HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-12-26, Page 1!,n SHILL MOS&free es, " gm Gal. r•e t. tai THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE tREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1850. jig Quran Signal, AGRICULTURE. veget.bles, led are composed of four sins.; ` rmOTO Gen PeSLlaa•Ii avatar. rime/vex illY THOMAS MAl'llUkatal, aur a aaa raW alLTur. tea Ya age ANN,•4luxklCll. •• soak tial Joh Priatieg, earceied with ...tweeted dl.pateh. Timis or Tatali,ass Soma -TEV 81111. - LINOS par Gana.• if paid strictly is advance. or Testers Jima Six Panes with the exp,ratioa of th. year. Na paper discontinued said arrest, are paid tip, sales* thep.b!i.her thia►sit his wives - toff to ds •o. A ty iaJivadeal is the eoaauy becoming r.- aAusvib!. Nr sin nbecribers, shall receive s besamth copy gratis. QT Ail I•usrss4J,,...d to the Editor meat ire Poet pi 1. or they will Gut be iskeu out ui ibe peat o15ee e are Or £UVASTml•5. Biz limes aed seder, fast insertion Each sab.egsest iaeeruus Teatimes and Geier. int inserters Mach sebapaeet ia..rtie. Over ten limes, first tawniest.. pet Le t:.eh tiub*egrent (nary ti«r, A Metre' dimwit., made to t! advertiser be rear. TwEI.VE AND six PL'w'Nes ata TUN ano O► TNN task. NUMBER XLV. THE EXHIBITION OF 1852. ; Glow Laid Jaws, sat that isepreverseW may ' bine• necessary that not olio member .•f !tl ur elementary budles, thus, - besJ'l,J as 'be, ma, ba selreertsd by ASO CAW uc,l •h'.ybf baro the power to Intr.I- per:cnce. 11 is encouraging at so. rose to .Ingo a In .tial at the CnoneI wertmgs ser the wariu tied •pinto.l mintier le which without the e.nuenl of the Prescent Woo, 11.111 prepus•t1 so Mai been welcomed by r• Bated and r.'moseablo by the "Whop !-ns,, many of uur must active ant jut«'110111 11.41 oven after the Council bas bad the CI112'. M. It dews that ibe q Ie.,.ua .1 c ..,.sant of the B,fw;i. In.i 10 work un Guy law reform has soler,•1 derply um a the •l 1 1 1 ,0, J din Toronto should I.e at liberty thoughts of the cuwmuu,n, and ,1 Cannot io rxunyoiah every Waif they do, aey u,ucb lunger 1.e waved all: Let thew r.. lour sing. era Camillo' a1151 1 00 zealously, but without Lelae taw sou A prce,uee set of ui.cr.b:c• Ibe Churrlt gwue tel 11a uuu,.Jvu r.•sults, their river- tel England people iu ilii. Province wart As series ars powersul •..1.14 and ineeperably o submit t.. such • cool pante tel •pprurina- united, lhay rule the local e•.uhc,!s, they tion. 1t it really cdift,ug to lee thee• role theIegielaturc, and u'.r wrote str'em .u-rknen. 1t'« ii -ed to won.ler at the all of judicature*, end in a Brest degree ,h,. b.u,'s Join Toronto did u, the Jays of Prean is under their Intl'emu mut .i'r.,c.i.,n sur.- wt we don't wot,det iu Ibe least the prem. primtilureJ. .1. yet they .es •..s, *bee tie .els tips power of his sib- pi•o somewhat unr proceed cgs, ano c sat dammed aeal.'sree sled strung hand to lbw &fjord to .sear at uur ruagh LssJ,+u. k. sesta fittr. Il': does s. ho Iii-., wi.hout well let them. %Ve can bide uur ten-, tit.. let •.r tundran.•e•, We notice that 11'rb- publie wind of Canada a lythg Lk• a rich C•nrree. j nnn.li.l-the Montreal Cusrier, fallow in the wenn sprng ready lar the the ecclesiastical .•rg..n to that gII.lter-has seed. of this great refi,rnwtiun. People Jared to gm.attoo the propriety of the are weary of folfuw'ng In tI.a trail of pat.; Bcun)oct, and as a curiosity en ly lawyer., and of efcnticing the rea: inter- glue hu remarks elects hero io full. %Voll eats of the country fur the peke u( an a•pi- I for Lim that he lives out of the Does.. of ring cities, whose enndict 10 the leg's'''. j !'unite, holder such •• infidel " pen's, ture or out of it, .r all of a niece, no limner anent.! • It a. well, however, to let the shat name they gory. Wheo:people see 1'henchmen 01 Upper (.n.!. •es abet their the fully of expending their money in law G-llow-churcl•men it ewhere think of Jones suits, for the sok benefit ofalter'slee, and i'Ibrcn'o'sdoings and lilt irown .ubeerviee- deterw'oe to seine, disputer among them- cr to him. 1 e do not believe Vitt another delver quietly and without cost, wheat they set of earn could he foend in this or