HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-12-26, Page 2I
I'""ax Tim.awarw °roes,
Nedewtls wwwg. Dee. 11, lM0 s
OO rnYarYea WAS @Sole$ atwTata aver
meosma-naw r.....e
1se1-e•arLh 'e 4S
Tia. Tal 104a111Ma. SVC.
The IMAM sews from ferismorsy ie ie w m-
e ow mere pacific, eel are •emirs lees enunt
. d sowrplwted shoe for Iwo weeks pterlws to
the mtli.g ol the Aessries.
The Pluuses Chambers were epemed ea the
'Ileo by • .petrel' hem the Kies. which W
..ward Wiese. ,.cits.wsl, ad. as baa bees
stated, was Meted epos es feeireble to the was
its she shortest risible litre we shell be mere
etreagly armed tem ever before. "ether is eeriest
er reedere hers We rob tot war, het ler dr-
afted.. erfgrt esI of the primal fatherland,
sesteble 1 ler peewee p..en.. is Europe and
(term..), sad cereeep..drae with the amore'
d right. which God he. pieced l' our hands -we
Mee • gond old right -.e .ill deleted it, and
rel soder arena till we hoer ....std its 11-
.epiti... We owe this to Natalia -we tows
deists %ore asy.
It is mated by 1.l.c .ph from Paris, that the
Premien Oftentimes' nes negotiated • loan of
L10,000,000 sterhe( with the 11..se of Roth-
.,sbild i. Leede..
Tree Upper I1.... a( Aaeembly is r.por'.J to
be i.eltned to peace. whilst the Lower io mode-
rately disposed. The di.turbsneee bet wires the
Prasdan and Bavarian troops at Frw.kf rt were
reused tea the 25th. •.d is several or the
streets. t4. 'oldies of the two en.otries bed
very w.g.INry conn,ct'. The i.teree.tM4.4
west" mutate could aloes preserve peace is the
.i y.
The Amorieo or federal army i• Hesse. ie
suffering (r.m waist of ptoeisione, act their moat -
noisier has Wormed the Prosaism Gewalt that
he shall be compelled in .dee.ce. Gement
Groben replied that the Protobe• trance under
his .ommaed would not fall beck seder say cir-
Th. esbi.et of St. Pesereberg is repotted to
have formally made knewa that a tear of Preemie
ageism Atria. would at the same time be •
war apiest Ramie. After B.lia, the ear party
Fed mast Rirpal i. the Rhesieh pro•iaees At
!fashion. Berlin. Viet**. Ao.lerdom sad other
rnrtri psis's. co.fdeace in the Iaaiato.a0C' of
perm. is deify ►ecomio( weaker.
The stack .xchaa►e wee, at the latest date..
greatly agitated. At Vitas* tai. peemi.m ..
gold has risen to forty, •cd on silver to thiny
per cent.
The latest advices from Pens assesses • de-
e patch from M. De Persl(sv, from Berlin. He
1s reported to ban simmered bis conyietiea. that
the King of Prussia will have greet diff.elty in
resithisisg the warlike diopomtio of his people.
e d that he ca.00t arid might not make say
Nether ceserrnious
Th. Frte.h ernhaftedor is Ledos:h•d arriv-
ed is Parte, to expiate Lord Palroeret..'s views
on -the German q.wtioa. it is reported that
England wish. to act in cowmen with Frace,
sad that she tksires to previa% Reneges ialervem-
Is the Aseelebly, .. Tuesday, an ileitis( de.
bats arose epos the q testi.. of miming as eddi-
no.d army et 40,000 mea, already al tied to. -
M. Thirty i• reported of IM ee mn,ttee to whom
the suty.et has arse referred, .td will, it is maid,
lay down .,ch pit tcipin of peace sad neutrality
as will completely bled the hands of Loou Na-
poleon. Whilst the Awmbly are appalled to
war spin ■II hands, the debates plainly show
that France is strongly opposed to tiny combina-
tion which.hould render Germany united.
Ab del Kesler has made ea f..f•eteat .wimp'
to obtaie hie liberties.. by applying directly to
the Amenably.
A prop..iues to trader the seat et Gaeta -
rapt mit of Paris, has bees resited by a very
decided syorily. TUBYET.
A• al.rmiag...piney of the old retrograde
party it► Coa.tutieople, bas give. use to •
rafter that the S.Iun had bees assa.isated.-
Happily the noon proved to be false.
Easeih i. moll 4.41 is dense*. sod is report-
ed to bees/ming with typhoid fever.
