HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-20, Page 18Page 1$ The Tito November 20, 1951 r Grand Bend 1,4ibrArY Beard will I T
be held in the LibrarY Friday.1 am,
November 28. ar
at the annual meeting of the
Electiou of officers will be held
• -" '05p ... a. Ladies' Auxiliary to the Grand
-Bend Legion ,on Monday evening.,
Friday .efternoon. einne 13.11
Air. and pers. A, eimeeow and ladies from :the surrounding
daughter Dorie and Mr. ;and communities met in the thureh
..„., . • Novenibe!'r 21.
Brings Ladies $342
South Huron Hospital will ;ben- served oat a number of stations. town of Barrie before joining, t
efit from the new match die- from 'Ontario to Newfoandland, meat department of a large So
veneer at the BurkleY. Although service meets have' market chain. lie was manag
Peen) matches will be sold on always been on the receiving end of the .meat .department in
the "honor" system when the of many jokes. Ed. defends the•ePeterbormegh stare before eel
restaurant re -opens. A epecial- food provided by the air foree ing to Exeter.
jy built rack near the' door will during the war. "The RCM? ; His .brother, John Burke. eeta
ilOW •custoraers to pick. as many earned the reputation -of provid- , lished an insuraece and re
:beaks: as they wish from cartons ing the best meals in the serv-, estate office in Exeter short
and there will be a ,coin box ices." he mainteins• 'after The Burleley opened.
with a slot into. which they may • After the war, Ed worked in; .Both. men have establish
deposit their money. several restaurants in his home- their families in the town.
A11 fends eollected in the box
will be Hulled over to the hos. ..opee
Grand bend Students
Rite for nee as the board seee
Owner Ed Burke estimates the ; — —
revenue may amount to $500
Matches will be ;provided hy, '• ompete In Speaking
the Burkley and any firms which'
On Alonday Rvening the Pub- bj 6
wish to donate them. Already;
several local businesses have lie Ltilities Commission f
e the tisille"c'etgeiktYYSe .Sawtzkl o
e 1 oes for Me
offered eartons. • villagetsponsored a public speak- 'Ada Pimub on Electric Age
ling contest for public school stu-!liespitals; Emerson Gill, Ele
: dents. The evening opened with tricity on the rearm; Janis 1100
Owner Of Firm a word to the parents and chile! on Edison; Sharon Edwards el
Qualified Cook
dren, I Electricity as an Entertainer
Mr. John Hood: acted as chair -.Diane Hood, Living by Electr
!man, and outlined how the eve-', city and Valerie Desjardine o
Ed Burke, 33-year.old owner of ;Mils came into being and how Electricity on our Farm.
The Burkley, isn't a novice to: the Ontario Hydro this year was I The judges were Airs. Wm
the catering trade. co -sponsoring public •speaking ; Love, Mrs. Jack Eagleson an
' Before opening The Burkley in contests, and Grand Bend Pub-lAirs. Desjardine. who judge
Exeter in 1957. the young bust.; he Utilities Commission was them and commented on thei
nessman helped to feed thousands :sponsoring this public speaking materials. Some were nervous
of airmen during his five-year contest for Grand Bend. !some a little too fa•el, .other
• cooking stint in the RCAF. He Those taking part and their failed to vary their facial ex
pression. but all had really mad
a very good effort and deserve
and received praise from th
The bookings were Sharen.
wards, -silo received a prize o
$5.0e, Emerson Gill second re
eeived ee.OU and Valerie Desjar
!dine third received $1.00. The
prizes were donated by the Pub
Ile Utilities COIMIliSSi011. Air
Wm. Love presented the prizes
and thanked :the pupils for their
efforts. Mr, David Stanton, prin.
cipal of the school, thanked the
judges, the P.U.C., the children
and the parents.
The winners will compete with
winners of the Bosanquet group
al Kinniard school on Wednes-
day evening. The winners from
Kinniard school will speak in.
lotest on November 28, and the
winners from there will speak
at the annual meeting of the
Lambton Ratepayers and Trus•
tees Association, from which the
winners will got to Toronto to a
provincial contest at Easter.
