Huron Signal, 1850-12-26, Page 3slag MM ler. seed le Men tis 4 attar hold- s as le olt/.sash rt It le west Belles, e wad Which heart as M la- an .ae Mr. rated • I Mace ether, before • hare 7 PVI 1 wide beet► f ether Mm .i Is 11.. • were it 1i... io less IMO. yes• forlorn leasee tbw (sr is sap - 1.• all 1. We laswe sdiagly Ma lam holey, r...r w Idwteet tad m•. w have Id to ve- t, whin 810 Om an se 11 write aes, as l d.weeip- Iae fee b masa Imai• M »h 111111: • defter 1, frees leg rapid .old the , bids (sir s wealth, "scything to eons will se the abet - Ai geld boarding plendidly eh wait. sties sail hi decks, aaet beet set IPSO a e, stens tepsseite r age It w steer le The lipe hem leis/ that • a visit • Nwe- K • AO - Ile nob slide sod I woven •wmay wider* lady sol 4 both Moe goal he tamale t wehea- Msix w r IL is. near tis !pest reit bore wit elth gent Mee beef sold will ` tb• h11M i oar t, is" 0".1rs"f woo sd rtartnl 1 alasi ar- sad tis seemn 11011111.9 ismer NI all isr dal M we .tee t1 Mr II" 4 Alpo coo 1/400 bead tis ><afiNbn .11,01 b. 1 had =MOW , 0.,.trwt. are that thecan went to another wlghbor and and was a.tosuehed by fining tos:Je them Mart Herta 1a Mew 1 Met ewe Ion 8000 mte. glees Se tame roomette, last teit1Mre went to 8arrfe boas for the mermen of eheeieg word, whoa he forma • the deur faro There was w aur ser ap- d pes'eta's of ally Inns g creators brag about 1 the place. This appeared so remarkable Ise work be west to duo lite Gowen agate, A W g.y.that • kw days mac., THE DRDERYIOf4ED' tar. a oh. had to elm a mill RE1N0 appeared to millets an meow ab- out at Oestr', estripped on her n amid 1J •<npr(we rewe.dm t►. torsoBridge' d aBridge.wl them 0s the grave. Alt., bo.hn'g ever the nor Neoral, .ppeete Miller's Mill. doweled b • godly somber of teformed him of 1t. The two uuasdiatel, •e adder 19 teens long, which he imewiltate- babo Saw es heves h•ek the prtoctpel emseemeet; woken sow two Theatres tie •Tek•mau eta the "Pacific," the former MEW saw • tribe of ladies. tip the Sacra- mee4a..11ey, the latter will epee is • few -. /kb a gran Soiree, tickets 81• nett. k Ie Slit he r* se la the most expensive 114110,11101100 will he 'epeeist! foe cosfecIion - sty elan; a .ember of ladies comprising the Melly and fashion of the country are empaireed Rem Elsa Fraeci•oo, Sas Hoses, Mas Met Ls Mese an Santa Berbers," west to Archibald Foliation, 6q., Poet- I, k.11ed. master, Admulus, who lived within a mile of Barry's !muse, sae stated theirapprehen- sion Ta. Les. Rmtaa Cot -moue Paat.aTas.- 1. • e L.Wt w. primed the biter of Mr IYI.• 'soli. se the Lemon hierarchy. la that leans heenim•d,wt.d somewhat •troogly es the ewer shows by Lord Clareaduo to the Reese Catholic bishops of Ireland. .psak1S of W having, e•c/.rirae sea, rue them sewed• s over the 0.tbiluy trod dignitaries of the National Church." Oe thin pout. Mr C.C.CmeeviUe, Secretary M the Pnvy Council, grapples with Mr Drlstvlti sod u a base addressed to the ?i .e, shows that if Lord Clareadoa did w,wg, he mealy followed the newel* set by the Peel Owtoraanect of 1845. 11e says -"WbN►es the recogaluoe of the status sed prssds ...f the (nib Romeo Catholic prelates was right or wrest wise or ;nets/ It Woe I so accomplished Net before the prows' Osvarast••t came tots sin, ted therefore before Lord Clar.noa wont to Ireland. He lewd the thing dew, and had osly to wss1.rie btot..lf to it. It was dos. (so d..►t after mature delib•eation) by the Goversaa .f 8,r Robert Peel (before the seldom); and tato recognition carte forth to the shape of a formal tastromsst of the, highest authority, baring date the 13th of Jawary, 1145. A warmer er royal coins stsaiw approved by her Majesty in Council ss that day (to Carry out the Chani.bl. Bog.est. Act) rues u follows:-'K.ow y• • that we, reposing especial trust and confid- ence le your k.owl.dee, discretion, ted .1Hl.ty, Jo hereby, ice., by and with the advise 1 ear Privy Council, appoint you the said Jetta George, Archbishop of Ar. e..'h; Rich.rd,Arehbiehop GI D•rblin: Arch k ibop Wdlrm Crelly, Ambito/thee D.vel Murray, Jobs Holy Earl of Dusoeghmord, 8tsbepCovw;tes Deaver, Henry Pekeobam, Ise., le be C etc. This was (sed was se deemed) s royal r.eogo,Uoa of the spiritual reek .f the Irish prelates, and • cess' the. of precedence Corresponding with that of the prelate' of the Sams degree of the Retabli•hed Chore'. Beal rank and it wee sot to the power of the L. d-Liwste•ant either to cooler er to with- e119-•wletbmr he were a Whig or an Oreogsmaa, it was hu duty to treat them gt.