HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-13, Page 3RemembranceDay
>--. Continued From Page 1 !lives itt two world wars was
Our increased knowledge of slit. praised. Tuesday night by +Gari s'
tort= And human nature," said ter Merriam, Tara. ' .rllov'inrial
the speaker. We have not found' chairman of the Legion, who
peace by inventing faster planes. • was sues[ speaker at •rata
'We stand frightened before .orae , day night banquet here.,
handicraft of greater and more Mr. Merriam told over 100
powerful weapons. What we need veterans and guests that he had
ts to return to the faith of our ; visited a numbed' .of branches
forefathers. We need only to ap during the day and found they
ply to our lives the great rellgi- had sponsored ,excellent service•,
nus values we have inherited anti good parades tor Remain -
from our forefathers. We should' brance Day.
live as a people under the dentis- The provincial official stressed
ration of .God, who is the sower- the importance of observing the
!riga ruler of a moral uiiverse, llceasion ...been*, as the years
We should never forget that the roll by, the wars seem further
freedom we have, is not the free-
ilon] l0 do as 15`t`� please, but only l dea
further away and many of
as God pleases.I younger generation may fail
• to realize
The benediction was taro- the sacrifices whichpounced by [tev.A, G. Van laelc, have been made on their behalf."
At The Cenotaph Introduced by Andrew Bier -
The pi proceeded
speaker was thanked
Cenotaph for the depositing
psitinthef by Bill Cochrane.
wreaths. The RCAF Band
and Legion President Graham Ma.
two platoons from RCAF Cm- son, who was master of core-
tralia joined in the parade. monies, presented a gift to the
At the Cenotaph, Legion Past- branch's former padre, 11ev.
President Andrew Bierling pre- Alex'r Rapson, who moved from
&des. A Scripture lesson was the community in September.
read by Rev. Van Eck followed Another former padre, Rev. N.
by prayer by Rev. de Vries. D. :Enna, now of Lambeth, was
Wreaths were placed for the a and l ,and a
Jnto tdta ltansrnn ahn,e;
i !Ht)11PSON- alt•. and Alia. t;erald Tilers sllxt! they !nest hold earth's 000 birds per week. And produr-
1 Thompson. nee IlrlPn l.P,tic of a1 tion WAS lett by RES' McDonald, to • i trlsa t ra,�, :annnttnee the birth Safe in the arms of [:,nice love
ter by Reece William McKenzie;
.4 +As _ 11.
• r
r�••�/'� �� i113
5./ ✓lv /C,tsfttc••k. 19411,1;'eg realure, t••ndltete, ins.,.
- -World rights reserve,,
"Everyone says that Herb is a..genius. But I think
he's just too lazy to comb his hair,"[
ran ltinottliuti iii tinunnigininso tgtU umuttnottllonsi stintAlan ittllNtlnttnANnitttd unstapti hied
Mer.riages and Ieeths .
(Merrieges end deaths are .reported without ;bergs
under Announcements.)
Carets of Thanks, Jn0egements
In Memoriam* t4 -line, verse) ...,..
Extra .verses, :eech
The Ti,mos Adyocete, November 1B: WS POI*
Feel ���%�. ��5 ods Over the �at�� period
Thus, plants have their 40.411
►4a-C.hare = 1� hall -to keep pace with the mire
In !: � '. ...� ketiugs of a businesa With
15r` limited possibilities,
Canadian poultry processing :1 +R-..�, ....Y,,,,, ,,,,,,,,• .,.......,t
plants are reeling. the pressure
of a marketing boom that is
...,, 15e sweeping the nation+
;1,00 Up 10 October 11, marketing
$� of broiler chickens bad reached.
129,587,153 ,pounds, .an increase
of 3.2,248,630 +,pounds .over The
t'1,AP.IC:f';--lit. and. Airs- 1ira„andiALBN..A:�I.)l':12--Ill 10V Ing memory same period a year ago.
