committee. 1 Inhabbicri of the ease to of (Juices, 66. Isaac Rstteobur� s Stage account, referred to do. do. G7..1. Gentles' do. do. do. and the neighboring Districts, that le has ea. Leiter of 1W. Sweet and account, do. do. l'tsta611311Pd 11nn1tSl•l1 iii Stratford. 1-9. Mored by Mr. Cloodeon,o, and seconded by Mr. James and is propard to give Plans end Specifics I 11111, trans of Public er I'.ivale Buildings, Bruin- j That the Township Mass now in possession of this Connell, be es, Mill 1)aine, kc. kc. kc., and olli lake heeded over to theTown.bto. towhtch they severally belong. the •upertoteudence of such Licence's, oar! The %Verw•u nominated Mr. R. N Lester as Auditor to place of toe roust reasonable terms. Mr. Ales•n her Rut.ertsen, who has left the country. the thorough knowledge of his proles/stool Mr. Smith gave moose, that to -morrow he would introduce a and his practice as 13.03,,, qualifies lulu for, By1Asw to regulate the manner of piste: off the Debts due by any undeetakeng in the tine. Address poet , the ISIS 1Jletriet Craned, previous to tM sear 1849. pall, J'F:'1'ER F EauustuN, Mr. lkyeo pit lea tootton relating to -the By -Law for the sup - Milder, ke. kr. Stratford, C. W. 1 pert .•1 Scheel Teachers, which was w.ttJrawn. Ptratford, March •1 . 1819. lw.s7tl1 The Cuuadl a:lj swsed est,( 10 o'clock to -morrow morolog. I \VILI.iAM CHALK. m'1'RATTNORU IRON ForNorm-.' Warden, 11. P. k. B. -Th sebser.ber harirg perckasrJ 111. lalrr• ..1 of M. C. J. Wilier In the above Ko- sonlisb,eeet, N about 1.1 eoattnue r es on his cite responvhthtr. In ►sleepier' thanks to the public for the very lateral ,b roura7ement rec..l.J by flet k Wttsne, 1 e begs to tnroner* that he salt remedial, 4 Trice on hand a+ ae oilman ni Kuper.e t'••r„es, cessations of C0 O R, I.t,' G. Parlour. and 13.)x Stores : Amer -1 Scotch &..C. a(lian Ploughs' of the most In -.r �I••ul.le,-.7L71.7' ROLLERS, Tornio. 1...'k... Nevtd's Ateliers, 4.t. TIIILASi ING 31ACIII \F:S t • superset description t•. s:ay httb.rte satreduaud, and heater adapted to this coos try f.ui. their highieem of draught, ani) 'strength of cuestruetlun. A call from in - toadies purchasers is requested bcfere pur ehateg elute here. The &beim will be Pohl at Low Rales for C.a,4 or Trads, ur at cur - r sepoadl ng rates of approved e -*41140430111, 1444. { IIte.4010 -WO E.. . J34It1 1! y�pOillICfila •w3. - A/Y 4 llhiN *s• R J C I 1$ ,was • Brom SITrantr, 7111mbar, 1010. Tor 'oiler -II real by adjoereseent. 66J ►aa.a.T. 11.e Wordlist su the elm,. blesses. SMiTH, WA 1.I.ACR, HODGINS, HENRY, (7i.EN01rtruA, ANNA, , JOIINB N, ELDER. HOLM Holes RITCHIE, IIKI,MKR, HAYi IN, SCOTT, HICKS, Al. The hath of Mr. Lyater se Auditor, gram put is aid ordered la he filed. 70.• Referred to the Reads aed *Wm ewsisateet 70. flamee. coe.nritree. 7,. do d. 7L de du 71. 5e do 54. •Ie de 74. Rata sad B 'free Lamas 7M Ptoast• do .a. t • o. 1> -.111141114. TV/MIST, loth day of December 1850. The roused met by adjournment. Paa9ENT. The Warden in the Chair. Mears. HENRY, SMMIT11, IIODGINS, (HAYS. SCOTT. ANNAND, JOHNSON, ELDER, WALLACE, RITCHIL CLEN DENNIN, HILL, i•4OLM RS, HELMER. M. -Moved by Nr. Ritchie, sad .econdedby Mr. Walken, V. -filet the accounts for the contingent expense' eoonseted with the Board of Public leetruetloo of the hefted Counties of Huron, Perth aed Brom be audited aW pard, the accounts beiog, A set of Books ordered by the board, £a 1 5 Amonnt of Stage Pare doe I. Rattenbery, a 7 0 lluron Signal Printing and Adeertlmsg, l 8 6 Huta Loyalist Advertising, 0 11 8 Partys r it, b..d, NJ. base. UAL bads .d owe. It I:VUAT1 s]3.. TV..ale.s.lpar ria weenie d..r.a. eel be ewe .f rale( w tW La. ar+.u... MV•M .t ULOOU to the I,kAD, aeu&YY. EE OV, SWELLINGS. awlec:raUuLA,i wL 6.1151/11.411:i..6.15 SOAR t1F O R 112 / ..e as bad.. ss, ele,..ur ..ranee r rave lens.. .- 1'u•su .dl .Y re1l 00 W•...rw0 ire% Weer 3..e Wer eawteeee r .eee.••.d eels( Ail lie retie TDE LICE nus IND rnfE111 Bt1TEn PURIFY THE BLOOD, AaJ thus teeters all disease (rum the system. a mist .w pre± Ns LIFE PILLS sod P r ' II BIT TERS►. .+trrwacSw•- alai e W i. seir•i.,. t( Aber) p�.lve .t.eot. Tie p..i.. of t1.... eedel... w mar pot..p b wen. ... u1W w n .d 1Ae0, ..set sr 1 • ,1.: G..4 eosin..."t . 51. 6.. . .0 0er0 r • de • .to.a ..a lkuad.., bur Nal/ w3.«t w w Oafs,Ly I.ioi "3....S' r. ,..out the City ea• .sly ray), W .w T4 wrappe ..t base:e •.. bn e.py..ih.4 thermion. trey w1..'p.....* .We, e60.La• •napiets sae be aw...d Wet ti.) .n teas,.. a. ,onto. ,.d d, tad bey W..• .e• res.. .rert<rs. Seo i( Ise du. La ....0.d Wilt Vary .ser dues, tree IN, or arm t..aa 1Le... C7 Prepared sad sold by • DIt. W1LLIAIC R. amorra.T. C9 9 1 -Cartied unanimously. Tb. warden bay*g left tate e%oJr, the Conseil resolved noel )oto a eoelmttte of the whole o• the R pert of tea Rosda aid Bridges. Tim \Va'dee new,in.led Mr. Wallace is the ebau. let. Sec. -57 A. atepted. - a 2nd. Sec. -as to McCaw's ee08sc( adopted. 3rd. Sec.. --•doped. - -. 4t►. See. do. -` lith. See. de, , , r , , ; ,tato &h. Sae. d.. ti 1 v l i t 71b. Sec. -70 A. ednptsd. Mh. See. -75 de. Tb• Ce/m,tite rose eat Ito W.,see tit oaf *Oaf swifts' . t Sad tierdet iS Orined artwl °f�fa( t i c•ntaglMi/l )J! ler,.Jr.), ewer ,.f L..Uwry brssi, Ns. T.,L For Sale by BENJ. PARSON`i, Sete .4gcnt. G Aerial, Jan. 23. 1848. 11'ATSO.N 8 WILLIAMS, 7)IXIE W.J1'sox of Goderich," i) IRRiSTER AT LAW. &e. &e. ad 1) (;COCOA WILLIAMS, of N tr.lfurd, late of the firm el Hector, Weller sad 11"iituma, Bee raters, &c. Termite. basing this day eotereo into co-partoeret.ip,i• the Practice.; and Protes- t... 01 Law. Cuasco*T and CeevtnaMw, wall in filters keep their Offices •t Uudeneba.4 23teetbrl, reepecut.ly, under t8 seams, atyta and firm of Warm. sed Wittiest" Dixie Warau,.Gweuun,' (ir..•aGL 3,tut-taus, Juaaorti, 21th December, 154:1: 2,.047if NOTICE. THE VILLAGE OF CLINTON. itar ' 'T • •s ! re/1 .g 1)4. P. A. DMCDOUTALL, - C A N be consulted et sµ -jMpb ells .3fra, H',1, F- Guodi ,, F(,c.4at,ta' •- O..Jerich, Sept. 18tb, 1848. 