HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-20, Page 16T IP4os 16 -Th. TimesAdvocate, Noyembot 20, 1151; LIONS HONOR SCOUT LEADERS—Lucan Lions entertained leaders of the Scout trop and Cu.b packs which they sponsor at their dinner meeting Monday night. Seated are Miss Barbara Marshall, Balu; Mrs. Audrey Andersen, Akela; and Miss Joan Rodgins„ Bagheera, leaders of the first Cub pack; standing, Lion Harold Whyte, who recently retired as Lucan Scoutmaster after 12 years' service; Pat Crudge, new Cub pack leader; :Keith Frost, asst SM; Jules Desjardine, newly appointed SM; John Con- lin, instructor; Bud Cooper, new Cub leader; and Jim Young, president of Lions. —T -A Photo ,Praise Retiring SM Lions Fete Scout Leaders Speaking on "Scouting". Fro.! Field Commissioner, nobert Taylor of Hanover was one of the guest speakers at a meeting of the Lucan Liens.; Club in the Anglican Church! basement last Monday evening. The other guest speaker was District commissioner, Glen Ledge, of Goderich who chose as his topic, "District Scouting." Mr. Lodge presented Scout Alas.' ter Jule Desjardine with his Scout Master's hat badge. At present the Scouts have an' enrolment of 20 and the cubs 38.! The latter pack has become so! big that it was found necessary to split the pack. Scouter Bud! Cooper and Scouter Pat Crudge will be leading the newly formed: pack as Akela and Bagheera. Warning Averts :'ScoLAMaster Jule Despardine,' To -night's dinner had as guests!! assistant Scout Master, Keith', Frost, instructor John Colin also ' called him the ""fpr', of 1Vhat Might have been a seri- !tits fire was averted last Sunday evening at the J. B. Ready store. Visitors Al the Dupuis apart. next above the Lucan Dry Goods, when going home, noticed smoke in the Hardware and Dry Goods stores. Mr. Ready was. in Detroit but Mr. Steve Storey was contacted. He found the furnace red hot And near -by wood 'blackened. Anther 10 minutes and the place would have been in flames but fortunately there was no damage, other than smoke. Though a new furnace has been Ordered, it has not yet arrived SO both stores have been with, out heat all week. He told the Lions their suppor of the Scout program woulr "pay off in handsome dividend —you may not see them but the will be there." He announced that three Lu can Scouts, who had saved boy's life this summer, are be ing considered for a specia Scouting award, Both Scout speakers paid trib Me to retiring Scoutmaste Harold Whyte who organized th troop in 1947 and has led it mos of the years since. Mr. Lodg uCCn•11 ... And District News Phone 10A loacon cerrespodent; Miss 4,Ina. AlsEett: Suggest Locais Skating Club Local 'Princess' For Grit Post At a meeting to be hold in St. John's Parish Hall. Arva, Mid- dlesex -North Liberal Association will elect a new president to re- place Bruce Grant of Granton who has been president for the past three Years. Among those named to suc- ceed Mr. Grant will be two Lit - eau district neighbours, Dr. Lloyd C. Hall and Bernard Bean who live just on the edge of Lucan. Other named men include Jo- sephWinter of London Township, A, E. Pete Smith of Ilderton, Ross Taylor of W. Nissouri, Chas. J. F. Ross, QC, of Lon- don Township and Thomas Dixon of Parkhill. Explorer News The 20th Expedition of the Lucan Clandeboye Explorers was held in then 1 gliaParish Hall lest Atonda'yeveciiiiii present,g"'it 14 of the 20 members . An initiation service was held for four new members, Cathy Mothers, Daisy Cobleigh, Dianne Cooper and Judy Coughlin. Counsellor Kae Basket took the worship service as well as the third Expedition on "Ways to Worship God." Mrs. H. B. Langford taught the group a new fun song. The