HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-20, Page 7uta vas. of test, .t h 1' ; (I' e• In, a I .14 kir, :17 1g) inn knik k. :58 :24 tQ ;97 In 1) ul. 911. 57; 39; :1$ ) 97; it 03 (*)11 lid its This Week At SHDHS Hay, •Cloth 1laid shirts and blue jeans were the order of the night as the Sadie Hawkins dance brought Dogpateli to SHDHS „Friday evening. The student council -sponsored dance Was the first of the sea - pm to admit outsiders and pro - es Line Lance Theme vided an opportunity !for the girls to invite the boys, The. girls led their guests into A gymnasium which resembled a corner of Dogpatch. Bales of hay were provided for weary dancers who wished to rest their feet. A few steps. from the dance SOUTH HURON'S DAISY MAE AND LI'L ABNER Stan Francis and Bernice Strang, both of grade 12 gr• BEST -DRESSED HILLBILLIES IN DOGPATCH Margaret Tomlinson and Lawrence Howard, of Huron Park floor took any thirsty dancers to .a barrel of sweet apple eider - Several articles of clothing. Much had thoughtlessly been left on a clothes line entangled numerous dancers who could not withstand the effects of the cider. At the front of the gymnasi- um, a throne of hay awaited L'il Abner and Daisy Mae, while the. Melody illasteet provided the music and a brilliant harvest moon beamed on Degpatch. The student council executive chose as Lilt Abner and Daisy Mae a couple from grade 12, Stan. Francis and Bernice Strang, who received gifts. The best dressed hillbilly couple were chosen by the three teacher chaperones, Mrs, Edna Busebe, Mrs. Edith Dixon And Mr. Lloyd Henderson. Lawrence Howard and Margaret Tomlin. son walked off with this prize. After the would-be hillbillies left the dance, the last traces of Dogpatch disappeared from the high school for another year. Subs Bring The Movies SHDHS students will enjoy the benefits of visual education, thanks to an enthusiastic sub- scription campaign which set a record for sales, §tudents surpassed their $3,000 objective by over $700. They had aimed at selling $2,000 in magazine subscriptions and $1,000 in subscriptions to The Times -Advocate. Teacher W. L. Henderson, who assisted with the • campaign, said the purchase of a movie projector was assured by the recorcts,sa les. The drive is sponsored annu- ally by the student council, FORUM . .; This fall, one of the most con- troversial topics of discussion has been the school board's de- cision to ban outsiders from at- tending most of the school's so- cial events, In view of this fact, eight SHDHS students were asked to express their opinions on this tome. Louis 1Villert: "I don't like the idea of outsiders not being able to attend school dances. Most of the senior students go out with boys and girls who no longer at- tend school. To get these senior students to come to school dances, outsiders should also be allowed to attend if, and only if, they act according to school regulations in connection with the dances." Two girls from special com- mercial admitted that although they did not attend many school dances, they thought that bigger crowds Nyould result if outsiders were admitted. Lyn Henwood, grade 12: "Per- sonally it makes no difference to me." Mary Page's answer was an emphatic "Yes!" Two other students did not wish to express their opinions. The third had an opinion which "could not be printed in a news- '." Inpresenting . his viewpoint, Principal Sturgis stated: "I be- lieve that scheot functions are primarily for students." Mr. Sturgis also said that this year's increased attendance caused a• lack of space in the school gym- nasium. Student functions which did not include outsiders en- couraged the students to associ- ate with one another, Mr. Stur- gis felt. "It is proper to enter- tain outsiders occasionally, but it should. not be a standard practice." p 1,11P1111117.."1.1,11UPW•plIeW Ira if • • • ss- 'vs" •,. sags's" Lpucter, Proucter Cheers Target .0f 'Rah 'Girls At any South liuron football, basketball or volleyball game, the red and biaelf. colors of the high school may be seen bob -I bing about in various routines.1 More