HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-13, Page 81,11 .1. . I - 17, rral V. • '4{7 0, r
rag, 8 The Times -Advocate, Navernbr 13, 1950 Topics From
Institute. At a shwoo-4
Aids Springhill. Fund
Air. and Airs. Joe Kutcha and
The November meeting of the
Dashwood W.I. with the Home
eolioinics group and Mrs. Addi-
s= Tiernan, convener, was held.
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Arnold Kuntz,. the presi-
dent, presided: for the business.
Mrs. Charles Such gave her re-
port en the London Area Con.
vention. It was decided to send
i10 for the Springhill disaster
fund. The institute will buy pro.
visions for the 4-H club.
Mrs. Stewart Wolfe presided
for the: program. Roll call was
'4'My favorite winter hobby" and
show what you made, brought a
display from painted weeds, and
quilt patches to needle point.
Mrs. Leonard Schenk spoke on
the motto "Hobbies are person-
ality outlets."
Mrs. Glen Webb took as her
topic "How to live with your.
Coldene 1.10, 2,59
Coldene Tablets, Spray,
Stick Chest Rub, each ... 1,25
Coricidin Tablets .........75e, 1.15
Dr. Chase Brand
Tablets . 59e, 1.49
I.D.A. Baby & Children's
Cough Syrup .600
I.D.A. Bronchida
Cough Syrup 750
I.D.A. Bronchida
Cold Capsules 1.25
I.D.A. ldaphedrin Drops 65e
Spray 95e
I.D.A. ldasal Tablets 39e, 89t
I.D.A. Bronchida
Chest Rub 59e
Jack & Jill
Cough Syrup 59e, 98e
Lantigen "B" 6.00
Listerine 33e, 650, 98c
Sucrets . . . , 45e
self", stressing ti.a need of inter.
est outside the home.
! Members of, the committee.
Mrs. Addison lieman. Mrs. Lloyd
Eagleson. Mrs. Henry Simpson,
Mrs. Stewart Wolfe. Mrs. Ervin
Schile, Mrs. Leonard Schenk
and Mrs. Glen Webb entertained
t with a kitchen band. Mrs. Schenk
conducted a eontes" and Mrs. Ad.
dison Tiernan had on display a
variety of salads which were
later served at lunch.
• A number of ladies from Dash
wood W.I. attended the fall rally
held at Ca v en Presbyterian
Church. Exeter, on scednesday
last. Mrs. Harold Rader and
daughter Katherine provided a,
musical number,
Dashwood Merry Maide
The second meeting of Dash- •
wood Merry Maids 4-1.1 club was'
held Saturday at the home sif
Carole Schack,, opening vtith the ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Siderins. of
London, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred ne and
Deena. of London. spent Sunday
with Mr. and Airs. Robert Run-
Mr and Mrs. Ernie Vodden
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Routly, Kirkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Joiner
and Kathie visfied on Sunday
! with Rev. and Airs. J. Warehum
and on Monday visitors at the
parsonage were Mr. and Airs.
Will ('ole of Appin and Mr. and
Mrs. G. ('ole and three children
of London.
Dr. and Airs. Richard Roelof -
son, Exeter. visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. Delmer Johns-
ton, of Kirkton, visited on Sun-
day with Mrs. W. L. Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland.
and Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean
spent Sunday in. London with
Air. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle,
Atthemorning service on Sun-
day Rev. J. Wareham dedicated
a silver vase in memory of the
late Mrs. Mary Colgan Rapson,
a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Hazelwood and Edison. Mrs.
Rapson is Mrs. Chester Hazel -
wood's mother.
- p tt . ant
girls were present.
Members are — Carol Becker,
Iris Becker. Shirley Reader,
Mary Jane Hoffman, Helen Rad -
we June Rader, Ruthanne Rader,
;Carole Schade, and Lynda Tie-;
Mrs. Ski Baker discussed rec-
ord books and a recipe file. She;
also discussed buying cereals.
Mrs. Arnold Kuntz reviewed!
the food pattern for health and.
the cross-section of a kernel of
wheat, also "around the clock
with cereals,"
Mrs. Baker, assisted by Mrs.