The lies t Sardi,ia opened hie Parham's'
on the 23rd alt., sol efts enthusiastically rc-
rewed. His speech, which pe. great eatidee-
i,ew, sees his i.uatioO to rai.taIa the
laws 1eerssey for the new political orpaixa'ies
. f the cottony. is "mite of the Pope.,
The snots of the Rhode tallied .ettlemeet is
o.. of the mom interesting events ie t4• history
.f America It Snuf..ded by Roger Williams,
am E.glishmas, who had emigrated to M.ssa-
ehmetts, set merely to obtain Ireedore of coo-
mtirec• for himself, bat to .".eft the right of
every humus being is passes it. This doctrine
he preached boldly, •d di/elated himself '• reedy
to he booed and 0e.ished. •sol even :ode" in
d eka.. of it. For held,n4 these opisiOSs the
Green! Coon t Me.sechesette promoter -ft
ageism biro the oete.n of beeisbme•t. After
redwing (teat hardships I4 the forests of Massa-
Musetts, be embarked is • small Iodise sled..
with five .ompesioss. •ad landed in Rhode
lased. at • spot to which -he pee the same of
Traduce. "I desired," s•iJ he, " it might be
for • shelter for poems• di.troseed for coo-
scie•or." Here be was soft joined by others
who fled to this asylums of religious liberty. The
get civil war broke out i■ E*glaad coon after,
"tad the settlers in Rhode Island, thishing the
opportunity favorable, emit Roger Williams to
Elegised. to ask a charter ler the sew settlement.
His di.tiapished merits indeed "both hooses
of parliament' to past uste biro sad friends with
Atm. • fres .ad .best mme ch.ner of civil (ovens -
most for these pans of his abed.." Rhode
1.1•.d thin .wed its eai.teeee. ea • separate
eemmee y. to the Lasg Parti•s's', sad more
e peeielly to Sir Hear" V..'., the 'meager, the
friend of Mill... Roger William. was received
with imaepett tel delight oe bee mime to Armeri-
ea, and, leader hie wise lefl.nce, .d the sable
prieelpl•a of civil sad religiose freedom establish-
ed ►y MOs, the settlement ee.linsed to 1Mnnsb.
e' neat the Ann begionieg of the Pre•td..e
colony," said the ie►.bivat., is ea address pro-
fessd tie Bir Harty Vamp, " yft have boss •
stele tad tires hired to as wawa mid d.m bed
people; w. Mee ever reaped the sweet hefts of
your moistest Weise kited.... ad Geogr. W.
h.,. Ile( heft free from the ire. yoke ail,.
wolfish biomes; we have settee dry fres the
u tr..me e( Weed "pelt by the war. of .sr native
.sentry. We have sat felt 'be sew chaise of
the Pnmbyl.riao ',rests: nor, t4 this eole5y.
Mw we been ee•wnwd by the eieer•srotea4 fire
ash. (se walled) Oedl► Closeout magi'v*:ra.
W• hew ea hewers what as reties mesa: we
haft emote fee,enes what tithe. are. We
leant 1.ef Ase 'lie est of great liberties as
say pnpl.n
e* sae hear of, seder the w4ele
Aesere. Wbee les eft pee, our posterity end
.bildere thin as ship sad, is *sr sew• records.
ye.r ler.g hidweM to .., sed ser real moles -
eons tier pewee aid n$hweeaef s." Os the
.5lnr4 el Charlet the Deened aim e.fineed all the
aril sod t.figie.e liberties of R4ed.:dsd. Ie
lie empires master. la a 14artst, buries the
Bele d Yale f1, Iig3, it woe dv.hred, that 140
%we weer to be lite
o those of Eagles&
per .ileal than hied seferwtteem" I to he ewewtille
ef tie pews end the ..'.rt 0f the p..pl." 14
twBgl•ge matter" the Amor ',melded t4. "se
muse wiOM'4,• said..Isey, tri soy time her -
Awe etis1 ba. M ..y les., owtMrnek p.ni•hed,
stismttbd, es soled re pest Me, Omar diL..eut
in vitro is gel matin of r.lIgion. eau per -
ase map. as 111 limn. folly *Oil 4i. owe Oar
mem cod asescisec- is mown of religiose ere -
oloantes.••-itili.m, Disestry .4 Lemma,
opfip a01
The gesesiejnre M.esti•) te Rpetle . It
le meted to Sew rte the awm.ch w sees se trey
eeheitaoee ie lemmatised tete n, whether( it be e
piece of Iwtherarra Mese el beehm ak. Tide
Mice ee0amere ea sold, sed the mow iedipstible
oar ar1KM of feed us. Wm greater eMaat el seer -
efts dew the pori•. piece 1wreia i lifter 'them
wafts eat ocsweihtag that Awes tet agree w"►
them, that it, net easily dt(toted, they ear it
feared os the Memacb. er.septet• of hearths's.
The los to make of this is. whatever twills of
food is followed by eoer stomach or bwrtbsn,
that article is bard of dieners to the stomach.
sed ought to he ■voided sltegether, et least it
oboolJ be Mites m dimuishd quality. Bet do
sol Wept test lamest .torose►e bear difemt
things . sad what disagrees with yes to -der,
may agree very well teat week er meet asoeth,
arid the stomach meet he bsmoted: however AA -
le it may seem.