434 tel I. LEVi' 1S,' ••• 11 A RR 1 t9T ER, s o 1. t c 1'ro f, &C,, ' Jose. 1848. GODF.RICR. e ALFItED W, OTTER, ab General Agent & Convtb-aper cOLLLCTOI: (TACCOVYTS', il•e. iib ' COD% RICH. • Ore. 1, 1849 •,.- ,d: JOHN STRAC11 .N, BARRIS'rlat AND ArrotiNEY YIP i.A 1V, 8ulicilor io C44 r.errv, NOTARY (loose' Ha• his office in West Street, Gotlererb Goderich, 9nd Jaenary, 1860. 1,..4 • DANIEL HOME 'AGARS, ATTORNEY AT LA 1V. end Cuxrryuncer, .solicitor in Closter), +0., 11/e his office es formed., to 1 1r.tlb►d. 8tratfoid, 9nd January, 11150. to-s4>r N. B. -Mr. Strachan, of the tete fia w Strachan fa Lizard, continues to act as Agent and Counsel for Mr. Lizard In all mat:crs referred to him from Stratford. R. WILLIAMS, & Co. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. And (7eoenl Dealers in Groceries, Llgeses. Paints. Oil.. Varnishes, Dye8tsfla Hardware, Ne., STRAT'FORD. Prescript ria dwpnssed with aatarsey tied toecap•it.4.. :v-i1S �exceUaaot opeiag for a goad Wa ti goo maker will et Reseal: be fowl is the rumor tags of CGato% art sftbs MIA .s of the roads leading from Uamdtoe •s4 Landes to Godencb, aed beiog tease miles distant from the tetter. Tbis tillage to surrounded by ibo most prnaperoue esl- tlemen: is the Huron Tract, and already promisee to become • plaa0 of some Iwpur•• tangs. There are Dow several tradesmen In it, and a good workmen in the •bore lure will assuredly meet mull liberal en- couragement. n- couragement. Fur further particulars, application may be made to B•scl•y Levitt, Blackamtth Cho tun who cul cheeriully give aswtance to the person^ w.ae.r.g to rommeuee wagon making in the abate noised %duos*. Cl:otoo, 23,40c1.. 1850. 0-036 0 I c THE BabeeriberbeRao inform the i.bebitaste of Osdetieh and im vieteity, item he has re. mewed a Lome Supply of the LATEST 1M - PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, 330X, AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he ellen for SALE at easy REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The 8eteeriber also keeps oe heed, as suet. at hie OLD STAND, a LARGE end very 8u• eerier anaortneet of TINWARE of every description. J. K. GOODING, AUCTIOAEEH, w'LL attend SALE13 is snr pert of the Crumty ea re erasable Tors... •p. ply"st kri. Residence. Liebe-II•ees bitten. -O.,loeseb:April, 4111640. vrWa DANIEL GORDON, OABINET MAKER. TATis don Ear of tits Canada re's. (Sims, W k.i'.3T-L)7' K I: F '1'. GODERICV: Aocnot.eltk, 1849.- 1v-ei0 R. YOUNG, HOOT tied RHOS SMabor. *as door West el IM r. George Videos's, ilaehetwat, Frost street. Godsacb. Aprs: 2e1h. tll♦¢0. baa • ]Oily J. t. kINTION.. .001.•1111 .(oaks Cntnlissioner Quee,t'.a Beweha AND CONVEYANCJt.IN STRATFORD, 1)li. JtJI&1r HYD_ E [t•ta raer 5.1...) MEDICAL STRATF'ORD.. July, 31. 1819. Cs•usIll WM. ,RES D, ; HOUSE 4.14) SIGN POWT IB. 4+. LIGHT -DOUSE ST. GODER1CM. O.' 26. 