•sedeer is the dignity which it pleased t8ews.aige is recognise to their persons. I i1i this u what Lord Clarendon did. Ile 4Md eel 4esogsiss themes Peers,' hs seitb.r 'sas/ht tbsirewumot,' nor 'courted their *erees let he roait.d them ell with be. womieg.ottrte6y 4N respect,aad those pre- lates who were distingiishd by their toy. tatty n the Crews, the* attaehmo.t to the 'Jeiss, sad their p.rss•al virtues, he treated with weber loathe of regard and con6d- w.0..-Birmsagke. Journal. ••FIRE AT THE -PALACE." ON Wdseaiy iraersisg. 'beet to o'clock, the lemon 1 the Episcopal Palace, Freat-et., err alarmed by symptoms 16n. It appears that the hosted air apparatus fee warming the heilii.g hod bees permitted to haw* ter et, sad the le.ug hest' 1 the meth' err fend its be tea @tato 1 twine. blow pro.idestially desire wee discovered en ezti.pr l.d before tar gioei damage bad seem -red. If the la.e• h ad beta panned to spend for a sew mimeses Mager, the Tahoe seem, is all -probability. Mn Item wgeemed.--Ubera . Inman ye midis the tide 1 "Fin st the Palest," we wee. pod a nt1 amesiehowt Iliad a POW shooed lave set iteeYdewe so wetly to theism! wanner finds. especially sea* mem- heg of die Royal family had ever bees Loewe t. vett Tonere. i.stesdy, It occurred that per- haps ear Greene, Bewereige was alert to .lett tem ie the prime te receive the wan* expression* ef otresLmeet ed her Gnaw eihrecte, asd the home isheeded fir her Mapey's receptie• had b .mtieep.d1s beet styled eke Poke*. Bet teem eyesteM were psi te light "Awe we reed ser. sad head eat it weasel, the brick Note 1 "Jobs ley Diets. p.rthiries," Church 1 Eng- land Blimp of Tenets, the geed 1d Demisie 1 Eaten ! dee. withn% bs.ia` •.y knelt w Royalty with t1, we bays a Pilaw ! New Ogee on be se a tieetisuo t• say sass ameamieg ••P be poeme. or iagiaieg kisaIslf r live leo Mese what 1t is het • ewafrnMe dentist Men, het we ds apse, decidedly to the public stsh dswiu,i.e, which ae to- tally gpasd to tie fact th.1 there is se estab- lished wet i. Gude. The eeide.ee 1 the As..ter Geta.) hes bet the mutest tide 108- vasthsee 8..w, bei it some that to rimer up ikr them d.blemey, we meet here Eeeie.rMleal halos.. wn.pied y Spiritual Prises' ! Nato - bate WB.ditldrd sod overawed by sub sasump- 11ees .( ,sem'. beer don u nab pmol.,s wiew% sessabraag what they de. Every day Probe, @bow • hims shish will be r yielded M sal frost, aed pmts feria.. sot s, t' 01.4.. y the ign- itors, ese MURDER. Oa the sight .f 8saday last, the etb Wel,' must appalls murder was enol• Weed is the T.weehrp of Adwtos, le the Coat 1 8..fhw. A than Band Willi.st who bel b..d in that place w s se sin l Q b.d Loom wood was murd.ad hie ewe baso sgrew'Mss- d4 =mew it appears that dssmsM wast beds a plamtovor, tad .eui..ally Aid ewe pew as fellow Me trade who }0154 re !ewe mase weeks beet bad S N D.IlNIS 11 ea ss M.Lawe eter lei part of l *. week ewe. ww Ir week mod received pay. He thee proceeded to his hasty some Mese wale Miami. wad os iia way Mw mod dn.k with emu namelessness who observed Mel he fret/meetly exhibited hi. mosey whilb ••tdnW •f w gold cola, Gee large S8e.► piney sad the rest is Bask Btlie.- Os Me farm sod is the saw hetes web - Sere Mind • - gamed Jells f•ia who wee IS Bmrry. k Eli ..psi*, .f obese laborer. W'..d wbe bill a ergs sod ter small e►Udrek- ..Il .f HMIs maim, N lbw same bassi. O. 8et- Wwere, . l wee * y e... ted wad w4. wed ` fib b.ay with E SNbi, red had w nits oe wideMarry . 