Sfteeti ee.. ►ewe•er, shall I ler wooly el -
way.. people eat so leech there is sol (441110
Mice or acrd enough to digest the food ; thee it
(ernwsts, romances belching, coliey poles. sick
stemaeh, sed the like. Therefore rotenone •ie-
Tsar..hich has more of the properties of the
gastric juice thus say other karma substance, is
.rtes stied to very greet advantage. evpeclolly by
pewees who 4,.e week atoewehs ie did the,to-
meeh is diee.rieg ar•iele' which are tomes to
he difficult oflhetetio.. Hetes visage' ie plea•
tif•lly seed with cabbage. row or boiled, with
cucumbers, &c. Hence. too is it that cameos
of ..no.. kited. are mitre, aid osu-criot almost
Ai.gisted by ter •imepr it crostini., before it is
rate*. 11,..'. .n, It to that MM. canes M Ioern
bowels ant eared by *stag plentifully of good
ripe tart fruits aeco'.ked, as they Ripply so0roeos
to digest show •udl(eoted rooster 01(oed which
give rise to the diarrhlea. fed aro am of • billies.
eharaeter. Hence, ter, a good rip. smile Of
herr, a little emir, after • hearty breakfast or die -
ser, is .deant.geous rather than otherwise. pro-
vided net nisch more then the j"ice is .wallow -
d. The better Ora by for, however, is sol or
est .o mach as to require an apple to save se
from the e1eeto of oar improdeeme. -Dr . Hall
em Tkt•aet mod Lr*gs.
1 m ten of 1 1 1 111 1 -
forted temporal grit It spiritual tbt.g., or to ft; o m i11 a n i f n t i o a 11. to g*s ttsWF + bw dsye Rs
shed talk brother's blood l• the sepposod .. - tha C.litmttw mlmeel wMigM tm (ebm gpMeg
v•sducstloe of the pre prtaciplee of true re CORPORATION 0P GIODlRIIC ffree bet, hap pgekfag sad r.peisg tri ar
1 et there are stills few Lord George UM.
wsggoam. W. ger fa tompam7 tt►Itb MM
Gorda. 1 Gosat 14th December,
Iles looniest Pepe Pies the Ninth, after
demons/rst'og to the world that he was to a
cutup extent, a man of His proe•ot age --af-
ter leaping through a few of the narrow
trammels of the past ages, by attempuag to
introduce the light of education a.d'cisme
tato the darkest recesses of European igao-
raace-after "hewing that be was, to short,
a very superior Pope, to the multitude of
Popes that bad gone before him -and, after
being dtsiohented, kieked, cuffed .04 knock-
ed about like a fugitive sad • vagabond, on
accouet of his liberality, bas succeeded is
emote( an earthly immortality by kicking
rep a rote. In the wanderings and Tieism-
tudes that have characterised the life (Whig
Holiness, he had, some how or other, dis-
covered that ri shop -weed grew more Immi-
rtsntly in England than on trey other sail,
and as Dr. Nosey and the Tractanase
"bad, for some time past, been ioduetrious-
ly prepansg the Eoglub sed for exotic ape.
cimens of this rooty weed, Pops Pius the
Neth, took it into his Mad that he would
exercise bis liberality is favoring the
Pet Dose Swoltse.-Cher friend delivered
hinietlf thus, bovinity sed ie earnest. As he
emptied hi• mouth of the last eipr, oar mo,tb
became fall -full of blessie/s
Blessed is the man himself, He is more wise,
more .leanly, moms savoury sed more reasonable
thin wiles be west sraokisg .d puffing shoat
eke • locomotive.
Blessed is the man's wife. She is the happier
wom.e for the foto tease • mesti..d is the
tut eestssee, and for many mere. Sbe,had ho-
ped apiast hope ler the last put; but it hes
bees made at last. We seem to ser her face
brighten -her step is mere elastic -her voice Is
sweeter -her welcome to her huob•ed as he
reeebee Acres is ewer...rdiaL She has out beer-
y eoegnt.latioes.
Bleared is the mash /muse. A. e•eavore
spirit has gest out of it. Mere easily len it be
kept neat sod tidy. Old repelbociee will noshes
so More.
Blessed is the man's append. A certain fra-
grance has left it, bot sot to the sorrow .( thorn
oft in proximity with him. His wardrobe is mi-
mes • reel asooyemee, and plus the beadietioa 0f
mssy a friend.
And blessed is the man's kseittt. Is the smoke
sod fire he oo lo.g kept op beneath his so.trila,
he fed .o ts'idious enemy. And his whole lee -
•..e and digestive spume suites is the benedie-
tioe We Dory indite.
Aod blessed is the meter pocket. A Teak is
stopped. As much ss before will Sew in, ■ed
less will Sow out We seOM to hear • vein
from that quarter, " there will be better days is
this department of our router', d.minions"
Aed blessed be the le•o's ror.lotima. May It
tower aloft. like • onsite, Moo.. all the .auk.
sod fire that may assail it. That last puff f Be
It the last And thosgh the smokers wilt set
jets, lei t4ere will be swop to smite • honer)
Ames.- Treeethr.
eight ge alma Delmer* (
Gordons is the worn, aa1 these will still Te res smolt ran ■uaRi le•.►c lees' whops
bad • goodly number of fanatics who would der, -Observing in the Sigel of the 1!t► sully civilised 114 speak and lento (64
Pit u •doe r•ot their pally is Church- lastest, a sommualcatioo •toned "Tai. R.gfi.1. W. ►t*" Moet c..14. p 4.t
brrui.g, as Ile any dolor way. It is there- Payer," I would observe that if be bad os. them ad al" *PP":a have a airy.eleat
fore roe/testable to suppose that there will cuiooally pard a visit to the Council Chem- .hart et tat 0oastry. W. lea, fa ler d
he •little merest skirn'ithimg, sod •Intl• her, be might have ascertained the required dila' and the Idtsem tell° I" .8 sbt►B OM
mutual Church -burning, sad a little mutual information without seeking it through tM probably go through in 26 days- The hid•
blood-letting, between the fighting roes of milium of a Newspaper. However,
ships ta sot se mat\ u particular os eNI.
the Quote's &alloys and the fighting men p• M f complain lap
t►e.1 d.sort .f
be, •pd ►ba orale sot Ibmkie it harm
of the Pope's Bishops. Aod the poor worth their while .o led*, I will consume cruelly hard es eke poor \Drop for tha wast
'• Trularuns" will get all the blame, and a little more time and 10form him end them of grass, mrtie.la►17 tb*'lsst 600 Iyle,
will be proscribed and excommunicated, and of what has, mod what has not. bees dont.
which required the greatest tooth's es/
a°atham*tised. Aad the thinking men will Quer? first-" What have they got into
maaagemelt to keep them .ogee, aid Which
Is truly snood the Great America■ Desert,
look on, aid Immo*, and enquire, and think, debt for I" i would u7 to answer, that no
sad ritual, aid ultimate!, coaclude tbImmo*, Gover°roes t, he it ever se prey, but what l would serer olvise •°y of m, frienls a
Christianity end political Christianity are Ms it. officers, and as a matter of course,
ever epee the Prairie Route, u they ter
very different tbings. Tim first is peace, they must be paid, and the fewer the sub'. tatnly •°Aur• mor• \aids\ip, mad roe ge
Love, Temperance, Cbanty and 4umthty- jug the greater the properties to pay.
sub --
much ri-k u thou going by Bea. Mt.
the last is Jealousy, Strife, Malice, Volup- Now for the information. First of all
Dark's waggon and two horses separated
roous°ese and forty tkursaed a year !- there is the swell item of £112 for School moot\ epee, and have not, travelled lisp
Theo will °nae the "Coming mao," the purposes, • demand mad. by the School LOgeteer; the l bate left 1 or i /pyo.41..,
"Dominte 1311°P°°°1311°P°°°'".paoo," who will leiter upon Trustee., which sono amounts to two-thirds but we cele them is tat valley Whim
this " great, fact" and wielding it with the e( the whole Town tax. leaving, and all e1 goad 1.111►. We ham
force sod wet ht of a sled • hammer, will heel mostly through these Prairies very patg fi Next coma tee t eers, •° ordered l'7 road but have had to ford °ever.! yds
knock the bottom out of the great eliem," the Statute, to wit : Treasurer, Clerk, As -
of Blare-Reli os. streams, °deb u the Nort\ Platte, 8..t►
g' ..store, Enumerators, School Superintend
+ wit, rent, including finer, kc., Serf, Press, Platte Gr,.. Rnerad 1 aombe •f siker
The policy of Radicalism receptors se penis• smaller streams, het from the lateassu ef
Ater Church, met or clam. Nobody greet beard of Printing. Bt auontry, Returning Officers,
a Radical amenity/tent i■ Cudw
Cuda attempting to with all the other eccetries, hose arteries, the seams they were all more fordable thea
establish • Presbyteries •r Methodist Church atamounts to the enormous sum of t45, they 'could have been either, mad w• Vert
tM esp.aer of the ,,t,,,,4ealesmwity-er sedeav- informed that rosily persons lost their alae
wing te bar the path of pablie iutreetioe by err- it being but five pounds more than allowed
1110 Isolated 'ec .nu 6°41"••-•• seeking 10 annually to the Solicitor of the County ford.ng some of these rivers, not the least
compel the High Chuck of Toryism t•aekaew- accident happened to °s or our teems. I
Council, !commie the very ,great sum of a-
bout Ell for Public Improvements. Tose will bot merely attempt at giving los a
balance collected over sod above the above description of this valley the great forlorn
mentioned sum, *be "worthy Coosctt" has hops and inexpressible joy of the Mamas
no control Ora!, It b.i.g levied by tJ , refuge. Thema singulu people somber hr
Count, Conseil to liquidate the previous more than I had an idea of, sed it is sop
debts of the D,.ttict. I would almost pre
they well number is the ell whirs all s
I emigrants have arrived, abort 60,000. W.