troy,' see the foil., of Le.ug led astray by part♦her country %hu *04141 allow one instate cries and of filling their 'parlament with I ..' art se the Bishop of Toruulo has dune iu lawyers in hope ()filet 111 g good and ,ntel. th.d u,a'tcr, and u ho then alter lire trickery I,g,ble haws puked for the welfare of the le exposed dare pot ask for a copy of the province, and resolutely determine to cure' donnient tattoos:sted to he palmed 011 thew: the of %Lich they complrin, then and-Glru6e. then oily can they reasonably expect that the°'u,atenal interest. of our own country" .a can be "laced on a p.runent beau, and WAR 1` TUE ROOKERY. businis., not law tinkerieg and law cup, kremlin', be Ili• prime object of Dur levils A warm anoint has arj.en between sec_ later•, and pleasure, nut committal ltommof the Corapreatlle press as t0 the satisfaction, be tie feeling with which eligibility of certain gentlemen to represent the pari! 11 the next general election. Ili they are regarded by the people. Oxford, Mr. Vansotart has been the stand- ing cauJ.d.,te for the COoeer%ative interest, PLUGS lis fraudulent return of Mr. Carrell at the last election, and kat subesgeent Our good friend the Church of Fpgland pe.chment; (ur a breach of privilege. ilei Bishop of Turooto has, as was promised in he is known 1u have test a longing. ho. Ike C rrdi two weeks ■gra, addrr-sed *Int- 1 gertng look" towards annexation, as t1. ter to the clurcy tied tarty of his llioteee, !only tangible remedy fur Canadian grievan- gniog ao account of hie peregrinations in Cea. Ti,e paQ'er jt, his interest, the Braids England_ The document 11 alreoly very Americo* (awned it id said by hire) stoutly lung, though osly'iwe doled of it have yet c'ntenda that he is the "loan fur Galway," appeared, and tour• 110 prumsed. As was , while tho $rc:ulor, • paper edited with to be expected, it contains many. curious I 'embed ability and poa.esmog equal lode - things, ami when it m all out we shall h.ve. ence, as stoutly coeteods that there w 11 a few words 10 say 111 regard to It. But, "he nae luck shoot the house" if Mr. V.; tniantime, we think it weil '10 put those of is brought forward. The Bruwffu.d our reader. out of misprints. who expected Courier joins the British .9rrerieun in ries. that John Toronto would in the said • ex junction with the annexal sou press of hien•' planatiu••," speak out honestly 0" the only ireal-Ibe Ilerobi and Courier, weillu toe paint in the *tut. to which any puLi.c 111 -Ln odon 'J'Onro and Spectator row in the parlance attaches. We need nut ray that ',ante boat. Thu interest tusoifested by the we refer to the charter which he ende.vonr- ! Cuoserv.t vee throughout the Prot/wee, to ed to smuggle into the counts, and that ! the County of Ox(u d, shows that theyars by John Toronto has not and dare n ,t publish 1 no insane certain of success- lodged, of tt. We aoxiotraly read the »..hop's lucu- , we are nut mistaken, they are "fighticg brar,ona ie search of a copy el the 11,1411- against hope" let them bring fordlerd who !best -but It was not there;; we auugkt fur , they may. Then poor Vanwittart-whet a a swmmary of Its pros:mons-and L. we' pity it would he to give Lim the cold shoul- found this:- 'der, after surfeiting him with dinners, and "Ott the 18th June, i enclosed a draft of; doing fur Lire the lackey in general -to sae the proposed Charter to the Secretaryof i nnlnmg et all the time be will have lout in State, which is merely • transcript o1 (bat'clocluoneerjng (.r the tart three years -and tel Jung's College ter of Q ,pen's College, 1 all the midnight out he burned in concocting, now io •uccesatul operation • at K'ngatun, i beautiful Railroad speeches* ! Bet then with ruck alterauoue vale as might sopa- 1Jr. V, 'mould know that it is very roughly rate the 1netlletto5 it seek* to eaubusb i is an English gentleman like bum to &deo AIre.Ay we hear of preparations !or an- LECTUREs OP1 AGRiCELTVRAL Carbonic Acid, from Carbee and Ozygta; ether Worl.'r Eibibttioo, us uoluuoo u( CIIENIISTRY. Water, from Oaygeo and IlyJrogeu ; that which uta to lake place ro 1, miles w Ammonia, from Hydrogen and Nitrogen. 1851 • The Telegraph, on 11'tldne.Jay The ratios 1 which these .0 %V*TNG.