meeting closed with games under 1. the leadership of Counsellor Rose Revington. y!New School For Blrr I Tenders have been called for -the construction of a one room a school at Birr. Tenders will be • received until Novemhee 24, 'Oakridge Acres Tops Lucan 3.1 In a Shamrock juvenile league ✓ game at A Luvan last Saturday evening Oakridge Acres ;rive- t:• Mies scored their second Witi, d f • t 3-1. B a r r y the • three original cub leaders.I Scouting in the area.. Bagheera, Missi Akela, Mrs. Audrey • Anderson; Joan Hodgins1 Lucan Over Mifchell 9.5 and 'Belo°, Miss Audrey Marl In an Intermediates game at shall as well as the two new , Milverton last Thursday evening leaders. . Lucan, defeated Mitc:mil 9-5, Mr. Taylor said Scouting has Goals for Lucan included, 3 by '. expanded at a tremendous rate Harry Wrath, 2 by Murray during recent years loci there , Thompson, and Alan Ready and were now eight million hoes ' one each by DOA Fletcher And , participating 'in 'the program in , Harold Capson. . I 67 countries. In Ontario alone,: 1 membership in Scouts has reach- Roderick F. Boyle . ed 125,000, over double that of , eight years ago. I • "We feel it's the finest boys' On Highway Staff organization in the world," the '1 Roddick James Boyle, 43, commissioner stated. "Our basic died suddenly at the home of philosophy is -to train boys by Mr. Alex Hodgins, FrankBodein. St. 1,u - letting them o for themselves.' can Saturda • November 5 ! 2011110111111111111111 ,,,,, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ll lllll llllllll llll tifeemeeee He lay at rest in the Murdy C LSMF EDSEL SEDAN — auto- matic, power brakes, power steering, tinted glass. win- dow waShers, a gleaming blade, less than 5,000 miles. $3,500 • '58 EDSEL SEDAN Power brakes, radio .. $2,700 58 FORD SEDAN j S cylinder . $2,300 .1 '57 CHEVROLET BEL AIRE Vl1 SEDAN • Automatic, radio, and many other extras $2,300 '56 MONARCH SEDAN Radio, spotless, automatic, power brakes $2,300 '57 DODGE SEDAN Driven by a quiet farmer. z $1,795 15 BUICK COACH Radio . $1,495 'SS FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN — radio $1,495 '55 FORD COACH $1,395 '57 NASH METRO—a great one for the wife And a small family --------------------$1,250 '54 CHEVROLET COACH 1tadi6, red and white $ 950 '$2 BUICK SEDAN A solid car . . $ 950 '53,PONTIAC SEDAN! "That's a good ear!" $ 750 '32 DODGE SEDAN .. $ 595 '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN Motor overhauled, '52 PONTIAC SEDAN Radio, motor overhauled. $ 500 'Si METEOR RANCH WAGON—. -lot $ of room for a growing family $ 500 'Si FORD COACH itadio, she's good $ 506 'St 51IJDROAKER SEDAN A real teonotity car, solid, $ 500 PONTIAC 51E601 Ptetty quid firmer owned this Otte 500 SPECIALS— The followinp unit to be re- duced ;00 each week until sold; THURS. PRICE '56 PYLMOUTH COACH $ 970 TRUCKS— '56 FORD T-800 TANDUM DUMP only 6 bill '55 FORD T-800 TANDUM DUMP $5,500 '56 FORD T-700 DUMP .$5,500 '57 FORD F•600 C C $2,295 '56 FORD F•600 C & C $1,995 '57 FORD STYLE SIDE PICKUP — 6 eylinder, used as A ear . . $1,650 '55 FORD 3 TON DUMP 15 small measlics '55 DODGE "K" DUMP' . llllll $1,500 '54 FARGO "K" DUMP $1,400 '54 FORD DUMP $1,200 53 FORD C & C Long wheel base . $ 750 '53 FORD 1 TON EXPRESS New motor $ 750 '53 MERCURY PICKUP A good one . . $ 750 '51 CHEV PICKUP A good one $ 495 BRANTFORD COMBINA- TION BODY . $ 350 '43 ARMY TRUCK 'rhe motor's not in it, 10:50- 20 tires . l . $ 100 TRACTORS -- '49 FORD with Sher iii tt n back hoe .11 small ineaslies '53 FORD JUBILEE $1,000 '49 FORD TRACTOR $ 405 '54 MASSEY toRti PICKER—"Th damn good shape!" $ 395 '51 FORD TRACTOR Was lowed int $ 150 '50 NAYLOADEAS (1). Do you want