HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-20, Page 17Bishop At St. James Clandeboye Native Rt. Rev. A. U. O'Neil,. ALA., LTh.. 13.U.,li.Ti Bishop of N.B.he Diocese of Fredericton, N was guest minister at St. J.antes on Sunday. :lie was .horn in this -community, so;i ut Mrs. Alex O'Neil and the late Mr. O'Neil and attended St. James cliur•ch as a boy. He later attended Huron College, was or- dained in Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, June 8, 1030. While principal of Huron Col- lege the i ew college was opened and while -.with- the British and Foreign Bible Society lie travel- led ,Around the world, • it was on January 25, 1.957 .he was consecrated the fifth bishop at Christ, Church Cathedral of Fredericton. New Brunswick. Following the opening remarks of being baptized in the parish half a century ago, and how pleasant to return for the special service of the 117 -year-old par- ish he presented his message on the parables of The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and the Lost Boy (prodigal son) stressing stewardship and work for all to even find and save one soul. Guest soloist was Mrs. K. Egan of Lucan. Flowers placed on the retable were In loving memory of Mrs, Nina Paton, given by her sister, Mrs. J. H. Paton. Visitors and friends attending were from London, Springfield, Aylmer and Lucan. Bazaar The W.A. of the Clandeboye. United Church held a successful bazaar Saturday afternoon. Welcoming the guests were Mrs. Edgar J;nulston and presi- dent. Mrs. Wilmer Scott with Airs. Gordon Eaton selling tick- ets. Conveners of candy booth were Mrs. A. Blake, Mrs. Chas, Advertising safeguards the po- sition of established products for which there is still a need. final Notice Reserved seats for hockey games at Lucan Arena to be sold on first come, first served basis. Get yours now! FRIDAY NIGHT 8:30 p.m. .XETER MOHAWKS Expect To Scalp L• UCAN IRISH See What Happens Lucan Arena Lyric Theatre NOW PLAYING "THE SHEEPMAN" (Cinemascope and Color) * Shirley MacLaine * Glenn Ford • MON., TUES. & WED. November 24, 25 and 26 "ZERO HOUR" * Dana Andrews * Linda Darnell (A Paramount Release) NEXT THURS, FRI. & SAT. November 27, 28 and 29 "THE BRAVADOS" (Cinemaseope and Color) * Gregory Peck * Joan Collins 2 Shows Nightly — 7:30 and 9:15 MATINEE SATURDAYS Coughlin and Airs. Jeanette Blake; home baking, Airs. L. Lynn, Mrs. Ivan it.tddell and Mrs. Rea Neil; farmer's booth. Miss A. Northgrave; serving Ars. W. Simpson, Airs. D. Kestle and Mrs. Bradity, The tea tables looked attrac- tive with colored mums in the back ground. Tea assistants were Mrs. Kermit Thompson, Airs. Andy Thompson, Airs. A. Macintosh, Mrs. P. Voisin and Mrs. A. Hodgins. Serving the salad plates were Airs. Donaldson, Mrs. 1;. Blake, Mrs. W. Wilson, Mrs. W. Dar- lingMrs., A. Simpson. .airs. R. Williams, Airs. D. Burns, Airs. George Simpson, Mrs. T. Col- lins and Airs. H. Hodgson. Ml. Plan Christmas Cheer The November Meeting of the Clandeboye Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Rupert Williams President Airs. Arnold' Blake presided. Members answered the roll call by naming .a resolution. An appeal for the War Me- morial Children's Hospital was received and a donation voted to be sent. A cash donation from each member to purchase Christmas supplies and treats for the White Gift donation for needy and shut-ins in the local community is to be handed in at the December meeting. Mrs. Norman Hardy reported on the recent area convention in London. Mrs. il'lood, demonstrator of Lynard's Lingerie and Jewellery in London was a guest and dis- playedacomplete line of both. Draws were made during the evening and won by Mrs, Maui' - ice