sumii, Mr. F.dilor, that your e
the 011151)1.07 1 tax pelt";' same . stlasger, did sot find the climate se congeals! as we
or &we he would know that but two -thuds asticipeted, the days hei.g exceediogi,
" Tractarians" with a few plants of the p.- wee the oup ,noisy of Preeyt•rie.ism. Beth
nine Papal .breed. But, it wont do. There polity eae poly result from Toryisre, sad hese*,
are already King's Bishops and Queen's we eMrm, that the difference belwno the prim -
the Q rtes d this policy uJ the priaeiples of Re -
Bishops, in abundance, scattered over
fem. is a eery 71040,.404 se eery 51110.4, that
stomas who chooses le exercift his feease. esa
possibly Betake the ose fir the miter. -Huron
Theabove. from one of the most udest admi-
res of the Ministry, is scarcely horse oat by the
edewme.t w religious Corporations, mod the
reao•pine0t of the Je.eitt' Emitter'. If ear con-
temporary will bat wipe his speetaslas, sad epee
his eyes t• eouvietion, he may Mad that the Mi.-
ieiy have mode rapid progress i■ establiabieg a
domi•aat Church. They have heft • very short
soil of " merry England," and, however
harmlele • Pope'. Bishop without the ao-
ceseary appendage of " ted thousand a year''
might be, still, we are reminded that there
is sometbug in a name, and, therefore
there is no room for Pope's Bishops. One
would Popp(.. that in a teed boasting of its
civil and religious liberty -a land that has
not only talked a great deal, but also dons a
great deal on the subject of religious toler-
ation, the assumption of a few empty ache.
Mastics' titles, by a few individuals, wee a
matter of very little importance. But it
wont do. It is gatously declared by the
best judges of the subject, that two rival
hierarchies would work mischief in England
-they would produce confusion. For in-
stance, the Queen's Bishop of London re-
ceives from sources purely national, at least
some thirty or forty thousand pounds a
year, while the Pope's Bishop of London
will nee..sarily receive from the same sour-
ce', net one single sixpence. An igooramw
who knows nothing about Etclestaatice or
hierarchies, might be inclined to think that
• distinction of thirty or forty th.u.s d
pounds • year would p anything like
confusion, and that nobody would be Po
stupid u to confound the Queen's Bisbop
and forty thousand a year, with the poverty-
stricken Bishop of the Pope. But, Mr. ig-
noramus, it wont do. This forty thousand
pound divti°ction will be the very cause of
the confusion. Ii Dr. Wiseman, the Pope'.
Bishop, exerted a pastoral care over as
large a number of human souls as are cared
for by Dr. Bloomfield, the Quee.'s Bishop.
If Dr. Wiseman w.. equally industrious,
equally sincere, and equally successful is
managing the spiritual affairs of his charge,
some impertinent pereo° might be dupoeed
to ask, " Why does the Queen's Bishop re-
ceive forty thousand it year more than the
Bishop of the Pope T' If thin question
not confusion, it IP, at least on the road to
it. Thu, however, is the real question,
and, to prevent it being asked, is the issue
between the parties to the present 8eetsrt-
an struggle. If the Queen's Bebop really
believes that Prelacy is tbe form of Gooern-
ment which the Scriptures prescribe for the
Christian Church, he should, like a good
Christian, feel proud to mss the whole
Churches of bur M4J.et7's domtauoss adopt-
ing at least, the right .form of Government.
This would certainty be the case were it sot
for the forty t►oessad • year -and, as midi.
BOTTOMS TOUR Covrry Parlor.-Tbe follow.
tag remarks from a *perch of Hos. J. L. Roti.
o ft, • member of Congress, eoauio truths which
•ve:y Conotry Printer els feel the force of :-
" Sometime* I bear it mid that two dollars Is
too notch for • comity paper: that large owes ewe
be had Imre a disuse, (Ci•eiseatu or the Attac-
he cities) much cheaper. Well it is very tree
that you earl (et pepen.cbeeper-aid it isegal-
ly tr.e that if ye* arede1ermiaed to briegcheep-
er city or rasters papers into eompeueo as to
sire and price with your- sonny pipe-, :he idea
of e..tioaieg eneetr, pipes hod as well be
abandoned. Our eo.atry papers cam lot com-
pete with them in this respect, sad they do net
pretend to do if. If lee went Comity papers, if
you think they are Many eeoregonee to yo• as
the mime of your party at home, or for their lo -
eat intelligence and news, yov mut expect to
pay a little for there enos.deralt..r. 1 should
think it es awit wink sod clumsy business in this
mealy dew for our party to .retro a political toe•
teat without • paper to .id them to orpaise,
through which toe.11 public meetings,
tis.., tom. -to publish procosdi.ge, to defend
our candideten. publish their saws, sad prier
their ticket. --is short t. eedact • nmrnss.
" 1 imagies we would fight ender dominate -
gee sod •pinst odds that would thew be felt sed
MtsnOPsav A,lcoorl_-Te the vast e..atry
of Lnoisi.na, in America. ■ Catholic Mtrniohe-
ry had been .eat for the ceaversioa of the Iodi-
ses: oat some of the ferocious tribe* oorroeaded
him, and were jeer about to pat him to • creel
death. Having • small teok'.g-ala... which he
had artfully eo.eeeld Memoir his clothes, ad
placing it ort his beau, he, in • plaintive tome,
renmestr$id with them on the er.•Ity .ad is -
@ramie. of their killing • mss who had them all
is kis kart. The astonished savages, each i•
their taro, beboldieg ►t. owe figere is the glass
(a piece atilt they sever lied efts before) eft -
vett ed their rap tate admiration sad totems lir
a ewe who 'hashed them all is his heart f-
Chetf..sis's Travois.
Moao,1.-From the Bart burst ('wrier
of Friday morning, we learn that Robert
Barry, of Admaeton, was fund murdered
in his residence on the Sunday eight prowl
nus. Francis Beer and his wife. in whose
house Barry needed, having absconded with
Barrie'• hares and sleigh, were porened and
lodged in the County jail nn Wednesday
lav(, on suspicion of having committed the
atrociam deed. -Gide.
1' to said the lion. John Beverley Robins-
son, Chef Justice, of Qeen's Bench- i
about to he created a Cornmeal'. of the
Order of Bath.- Gird*.
We learn from eh• 81. Lwsi, panni of
rne.hy, that 1,.tweea 40 sad 30 ('difer-
man Emigrants havi•e in their enemata'
1;100,000 'n gold. arrived et that city os the
day previous. -Globe.
Mr. Gorham'° eon by runlet the prise
for tat beet heglieb essay et Trimly, Col-
lege, C•mhr'dgo.
"bore. I)..44.," so the lady calls Myself,
has bee. in Belfast aid Armagh, lseeug
ere lawyers! Profwisg a have large ex-
pectances',.4.. retails' a lawyer to realms
them, sad preemie epee biro to maks as
adva.... i. resins s woman '
Sus are like egret.. is the water, when a
Mom il throws tale It: owe pretltaes@ as-
.absr. When eager was i. Cat: a breast,
tl eresr leaa mot far et
A Amm.. M geem.lte a tri. Mod. "POe1A wee yr ever drwak/r_"!Res 1
es eastemste heebee1 se .nedl.ol p•r.e$, wee 1at*1is•ted .•tb swim* spirit@ mep,
std as hotesmt ems; see N ea as •at•bl l•Md amt test's taut for 44. ductile. Bleep yea,
! t1K' a well -4111W 1411 demotes set emcee, hose felt 1s H I w1@ es ea1MSMM,
4 Ashy sod Irid.mttye bet tie (dvmwf.e wheirdttle ol $4 It
weeW espYed M
etas esllghtrmd stied. •
time in office, bat they have worked woaders.-
The remark that " inch a policy as only mesh
from Toryism." is sheer ...eases. Thom whom
the Signal calls Tories. jest as (regNatly
Methodists, Presbyteries, aid Ovum, u Epi--
copslisne, sad it is very likely faded that such
mea would recognise • particular sect er class. -
The Signal is as isjerious deonu. He wishes
to prove too mach, and thus draws more soft -
hoe than is desirable to the cosiest t kis heeds.
-Hamittoe Spectator.
Ws feel indebted to our cotefeporary of
the Spectator, for his anxiety tout us right
to reference to the Jesuits Elute". In
our zeal to exonerate the Radical party
from all leanings towards Church Establish-
ments, we Dever once thought of these L-
iaise. And even if we had, we are so Com.
pletely ignorant of the history of them,
that • recollection of them would not bare
induced us to gustily our assertion of the
son-aectsriao clientele' of Radicalism. Our
whole stock of knowledge of the Jesuit.
Estates conastr, merely, to understanding
that these lands were first granted to the
Jesuits by an old King of France, as an ac-
knowledgment of their services, in tetrodu-
cingthe elements of education and Cbritiao
civilization into Canada -in understanding
tbat,at lbecooqueat of Canada by the British,
In 1763, the right of the Jesuits in these lands
ceased u a matter of cou-se-and in under-
standing that the proceeds of these es-
tates aro now, •pd have for many years,
been devoted to the education of the whole
people of Lower Canada, without any vis•
tinction of creed. class or origin. It may
however be inferred from the tosinuatioo of
our better informed friend o1 the Spectator,
that, at least, some of our bumble under-
standings on this subject are iDoorrect.-
Hu remark might lead us to suppose that
the present Radical Government had taken
14eret action in the nutter, and that the
Jesuit estates had lately been given back
to the original Trnetees, the Roman Cath•
of the elected, have ever appeared et the warm unuI 12 or 1 o'clock, aid lbw las.
Council Board, after the election of their protea by a ma braes* tai* rest of the day,
Head. The balance being dlsappoietd
the nigher.aeomfnnably cold.It severe
in their election of Mayor, sad bp. rarely rains, but there is spring* .uMOcieel
mg so other letterset at stake, refused to (roan the moustus5 is 4111111 4i lead le'
act, thereby, throwing the o°0P of the bei eoltinlioe, and exallwt .rep* have
business o° the hung members. How the ' bee• raised Ibis year. W. bay* W t1 te-
abteotees can reconcile thou seascapes to DI*°isb our clock of provisoes kers, whisk
ow este of office the, took, u best knows tests es • good tube Mess( to pay 11110 M
film Church ! But the insiouatioe of dor
cotemporary is so very dark and ambiguous
-pose so much of the Mad -shaking
mystery of the Oracle, that, unless he is
pleased to lend us bis mag.i(yieg "spec -
Or Bishop Bloomfield nor any other Btahnp lades" so that we may be able to reed the
dare presume to ley that the forty tbouea°d Seeunan Act in the Provincial Statute*,
• year fortes •DV pit of the Prelacy which we will feel echoed to give the ionmo.tio.
the Scnptur.s are supposed to recommend.
the only sure stet►d of t.ablisg the Meths
rein to dwell together in witty, is to remove
the miscripc.rel forty theueasd a year. -
Thu let the Queen's Bishop aid the Pole's
&s►op be f•reubd esch with 1 Bible sod
as empty pane, and they w111 Mersey forth
in the true Apostolic character, sod is the
pore spirit of brotherly love, to evasgehae
the world ' This would be a beautiful pie-
tas of the .tesplouly and humility of pnm-
ttive, apostolic Christianity ! Bot -if roof
o ! Proteeta°uem is Protertn*1ism, • ad
Popery is Popery. The Queers Protest -
mitten' to well -pad, we114.4, fat-eoeking
to themselves, and as a new law comae in dour sad $1111 per ►°sired lei beef, sad se
force with the new year, whet the Council ss everything ie propati... 1 win wilt*
will have new pewees, and nyder which all to you more u I.egth free the mime. no I
property, vacant Town Lots, kc. whether will tb•n "'aim able tally* Fero a d*ssr1P-
Casad. Company's or others, can be taxed, tion of the isometry, nail 1 pumped' fat
perhaps '• Tax Payer" had better look a- the four, may tura out teat. la the come
round hum and select some hottest 1 me 1 bop* you will be able M tlsaMtjla
your comfort in ray •beets..
And rearms yours s*estiwatel7
kind of Protestantism ; sod although Dr.
Pommy, and eves • few of the Queen's
Trulana. Bishops, bus practically declar-
ed their faith is the superiority of the Pepe',
doetnnes-yet, they n°e11 understand bow
any doctrines eta be tither esloable ee roe-
metsbls velem batched up by • few thee -
Meds • year, of State ! in
"beet -fl r as plus as • pike -ata( that
thew can be se unity. Whether Bnhem
(worriment he tbe right or the wrong form
of Christian' Chare4. Geoerossot, itis de-
am.led that the Pop's Chown w hese
me Mabee Oevesm.n le Reeked ! Thee
will be me amity. The Chanb--(Melt tL M
mea that know the value of an oeth, aad
who are sot uoder the Company's thumb,
and cannot be bought, and who also are not
afraid to do their duty, as well as the pres-
ent Councillors have done their..
And as i understand that those of the
Qnartro wbo tan qualify, are inteeding to
try affairs, 1 hope the •otees will look be-
fore they leap, and put in Bees rather than
If " Tax Payer" wants any farther iefor-
matioo, I would refer bis to the Clerk's
Port Albert, Dec. 20th, 1850.
so 7711 1DIT.n 0r Tat teas■ .weer.
Sur, -1 would beg to propose the follow -
leg remedies for the evils you complained
of in your lest weeks issue.
Firstly,-Tb.t the Electors of the United
Connie", will .01 Tote for any Cou°dolor
who is not able to "manage the Coulctl
business," sod not seed to the Council,
or a majority of Reeves who do almost
ooth:og' i agree with you "that many of
them aro not worth eve shillings ler day,
to any place, or any employment".
Secondly, -That at whatever rate the
Council may thunk fit for allowances for
their expenses each day whole actually at-
tending the Couteit, a silents should he
allowed teem.
Thirdly, -That the Council in appoistiag
els will do so by drawing Iota,
els., let the same of oath Reeve be wntt s
one slip of paper then rolled op and drew
from a Mx or hat, three to form a quotes,
should any refs to serve on eseb Com-
mittee, wash penes should set receive any
pay that .**.ton, by tate memo It will de-
ter ignorant sea from offering themselves
ler Councillors, as doe of those drawers
must be compelled to act as Tr..eersr, the
other ea Secretary, to each of the eeesit-
ts, the besmear of the Cooseul. will be
got through in half the time it formerly
took, for to s, owe knowledge it often m-
ean that malty of "thus active barium
mon" aro obliged to act on amoral com-
mittees the same session, which greatly
delays the harlot's, sari give* them We
and go -seek" Committers, ale much time to
play about the streets,
i am Sir, Tear obedient ..wast,
Tse OLo Coons mese troy A..rtste.
a place among the thousand other specimens
of Torr clap -trap witch are Carefully de-
posited in our eabtn.t of political curiosities!
We agree however, with the Spectator is
saying that Toryism melees@ at least soon
Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists --
Our cotemporary is aware that there is
a certain clam or sect of Presbyterians
whose church forme • stall wheel in the
greet politiest maehi.. of .utw-ebanbims.
They have faith in the ' t," sad
neves a shoe of the Clergy Reserve Leaf
of Upper Canada. They are high church-
men is the most agnibeaat 'ease of the
term, sed eonssque.tly torics. That
Methodists cad Baptists should 1. foxed
seting with the Tory party, is 1 "object net
only •c( asto.idtneat bat aim d regret. -
Aid the ..redder d these few who de es,
reedsd* es (ore*bly of the conduct of
Om mu who after bavi.g takes at settee
part is a .sob fight, tad havt.g foetid
es both side', at leagtb mels
as abrupt pease ad with .s earnest. es -
Great Sall Lela, Sept. a, 1050.