1449. • 1&.38 DAVID II. LIZA RS. ' RUC TtO11''EER. IS prepared to attesjBites ie any part of tea Uarid Coosilrts.s the m.mIl.eseeu- ahie terga. Apply at lb* Rerutly Office, Lighthouse .t filet. (:odertch. APIil 11. 1820. t3-. • NOTI,Ci. - ►OIIE Subscriber bating I1FNTED t1e WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong. lei to the Moans. Dyittryut t, of abs )late has eeta►Ilebed himself es s Iro*WA•0Ii ins cOumlaerow weaCealre. Asy enders or commission from tie cbasle of Goderich, will receive prdtsa atteatioa. JOAN McEWVAN. _ Wiodwr, Ranh, 3849, .Sr-7iU STOKES, The subscriber takes this eppertusity efreter- oieeh.asiecere thanks to the Pahhe for the very liberal patronage be 'bee received since ti. has bees in busses• is Goderich. mod hopes by strict mitotic.° to business, sod modest, prices, to eonnooe to receive • Mimeo( the p..Alie purMep N. 0. -GRAINING• PAINTING. GLA• ZiNG, PAPERaad BEI.(. HANGING carried o° se heretofore WILLIAM STORY. Ood.ricb, Gth Sept. 1849. 2v-e3l if CANADA.Litt•s ASSURANCE C 0 .Y P .9 X 1 . THE Subsriber laving been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE AINORANrE. ('0.," is prepared to receive propoale for Ases• ranee, sad will be happy to afford to say person the neeeseary information, as 1e the prieciples of the isetitntfne. JAMES WATBON• Gederteh, 8th Jose, 1840. els St ARDINE ARMS, *i 'Wharf a ieite4,) •ld!' V. WARM/N. *84111' 1?MMkl &se'fled atedmedaties for IN fN4(11•rt. 11r6btreg. ase ,Ste. The Patin ilkry Me 401 leave owe Heb (wibd it wsother p.emittinf,) V•itiatr- ly lw8c. a 1.08 for the KIAeardia Bete* 1. Pee f b t or sweats a to .tbwi`/ iYTle ihsewN!MON Mk, 0 t'3. I)cmist alta illrugasit, WEST -STREET, OODF.RICtt, July 1850. 20-3 -- THE OLD BAKERY. 11 NEWMAN. BR1:AD. CAKE. Cuszpa • and Paaray Baaaa, 6nl doer FAN st 3.b• Cs•ada Compaea's Office, West -street, Gods - rich. Oarterial. September 24, 1850. *IA WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Cb., CAPITAL $1.000,000. EZRA HOPKINS Hamilton, ARReet'ler the Cduatree of 1,Vaterloo esti fierce. August 27, 1850. Sell DAVID H. LIZARS, LAND AGENT. CoNVEvA3CErt AUCTIONEER, 8TRATFOHD.. ,sW. WILL word sales a say pert of the Uated Comities oe the &.sat bMrat tense. Ap- ply to Joh. G.I.. Lap., Coderieb, u to the m►scriber, 8tradord. All lettere mat be pre mild. Osd rieh, Dae. 418, 1650. VIM PARTNERSHIP. DR. HYDE reepecifolly .anneve., is rhe pebie S ad around Btntlord, ihnt lrija ,altrid tee ..tie. tWp with iMR BE ea *smartese.d CbIM'IWd Devip e3. (Maly Ir.. K.gl•od,) and bept.br Haim anagvessm to .mases., .b when Whale MIAhwso. sed Alen Me puna", sad esspildneekof the public A (all s.p,tly .J apo Chemical, Oils, Vue..bee, D,r-staf6, Act, causally kept oe head ill lbs ftirsrford, Dee. 411., 16311. 711W Jl ©119Jtf. MEMp NEST STREET, GO litincitic, ( Neer the Market ieoes•• BY uvulas. 30115 R tibi T. •• ia (' 1 GOD As emseedataa for. TA..Ma.� VI a amain .B eet les stet all Ogres of Teams. .r‘ Oodewsb. Dec. 6, 11169„1 t, biddle and *NAT ST 1047, *ogee