Simpson, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Willner Scott and Mrs. Any, Ca rter, hostesses were Mrs. Wilmer Scott, Mrs. Rea Neil and Mrs. Norman Hardy. Hostess prize was won by Mrs. Wilmer Scott. ,Personal Items Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Will Darling last week were the tat- ter's sister, Mrs. Lou Fisher of Detroit and two cousins, Airs. Maggie Holmes, Cartwright, Man, and Mrs. Mira Miller, Ladysmith, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Lynn and family visited Mrs. Harry Hern and infant daughter, which was born in South Huron Hospital on Friday, Nov. 14 Miss Pauline Lynn spent the weekend with Miss May Ross in Seaforth. Mt'. and Mrs. Ed, Flynn visited the latter's sister, Miss Cora Atkinson in London on Sat- urday. Bishop A. H. O'Neil and. Airs, O.Neiil were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl O'Neil on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Jack Harrison of Aylmer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Hodgins called on Mr. and Mrs. .Ross O'Neil last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritchie of Baden called on Mr, and Airs. Lloyd. Lynn on Saturday, Mrs. Karl •O'Neil and Mrs. Ce- cil Carter visited Mrs. Roy Mc - Bann in St. Joseph's Hospital on Monday where she is improv- ing, When there are children about, think twice . once for you, acid once for the child who may be completely absorbed and not be aware of your approach.. Arena Activities FRIDAY, NOV. 21 4 00-5:00—SkniIna* ▪ 00-80O-- 1i.lxel 11orki'r s.00-i0;00—Pul)lie 3knting SATURDAY, NOV. 22 011 i s00—�I171101 IIo key 1: 0 ,:o0—rni,lil Skni: IAF 1.30-a:80—Iigure Skil tin ▪ ,00-8100-11nnlsl,n Mock'; 9:00—Clinton I'S. 3lohnIrks SUNDAY, NOV. 23 C :00-2:00 P:seter 711.ohawks :00-4 :05 ()pcn for goof In)w•s 0:00-8100—.F.Igo r, Sicntlnr, 9:00-1i:00—Curling MONDAY, NOV. 24 4 :005:00—Skn 0130-10 :00—R CA IP TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 25 and 26 Curl I ng THURSDAY, NOV. 27 4100-5,011—$knlrng 8,30-'(0:30—'n C.* a' a EXETER LEGION Fowl Bingo Exeter Legion Hall WED, NOV. 26 Doors Open 8 Games Start 9 1S REGULAR ROUNDS—CHICKENS 10 SPECIAL ROUNDS — 'TURKEYS PLUS TURKEY DOORPRIZE Admission S00 Special Rounds A Extra Card 10g, 3 for 25 N U. Itilons Hear The. 'cunei P,Advecetta, November 10, 190 :P ► f AreaOfficial Tole Topics Deputy District Governor : Harvey (Webster, Lucknow,. paid his official visit to the Deter Lions Club at Armstrong's Iles- taurant Thursday evening. Ile congratulated the Exeter club on the work being -tarried .on particularly th-e interest being taken in the Exeter Boy .Scouts and Cubs, the largest .or- ganization of its kind in Huron LUCAN FIGURE SKATERS ORGANIZE—Large group of members of the Lucan Figure Skating Club are shown here receiving instruction front one of their leaders, Miss Margaret Neil. --DA Photo CHURCH THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rey. R, Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Worship and Sermon "Christ and the Church" 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—CHML, Temple Time ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B,A., B.D. Minister' Organist; Mrs. Bob Pryde 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning 'Worship Sermon. Subject: ''The Barren Fig Tree" Nursery for children up to six years. 4:00 p.m.