• in news .columns, This ;berg. 4pplie only #o listinrl
t, I'larhe, nevi ,lean Tolrng, oft of ourMother and DUI. Agnes Nen up-to-date plants. have
li alnoun the both nt a and \Vill,ato Alexander. ,rho
daughter at Souls! .Huron Hos passed at+ay one earSago. bees built and many of the
Anal, Not ember S • a grand- � •ttr•tober il, and Nish lnher 13,
'i 'iahtrr far Airs. Harr)* t,larke: i'r;7. alder Ones "modelled And
awl firm grandchild for Mr. J.•hetr ,tram hours and days of streamlined. Refrigeration is a'
and Mrs, t;nrdon il. Ioung'• naiii.
t Udti,,,w J' --•11r. and lits „Ian, il• ''ilei( trn„blerl 'ni; ht.s ars pasi; big factor in. the poultry pro-,
r`nrlatt tore i lPannr Conk, Tian-
And In i.n r at -dung begat, u.e des ing business, .and important;
Lail) happily announce. the birth
of a atria( for Rrt•an at t1Pst- !ay'r round
ern Flos]itat ornttto Vince last,
Hospital, Toronto, + en),
rl1 (sheet rest at improvements have been made=
over the past three years or so,.,Iirilllltltll,.111111111tll,)I I!n"'"' ,IIUn1"11lrn,Illt
Mer I I. - -}i .er remembered by their lam There are .about 258 registered 7�
l.i:I'iF1lt+f+ • Allan and t••arel
;larthiTl, 'la,A1Pr, trial, Sc,'ail- poultry processing and 133 eVls-
♦wE eltsMct of Goo tiller cite },
Get rid of that sal beforeitbeeotnes
something worse.4s rs a syrup that
has gained an enviable reputation
through iia urrtea in treating
coughs,.colds, or bronchitis,
001111(4 the birth of th,•ir son, . Il. l ru'TT--in lo1•iu: memo(.? or .cerating .punks in Canada.
lit} Allan, at St. fnsepli s r loving grandparents. 11ar- One sant in the TOrDnLo area,
1lnaputal. London. 'November 1s. 6'aret and Robert Barrett, ,4•hn p
I,A\!ttl•IR•r�••5tr anis ire Charles passed an ay November 18, 133u,
Lambert announce the birth of and tiepteurher 4. 1936'
a daughter at Si. MS rye memo,. Silently the angels ton Grandma
ia1 110sp11•.I ' ot'Pmhet• i. p
also present for the banquet, '►
Province of Ontario by C. S.' `
M1 cNau hl n MLA; for Ex - A toast to fallen comrades 17,)isaster At S
a g o, a e
which started on a small scale
a few years ago, now has a
capacity of 3.400 birds.per hour
and. has an average kill of 125, -
toiling. is expected to be stepped
for the RCAF by the colnnianc1• visitors by Lloyd 5Reynolds, to —Continued From Page 1 Unemployed lnt'n received vouch of a �r,,,: awry Michael, at l.n,i1, ly rA,namherari b� o•ranrl- up to 4,000 birds per hour in the
`nlrtil Httrr+n Haspital', Nn,em- rllndrrri, Paul, ,lane and Erie near future.
leg officer, Group Captain A. G. 'the Queen by Bert Ostland, ing and yelling ,and doing the ers for $10 a week which they her S ---a brother' for Juda•. Flanc.ork. i:,c
Kenyon; for Usiaorne Township Others taking part in the pro- stupidest things. It was like a could convert into groceries or Marketing of turkeys is being
Icy Reeve Clayton Smith; for gram included Reeve Bill M e nightmare,"clothing at local stores. GAGEMENTS --- B.ti'lJ 'J'T.- In loving n,emora- of spread over a longer period and .
Stephen Township by Councillor Kenzie Gerald Campbell, (:• S. After the 50 explaslon, the 8111 lost three cousins in '56.' Mr: and tars. t'larente Rohner niu dear Mother and nail. Mar- up to October '11, a total of 36,-
p 1 !;rept and Robert Barrett. anis 0,6, 873 pounds had been handled
Edward Lamport; for SHDHS by Mi gl t d 1 d p t staff from 1500 lits o5+n fantrh inclucle5 seSPn asset]. a, , '. ki 18 13
.' red au ] Olh and Ed Brady. company cut itsr n Alp te,•, alillnllfCP the engage -
municipal officials and to 800 and Bill,being p1 c One 0t �tlie brothers and three sisters 1S .t,t, ,tint ,0 7�Prth f a
rat'n• Tenn
[aka ,ace at First Pcaah}tarlalt o write ',ow much we miKS
were among the guests. He }vas unemployed :lora year, a3 years, retiring in 1955, Mars. t hurcti. Seafnrth, $ Notennber 2'+. Toll.
then took a trade course and Perrin's family lives in the min. 19;(. ai 2:35 p.m, iac 1]"t It n rat lake the rest of our
joined the RCAF, After basic leg .town, too. i -To target the day „e tort you.
training, he was posted to Cen-I Country around Springhill, is CARDS OF THANKS -- —Lovingly remembered by daush.
tralia as a ME Tech on Septem ;t•ery hilly. '!'here is sonic far.n] . r „isle to titans; ,nv frlancts, tens alts sons-In-la,t. I3e.
Phon 156 Granit e
� s nil
Wena of IiiP,r dais 1itrr, Cathirina p na, n,em Ai aa, at registered His 5 , anri^ September i e s g tered plants•--11,252,$74.,alunnnruatunnlnlnrunrnumumnna,uounuct;
presidents of local service club younger el )I ceS w3 sites..0 'stmcorib: thewedding' to 1k only takes a little spare
S y b lloy , Was S laid Off. 'father worked Il] the rowel for,� t l anml11ulunnunnnuun11nun,nnnunuruu11uununntnunuunuunnuuonnnuunnn11nununununu„r
the chairman of the board, Larry
Snider; for Lebanon Forest
Lodge by the W.M., Bro. Ernest
Cerson;' for the 1,O.O.F. by N. G.
Gerald Campbell; for the Exeter
Lions Club the President Edward. CE .
Brady; for Exeter Kinsmen Forms
Club by President Gordon Bayn-
ham; for the Ladies' Auxiliary
i i Frayne,
by President t Mfaa on 1 tint:, and
Flying CiUb
for the Canadian Legion by Pres-
ident Graham Mason,
Ground crew members and
her 17, alas family, which In-`ing done there but it's :limited retati,es and neighbors ,1h0 Fn
knotty r r nr e in he r e d me 'with Fi.1J'!, • • 711 loving memory or a,
eludes three girls Doris, 4; !and mostly daily. Winter gets as vamp, ireais, flowers and visits clear husband, father and grand -
Dawn, 3; and Sandra, 1 — came cold as 20 below and' the snow while a patient ;n Sourii 7f,uon father, who passed away No -
to LPxefer on October 11 after a rises as high as tour feet, li a 4p 1 t a 1 and since returning vember IA, tni�,.
day lhome. airs. iieorg•e .Man. 1 Many- a lonely heartache,
ca c ataon
andhalf the train from t
i wish to thank the Exeter ].'ire Often a silent i ear.
The color bearers were Mrs. dependents of personnel at RCA?? Springhill.
Gerald Lawson, Mrs. William Station Centralia are getting a They live in the former Albert
McLean, Max Harness and Mur-
ray Greene.
At the conclusion of the sere:
chance to learn "the other side” Mitchell house, now owned by�"i�t J:S
of flying through the Centralia Elmore McBride, south of the
Flying Club, an after -duty or- town pillars.
Dothe miners live in constant
fear of disaster? "N ,"
nrigtide, \lt•. and Mrs. Clarence
Knight and all other gond friends
wits assisted at the fire 1'fednea-
tlay morning and helped to sax
my farm buildings.—Clarence ft.
Nautairn. 73
Ice at the cenotaph a marchpast ganization not connected with t t I wish to express my sincere
p Progress
ld'ani:� and appreciation to all
was staged in front of the post RCAF training, 0 sass who sent flowers, rands and gifts
office with G /C• A, G. Kenyon The club, which hopes soon to Bill, "They talk about it once in!
(MWODA Report) and to all „•ha visited me during
Report), Illy recent illness at St. Joseph's
taking the salute, have two non•aiiferce craft fora while — sometimes joke about' From Goderich comes the all- Hnapita!, London, -- Ann Marta
training, is currently pravid'ang a It e� don dwell on it, nouthcenhent that the Pollar•d rn1,•
Lauds Vets
11 — but the L 1 P. , 13+
1 ground school course for is They're used to the danger be -
members, including a nursing cause they've lived with it all
sister, a member of the wo- their lives. '
men's division and the wife of "Sometimes,. though, it gets on
an officer. The others are ground a man's nerves when he's exper-
crew personnel, ienced. several bumps." He told
Efforts of the Exeter branch
and other Legion branches in
the district to keep alive the
memory of those who gave their
Comments About
Personal Items
Sgt. M. F. Betts is taking a
two week's instruction course in
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace,
Kenneth and Keith, Carlingford,
visited • Saturday avenin„ 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace.