one? Only $13 Larry Snider Motors PordiEcIs41 Dtialer PHONE 624 Satei Anti SorViCoi EXETER :funeral home, Lucan, until Tues - :day morning, November 18 when :he was taken to St. Peter's !Church, Biddulph, for Requiem High Mass at 10 a.m. The Rev. !Father J E. Kelly officiated. I interment was in the adjoin- ! ing cemetery. The eight pall- bearers were Tom Gilmour, Har- i old Ryan, Norman Irvin, Jack !Ward, Allan Park, Dean White, !John Regan and Tim Tookey. t Son of the late Patrick And Frances Boyle he was born in McGillivray Township. He was an employee of the Department of Highways and served over seas. for four years. ! He is survived by four bro• Users and three sisters; William ' and Harold of London, Michael , of Windsor And Leo of' Clande- ! boye, Mrs. Bill Mcllhargey i (Rowena) of Lucan, Airs. John I Murtagh (Mary), Windsor, Mrs. 'Pat Reidy (Inc May) of London. 1Masonic Lodge News On 'Thursday R.W. Bro. David I White D.D.G.M. of- South Huron !District paid his official visit to 'Irving Lodge. IBro. White spoke to about 100 Vree Masons at a banquet held lin the Anglican church basement after which a reception was held in the Masonic Hall, All tickets to the annual Ma - :sonic dinner and dance on No- vember 27 have been sold. All , seats are reserved and admis- sion is by ticket only. Personal Items Miss Alice Mainee of Watford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tate of Dearborn were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins, Mr. and Airs. .I. B, Ready, Barbara and Ken speet last weekend in Detroit stopping off at (Home on the Way home. to visit more friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins and Miss Joan Hodgins were guests of Corp. and Mrs. A. J. Hodgins and family last Satur- day at Aylmer. Sunday guests with Airs. Her- man Young, and Mr. and Mrs. James Wilde, w e r e Mrs. James Wilde. her two sons, Al- len and Douglas, her daughter And Mr. and Mil, Boh Moore, and three children all of Petrolia, Also Mr. and. Mrs. tud Wild of Sarnia. Guests with Mrs. fob- Cole- man included Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickies of Loildoti, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickins of Lambeth, on Friday evening arid Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett And family ! of Edgewood on Sunday. Mrs. Roy Stanley of Lucan and Mrs. Norman Willey of Toronto spent the weekend iri 1.0e,hOW LaktN hlich., guests of Mr. and Mrs, Woodrow Mohr ;and Detroit. Miss Angela Armitt of Lon- idott Will onduet her adbOttd tit • ar 1 ti baiRphlliMOWIAMMOMMUnahuffinmftniauffoolummatuomallOrwomfirminoulaffomma 'a 4 Wednesday, November 20, area up to 14. at. 1:3O to 8:30 And Adithe A:30 to 10:30. COL And Mts. t)ueucag Miss of t.ottdoti and- Miss jfatifloss ht, Haravenhurst ealted ,Ott Ltteaft ,friends last , Wednesday, Black scored Lucan's only goal. Pentecost Church Hears Evangelist Revival services with Evange- list Sam Learning were held each night last week in the Lucan Pentecostal church. Because of the sfmccess and nearly capacity attendance at each meeting services are being, continued this week. Mr. Learning, a native of New, foundiand, travelled with Shir- ley Burnett's orchestra and play- ed on stage, radio and record- ing. He preaches a full deliver- ance for soul, mind and body. He has a unique ministry of singing to his own accompani- ment on the guitar. I A special healing service was held on Friday and another on Sunday morning. At both serv- ices several received bodily healing. Rev. Fred Thompson. I the pastor, has led each service in the singing !and worked with Mr. Learning. Newlyweds Plan Horne In London Msgr. W. T. Fannery offi- ciated