HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-20, Page 13ii
471, •.10,100
'Mt TimisAdvogati, Noviimber 20 195$:
Everyone Nominares Ciassis;ieas 'ess
telmaye From
VI,M,S, And W.A.
25 words or lima 70c
moll Than 75 Words
20 Per WOrd
200 OFF
If ad paid with order or by
Mrs. Arthur Abbott was luis- Saturday following the 40
Ws Tor the November meetings in ertion
rf the W.M.S, and W.A, Mrs. J.
BOY'S 1VINTelle JACISET. siZe 10, i NEW Itot'Ste nearing eompletion. 1,J)AN Oli" 32.e00 or $2.400: goo:III,N9ToICEini—fliopn
Andrew St , le aeter,
363^W ee MaY be seen at 117 . log, choice loration. reasonable ' Advoiste.
hlite Wald, Hite nen% $7;. Plume red rug brick, tercet] air oil heat- $""rit).' 4'141°Y r)" 11.().% Thil" Townsh of Stephen
• 2..,,, . ... . . , . ... . . . .
1 WHY lefelEI. OLD? Feel Tears
I Younger. Ostrex l'onic Tablets
' revitalize thotteands past 411. Only
1: 0 n e sp t;i1;;41 PPI'4.!t;trtori,n 0110"rael k.es,s16'.3.,.1,517, A I, 1., 0,.rrt.r. t.ows A net 11. to I I, 14 m 4 elec.iion IsP. A.irt. all tiLuggist st. 6:13:20:27c
GIS. SPACE' HEATER., rnlemen, l";"`"ie top Drives paid. .1. M. Selineteder , - BABY CHICKS —
Iforeed air, 5-rnom, in new colt . . - . • t o. phones 15 Exeter. 'gal" ‘ 1subllis restive is hereby gls en ,.
TOTING I,ADY, to is ork 14.1111 film
recording unit trat clime; amass%
Canada, good wage. steadY me
ployment, age 211-;15. Write Pox
"Q", Wirnee-Adveteatef
(titian Ted Prouty, MR. 1 leeeter. TOVNG 'SVDmAN o terl ,or gene,
Of. To ip of Stephen 'wit! he ',available, prompt shipment. Also home, Applicant May Inc
phone 55-11-1. Ilashwootl, 2e,27e ' that a. meeting' of the electors of BRA e hat Ames e0-wee2e pullets rat housework in tendert), country'
held In the Town flail, Crediton. limited fluentity Atari -fel dual pur- stale wages expeeted ann. expere
eleNCE POSTS, dry cedar; also
'pose pullets. Dayonis to order. ionve. Write Hos, El Timeee
anchor Posts. Apple' Baird Iles- Mamma' HOUSE, in Exeter. close •
. . len Book Jannare 44i:weary broilers sedveeete, a00
sell, Pell. 3 Ipeardine. 10:274' to schools IShree bedrooms. din- -
lug room. large, Isitonee, NOMINATION.. at 1 am -o (leek /41 the afternoon 3" ts f444 ' 14
rin)cbeiner was in the chair for SUCCEEDING INSERTION 400 r 1.0 t* raffia With rlrePigee and Porn' 1 • phone 2,1e -W, Esetee.
.. or rti ute t red agon. _ton oft elm? ly finished reereatioe room. meeting will be held in the • • its r
for I lie p IlrpoSe of Malt In 24:270
cAr U.S.DIO• set of lr If trauke
Town Ilan, l'red it on. on reePIV tie, nommat n 0; • ". .
worship service. She was assist- More than 25 Words
• obey Pickunt oil sitare heatera, with fireplaee. Many extraS, in- .Depuiy Itre4e. Connell:lien and ; TENDERS —
cheap. Phone 14Sti nr II J. 20e eluding one -car garage IMONDAY, NOVEASSIER 24, 1556. also for Tritstees of the To tcrlalli
ei by Mrs, William French and I.V0 Per Word
WAITRESS WANTED es. ,Bellier'a
lostaurant, ' See
•IlIrs. Abbott, tsi, atoseeneete. sell eles,, velem buys a n.bptfroorri Irian! hP1 WPPD ii,, hours of S;09 teehnol Area coinprising iseetiens TILte. mei y , ,
(Restricted to one column)
Fit* Insertion $1,40 .Per Inch
Subsequent insertions
51,25 ,Per inch
'May be scot at l•arry's Supertese. briele holise with besement. ln and 5:1)0 o'f;Joeic in the svonintk, 2. 3., 4. et. a. In and rition SCI.10014 AREA BOARD
SMALL 1•11.A,(414; - DOG. fernalet
Mrs. Laverne Morley gave a very 'snort eond Rion and v. ell lo- 1.1.1e PurposeinahltIF R.,11-• 1'1 all". three t° he °eat"'
4 ated 'in Exeter.
