HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-13, Page 6Page 6 The Times -Advocate, November 18, 1958
• 4.
And District News.
Mrs. Maude Heciden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Ladies Conduct PS Students Chaplain Speaks
Poppy Campaign NICEF At Hensall Rites
Legion Ladies Auniliary met Aid U
Tuesday evening in the Legion;5 h f
Hall for their November meet- '„ sra`" a"( " ll"rts"" "h.
tng presided over by the presi-:"e Se11°°I. ilensall. on Bat"
dent, Mrs. William Brown, lowe'ea night instead of receiv-
Mrs. Isabella IV. Shea was int- ! ing the usual treats eolleenel
tiated into membership and ap- over Settee) for the
plications for new members. Brian Fink headed the list for
were received from Mrs. Jessie; -
Cameron and Mrs. Marion Was-
collecting the most money with
on, Poppy
Barbara Schwalm in second
•sbuggers on Saturday "
Were Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. B. place.
Kyle. Mrs. Brown. Mrs. D.
.Noakes. Mrs. L. Baynham, Mrs.Mission Society
R. McKenzie, Mrs. Shea. Airs.
Smale, Mrs. Howard Smale, Studies Alaska
Airs. R. Taylor, Mrs. H. Horton,- • • • • • • •
and Mrs. Ron Mock. Coffee. hot ; The November meeting of Hen -
chocolate and doughnuts were ' sail United Church W.M.S. was
served to those taking part in; held on Thursday afternoon with
the parade on Remembrance' an attendance of 35. Mrs. W.
Day. ;Dining presided and her group
Plans were finalized for the took charge of the meeting. Airs.
bazaar, hake sale, tea and draw Harburn and Mrs. R. J. Pat-
ter doll, to be held in the Le-!erson assisted with the dev•otion
gion Hall Saturday, November ,
29, 3 p.m. I The second chapter of the
Highlights of the 28th Convert.; study hook on Alaska was edu-
tion of the Ladies Auxiliary of rational and well given by Mrs.
the Canadian Legion held at the ;T. Coates. Mrs. S. Roohol and;
Royal York. Toronto. the latter !Mrs, N. Jones. A chorus by Mrs.
part of September were given B. Sproat, Mrs. Roobol. Mrs..
by Mrs. Brown and airs. Bayn- -Coates and Mrs. C. Passmore
ham, who attended as delegates.i was enjoyed.
The Christmas meeting will be Airs. G. Armstrong chaired
held as usual on the first Tues. the business period, Christian
!lay of December with the usual stewardship notes were given by
gift exchange. The Legion Aux- Mrs. A. B. Roweliffe. The vi -it -
Wary a.re making plans for a; ing committee. Mrs. S. Mitchell
Christmas party for the chU-! and Mrs. Grace Harpole. report-
dren of the veterans and mem-; ed having made many calls.
bers of the auxiliary. The visiting committee for No-
vember and December is Airs.
There will be a standing charge;
of $1 R. J, Patterson and Mrs. A...50 for use of dishes and
silver for any organization. wish- Clark,
ing to use them at banquets held; The W.M.S. Thankoffering will
in the Legion Hall. I be on Sunday, November 23
when Rev. C, D. Daniel will be
A donation of $10 was voted.
to the Springhill Disaster Fund, the speaker,
Airs. A. Clark presided for : Reports of the South Huron
the nominations with election to Sectional meeting held in Cred-
iton recently were given by Miss
be held in December. Mrs. Edna:
Al, Ellis and Airs. Armstrong.
Corbett won the mystery prize.
Mrs. Cross reported on the din-
ner for Presbyteey when the
Auxiliary cleared over $32.00
New York Visit
Topic At Carmel
Mrs. Mac Dougall showed
elides taken . recently in New
York and Washington at the;
meeting of the Ladies' Aid of!
Carmel Presbyterian Church on
Monday evening. '
'-Mrs. Hannah Murray presidedi
for the devotional and was as-
sisted by Mrs. J. McEwen and;
Mrs. A. Orr.
• Airs. John Soldan presided for
the business. Mrs. Earl Camp-
-bell, Airs. Robert Madge and i
Miss Hannah Murray were eta-)
pointed a nominating committee'
to bring in a 1959 slate of offi.-1
cers at the December meeting.
Mrs. J. Soldan and her group
will be in charge of the Christ -1
inns decoration for the church. !
Mrs. J. McEwen and her group;
were hostesses.
