HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-20, Page 11• cafe Second Section EXETER, ONTARIQ, NOVEMBER 20., 1.958 Ilan, bearings, ring• Royal Fair IiQUBLE CHAMP -Robert P. Allan, 30 -year-old Brucefieltl farmer, shows the hay and white bean samples that won him two world championships at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. In front is the Cockshutt Challenge trophy for hay, the first time it has been awarded: Mr. Allan also won the world championship in white beans last year, the first time he had entered. -Canada Pictures UNVEIL PLAQUE -A bronze plaque has been placed on ;the wall of the council chamber of Huron County courthouse at Goderich; to commemorate the service to the county., curing 24 years as treasurer and clerk -treasurer, of the late Harvey Ers- kine. The plaque was unveiled at the opening of • the November session of Huron County Council; which is now in progress. Left: J. G. Berry; successor to Mr. Erskine as county clerk -treasures; right, John Morrissey, county Warden. SHDHS E-aper.iment D�ubi�. Yield Of Beets Can the ,yield of sugar beets be doubled through transplant- ing? The answer isstillto be found but SHDHS agriculture depart- ment, tinder teacher Andrew Dixon; has already provided Mickle s Weekly Markets Wheat...................... .............. $1,40 Oats................................... .$7 bu. Mixed Grain 570 Malt. Barley ............... 1.06 bu. Feed Barley .96 bu. Beans 56,50 , Prices Subject To 'Change E. L. Mickle Son Ltd. PHONE 103 HENSALL Fast, Courteous Service Storage Facilities some pretty convincing evidence that transplanting can substan- tially increase yield. A report .on the experiment re- veals that the increase in beet size was 1,9 times greater in the transplanted beets than in beets planted the normal way. This . could mean an' increase of between 12 and 13 tons per acre, according to ' Douglas Miles, Huron county agricultural representative. The experiment was sponsored by }luron County Crop and Soil Improvement Association and SHDHS received assistance from the Clinton high school, which grew the beet seedlings for transplant, and the Canada and Dominion Sugar Beet Co., Chat- ham, which provided seed and tested the yields. Results were announced last week by Mr. Dixon and Ag• Rep 'Miles reported on the experi- ment to Huron county council Thursday., Four plots consisting of five, rows of transplanted beets and five rows of beets seeded in the normal manner were set out at 10 - day intervals commencing May 1, They were scuffled once, kept free of weeds and the seeded plots blocked when the plants were big enough. The transplanted beets were started in the Clinton high school's greenhouse in April, vov1111111111111IIIIIIIli11111111111Y1111111111111111U1111111111111 11111111111Illlrlllllllllllllllalll1111111111111111111111111111111b, SPECIAL DISCOUNT for Swift's Beef Concentrate 32% 5$5.00 With. 10022% StilbestrO . Swift's iteef Concentrate 5. 32% - moo CENTRALIA FARMERS SUPPLY Phone ACadekny 8:4942 Centralia WfYOMMIfYitim nmYIlMftinuuilimffiM flifnfuuflifitttittiil7YiiriffitY'fiTf 0i ilifiiY mililifY1P17iWiii They were planted by hand with dibbles by grade 10 students at SHDHS.. For testing purposes, 100 trans- planted and 100 planted beets were taken from. each of the :Our plots. Average net weight of the transplanted beets was 3.86 pounds while that of the planted was 2,01 pounds. Yield of the transplanted beets ranged from 1.58 to 2.51 times More than the planted beets. Based on a perfect stand of beets on 28-inchrows with 100 beets to 100 feet or 18,667 beets ;to the acre, the transplanted beets would have yielded 35.53 tons per acre, compared to the 18.67 ton yield of the planted. There Was a negligable dif- ference in the sugar content --- 16.3 percent for transplants; 16.2 for planted, ' Conclusions of the experiment, according to the SHDHS report, are: 1. A significant yield increase results from transplanting. 2. Given healthy seedlings a reasonable stand can be ex- pected. 3. Length of growing season has little effect on sugar con- tent. However, questions still to be answeredare: 1. Can healthy seedings be grown? 2. Will the increased yield compensate for the increased costs? 