at St. Martin's Roman Ca- tholic Church, Saturday, Novem- ber 8 at a ceremony .uniting in marriage Carolyn Marie Rad - chile and John Richard Sugden, I The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Radcliffe of the Lucan Radcliffe Drug; Store and 'the groom is the son; I of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. ! Sugden of London. IThe bride wore a gown of white deluslered satin, styled on I princess lines with lily point, , sleeves and scalloped neckline, "accented wills French•embroi- I dered lace rosettes, set with seed ' pearls and sequins. The bout- fent skirt extended in a chapel; train. A diamante crown held . her tiered fingertip veil and she! carried a white Bible crested' • with gardenias, sprayed with' silver. , I Cocktail -length gowns in cop-. pei one antique satin were worn by the bride's attendants, Miss Marilyn Radcliffe, Toronto, maid of honor for her sister, Mrs. Harold Hargreaves, Drum- mondville, Que., and Mrs. Russ Flowers, Toronto, bridesmaids, Edward Johnson of Toronto was best man and ushers were William Sugclon, brother of the groom, and Russell Radcliffe of Calgary, brother Of the bride. For travelling the bride .chose: a blue wool suit with black and white. Acceesories, raspberry and red top .coat and gardenia cor- sage, The young couple will make their home. in London. The groom is a graduate of the University . of Wester is Ontario, l'ersonel Items Among those attending the 22nd annual Ontario Federation of Agriculture Convention in Tor- onto last week was Mrs. W. W. Gareett, Of EdgeWood, chairman of the WitT16111.1 committee of Mile One Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Mr. Harold Brooke and friend of Toronto were TOCOht visitors With Mrs. Thomas :Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Glen llaskett and family have moved into their new home on No, 4 High-, way on the edge of lateen. Ati present Mr. Haskett ia confined., to his home with lumbago. 1. Mrs, Austin Hodgins And iii' returned home by plane On Tuesday from A trip to MI.! land. Rev. And Mrs. j. P. Prest and i Takes T. Places Second ests Instructors Miss Gaye Clarke and Miss Margaret Neil of the Lucan Skating Club have tested and graded their skaters, who now wear a colored ribbon show- ing the group to which they be- long. Group 1 (green), Nancy J -las - kelt, Janet Battram, Leslie Car- ling, Linda„Marsha Box, Carol Ann Boyes, Group 2 (black): Susan Rob- erts, Dianne Lamont, Doreen Lamont, Nancy Yelle, Donna Waters. Miss Dereen Garrett, daugh- ter'of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gar- rett, Ed,gewood, and granddaugh- ter of Mr, and Airs, Bob Cole- man, Lucan, was runner-up to Airs, Mary Hinan, Peterboro, who was crowned Ontario's new princess of the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture contest Appearance, personality, Agri- cultural knowledge and leader- ship qualities were considered Group 3 (yellow): Jerry Free-.7fA Group 4 (blue): Maureen Smith !''4” !dra MarshallBeatrice Martin- *,-. Jane Corbett, , Jane Crozier, San- 7V CHRISTMAS' SAL 1 g vA tak: Donald Boyes. man, Chuck Box, Robert Waters, ,a,,,, RE” ti 111 gale. e..,e i4 m Lucan Personal Items' Visitors with Mrs. 1$1' ,0. Smith. included Mr.. ahrl Mrs. -George Ladde and three children,. Neil. Sill,and, Jane of Waterloo last. Sunday and Mr. anti Mrs. Louts of Th m esferd last Sat. urday. Mr. and Airs. M. Douglas have moved into the house vacated by Mr.. and Mrs. Louis Staples of Water St. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mcleells of :St. Thomas called on the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Bob Cole.nian last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family of Kippen were Sun- day visitors with. Mr. and Mrs, Irving Gibson. Bruce Haskell, small son of Mr. and Mrs.. Calvin Haskell eelebrated his sixth birthday last Tuesday and even received A phone message of .c.egratula• dons from Winnipeg, Mrs, P. Prest and Mrs. Kay Egan were Wednesday guests of Miss Edilh Stanley of London and attended the Christmas ba- zaar at $t; Pauls Cathedral, London, Mrs. Herb Stretton And Pe;gS, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Maefar,tane Of Forest and 12ia`abiyld ItatrbiCQra, Mrs. WiUiani Sang is visiting with her ger of Hensel AiF. dentr. HWay Trinity, was ab- sent on Sunday AS he was down ,with the flu, Mrs. Calvin Haskett and Lam - fly Alt's, Jack Cum - nuns back to. Toronto last Fri - mg sdaanydsani,4vhowearterOdainontheth eraintb. ot%. see Eaton's annual Santa Claus parade on Saturday while Lucan- des sat dry and comfortable in their hiving -room and Watched the parade on TV, Airs, Mel Culbert's modern new tome on Highway 4 is near- ing .completion. Did you hear of a humorous incident in your neighborhood this week? Other folks like to read about it. Phone 770, The [Times -Advocate, or the corres- pondent in your area, AVAUI.CtiViVAZE#1.101! OW:CC 140.4441041411.4111414411141W 4•Y k 41, t•TA 4-7 4,-,V 4.7•4 kV 4 fiA v4t Group 5 (violet, beginners): Darlene Scell, David. itoberte, Peter Murphy, Michael Culbert, SA Cheryl Marshall, Janis Freeman, Linda Birch, Pam Carter, Jen - my Battram, Wayne Maguire. Church News Anglican The members of the Altar Guild met at the home of Mrs • Al. 0, Smith last Wednesday. Next Sunday Holy Trinity will %1•- : have its first "Church Year in Music and Color" service, This vie, Iserviee has taken months of ,•••-•4 planning and weeks of prepare' lion by the organists, choirs, choir -leaders and servers. tee, • ,'!!.! A While Gift service is plan, ned for November 30. Gifts will "eletie be sent to 'the parish of 'olevel which has a new church added 7.,V since last year. A Confirmation Class has been formed and is growing in num United ,Church • The W.A. of the United Church were fortunate in changing the date of their turkey supper from Nov. 13 to Wednesda.y for 41-114 tv • S Wednesday was a beautiful day followed by five days of rain. There was a splendid attend. ance At the supper. Baptisms Last Sundaf. the Rev. Edgar Roulston baptized Judith Lee .NIcLellan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stuart McLellan; Karen Laurie Flannigan, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Warren Flannigan; Kelvin Dwight Chambers, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Chambers and William James Lockyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lockyer Roman Catholic Church The ,Catholic Women's League held A. bake sale in the Nu -Way Motors' showroom last Satur- day. In spite of the wet day they cleared in the neighbor- hood of $50. Y. P. U. ft PRICE :111 NOVEMBER 20 — NOVEMBER 29 Bath Towels 20 x 40 inch • FIRST QUALITY • MULTI -COLOR • REG. 770 WOMEN'S SNUGGIE Vests 6g. Panties .45% WOOL • REG, $1.29 SALE PRICE 98c WOMEN'S Plaid Scarves • WARM • COLORFUL • OBLONGS • REG, 98 SAL PRICE 79c 79c 59c 59c • WOMEN'S WOOL GLOVES, Reg. 914, SALE PRICE • TOTS' WOOL GLOVES, Reg. 79, SALE PRICE • PRINTED SQUARE SCARVES, Reg. 790, SALE PRICE 'Coro' Jewellery BOXED FOR GIFTS • EARRINGS, $ /000 -a NECKLETS " , N EACH • BRACELETS BOXED . • Buy Now For Best Selection “Viscorlon" Blankets • COLORFUL PASTELS, 72"x134" • VISCOSE ORLON • SATIN -BOUND ENDS • REG. $6,98 • SALE PRICE , $5.99 - EACH PINWALE CORDUROY Housecoats • RED ONLY • REG. $8.98 S SALE • $698 The Lucan•Clandeboye Y.P.U. "4!) met in