titan likely these routines arenot those of the team MAI*. bets but of the cheerleaders, To these girls heist' the tasks .; Of encouraging the team mem. hers to victory, and the specta- tors to louder and prouder cheers. in previOus years, these girls have been highly success- ful. This year is no exception, in September, Sandra Walper began the training of the cheer- leaders. Any girls who were; cheerleaders and any of The girls in grades 10, 11 and 12 i were invited to the practices. For two weeks. Sandra and -Wei other senior cheerleaders, Mar.! lyene McBride, Marlene MOW^ JOn, Marlene Stone and Carol McCurdy, taught school cheers to . hopeful girls. During this time, new routines and new cheers were also learned. At the, end of this training period, the junior cheerleaders were elms., en. Mist Seigner, and two of the other teachers, .assisted by the presidents of the student coun- cil, the paper staff, and the ath- letic sOciety, chose the junior! cheerleaders. After the hopeful! girls bad ,displayed their talents the judges chose Evelyn Du- eharme, Dianne Delbridge, Lin- da Lowery, Kathryn Love, Ar- • T] tote Love, and Sandra Snider, he first major task of these cheerleaders was to teach the school song song and some of the school yells to grade nine stu- dents. Huron football. game of the sea. ssochl n.oThisSouth $0,10 assignment was ' car- ried'out before the first ' (Tune: Notre Dame Victory Song). *Fight, fight for South Huron High We've gel the team that always will try And if anyone gets rough We'll show 'em that we're plenty tough We've got the spirit wins every game Whate'er the score it's always the same As we hold oue colors high. and March through the halls of fame Rah! Rah! Rah! SHigh Smile . •. Mrs' s,•••:•!•"•••••••• -s.' '•sgsgsgskggsvi The mother of one teenager caught on fast to jive talk. Her daughter asked, "Mama may I hit tile flick?" HS Observes "I'm afraid I don't read you." "Oh, mother," said the young- ster, "Yon Mean you don't know? 'Hit the flick' is teen talk for 'go. to the movie'." "In that case, ask me after you rub the tub, scour the show- er, spgead the bed and swish the dish." Remembrance On Mende y, November 10, SHDHS students assembled in the gymnasium to observe their annual Remembrance Day serv- ice. Many students read sentences of remembrnee, and thanksgiv- ing. The high school honor roll was read by Merlin MacLean, and a wreath was presented by Gordon Strang. The presentation of the wreath was followed by two minbtes. of silence, Princi- pal Sturgis closed the service with an appropriate address. Advertising makes possible T -A Feature better merchandise at lower prices. ,orattio Sneigrovert Headquarters For Noma Electric Xmas Decorations Indoor and Outodoor Lights, Santas, Candles, Bells, Carollers, Everything PLAN YOUR CHRISTMAS MAILING NOW Auout, Hit tame ,ewliteeheeui: Check your niailing fist for toned postal addrestes: • Shop AO* and buy sleety et stamps eheed Of heti. tfalu sure yon hays wrapping and packing hiAltrigh. • Winn preparing parcels for Itiii1910, Pint the Wiest and i0or return address both on lie outside end Wide of lite paciage, , • }love your wets weighed' al your neighbourhood post dike, A NI Oct leaflet will be delivered to your borne givelz tirgtested Atsibrig Otis. ' IP CO T OFFICE Highlights HS This Is the first of a regu- lar SHDHS feature which will appear in The Times.. Advocate each week until the end of the school year. "'Phis Week at SHIMS" will be prepared by jean Noakes, T -A's new school re- porter. Contributions from students will be welcome and should be given to Jean. Regular feature will he "FORUM," in which students will expregs their opinions of timely topics. Watch for interesting comments in this column each week. Sports Banquet —Continued From Page 6 Nelson Montgomery. Jim company representative, made the presentation, Head table guests included Group Captain A, G. Kenyon, Mr, Cornell, F/0 Gebeil, W/C Paths, S/L Piroth, F/L Slade, 10/0 Parent, who was M.C. for the evening, Grandin, 1//0 Boivin, F/L Proulx, Ed, Btacig (sr Exetet and Harry