HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-20, Page 4Pile 4 Th. T,imrls•A_dvoctltre, Novimbor 2A, 1950
s the study book, entitled "'Elle
Caribbean Area." and lilts. Bert
Alc13r'ide read: a poem.
At Goshen
Ally MRS, CLkRit Mceiltl.t E
The November meeting ,of the
G.oghen Woanans Missionary So-
t ley,
o•iriety, was held at the home of
Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, with ,
fifteen present. After the presi•
•dent, Mrs. Ehler Hayter, opened
With prayer, Mrs. Roy McBride
s'tad •the Scripture.
After discussing the giving of
•Christnxas paekages to the ill and
elderly member's, those present
voted to plane Mrs. Clarence
Parke, Mrs. Russell Erratt and
Mrs, Will Clarke in ehare of
• .Herding Christmas poinsettias.
Mrs. Anson McKinley •directed
ea 44
Goshen Mission Band met on
Sunday morning with Mrs. Bob.
McKinley and Airs. Elmer IAay
ter in charge. The president.
Gerald Hayter, presided, vvitll
Dianne Peck at the piano.
The book. "Here Conies Dick'.
was introduced. Prayer by Diane
Peek was :followed with Scripture
C Of C, -Asks ' EYF Discusses WI Hears
O�ert�o�tiler ' ,
., E.Y.F.Official
Newetc AgC#_i i
C) . � . e ,
The F.�,I of k,nlmanuc.l
by lady McBride. Patricia Itohin inch Chamber of -Commerce
Church mel' last Tuesday Ian McAllister was guest
' sin read the minutes and took mot in the� Dominion Hotel on i
evening with John Bullock intheapeat;er ,'tt .the November meet -
the tall call. Ronna Peel. took chairMiss MaryFinlayread the Hing of Zurich Wome.n's institute
1 I1lIrsda�' evenin 15'ith a fair •at Seripttll'r.offeringandavetc-casurer'tencianee. held in the ingjhi,p hall. He
report. n� r The topic. "Are you an U1 er Spoke on farm}nQ in Hent t'otinty
The highlight of the eveniit�, spinet?„ ,as discussed i?y lila,' where a variety of -crops are
Personat Items was the induction of five nett.. K. Al. Breaker., who quoted;gralvn, which include soya beans,
• Mr. Elinor Hayter has pur- members, naineh, Alex Mous
Joseph, of Old 'Testament ttlttes,h grid seed corn, bat.ley, tobacco
chased the farm on the flab lon scan. Wilmer Adkins, Karl Deck- as an overcomer because he had anti seeitnias trees. Market
Line, formerly owned by Fred er. Leonard merrier and Leonard patience. beeause he was forgty-' gardening is carl'ied on extensive.
, .. g'
Mr. Bolt McKinley is enjoying `The new president !Milton without pretence. "Sa we can dein on Lake Erie. ivalurai gas
a hunting trip on Manitoulin Oesch presided while ex.-presi• •overcome .all if we have ,purity, is fauns in abundance near the
•Island. dent Albert Kalbfleiseh. officiated patience and forgiveness," said 1ake.
at the induction exercises. • the speaker. Ile illustrated his talk with
t'onsiderable business activi• 1 President Aiiss Elizabeth Fin -
MCS, J. Armstrong .rtes were discussed It was de- •lair took charge of the. business slides. lie Was introduced by
Rathwell. krh ling and beeause he was pure and t. in the Erie harsh, which bot
t Airs George Bullock acted as
les i n H osp ibest decorated home and best ..p is enst.
Mrs. Leonard Erb.
Bided to offer $10 each for the : Ruth, Donna and. Donald
Geiger favored with a vocal .trio,
and Ruth played a piano solo,
Mrs Edward Schroeder gave a
reading "in Flanders Fields,"
Mrs. William Hay presided for
the program.
Mrs. Howard Thiel and 'Mrs.