. Correction
Airs. Norman Turnbull t euditoriani for a short program
seen a
he few days last week with relit- Preceding the bazaar' Mrs' *licg
ae1. t orgait
ill Clare, Mich. od
gei supp its( gan l'IMISle.
:al,' and Mr.
A. ira.uadndIMArisi.s.A. AUan (111 iiieeilatiriedr. jelleAailtlie.csita.cedAyl eealovrinvilolUee:idriel(glietrIlae.etisivassvvillitilicel,ii
and Airs. Wm. Renate Pa SIM. I RosscisecFeetsl I lole" °Centralia and
I Airs. Hugh Davis of SaintsburYt
Miss Mris Kesier and Mr- ; organ selections by Airs. Robert
Lawrence Ullynt, of St. Marys, I pryde of Exeter:. a humorous
ed v:.'s;:ae•tt with- Air. and Airs, l'.3-. reading by Mrs. John SCIVM a
n- son, of London, visited. with Air.; le. quite• u by Mrs
iuwii 011 auiiaay, slut "High Pressure. Salesman -
The junior khan., under the i ship" by Ml'S. Donald BreY •ancl
!ne(IY, charge:, of the illusive' Airs. -Wilfred Hunkine a skit "Dif-
t leadership of Mrs. Clarke Ken-, Airs. Leg Hodgert; vocal solo bY
end of the (*MCC on Sunday ; ferent Meanings of the Word
morning in the United Church. Yes by Substituting Yeah" by
1ANioroed.. George Andrew :of Long;
Airs. Robert llern and Linda
• or Jarvis are visiting with 'Mr.
and Mrs. john Selvee.
Mj. Gerakt Ballantyne of Lan-
don spent the ;weekend with Mr.
and Airs. Boy Rallantyne.
Airs. Gored. Bell ot Ilensell
spent the Nveckend with Air. And:
Aire. Lloyd Eallantyee.
Mr. Edwin Miller attended the
Men's Council at St. Thomas on
!Sunday .afternoon.
• Mr. and Airs. 'William Elford
visited on Friday evening with
Air. and Airs. Austin Tiinn3s of
Woodham. Miss :Shirley Timms
was severely burned a 'few
weeks ago. Airs., Timms. is
Airs. William Siebert, Zurich, Airs, Edwin Miller and Mrs. Lee niece of Mrs. Word.
teaelier of HomeEconomics t. Webber; a piano solo by Airs. Air, and Mrs. Glenn, Jeffery
Zurich Public School will be tec Ken ()Hewett of Exeter; a vocal
• guest speaker at the W. j, meet. solo by Mrs. McF.alls of Cen-
tralia. All retired to the base -
in t
127.(1111t5 CidtCYITI 071 Setnriantgic; n of meat for the bazaar and luncb.
ti, work accomplished during the rroceeds amounted to $312.00.
e• summer be given.Sill . WM., Thankoffering Service
d Election of .officers for the Sunday morning last was ob-
11 T.W.S.
group will be held at the served as l'ronian's Aiissionary
fl e ; meeting ernia3, November 21. , Society Thankoffering service,
Ladies Legion Aux. Euchre, i Rey. Harold Snell of James St.
n ;
- The euchre party held wider "Chureb, Exeter, was guest speak- •
. the auspices of the Ladies Auxil- er.
d . iary to the local Legion on Mon- Mrs, Edwin Miller, president
day evening of last week was of the IV . M.S. assisted with the
`1,' successful. ' service, Airs. Melvin Gardiner
-The prize winners were: ladies' ; and Mrs. Archie Morgan took up
shigh, Mrs. Leonard Trott: men's , the collection.
. high. Mr. jack Turnbull; lone Personal Items
c ' hands, ladies, Mrs. Horace Lake .. .