—Training session for visitors. Message From Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDENp secssssssssisssssssssssss_ssasssnsrssssss ssa W.M.S. The November meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the school- room of the church on Tues- day evening of last week. "Are Strangers Enemies" was the theme for the worship ser- vice with Airs. Ray Shoebottom as leader assitecl. by Mrs. A, Smith and Miss Flossie Davey. Memorial poems were recited by Ann Shoebottom and Joanne hicks. The chapter from the study book was based on a closer co- operation of the Protestant Church and population problems on the Caribbean islands. Mrs. M. Elliott presided for the business. It was decided to send the quilt to Mrs, J. E. Whi- ting for use in the hospital in lfazelton. B.C, The December roll call will be answered with a gift of money for needy chil- dren. The election of officers was held. President is Mrs. Murray Elliott; vice-presidents, Airs. El- mer Powe, Mrs. Ross AlcFalls and Mrs, E. Wilson; treasurers, Mrs. G. Hicks, Mrs. A, Ander- son; ' recording secretaries, Mrs. F. Hicks, Mrs. P. Noels; pia- nists. Mrs. G. Hepburn, Airs, 3. McAllister; friendship secreta- ries, Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. A. Smith, Miss Andersen, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. G. McFalls; litera- ture secretaries, M'rs, R. )3. Gates, Mrs. 0. Dunn and Alrs: Frank Osborne, Mission band, Mrs. McFalls, Mrs. F. Bowden; baby band, Mrs. A. Ai'eFalls, Mr's, B. Me - Falls; Christian stewardship, Alis, Ge Hepburn; citizenship, Mrs, E. Wilson, Airs. A. Smith; supply, Mrs. 'McAllister, Mrs. G. Dunn; cancer representative, Mrs. L. Hodgson; missionary monthly, Miss A. Anderson; cor- responding secretary, Airs. Elliott. The hostesses were: Airs.. R. AicFalls, Mrs. G. Hicks Anel Mrs. Hodgson. Personal Items Mr, and Airs. Amos 'Wright were Sunday visitors with Air. John Hardy and Mr. and Ales, C. Bondy in Harrow. Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Hodgson attended the aitniversary ser- vice in James Street ehureh. Exeter on Sunday ' and visited with Mr. and Airs. Hugh Lave, Mrs. Clara Abbott loft on Sun. clay for South Laguma, Califor- nia, where she will spend the winter with hoe sister-in•law, Mrs. I', ,1. F"ait'hall. Air. and Alt's. Lottie Hicks were Sunday visitors with Miss Wilda Poltoek in 'Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddocls visited aver the weekend With relatives' in Tor'Aiita. Air. and Mrs. X. Hodgins and ATa'rikay were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs Hugh !Tod ' Mitis and family of Creettwav and with Mr. And M. Lyle Stecpet .and family at Corbett. Mr. , . ii1oecsn is a pollen in ., s h it s'Sital gond n, lair rib e a o li 1 r NOTICES JAMES STREE1 UNI'ED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C,M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunclay School 11:00 a.m..—Morning Worship Sermon Subject; "For Such A Time As This" Anthem by the choir. Solo: Maxine Reeder 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "The Talents" A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. G. R. Strome, Pastor 10:00 a,in,Worship "Life's Treasures" 2:30 p,m.--Visitors Training 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service (incharge of Bethesda Men's Quartet from Detroit.) BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Ivor Bodenham 9:45 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship Service 7:30 p.m. •— Evening Service Wed., 8 p.m. — Bible Study and Prayer Service A Warm Welcome '1'o All THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, November 23, 1958 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer . 7:00 p.m.—Evensong CHRISTIAN REFORMED, CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Morning-,Worship (Dutch) Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Exeter 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (English) Rev. A, 0. Van Eek, Exeter 3:30 p.m. -.-Sunday School THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.ni.