Kuntz. made graham muffins.•
While these baked a list of rules!
for buying cereals was discussed.'
Home assignment was to find
the price of three uncooked and
three ready - to - eat breakfast
• cereals and record in record
book, also tell which is the best:
buy. Roll call is one rule for
storing cereals. The hostess:
'served muffins made with freie
and beverage.
Persona! Items
I Mr. Ervin Rader, accompanied
by three district men, is on
hunting trip in the Parry bound.
Super Anahist Tablets 65c°, 1,00
Vaporizers—DeVilbiss 8.50
Hankscraft (gallon) .........9.95
district this week,
Air, and Airs. Gordon Weiberg,:
• Mr. Howard Weiberg and friend:
and Miss Kay 'Webber, of \Vat.:
Hankscraft Bottle Warmer 3.45
Vicks VapoRub . . 590
1.09 size and free 150 Lemon
Cough Drops
Vicks Va-Tro-Nol 590
150 '
Vicks Cough Drops
Vicks Cough Syrup 690
Vicks Throat Lozenges 49e
Medi -Mist Spray and free
6.9 Kleenex
v,.11:1,11174.4. 7
'1441 V4,
Phone SO
erloo, were weekend visitors with!
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weiberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg
and •family and Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Taylor and family, of Wat-
erloo, were visitors with Air. and'
Mrs. L. H. Rader, during the
Mr. Siegfried Miller, of Wat-
erloo, spent the weekend with'
Mr. and Airs. Rudolph Miller.
Sunday visitors Air. and;
Mrs. Lloyd Rader and family!
were Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Racier
and ami. s and Mr. and Mrs..
;Garnet Weiberg and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Corri. I
veau, of -Kinkora, visited with t
Mrs. Lucinda Aieisaac Sunday.
Mr. and • Mrs. Charles Snell'
and Beth and Mr. and Airs. Roy
Swartz, of Crediton, spent Sun-
day at Burford.
• . •••'• • r'' • . • ••••• •• •
.... . .. .
.4..seSeet'Se!eei•esseseei:•;••,s,.... .... •
And we suggest
that you make your ap-
pointment now while
there's still time for 'be.
Core Christmas" delivery.
Christmas portrait sittings
tan be accepted for
only :3 more weeks
Plastic 141 Exoter'
rOsr.,,,ra• », .4 .4 a." • 4' 4v ^ •.,.-' • 4 "." -4" or." 41.-ok.
t,9.91.1111)1: Witt
jutiette Hosts .•
Yule Show.
Juliette tells me that she has
signed as hostess for the annual
.TV Christmas Day show. "It
• will be a first for me but I de-
cided to try it instead of ..always
saying 'No' to anything differ-
ent", she said. "I'll be the only
ir1 singer on the program,
= Julie. was busy counting the
days till moving time when 1
• saw her on Saturday. She moved
to a new apartment yesterday
with an extra room and bath.
I"We're closer to. the studios,
too", she said.
Sorry girls, but that sigh -guy -W
Alan ye is off the eligible list,
He just got engaged to his girl-
friend "back home in Winnipeg".
t • -
She is Shirley Brotmann, an at-
tractive classical singer. "We've
'bebn going together for three
years", she said. The wedding
is scheduled for May.
! As I was coming out of Studio
'One about midnight Saturday, I
!noticed a long green car pulling
up. AL the wheel was Sylvia
„Murphy and she was waiting for
lher current beau. He's the Mont-
real ad man who handles the
Juliette show. It wasn't long ago
Thames Road Ladies
Choose New Officers
• Rev. Hugh Wilson conducted
the election of officers at the
November meeting of the W.A.
and W.M.S. of Thames Road
church on Wednesday afternoon,
President of the W.A. for 1959
is Mrs. Lee Webber; vice-presi-
dents. Mrs. Reg Hodgert and
Mrs. Donald Kernick; secretary,
Airs. William Lamport; treasur-
er, Mrs. John Selves; group lead-
ers, S. Lloyd Hackney
Mrs. Robert Simpson; Mrs. Mac
Hodgert and Mrs. William Snow;
Mrs. Arnold Cann and Mrs. Bev
Morgan; convener of groups,
Mrs. Mae Hodgert; pianist, Airs.