I And Nether notice is lierehs-1 Seated tenders win lie revert eit
I SCHOPL BUILDING & LAND with u'llite DP on tail. shoswers
' ,„ to name of "Mel t'. Phone 54-3..13
report. of the pr.eshylerial. . ler eking nrentoe linen of ustees
eix.'(;!e811.17eTit st:oziei8- 144alluSlieretiararilr' s(406/%1 or the VLIOlillagNeleofIlit;tHP(41.91:7 • given hat in of more eau- ; by tee nnetteaigned u le
F.nkbeiner gave a reading. or 4-r-14 le-iriston. 200
Emelt member is asked for ditino. lt For a real bargain, call 1 dilutes being proposed. and qual- eisselot.it „on. wed„,„day eine
mortgaging- can be arranged.
fruit, eggs or toys for Christmas F.l'S.Pter 220 after e p.m.
se 000. play er f • t whieh
efts. for "Allway Home",
New of firers f 1959; presi-
d!nt., Mrs. William Morley, jr.; Classified ads accepted up -WI pm.. Exeter See.
vice-presidents, Mrs, Gor don Wednesday noon. Auction sale
Johnson and Mrs, J. Finkbeiner; copy should be in Tuesday at
treasurer, Mrs. Mills; pianist, noon.
Mrs. Milne Pullen; asistant, ' .•
Mrs. Ronald Squire; Missionary FOR SALE—.
Monthly secretary, Mrs. La-
yerne Morley; supply, Mrs. Mel-
ville Gunning and 'Mrs, Laverne
Illorley; auditor, Mrs. 13, Klahre.. !nab 5 55 Per M Dei'd
Inch • se Pet' Perri
The theme for the lA.A. was ‘.
It inch 110 per AI Del'd
"Sharing God's Gift", Mrs. Da—, snot 145 per At Deled
field, Mrs. Ronald Squire and inch 175 per ei Del'd
Mrs. Ray Parkinson led In wor- rs, T's and Elb0we In Stock
shin. Mrs. William French gave prices for hi", 12" and 14"
reading. on Request'
Ileturning Officer ifYing for any nartlentar ()Mee ba. 2,t; sse for the eafe of the
than requited to he 1'1(41 ed. the Felton' building and. land of S.S. AUCT ON SALE.
COAT, mnu fon. large size, 20 aeres mud; land suitable Prof, PPdings m adj"urnrd So• 11, AlesSillivray .Townslitp.
is 'As good 3 -bedroom house with nil 'TREASURER'S SAI -E
MONDAY DECEMBER 1, 1958 Tenders ism he reeett ed for the
exeellent ensiditinn, Call after, 6 for market gardening. A ery
heat and a good barn. Another
Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Squire LoirrEp lltfn
visited in London on,Sunday with Elginfield Phone 155 Inman
Mr. and Mrs. E. At, Fitzgerald.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klahre,
Catherine and. Martha attended
the "Sale of Work" at West-
minster Hospital on Friday.
They also visited Mr, and Mrs,
E. E. cook at the Dearness
Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen• made front clean' ELECTRIC TRAIN. switches, etc.
dcl carrots, baeigsles; n 0 marsh
and Gordon Hodgins, also Mr, t 9, green
grown Phone Exeter 162-J. flee
and Mrs. Norman Brock of Zion Pascal celery. 'Wilfred Alousseau, •
BERES UM ES, to 10 weeks old,
m --ea (tout show stock. Ann.'s; Ross
left Monday to attend the Royal phone92-C4
Winter Fair at. Toronto. On i\o'7,4-1Profug"" on 14-12:1"v" "'
n. 4; and e. 13:2ne Cottle, phone 454-11-21 Exeter.
Tuesday, Donald Pullen is show- 2o4
Mg 'five steers in the senior
class at the fair.
Sue Ann Squire is spending a
few (lays with Mr. and Mrs, F.
S•uire, Prospect Hill.
Mr. and Mrs.. Ray Parkinson
•aid Wayne spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Grose, .of
Devizes. •
Alton Neil attended the Royal
Messrs. Jack Duffield and W•
Winter Fair at Toronto- over the
weekend, By MRS., F. HORNE
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham, Ron-
ald, Ivan and Linda of Mitchell, 1.11=TATICIM./Mq&SIMMIZIM
were guests on Sunday of Mr. Air. • •
.rlorace Delbridge and Mr.
and Mrs. Cleve Pullmanp.arkio, Delmer Skinner attended the
Mrs, David Horde,
visitor Cream Producers' .convention in
was a Monday "' Toronto on Tuesday.
E. Ferguson. Mrs. Isabel Sugden visited for
Mr. and Mrs. Mae Mills at,
a few days last week with Mrs.
ended a 'banquet in Hamilton
Bessie Frank of St. Marys.
Friday evening in .the interests
of ..Rona ware. • Mr, Fred Delbridge of Ridge -
Mr. Carl Hume, Farquhar, town and Miss Kathleen Horne
has been in Florida as branch' of London spent the weekend at
their respective homes.
manager of Cann's Mill Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey of
jimmy- and Carol Foster were Stratford visited on Sunday with
Saturday guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ford.
Heward Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns, of
Mr. George Squire of Granton, Elimville north, were Sunday
formerly of this vicinity, is a visitors with Mrs. Isabel Sugden
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and Tennyson Johns.
for four weeks. A number of ladles from this
vicinity attended the bazaar at
Thames Road United Church
How often has your safe driv- given by Thames Road Woman's
ing record depended on another Association on Friday last.
driver's good judgement?