Public taperer services were decorated place of business fai l
held for Alis, John Armstrong Christmas decorations.
of Zurich. who died in Scott Me• a A motion was put through
morial Hospital. Seaforth on :recommending to the Hay Town-
Atonday, November 17 in her' ship Council not to have the
• Geth rear on Wednesday frau local town hall converted into
Grew 'Huskies'
In Those Days
The following .costes from an
the Bonthron Funeral Chapel.' offices, but that a new office be. 1877 newspaper clipping: Newell Geiger gave a report of
Hensall, with Rev. T. J. Fitt built to accommodate the town- l "In the township of i-1ay livep
officiating. Burial was in Bay- i shipclerk. Gordon Block report- ' two brothers of the name of the London area convention,
field cemetery. , ed on the progress of the Pee R Geigher, who with two sisters A quilt, made and donates( by
She was the former Mary t Wee hockey scam being spun y livigl Berlin
ar d sold, rs. Manson
nsoAbouis lo 20e displayed
Mabel Moffatt. sored by the Chamber. A motion I Ontario, + g t 5 pounds, answered. the roll call with
She was a member of Goshen' was passed allowing the Domin-,an average of 3371 pounds each, ng my grandmother
United church and a life Goshen
ion House $I.fl4 per meeting for ! Celebrate Birthday
the accommodation the are pro- t made to cal," A moment of
her of the Woman's 'Missionary r y 11r. and Mrs. Vernon Oeseh silence was observed in memory
Society. She was president of! 0. I celebrated their son, Carl David's'
Goshen W.M.S. for two years I The December sleeting will he l second birthday on Saturday.
prior to her illness, :a Ladies' Night, and was left Guests present were Airs. Rudy
Surviving are her husband, ? in the hands of the committee Pesch, his grandparents, Mr.
of Mrs. AlennoOesch. '
Exeter Speaker
one daughter tDorothy), Mrs.1 in charge. 1 and Mrs. David Oesch, Mr. and 1
Garnet ;Mousseau, Hensall; six' In discussing of a probable Mrs, Carl Houston, Goderich and At Carmel WMS
sons, Allan. Varnia; K-enneth,' High School area for Zurich, 1 Bobby and Laureen Oesch. Me W.S,W.S, of Emmanuel
Montreal; Leslie. Bayfield; Floyd, i Mr. Oscar Greb reported it was . Home From Hunting . E.U.B, Church, was entertained
a un tib . with six his r Y,
Personal Items els linin London returned Farowe, Exeter, was guest
Mrs, Van Farowe gave an
interesting message on the things
we should remember quoting
eight "Remembers" from the
Bible, She was introduced by
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, and
thanked by Mrs, R, MacLaren,
The devotional was taken by
Zurich; Ronald, Woodstock, Flow -1 a long way off,
but, with in 1 Morley Fournier, who left front l by the W.M.S. of Carmel Pres-
ard, at home; two brother's, creasing population,no one can •this point last weekend to go on byterian Church, Hensall, on Fri-
Lawrenee, Regina, Sask.; Alfred, tell how soon it may happen. { h t' g tripti of t tla when Mrs Richard Van
Kippen, three sisters, Mts. J,
McBeath, Hensall; Mrs. Dan P na , home, Be reports London,
Kilpatrick, Leedale, Alberta; 1 Miss Matilda Miller of Wood. : p having
Mrs. Vino Rathwell, Moose Jaw,'bridge spent a week at the home ; an
enjoyable time, The weather
Sask. 'of her sister, Mrs. Sylvanus Wit -,was ideal, and they were re -
mer. warded with one deer, which
Miss Dorothy Johnston enjoyed they will divide amongst them,
1 a week at the home of her Niece Receives Degree
Zurich Personals
Miss Donna :Sterner of London ' niece and family at Woodstock. Dr. Alice Whitesides Gray, of
was a visitor at the home of her I Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Swartz- Toronto, niece of the Williams
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold 1 entruber of Blake motored to family, Zurich, has received her iATrs. S. (ween, Mrs.H, Snell and
Merner, !London one day last week. degree in Pathology, by a writ; a Mrs. B. Edwards with a remem-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Datars at -1 Mr. and Mrs. Orland Gerber • ten examination in Toronto, also' bra race thence, Mrs. Robert
tended the breaking of the sod and family of Baden were visi- an oral examination in Montreal.' Madge played a piano solo,
for the new Lutheran church• in' tors at the home of the former's This is Dr. Grays third de- { Mrs. S. Dougall presided, Cour-
London. They also visited at the
home of their daughter, Mr. and
Mrs, Don Taylor.