-This abundant and necessary o tae mw,,:o •tan- g«acs tort the American (: ov ermneol had ■t uealoT victim moo. night brought us the interesting intelh b• cos enter tote the compoaitwu of vegeta- determined to tike twee by the fore -luck, Auld u known to the agneulturalut is (uur me, lb _early the saws fur all specter- if awl had bassi lioeseoue.. Llaud for the 14._ thegessoes (vapour of water, steam) and se combo:atom with certain bodies, (.lack- the maple, or the straw tied alto• u! wheat round ofwirablo tleconce globe.tine 1.is two utaY tthoreeRu gene sed sed lune.) Whoa water freezes, that tars . bar'oy, oats, ace., be dried in an oven, ee rations it gray very probably gel to Iloou. rumor the solid state, it expands with u• as to dove away all mutature, and the re- lulu. 10 n IL. Saawicb lrlaodr, wh.ch we mainIag polities subjected to analysis, 11 ems has lately been erected into a capital towelling force, Sufficient to break the strop- wry of • same Oceaeac Kiogdun., ter to goal weasel.. Many remarkable results are iia be Lund that these, and indeed all w- .s'irubuct- the _-__, comm =oo. _ __ ._: produced by the eapanrion of water when getable. contain 10 every hundred pounds blue cotton petticoats In central Afrie•.- ' slates, the solid (.Ce,) the Said (water) , the woad of 1 . oak, lbs beach, Ike elm, coed %Vurid'. Fair. Taus,likle'rioca we, l uAlbert's . I i cooverttx1 Into Ice, among which the Beattie, ghr, to the mean.oe, the f5ural will circulate 'mom 40 to 50 Ib of Carbon, lbn,ugb Christ«odour Grad the (Awe Is the the emit Jerenln of no- Fa . regions1401C u- £0 9 G Pe Laps, g " 35 to 45 . . Oxygen, civi.:zatiun. Those of tea who Lye a cou- p If malar, to becoaaug wl,d, followed 1 pie of years roager will, no doubt, see some . 0 3 el " 6 to S . . Hydrogen, of the results of the second reat EltobI Uie almost usueraal law of cuntractiun, R • 11 u lar would sank, and yearly tlrcruadmg iu thick,. " 1 to 3 . . !Nitrogen, lion ,n uur owe Province and city: By e, u u 4 " t l0 10 . . Ash• that time we Isbell bare two steamers ,o 0 u 1 mess at the button of deep seas, I.ker audal every tsenty-four hours from come Earo• When tegetables decay, many and very ,,.e woo riser., would produce such a change in cll. peen to some American city, including we COW - finally result to those which restore to the these will be full, ler the IVuri '. Exhtbo- Pcctri. TBE SCOTCH TM!$TLE. male u probably to cunsert the greater portion of the temperate zones tato demo-: pias changes tike plsee, but all lbe5 Lope, too city of Quebec. Of course tiIl l air we breathe, and thea°,l wa tread upon, ltoq, at reasonable rater of pessage.- thesubstancesfront which the plant was 5405 for arresting the couteraioo of oceans constructed. All the innumerable yro- liov*reor's lal.r,d, wttl have to go west - mid was it to solid mares of ice, an the ducts' ofresume,at,ty resume, after death the ward. and see the great work of 4141444,Ws but mime skeet myrt:*sea wip*bean oak, r original feral from which they sprung.- at :.uyara. The right mesa 1t, the way of An• Main sheet paha-trees red w.fl•.wv: •lug'14ar property o, water occupying ibe; .Char the destruction 1 o ( an en° t t - late will then only' have begun, and late and un.nhab,table regions. We di.• Fqusl.v, --( coons, will it be, astir the uiu.- 'etudes who %taut the works it' art of cover, however, still more beautiful pruvi- W. 4,,....4. ab.et haute.. to rt.'.45a •treks, ' reset 'space, sod being consequently heaviest ' tog cede the visitors to !Niagara mu., come down Thew perm -Inca Lad wilLwr an. fa.',ioalrw duction u a now one, and death becomes ate an lIpae0M demand for eteambuats, *parr Abell'. the freezing pont. The warmth ofj F. WW1, 1 caress • wheal.. sena, at depths LeyuuJ the iufl0eace 0f the the source of life." -(Liebig.) peony Luu., lwmw.r ger a chapeaux de I'll Mad a' oro ais Sc5uiA1 eoemein eve Jeer, 1 r , n'. btlauq rays ,a thus rf The extremities of the runts of vegeta- Pa,;le., 5a j bo•!