PUPS, German Shepherd, -5 weeks
old. Apply john Rau, phone 78-r-
12 leurieh. 6:13:204
40-44, excellent condition, . latest
style, For a real bargaie call Ex-
eter 990 after 6 p.m. 2n*
Values from $3.95 to $5.05
Thursday's Price:
$2.75 and $3.75
Men's ind Boys' Wear
Phone 299 Exeter
$2,firm will buy all the enitiPment TO Wrie,(..3orupnntryaLionfo unfurothne
Terms can he arranied.
needed t o operate this term. OF LANDS FOR TAXES iwbon
J, a9t4:4;(.1114.4p 4'4 it% al i 011:%: tillig•131 it'd AS,. ff.'s' e I ‘`,,'•ii tki 1 PL. i latre 1 herror Iiitll Po nheu iiiillilitt.g Leoltiestti i a in"ri
1 endemism toned el -Henri, in eharge . any
, as fixed by township by-law six: "'Pled.
Polls shall be opened from building and land seParatelY:
tender not -necessarily ac -
and mut ire le u r n i s b i n g s. Alsel
Of Lakeview House Hotel
rT-rpresenrr L:illeillatil:' IlealtOr lesil°thevill'Iliatercleeft 4of ILaierreCiollunitey"7;if 11;1 Library Ronnie, Lot .214. Con.
flordne 'Wilson, D.11.0.; Ralph and other Misc. Items.'
Equipment, Curb Rooth, l".4145•
534 Main Street, Exeter Duren under his hand and the ellatea• 1.°11 Flerhe
Plan 24, Lot ef11, Main St., in tit*
On the Premises.
Phone 863
6:13c ing date of the 12th day of Atte 21, Con. 2: Presit on Dearing.
seal of the said corporation bear- l 2 -.Frank Triebner's heitehen. Lot
gust sale of lands in arreare of 11.11.0; Frank Triehner, Poll
The undersigned auetinneer la
In the CountY of Huron t‘lerk. PARCEL OF LAND instructed to eell by public aim,
PARM-1. a^ acres. Quite modern eis'ITieebe hold at my office at the e .1V • el' r A • qi o e atil
nbin'ersnsurewiti;S a tfeinnles line ineb.a rnI"'atneril. Milt"; e of n 21(11111e- SPilitn. flainy of ell ei eT111111- 11,kaflinertn "Yti"lei ilan in p 0% Desi richer, .11.11.°‘ ; Tisnders w ill be "eel.' " at the I inn on
orfioes of the undernielltinned• Linn BOA V Atli PlIBPR, ''" MS
silo. Possession as arranged. Near : I
could he houglet with farm. Large costs are sooner
19eS widest; itilaria. tassoetsiceanirs1 i A' win Baker: P.1.1.0.; Russel Flak- ,' iltoowitnng apnadr,,eillierl:rirlilnagnct 1 Seria Noon, ' ' ' •'• .... --.
4 - Town Hall. Lot 1 te Con. 7.
Monday, I beceinher 1, for the fol- COmmeneing at 1.2139 p.m, sharp
house, A lot of machinery which hie,.
Kirkton. ; hereby given that the list of
' lands for sale for arrears of I belller• Pc)" "rid' Part of the North half (if the 71111..141N(IS - Lais"i"V lidellaa
PARM-P10 acres. Pine home and taxes was published in the On. ` 5-efelloilrhe`s K il Omit. Lot IC. South half of Let S2. Conversion l.l''tet eril.ilgliiistolin pot nastlY. Cement
of con. 121 Gerald n'Ttoorke, D.11.0.; 6 in the To weenie of Stephen, black. . i r fr_art!Pt a• 3.
' ta rin Gazette on the 5th day
good barns. Near Exeter. cnntaining See acres of hush land elTrel' buildinat 9(1"i/4i 4 large
pm-cm...4 to acres, Modern p ci to p . September 1951. and that copies `Joe flegier, Poll Clerk.
1 n liiillayi n and 1. ipnriitlal tge dining
loom; ped house and barns. In, good lo -
nation. les . . my office.
of O.seed list may be had at : 6- ie us, noomF. Lot 24, con, with ertio.e. ,i.j'eies( (cntifir.a.kNehls: to be iltoin`ndniser
room; st mind and third floore
lc; "II tiliPlernev te and any live- , salr'ell'.e ni34.11iiehillellehdeld"ali't, thire nachen.sen; is.17'.--iSiniti-Ztltr'Pelile ti.01•111-ekri,„ Lea 1 0.
stock wanted by buyer.
•btfefilee.....p. the 16th day of Deeem- ` Con. IT: Art leinkbeiner, D.R.O.;
t N.B.; tote Willem o.n.o.; rites- eut for thither. Oinniti.ario. ,.,. _
Ilarrist er & Solheitor, sound eondit inn and contains an
hate 12 bedrooms; building is in
A lot of other properties In this Ross Love, Poll Clerk, .
erilliaelle411.1iea'11:5 Iv-sip:II, 1.1 of ins -tied 1 yip 4.1 iu a bbl;
seetien, Woehl like to meet pros- .' " '' 2e ,-;1" vontaeting, .either of the under.
Treasurer's Office this 13th da.y 6 - Potion 's Street. Lot 4a. con.
pins -
pectin', buyers and sellers. Phone signed.
1 or write Morley Wass, Granton, of August. 1958.
agent for re R.Harris, Lonifirotliti.„ 5.13.; Mansell If °ileitis, D.R.O.,
NOTICES TO CREDITORS ft., to he offered fleparate from
(sign (signed)
7. G. Be rilr' '92:11.ela-sin21;5ecr W9111--TVillill ijia-lmieksPeeljTrid I ni 'Pie, rki,n 1, 4, .
Laheview House. The building is
Con. A : George Walper, D.11.0.; in the Estate of .• all frame and In good condition.
Ceeil Desjardine, Poll Clerk.
Can be moved In one unit.
Arthur Carl Scott
And all ebtetore are hereby re -
TERMS of Hotel and 'Rooth --
quested to govern themselves au-
Neyetrfe is lissiptesfee. wri.L•i; Ini.'r On day Of sale; balance in
cordingly. 30 days. Soltl. subject to a reason -
that all creditors end others has -
JAMES Al'AVVI-IINNEY, pig elaitn s against the estate of table resere e hid. a
Arthur t:arl Scott, I.,. of the NOTE -.... 'Buildings to be
(Signed I
D N. 11ENP:T,
Aneeillit ray T.S.A.
E g ETE lit I will he in the Town Hall on
the dente and during the hours We have. clients wishing to nut' • -' • "f Itethrning officer
listed below for the. co ection sr Town of Exeter. in the t aunty mantled and removed front Mein,
chase Exeter homes. If you wish
Please arrange to matte paYment
taxes for the Town of Exeter. Crediton, Onto Noveinber 4, 1586
to sell, see us, 13:.," of Huron, Labourer. who liiPfi all . ISOS by May let, 115e. Sealed
- or about the 2iltli day of Ore ober, Tenders may bP PIlle in t hP hand$
.5.1. Fora, sE DAN, 4 -door,
late colored, Is, C. (Thaw -Ilan. I a7 formal and .e to emz.i. size and e other Ovirfoellgte$L;118 following on or before these dates to avoid.
penalty. 155e, are rent! teed to fnre Ara ' of the proprietor up to the day
elloSns : VELLoW FORMAL, SiZA 14. green
their c•Runis duly provpo to the i nil sale, and will be recognized
1 (I. Alay be ?teen .at Brady Clean - FridaY, November 25, undersigned on or before the 2.1th , with self beret security included.
ere. 20;2704 BUNGALOW', 3 -bedroom, excell-
ent location, Mose to schools and 700 - 9:00 p.m, day of November, Mile i Te I. ie 0 T Fl 1 011, APPLIANCES.
Mildness section, full basement. AND NOTICE 15 FUTITHIell MITES, FURNISHINGS & MISC.
hot a Ir furnaee, garage. Reason- rrivEN that after the sett!. date FTEMS-..111offa I commercial else -
able price with' terms. 10:300 the 'Executors will pl•oceed to,trin range; commermal refrigera.
Main phone
rimssEri FINKS: and duck s.
Phone Exeter 022-R-13 in the
morning or after 7 p.m. flenc
i:iit'.iwntirirRiarrtttiii i::'
This Week Ir
Phone 102
t I tt I iiii 111111111101t11111111 tt i tt tttt 1111111111111111111111ffil ttttttttt 1111/ tttttt I tttttttt I tttt H111111111114;
Real Estate
Exeter Homes
COTTAGE, two-bedroom brick cottage with living
room, bath, oil furnace, Reasonable price with terms.
BRICK HOME, two-bedroom, complete with bath and
living room, has new brick, Reasonable terms.
DUPLEX, suitable for two apartments. Well situated.
Oil, hot water heating, :garage. This home would
provide a low cost of living if one apartment were
4 BEDROOM HOME; has two bathrooms. This is an
excellent remodelledhome in a choice location.
NEW HOME almost completed, with 8 acres of land,
has three bedrooms and a full basement. $71500.
All Inquiries Invited
• M Gaiser
• Real Estate .
r tentletetierf Elettert 111101.10 filleal, Dealer m A.y lists saiu :e teem .
. llort1S, Anti y Art Concession 14, St6p11011 rrOtriledi ClOrif. and
rtenirilifvgf officer -childrn should bi Sten and
!,,ittlittniffiftninfifttlittlilionttufautolittuttifitiffifffififiliffiffinditilittinif itittiOntatlittilliffiftitianntit Lt. • Itialtfc mg property'And Pa Ying 'frit ct.'
11 .26t1
Township Of Hay
Used Articles
For Sale
• Gibson Alm' Conditioner,
lee -ton capacity
• Whirl -Away Egg Washer
• Beach 36" White Popane Range
• jewel Coal Range
• 28' Extension Ladder
• Atitomatie Poultry Waterer
Phone 183-J-2
CENTRALIA-- Well located home.
Alod.ern kitchen and bathroom.
New drilled well and pumping
equipment. 'Extra. lots available.
Price $4,S00.00. Terms. COWS:. pee-
sesaion. 11:6c
. To bey or sell, see C. V.
Rea,itor. .and General
insura.nce, 394 Main St., Exeter.
phone 165 and 628. 6:5tfe
W. C. Pearce
Saturday, November 29
1:30 - 5:90 and 7:30 - 9.00
Tax Collector
Nomination & Election
Pithl le nettles is 'hereby given distribute the estate having re- Inc and les box. electric Coca-
that In eninnlIallee NV ith. by-law gain only to the claims of which ; Cola copier; We erusli (metier:
No. 12, passed October 9,
1516, they then shall have notice.
Amen ovenette; Wier:ham lotehen
13:30;27c under authority of Chapter elle, DATED at Exeter this list day
irt an II : ;11 e: i e E e De iui 13.-o eltsr.-aetrte;ire pnr ea sstshuer. e:
se stem,
: :dining Trifon furl, little; ehestere
field; chairs; oak rockers: arm
eliaire;` wicker settee; SO dining
room chairs: 1e di nintes Orem
tables: :I serving tablee; large
kitchen tables; buffet: btlreallei
it Rebell valillletS; 2, e 0 ill pieta
elinwer cabieets; writing desks;
coffee tables: eltest of draw ere;
EFIALTO.R. New stop signs have been oleo -
GENERAL INSURANCE ed. throughout the town for the
S6 Anne St, Exeter Phone 435 Protection of those driving, cc -
Metes and Of pedestriaus. t is
. 2 -BED brick cottage, wired for Illegalto par ve vie closer
18 IVEANER PIGS -Phone 21-r-3 range. 3-pleets bath, oil furnace; thfrty f Pet from these signs.
Creditor). 20c gavage; liberal terms. ' NOV, 19, 195S.
WRIGHT PIANO, plain case. ma- 3 -BED 1-storeY Veneered. oil fur-
, s oace, -hot water hea.t, full bath,
hogallee._ finish. $69. W. e\tarteel`s lovely kitchen, drilled went. Cen-
. .
pbone Exeter 43. .
'" • tralia.
COAL OR WOOD RANGE. Prin. a' -RED rug brick,- oil burning fen, -
water pressure. garage,
teas Pat, tit good eondit ion; pace,
cheap. phone 351,1, Exeter, Chas. large lot; Centralia.
Afiller. . 20. 2 -STOREY HOUSE, nleelY situat-
ed, with furnace and bath..ion:213%.
SPANISH GUITAR, jumbo 'box, d
with arch top, pick-up. volume. Bertrfactexbr finuT-sl.:, 4- bedroom, nti
and tone control. Phone 37e. 20c burner furnace, 3 -piece, bath up,
2-plece down; could be tinplexed;
barn: henhouse: extra lots: im-
mediate, possession. 30:10c
COM9'0RTABLE, enmpaet 3 -bed-
room house, pa.rtia1 basement, 1 -
piece bath, good garden, mode-
rately priced,
We have several farms. •
, FRED COLE, Phone 544-R
. tAxth pseRsoNS, Phone 95:047tto
Worry. Free
Here's The Answer
Regal deluxe champion,
equipped with gas -saving
overdrive (up to 35 m.p.g.),
custom-built radio, absolutely
spotless condition.
ONLY $695
Pontiac -Buick -Vauxhall -GMC
Phone 608 'Exeter •
BABY CARRIAGE, blue, in gored
condition, $16. Phone 466 Exeter.
reading. For gift subscriptions en
nearly all magazines, order now,
Mrs. Robert. Ostler, phone 468 or
apply 146 Mails St. . 2.Ac
quarters for Royal tYPeWritere,
Victor adding machines. We cap
Save you money! Exeter Times -
Advocate, plj,tatie 770. 27tf c
A.PARTMENT, foto large, bright
tarbinS, partly furnished, heat,
bath, hot •and cold water,
central Incatecni, Immediate nes-
Aessien, reasonable rent. •acittitS,
garage Available, 343 Andrew Si',,
Exeter. • 6:1:1:110e
able fin' one of two people, heat
and hot water supplied. Apply
Penhale Apartments, 70 Jobe SI,
East. 10:30tfe
4-101DBOOM HOCS:al with bath-
room Complete or call he used
ast 2 separate apartments. Ken
Elder, pherie 683.-11-14 Etensall, '
STUCCO HOUSE, 6 -room, on No,
4 highway at Meoresville, r,t1 fur-
netie, bath, le acre of land. Ali'
ill)' 912 flollinime Si., Leedom or
phelle 5s92'52'W• Site,
&PAM' NIENT, wpata irs, Hen -
sten, bet Alia cold water oil tan.
Apply Ml's, Mary Steeliest, Zurieh,
SEE YOUR authorized dealer for
Viking Electric Separators and
repairs. Apply Basil O'Rourke,
Blepleismith and Welding Shop,
Brucefield. 6:13:1I0e
ANYONE wishing to have, their,
barite or heehouses white washed
call Bill Watson. Phone 37-r-19
Pashwood. Also grain or corn
spraying. rut no
down or disabled horses and
cows.' Dead stock at value. Call
promptly; 7 -day week service.
Call Ed A.ndrews, Collect, Slit -R-
11 Seafortn. 9;25-1:1
TION service Or trittre infertile -
Hoe, telephone the Waterloo Cat -
t1 Breeding Association. collects at
Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7:30
and 9:30 em. week days, 6 and
p.m. en Saturdays. Do not call
for serviee on Sunday. Cows Ill
heat on Sunday can be insemin-
ated sat Iseactorily on Monday,
We supply service to top quality
bulls Of the TS ein. JereeY,
Ayrshire, Gil ernsey, Brown Swiss,
Red Poll, Hereford (polled and
horned), Beet Shorthorn (polled
and horned), and Dual Purpose
Shorthorn, Angus and Materials
breeds. The cost Is low. 7:24tfn
WILMS DEVELOPED in 48 hours.