Wd Put The N
on the
All the
to the new
See For Expert
Dobson Roofing
Ross Dobson, Phone 63r6 Kirkton
John Tipping, Phone 62-r-9 Kirkton
•.01 ; lllllllllll 1 lllllll 11111111 lllllll 1111111111111111111 lllllll 111111 llllllllll 1111111 lllllll 11111111111j111 lllllll 1111 lllll lllll 11%
Best Wishes
We :were pleaeed to install quality
plumbing equiprnent in this reno-
vated building,
W. A. Sturdevant
Plumbing And Heating
1 Mrs. Mae Holt visited with
her aunt, Mrs. Patrick Gooding
eeeemeleelemeeeeee,,,,emeememe llllll 1111111111111111 llllllll 111111/111111111111111i111111111111111114111111110 in Parkhill on Tuesday.
e Several from this district at -
1 • tended the fowl suppers at Syl-
van and Dashwood last week.
Mrs. ;Henry Green spent last
week in New York, with a friend
from London.
Messrs. Carm an and Cecil
Leeks. Henry Green and Harry
Hamilton motored to Manitoulin
You'll Island last week for a week's
The Board of Management of
I Really St, Johe's-by-the-Lake Anglican
e 'rts.e.;;:.;e2;04- ''e .. ' On Monday evening when several
matters of business were discus -
Church held its regular meeting
Like „ . . . organization of an A.Y.1'.A. alid
ii sed including church visitation,
arranging for a congregational
meeting. There was a good at-
tendance at the meeting.
1 Airs. D. Fletcher (nee Betty
if Green) aed baby of Burlifigton,
• Ont., who have been visiting
r with Mrs. Pletcher's parents,
B U RKLEY , 11i'. Fletcher who spent the
turned home on Sunday with
Mr. And MPS. Henry Green,
; weekend with Mr. alt.! Mrs.
• I Green,
•I Airs. Arthur Lightfoot of Ailea
fi. Our sincere congratulations to Ed Craig and Mrs. Keith ;Connelly
Eurke- on the opening of hit new r J. Holt end Airs. L. itiehard on
of London vieiled with Mr. W.
Restaurant and Smoke Shop., . i; Thursday.
11 Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Baird
visited on Friday with Mr, and
1 : Mrs, Prank Little in Goderich.
te Mrs. Ilaird eepmes :her little
1 f.grandsen, sort of Mr, and Mrs.
I i Win. Baird in London, is pre -
4; grossing favorably atter a re -
?EA I LIMITED i ! tent ePeration.
,•11 Rev. and Mrs. E. Wattant re-:
3" turned on Saturday atter hold.
ling live weeks of revival serv.
pees in Western Canada.
&iiiiiilllifitilliffillliiiiiffilittililliinftlftiollitiffitirthiftifittIttrfnUthifiltilfiftikittOffitlifilOtfitflyffitliyilifil i The A finial meeting et the
J and gents, Mr. Murray Des Jar.' Keith Passmore returned home,
dins: low, Airs. Kay Wal- from St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- I
tiers and gent's low; Mr. Borden • don, on Tuesday last..
Clark. ; Mr, and Mrs. Murray Dawson
1; overe ehivaried on Wednesday
evening last.
Two executives were in the; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery
woods hunting for moose. "PR attended the funeral of the late
sound my new moose -call horn,"1William Luther of Parkhill at
one said confidently and did so, the Ailsa Craig funeral home on!
,.." , •
Anne! ihat 11 bring em. Friday afternoon.
But no moose appeared—in-1 Mrs, Ted McIntyre, Peggy and
stead, dozens of mice came run-: George of London spent the week-
; ning. The executive who had; end with Mr,and Airs. Thos.
sounded the horn stared, then; Ballantyne,
, uttered an imprecation. I eir. and Mrs. Harold Rowe
"That secretary of mine:" he and Dennis spent the weekend at
fumed. "I ordered a moose -call Gravenleurst and North Bay.
by mail—and she had to make a Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Pyin
typographical error." spent the weekend with Mr, and
Through some misunderstaad-
,ing the names of the Grand Bend
Cub and Scout Leaders were nus•
represented in the issue of Nov-
ember 13th. The name • of Mr.
Alec. Hamilton was omitted en-
tirely from the list.