3. Are the splayed root's due to root rot or transplanting in- jury, The latter tltiestion. .arises from the problem SHIM -IS had with root ;rot in the seedlings. It was very prevalent, with many plants showing 'less than one- quarter inch of healthy root ter- niinating in a slender rotted th.r•eaddike remnant, ROMs of the harvested trans- planted beets were moth forked but it cottid riot be determined whether this was due to root rot or the transplanting, CittSP REtibiti Recent rains have been a help in filling wells and cisterns ancl will help the Mall plowing. Odd jtibs are iinw being completed. Seine tattle' have been put into the stable for Winter, etus -H $ ourct ,NU,QQN and NQQT/! i1�1101J� SEXrrrril 0 Prizewinning Livestock Not Always Best: Forums Today's show -ring standards do not guarantee the hest livestock for the average producer, district farm forums decided at Monday night's meetings. The topic, 'Performance or Personality'," -or "Does the prize ribbon really represent top per- formance and quality?" is one which has never been discpssed by forums before, It is one which should interest many Junior Farmers and 4-H Club members. Parr Line Forum Parr 'Line members, meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Keith Love, revealing by what standards they bought livestock, were agreed that one should buy livestock with good breeding, hit too much finish is a detriment. The majority of farmers would buy the best they could, in their opinion. To the question "Are today's standards guaranteeing the best livestock for the average pro- ducer?" they gave a negative answer, although they felt the show -ring has contributed much to the improvement of livestock. Other factors, however, such as feed conversion .efficiency, were important. They suggest there should be classes for animals with out- standing performance and judg- ing should be carried through to the carcass. "We should have animals to suit the consumer," was the conclusion. A few games of euchre were played, with winners for the ladies: Mrs. Glen Weido and Mrs. Geyer; men, Glen Weido and Ian McAllister. Next Monday they will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Adkins. Elimville Forum At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Elford, • Elimville Forum members reported they bought stock according to appearance, a good record and record of per- formance for dairy cattle. They differed in opinion from the other forums in that they thoguht as a rule show -ring stan- dards are the best for the aver- age producer. They felt performance testing should be carried on more exten- sively to improve the type of cattle. They will meet again at the same home next,week. Fairfield Forum Fairfield Forum members corn• menced, the forum program on Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe, in town, with 20 in attendance. "Standards by which we buy our stock are price and quality. It is not necessary.to have the highest quality as in a show -ring but the standards clo set a higher goat for commercial farmers for building up a herd of cattle or for market for beef," reported the secretary, ,111111x,111111111111111111111111111/11111111111,1111111111111110 Freid man's Comments On Forums By CARL HEMINGWAY The Farrar Forum season is now on its way. 1 suppose partly due to the good weather and the rush of ;last minute :farm work the attendance on November 3 for radio and November. 4 for TV was not as large as hoped for. In the discussion the vast ma- jority of forums agreed that any freedom lost was very slight and that the benefits gained were great. It •was also agreed that while living in a seemly of or- ganizations farness will find it more and more difficult to re- main as individuals. Only five TV forums r'epor'ted from Huron on November. 4 but Llie number was up considerably on November U. These reported a decided improvement in the telecast- Most of us do not real- ize the difficulties and the tine necessary to ,produce a success- ful TV program but we ran look forward to better and better TV productions as time gees on. At recent,, meeting of the TV farm forums committee in Wing. hair I was very much interested to, bear Noi'm•. Garriock of the CI3C say that member's of parlia- ment end cabinet ministers are most anxious to hear the re- sells of (Snit forum discussions. This ties iii with The statement' by the Iron, W, A. Goodfellow at, the O,F.A. annual that gov- ernments are most willing to' carry out the will.of the people., y_. t1 ar ni forum. gives ever' in- terested fainter the opportunity Cs make his ideas lino t n. If your idea la a good one, put it in your farni forum report: and, you tan rest assured drat R. Will