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev, W. F. Kroft, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, November 23 10:00 a.m,—"Christian Steward- ship" 11:05 a,m,---Sunday School. 7:30 p.in. — "The Example of Paul" PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 9;45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Pastor will preach. Salvation Healing Campaign Continues into third week with Evang, Charles Bern of Napa- -nee, Ont, Each night: Tues., Wed., Thurs. & 9`i'i, -•- 8 p.m. Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Hearty welcome to all. Mark 16:20 Pastor: Eveng, L. Winn Butler ,11r11151r1111111t1111111111ann1111nar1nrini1111nn1 nrntll • MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Supply Minister; Student K. Barry Passmore Organist: Mrs. A, Willard 10:00 a,m.--The Church School 11:15 a.m.—Service of Worship Nursery provided in the Prim- ary Rooms. Beginners, ages 4.5, will retire during the second hymn. ' Come And Worship With Us Integration —Continued from Page 13 —they favored more cattle sold by public auction to esta- blish a truer price; —asked the department of highways to grant truck licences to farmers on a more equitable basis; —asked that a farmer be ap- pointed to the hydro commis- sion, fuel board, department of highways, farm productions mar- keting board or any board which has dealings with farmers; —asked that surplus milk powder be colored and sold. by the stabilization board for feed; —approach both gov'ts to use butter in schools and institutions now that butter is in world sur- plus. This briefly is a report of what transpired at the conven- tion and I wish to thank this paper for the opportunity of giving it to you, WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS "Real opportunity conies only to a man with ready money," said John D. Rockefeller. It's wise to save, advises Charlie Smith, Exeter B of Ai manager. COMING EVENTS- BAND VENTS- BAND CONCERT—The Exeter District Junior Band will pre- sent a band concert of Christmas music in the Legion Hall, Sun- day, December 7, at 8:30 p.m. 20c USBORNE TOWNSHIP Federa- ration of Agriculture, annual meeting and banquet is being planned for Friday, January 16. 20c BINGO—Annual Turkey Bingo, Mt, Carmel Hall, Monday. Dec. 1; 14 rounds for turkey. Turkey door prize. 20c CHRISTMAS FAIR—Caven Circle Christmas Fair, Simmons' show. room, Saturday, December 6. 20c CONVENTION — Friday evening. November 28, Convention Huron County Temperance Federation, Dashwood Evangelical Church. Speaker 'Rev. Gordon Dnmm, General Secretary, Ontario Tem- perance Federation. Also for youth, the outstanding film in color, "Far From Alone". 20e Reception. and DANCE FOR MR. AND MRS, JACK BORLAND FARQUHAR HALL Fri., Nov, 28 KOOL QUINS ORC1=lES'l'1,A Everyone Welcome IIt 111111:101 Orola Winn o iii 011111111111111n111111111111:as CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND, ONTARIO SPECIAL MEETINGS s. Each Night Except Saturday Night 8:00 p.m, — Sunday i,1:00 a.m. and 7:50 p.m, SPEAKER: DR. C. rid. WASHINGTON, DETROIT �lll Welcome Pastor .11, Wattahn 311111:1111lail 1rlltrai ll111n00111r101114rinlinnitli lnlrill!in111nMIVIIIrmIIIII rnnnnulydl lllarrnrnritila. 1u ,t *iri>:.+o-.11,.wy.`,�,' 4:1.n5utsrra -w nr1u•iw. a..,•.':1n.—.,u ::1_vy�u. ,MJ. Lionistn is now active in. 93 different countries, the official revealed. Toronto has made a bid for the 1952 international Convention at which most of the countries will be represented. •Considerable planning will be needed to. make the convention a success, he said. Air. Webster was introduced by Lion Charles Smith and a vote of thanks together with a small gift was made by Lion Wallace Beldon. Llan Dick Jermyn asked di- rection for the disposal of the bags of candy left over from the Hallowe'en party and it was suggested that they be sent to the county home at Clinton. Air. .Jermyn suggested that the Hal- lowe'en party did not reach the desired teenagers and the sug- gestion was made that next year the teenagers he requested to plan the party with the support of b Vice-Presthecluident Ken Hockey chaired the meeting in the ab- sence of the president and be was serenaded in song in honor of his repent marriage. Claude Farrow and W. H. Hodgson were the lucky winners of a draw, Topics From Woodham By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE a .Ittei'nli .of $o;ial ;and Peraonai :Interest -'In ,alnd Mound rg ter - The Exeter Thies -Advocate. 1a always pleased to publish these name• We :and our leaders are interested in you and year friends. -?hone 77Qs I ' " Al Airs. Lillian Blair ,spent the Airs, A. E. l'lelbridbe had weekend with her daughter and her nest for the ,past,week, :ger son-in-law. Air. and Airs. Ron 'niece, Airs. Leslie Perkins, o>t Pletcher Woodham, IOwen Sound. Mr. and Mrs.Mr. :and. Airs. Gordon 'A!loir, Gorden Brooks and daughter Corrie, Mr. and Airs. Milton Bonnie of Landon visited iaunday Luther, t'sborne, Mr. maenad Alis. 1 afternoon sv.ith Airs. D.olbridge, Charles Jeffery. Thames !toad Mir..and Airs. H. if. Strang :ati and Mr. and Airs. Bert Bissett tended the banquet for lay.rneg of town attended the funeral of of Stratford Presbytery in St. the late William Luther at Ailsa : Andrew's Presbyterian chureh, Craig on l'iiday. !Stratford. Monday evening. Mr. Mrs. Alar.iorie Dilkes. Mrs.. Strang is presdent of the Ass°- Pearl Henderson and Miss ,Shir- : elation. :Suite then they have ley Coe attended a meeting of been attending the Royal Winter. the Ontario Hairdressers Associa-,Foix, Toronto. lion in Stratford last, Monday', evening. Mr. A. 3. Traquair is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where lie underwent surgery on - Friday. Mrs. Traquair is spend- ing a few days in London visit- ing with him. Mr. and Airs. Godfrey Engros- toni, Bay City, Mich. spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Al. C. Fletcher. Airs. Elizabeth Batten, Joan and William attended the golden • wedding anniversary dinner of Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson in St. Marys on Sunday. Mrs. Batten also attended "open. house" which they held on Tues- day evening. Mr. and Airs. Hugh Love. Mr. 'and Mrs. Eldon Robinson and Ross of Kirkton, Miss Grace; Doupe.of Base Line were guests of Air, and Mrs. Oscar Brine on Sunday. Ails. 'Roy Kirk and Lorna, spent last week with the for I flier's daughter, Mrs. Bryce at Munro. Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and Airs. Joe El.ommaert were guests sat! the home of Airs, Carl Mills at i Kirkton on Thursday evening, I when she entertained a number of young ladies from Kirkton. The members of the YPU motored to Mitchell on Sunday evening and attended a fireside service in Mitchell U n i t e d Church. Miss Beverley McDonald of i Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson on Sun- i day, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs. George. Wheel- er visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Airs. John Rodd and Pamela. Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Bar- bara of Shipka visited. on Satur- day afternoon with. Air. and Airs. Jack Smith. Mrs. Clayton 3rock and Terry of Guelph spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Win. Dickey. Air, and Airs. James Miller. Ruth, Bob and Betty and Mrs. Charlie Jones of Granton were, weekend visitors with 'Mr. and' Airs. Moss Gunning in Toronto. I Airs. ira. McCurdy and Mrs. Fred Doupe spent the weekend in. Toronto with friends, coinpanied by Mr. and Airs. DEaJAIsD NE ORCHESTRA Urban Pfile, Zurich. spent a few days with relatives in Lorain and r Yu„sl o ngOhio. .town NCING Every Friday Night COMMUNITY CENTRE Zurich 10 1:30 Music by Modern,:Stock n Roll 4 Several ladies of the Reform Square a church in Exeter attended a missn Dancing sionary rally in London Reform church Tuesday night, learning about the Protestant witness in Mexico. Air. Asa Penhale and Miss Grace and Mrs. W. 1). Smith visited with Air. and Mrs. Wil- liam Crawford at Belmont over the weekend. Mr. and Airs. John Cairnie and family of Toronto and, Mrs. Margaret Coombes .and Mrs. Carl Maier. Dashwood, spent Sunday visiting with Air, and, Airs. William Cutting and boys. Mrs. and Mrs. Melvin King spent the weekend at the home of their daughter, Air. and Airs. 3, Z. MailIet and family, of Orillia. The gentlemen attended the Royal Winter Fair on Man - !day. Mr. A. Cripp of Toronto is ;visiting with ESL and Airs. W. ' Graystone. Mr. and Mrs. George Steven- son and Barbara of Guelph visit - !ed over the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Robert Ostler and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Davis, St. Marys, and Mr. and Airs. Clark Fisher spent the wekend in Port Huron with Mr. and Airs. Amos !Warwick. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Pryde, town, and Mrs. Joseph Woodall, Crediton, visited in London on Tuesday evening with AIr. and! IMrs. Thomas Wilson on 'the ne.I casion of their golden wedding I anniversary. Mrs. Woodall and Airs. Wilson are sisters. `BINGO Grand Bend Legion Branch No. 498 EVERY Saturday Night * Cash * Jackpots * Prizes * Specials Come One, Conte All ADMISSION 500 Presentations AND Dance for MR. AND MRS. NORMAN BREEN Friday, Nov, 21 MT. CARMEL HALL Ladies Please Bring Lunch Everyone Welcome CKNX Barn Dance Honsall COMMUNITY ARENA Sat., 'Doc. 6 'Entertainment Starts at 8:50 pat. Spi5lisored by ,1:Iensall 1iine 'Club Club cr i. •:.,. .4:.x:..bI.1..,,•......L ..de .1r•Ler.v.... Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club EXETER DISTRICT Annual Meeting TURKEY BANQUET Tues., Nov. 25 7:00 p.m. . 1 EXETER LEGION HALL Guest Speaker: ALDEN McLEAN, Muirkirk, - President, UCO VARIETY PROGRAM 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1ull,1111,/111111111111111I111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II II/n111111f11111111I1111ry Bake Sale Sponsored by Local Association of Guides and Brownies Snell Bros. Showroom Saturday, November 22 2:30 p.m. Proceeds for Accessories for Leaders of Guides and Brownies S /11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIII 1111111111111111111111111,111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111nf111111111111114 ,111111111111111111111111151111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r1f1111111111IIMM,y Huron County. Temperance Federation I ANNUAL MEETING Friday Evening, Nov. 28 Evangelical United Brethren Church DASHWOOD W. GILL, Pres. MRS. N. T'1 EWAR'rHA, Sec. Grand Bend Clinton s. luunnlismannmmmmmnnnmu shout issamiulnntmn less umuuusm imus assay a sd; �aunuuunalsoon!nnlnoun!nmuunlauuauulnuuuuauunluuuunuuanawumwlu1n11uuu1a1u1ut� DASHWOOD Fowl Bingo DASHWQOD FIRE HALL Friday, Nov. 28 Starting 9 p,n'i. Sharp SPECIALS FOR Turkeys Geese. Ducks & Chickens At This Monster Feather Party Proceeds for Santa Parade and Gifts for Children Your Attendance will he Greatly Appreciated Adrills5iolt S0i Turkey boor Prize SRONSOREI l Y bASHWOOD MEN'S CLUB Al.. H 11111111ir1YY'IrnnY111n1rYlYIYi IItg1n111,t11111,riiY11:1111nnn111111911111n111rr"IYlrlilllhllrlllnrlll)Irn1111111rr,IrIn11J t•..!:,ne:M afLT.. Su....al. ...r,, a•..Yn. • .CIL-„. .ffi: m.,... M1n. •