Doer Wife, -By the tied dtamesuen ef
Pie vldeeee, i bare reached the Great Solt
Leake Valley tee the tad haat., a the hest of
beehh, het pretty hard both is appeersee
said 1.elsg, from the fang.* of the jaere.,.
"iris( e.no@1ty .kd, 'Wh.f .bet." All ser Arty flat lea started work ere ales
cr W...sy Amit r..Iid ...al af ser , to geed health. I bed . tow day( of 111....
Sebesnber5 se fetal t. pay as inti .we h.an imrbm about Nil mike Were rewe\ing
wed se farm proems, that the reale erne We Mims om@s@tms I by the Mimes el
saes r the wars, sad the rcmlless sights i have
- .poet keel the ..«7..es d meoltoaoe,
ago *be p.B14..1 part .f Protemseasetr We have reseed the Prosciuttos eta whish was gar the worm i ben ever es -
(AIM i c es seg.) Ho tarty thee•eed . yeses_ ems plfpm sheet to he ptd8sbed Ie L14454. perMmwd le Asst.*. .ad 1 menet as.
m rw women 1 Ase although the time V C. W.. *WOW the Lemke Diva& Mr, gip you the ►os.t. 4 Idea of whim we bent
femme gess whit the istellegi.e..se taw W. K. Wilms, Wee. It wppm0e the su>iwd from them- All my peens hem
play d *OW Hyoid Its WWII Math.-11at1m nags. Ng N hilts tltissmi. Mall Am jsaeg/ lei„ sed oil us sow is
' ! ` ;:ale' :fmtf t '1t{I.I°tom is;°if cr,
The following ie ea solemn el' • letter
received by a gentleman in 0.derei, from
" This great Pacific State is making rapid
strides towards civilisation, and •1.011 the
gold bootees' cogitate prosperous, ads fur
to out do all the Easters leu in wealth,
fashion and extravagance: in fact everything
must be of the very beet quality to arms
meed a sale her% aid the eon.lr7 will so
doubt be abundantly supplied with the .bel -
cost productions of the world, for the geld
is here to pay for therm. i sea now h•ardieg
at the French Restaurant, most .pl.ndidly
fitted op, marble table, kc., French wait.
ere, and supplied with all lb.lossriee .ltd
delicacies of the seams, salmon, w4M decks,
bear meet, mutton, and the asset rout best
in the world, ***lectionary, ke., eget S.
wreck, two meals only per diem.
"Cities have rises op like megfe, steres
moot elegantly fitted op, aha expe.sivs
private reside.Lw, where a year age it
would have been daageroes a pus along
on foot for the horde of wild ghettos. The
wharves are crowded with large ships from
all parts, aid sews e«u.nally arriving that
the w►ele world intend* Miing e a visit.
Tb.y will not have tie. 4ii.dllee M 051 -
tool with that i ked, for thee, set a /M1 -
ter could be obtained, sew, all the nolo
to the mit an lined with H.ul. and
Tavu.s, all doing ..Il. I .Ale wesdw
how it is p..°ibIs that toes will hss se that?
Iaagere for wealth aa1 Ismer, hem Mede(
all tbi.e moat e.mu to easy a speedy sol
with all is this world.
"Tb. Spring emus Mee meet beau*
felly, the plains are severed with the mi
lovely &were; is Noble Valley the •111111111
is i.light11, and the "gooney meet (mekOh
leg; bat .here we are @Mintd for els at
sewn moths the Mat is intense l It dile
is the shado with seta drop of neer lb.
balsas* .f the year wee have W (hapset rate
every day.
• Coo.ideriag the genet flf wM
ems ea this l.ad of geld tl waw,gnal
dieeppa°tme.te, foe kande) lime Mee
. p their BAN.a sad their Mew% nal will
morrow s their twee, ue mail. the MA
of t►.m way beans, having ei.s the "toll►
Meant," as they tors R here. I may em
eider myself truly ferniest* fee, (dad 1
thank Gd ler 14,) r Mw enjoyed widest
internalise the beet d health, sad reag>d
menthes. by my .ndoev.ee (sed csnf '
.Ne to.), 1 have ewe well, sad .cad R'
t .beasts well. which ie net whet 1307 Ile'
eta eel. i mise mewed u meet AIM'
i made up my mind M wee beet Weld /f
!saess bees although 1(etig sM Gal
Mimes hoc Musa a vary .(sego trill me Isle
r feel it oily As toe &Aimee MCINNIS ea M
se very greet, eaBl hope that ever M
.H\ we, seems M skew ala ma the lees/
Hoc .. alai mesa s
MU wedlblli siva Ast. ase 1
It is
S ae
Is •
. ad
• a
of t
\ eht
ie&v. mry*s ers! rCS tPtir :S PTtikelli%t~ -iiig ig i:i: f,.