Alembers agreed that they could make more money out of good but not top quality cattle. The next: meeting willbe at the hone of Mr. and l'drs. Elmer Wilson. • Unique Forum Members of the Unique Forum at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Xlopp with Clifford Pepper as chairman, listed in order the standards by which they bought stock as record of performance, vigor and vitality, and show -ring performance. They felt performance testing as well as show -ring standards should he used because show - ring standards do not guarantee the best livestock for the aver- age producer. The average farmer should be made more conscious of the. value of good stock. The next meeting will be field at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pepper on December 1, when Carl Oestricher will pre- side for the topic, "Wanted:. a measuring stick for costs." ' Hillcrest .Hillcrest Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ma- guire with 14 present. In answering the first ques- tion the members said they bought by quality and conforma- tion "We do not believe in buy- ing Royal Winter Fair stock for commercial use." They did not think show -ring standards guaranteed the best livestock for the average pro- ducer, One member said "There are too many defects covered up with fat." Members felt that there should be a change of rules for judging to meet the needs of the com- mercial farmer and that confor- mation. is far ahead of show fat in animals. Following the discussion, euchre was played, The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting, Luean. emi onors 13rucefield's Bob Allan, presi- dent of Huron Soil and Crop improvement Association,. brought the spotlight of the Royal Winter Fair to the county this' week when he captured two crop championships. one estab- lished for the first time. The tall, 30 -year-old farmer became the first winner of the world hay .championship and he captured the white bean title for for the second year in a row. Ws victories climaxed Huron's showing at the Toronto fair, which included another outstand- ing sweep by Preston Dearing, Members of the Exeter 4 -ll corn club captured top three prizes in the corn class and five members of the Hensall 4 -le white bean club won prizes in the competition* won by Mr. Allan. The county's representation in the queen's guineas class of 4-B steers hit the lowest ebb in a number of years, however. Only 12 members from Huron have calves eligible to compete. Last year, 35 entered. Mr. Allan has made a• spec- tacular debut in Royal Winter Fair. competition. This is the second year he has entered and he already has three world championships to his credit. Mr. Allan operates a 170 -acre farm one mile south of Bruce- field which he has taken over from his father. His wife has taught school at Hensall for several years. His bay sample won the world award over 44 other competitors. He grows about 30 acres of hay, which is plowed for bean man- ure and used. for cattle feed. The Brucefield farmer won his bean title with the new Sanilac variety, the type he test -grew Agricultural Report Huron Swings To Dairy,. Beef Good, Hogs Down "Huron County is fast becom- ing a dairy county," said Doug- las Miles, agricultural represen- tative for Huron, when he made his sessional. report Thursday to Huron county council. "Some of our farmers," he said, in his review of 1958 devel- opments in. Huron's agriculture, "have been unable to get re- placement steers to date, and are bringing in a few dairy cattle to carry them through the win- ter. The .need for milk is not great, but there seems to be a market for all the milk that is being produced, and at a fairly Satis- factory price. "Those of our beef producers that had courage to buy feeder cattle in the fall of 1957, or who had :large cow herds, have had a relatively good year. Quite a few of , our farmers have their replacement cattle for 1959, but several are still looking." "The swine situation is not as attractive as it was a few months ago," said Mr. Miles, "primarily because of an over- production of pigs." Factors which have helped increase the swine population, he said, ip- clude a favorable ratio of feed costs to hog prices, increasing vertical integration of the hog business, and more use of open pole barns. "The poultry industry in the county is a thriving one, and continues at the same level as in previous years" Mr. Miles said. There is not much change in the trend of sheep