-''uuuu rt hotels, besides 'Me w11e spuad..: j, sturdy .c.d T :.C.. R ' Pe retly um - the hies arc emitter ii their construction to • maple auger, squaw shoes, and shots, to tore, .f ectu ;y preventing rho .lrcue t take home by way of foreign curiosities. - Loge eyes whew Cis* Her -n.014% terrible skirl spon;;c. They cuubi.t of a number of ex- I.et no ail try teen to live till 11552. and we ceedingly bailed openings ter mouths, eh all ace what 440 &kali sec.-.Kuadrwl (,1.w o'er f,.. lit' parte wine. w i e M'.I, ruasau tel ice. L+rlilg toe Sumner mud By ter Mal het he retard a s..nvraa.i..a. Aotuntn_l months rain and ,le a. penetrate "through which water, containing solids to Bal on L..assn's Lea and Ler.'.'a•dy ,..would, t m,aute crevice* and pons of eu1:J koala solution, io alone capable of entering. ' It Ile war evuri,e,1 in h • •hell !,Le . mn►v1, An ..g. awes messiest ilii L.IWw1- at the leuiperature u( 40 degrees--eighl ration h f oules the "maim for tlio Pro- all the rapid. to Montreal. That will ere- , Whew ha tau wt, ilia rid a,rme nc•sw, ' 1 Ocean forum Lee/ening •ui.d and uumuveable Herald. is thus That water forma the metier of ir.- A Stn.lsr.a Srarci. IR•'.w a 81/111111L4 Das- Uamr sem 4A. gee be, we mesa bre.* take mad alms of earth ;Ili the sinter 44051 1 xtr -.1t • meeting reu•dy .(ler colored pee. sere 4 land. raitb 51 '0 no race forges the Ecol.h Th.tf.- \rbsa EJ.ard cam Jewel 3. the wia.awNlaiis deed Wt' b1. honer n.e all peewits' it hrar.vy►, • He swam by Saint George mad 4u ea nye blood, He world brise pair leodsnd t. s'ar.rv. 10 the ends of the roots, in the form of new Bet osr besrty Wee be:meta at famed &tonnch. tr.ctom and expansion, the •• throwing bars•out" of young wl at place id to be attnbu• spongy extremities. which enable them to Gar h . wail -coated heroes • !swig, commence earlyand active absorbin opera - A.' tar uw.y a las* year ]ferry Ea*isad" mid LEA a disaster w loch may he matenely 1 c pe ritbrrs.prp,aaIoJ Ly ds .on. IViren ...tar la' tions to the first warm da! • of eprin'. Ile water freezes, and expanding, tears 1 Producing into vecclable• various mineral pie. a rrla•m . to a1. fugitive slave saw, after theta particle, asunder • thus r subauoces, which are ■bes,: ulutely necessary the acsweat Lw ed b.en wrought up the high- ; Rraduali Y- duces the hardest rucks .oto a soft rod s e to their growth, as essential indeed, to the Gaodt {'etch. 5,3 every n.igsr nes leafy t. gra oth.at gut the tl10s15 of all tM wk, a pe.pls is friable soil. To the alternate tbastog and perfection of thew different organa, as the city, it aesiable old ratio row end mid- air and its admixtures. During the sinter " 1!y t"e"da. 1 nare gnus le iscezog of water :e the so:I during the ear - mouths important additions are furnished oehesssd reeeu..d.es law: but it appears (o sad, my drederin, dot de hes tier we eau do would be 10 raise • fund to help de fugitive to get Dot ob de' way of dem .;are catcher,. For sow Pp - pow, toy Modesto', dot w. bad • first rate tight. and too on. o(d•ss lu1inec dear end fire or six dos get killed in de lou., nor in niy opinion Aa' Mara bath the Sesta sad 'heir Thistle. ch+age4 ,oto .ie:.) ter goes all' into owl We now arrive at another principle in datewnold'be a loosing game.' lit 'peers re me lY ear brave Scottish Claes, time would fail Inc form o: m'eu.,b1, perapnal,00, „absorbs a, Agricultural Cbe,i ietry, britfly enumerated! now w d.tenet eaaedy de way visage malar8 rey- A' their deeds that are fames. is .eery, vest q•un iiy of treat. Teta properly sbouli; as follows :- ' Vie esineide with this colored geetteaoas.- liow for freedom tbry feegki, as' for freedom be weal . ..1 by farmers, mute it!I Barone ANT.oL10 CAN ENTER Vero TOW! [Beat.. Merl. thy 1.11, el'epurata.ace n take* place to a great extent' COmrOelTi"'epi Yseg.TADLIM, IT MOST 5E 1 - Theo .fepa-" Com. death or Cern. slurs." 11 O'er their graves may the red heather blossom 1,0in the soil, eta •atoral warmth is .b - fa " sT"Tit or SOLUTION ,. WATER. THE ARBITRATION COURTS. ter aye, suaCt.d ted the chill produced greatly The general structure of vegetable is - Aa' the trees wi' murmuring rustle, %Ve are happy to see that the new Agee - lo nota bosoms their rnem'ry *ball sever de,-ey checks and retards tezetat,Jo. must wl- itrdmirably adapted to the conditions under , elation in this town and township for the While grecs if owl the wiM-epsdiegThIstle. h4 and gams*. are soluble its water ; lbo which it exists. Its leaves are continually' suppression of Ltlgetlon, mod the establish - 'New bar's to the Quare, a•' the Prince, earlveryezatecce u( uega:We. 5m.1 anuurl• tr bathed• in an atmosphere containig the meet of Arbi ration Courts, m making good the W.