William Cann; ass't, Airs. Alvin
Passmore; nominating commit-
tee. Mrs, Gordon Stone. Mrs,
Archie Morgan and Mrs. Wilfred
President for the W.M.S, is
Mrs. Melvin Gardiner; vice-pres-
ident, Mrs. Stanley Coward; sec-
retary, Mrs. Donald Bray; treas-
urer, Mrs. Percy Stone; pianist,
Mrs. William Cann; ass't, Mrs.
Archie Morgan.
S'ecretaries are: Christian cit-
izenship, Airs. John Selves; mis-
sionary monthly, Mrs. William
Elford; press, Mrs. William
Rohde; associate members, Mrs.
Victor Jeffery; literature, Mrs.
G. Wiseman; community friend-
ship, Mrs. Archie Morgan; sup-
ply, Mrs. W. Elford; Christiane
stewardship, Mrs. Hugh Wilson;
Mission Band superintendents,
Mrs. William Rohde, Mrs. Don-
ald Kernick; Baby Band, supts.,
Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Mrs. William
Allen; representative to Ladies
Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs. Lloyd
Ballantyne, Airs. Edwin Miller;
nominating committee, Mrs.
Glen Stewart, Mrs. Jack Stew-
The study on "The Caribbean
Area" was taken by Mrs. Ken
Duncan, assisted by Mrs. Jack
Duncan, Mrs. Ray Clarke and
Mrs. Roy Ballantyne,
Mrs. Melvin Gardiner was in
charge of the meeting and led
in the devotional period assisted
by Mrs. William Ferguson and
Mrs. Lee Webber. A reading was
given by Airs. Mac Hodgert and
a piano solo by Mrs. William
Reports of the South Sectional
W.M.S. meeting at Crediton
were given by Mrs. Stanley Cow-
ard and Mrs. Reg Hodgert.
Hallowe'en Party
On October 31 a Hallowe'en
program was held at the school.
The mothers and pro -school chil-
dren were invited.
Mrs. William Snow and Mrs.
Robert Mayer were the judges
of the costumes. A short pro-
gram put on by the children
was enjoyed and lunch was
served by the pupils.
Personal Items
Keith Passmore is a patient
Report On
Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Baynham,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Desjardine,
Miss Vivian Baynham and Mr.
Donald Brooks of London spel-it
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Baynham and family.
Mrs. Roy Morenz and. Mrs.
Hugh Morenz spent the weekend
with relatives in Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. B. 'McDonald of
.City and Mrs. N. McCallum
of London were Sunday visitors
with 'Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Set New Record
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pink-
beiner and family visited Sunday
with Mrs. L. Finkbeiner in ton -
Mr. Tom Lamport and Mrs. Pi,
Lamport spent Sunday with Mr.
and Airs, Ed Duncan and Peter
in Stratford,
Mr. Glen Towle of Winchelsea
'was a visitor With Mr. David
Shepphard test week,
Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer is visit -
in this week with relatives in
Miss Shirley Scott was a Tues.,
day visitor With her sister, Mrs.
;lack Raiz, Mr. ltatz, Joan and
Mr, and Mrs, floss- Love, Clare
and Xathrytt were Sunday visi-
tors with: Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Hardy and fared's, at Divan.
Mrs. Harry Shepphard was
hostess for the W.A. meeting on
!in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
! don.
Miss Ann Marie Rowe return-
ed home on Friday from St. Jo-
senh's Hospital, London.
Air. and Airs, Murray Dawson
• returned home from their honey-
moon on Thursday last,
Mr. and Airs. George Luther,
of Sarnia, visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Cas, -
well, of Brantford, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
vin Passmore. Miss Nancy Pass-
more is spending this week in
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner,
of Sarnia, Mrs. Norman Knight,
of Seaforth, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-
Lauchlan, Mrs. Amanda Temple,
of Sarnia, visited on Sunday with
Air, and Mrs. John Bray.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moodie,
Airs. Andrew Campbell of Exe-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Lam-
port and Mrs. Thomson were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Coward, the occa-
sion being Mr, and Mrs. Moodies'
66th wedding anniversary, •
Dr, and Airs. Arthur McAl-
lister and their granddaughter, i with the dog."
Patsy, of Georgetown,. Mr. and
'that Sylvia told me she would
never marry again. But time
and her ad man have changed
th.laotyiede7Hehn is dating regular -
11' again, a fact which makes
,•her friends happy.
! Nest week's Billy Piconnor
I Show will feature the line of ten-
year-oldchorus girls again. The
;youngsters, Deanne Taylor, Lee
!Sanders, Carol Ann McVey, Su
ILin Chow, Hilary Ross and
Patsy MacDonald, got a tremeed-
title reception on their last ap-
1:::1.:*forfi37ocrei:ow will mark Jill Fos-
ter's last appearance on "Here's.
until after her baby ar-
rives in February. Jill, whose
husband is playwright Bernie
Slade, has a daughter, Lori, who
will be threein December."It
doesn't matter whether the new
baby is a boy or ', she says,
"but I must confess that l'm
thinking in terms of a girl and
that. Lori is already calling the
baby 'sister'."
Toronto audiences are known
for their blase attitudes towards
TV performers. "It really is
noticeable after a tour", Phyllis
Marshall told me. "I've been all,
over the country this , summer
and everywhere, it's been one
round of autographs after an-
other, but here people just peek
at us out of the corner of !their
eyes and nudge each other."
Phyllis told me that she was
shopping in a department store
recently when she heard a young
girl whisper, 'There's Phyllis
Marshall, do you think she'd
give us an autograph?' So I
turned around and said 'why
don't you ask- me?' They sure
got a kiek out of it" said P.hyll,
Among those in New York for
the opening of Salad Days were
Toby Robins, Alan and Blanche
Lund, Alex Barris, and Jimmy
Hannon, . And scads of good
wishes were being wired to the
cast of the revue on Monday.
Jack Duffy and: Alan Mannings
were kicking around some ideas
for the closing 'thought of "Here's
Duffy" the other day. They came
thick and fast but the one I
liked best was "He who laughs
last . , was just too stupid to
get the joke the first time,"
Neighbor: "Hs your son hard
to get out of bed in the morn-
Student's Mother: "No. I just
open the door and throw the 'cat
on his bed."
Neighbor: "How does that
awaken him?"
Student's Mother: "He sleeps
Mrs. Oscar 'Dickey of Exeter
were Monday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore.
Mr. Donald .Ballantyne, of To-
ronto, spent the, weekend with
Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Ballantyne.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Delbridge
and Dianne, of Exeter, visited
on Sunday evening with Air. and
Mrs. Edwin Miller.
°The November meeting of the
3 -Al Club will be held on Thurs-
day evening, November 20 in
the church basement—note the
change in date.
Amend' CTA
Stephen Plea
Stephen council has supported
!Exeter's petition for amend-
ments to the Canada Temperance
!Act which would prohibit drink-
ing of alcoholic beverages in
public places and in cars.
The council„ which met last
week, directed that copies of its
resolution be sent to the federal
gov't and to Elston Cardiff,
Huron. MP.
Nomination day for the town-
ship was set for Monday, No-
vember 24, from 1 to 2 p.m.
and, if necessary, election will
be held Monday, December 1.
Petition of Wray Sweitzer and
others in regard to the exten-
sion of the Ratz drain was ac-
cepted and forwarded to the
Only adjustment made during
court of revision was the re-
moval of assessment on the Exe-
ter Turnip Sales plant at Cen-
tralia which was destroyed by
Three applications for loans
for tile drainage were accepted
by council, subject to the ap-
proval of the mortgage holder.
Pee for the tile drainage in-
spector was set at $1.50 per
Reeve John Morrissey presided
until he had to leave to attend
another meeting, when the . chair
was taken by Deputy -Reeve
Glenn Webb, All councillors
were present.
Next meeting of council will
be held December 2 at 1 p.m.