Exeter' agent --. Russell Electric;
'Hensel; agent - Fine; Pitimbing
& Heating, Prompt photo finish-
ing. 8;21-10;114
SEPTIC TANKS pumped, immed-
iate service. Butler Bros. Lucan,
phone 1.30-W or 108. 11;:2-11 :27"
110W and old. Phone 354.1V Exeter
or Apply Paul Sass, 66 William
St. North 2no
Phone Exeter AC 0-4141
" ....• tril CitA'rE 11 V of all leinds ---• re -
;.1-141'41)11°°M 11<)1.44' all "161,1,"„I'LL reV:oed 'es iriiiiMrie;t1.11,t11(i'llttclIc vlt ;lie I1:
Apply 1.1 0 y d t.ovell, '14.- - - Atery, Call 47S Collect, Mil eltej. MONDAY, DECEMBER. 1, 1958 VA illflt°11160iNil<1;ItligilLrit14."11;1;1,"0.6.;
011011A 67s-re22 Ileosall,_ 2ne
tirace 'McKnight, Poll Clark. . .
bath, furnace, double garage, 10. t writ•Tir, 1,114.0 to mote, ee tile tioll.:1411elil,lleandllinf I thetisle).‘1•101;'s 116114111i:4o IX t P01(14111e1t0; 8A111.1t!lellnit‘ii.irritrinsti NreoCtilileOrlee',
COTT A GE, 2. -bet a room, e emir le I A ,
eated in 14ertsa41„Npnly P.O. Box from grass With noises:, reet,sens : intbd ii.isions oflife 8, id rem/Item-0 audit street; 'William Allison, .
74, wingham, or phone 406:W I able rates, PhOne 590- ;NI -1 Esetev. see etsselimeay as followA; 11.11.0.; LOIS Learn. Drill (' I or 15 .
AVEtlingt 1VIeglitem, Sir 20e. •
, 1 -- S.S. No. 1, int' 6, concestion it should he not ed Om whoa a
proposed candidate IS 101 1,11't'SPII I
STRAYED.-- 'elle; Arhold Kilmer, o.n.o.
REAL ESTATE —, .,.._,..t,,,,Inomy,/..1 ii„„,„, lot Si I, at the nomination mem in g, his
Toneetolot 0. Jame, cunning, nom Mal ion paper n ill riot be
t and musses there is et menet,
C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk
Of Usborne
Seption 71, of the Altmimpal AM, of Oil ober, 100S.
a meeting:of the eleet ors of the
atnnielpe My of the Towtrship of W. G. Cochrane, B.A.,
Hay will be held In the Tow)] 0
Oil Solicitor for Esi ate,
ship Halt in the Village of Zurich
Exeter, Ontario.
o'clock, p.m., (Or tile parpose Of William Blair, 6:12;260
31, the Esta.t e of
at the, 1101117 front one In two
nominating' vend Mates for Reeve,
Donut y lleeve and count,' Hors for deceased.
wardrobes: ironing board: mit--
the Townehip of Hay for the year .,
15S5, and for o Trusters for the ,‘`.‘ll P e r s 0 il a "slag claims rere• drapes: curtains: tri -1 ight
. Blair, late of the Village of i en -
Hie "State„of xv,illjam la ii; us: me. divine valditels ,n, ieker„
chairs: all( VW 0 Chairs: 2 steel
Hay Triwnship School ;Area Board a-ainsi,
falarltiettl7111 aEhirdl'0119)0t;ISLI'd raluildats le Gentleman. deeeaeetl. who 0 1P11 WI Ilion tabi, riot ha, linen table,
,.., tralia, In .the County of Huron,
or about the 4th day or ()molter . napkins; wash cloths stud inwels;
ens erect 1 ablee: large quantity of
attached ill erc lo e 1' lit e n e e in tars of an one wit h Vie II & Laugh- : re i na s,s,' a rt ; ;Z! AS0 11; are: k it, c h pit
snloistill.°71-ostentit'e hviaellXdesitnYll Pee(Sie Intl ePreenei Sr i n5s, are required to file part ieus ; nirqa assort or silverware;
Cs tolidate sa defectors. to the lie- ; by
wl4t1"g signed by the 'Peerl"ed ton. Solieltors of Exeter. °Mario. I. tit posits: sealers; erooks:, other
the 2lith tiny of November : items: 5,1 beds complete with
turning ()Meer that he consents after svhieh (late the estate sori„ge and mat tralte: dresserS
to be so nominal ed. ini:i5lf, be distributed he 1 -jog regard awl Tamale,: toilet set a: 7 „reit
1 n case a poll fa clemautled. only to 1 hose claims of whieh (seams: t w„ tto.gti 1. ri t.„ lost pH -
polls will he n netted on: notice nes been received, lows; enshinus; quilts and other
wise, il ems.
This is an es t re large sale. 11,
In the several Polling` Su h- Divi-
sions of the Township as follows; Solicitors for the Executor, m IA14'111110, ae nirlie tifst ; lip silent:5; e ..iiii-aertve 1 0 fin I tints
Exeter, Ontario.
I . -School H nese No. 2; Peery , 113.211:27, . with NO nEsErtvE. .
Campbell. 11.'11.0.; Lorne Chap -
ma n, Poll clerk.