•e.•es I de;oreeut epos this prop, sty. it a thusin inain enures of its food, while its roots' re-' proL'ress. It ',jetties us to think that while May her rage be b•i1h prnap roan' happy, 1 otfra be been beating the bush, Old •1 that roar and we:1 water contains atrial!' pore in- soil where abundance of moisture Here's ibwrrow . People -from age tai' its MUMS ih Ilagara has seamed the game, and Se pre- miss, t;vantttze• of !tune, potash, soda magnesia, le ready to convey ,into its interior those paring to secure the great object of this T.the Satiate that Lea it the Lpior: Arun, be.,.ies air Gad earbocmc mrd. The mineral ingredients which assist ibe plant' reform, whether our lawyer redden Iegula- liar the smash..e d liberty .'Ala.'s!, our .isht, ,are mute lathe matter or cot. The estab- Aa• e .red Weldor' rase s5 grgrimeia. isck due to the presence of dissolved sir ; betas, is nutriment. The leaves are employed h'hmoent of •Court or Arbitration in every die • township of the province where ne,¢hbers e51toalso, racer. t:y 4uaeJ water is insipid and during tire day time is !incessantly search- could vett!. disputes among themselves WI' the wide-sprt a'stordy Seoreh Thistle disagreeable. iog from the moving air which aettates before they fell into the hands of the legal , PROM008D LINE Olf STEAMERS BE. Water a composed of two gases, Oxy_ them, the carbonic acid which supplies them fraternity. and stained the magnitude of . TWIEN MONTREAL AND GI.AB- I gee, Lefure described, tied en, a Hydrogen, with carbon ; the roots are engaged in j "11, wuu;) boa blessing indeed, produe- live u(incalculable go l both .n rally ano GOi very light m8smmsa• te ghl d abi. gea body. drinking from the earth a copious supply f! materially. ow many -families might be legeitleee aro befog.g 0Pl made to secure ter! If we mix t pounds of hydrogen with 1 water containing ammonia and solid sub- oartd by the influence anti good offices of , Canada the s/wMFungi' sgee of a direct ,em' peeed of oxygen, and pees titelectric stances in solution. These, the vital their neighbors from tanning headlong into , navigation with Bruton. Vol New York -',park tbrongh the sexture, a loud exple. energies of the plant, fabricates together, the neo tied 501101 tet law, to be involved Tribune ihus'atates the plan in d•_tail : 1100 w.a ark1s in expenses which would perhaps cripple' ‘, A few day. wince nor Trireme donee,pet*. and 9 pounds of water and forms from their crude elements Ilse and ruin them all their days ! • A law suit pendent noticed a project of Mr. Isaac Bo -1 be formal. Chemists are acquainted with varied and beautiful tissues. '0 •neighborhood ..peci•ily in the country .Manan, of Montreal, for tk. e.ta►h.hi •mat 450oue ware of coaverusg water into Its The quantity of water transmitted I" a moral pestilence, the evil effects which V Free free, wan deadly farm,,., mei mem..• refreshing and agreeable taste of •pnsgs 11' in digesting and assimilating ,te atin wpher- .(aline of memento belwee5 Glasgow .03 may outlast the wrote generation In which Muotreal. alta. B,chaman tuned P,rttaa. eo.pet.t gases. The perfectly clean through the system of plants is immense.! ft originated. We have in our eye at this ova ...at week, say. IM Jldrertiser, wp with a surface of iov metals, &iIwo,eh es Io, eine, From the leaves of a well wooded acre of: moment neighborhood, which after living Tttw to atyertaie the fines. of its harbour copper, L.e. sill Immediately lake °a7es° land, not tees than three -hundred thousaed! for fifty years t■ peace sad harmony have fors es..mshrp tesmnw, sod elm tie ire- from ,.ter, 554 laborite • cerreepoo.rng gallops pass otf in the :arm of invisible va-ii be* sucslly dlsorgaa:ssd, (+mtl'es div .Lad, 1 ant ceeditioe of the railroad enterprises to quality of hydrogen', which at ogee se- pour during the four months jolerrcnieg i neighbors estranged, and the fouodauoos whit!' Portlimi capital is embarked, and Samos the mate. The oygen May and October. of wore law suits laid through some un- espectally u (o the pru.pecta u( the Mon gaseous 58elecke diapu'e, which might -and etm;d tree' read. le eempeey with Nr. Poor he separated by the metal forme with it a rust We may imagine bow cosily disease in here been quietly settled• had there been a wont eve,Nte Atlantic road as far am Besse ter oxide of tam 10.1.1. Plants possess ibe vegetables id engendered, when eeaporatiue !ribose' to which the par tie* could have !)!Mels Wtnmwood. eaxy miles from Port pone oft ., water, and snake use from their leave. is suppressed by any ex- appealed before referring their matters to land, sod exaatueed all tLo wharves eoJ the counsel of a class of individuals, whude utaer Localities i. Portland and in the of lis eompoe5,• w build up their strut-- tetanal cause*. (The potatoe disease, rust interest ,t is to blow the sparks of discord rai brhtiod.' 1)f r. Roehsnis •sited ie the tate. on wheat, mildew, ate. ]fftD i colo lame, aid aggravate amputee rather .frits, Wm Nets Verb, eta Wsd..sJav, Awween•.-Ammon,., in popular Iso- (To be contineed.j thae pacify Ibsen. But it m needless to - and will probably briag hi• scheme to the dwell on a subject ao tree and proverbial 55. etiolation of the public the cower' winter. g.ag., [spirit of Hartshorn, is formed in the A that of the evil mansegnence. of rogation all The plan is, to construct three iron steam air by the 'ellen of lightning. it is cram- the world encs but against it, and all the ars bf 1,609 tons n•.eesurereeer, of the mime posed of hydtr,gen and nitrogen. Three world .draft. the wisdom of an lg0It4ble sr - worst ettersetet 5e to esearn O(teF.w pagede of the former combining with four- VP rsngentent beta'•.* parties before'ee5rnng ewe summer Npt►.e of asrr,ue teen ponds of the latter to form seventeen the expenses Gad partaking of the demo,al- 41004 Milfreis et floor or an egeinlent icing excitement of a law suit. That tie rid freight w,lb aecommodat:oi for po"ods of ammonia. 'me body rose.•.• object so palpably to tits interest of all .s first c tie lel TN seemed etaae panne- a stngu'arty powerful odour, and an h U b d se equtable adjustment of dfeputee througl gertd••slhe •tweet a seise a1Ier.atN7 Rom ally remwarkable attraction for water, the good aims of 1.temeduate friend. aed ff Portland sad Meetreal. NI tie neighbors eb0uld never have been secured completion of the railroad, sad after 14x1 whrh Jtwol►..750 tissee' volume the h h by some metiluuon or other adapted to the so.Pvrslasi direst. Thew a*yiyo a woo ,4 temperature of melting iee.1 Ammoala fe g purpose, Poem. strange Indeed, yet the cost shoat £f4,000 Ala. Cwdla New, emitted from deeayi.g regetebles and remedy lay all the while et one feet. Per Yat* houses premise' Al enter. 1 be531045 of peen the old SorrtplaIlt of in. • A late member .f the Knickerbocker etio- lates a gued anecdote, going to above that it a not exactly safe for ao habitual tippler to go home *ober. The story is told of a man who sternly failed to go to bed Intoxteat- ee, and to dimmed his wife dune the whole •:g t, pee !M sing charged (says the Knickerbocker) by • friend that he never went to bed sober, Pte indignant) denied the impe.e mens, and ave the neident• of unit psrtteulsr 1Aglml i■ proof -"Pretty Goes after 1 got 1n bed, my wife sad, 'Webs tw4wl, what ie this nutter with you 1 You act very strangely!' iThpri s nothing the tmattltr elth Me,' bald,, 'nothing at ill, '1,eeons (4sre'I.,rs id tette; 'rem don't set oetoal,et all. l*bsw't I g50 and get •• - •1'Ye w tied to eon eneieldtta rad ss well enipteyed, lot there efts hs.M dentin tint imppeta$t advantages t• Canoes lecield hiteultallielet the etre'eow of lus aeMme-..- Olt. lBesMa•e, MIA NI haw erd•hsr aed enemies !settees, posseesee a gswl Man of e•ergy--aa wealthy. end hair esteem., cu.. .1:„„„ both kers and la Brusis. steel. fetwtM the entertedire will ewuniferbe •gip fir Glsers ea well as igBeatley -eed se eti Nom York Mme.