Air, and Mrs. Otto Walker ac-
companied by Mr, and Mrs. H.
Currie and Linda of Dorchester
were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Cameron,
Clinton, on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace.
Mlal;,arca. Ann and Debbie
visited on Sunday will] Mr. and
Mrs. John Drake, Staffa.
Miss P'at Spence, Mitchell,
.spent the weekend with Miss
Margaret Wallace, siderable interest. Board of di.'
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont,
I onion visited on Sunday with Kenyon, president; \1)/C E. C. R. to test his soil in preparation Seaforth reports a good in -
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdalii. Likeness, vice-president; WA; E. for the sowing of crops in the crease in building. activity for
The bazaar and tea which was K. Fallis; Sit, A. IL Piroth, , spring. An accurate soil test this year. Total value will reach
hold in `tate basement of the treasurer; S/L S. J. Grandin, I now will. save many dollars on $200,000,000. The new 22,000
church on Friday afternoon was secretary; F'/L N. Daly and F/L1 the fertilizer bill, anti add hu- stuuare feet plant of Seaforth
well attended and a substantial F. G. McIntyre. shels to the crop next .fall, dis- Shoes Lid., is responsible for the
sum was realized from the sale closes Prof. T, J. Heeg, soils greater portion of this amount.
of goods, specialist at the Ontario Agri -
Industries Ltd , of Harrow, Ont., t ,rtah to express rny- ainrara
tlta.nka to tha many friends and
have leased 400 acres for the nerhhhar•a torn the lovely cards,
p p of g 5 g f10 fl and to
all' ose rowin sun. Swers, losses, I ata Visii .
1t .is expected that considerable nessa "f�l,e'elrii�atri'la Pinny
bel will be required to harvest
Rut always ,a beautiful memory
Of one we In, erd so dear,
—Saver remembered by cite and
tt 0011-- in loving memory of a
dear wife and mother. Margaret
Frances 'Wood, who passed away
November 1, ISIS.
Fond are the memories of one so
Treasured more each 'gassing
--Always remembered by husband
William and family, :Harold,
Olive, Pearl. 13•
p q - \I, deepest appreciation ane! Kinettes Receive
the crop next year, which will thanks to all the kind 'friendsilt
Ground school started Septem- about one friend who had to quit be sold for nuts to use in cake wits so kinrlly remembered me
her 2 on a two -lectures -a -week after goingthrough three humpsmaking,
with (reds, gifts anri. visited mP
snacks, appetizers and during' my, recent illness. — Ron New Members
basis and will continue until No• because he couldn't stop worry- bird seed. stock. 130
vembcr 13. By that time the ing- Dominion Rock Salt Co', Ltd.,
club hopes to have its second The wives ' learn to live with r e p o r t work progressing on
aircraft available. the thought of danger to their schedule for their new Multi- Charge Driver
Incorporated under the coin- husbands, too, according to Alva. Million Dollar lake front. mine,
Two new members, Mrs. Gor-
don Baynham and Mrs. Art
Clarke, were presented with Kin -
panics act, the club already has "'One woman on TV said the production to begin in 1959. ' — Continued From Page 1 ette pins at the bt:ziness meeting
an Acronca Champion, a two- wives run to the men in fear Our region is . now served by . had one ' drink. Walper stated • of the club held at the home
seater training -type aircraft with whenever their husbands are fivenatural gas from east to hest. Thompson took bottle with him of Mrs. Cal Wein on Monday
a 65 h.p. Continental motor, minutes late 'but that isn't right. The town of Clinton opened the' when he left at 7:15 or there -
which was purchased through a They are often late, or work valve to service their municipal- abouts.
loan of 83,000 from non-public overtime, and you don't worry icy on September 30, and Mayor i' Coroner Dr, J. C. Goddard pre -
funds of the station. about it." , Fisher of Goderielh opened the sided and. Crown Attorney H.
A second craft is required for' Both feel the nation's disaster valve at the town gate station - Glenn Hayes conducted the ques-
an operating certificate under fund, now over $800,000, will be on October 7. ! tionin g.
a great help to Springhill. "They The towns of Clinton, Godericlh,
will need it —• they have to get and St, Marys all report new;
the regulations of the Royal
Canadian Flying• Clubs Associa-
F/0 Don $nelgrove, the man•
ager, says the club will provide
recreation and training for air
force personnel and their cle•
pendenls and Department of Na.
another industry there to keep' additions to their high school .
the town alive and there will be'facilities.
many families who will need St. Marys reports a further
help." expansion program at •St. Marys
They recalled, that the last dis- Cement plant. Fifteen new stor-
aster fund was exceptionally well age silos are to be erected.
tional Defence personnel on the handled. Trust accounts were set which will increase their storage
station. The club's privileges up for the education of children facilities by 300,000 barrels.
will enable members to visit who lost their fathers and for The two million dollar plant of
other civilian flying groups in widows to raise their families. Hinde and Dauch was officially
the province anti to he hosts to opened Thursday, October 2 by
these clubs at Centralia. "1t also s. Fred Edwards, ALP.P. for,
gives ground school personnel an14 Perth. The plant has 128,000'
opportunity.to see the other side Fall square feet of floor space and '
of flying," the manager stated, will employ over 100 employees.'
Tire club was formed a year "�{, Mitchell Junior Chamber of
ago after a survey indicated con of 1 'r l Commerce has c o n] n I e t e d a
house numbering plan for .the
rector's includes G'C A. G. Fall is the time for the farmer
Sow Care
Pays Off
W.M.S. cultural College.
TheWoman'sMissionary So. The Department of Soils at the
Mrs. College at Guelph has recently
ciety met at the home of
'1'. L. Scott who presided for the moved into a new soils building,
November meeting, opening with where one of the features is a
a suitable poem, the theme of
the meeting being sacrifice and
ret:.emt ranee.
Mires. K. McKellar had charge
of the third lessor of the study
book with. Mrs. T. Laing and
Mrs. Grace Scott assisting.
The topic was given by Ml's,
Will Miller who gave a Biblical
completely modern laboratory
Heavy baby pigs losses in the for testing soil samples for On- ,•
critical first hours after .farrow- tario farmers. The laboratory
Personal Items
reg may mean the difference is the most mechanized of its
between profit and loss to the kind on the continent and em- Mrs. Albert Pollock attended(
commercial swine producer. bodies many features aimed at the funeral of her brother, the
This' loss can, for the most speeding up soil testing proced- late Mr. John Allister; in De-
part, he overcome says Dr. H. ures, and at the same time do- troll on Monday.
T. Fredeen of the Lacombe log the job more accurately, Mr. Willis Stewarclson and
visit -
picture of the land of Palestine, Experimental Farm, by confin- Farmers will welcome the news son of Saskatchewan are li ing the sow in a stall or crate that the capacity of the new log with his parents, Mr. and
also of the life and songs of during and immediately after laboratory is very considerably Mrs. Lloyd Stewardsoth.
Ring Solomon. farrowing. This prevents nerv- in excess of the facilities former -
A bazaar Ain! tea is being
A short address on 1temein- ous or clumsy, sows from crush- ly available, and they are urged held in the Anglican Parish Hall
brance was given by Mrs. -Scott. ing the little pigs, to take advantage of this new on. Wednesday afternoon, Nov.
Interesting current events were Farrowing stalls have certain and improved service, ember 19.
given by several of the mem- advantages over crates. The whole program of soil Mrs. Lloyd Brophey spent the
hers, They are simple and cheap to testing at the College is design -weekend with friends in Sarnia
build and :require a minimum eel so that lime and fertilizer and Port: Baron.
Outlay of labor and materials, recommendations are made with Mr, and Mrs. Dean Brown are
14 o 1 t e ci construction permits a view to the most economical visiting with relatives in Re -
rapid dismantling for storage yields, rather than merely the chester, N.Y.
when farrowing has been cool- largdst yields possible without A number from this district
pletecl. The pen area may be refereuee to economic efficiency.
used for other purposes after- Samples of soil for next y'ear's
wards. crops of spring grains, corn', hay
Sows should not be confined and pasture crops, and roots
in the stall- too long before should be taken before freeze
farrowing, since the lack of up, and sent to the Department
normal exercise may be detri- of Soils, O.A,C•, Guelph, Sample
mental. if possible she should boxes andinformation sheets
enter the stall the day before are available from the county
her litter is due or, if the due agricultural representative,
date 1s unknhwn, when signs of
preparing to .farrow are evident, alive feed should be provided.