1111101111. O. Medal wormier los d Ib• s• Birth, that something might be wrong. Mr. Patterwa at once proceeded with the two 1. t►'r Taws oe the 1041 last-, the wife 1 urea to Years's Ione, sad lading the door inn Breen of a desekter. fast, amid hewing rr.son to believe that Bar- .. TO ALL. WHOM IT MAT CONCERN." had not left Ibe boas., they forced the dour. Oa .siestas 13. knee they fogad I E Om body of Barry 'yin a bird with the ts faupwards, and thea fore pen of the skull smashed lo. His arms la, acrossbu breut 1111.110E tb and but body WOO stretched at full length S To aU appearaoe.s death bad been testa0- ta.eou., sod without a struggle. The THE Reb•eriber bop leave r niers his .ia- body was cold 'ad etl8, sad It was •rideot 1 one think. whits surname Cutaan far that the horrible deed had been committed 1fi' Very Lberal Psuowgs k"4" neeieed...c. while the deceased was teleeptng, and, early hr has bee• a Butane te Owdench, en it e us Sunday sight. needier to coy that he .nano,11nano,w r lits meow exerting to Suspicion immediately rested oa Wood, went a eesusessee 1 said who it was found bad absconded with his Welrkk mra. Fere Bpm high ',pima.. 1 tis Work ley tice subwnb., it •esy be wife and family, taking a span of bor.'s, a jostle remarked. that ho supplies better Ce.na. 'twig's, mid a tru.k beton/tog to the deceu- Work " THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN ed. 11 appeared that the wretch had taken GODERICH," as all his BOOTS its SHOES his horses and sleigh to make bis escape, are " Maa01etuvd trader his ewe eep.ratead- Tbe sleigh was easily tracked to the village e.ea. of Reofnw, some seven rodeo. -.011110k to neesubscriber sus begs to Intimate to all the fall of snow oo Sunday might. Some due. Indebted to him 'litter by Note cmBoot of the !abalone!. immediately decided to Aeeoest, either is GODERICH . CAMP- BELLTOWN, that Dales. said Notes ■end Ac - pursue Wood, but in the village of Renfrew nests are waded os or before toe 15th day 1 we are t.fo.a.d, ao cea.yaee could be January, 185 t. they will be paint (or cell/ogee. obtaimed. It is most discreditable to say Take heed, tend mere Costs 1 place to show Indilereoce to crime ; and N. B. -Cherry Leaser, Hides or Wheat, M- innie of the people of Renfrew are justly tee is earnest M' D.bta ono to severe censure. JAMES CAMPBELL A conveyance was soon procured, bow- God.ich, Deg45, 1850. ever, from Win. Morris, Esq. of Macnau, ADVERTISEMENT. who hoarier of the matter, immediately placed an ''attest team at their service.- Mr. Adam Curry, of Paekeobam also de- serves credit for ass tense* rendered to the Nr. Editor, -This is all very fine; bat is some same way. Thanks are also due to Rode- lettuce morally wroeg. For example : The , rick Ross Es heel! ppenuo. that sew is oo the Hums Road Esq., of Renfrew for much ex- la the Ilse dmges is assailed for. and gayest. 'Moo In rendering anatase'. 8y H.ha.. ■■d Davin' Liao the Mail has bee. Wood was tracked to Packonbam, bus rroolarly delivered: asd pesragere b.., received I beyeed that village It was out knows whichthe aceemmddatioe the bad roads would admit.' road be had takes. Oos party proceeded The faro, coasid.risg the roads and dist.aee, was to Bylowi and another to Perth, hot ninth. r reseasble: as nisch es as es say stage rood u : ewe perry overtook Wood, or any obtained Canada. 'This line ought to be supported, •sd informatios respecting he 8tgbt. 1 -s hosed to the good p.epls of the Hiroo Tract Since writtisg the above we learn that : 147 'sap, u... Whew the nide were.1oeeat lin- 1 Wood. Aha Barr or Bess, ware arrest.d 00.' ve'mhle' sod the vestry • forest, this line • Wednesday by Mr. Fraser, D.puty Sber,S 1 rOO*hI yea 705, 14.11. psur aeigbben. F. th. of Carleton Comity, at Kilmarnock on the r tt Gode • • u to Sheriff Melons, at Smit1 r Falls, by : week mere than a speet0ed is the Govenmeet tet five years, she bas dragged you Mail from Ran, sad the nem da was delivered over 1 C Cooed., to nca ever the wont road 7 Ca.sda, at some *racoon of ,1• year) owe trip • t whom Its was conveyed to Perth Gaol. -;:estrum. For which Elbe sever hal asked or re - For the arrest of Wood, the supposed mur- leaved cote pony. This 11.. merits the petroe- derer, the public are mainly indebted to- Mr. age of the Hers Tract as bee public Meet -actor. _ Robert Deckso., of Reefrew, and some two JUSTICE. or teres others of Ikea place ; sad also to •_ Cbnlx b• activity of Deputy Sherif Freest..- Byt.strt Packd. TWO WEEKS LATER FROM CALI- FORNiA- New York, Dee. 20-3, r. et. The CAerakee touched the who( at 13 o'clock, lin bnngs 361 passenger., and $1,694,000 is erects. The Genes*. arrived at Panama oo the 3rd, with two weeks' later stews from Sea Francisco. The ails bad mot reached Chagrees when the CAer.kea left. The Fedi* bad art arrived at Chagren. The steamer Philadelphia arrived at New Orions es the 910, and would sail t ext day. Both vessels would be full of peeeengere. The Pasih News *aye: " Since our last these, nothing of importance has oc- curred to mar the progress of California. " The Cholera hal made rapid strides in some localities, and laid many in the diet so this City, its first appearance. Some three weeks sieve, the number of deaths has been about 135, while in Sacramento they have probably reached 1000. The scourge, however, is abating, and the deaths in either city do sot average over 9 or 10 per day. This mortality hes prostrated in • gnat measure, the bacons of the large cities and considerably affected every locali- ty. During the winter a much larger Bomber of misters will re tayt m the mountains than before, and consegerntly more gold will be taken out there then during say previous season. Much atteruoe a Beier paid to the quarts mining. Tb. Marione' noses are yielding a good reins, eotwith- @ ladiag the machine, is not so powerfu as desired. Within a short time aootbe quart: vein of gnat riche••@ has been die covered, between the South fork of the Feather and Yon rivers. Heretofore, tate m:nes have only been ' crotched over, and scientific mining has only just commenced. Wheo fully undo way, and a ngeint* amount of capital ac- tively employed, the result will be even mon wonderful than ever before. Thin Sacramento Times says : " We have hese persons from various portions o the moen from whom we learn the chole ra has spread to but • very limited extent. A few cases have occurred at Nevada City, Rung► and Ready, and other towns. The Yen mines have g•eerally yielded well the average yield per man beer from lit to 810, daily. A large Number ampere oil wusi., es the Yuba. The .ember of eaooersn that arrived by see from Oct. 1st, 1849, to Oct.I let 1150, Nor. 43,615. The nnmb•r that lief freer Oct. let, 1849, to Oct. let, 1150 No.. 5,690. Wows.s..-"Tia works wonders," as the lady said whoa .be got married after an eight ,ars' cetrt.kip There are tern d+MMealtiee of life; men are disposed to a ad t► and to Ingle, mon than they cue tenure. g a C:eneral Agency THE Seheeriber hes convinced the neve terrines at the Omce of JOHN STEW - ART. E.q., BaMeter, &c • eke., Wait street, Goderueh. when be will peacieslly attend to ALL KINDS of Agency with which the antic may fe.. him. He has eprasd • Bonk for the registry 1 lando to be sold. an tb. mimes 1 person wiahiag to purchase, with • daimons 1pr.p.rly rewired and to be weld -aloe, • re- gistry 18ernaao in., &a. R. G. CUNINGHAME. - Dederiek, Dee. 18, 1850. •3441 NOTICE. TTT ANTED • Tree -her for No. 1 Scheel "he- tes. ales. C.lherao, orbs holds a first close ein16e•te 1 g.•li6e.ties, 'policemen will be received by the Trainee, op till 114. 9th et Jan - sty, 1851. at Robert EUV' Hotel, God.rie►, at the hour 1 12 o'clock. Soloed, ROBERT YOUNG, JAMES PAYNE TrearIs. GEORGE BHEFFERD. ) Dee. 24th. 1850. District Crown Lands Office. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN , rimier she menials( CROWN LANDS 1 is ABHFIELD ad WAWANOSH, are sow epee FOR SALE. All seeermry inform -s- ties respecting these Lands may 'es obtained by- spplyiag t JOHN CLARK. District Crews Lead Agent 29rd No..mber. 1/450. 3.n41 tf beg Ines ei eras es oak• ;W,. the eer.•ity 1 pietal. parent, aa t►• omit w weer ems They gree aotico to subscribers. .kat the Irl a ►asdrd Veer to Mr. Lowell AI - .."d, she ertra•t., to whom they will pay their respective eobenpium', eel w►•es re. es,pu will be •nnames' die.b.rp from faun liability. BENJAMIN MILLER, 31,148 BTEWART. 0eder.k, I8.3 Dec., 1830. Chad STRA TED Prem t Seb.snb.r, L,l 19, fin concretise, Toweskip of Guderieb, a or ahem the 15th of hely lase, • Pale While :,C - with spots ea the odes -red from the sAooldrn to the heed-• three-censred white spot og his fuHebead-with crimpled bores, eras rear old -*ed smell sire. A liberal reward will be pard soy p1104. leevieg informatics with the Subscri- ber oral the Hosea Seoul O16ee. 1 the oeid ox. JOrIN CLEGG. Oederuch, Dec. 19, 1850. .3e44 TEACHERS' MEETING. A TEACHERS' Mattis* .ill be held at o'clock, .moa. A g'e'nt aueada.eo u perties- Ivl1 requested, as best.,. of importance will be transacted. Gtdencb, Dee. 18, 1850. .3.44 immediate Clew os noonday, the 26th inst., st 12 PIN LESSONS IN U%llIP!! MR. THRABHERE would my to the Ladies sad Gwtkmes 1 Godericb, that he intend. on Money. the 16th int., to ores a Class in Penmanship. A. Mr. T.'a charges are ter liberal, so versos in* seeds impro.eax.t.bould miss Una chasm. Private Lesson. gives J required without eats _barge, His School will cooties* 2 weeks and se longer. ROOMS AT THE HURON HOTEL. Gedericb, Dee. 11, 1850. 43 DANE ion the Esclaoon of the 8e1eriber, Op the tied Oc;ebur last, • small Maly OX about eves years old, Brindled, with • White Heed. and a Bell os. The ower, CIAO bays bits br paying expiators, an proviso property. • Tp. Gado/rich, Dee. 10, 1850 43 CAME INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF the Sebenber about the begineieg of hely tut, n Year Old HEIFER, e(. Roes color, and of the Durham Breed. Theorem, is hereby relented to pro.' preprety. pay ebarges asd re- mora tar lorthwitb. FRANCIS FOWLER; • Jon: 18, Teckeramitb, Hares Road. Dee. 7tb, 1850. Dissolution ff Copartnership. 171 HE Copertsenhip of JAHES URMSTON 1 CRAWFORD asd RAST WILLIAMS. as Cohemate, Dnggtate sod Mercb•ats, lately corned oo soder Ibe came, style sod form 1 R. WILLIAMS & CO., at Stratford, in the Comi- ty 1 Perth, being at an sod, by the Isle of all Elbe sleek in trade is the rid firm by the Sheriff, sad by the amu 1 the said Rab, Williams con - usenet debts coatr•ry to the deed o1 Cop•rtoer- ship. Tho suhecriber hereby gives settee that be will sot hold himself re.peemble lir soy debts . liabilities awireW be the said Reby Whams; sad furthermore warns asy pens or parse. from wallas my debts with the said Rabe Waltham, as they will be ero.cated b7 the erediters. Dated at Stretford, 9th December, 1850, by eider 1 the Creditors. JAMES U. CRAWFORD. v 3o43.3ee NOTIC'E.-Came tete On enchant* 1 Ill 8sb.riber is August las,, a YEARLING STEER, the *weer is negated so proem pro- perty pay charges and takivhim away. GEORGE McLEOD. Umbers, New. 23rd, 1850. •3,41 r HURON BUILDING SOCIETY THE seat Meeting of the Shareholders of this anion .ill be held •t th. Brutish Hotel o. Saturday erasing, the 9811 l.staet, for the re- ceipt 1 and Isle of oee or more Shares. WM. BENNETT RICH, T. 4 s'w. H. B. s'y. 0•deriek. Dee. 19, 1050. 3e-144 TAVERN LICENSES. PUBLIC NOTICE - i8 HEREBY GIVEN to all parties holding 1 las asd Tavern Licenses ie Upper Cassd., which erpire w the 5th Joann. 1851, 'het they will be rewired d. resew the some ; sad that by applying to the Inspectors of Lacings is their several Ceaatiee, they ea. procure such re- sewel, w►deet r the e•d,uo.s notation is the 3rd scene 1 the Aet 1 heat 8osaios, 13 dk 14 Victeris, sap. 15, t. wit :- " Ad le it abae,ed, That • Liens, to keep r es las . Hesse 1 Public E•tertaletweet, may t be issued at ass rima after 11s passes 1 this , Act, ad einem say Cenifieste, a say pas.. Mee 1.14*.` • Liene he a like perpo.e, whish Leone, ie be !send, .hall sash.,« well pa- sse to keep such las. He... at the same place. fret thee/spiracles 1 the period to wbeh ewes Nana Lwow r*,aaded, moil the law day 1 rebrsary seat, (. i.el.ai►r,) bet wet . ; .d fee e.y Clew te be reseed se- der this sacrist, the pewees Ireei.ug the... .1.11 pay • sem b.uhg the same preps" te the sem paid by 1iIs for son Waist Limes.. se to *me for whin sue► mew Linn es r he rusted dell hoar to the time in 'blab tree for- mer Limas. wee grassed." JO)EPH CARY, haspereer Oaawrf. I_,beisa 0..i.. , The 1860. w e sloe see lianas tbpeper. ttt>M1 of Douse itasmesls,m sash bet t -_Res, ttiov, Hoes 11(1.1. (.1 0.deri.►.) Fero Prom, (Ind... C. W.) British Aa.nese Lug Peat aelnenth, Niagara Md. lasted AI OeM i4.e„Es ill borepeask Pert Myw,r Millrew er Wssahae, Plum 815, niuri. C .tie,.. Eiegnea Herald. Lurk Oba.eerr. *mules Brame R•shtllsr. Lit u WV LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING is the STRATFORD Pest Office ■p t December lib, 1850. Andenos Peter Arndt The Bellamy** Robs Jr Bets Robt Bol:asuyas mem Bart Therbeld Brecon Jas Beadle Thus Brows John e Boyd Edwd Byers Hugh 3 Byers Miehl Coast Daniel Calloton David Chawen Tboa Court John Douglass Al,, Densmore Jae Jr Densmore Mary Ass Dawe airs Minn! 3.3.2 Dwatup Jetta Dempsey Heigh Doan lases Edgar Mr Ewe Time Elder James Fraser Robt Fry F J Graham Andrew 0.....e Hairy Haneihea James Hewer Wm Helrmeyer Jobs 1 Ilegmeyer Cooed Haman Jobe Kalter Henry Love Wm Moouetb Wm Manias Arebd 3 Marne David Molloy Jae Mer Jae Marne erne Montgomery Jas Mosueth t+Yilliasa Maloney Mieh1 Marrs, Jose Jr Manta Jae po mer. as they can afford, Ala>rktts. Haaatre., a tis (Joie Mediu we have se sheave . *sties: p•uuo.a rema- in •t sag lest week's Breese. asd eery hate deals With the approach of Christmas, oar Prevail*, Market sesames a mere hells tog said esttslsppsarouss, yet wittiest asy severest eb..*t is The sappy, with the.xcepties 1 Pork. b pretty 'Weer - el. Pert, at last weer. rates, a to /.rod I... 4 het ewes is siserly.-Speshtsr. Titemew.-L Mar we have Ude dey se w yule. Malin Were wF odes. by reel. w calla at las i• IIs per barrel se 150 lbw. Tamen' ale by w• tally ie bare, at IM to 17e per 196 i►.. Wheat, 9e W t. S. N per bushel 100 Ib. Oats leS/t• leWper. bushelef 34 Ile, ROA" !selles bushel et 411 Ile. ?Were e la Is 1.81 pos. bSebd, jay ggp MOM Wm. too. ` . tit* milmo r,wersrd. W. STOTTS, Saddle and /farness ,step WEST oTRRCT. 000(8. H. Wear worse Owesrite`. U>ts rites.`. I_ IpbkD. PILASIC SIAM Theism. TOS FRIIrTt Ger .i de. , •'stip,, a-iaeJ t McLeod Malcolm McKay Wm McQoa,d Niche McFarla•. Ales McGill Da.ud McCeicheoe Robt McGeery Bared McVey Chao 2 McGeaegla Robert McEwas Mr Menem -11y Tho. McEarlate Job. McCardi. Jas Neil Wm Pickett Deal Pretest Benj Peckham Fr.dk Footle Geo Powell Jim ParketJoo Qutele.te Joe Quirk Mehl Reid Relit Rowse Air Rankin Chas Smith Wm 3 Sparrow Thos Stuseoph Mich' Scott Alex Spry Thema. Sibbeld Wm Bicepses Wm Sebbes Jas Showb Mich! Stephenson Wm Bolder fleury Switzer Jacob Thompaoe G•,i. Teekerhery Neal Thompro Wm Tracey James Terry Rd Volker Mr Wdl.nwne Jas Watson Wm W.:lem.ma Jobs Wilma Thai Willie. Mr A. P. MiCKLE, Prem'*.. TRATED 1.. the Method Flan, some - dew Meet the red 1 barest -A RED8 ER, tare. y....1 --.o it i. rebirth, hat he 8 ..MwheN is the to w.Aip of Onenoh, bey posses wiee will give t. the Subscriber .r leave •tAradOdom, pub i*fsrmsime s will Md 1 . 3 reso Ely will be b.drIsely n- eelehd. JOHN ANNAND. C1so.ve, 3rd Dee., 1850. .3.49 Tb CO isnot School ?Iradtcrs. ATEACHER WANTED foe •es year, fee ISeh•d Sevres Nils (bdw,eb T.wsebip. Masa C sety. Th..,a god &rel4y bones tied as we ei .rel 'leered sed Weald meshed ve the f1rm.1-meal fee eke Wee. N 1 die Tesehe, If ngdwd. As dos mtwy oriel he Rb1wl, albWeddies s i weed Cam Cow. ..esusWofirm w se sed wewty isss .ill be sowdsu0 b rho Tv..Is•...dw Pia) Toni, i. .sby Of y least ptaol DR. 180N, DENTAL 8UROION. F`80M Nutti•gbaai, 8.gl•ad, they b• cuesulted for the D1 1.... of Ib MOUTH, GUMS AND TEETH. To *hose reguinag ►u esrvices, be would recostor..d ao early call, as eine affective' of the Gums sod Teeth tequtr• mesa. term to seeder sound asd healthy. Chargee moderate. Ruuma at the llriti.h hotel. Gud•ricb, Nov. 40, lb O. 39:f NOTICE. 'les) Country !1lerchants,, .I.YD OTHLKS. THE S.haenl.er s'''hoed 1.r SALE.. C0M3H8S10N, I'weety 6.r Cb..:. i IIO% 11 Of veruoaa gr•drs Also •a e.rollest uncle of FIENEI' DL'W ('.I i'IXDISII TOBACCO! 1 Which will he Sold ass small Wince on New York Price.. Petah, Cherry Larb'r aro! Wheat Niru is Exchange. HORACE NORTON. .IV.B. SADDLES, HARNESS sad everything is the Lar, cos cul, es head, cheep for cash or Merchantable Pruden. 11. H. Godericb, Nov. 25, 1830. 