* ipespout Whine is thew hams, there wortW sonic W b. triode doubt of ire eltimals remer sa ;lis wrests .mount of Aphid ftlplrea'' Wig PrIltddle.wi-Pemalifsite, sa,mal matter ; ,t is also found fn the per- spire's... enspira(e. of saftnch and ghee es from the term ,lrf leery pleats, it w'ef1 le from the dowers of • •t Il greater number. Rain water Airways coalmine bmaaosli, washed from• aA theme wh&h ft pewees. The share melte teal of rleee emblem is duo to am NOM Pytese*sR from the decom p eng urtse- 1tt.y fetid battles •ibabit t►. Ower of ab.orblel targe q)4*attw.s or am- iYio'.a-wteli as psitiafly kink dal, rue: pine•, grpetihl, god eepeekatty powdered therein! sod kr•ilod wood !UAW twletan- eel Y.H3atiteh meek *61" Wit they Mir. e*sdinsimtsrlt*la tkdlr pares, tb lit. 'otter ?be Imola" emmob~per tm Ottd5av9 C wbkk M tlothrktMi• 1%mmesl• we* idem-Y.rkeof which -am Re.. D.. f *or Hawk! i4,t4ter %are moot tMjt minis• 16 a SrPy (k Mdbt*rt ,. efdie food of tel s 1 eta *soon` 1h tidos, tWy ,statl/tfN. • b1Mi►e "'w"'^` *Piney Q6*. tt hefi'llbal Idead.tel 5kh the flew ass 4'505, sed loompl ltie bieselesahe Se CMS 7lt,d gM11tN°iMd 1iirM•' lit M ~ 6.04 rd, gbeetttite ofee-fa•Yi• M file 'OWN •0 somatba.% for, ,your Ao.J up abs got, lighted a candl*, and came W the bed to look at me, syadieg th5 light with her held. 'Plume there w.•ee•seth,og amity Owlet meet ole• egad: 'w*p, yea are seism Now &heel. • feet, sed mg solo wMl sweat to ill so 454'5 fou eklof.r spa oily more by saying that tha,.'t'b.en to bed sober ie ma months; cause i bare.^ 1.eertaeaty, rei•e95 exposes sad 1etatto1 oflaw proceedings has been reiterated, yet Il has serer neeerr.d to the people that to erpee1 r tfof from It'yialsdive bngetmeat., from any political mtl•waes whalecer, a" 1 tete Annexation ! B it then bid friends eotible n t.. pr.ireed ,o ire work of religious t •Luult'nt be ro tlolent ? They should pat and rneoUfie to*tructluu In sec tiny •"-- I hum on the shoulders and coax him folluw- peace." 4lore I Ing up the adtr.e of the Lard -out the Lard {Pere vie have every word of explanation 1 0l Arun -but some other immortal bald - which this strong -handed Prelate deign. to s' 1(1 had •donkey se wieldier go, vats of • JuCumsot which he says is 10 street I 4), you think I'd wallop Mm? No. net as! 200,000 immune, bet which he concocted 1 1.3 give him some euro, aod'cry gee, wmi himself. a•d presented himself. and urges 1 Get tap Neddy ( ' himself, without the keowled¢e, eo.se.t, ! R •hen there's poor 0:1e !-Ogle 14.G/wir- er approbationof one her penun• Aed I an -the ( )ran a Ex Grand Master, who re If this Charterrteris "merely a transcript" of l g Kings or Queen's, as Le sack, why not l every day become, unpop'lar• The Ilau- publi.h it 1 Can nobody j.dge of ti,e "11-!11100 tpcc(rrlur ■t,3 other 'Fury journal* •re rerattoo.' necs,.•ary but Jobn 1'uruo:o 1 peraecmtmg poor, honest, .u.tn:erseted And wh.1 are 11.0.0 ahcrari.wl.) Orfyr Ogle-wbu jar -t because he had to kedge such as nal eep.rate the institution '• from ht, bold to the Government puree string., any political influence whatever !" Tres "alk !t re.►gned his (cally 10 the British is all -and that it doe, so'separate it ogee Crows. $ter Odle bas a paper of Ms own, tually it beyond a question, (01 001 0" end with chuaciersuc elyirmdip tars. to mite of " political" or any other 0 indnence" 1 (ort bi•melf os the eleelurr tel LuwJs, wLe. will ever wag its finger in "The Church l rejected run 10'1" tau general election.- mite University," ,f this Charter prevails, beyond" But *5 505 Strad that tae 115101mall rap the four quarters of Jobn Toroutn, by Ui• I with frf*J Ogle ! That ' 1? ack F'I•g•'- vie* permm.w■ Lord IAshop of Toroutri- i "e se tbo un ratelnl 'Pones ray his * le'. 1•he coolness of the thing 1, rosily roma,ks. 1 back petticoat, although we can hardly b!e-" such allerat40e only ware eeri res- ' credit'1 that L* would rub hi. *Ili of an usolul as appendage -like Ibruwro a slot. ry to keno Ibe inatitulwu thculogtcall! R Grund ! %VIII the Bishop tell us what o(4t, •un5g .4101. tel bla,kbirJn-h•m,h.J a nus. "aherauusi" could hive been male, by !!'slut eii•tl is aeatlereag W. lmrindg. But wLch ho " influence" in the thing mould 1 if item had lost mee,I. In Cas•da, he has have bees increased ? Is it par-rIole Iu 1 pgrh.p. ?...1.3 them 05 ('other nos uf- the draw • charter, guting more power t.. rine, Si. 1.1ws''.