' 2--Steetv,a rt Hell Itesblenee. Lot EMPLOYMENT WANTED— WILLIAM D. GLENN, Proprietor
TERMS: Cash.
Nomination & Election
2n, con. ..; Hugh :Mellen. en. D.R.04
Brtlee Koehler, Poll Clerk, ODD JOBS, carpentering, painting
Public not ice is hereby given
that a, meeting of the- electors sit ., lla 111 0.Bric'n. 'etc. Phone Exeter 406. 6:Stre ALVIN WALPER, Auctieneer
Gordon Surerus, Poll t
the Township of Usborne will be ,.,fleRs9.:
D.11.0.. borne e'. row,
4 --Town 14a11; Albert Hess.
Poll Of Real Estate anc1ne
held in Township Hall, Elimville, `-'er"• HELP WANTED MALE— .
8-Seh eel Ho use So. 12; II i 1 ton .' Si o'laigkAel-t aN nYlin.sit,eNif7)11-1,-) Ili i-il s''e‘ illi,xisniiii,7
Truemner. Dert.O. ; Clifford Pep -'i family. .1,;:cperienee in aalaswork Household Effects
Peelle' IP:anti-1 CGiteilelni li e r 11 I rick ; ,R0 la. itirotil niest:etslisaatry:,...„ i'll'ilien ills) itg be
u ill J ii faiiTg-
niti•e4o Board
P ..n•Id.1•1 aftU rititheerr elirttlirl'; PoTILKtellieriTokt. House N n . 3; Jas. A. , excellent. Please do net ailins72-ttor. ,,, ,. :it. iin10,9th1°Ian.
7110re candidates being proposed Alteallister, D.R.O.; 'op ae, pqT V•I`F. c onsists of 114.
11 Trustees for the 'I nwnehip Ai ea hoid Miller, D.R.O.; Sidney Baker,
st.eantIN.P'Intlreklit INt.--oittliit O'l'ilil.alt7rtglPaonfr ad -
a AT t. xto .T.. Y, NO VEMBER Jen
Glen Weido, l, Ap.o.0,111Bilcejx$S eyeini moit:;.iiteht car. "Writ e
and qualifying' for any partieular Poll Clerk. 1 ' -
journed to
office the et hapnr 0 ereeeedetinTsi 1711 lbe b ee I eaedt -_ e hs,a7.11.1if aes.. ..-1)1,.....istsme . .;D ....E. 4.,- (leo rez..iv pute. , i al, ,,,ixffirtura, A.11:a11.1:\i;f1 aTeirtilsngtatr,oxmapnadro.1.7a all
, satonuriz sg-artolo;. frame house, full-
Poll Clerk. vi ening • r . JOT-,
I's- Teems: Cash. Sold Auleject i n a
Iona th basement, furnace; also
.MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1958 said polls will be Sept open ' '1111r" Field ilepreeent a thee i ft "so m NI hid. te vim sold n, es tone
when pedle shall be opened Tenni from nine n'clnek a.m. until five ' Patrietri p:itliii;n4AadT1 livo 331 :.,151:1;ge nutsehirpnts• x tii: I 5. 4,1111.fligtPo::. -1 x to sa6':iai .. -- .- - -- -2- :-- ---
mobile essential. Agrieulteral or
farming bark grottos! rens( tin-
t/errant. Sales training given.
Reply to Box Si, London, Ontario.
Bell & Laughton
at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon,
for the purpose of making and
receiving' nominations for the of-
fices of Reeve, 4 Committers and
Pull list ing p hnueelveld efo
9 o'clock- a.m. until a o'clock p.m. o'clock p.m.
At the following places with the
undermentioned officers hi charge
as fixel by township by-law viz:
1.•••Sehoot 'Renee No. 4 lident
Fred Ford, D.R.O.; Harry Coates,
Poll Clerk.
2 -Residence o Lloyd Stewart':
Charles Jeffery, D.71.0.; Lloyd
Ballantyne, Poll Clerk,
3 -School House No. 1, Huron -
dal e ; Harry Jeffery, D.R.O.; Evan Nomination & Election
Sims, Poll Clerk. ,
4 -Public Hall, Farquhar: Tiny notice is hereby gi en
Ballant yne, r)..R.o.; Robert Ma- Itibiae1
Ttio sTir nifingExoefteirhewielllecbteorsheoldf
vers, Poll Clerk. in the Town Hall on
5-Townehin I-1 all, El I mettle :
oy d johns, D.11.0.1 Laverne FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1958 .
Skinner, Poll Clerk, bet ween the limns of 7:30 n'elock
6-Itesidefice of [loss 1•Tes•n: Ross and S:30 o'clock In the Pm
Hero, Everard Miller, Poll for the purpose of makiog and I'S-
Clerk.reivime notnine t in ns for Alaynr,
irkto it Public Library; [leers, r"PlItY nei'VA and six
Lennie Marshall, D.71.0.; Lawrence Councillors; for the year 910 and I
for One Vol111111S-
Mills, 'Poll Clerk. sinner 'for the years 15:iri and Iran
Should an elope Ion foe Tnnen- r
amidOr three members of the
ship School 'Board ensue. 11" era Puhlie Schnol Board for the s ears
in 131anshard and BirldnIph will sos and .1501.
vote, at Polling Stih- Division No.