For Poppy Sales
Receipts front this year's pop-
py campaign of the Exeter Le -
ton set a new record in the
history a the branch,
"It was the most suceessful
campaign ever," according to
Harvey Pfaff, past president and
now district deputy sone com-
mander, . who was in charge.
Fred 'Wells — "Mr. Poppy" —
again led the canvassers in
sales. He was assisted by MOM,
bers of the Legion Auxiliary'.
The poppy fund is used to aid
disabled veterans and their lam.
ides in the district and through.
out Canada.
Advertising enables the mann-
lecturer of a product that is be-
coming 'Obsolescent to switch to
'new woduat.
Itimago From
By MRS. F. $.9WIRE
The W. A. of the United Church
on Friday evening with a good
The evening commenced with
a program with Rev, J. T. Clarke
as chairman. Those taking part
were: vocal solo by Heather
Davis accompanied by Mrs.
Hugh Davis; vocal duet and trio)c'e
ab-ottini eln'•poAiset(ni n 1.41311bA',11Cs ,en
Elston; vocal "'rig. by Mrs. Bow-
ard Plpy, Mrs. Farold. Bell and
Airs. Ross Skinner of Elimville
accompanied by Mrs. Philip
Johns; piano solos by Miss Mar-
garet Brock, Zion; reading by
Airs. Melvin Gardiner and a skit
by Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs,
win Miller, Thames Road.
Flute solo by Wayne Prance
accompanied. by Ross Awe;
vocal duets by' Donna and Nancy
Berger; vocal solos by Donna
Berger accompanied by Mrs. B.
Duffield; piano solo by Nancy
Berger, Donna and Nancy are
from Seaforth; and an accordion
solo by Frances. Johns.
The various booths were pre-
sided over by ladies of the W.A.
Personal Items
Air, and Mrs, Bob Hamilton,
London, and Mr. Maurice Brooks,-
Springfield, Illinois visited Thurs-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Duffield.
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and
Donald attended the Kirkton Ag-
ricultural banquet on Saturday
noon at the Anderson United
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield,
Betty and Gayle, visited in Lon-
don Sunday with Mrs. Wynne,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsmen
and family, . Chiselhurst, visited
Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Milne Pullen.
Mrs. Laverne Morley attended
the golden wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Westman, Lucan, on
Air. George Earl is spending
a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Milne Pullen.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner and
family, Centralia, Mr. and Mrs,
A. Pyrn, Exeter, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley
1..$1 twmulottimmttunininumutuitimuu4nuouutintnuictimmtwonwiliuntumumuoptiotamitto
spensored a successful bazaar
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod-
gins, Avis and Allen Hodgins at-
tended the Walkerton Christmas
Fair on Thursday, Avis and Al-
len showing their 4111 club calves
and winning first prize in their
class. Gerald Wallis won reserve
champion on his Aberdeen Angus
steer for 4-H clubs of Ontario
which sold for 29,5 cents a lb.
Since 1947 welfare transfer
payments in Canada — that is.
money collected by taxation and'
then paid. out in the form of
welfare and social security—in-
creased from $559 million to
$2,428 million.
International's Album
4. Wedding Invitations
+ Gift Ideas
+ Personal Stationery
The Times -Advocate
The baby feels secure but is he?
Family safety involves more than physical protection.
There should be guaranteed financial security. Millions
of Canadians get this through Life Insurance. They own
more of this valuable property, in relation to national
income, than any other people in the world.
Waste no time worrying about that small boy. He has
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which considers Life Insurance an essential part of its
progress towards financial security.
Canada is rich in families that treasure life insurance
as a present pledge andquture promise of security
obtained by their own initiative.
Friendly, helpful agents have shown 7Y2 million Cana-
dians what a valuable property life insurance is. Every
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Nowadays, living policyholders 'receive 31,4 million
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in Canada.
You find Oldsmobile's lithe new Linear Look at
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spectacular, wrap-oround rear window to make
this design arousing success, especially from the
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Oldsmobile today, You'll find a Sport$edan in
every series, priced tar every purse.
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Ride soon, your Oldsmobile quality dealer Is Waiting
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