, Mr, Hamilton has been .a cub
!leader for over six years, and
!has taken grea pride and in-
terest in this work. People of
Grand Bend and district, all
deeply appreciate his untiring cf.—
forts with the young cubs through'
all these years, Mx. Hamilton
sacrifices one evening a week.
plus the extra time involved• in
organizing excursions, hike s,
apple and poppy days, paradese
and numerous other activitice
for the boys, out eof his busy
schedule, and in. training them to
become good scouts.
At present Mr. Win. Rendle is
assisting Mr. Hamilton, while
Cpl. Leslie Peate is Scout Leader.
and is assisted by John Hood,
who also helps Mr. Hamilton,
when needed,
Receives Nursing Degree
Miss Annabelle Taylor recent-
ly received her Registered Nur-
ses Degree at Victoria Hospital,
and is staying on the hospital
staff. Miss Taylor is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tay-
lor on the B. Line at Grand
Personal Heins
Several in the district have
been confined to their homes
with colds and infected throats
including Mrs. Leslie Hutchin-
son. Airs, Lloyd Baker, Mrs. Jay
Whiteford and Cpl. Chamber-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear spent
a few days last week in Toronto
with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fog-
arty. Mrs. M„1. Barbour, a sis-
ter of Mrs, Flear, of
returned with them, and visited
with another sister; Mrs. Clark
Kennedy, for, a few days.
64 Dundee $1',
.le .0, ;ie :01,. ore 4* * al , 44.
- *0 '
visited on Sunday ,evening with:
r. And Mrs. John Rodd, INTood-
Messrs. 13;47 ,Cettle and Wile
Ham ItItherington left last Fri.
dor morning on a hunting trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor .Jeffery,
Berry awl:Billy were guests on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ilarold
.7 effery.
Rev,Runh and Airs Wilson at.
•.. . • —
tended the .opening of the Royal
Winter Fair, Toronto. on Friday
and spent the evening with their
daughter,. Mr. .and Mrs. Donald
Mi'. Donald Deas. .or Toronto
will be the guest speaker at
Thames Road church on Sun-
day morning.
Air, and Airs, Melvin -Gardiner
and Marilyn were Saturday .eve -
Jung :guests: with Mr. Arthur
Gardiner of London and on Sun.
day with Ur. and Mrs. Role!
Powell -of London.
Mrs. William Thomsen, Exc.,
ter and !Mrs. Bin Rohde :attended
the funeral of the- late Frect
Thomson .of Woodham, at the
5141110a Funeral Mille, St..
Marys, op Tuesday afternoon,
Quite A •number from this MTh,
1.111,111itY attended! James Street
United Church anniversary on
Sunday. Among some ,of those
attending and spending the day
with relatives and friends 'were;
Mr. aril Mrs. William Allen,
Susan and Joanne with lr. and
eirs. Thos, Allen;
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann and
:Judith with Mr. and Mrs. .0r. -
vine Cann;
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery
with Mr, and Airs. Harold Jef-
• Mrs.- 'William Etherington with.
Mrs. Les Gibson;
Mr. and Airs, Glen Jeffery,
Mr. and Airs. William, Rohde.,
Douglas, Glenn and Calvin with.
Air. and Airs. William Thomson;
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Passmore
and Beverley with Mr. and Mrs,
William Passmore;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dalian.
tyne, Mrs. Gerald Bell with
Mrs. Clara Tiaokney,
On The Re -Opening
Of The New
Burkley Restaurant
We are pleased to supply
the Burkley with
"Home -Made"
baked fr esh, cIaiIy
Ersman's Bakery
"The Home Of Good Food"
CVELTE? So is Pepsi-Cola! For
today' Pepsi goes with modern
ideas about slim good.looks. Never
heavy, never Lou sweet, it
refreshes without filling.
Put Pepsi on your shopping list.
Buy it in the handy
6 -bottle carton
.Enjoy .Our Beverages At The Burkley
Bottled In Exeter By.
Tuckey -Boverages
Phone 51$
* * 4 , A, , • t. it .2k • .0* ,e4
• NI to 4. 0 0: 0 , 4v04rt 0 4. 4. 4. 1. 14 4. r. 4, .4 44 .t • , 444 44• $.. ,a-14 41' ^