3v.o41-3m CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderich Mills. by WILLIAM PIPER. Goderich Mills, 511 December, 1849 46-tf NEW LINE OF STAGES ■ 0Twtt' GA L T AND GODERI9H i THROUGH IN 18 HOURS 1* c.su.cd.a wick (As Stages/ram Hamilton. COMMENCING on TUESDAY 1st of October, a Stage will leave the Union Hotel, Galt, at 6 o'clock, a. m., and the British Hotel, Goderich, .t 5 o'clock, a. m., every day (Sundays excepted') arnmiog at each of the above Turns at early bed, time, and wttl Continue to run for the Acs commode -ties of Travellers, starting pone. wally at 5 o'clock in the morning. The subscriber hopes by paying strict attention to the eowfurts of the Travelling Public to receive . share of their support. Bufhlo Robeal, /to., tt.rotsbed. Any complaints made of Driven will re- ceive immediate attention, asd will be at once redressed u far as redress is practi- cable. Parcels sent by this Lw will be convey- ed with care and punctually, and delivered at moderate chargee. Persons traveling by Ibis Line will not be deprived of rest as on the Route from Gode- rich to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be- tween 10 and 14 o'clock at night, and leave in the morning for Hamlltoo at 1 o'clock - and on the Route from Hamilton to Gode- rich the Paseeogere arrive in Galt u they choose, at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon or 12 o'clock at night, and leave for Goderlcb at 5 In the morning. T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stratford, Sept. 26, 1850. 3v-e33tf HURON HOTEL. THE Subscriber begs Leave to intimate to his numerous respectable customers, and the tr•v:ling public generally, that the extensive repairs and improverents which have been to progress oo the Huron Hotel dturuog the course of the summer, are n ow fully completed. And as he feels coati• dent that Ins establishment is now capable of affording accommodation equal to that of any Hotel in this section of the country, he ventures to hope for • continuance of that liberal support which be has received dunog the period he has been in business. JAMES GENTLES. Huron Hotel, Goderich, October 16 1850. S .3n35 FOR SALE. THAT EXCELLENT FARM 7 the Bayfield Road, None miles from GODERICH, and Three from Bayfield, consulting of 190 Acres of Land, 45 of which •re cleared, and through which runs that excellent Mtll Stream, the 33 Creek. For particulars apply to Mr. NAFTEL, et Goderich. September 27, 1850. .3-n33tf 100 1-4 ACRE Lo'rs FOR SALE in the Tows el Stratford. Ap- ply to D. HOME LIZARS, Solicitor. Stratford, 18th Nov. 1850. 3..40tf Goderich, , 204h Nor. I >5y0. "TO EMIGRANTS AND OTHERS, WANTING C1EIREU FiRM! THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER F®R SALE THE followug LOTS (JF LAND a the Toweehip of STA NLLY- Lott 1, 2nd Con. Conine. 1100 Aeon, 00 Cleared Lot 21, 3rd Co' artesian, consuKing 1 re 190 Age, 40 cleared, beteg weed a holt" non from the VILLAGE 1 BRUCEFIELD. O. the lat'.r Lir, lift, III • noon LOO HOUSE, BARN, Ike. le., with 4 creek law - leg tbreegb the Farm. Then is ales same tee u rea 1 FALL WIIEA T SO fVN, while me be hod .t • .weeders. ,.I.. The iilm will be .sed ,esath.r or eneessely, s may be deri•d. fee she Lin to Ih. bed ..••e.i.s then w PIs.* W e.4• te agent., t o.det. S.M1d 11.- S. SEYMOUR • C.. 41414 OM. 11, ;8111. , tl 1.41 Aerie iia a dii7d7kgai.0 s 11L wee tle pa'stie's elAdsow 14.0110 Let a4 dib Cw..1Iba'S.p,.egig4 Whir STICER, therea Wwhirs while strips hest we 1 dee sig ebeed, elder dues w 1h. whir 1 i . tear. 4s Pere Mrs .b,MMs sad Kyle/ cape cos tete Idle ewer. McEWep, 1&► Nos. 1959, STRATFORD FL LLINiG 4' CARDING MILL THE Su►ee'tbet is lhaakf sl . y at kneel edging the ,cry I.nrai p.troaage leer- tutted eertutted upos bio Cooling Mil this wastes, hots to 101t0ate to lin mends sad its pub- i.c gt-nerally, that be ho ready sow for fulling, 1)res.ing and Finishing all sorsa ,.1 Cloth that •u1 be loft to 4,• cite. lite Fulling Mill, Catdug Mill, srJ rest of s fparatui, I. ill of the 0011 I.pr.- ,ed sod rracat Mod of Maebicerv, asd sur- kt d by neon but skilful asd .eperie.eeJ :uoJe, a,:d hie Terme will be always oh• .tor. t hbcrsl and moderato keens u is the CJy 0t 1y. GEO. J. PRUS*ING. For WM. RI1CIIMULLEII. Stratford Steam Mill, Oet. 3I1, P'60. 07- .11ways uo hard a large aced tall aw.orted Stack Vf LUMBER, stitch •dl be sold at fair prices etid o• none to mot cue. t••mere. 3,37 3m 1111.1810N COURTS. Tr seat D ' Courts fee the Vaited Cannes of Ilwros Petits and Br...,.111 be held 1st the times sad places Iollowisg:- I n. Diann. -Corot home et Goelerieb,- l.t February. T. 0. Morgue. Esq.. Clerk. 2d. f7s.i...a -Julie Hicks'. ►.heheI,-alrd February. Robert Caaa. Esq., Clerk. 3d. Disisi.a-Wood'sTanta. Ili rattend, Oak February It.by Williams, Esq., Clerk, 414. Dirisies-Quick.' Tavern beds. Reid. 14th Febrearr. George Cuter, Esq., Clerk. 5th Dieisi.s -Wm. Ratresb.ry'.Iu,Clisten, 131h Erb. Jame. Gordon, E.q., Clerk. 6th. Dtwies-School boo. R'. May's. 514 Feb. Jame. Coleman, Emq. Clerk. The 8ittiigg of the Several Courts .ill eon - nests pustuslly at 12 o'clock, A. M. ARTHUR ACLANO, J. 13 C. Goderich, Sept lith, '50 3v -••Wal NOTICE. PERSONS desirous of setting es the Durham Road in the Towsshipe of Glenelg, Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Kee - loss and Kincardine, mast apply personally at the Office of the undereigeed, led so lo- cations will be confirmed except such as are made en accordance with this requirement. All assugnmesu of Interest is Locations without the ksowledgs and approval u( the Agent, will be toss:doted as a forfeiters of all right in the locates or assignee. GEORGE JACKSON, Age.t. • Caow1. LIPID Orres, Be.tlick, County of Waterloo. t March 14th, 1850. .387 TO BE SOLD. -An Excellent Farm of Land. BEING Lots No. lS and 16. oo the 14.3 sea - cession, Township 1 Loaders, containing 200 acres, 70 of which are cleared. The Lead is oe • Superior gaelity, and well watered. It is situated ten miles from :be Tows 1 Leedom, oo the Macadamized Road. Then L • Pisan Home and two Frame Barns ea the premises. - It is is the eeetre 1 s upshot* legality. T1s place is welt adapted for a Sorg or Tavera Stead. Thu Farm is well rained to the athle- tics 1 persons desired& 1 gore Bete basinsy Then is aloe • good Bearing Orchard es N. said Faroe, and will be mid ea very reaseell• terms. For particulars apply se Wm. 11,May hes, os tilt adjorsiag Lot, toe to JAMES MCMAME8, Tows 1 Gederis►. July 3rd, 1850. v3e39 U NOT10E q To the Clerks -and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. THE iocreae.d demand for Sor.00e.s and other BLANK WRITS, is sea oeetioo with the humeral of the several ruins Ia- Coerte in the Dtatriet, bee warranted us in printing them in much larger goaata e. tie. than heretofore, and conquesely 'sa- bles us to bell them much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the eeteral Officers rr quiring these Blank Forme, that from this date, Summonses and all other Writs be longing to the Divieioo Court, will be Sold al at the SignOdes at the reduced price .f (j?' Two SHILLIYga L'D S,:ra.cs rte HUMMED. f Blank Deeds and Memorials, AND all binds of DIVISION COURT BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at the Stens Office. Every dtecription of BOOK sad 3executed Printing with statues. and dispatch. 17' UMMONSER required by the New Die- t?S wet Cosrt Act, linden other BLANK f'O11Ms used is the District and Dorian Courts, as Sale et the 511011.1511011.1 Offre• Al.., ell kinds of JOB PRINTING executed on the shorten notice, sod on moderate terms. Goderich, July 19, 1849. 1 REMOVAL.. JOHN ADAMS, TAILOR, BEGS leave to 'oilman loathe inhabitants of Gud.rich and lie vicinity, that he hes Removed hoe TAILORING ESTABLISH- MENT to West Street, first door east of M. D. Seymour lk Co.'s Store, whore hei well be prepared to make ail Medd of GAR - MENTIS on the shortest soiree, and on iSe u.ost rewnabie terms. Cutting done us shortest notice. Gaderooh, Sept. 12, 1350. tf.e301f STRAYED from the eselo.ure of the sob- ' ember on the B.yS.ld Road, reef t1.e Tow" nt Goderich, a Large Red and WI.rt. Spotted STEER. Aly ow g,nIg tufo,_ metioawell been only rewarded. EDWARD Y2AMANT. As/iest 141►, 1860. .3.31 TRAVELLER'S HOME. 8TR 15RIIRG, Wa7sat.ou, C 28.1 F.breery, 1649. S TaHE Ilubscriber hereby na t:t* a to at(rinds and the Travelling Pettit: gen- • that hie has removed from New Abet - deem to the Village at t4tnebergh, an .iN sow be forted to 1h.1 well -knows betu for- merly r.eeepa•d by Mr Jules, -.bene 14• will be reedy sod able te''ale1s 40 the e.mfevt of these who obey been hies .it► their patronage. Ad .Nle be retiree awake for peat hues, be sopa.. by turret . fo'li'o to the wast. sod elates .f him m.etaere, still to mere • . . of thou pslroesge. JOHN ABEL - 0. P,.- asd IFFMILLS tiled r9t. demon& Mei - . "tr .c a, ,• }-'fad•i( =.0 a'. fi. ' '..-'.nrf'.: 70:414 irllf. 4)eaa,-•*,e3s, -,a we)n.si .:+it an 'fi.s, err.' 44418!'! lattMACi keeiitt ur8iiliitldbsR ..r tsttttiYiSwt, ser. •