the Clandeboye. church Sunday evening with Sandra Wil- liams in the chair. Terry Culbert' reported on last Friday's successful skating party and dance to which representa- tives from the surrounding United Churches as well as Holy Trinity's A.Y.P.A, were present. The committee responsible for the evening's success was com- posed of Marilyn Eaton, Bever- ley Butler, Terry Culbert and Douglas Thompson. Maurice Love of Exeter did the calling. During the business session it was decided to visit the Fines Haven Nursing Home once a month. An invitation to attend a church service at the Community Cen- re which is being planned for he near future, was accepted • A nominating Committee to bring in a slate of officers at the next meeting was named, composed of Jackie Park, Jim- my Scat and Donna Black. Mrs: Murray Hodgins led in a sing- songleading up to the worship service which was taken by Mari- lyn Eaton at mission group eon- vener. She was assisted by Nancy Scott, Sharon Kestle and Sandra Williams. Members ware then divided in- to buzz group for a quiz on Mis- sions. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of the United • mich held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Art Black lett Tuesday with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. A, E. Reilly, presided. Mrs. Erle Young's group was ie. charge of the Worship ser- vice. Assisted by Mrs. rent Thompson, Roll call was ans- wered by a receipe for the re- cipe book being compiled. Five dollars Was voted for the Airs, Wheable Memorial, Plans were discussed for the bake sale, • tea and bazaar to be held in the church parlors, Deft -ober 13. Mrs, Art flack had charge of the study book And outlined the chapter "Progress in Paradise" which Was followed by pictures Of Hawaii shown by Miss Pat Watson, Which she had taken on het trip West. Anglican Evening Auxiliary The November Meeting of the Anglican Evening Auxiliary took the ferni Of a lingerie end Jew.; dry. deirienstration staged by rerguaort Of London in the Parish Hall last Wednesday eve. Mr. Ken Make attended the it." lustrated leeture Oft the Lam. beth Conference PreSented by 131. shop W,A, Townsend in St. Salves Church, Parkhillo hist, Friday evening, .110Ateeeee Were Mrs. dart, Stanley, Mrs,. Jack Hardy, Mrs. Merlon Culbert, Mrs. Gerald Lewis, Mrs, Clarente Hard' and Bits. Neiman Hardy, GIRLS' Blouses Sizes 1 to 3 - 4 to Gx and 8 to 14 years • MOSTLY WHITE • REG„$1.98 PRICE GIRLS' Car Coats • WARMLY LINED • SIZES 4 TO GX • REG. $10.98 SALE PRICE $7.99 • RAYON,AND COTTON LUNCH CLOTHS, 52"x70", Reg. $1.59 $1,19 • RAYON AND COTTON LUNCH CLOTHS, 56"x76", Reg. $1.98 $1.39 • GIRLS' FADED- BLUE LINED JEANS, 7 to -14, Reg. $3,79- • QUALITY PRINTS, Reg. 590 to 69, SALE PRICE , 2 YDS. • INFANTS' JERSEY ROMPERS, • $2.79 91.00 2 -Pant Broedcloth, keg. $1.98 $1.39 TRAVELLERS' SAMPLE WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE Pajamas, - Gowns • SLIGHTLY SOILED • REG, $2.98 - $3.98 1.99 to 2.99 , WOMEN'S Tweed Skirts • SOME WITH BELTS% • REG, $7.98 sPARLICEE $4.99 MEN'S' Gift Ties • VALUES $1.00 and $1.25 SALE PRICE 79c MADE IN ENGLAND ALL -WOOL WOMEN'S FULLFASHIONED CARDIGANS • REG. $8.98 PRICE' $6 98 SALE .1.i0iii•••••11i1•1•••••=0.01.1. LONG -SLEEVE , PULLOVERS • REG, $7,98 SALE PRICE 598 qt cr.* SWEATERS SHORT -SLEEVE PULLOVERS • REG. $6.98 .$4.• PRICE 4:98 SALE $ 5 ONLY—WASAsso ANNIVERSARY SHEET, 81x100, Reg. $4,08 2,98 TOTS' SNOW SUITS • WAMVILY • BEG, $8,98 SALE PRICES LINED To • FISP QUA $1t.98 2$% Off 6.59 to 9.59 BUY. NOW .FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS cA, DRY GOODS i'itiNf l".14ANE°3N71% :17t ;;TifICOMPAI114043130001041COMOVIIPPOZIOiWAY4,0#170039 Cue.: