HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-13, Page 5speaks To GB Lions
111I3. 1Mook In
Lords' Football Co....ch �x.
Ur ' ,i5 ¥outh ProrirarnjESTAB1I,HGD 1900 ORRESP.OND.ENT, ,MRS, CHESTER, L. MIT i Personal Ronne
Populer Al Bruno. coach of the'showed a filen that be named _ ofD 4as azld Phyllis
13ari', datlgltker
� vey Taylor,
p t J underwent an .appendectomy .op•
l..oaldou Lords footeelt club. was i "Disaster!" It was the last half are Of .E�Q�11/QCs " LLltile'jran. ,lR,ld�es
guest speaker at Grand Bend l of the I rtehener•London game :.Lad 0 ee s H e a.• .eratian %n ,t llnton decl til last
Lions Club meeting Thursday ' which the Dutchmen. won 31-29.
i 4 H e Monday.
For CVI/L ar Mani$t_ r
night in the Brenner hotel. (I3rur1(i. claims that although Bob, Bill Elliott :and. Allan Johnston
Close to 40 Lions listened to: Celeri, Kitchener's ace quarter- I Mrs. Milton Oesch was guest $ ' � elle monthly meeting of the spent ,a few days up north hunt•
the. Lords' coach who gave ani back says his age is 40, he rains ! speaker at the meeting of the' 1 heLadies Lutheran Ladies Md was lictd Ing last week.
account of the past season and ;like a man of 301• When asked Catholic Women's League held 1 •At the r aeeting oft 'eat Tuesday evening in the i and Irs. Wni. Iiavler
t'etaycd, his thoughts in the junior where the first half of the game in the town halt Monday nitalat't rel .incl iheeWi.S,W,S,,of. %sday. basement of the church with 84: t t a Lon an sikhIi
(.hutch, Guzicll, on lhursdier ladies, two visitors and pastor and: M1 s.dJacki :pease,
rt'evelnpnlent proprio) for Caned.; was that he was showing on the �vitlt 26 members attending, iMrs.'J. P. Klabsen told of her
i•1n football players, Bruno also , screen, he answered nonchalant. Mrs. Oesch spoke on the .care i experiences as a missionary,s present. Bert DI('l3ride had .his show
,flowed and explained :a film, l ly, "I burned it!"and arrangement of cut flowers. daughter and as a missionary en Airs, Lorne Rader opened the team. at the Walkerton Winter
play by play, on the :last half Brune, who halls from ,West- Two bouquets were drawn for,!India.meeting i the usual way, The Fair, showing them on Thursday
of the Lords -Kitchener game in Chester, Peen., praised the Lions Misr 'Theresa Hartman winning, `°Inch is liotlte " id pastor led in prayer. evening. He also intends to take
the larger one and.Mrs. Irene Mrs, KKlaltse.e "ando.1 Jw'v,es:the 1''astor Wirier spoke on his them to the Royal, Winter Fair.
Farewell the other one.,people of India. They are kind .recent trip to..Germany and Toronto. He leaves on November
A itenny sale was .tanned to
which London dropped a nip incl' club els a great .organization. do.
tuck 31-29 decision. A •(lUestioll ;ing a terrific job in this cont -
and answer period was also munity, p
held. be held the latter ,part of Jan.
!and. loving people but they are showed some interesting pictures, 13.
Lion Dave• Jackson introducer) iar(] to reach far Christ. They 1'he,iu,u,u,an11umuuunlunnunuunnuuunnuuau,nu),uuumnnnuuuau11e,uuuuunuuul,nt(li
Referring to his hall clb, Al nary and each member is to president l\Ir.s. A• kink Houard Armstrong', Orange•
Al Bruno while Lion Griff Thom- brine, up to the missionary the beiner took the chair for the vide, spent the weekend with
explained: "I thought we had a as thanked the guest speaker bring a small gift to exchange'vilestion of so many divorces :n business session, The visitingparents,lir Mrs. Jahn;
decent ball club: this Year and Lion President Bill :Schlegel at the December meeting, iica and the areue You en his and PERMANENT TYPE
would win it all! Something went President Mrs. "rheresa Hart- •
The 1'.ires'Advfacate, November `1:1 1958 ! a s 5
We Oran give quick service in supp%ing
custom made rubber stamps...at bud*
prices. Drop in and tell as what yoe
wont -Well ha ue it ready for you with.
in ,a .couple .ofd. aIiS.
Tires• -Advocate
say 'that God is Love then how calls.
=niece - , .. x making eight Armstrong,
Ray Brown, Paw Paw,
about the Negro problem?"� said A spe ar invitation was given' Michigan, spent a few days with'
the speaker-I.n .she added Per• to the ladies by Mrs, Winter to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont.
sono) )Yorkers in India are tug-
the special '1'hankofferine Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson
l:4„nA ll..Il1.1 R4L Ll.i,.� •6
wrong in that sudden -death game saw over $30 collected for the man conducted the meeting.
with Kitchener. All the breaks .Sprin;llll Disaster Fund. Attend W.I. Rally
went against tis in the first .half.
Club officers for the 'S8 sea.
We slid the best we could. Trail• son include, Bill Sturdcvant,
ing 31.0 at the hall, the club first vice-president; Dave Jack
played a whale of a genre to
bounce back with 29 points. 1 i
proud of the boys!"
Lack Of Scholarships Hurt
"I was really surprised to twister; I�yBlll Rendre, secretary
learn that football scholarships and W, . B. MacLaren, treasur-
weren't given in Canada as they er, Directors include: one year,
Russ Hoperoft, Bill Glenn; two
years, Lawrence Mason and Roy
Mrs. Newell Geiger, Mrs,
Nancy Koehler, Mrs.. Lawrence ently needed." service of the Lt.L.C,W, with and fr miry spent the weekend
o vice-president;"Tal. Itegier, Mrs, Leonard Erb and Dies. K. M. Breakey was in the Airs. Lo[z of 1Citchener as guest, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rob-
son, secondMrs, Chester L. Smith alteoded chair and was assisted in the ole speaker. There will he further inson.
omens ray a .vo lona y rs. ancy oe t er announcements on the date of •Mr. and. Mrs, Orval Rapson president; Grlff )pontis Lion Exeter last Wednesday, and Mrs. Pearl Alelicic, Helen this service, 1 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
tamer; Harry Hamilton, tail Grainger and Roy McAdamsGroup !Clare AicBride and family. IViOn Hunting Trip2 with Mrs, Keith West -
9 sang a duet accompanied by
lake as convener are catering t Merle Armstrong spent the
and brother erb AElzare Mousscaur of Al's, Milton Oesch and Mrs, so sang a to a supper for the Luther 1 weekend at the home of her
Kippen and Mr,- -George Hess of diiet.�A ladies' and Mr.
tetard t tclud ng'League rally to be held in .the'Armstrong lr. and Mrs. .Alan
Hensel) left for Manitoulin Island Mrs, D. Geiger, Mrs. Pearl Mee church on Sunday. A. tasty lunch ;
where they will spend a few days ick, Mrs. Clara Jaeobe, Mrs, eir-> Ives served by the committee
hunting, pan ?file and Mrs. Jack Mc..i0 charge,
Personal items Clinchey, sang a number. i Hallowe'en Party
Mrs, Carrie Knechtel, Miss Mrs, Delbert Geiger presided On Friday afternoon of last
Elizabeth Rennie, of Kitchener, for the business' and paid tribute week the teachers and pupils
Airs, Lloyd Edighoffer,IVlitehell to the late Mrs, Menno Oesch, of S.S. No. 4 West Stanley en -
encouraged with football. schol• p to C s M IIs Mrs. Wilmer Howey of Luck -Christian stewardship thoughts . lertained the parents and pre-
arshiee. now, were guests at the home were given by Miss Ethel Gabel.I school age children of the two
"When a Canadian boy can't Mies Olive O'Brien reported for sections at a Hallowe'en party.
Riding on the strong right arm of their nephew, Mr. and Mrs, '
enter college, it hurts Ids chances of Cpl. Bob Osgood, tee Wind- Newell Geiger last week, the Ladies Aid treasury and Mrs. ! The children came decked out
because he needs that three or
Emir years' experience to de- 011115 finally caught elle Spares
velop.Good American players in the battle for first place in Mrs. L. Prang
ire dime a dozen but Canadian the Exeter M e n ' s Bowling
talent is really scarce." League. Dies In. Hospital
Towns around London should Osgood, who holds a fine 253
erson Desjardine third vice theW Institute ll t t' 1 b Al N K I1
are in the States. Canadian til•
ent is desperately needed through•
nut the Bie Four And Senior
O.R.F.U. When players out of
the :junior leagues can't enter
college because of money prop•
ictus, their football careers are
Inst. In the States, players are
Bob Osgood
have leagues organizer] like they average in 21 games, rattled off Mrs. Louis Prang, the former
do for hockey to gain enthusiasm an 842 triple to spark the Mills Katherine 'Truemner, passed
for the snort at an early age. in a 7.0 victory over ,the Edsel- away at the South Huron Hos-
"A boy who goes nut of his way acres to move into sole posses- pital, Exeter, where she had
to play the sport really laves sion of first place by one point. been a patient for some time on
the home and deserves real The Spares relinquished their Sunday, November 9, in her 78th
credit from the people," lead to the high flying Wind- year.
mills when they dropped all sev- Surviving inthe immediate
Show Film , en points to the Big Six who family is her husband, a son,
In winding up his message, Al were paced in the triple depart. Leonard of Zurich,also two
anent by Blake Gifford's '726. daughters' Mrs. IvaKalbfleisch
Red's Billiards and Trades- of Zurich, and Mrs. A.Aulerich
men kept pace .with one another of near Detroit, Michigan,
for third and fourth places re- The funeral was held on Wed, life for his country on September
spectively as they each gained nesday afternoon, a church sere- 17, The
anne Ronnie Marie Salmon, Alli• five points in the week's activity. ice,followed byinterment in St, pastor,hseRev. A. message
son Clarke, Mirdza Gulens, In the "B" league, the'Rockets Peter's Luthern church ceme- ache, chose or Thehis senior
"A and costumes
Johnston fudged
11 e a t 11 e r McLeod, Bernice are reaching outer •space the ter.y. Pastor Rev, 0, Winters of- Good Soldier". senior choir the costumes with Mrs. Sch ec-
Granger, Jean Noakes, Jocelyn quick way. They picked up four ficiated. sang appropriate anthems, first prize and Janet 'Webb, sec-
and Eleanor Hodgins. more points from the Dodgers Personal Items ond, A fortune telling booth was
Referee, Bernice Granger; on Jack Fuller's 712 three game well patronized.
1 inpoppe•s _ 27 Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer
scorer, Ann Koehler; timer, total to leave a nine point bulge r:dselatres ..__. _ __-.: .. 21 accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Marion. May; linesman, Judy.separating them from the see- 1'1plj�an Tigers i 14 Robert :Hampton of Goderich,
Elder- ond place Milkmen. l orgy a Snperteat - 17 spent a few days at Port .Huron,
The final standings and scores Upstarts, behind Bob Mein- lankmonta _...- 1n Mr. and Mrs. Cart Burn of
of the games were as follows: Cosh's 625, rolled seven points . co -on --- 11 Milverton were weekend visitors
in their favor from the King ^ n' r.t+..ccr ra at the home of the latter's par -
Teams Points �•
Pins to hold down third place 712) ents Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mer -
8 in the group standings, four a- nn/Teets (.N. SIminiika i33 .e-� 2 ner.� -
head of the fourth "place Butch-
SH Volleyball
- Continued ]from Page 4
Leonard Erb for the 1V.S.W,S. :in various costumes and were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott
'An invitation was received to' judged by Mrs. Robert Greer and family, ofr Cromarty, spent
meet with the. Carmel. church and Mrs. Robert Talbot. A pro- Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe
ladies at Hensel), on Friday, No a
gram consisting of group songs, Snda Baechler.
vember 14. !stories, riddles, jokes, piano and Miss Emma Dinsmore, of Lon
The programcommittee for vocal solos and games were en- don, spent a week with Mr. and
the meeting was Mrs, Broakey, : joyed by all, Lunch was served Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore.
Miss Gabel,• Mrs. Melick, Mrs, : by the pupils. Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Koehler, Mrs, Nile and Mrs.! Mrs, Menno Steckle and family
Matilda Tetreau' Girl Guides Enjoy were Mr, Harold Finlay and
Remembrance Church Service family and Mr, Roy Martin, of
A remembrance service was' Hallowe'en Part
held at Emmanuel 1;,U.B,' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and
Church, Zurich, on Sunday morn- I The meeting of •the Girl Guides family visited with Mr, and. Mrs.
ing. Mr. Elwood Trueinner on • was held in the form of a Hal- Stanley Gingerich and family.
the cornet sounded "The Last! lowe'en party. Mrs. Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westbrook
Post" in memory of the late Schilbe, a former Guide captain, of Goderich spent Sunday with
Pte. Clare Sararas, who gave his was present for the occasion as Mr. G. Bohn.
were the children of the present
Guide captain, Mrs. Morris Webb.
Mary Ellen Thiel, Carol Fischer
e sonars
Zurich P r
Report On
Personal Items
St. Marys
South Huron
Stratford ,
Mitchell 2
Listowel 0
St. Marys 20, South Huron 17;
Mitchell 16, Listowel 12;
South IIuron 18, Stratford 12;
St. Marys 22, Listowel 9;
Stratford 21, Mitchell 18;
South Huron 31, Listowel 6;
St. Marys 17, Mitchell 10;
Stratford 26, Listowel 12;
South Huron 26, Mitchell. 13;
St. Marys 25, Stratford S.
Osgood Leads In Average
Bob Osgood, withhis fine 253
average, is well out in front or
the rest of the pack. His closest
rival, that has bowled in a suf-
ficient number of games is B.
Wettlaufer with a 221 average.
WesDavidson and Eric Heywood
follow in line with 220 totals.
Scores, standings and averages
are as follows.
Popsies (1`. 3 -In f (^ma ri 0,0) -_... 2 . Messrs, Ivan Yungblut, Earl
Tip Toppers (()• Webb :190) Yun bl
milkmen (rt. star•n• r,Gs) g ut, Ferd Haberer and
Wildcats (r. I'liggina 591) ry 0 Jacob Haberer -spent several
'Butchers in. itonesese nr,5) C, days in the ,Peterboro district,
Silver Hawks (11• Teywoat Gila) ' deer hunting.
1-psta)ts (B. McIntosh G_:1) .. 'r
King Pins (13. Passcn•.o, n Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLean
Cromarty Boilers (A. Ttoss h„0) 7,.:.
:Imperials (B. McDonald 624) __ and family of London were vise•
ai.illcmen . _.__,... .S
But ahe•s in
,liver ,)•lavas _ _._ _. "_9
Pepsis _. - 29
11'ildrats . ._ • .. 2a
"A" J,i'AG1">:.: Cromer(y Rollers - "_.;
Bit (0.. Sahnurin 101j .. 4 Immortals 22
-.........'^^.." ( \l,'a ((1, Nixon 070). n Tiod i'rs 2)
I,. Supertest ('r. Sanders 505) •_ 5 Kingpins . 211
4946X3 98 culled t n -rip (s• • Dobson ant) 2 Tip Toppers ..
........- 19
Tradesmen (B. Sanders 711) • . 5
Plnpnppers (re serest nal) 2
a VAAON.V I 'sig,six (0 Gifford 720) .. At F nee: S
7 B. Osgood . 23a ?1
r �� spares (n Gra vet r. ssr,) � _=_ n F� re.ch.
�# N'vindmIlls (G, (Is,:norl 042,1 __ 7 N. II,adman .. .. in 4
M Edselaires (r, 7 c011lre R39) . _ n • el'ettlauter ^a 12 Mrs. '.Cheresa Hartman and I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale,
Reds Awards (e. eieee•artrni) 5 lt•• Da'triann 220 12 sons Cyril and Bobbie were vise Mr. and Mrs. Forest McClure
i521 f� 1tN .Is tone, Tiers (W. 'welsh 710) 2 Jr,. rjri of .. -.. 912 n tors with the. former's parents, I and Mrs. Edward Gregg were
nor In>:s S• yrs ynn 2n9 24 Mr. allcl Mrs, Fred Duehai•me l appotnted to attend the meeting
Putddocls tier srurlSlfll3 ,sItn D. Case 217 22 on the Blue Water Highway. i of District No. 8 Fair Board;
.i to eS110tj$Ui1Sa8 utM 24
R: (,`t rm'i all ? i a Miss Elaine Grainger of I.on• t held in Brussels on October 31.
itUO 't10t i,9•t0r ,ttofj - Sd e. G, mason _,.._-.._:...-.._.:. 2OI 24 don Teachers' College spent the! Mr, Archie Mustard, of Lon-
-Please Turn to Page 7 weekend at home and accompa• don, was a visitor with his fam-
(N005"1b'S N011b'AON321 hied Misses Marys and Phyllis ily at Blake at the home of Mrs.
Grainger to Stratford where they Mary Hey.
OM �f10 2104 HD.LYM If18 called on Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
umoa a usdn Tiernan,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas O'Brien
and sol) Derek enjoyed a few
IIS�+ days visiting at the home of Mr.
�iaa and Mts. Donald :Bedard and
tors at the home of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien
and other members of the fam-
Mrs. Jacob Widrich of New
York was a visitor et •tlte home
of her soli and daughter-in-law
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr, and Mrs. Heinz Benedic-
tus of Sarnia, lir, .and Mrs.
Amos Gingerich were visitors
,with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Ginge-
)Mrs. Donald Scott and girls,
of Cromarty, spent an afternoon
with the former's parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Joe Baechler. Karen,
Personal Items • who had the recent misfortune,
Miss Inez Yungblut has return- is getting along very well,
ed home from Detroit after Rig. and Mrs. Victor Ducharrne
spending a few weeks with rela- of Drysdale and Air, and Mrs,
tives and friends in that cit Anthony Rau left for Detroit
Miss Meda Surerus and Miss where they visited with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Wilfred Jervis of Clinton
spent a week at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Sylvanus Wit-
Mr. and Mrs. Klasen of Lon-
don were visitors at the home
Mr. and Mrs, Ted Foster, of; of their son, Dr. and Mrs. Klasen
Detroit, visited at the home of ! and daughter, Ruth.
the latter's mother, I\Irs. Carrie Mrs. Morley Fournier and two
Weber. l children spent a week with her
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ducharme i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cor•
and Mr. and Mrs, Leo Ducharme'riveau of the Blue Water High•
spent the weekend at the home way while Mr. Fournier, in com•
of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. pany with friends from London
P'eter Ducharme, enjoyed several days in the
Mrs, Jennie Downie of Strath. northern woods hunting.
roy was a Visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Kathryn Styles, of New
Mrs. Russell Grainger. • York was a visitor with her sis•
Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Gray ters, Mrs. Nancy Swart:zentruber
and family of London were visi- of Blake and Mrs. Mose Erb,
tors at the home of their grand- Zurich.
mother, Mrs. Carrie Weber, Mr. Leonard Sopha of Detroit
and Mr. Philip Sopha. of Wind•
sor were visitors at the home
of their parents on the Blue
Water Highway.
Miss Robin Smith, of Exeter,
was a guest at the hone of her
friend, Miss Janet Gascho.
Jean McCraig, of Toronto, spent
a week at the former's home
Mrs. W. A. Siebert was a visi-
tor at Toronto with her sister,
Miss Grace Paisley, who recent-
ly underwent an operation.
• 5l 1
evireminis 4r,
Spares -_-- .- 40
TI d's . Billiards 40
"rrade Cnlell 37
Big Sim _ ,. . 36
Kin. UrgeRec Council
Adopt Coaching Plan
A move aimed at developing team for which Kinsmen are re•
an improved system of coaching sponsible.
of players in the town's minor
hockey program was taken by
Exeter KInsneit at their meeting
Thursday night.
The club requested the recrea-
tional council, which operates the
minor system, to appoint a cap•
able coach to the midgets, the
elee1neelee eleeneeme1„eneeeememeeei 11,. 11114111111, 11111i111,npll„111. n11,1p1111111, 11111111111m11111
OiI Burners -
Heatincd, Plumbing, Sheet Mktai Work
'7 ainiuunsili toms lismini fmtm ninno,ttoim imaatt,:(millummilinsiti mm1 milmi,iemilni,S
wu iuurlii.nn,Innoinimmmiunnniin,numinnlnnnnnnunnlmmminiAtilnn,nnn101rnnib
Mr. George Geoffery of Walk•
erton was a visitor at the home
of his mother and •other mem-
bers of the family on the Blue
Water south,
Mr- and Mrs. William O'Brien
of London were weekend vise•
A Dry Season
Farmers in this district are
finding it very difficult to do
their fall plowing as the earth is
too dry to keep in even the
heavy tractor plows, which is
very unusual Inc this time of
year. A gond shower of rain or
family at Detroit. fall of snow would he very wel-
Mr. Nelson Tiernan has re tors at the home of the former's come for moisture is badly need -
turned home from Stratford Gen. parents, Mr, and. Mrs, Leroy i ed.
Kinsmen expressed the hope eral Hospital where lie had been O'Brien.
that this action could lead to a a patient. Mrs. Lang Foster, of Goderich
more consistent and co-or•dinated Mrs. James Masse, , of St. ,lo• was a visitor at the home of
coaching program which. would septi, .motored to Toronto•:ancl on Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz.
apply to all minor teams in the her return home was acconpa• Mr. and Mrs. William Hess
program. nied by her daughter, Mrs. J. of Woodstock spent the weekend
An 'recent years Kinsmen, along Moir who resides in that city, at the home of the former's par -
with the 'other two sponsoring Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ryder ents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hess.
groups, Legion and Lions, have and family of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ortwein
been asked to appoint coaches Mrs. Ryder's parents, Mr, and and Ricky, of Galt, were visitors
froinn among members of their Mrs. Leon Bedard, at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
own clubs. Several Kinsmen ob. Mrs, Katie Stiels, Mrs.Saman• C. Geiger,
jected to this system because da Lyndecker and Mrs. loeeph Me. and Mrs. Heinz J3enedic-
they felt, at least in the case 0.1 Reggie, all of New York, and tus of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
their own club, that few of their Airs, Chris Swartzentrubei' of Steckle, Mr. and Mrs, Roy
members were qualified to do Blake, were visitors at the hone Gingerich and soli Melvin, Mr,
job well incl the teams sueOfNie, and burs, Diose Erb,and Mrs, Kenneth Gingerich and
feted because new men were Mi. Allan Schwartzcntruher nt fatrtily and Mr, and Mrs. Amos
";joed" to the job each year. New Hamburg called on his sis- Gingerich were guests at. the
It was suggested that a coral • lers, Mrs`, Antos Gingerich and I home of Mr, and Mrs, • Clayton
dinged reaching system, extend. Mrs. Roy G.iugerieb. Allan is Steckle.,,
Jag from the wee-wees to the convalescing after ari accident! Mrs. Mervin Tiernan and Mrs.
Midgets, be organized under which happened at Timmins iHenry Hoffman of ba.shweed
n an e with Director
esponsoring Heide.
clubs while
wort king with a contractor "well on Miss Anna Hess last
contributing personnel 10 Loot( Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Foote of Mrs, D. A,McLachlan of Lon-
after non -coaching matters such Seattle, Washington, were guests don spent Sunday at the home
as transportation, l
Kinsmen offered to donate ad- at the hm
oe of Miss Pearl Wurtz of her nephew and family, Me,
ditional funds to the gee council and Mr. and Mrs, Ward Fritz, and Ales. Bryce Mack and fam-
Mrs. A. Ni, Amachcr left for ily.
pensesn vver'e luprogram if ex•es, inctn'red, Mich of the West where she is attending Mr. and AlBelton Truentner,
the organizations sponsoring the the funeral of her .father. Mrs. Clara Jacobe of Zurich,
•pro; ram contribute $300 a year, Mr, and Mrs, .1, F;, O'Doud of Mrs. Mabel Kellaby and son.
Members Also discussed at London were Sunday guests at Mr. 'and Aire. Melvin Kellaby
tenth the amount of ice time the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward and son Marline of Fillmore,
available At the local arena for Fritz. Sask, were visitors with rela'
mirror hockey and the new pro. Mr: Henry Claming is improv lives at Sarnia.
grain adapted this year of send•log from his recent illness. Mr. George Hess 1Tensall
ing teams to compete in the Brother, Robert ATlllleholtz, matte' a husietes call. 10 Zurieh
along with five other Brothers on Monday morning,
from Jesuit O7rder in 011011)11 Mr. Stanley Smith of the 'blue
were visitors at the home of the Water Highway and Mr. 'Carl
Springhill Disaster Fend and the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer of Zurich are spending
a tow days at the Fritz cottage,
Parry Sound district, oil a fishing
Muss Pearl Wurdz is spending
a few days at the home of her
, Dr, and Mrs. H. H. Gowen
Mr. and Mrs, Roger Smith alld
fancily of Dnndoit sp a3t the weak'
enil tvitlt friends in the: "vieinit;t',
lite former' boing guest apeakfr
111 the Ai'nish ehureh hear Blake
On Staidly,
Shntniroek League at Lucile.
The club nide two $25 dome.
lions one to the T(insnicn
other to the Bxeter Mohawk in. l'ed Mittleholt2,
'tcrmcdiate hockey club, Mrs and Mrs, 'foil %WIMhgs
I The club's annual Chiigtnlas were Visitors at Hamilton altd
4party was scheduled for Friday, Toronto, with relatives and
Deoember S. Ways and means friends.
icommitt.ee chairman, 3 o h n, Mr. and Mrs. TTarold 71ehr
it mite, reporter) Oh number 61' and 'family and Mr. acid. Mrs.
Middleton Genttner leikejeet2 contemplated during• the Mose T rb wore vieitnre at Bent.
, year. ford with Jerry Sohultz and
z Mono 40 Mate' iii misilnt OSA was :Al Stanley
t'up faMrRoy, Weber, London, wag
8€1. t're2ltlent Geral Eaynliani con. a visitor' at the home 11f 1112
! ritesuttiirotrniintau nninnrmtiernutitiuni nmunitlrnintnntnrintulint niunatunn(mmnthatr,n tle i dtletId the Meeting. " moth* Mrs. Cattle Weber,
.1.1 .11,P4
Get Your Car
Ready For
The Long
Winter Ahead!
Will More Than Look After It!
(Car Is Cleaned Thoroughly Inside And Out)
QrIo Green
Your North End White Rose Station
fle11„,111111,11„11n111e,1e1,1111111111111e11111111r,nee,11.1,1„1,1111,11 e11,1e 11111111•,1111111111111,1111111t111111,e,rnnt111111
If Fido kills a
pet bird ... bites
a stranger . , .
rips a guest's
coat . , , rips
up the neigh-
bor's garden
... you'll be
in the dog-
You should have
one of our
W. H. Hodgson
"Thea Insurance Man"
S_. c: is ,. .:,;'LrT: ..:: r;ON OF
s Cards
t.,..,., -es --_am
Thi Times -
TNAT 101