Mr. and Airs, Lawrence. Hart -
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mose
Gerber and other relatives and•
friends, -
Lt. Ross MeNab of Nova Scotia
gree; her. M.D.. one in Science j test' remarks wet, expressed on
in Medicine, and now the Pathol- `behalf of the Arnold Circle, who
ogy degree. She is a Bacteriolo- , were also guests, by Miss Hannah
gist in the Women's College Murray, and for the Zurich
man and boys and Michael Hart- made a flying visit to his in- Hospital, in Toronto. I W, S. w, S. by Mrs. Delbert
man all of London, were visitors laws in Zurich, Mr, and Mrs.personal Items •Geiger.
with their mother, :Mrs. Theresa Norman Gascho,
• Hartman. Mr, Delbert Geiger, Mr. Ed. Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Mrs. Wes
Mr, and Mrs. George Hess, McMurchy of Saskatchewan,
Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Mr. and Mrs. Cliss Beynon and
ATeCloy and family of Toronto son David of Ingersoll, Mr. and
were visitors at the home of Mrs. Josiah Geiger motored to
Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn West- Lucknow on Wednesday to visit
lake.- with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Regier, Mr. Edward Deichert, of Sar -
Richards and Leandre Bedard nia, spent the weekend at the
enjoyed a motor trip to Kansas` home of his parents, Mr. and
City, 'Missouri, the past week, Mrs, Victor Deichert,
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►' A :N«Ifitt+litR itit` JI'it'
0i1 oIlli` rH
Merner and Mrs,. Chester. L.
Smith attended the W.I. meet-
ing at Hensall Legion Hall on
Wednesday evening, the former
giving a piano solo.
Hiss Stella Rose, of London,
was a visitor at the home of her
mother, Mrs. L. Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aulrich
and son, Witmore, Mich., spent'
several days at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.I
Louis Prang.
Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam Steckle
entertained Mr, and Airs, Ray
Scotchmer, Mr.. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Scotchmer, Mr. and Mrs.;
John Watson and Miss Rebecca
Steckle, Friday evening. r
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zehe and!
family were visitors at the home!
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginge- 1
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Sippell
of Milverton and Mr. John i
Sehade of Sarnia called at the
home of the former's aunt and!
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Chester L,1
Smith and were guests at the
home of their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Hilton True.mner.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Weide and
daughter, Ruth, were visitors at .
London last Wednesday.
Mrs. Bert Dunn and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Grainger were visi-
tors at Port Huron,
Little Linda Turner is improv;
ing nicely after having had her
tonsils removed in Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph. Ellie,
Seaforth, was a visitor at lite
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Ducharme on Sunday,
Mr. Wilfred Turner spent a
few days with his wife and fam-
ily at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner,
Mrs, J. Casineen of Windsor
spent a few days at the. home,
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Alex Masse.
Rev. Albert Datars was a visi-
tor with relatives and friends,
also being guest speaker in St.
Peter's. Lutheran church.
Mr, and Mrs.. W. 11. Gibbons
and family of Woodbridge were
visitors with the :foriier's mother
Mrs. S, %tmer and brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer
and relatives.
Mrs. Frank Kane of Montreal
is spending a fits days in Zurich
with her brother, Leeland Sur•
crus, and mother, Mrs, B. 'Sur•
Mr. Larouche, who is in resi-
denee with his daughter and son.
In -lata., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Denocnme of the ,Blue Water
Highway called on Mr, and Mrs.'
Frecl Duch arm e,
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masse ,
And family of London were visi• ;
tors with Mrs, MASse's parents,;
Mr, and Mrs. Leon Bedard.
Miss Ethel Williams and broth-
et, Calvin, motored to London
oh 'Thursday,
Mike Gratton of Grand Bend,
spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. �
Fred Ducharme,
Mrs. Jennie Downie has re-,
turned home to Strathroy after,
spending two woks with ?tr.
and Mrs, Russell'. Grainger..
Miss 3ielen Stewart of Clinton
spout several days with her sis.
ter and brother' -in-law and lam.;
fly, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Tut"
Mr. at d Arra,, Ted Laporte and 1
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bart, all titi
Wiiidstir,.speht the weiekend at,
their cottag4: at L#iporte suint-'
hitt resort,
Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Mitt anr1'
fanlilj; enjeved Stlh.day . rVith til•
atives •itt cl friends in Lni1d fl,
Mot'+* Zurich '1aWI
On FNiie •S
We sincerely appreciate the kind patronage we have
received since the re -organization and streamlining of our
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Our recant sales features have .depleted oar stock but
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LYONS TEA BAGS, 00's ,. 650
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2 forr 3$
¢ 15y� Delmonte, 48 -oz. 43
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Your federal and provincial goverrnettts (even the Town of Exeter) borrow motley
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'57 Meteor H'dtop
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QR $300 DOWN
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Snow Tires
$27 pair