0, and all electors are hereto, re-
quested o govern themselves ac- gteen that in eveot of more ran•
d ;leant toi fit,i:;tnlige. r ricti or, nt eloed at is all 0e:hi:
cordingly,. ifying fel' any pa Hien tilt Office `
n. thee reqiiired to be elected, en
H. (1. s`rrtAxr4, Clerk
7171. 1 llensall, November 6, 15SA eleetinn will be hold
12,20e MONDAY, DECEINIBER 1, 1958
when polls shall be opened from
9 o'clock a.ni. until n'elnek p.m.
at. the felleiviug places At itil tile
11 nclerttletitiOlied officers In Charge
as fixed by tOW11
°s1hing o8olittibs-t) If1811?*irlt, d °X.ON1%:at t.nr;-,
Shah, Street; Ge Or ge Lae son.
vera • now,, roil clerk.
Polling stibeitiosiott No 1„ ...,
A meeting' of the phsotorig of At Ail 011`rOOITIS or Pr ed Newtne,
the TownAhip MeAlillivetty will Main Street; rharles 'Monteith,
be heir! in the Township Hall, 0. Ettn-tt 41•WY101*, roll Clerk.
Stitt- rilt 'Alen Ecu. 2-A.
;.RAAIDL ik'1,1 ,GIN1 no.t. VEY:NI WIER :IL 1958 Town Ball, Alain Street; Asa
Penhale, D.11.0.; Grace Wurro,
train 1::,;111 to 1.15 p for the poi nerk,
pit rpose of 11011111111.1.1112' vend e tItt Vol Ho 4. sub.:rim:flail No.
feu* Rees e, 4 Coolie Oleo's awl 2 Al Town Hall. Alain Street ; Erie
Se1100 I Trusit Pee ror 1619. Ca rsearitien, 1).11,11.; Edna Situ'
11' mere valid idat OA are town- In„na,Poll ('henl.
a ed th n art, required, Alt elec.
t len will he hold on PO11P1X 'Sub -Division
• W. Bno RENs HIRE,
Reternitig ()Meer
'Dated at Zurich, Ont., Nov. 11,
lass, 13:211:27e
Town Of Exeter
Of McGillivray
Nomination & Election
gructx tiocsm 1.#1,01,dy, motuten I IIE I PERS, 2 rod with white Intro, i.Y.111.0,1 ' •
ga,ritkit Athteti'ed , :;,,i h6drobms, fare, 1 Week With while rave, 3......t,o.ts, Ite Tutti,,t,a, Int, pi., tsr,io uie..e.„$14. the 1 ;len ;ern rietttPtilli relfitiondild atitt;
kitchen, dining room, liebig etiont, 01110 Lo L IS, S.NV. BotiodarY, i76.: moft 1 0 • ,T 1
fireplatk, full basement, nil heat” hOrna TOWrithip, rhont.33:421t47-6,, 4% cal'1,01.66111.11 N,...c'.11;6:t;i"1.,:fo'st; 6 t'', P.L.O. V t/.1k1 M:411.1:I ltooiti,lr t 078 1):111.1:111retr00111;.y. r s .
6d. 6.Netil611; location, tTloSe to Kirlytoll. quested to govern themativet au -
School. Mortgage arranged Phone •-',--- '6;'• ""ge Meliw°".. "1.0'
667 Exeter, 1:1:26:27e ANOCs railt.,p,n, rising two yerti,8 5 ..Townehlp nail; W, J. Amos, co1 dingly.
t old, from Lot, .20' Concession 4. n;11-6--, ,Exeter, OM , Not ember 12, 111Zil,
ROCSES-utill4Netr ho il seri located iii ; Stephen, Anyekindly rte knOwg II A 6 -.Taylor.* Sehool Hilluae, truce
Cl 11 ENCE V. PIM.: ARD,
11kttter, 2 or lt bedroom*, lands, i whereabocoSt
snotify_iilir. `Dixon, 1).11,,O.
2,6;27,4T* vetilti tesebse/to. , ',I), Return log Of ricer
1 6 ti ,*
talled, lithrtgage arranged. Also Vraill4 Tri4biltr• r-antr n• . . 7 --8 S No11 'N . orth Brutlidary;
After sniall TIOTT ti nayntorit lot NV. J. XS1.03, t no
ii htimefor rent er m
llt eteP
.p110115 430-14.
I Prod bawton Exiiite 4S644 your rent lie Ilaymeni 6it your /1111`41111"011D (.`ALP, on in tot .7, -
tiot 111104
ferns lit oext week s paper.
Isabelle Daniel es.tate. .
El) CORBETT, Auctioneer
ttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttt tttttttttt toottOnit
Dobbs I
Push button transmission, V8 engine, tu-
tone, whitewall tires . . $2,195
Exeter owned, tutone, V8 engine, new
tires. New Low Price $1,995
Exeter owned, tutone, new tires, just over
1,500 miles after moose! It's a good one: $1,695
Exeter owned, Va engine, automatic trans
mission, ,tutone, in top condition $1,305
‘• Automatic transmission, radio, another i
Exetor car t $1,195 5
Tutone, just overhauled completely. Only' $ 795 1
, I
Exeter Motor Sales t
PHONE 00 MOATS 162.W OR 169A i
'Fred titibbt, Prop,