•e, and ."w '1.•t Annex1h00- gran thee this one dm • to the 11 slim. 1- I hid .Leare.t, hes'. suit fon Je.I friend -m .•. %Vim theol.glcsl emindneas 1" be etcu-ea , n•ar II 111.'d -se eh •old not he at all our - only lbrnugh Iuhn !'arum„ ? %Vs. hu toe p'1e"d 10 see hie, at 50 , 0 1.,uue day cnj'y- • only p5,.0'. Inters.t.d 10 Its tl o l'gicsi tog 000 tel 1!I:0' ,' Imte.l uCi.',. ,n the girt of soundness? Might cot the En_lieh :'hurt h-. hro-hear .1 ant bin-p,roans Super.1rer of men -oar, the poor men who are '• to pay C•na, 15'.51 esu 1.`""n` 4... knows 1 - the piper" hsve had a bit., tine 10,10 tan' 1t, ent.e,pano. 01 tNe tisane 11 is wail 14,1 how "polrrtesl mono„." „go, j he b.. keit • friendly pe• on w/erst best be kept 0,, ! Did It m•rat occur u, ..cc.. -1 .m. s rah ,h..% ge..d natured hid per - the Reverend 1h.ic.ua, that Ibe cuutnbs- '"Maga, wh•' ,l a F. II received h•'' r..•e tors to the new U.Irereity might Ley'. as I1 ICI .'lel)! 1J. ' then a Ann. x.tt••n .4.... m et much to fear from theological tot woodaeaw,, I'ke 4105 • ter .i 1, rp'I %e `t 17 lar -,u ?-40'f the whole was left IN los liana, as q (1 will °w1!--t)K;t, pouf (fai., •r dui1f 1 they kept thw power to 1,,,a,„0„. ! Lao I Glad we eh n,hi taut be 11/HCS 1•004 We jos he never re*-'ct that a Il .h.'p Is e. Lke(y "'K"pl5 4 'at''rm "40,7 m40 ,u 4.9a, in thews days of rtereanev'to gra (.,5.45 .. 1'tete/ 1t, see t). Is reeettl•t.we hs.. -l.!•• e. esti, seray, as • body 01 Chrlsuran tiny t•wi %Vowleo'i ri he s ns lana'. sly •'sol w see' and esp'cuily, Oust :hare** cauuon., to e•toork, Tit.tly wrlkuer ' Ir w.te tee ham* esseeteal towards a rev. gentleman who' Vii oiler hir Sr". e,. ring hew airea dy t$sng'd hid coat 1 It it we ••'1,e ligltr 0(otiaer days be. laded "• will adl.It, for the bake of .r¢"tweet, than (lila/.s .Yaw. t3 Selig Turnsto pole, tied t•• w other _. ._._ ._.. . man be int eI lime in tke I:Mnreh n! Fang. 1.14•1144004.111Cu.i sNATws -0. T►n•.dar land 1e C.*ada, evn,IJ the dot, h. sato. whs. 104 411114/41, .114.01111 .t Mr. Amines., minrrmeted of pA.ervin the new Metnteei '• l.yersra•, wwtou'Ir Whomyei br bra 11414 R r tameeiewle4 .i £2 Om). A ,,,.,11i.r 10,11, from eta pslleal meveee..' Was it woe iri•*a by y,e .....515.0111 poem •r the ww-444.3, *Met, s►..hn.ly *1055.0,7 50 14.1 end (MN sub slsN•min.ed._4ew y litems John Tersst° shn..1J be /re Nemec -that s he r *W re Ate himself heed tali.er-g,re halttta5$f 14* si.p.' 5ttnent et the U••i.•de Cerancahoabe aemeettemat of the Prulia ' este-mei the p mer to remove say or ail ei UM lala.l a•elosr4, 16e4 for spy 145.00 seem lag le lar wu alesht W55 it ahso- was (e seed librettos meta en Lambaste tel a neer *5114 g tali 14. where should rue off that he might paw over dry -thud. in- stead of diminshiog, the legal stream flows our with iaere•slag Totem*, and unless the people ef their owe soeerd br(I3 rap a tem - pont aresmsa 0.44 ca•n.at end will not be r.atrai.ad, amok s bulwark we Mhevo to be found in rho general adoption of the psi. Clpl.* el arbhration as wt (meth by our Dew Meteeta*es. Pf, .w pen 'oedema ` 'Ipep ,The beet deftlipitioi of lbs tam proseIph. ad,e alt as f. ilio beat me& M*.Ilerdsvtelt en4n, re the bee til- otreorrvirm it out difIer..c.e wall satwoily imputed to "an Rimer* hiefoem:"' woe said arise, ,t u • !king utterly netyied le yl y lbat "it went,' sol be a' Midget st►rtch "cat' ".044"1,4*" 5 ir.w.rat''"' '4ll isfr- bf f4. ibrd(itaenee to 11411W that 1 per ewto may bee dome... Paean lis *MAN e*empM M IY leo. y women tea so b*y, mm a ttAtkweid:,oiisM b* se beet ee lpaae the gfeat sod of tA* t o ' Oigeww lsetlt 1101. The preempt coestitsuos or eo.ld l Ik* sot ) b f5sa.4 to thio Oma law govt 1 (IIIitiMki p Ittee Mslisem rule t ere • Mitre M Corner1. to R. A -ire hive to r•werd alit drrtay.s .1 able d8.-.....0. Aird • Pew days *seer •1 loe•b. H. .eu.led l 5 j mete. Is 14111. Thr toweled was o•- ..1 err •dire was sw.rd eta Me elpiat• et Fl..a..r, i .. lowu. d.. test pan w.oy, Is eugve.. ,hs !rootlet of !titre*, la 19111 mad I111e'.