Cut straw nr shavings may be. After farrowing, the sow and
used for bedding. litter should be left in the stall
Ample water acid a light lax -
Message From
You're TIRED
Now anti then everybody gets a
"tired -out" feeling, and may he
bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth-
ing seriously wrong, just a temporary
conditioncaused by urinary irritation or
bladder discomfort. That's the time to
take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help
stimulate the kidneys to reliefe this
condition which May often Cause back-
, ache and tired feeling. Then you feel
better, rest better, work better. Get
Dodd's Kidney Pills now, Look for the
blue box with the red band at all drug
counters. You can depend on t)odd's.ee
'.kl011111111r1111r!!!been(rflrlrllrtrirnrrin,rrrrrll11"11fnnllnliffrllitlllll0rlfllnuulirn"nrrmitlf 11pnr,ittrmror,4.
Why Cook Sunday Dinner?
Simply nice A Cali To -
or A Deliciously-'Preparced Mea11
�1fb haviw the forme Cook from Pat's Shanty hi the
Pi116S Olt our staff and sho will 1}a sLtrvii]g 1011.11'1)
C.t110E1 N tend X1S14 & CHIPS' every Saturday tight
;from 7 to 12 p.m. and Sunday front 2 to 10 p.m.
rniYIT"irlliYlYilttnflYnnoni'nlftYtnlnfl'IttYlhUl1noiutnif01101 1Itrntu11111ihilnhtn"",ItU'liIntAllllim1'Idin11
attended the funeral in Park-
hill on Friday of the late Mr.
Percy Nichols. Mr. Nichols spent
Jtis boyhood days in this vici-
nity and was former mail cou-
rier on Route 3 Parkhill,
The Bcrean. Bible Class of the
United Church will hold their
Meeting on Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lau -
retie Curls.
anti Mrs. Gordon Young
and t(citit visited on Saturday
evening with their daughter,
.for two or three clays. The sow Mrs, Howard Clarke and .infant
will settle down and the pigs daughter in. Exeter Hospital.
will become sufficiently active Miss Ruby. Pollock of !pistil-
that upon removal . front the (:oil spent the weekend With iter
stall, crushing should be tnint-
Detailed information, the
�eonstruction anti use of fafro5v-
ing stalls ran be Obtained by
lwriting Dr. '14, T. Fr cdcen,
mother, Mrs. Andrew Poliock
and her brother, Mr, Harold
W.M.S, And W.A.
The Ntvember meeting of Mt'
'GRperiihhental Farm, Lacombe, 1N,it[,S, atttl tv.A, of the Uthlteti
Alta, (Thurcli was held at the home
of Mrs. 1.1. ]3i'ophey with Mrs.
If. Watson ie. charge of the war -
"This is a pretty bad dog ship which was b 4 a e cl on
bite," a doctor told the woman, "Faith." Mrs, ii, Taylor, Mrs.
"and you may he carried away IL. Curls and Mrs. C. Woodbunii
by hydrophobia, I dislike to say read poems.
it, but I'd suggest you quickly Plans were completed. for the'
note down your last wishes." W,A. bazaar and tea to be held
opening her purse for pencil in the Sunday School rooms on
aind Paper, the woman began to Saturday, November 30.
write furiously. After a long Mrs. Jot 1.lhrlter and Mi's. 1t
time, the doctor remarked, "Yntt Whiting were appointed as a
((rust be making Suite a will." nominating committee
"Will, my eye!" retorted lite The 11er.enther meeting will
v'3etim, "1 ti] just s citing (tames be held at the home'of Mrs. Car -
of people' I'm going to brier man Woodburn.
Plans were discussed for a
Christmas project. The draw
won by Mrs. Nein. The hos-
assisted by Mrs. Ralph
Less was
They're On Their Way Out
Low, Low, Prices!
tutone, A. real steal at
— overdrive, radio,
.... .'795
radio, mechanically
A-1! Clean inside and out, ONLY $650
'51 OLDS "98"automatic, radio,
A real s9arpie;EDAN $695
'50 DODGE SEDAN—As clean as they come .. $450
Graham Arthur Motors x
"Where good friends meet and leave the same way,"
PHONE 210 Open Evenings 'Till 9 p.m. EXETER
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A Word To The Wise
He Say,
"Man who stop adver-m
tiling to save money
like man who stop clock
to save time!"
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