HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-27, Page 2_ * W llf * ,i M * •4 ". - M '. R Y ,M , ". Y • • . M Y Peg.. 2 The Times -Advocate, November 27, 1958. • Nevwa ,Budget From a Vote !s You Like, But Vote Bas llr e Ay MRS. ARCHIE. ,DEWAR 'gILL1/,1!llullu.Ilidla!A!1!t!11.!!!11lALLUfA!!!UUIIJ.U,{.,mmi!UAUIUMUIJUUµ11!1[,!!!!Id1.11UU1U!U!!A!IAI.I.!!!)mo Exeter Electors. I respectfully solicit your vote at the polls on. Monday. Sincerely, Eldrid'Si' Simmons: CANDIDATE FOR COUN(.;t A,11.111111111/1111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11,1111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111," ELECT GEORGE E. RETHER FOR CAREFUL CONSIDERATION OF Costs vs. Benefits of * DRAINAGE *INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION * SEWAGE * ZONING Mark your ballot Rether For Councillor -- Mon., Dec. 1 - PHONE 302 FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS Persons( :ham's Miss Vivian Baker Is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Georgie Carr, in St. Marys. Messrs. Alfred and Vernon Baker attended the Royal Win- ter Fair for a couple of days last week. Airs David Holland visited lwi sister. Ars. It. Fraser, hi Park- hill one day last week. Air. and Mrs. Andrew Knox, Eighth Line, were dinner guests of Air. and Airs, George Wilson on Sunday. Air. and Ars. Duncan Ale - Naughton visited with her par- ents. Mr. and Airs. David Shep- pard in Parkhill last week. Guests on Sunday with Mr. Fred Parkinson and Breeda were Mr. William Elston, Air. Fred Jameson, Kate and Florence. Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Thomson and family and Airs. Fred Thom- son were guests with Mr. John Rinn on Sunday. Mr. Archie Dewar. spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Baker and family, in Georgetown and attended the Royal at Toronto. Message From Greenway Mr. David Wilson of Arkona visited on Sunday with Air. and Airs. Russell Brown and family and Mr. and Airs, Dean Brown, air, and Airs. Emerson Wood- burn and Beth visited on Sun• uay wtli Mr. and Mrs. Robert '.aylor and lainily of l'arna. Rev. Moore of Parkhill United. Church will be the guest speaker in the interest of the Greenway I Bible Society in the Anglican Church on Sunday evening at 8 p.m. Mr. Andrew Pollock passed away last Tuesday at the home of her son, Mr. Harold Pollock. • Mr. Dawson .Wooaburn of Tor- onto spent the weekend at his , home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eagleson of Detroit spent the weekend with relatives. Mrs. George Reid (nee Myrtle Stinson) of the West called on :firs. R, L. Sheppard and' other friends in this vicinity last Thursday, • Miss Marion -Woodburn, Mr. Ken Larmer and Mr, and Mrs.: H. Larmer of Burketon spent the - weekend with Mr. and Airs, Car- man Woodburn.. The bazaar and tea will e a held on Saturday in the United t church at 2:30 p.m. r Ladies At Elimville Eic:ct New officers The november meeting of the with an accordion instrumental, kditnville W.AI.S. and W.A.., %W. MISS Dianne Joins, a pia held on Wednesday afternoon at '.number; Miss Ruth Skinner, the home of Rev, and Mrs. H. humorous reading; Brenda and tivilsOu. Dale Skinner, a duet; Mrs. Johu Airs. Gilbert Johns had charge Batten, a reading unci Miss of the program. Airs. Ivan 'lathy' and Janet Here two voc Brock read the Scripture. Duet duets. was sung by Airs. Howard Pym :personal Items and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mrs., Newton Clarke gave her report Miss Betty Coney of Water) as delegate to the fall rally, spent the weekend with Mr. a !Mrs. Wipers Johns gave a read- 111i,s, Howard Pyrn and Joan. ing on Christian Stewardship, 1 he Huron County Libra Happenings In Blansh, rd By MRS. 911,.A.PWYttt 'HOQPg,.R no rersonpt items: a Mr. and Airs. Leonard Thee. ker and family visited .Sunday afternoon with Mr. Percy llod- as gins who is a patient in St. Jo - al seph's Hospital, London. They also visited with Mrs. T. Waugh, of London. Airs. Leonard Thacker ,enter- nd day s fternoon number honor ofd Cathy's Mus- lin, seventh birthday, Guests were FY Ann Parkinson, Brenda Parkin - no son, Betty Jean Miller, Diane 41 Smith and -Judy Blomniaert. ;$1 Mr, and Airs. Kenneth Park- inson and family visited SUnday 'co 1 afternoon with Miss Thorpe who e' is a patient in St,. Mary's Hos- !pital, London. Y, i Mr. and Airs. Theo. Stephens d of Anderson spent Sunday with d i James Alossey. r t Miss Ruth Cl, I-fooper, of Lon- don Teachers College, vas prac- tice teaching all last week at n> Knoliwood Public School, Lon- ; I don, d Mr, Ralph Clark and Air. s I Gladwyn 1 ooper attended the d Royal Mak Fair in Toronto last week. t. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper lr• and daughters visited Sunday t1- afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. n Mr. Wilson presented the slate 1lioiaiville Il i a nen'sn Institute t of officers for the coming year: the hpnre of Airs. Jackson Woo Elonorary. ,P -resident is Airs, Wit, on Tuesday noon, December roam Itoutly; • president, Mrs. There *will be charge" if boo Franklin Skinner; vice pxesi- are not returned or reported b dents, Airs. Charles Stephen and fore this date. Mrs. Philip Horn; recording see Mr. and Airs. William Rout] rotary, Airs. John Ridley; assis- visited on Sunday with Alt. an tant, Airs. John Batten; treasur' Airs. Alex t'raRa, of Icirkioir. er, Mrs. Gilbert Johns; corre-1 Sunday visitors with Mr. an spondtng secretary, Airs. John 1 Mrs, Charles Stephen were Al Coward; Airs. Ivan secretaries, Brock; cliterature, Christian Au', Murraynd Airs, Laurie Stepof lieo leitizenship, Mrs. Horace Del -1 Gerry and Donna, of London bridge;" Christian stewardship, !Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson an Mrs. Everett Skinner; Mission. family, of Kirktoii; Mr. and Mn ary Monthly, Airs,, Kenneth' Donald Stephen, of Exeter, an Johns; Mission Band leaders, 4 ATrs. Thomas Bell, Airs, Elson Lynn and Mrs. Philip I Mrs. Paul AlcNaughlon, of S Johns; C.G.I,T. leaders, Airs. i Marys, and Airs, Earl llleNaugl Ross Skinner, Mrs. Delmer I ton, of Kirkton, visited on Mo :Skinner; Baby Band secretary,1 day with Mrs Charles Stephen Mrs. Lewis Johns; Cradle Roll Entertain Relatives superintendent, Airs. John Rid-; ley: community friendship, Airs, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan, lvilliain Walters; wreaths, Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer, Mr. Everett Skinner; supply commit-' and Airs. Melvin Gardiner, of tee, Airs. Newton. Clarke, 'Mrs.4Thames Road; Miss Mary Gar - Garnet Miners and Miss Verdi 'diner and Mr. Bert Gardiner, Kellett; pianists, Airs. Newton i of London entertained 40. relatives Clarke and Mrs. Delmer Skin- at the Elimville Hall on Satu1 ;ler; press, Mrs, Ross Skinner; day evening, associate helpers, Mrs. Freeman Those present were Mr. Arthu Horne and Airs. William Ropily; • Gardiner, of London; Mr. an singing leaders„ Mrs, Harold Airs, William Johns, Sr., Mr, an Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Mr. John Passmore, Mrs. Edna Passmore, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. William Cann, Air, and. •Mrs. Robert Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pass- more, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Pass- moe, of Thames Road; Mr, and Airs. F rayne Parsons, of Hen - sill, ATr. and Mrs. James Grinney, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fraser, of Mount Pleasant; Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of Sarnia; Mr. and Airs. Fred' Long, of Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe, of Anderson; Mr, and Mrs, Gil - Mr, Donald beas, a student bert Johns and, Mr. and Airs. missionary recently returned Allen Johns, froin a mission field at Cold. Personal Items Bell and Mrs, Ross 'Skinner, W.A. Officers Officers for W.A. are:.,Honor- ary president, Mrs. John Batten; president, Miss Ruth Skinner; vice - president, Mrs,. Howard Pym; recording secretary, Mrs. John Batten; assistant, Airs. Colin Gilfillan; treasurer, Airs. Harold Bell; secretary of Chris- tian Stewardship, Mrs. Gilbert Johns. A sale of articles at, the close of the meeting amounted to $20,05. Speaker At Sunday Service Austin 'Timms of Baseline. Rev, and Mrs. J. Lindsay of Port Huron spent a few days lest week with Air, and Mrs. William Jones and attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Fred Thomson, Mrs. Alvada Hopkins, Mitchell, ;firs. Lottie Jones, Granton, re- .' turned to their home on Sunday after spending the past week ✓ with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jones. d Mr. and, Airs. Bill Shaw and d family of Arthur spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wes Mossey. Lake, Alberta was guest speak- er at the church service on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner day morning. He told of his ex- entertained the Usberne School periences at the six -point charge Board and their wives and the le ministered to in that district, Iso the buildings they used for vorship and various service he endered, He stressed the way n which help may be given hese less fortunate communities o know and love God by services n giving. Mr. Deas will 'cbe'ordained in the spring and is a son-in-law of Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wilson. Shower For Bride -Elect A number of ladies attended a shower in the church base-, ment on Friday evening for Miss Wilma Walters, bride -elect of Sarnia, visited over the week - this Saturday, .Airs• Bev Parsons end with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert escorted Wilma to a decorated Johns. chair and read the address. Air, and Mrs. William Morley, Misses Carol Johns and Dianne Janice and Robbie, of Whalen; Johns presented her with a Air. and Mrs. Sam Skinner, laundry basket full of gifts. Wil.! Karen and Gary, of Centralia, ma thanked everyone. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Miss Frances Johns favoured Airs. Howard Pym. 1111tun111t1111111111U11111111111111111111 alitlwl1tet1111111111111111111111111111111111111..111111111111111.1111111111111111111111lb You can be SURE. If You Vote LEE SHERMAN For Your Councilman Vote Ralph Bailey FOR MAYOR Good Roads Proper Policing During the six years I have served on council, I have been a member of every committee and chairman of roads, protection to persons and property (police), parks and sanitation. With this experience, I feel I have a sufficient knowledge of the work of your government to qualify as your mayor. I also feel that my 23 years as division head at London Life Insurance Co. will assist me in giving proper representation .to the people of Exeter. If you agree with me that it is time for a change, I earnestly solicit your vote and support at the polls on" Monday, FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS, PHONE 276 BAILEY IA A ,4' ON. A, maw w Y AM , e. ,t ww P1 a .W 14. . teachers of the school area on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett, of Thames Road, and Mr. La- verne Kellett, visited Miss Verda Kellett, a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns, Emerson and Dianne, visited on Sunday with Air, and Airs. Joseph Smith, of Exeter. Mr. and Airs. Arthur Ford, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Skinner. Ai. and Airs. Garnet Johns, of Vote Musser For 1959 Council After serving three years on Council, I feel I• am qualified to do a good. job for the town during the coming year. I promise to do my best for the benefit of all the citizens. 1 respectfully solicit your vote and in- fluence.. Bill Musser •411111111111111111t11t111tt111111111111111111111111111,.111111(11111(111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ii1i111111111111(1111,1, .51 11111111111111U11,IIt 1111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111111111111111II1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111,. 3 Reasons Why Yous,Should Re -Elect Taylor 1, F`OtlR,' YEARS ON SANITATION COMMITTEE 2. FOUR. YEARS ON ItECRhATION COMMITTEE 3. 12 YEARS ON BOY SCOUT COMMITTEE Once again,,,I will appreciate your support at the polls on Monday. Re -Elect Ross Taylor THE LASS` NAME ON YOUR BALLOT Phone' X 32 POSTransportation Td The} Polls Affi lininiietrinlinintllli tIr1U11111U1., li hull tYrlYrl,t'Itlull'nt,ltrrlrriura rtUlrlln'rrl'u'runtlrtu1.Yr1ITI,l Shop first in The Times - Advocate and you'll save money. Shop first in The Times - Advocate and you'll save money. New services . new pro- ducts . . special prices bargain buys. Readabout them in The Times -Advocate, avimmumenninte 1tinUt1AaA1U1.4.IgA41,1O1161MOU0!IA.IIIIAIIll.1,!,!.IAIIA!!Ill!AIA!1.I0Unel!IA.U11eann!(n11ernek ' • Roffliect CLAUDE Candidate For Cou�n Yoyr Support - Will Be Appreciated 'Amann111!11lnammmania I eet,t1memeameemeosionia1 ieseeemeiU1eme m elioultll es• N!IVIuluUliP4!!I!mamb 1111 PIpu1UlUP1111.1.1U1111111ullplluullut1.11111.IIIIItllUu1111111!11t11u11111tlll.1;y1. Re -Elect Glenn Fisher As Councillor 1 stand firmly on the 1958 record --a record of cooperation and working 'together in the best interest of Exeter. Vote Fisher x .11 Itt111111111111111111111111111111 II ttttUIt 111111111111111(II 111/1111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111u111111111111111.111111 /' For Councillor Murray A. Greene (VARIETY STORE MERCHANT) Vote As You Like, But Vote On Monday, December 1 FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS Phone 576-J Vote Pooley. For Mayor To The Electors., My' fellow citizens, I have served you in capacity o• f Reeve and Mayor for the past seven years. It has been a privilege and pleasure to do so. I am prepared to serve as Mayor for another term if you, the Electors, deem fit. I solicit your support at the polls Monday, Dec.'.1, 1958, on my record during those years. If elected, I promise t6 again serve to the best of my ability. Anyone desiring transportation to the polls may call' 641=J. - Vote as you like, but Vote! YOURS SINCERELY, e R. F. 'Ted' Pooley ,1A BETT.ER EXETER► it