Amber Rebekah Lodge Meets
Mrs. Inez alcEwen, Noble
Grand. presided at the regular.
Meeting of Amber Rebekah t
Lodge No. 349 on Wednesday .
evening in the Lodge rooms.
An invitation was received
from Huronie Lodge No. 306.;
Clinton to attend a. meeting of .
their Lodge on Monday, Nov-
ember 17 when the Assembly
President, Mrs. Alarg,aretta Rose
of Owen Sound. will make her
official visit, A gift was re-
ceived from Mrs. Geo. Walker.
for the C.F.T. fund.
A marathon Euchre was clis-
Cussed and Mrs. Glen Bell was
appointed convener with 'Mrs. B.
Shaddick, Mrs. Inez MeEwen'
and Airs. E. Chipchase assist-
ants. Arrangements were made :
to hold a Euchre in the Lodge ;
Hall on Wednesday, November
26 guests to be invited.
Personal Items ,•
Miss Betty Mickle. B.Sc.N.j
has returned to Toronto to re-:
some her duties with the Vic-
torian Order of Nurses after;
spending the past two weeks
visiting her 'parents, Mr. and
airs, Laird :Weide.
New Club
honoring the dead of two world
• wars, lien -salt branch 468 of the
1•Canadian Legion observed Re.
membrance Day service here on
Tuesday. A parade composed at
:the Legion, Legion Auxiliary.
, Girl Guides. Brownies, Scouts,
, Cubs, marched to the cenotaph
where a service was held con -
'dueled by Chaplain C. D. Daniel,
and %ere:ells placed for the Prov-
ince of Ontario by Airs. R. Tay-
lor. Sr.; Legion, President Wile
lima Brown; Ladies Auxiliary,
President airs. William Brown:
Village of Hensall. Reeve N.
Jones: Tuckersmith Township.
Councillor Elgin Thompson: Hay ,
Township. Reeve V. L. Becker;
Scouts, Leader John Baker.
At the service held in the town ;
hall. Chanlain C. D. Daniel ehose
for his theme — "The praise of
the men of the past," Choirs
were represented in the service
of prase with Miss Greta Lam-
mie. pianist.
At the conclusion of the serv-
ice in the hall, Major C. D. Dan
tel took the march past assisted
by F 0 Reid retired adjagent
from Clinton. Parade Marshall
was Sam Dougall; sergeant of
the color party, Tim Taylor: rot-
or party for the Legion, Bryan
Kyle and Harold Bnnthron; Le-
gion Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Har-
ry Horton and Mrs. Howard
Coffee, hot chocolate and
doughnuts were served in the
Legion Hall to those taking part
in the parade.
persona I Hems
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr, Sr..
Elmwood. and Mr. and Airs.
.lames Orr and Anna. Parkhill,
visited over the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr and „Tim.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer
and Faye spent the weekend in
Toronto at the home of their
brothers. Rev. and Airs. F. J.
Morrell and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Mr. James Sparks, of London,:
is spending several weeks here.
itiinso 'Winners
I,c7,I.!11 la winners Saturday
last e ere Gem' MagineY. Mrs.
ti. Varley: Airs. Donaldson:
Mrs. Clarence Bell: Mrs. Var.,
Icy; Mrs. N. Baird t3p, Mrs. It.
Ta Inc Carol 'Brown; airs.
Bruce Walker 121: Mrs. •aeee
venner; Mrs. N. Long: Mr. Oak;
Louis Johnson. Paul Klenke,
Mareaeet Woodburn, Mrs, c
hale which is to he packed at Evening Auxiliary'
Members were reminded of the
the church on November 2o.
for used nylon hose. Members Donates To Care
There has been a special request •
are again asked to save their At the meeting of the Evening
used stamps and turn them in 1,o; Auxiliary of the United Church
Mrs. C. Richardson. i on Monday evening, it was de -
Mrs. Jarvis Horton, 'Mrs. C. cided to send a Care parcel and
Cook and Airs. T. Sherritt were also give a donation to the local
appointed as the nominating Girl Guides Association.
Kippen Society
Marks Birthday
The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's
United Church held their 72nd
birthday party at the church
last Wednesday evening and had to bring in a new slate of offi-
as their guests ladies from Hee, cers at the December meeting.
sail IV.III.S., Turner's Church, Airs. Bryan Kyle conducted
Egmondville W.M.S, and Duff's the devotional assisted by Mrs.
Church, M c K ill o p. Hostesses Dave Kyle and Mrs. C. Christie.
were Mrs. John Anderson and Entertainment was provided
Mrs. Eldon Jarratt. by the recreation committee,
Mrs. Ronald McGregor con- Mrs. Ron Mock and Mrs. Lorne
ducted worship With Mrs. Ross Chapman. Hostesses were Miss
Broadfoot at organ and airs. Mary Goodwin and Mrs. Pearl
John Sinclair at the piano. Passmore.
The president Mrs. Russell Kinettes Sponsor Dance
Consitt was in the chair for the 6 The Hensall Kinettes at their
balance of the meeting extend, meeting on Tuesday evening de-
ing a word of welcome to the • cided to sponsor the C.R.N.X.
guests. Mrs. Warren Thompson ,barn dance on Saturday. Dec -
favored with a solo and was ac- : ember 6 at the home of Airs.
companied at the piano by Mrs. W. Clement.
Ross Broadfoot. Mrs. Verne Al- = Prior to the meeting the
derdice introduced the guest, group canvassed the town and
speaker. Mrs. Briton. wife of sold tickets on a Christmas cake
Rev. Briton of Northside United made by Mrs. P. J. McKelvie
Church. Seaforth. She spoke on of Essex, formerly of Hensall.
the subject "Lamps that we o The cake will be drawn for on
Christian women may set burn- December 0.
Mg." Mrs. R. D. Elgie moved; The .next meeting will be held
a vote of thanks to the guest . at the home" of Mrs. Jack Drys -
speaker, dale.
A quartette consisting of Mrs. •
John A.'. Cooper, Airs, Howard AA/
Finkbeiner, Mrs. Pearl Love o vf „. atch Pets
and Mrs. Edith Thompson fa-; ' "
voured with a number, I Tuckersmitn
.. e
Mrs. Consitt invited all the 'Il
ladies to the Sunday School room
for a social hour. The table was Tuckersmith council has urged
centred with a birthday cake in ratepayers in the township to
white trimmed with yellow. Yed-; use every precaution in the face
low candles, white and yellow of o the current rabies epidemic.
mums completed the' table dec-t Council suggested farmers keep
oration. The cake was cut by; a close watch on domestic 'dogs
Mrs. Allan Johnson, 1 and cats and report symptoms
immediately •to the veterinarian
of the health of animals branch,
Smile Awhile , • Sea forth.
' 4- The coun0i1 deferred action on
svhe man who wrote and asked Exeter's request to support its
petition to the federal govern.
if a certain hotel permitted. dogs ; merit for amendments to the
received this answer from the CTA prohibiting drinking in pub -
manager: 'Tv bee 1 in the hotel i lie places,
business over 30 years. Never' Grants were approved to pur-
yet have e called the police to, chase wreaths for Remembrance
eject a disorderly dog in the:Day services at Hensall and Sea -
small hoursof the night. Never forth. '
yet has a dog set the bedr Treasurer E, P. Chesney was
clothes afire by smoking a l instructed to complete payment
cigarette. I've never found a on the see,pnd concession and,
towel or blanket in a clog's suit- Sinciair municinai drains upon
case nor a whiskey ring on the receipt of certificate of comer&
bureau top from, a dog's bottle., tion from . township engineers
Sure, the dog's welcome. P.S, , and to eon for payment of the
If he'll vouch for you, tome' same,
along too." l Prank Ming was employed to
t * * * * install water services In the
!properties of Lyle Hammond end
. .. i • E • . 1 ' A
gmonc vine t
• The small by had just start- i T"k F""- n
ed sa Cost of $chool. and after a week he j " '
said: "Mummy, the teacher!
asked me all rtbout you and , An energetic young salesman
lodaddy, anti if I had any brothers spent the whole day trying to
'. and sisters." see VI important tycoon. Ile
"I ant glad to see her taking I finally hi u d g e o n e d his way
so much interest," replied the through an iarmy of reception.
mother . "What did you tell, Kg And secretaries, and got
herr into
;the great man's' office,
i 9 A mil I was an rimy child. I "Salesman, eh?puffed the
1'eseeutive, "Do you know my
l "And what did she say to secretaries have thrown 13 sales -
1 "Oii, AIM. 'Thank Heaven.'" I "I know that sir, i'm Mein.,"
that?" men nut of here 'today?"
Guests at the supper meeting:
Of the A.O.T.S. Men's Club at
Janies Street United Church on'
Monday evening were from Clin—
ton Wesley -Willis and Holmes-
ville churches and from the three
:Appointments of the Fullerton
charge — Fullarton, Carlingford'
and Munro.
The local group are sponsoring
a club on the Fullerton charge
and will present the program and •
Install the officers at a meeting
to be held at the Munro church •
on.. Wednesday, November 26.
'Robert Southeott reported the
findings. of the Committee, which
Included Gerald Godhott and Pr. •
R. If. Cowen, to investigate the •
Pessibilities of holding a New.
Year'e party in the church. It
Atrat voted to hold the party with
the same committee, making the
Rev. II, -J. Snell gave the high-
ttghta .of the recent 'General
Council held at Ottawa and fob.
Ott Seutheott gave art outline .of
the laymen's banquet at Gorrie.
. 'The devotional was taken by
bougias May and Caffrey Garin.
A two•minute silence of remelt.
britlice was observed. A sing-
song was led by Norman Walper
aind RAY Mills
,Ptegldent Mervyn 'Cud:more
41•41ted the theettttg.
Each . member is to donate
money to the supply allocation
and the balance to he used to
purchase toys to be sent to the •
Indian Mission at Cross Lake,
President Mrs. William Mickle
presided and Airs. Brighton Ferg,
Miss Mary Goodwin and Mrs.
Ross Richardson were appointed
• • ,. • r • • •• •••• 6. • • • V .•rt ' 4, • Au, we' I,. V'
t Mrs Robert Reid. of Icinear-
•dtne, :-pent last Wt‘inemiay '-mra
•• lir. and AL:s. Clarence Reid
' .Air. and Airs. James Morris,
and family.,
ar..t meniburs of their family
dent their grandson Jamie, oi
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chipehasc
Goilerich, visited on Sunday with
and Lundy.
Mr. and Airs. I L. McCloy,
Jackpot Saturday, Nu ember rat 1:""t4'• spent the weekend
15 will be $120 hi. 61 inns with Mr. and Mrs. George iLess,
Personal Items.
Hunters leaving here Monday
night for a two weeks' hunting
expedition to Silver 'Water, Mani-
toulin island 'were George Hess,
ielzra Aloueseatt, Kippen, Tom
Sherritt; Herb Mousseate Zurich.
Mr,. Hess returned to 'Toronto
well them for a two week's va-
Airs. Gordon .\ it -kers, Halide
and Allan, of Newmarket. visited
last week with air. and Mes. Bert
• Horton: and Mr, and Mrs. Peter
B. Al eN a ugh t on.
.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Relit
and Allan spent last Sunday vis-
.iting relath es at Tiverton. .„
Hunters leaving Wedriesda
night were Dr. Addison. Clinton:
Jaeli Bannister, Jolla Robinson.
Leroy O'Brien. Jim Parkinsen.
eeirich; John IValper, Woodstnek;
Roland Ilrenier and 1)on •Shep-
; herd. Grand Bend.
' Barry W. Horton and Fred C.
beer attended the Corps Cyclists
Ilattehon Reunion dinner in
Mr. George Otterbein, of Pres-
ton, visited this week with his
father, Mr. William Otterbera,
Messrs. George Hess and
Thomas She in company
:with several Zurich men, left for
;Manitoulin island on Monday for
a week's hunting.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles. of
London, were recent visitors with
Air. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes.
Air. and Mrs. Leroy Peters, of
Pembroke,spent the weekend
with the former's parents, Air.
and Mrs. Fred Peters.
Miss Katharine MeEwen spent
a few days last week visiting
with her uncle and aunt. Mr, and
Airs. Jas. . y, London.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Barrie, of
London, were recent visitors with
Mr. and Airs. Lawrence Bayn-
ham and family.
Air. and Airs. Hugh Mamen,
Jr., spent a few days last week
in Detroit,
Mr. James Baynham, of
rieergetown, visited over the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Raynbam.
I Art enjoyable evening was.
at. the benne Di' Mr. and
Airs. Stanley Mitchell when a
'•numher of relatives surprised
them on their 30th wedding an-
Their daughter and sou -in-law,
; Mr. and Mrs. Eight:Kendrick. of
Grand Bend, entertained them at
dinner earlier in theevening.
Progressive eilehrP was played
and luncheon served from a table
centredwith a three -tiered mi.
versary cake.
Mr. and Airs. Mitchell were
presented with an :electric fryer.
Mrs. Minnie Sangster spent the
weekend with members of her
Ifamily in Luella and London.
t It. of the
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Lynn Valley
o $
4.41.4 .._•••: ••••
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