population within the county. The overall. picture in Canada is a downward trend." Experiments are being conti- be heard by the people that can do something about it. Several of the townships are holding their annual meetings in the near':future and we hope that alt farmers will be out to these meetings, This is your opportun- ity to make suggestions andask for information. The Federation of Agriculture in your township can only be as good as your participation in it. Hams and Bacoi 5 Expertly cured aiid hickory -smoked, Corap 1ete process- ing service 16.r Locker and Home Freezer owners. EXETER. FROZEN FOODS PHONE ONE 10 ... EWE nued, Mr. Miles reported, to try to make birdsfoot trefoil useful. as a pasture crop in ;Huron. This year, be said, two btrdsfooti•-'tre- foit plots were established, using the new method of inoculating the nurse crop, as well as the small seed. "The experiment was a de- cided success," he reported, 'find if it holds true for another year, we will be pushing the establishment of birdsfoot tre-1 foil stands on• a lot of our Huron county farms that have not the ability to grow alfalfa. We have thousands of acres within the county that could be growing this profitable legume as feed, in areas that have a tendency to be damp and wet, and will not -Please Turn to Page 15 Paps 0.1.1f , rt , r ere in a soil and crop project' iae4 yin .Mear ichiganand which. won for him 1411 1957 title. The 'variety was tin- ported from .a disease-free ;are. Five members of the Hensall 441 white bean club, of atihicli Mr. .Allan is leader and whit sowed the Sanilac variety this year, captured prizes in t11e. same competition. Bob Fothei'e Ingham won the reserve chant. pionship; other winners were. Norma • Geiger, of Zurich; Bill Charters, Kippen; George Stogie*. Hensall, and Gary Jones, Iippen. Three members of the Exeter 4-H corn club, including .two sisters, swept Vie top threft prizes in the corn class. Ralph Finkbeiner, Crediton, captured first; Doris Cornish, Woodharn, second, and her sister, Muriel,, was third.. Preston Dearing and son. Gerald, R.R. 1 Exeter, swept - every top award in the Dorset. Horned sheep competition again. In addition to champion and reserve champion ram and .ewe, the Dearings won first prize . its each of the seven other sections. They also captured five sect onds and four thirds. Only 12 Compete In Guineas Class One of the smallest • ednt'in• gents in years will represent. Huron's big 4-11 program in the Queen's Guineas competition Fri, day at the Royal Winter Fair.. Only 12 Huron members have calves eligible to compete and none are from the south area which has supplied a number of lop contenders in former years. Bill Strong, R.R. 2 Dublin, a, two-time winner of The Times. Advocate trophy in H e n s'a I l' Feeder Calf,Club, will show Ilia Angus. The only other black from Huron will be entered by Leslie Campbell, R.R. 1• Sea* forth. Two Herefords and eight Shorthorns, raised by .members, mostly from the Belgrave Wing- ham district, complete the county group, HENSALL SALE PRICES `4."•'' Prices at Hensall Comiilunitf Sale Thursday, November 13 ' Weanling Rigs .... $11.25 to $13;30 Chunks • 14.00 to 1,7.75 Feeders 19.25 to 22.00 Sows . .. - . 58.00 to 66.00 Holstein calves 13.50 to 18.00. Durham calves _. 34.00 to 49.00 4 oe ....mo 11 1., DISCRETION IS SOMETHING ,A CMES TO A.MAN W1; t4 HE IS Too OLp To l PROFIT BY IT NOW THEN LOOK AT OUR PRICES ON OUR Cattle Concentrates Shur -Gain Sweetened 32% DAIRY CONCENTRATE 3.95 32% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT "A" 4,10 24% MILK PRODUCER 3.65 32% BEEF CONCENTRATE 3.90 32% BEEF CONCENTRATE (Stil 10) 4.80 32% BEEF SUPPLEMENT "A" 4.10 24% BEEFMAKER CONCENTRATE 3.65 Above prices are subject to 10 cents per cwt. discount if you supply your bag, and a further 2% discount for cash. A discount of 5% is. deducted on ton Tots. - EXAMPLE -One ton 24% Beefinakei' supplied Y in your bags would .cost pp $67.45 or '$3.37 per cwt. WE DELIVER. Grains Delivered Bulk Truck And Elevated Into Your Bins WESTERN NO. 1 FEED OATS ' 547.50 TON WESTERN NO. I FEED BARLEY'..,................./..T...,.....,.......... 546.00 TON WESTERN NO. $ FEED WHEAT.......................=....r.......ra.,.ar... 551.25 TON .............. 546.00 TO ONTARIO K.D. CORN Boost your livestock output and profit by seeing us for your Feed Re, quirements. GRAIN- FEED -SEED T w.E ><tFR 35-•w lFN CORNERS SS'tinw KIKihCT0N 352I 5 -.1(reei-ruivisseelee:t tl' 4