tieknell, Dow Kingsbeer representative. tIMPUIPOPPIPPIMIN Thank You • The iterobert of the Studeht Countil of MORS wish to thank all those people who supported ottiv recent thaga- Zihe earnbAiget and helped to make it a stlett$8, 'SNOWSTUDENT COUNCIL ScH99L A Iaviva. A la viva, a la viva A la viva, Vital, vrurn floom, get a rat trap Bigger than a gat trap, • SHDHS REPORTER — Jean Noakes, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, Email, has been appointed The TA's reporter at SHDHS. She will re- port weekly on activities at the local high school. A grade 12 stu- dent and member of the senior volleyball team, she is also ac- tive in the glee club and student council. She teaches a Sunday School class, sings in the choir and is a member of the Y.P.U. al the United Clirch. Jack Doerr lioonh.get a vat trap Bigger thail a at trap • :Boon), boom, boom Cannonbail, cannonball Sis, boom, bah, South Huron High School Itabl Rah! Ttahi WiNar Got Tb. Team We've got ,the - A - That's an the 8 E- A - We've got the team that's on the' beam And really hep with the jive, Come on South Huron, skin 'em alive. • These are only a few of the cheers which were taught to the grade nine students. Although tee life of these girls may appear to be fascinat- ing and fun -filled, it is not with. out its occupational hazards. in !St. Marys at the last football game of the season, Dianne Del - bridge suffered three broken ribs and a back injury. It is to be hoped that Dianne has a very speedy recovery and that she suffers no ill ,effects. For years now the cry "Give • a long cheer far South Huron" has been echoing throughout i stadiums and gymnasiums in Western Ontario. Now, it is time Thr Southin en to give long ln eiiener haveforthose successfully eessrliserivprillepg v her name and reputation throughout the years. CHRISTMAS EXAMS Christmas exams will be writ- ten this week at SHDHS. The senior grades will begin to write on November 20, and the junior grades on November 21. The last of these exams will be written I on November 26. Tho TimooAdvocolo, Novornbor 20, 1959, Pe • 7 NATIONAL JEWELLERY WEEK Your Jeweller Has Gifts For Everyone" Akemriee For that special person who means so much to you, there is no finer Christmas gift than Longine, The World's Most honored Watch. Or to the medium price range, the Wittnaucr, distinguished companion watch to the world -honored Longines. Come in. and let us help you choose from our wide selection, priced from $37.50, ark Smith Jeweller PHONE 510 Ilse Your Credit • EXETER ; ORDER YOUR OLIN BROWN XMAS CANDY NOW Best yet of the bed sellers! New Might, New Models,'New Money -Saving Power! hevroleilaske F re Take trucks that have shown themselves to be the bi99ost savors an job after job ... the biggest sellers month after month. Add important refine- ments and engineering developments that mean still greater efileiency, endurance and economy. You've got trucks that give you unparalleled assurance of reliability ... trucks that promise to keep your costs cit an all-time low. Here are some of the ways Chevrolet Task -Force '59 solidly backs up that promise to stay and save on a broad range of hauling jobs. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE pit MS CM MO El MA REREIMEigMtitil SYS VV, M•z1 rei gSM AS St al SVIZZI P!4 hill all FIRST FULLY AUTOMATIC 3 HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK TRANSMISSION more e dent Six big VS's match modern short -stroke power to your job! High horsepower ratings range from 160 to 230; '59 ad- vancements include new wear -saving thermostat control, new durability through better cooling of components! BUILT-TOMST BONES I a,* Take the new Ple,ctside pick-up, for example. With double -walled side construction, tough select -wood floor, wear -saving steel skid strips and extra -solid tailgate, this body can take it! bigger savin chevy's best selling e's are thriftier than ever —the biggest savers yet with new camshaft de- sign, flew vaive train durability . . . horse. - power and torque to spare! 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