HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-06, Page 17Hot Fowl Supper Calvary Evancjelical U.B. Church. DASHWOQD, ONTARIO Wed, Nov. 12, Commencing at 5 o'clock Adults $1.50 Children under 12 years, 75,1 Slipper served' in the .church basement. • .Sponsored by the men of :the church.' 1l/illir� leper uses Reward Terrance fisher, one of two drays pictured in The T -A last week washing store windows on the blahs street. was just doing it for fun.. Ile wasn't one of the boys c u 1st soaping the' windows Um night before. A Huron Park lad, he was visdting a town friend uservices. l rl and to nt alt his His tvillingness to Whelp brought hilts an unexpected share lit a- :rewarcl which the boys received for honesty. They found a check for $350 lying on the street, turners it over to police who re- turned it to t1* grateful owner.The boys split his handsome re- ' ward. "They're . Menest boys at heart." commenderd Constable Jack Hodgins. Neither good nor bad motor manners go unnoticed, �,1111mm1IIUIIIIIIU111111II11l IIIt11111I1u❑II11111111111IIIIIILLI111ay,ta 111111,41,111 p11a10ul1lllllt1111111111111111U1u. f OPening Dance OF THE NEIN SEASON Community Centre, Zurich FRIDAY, NOV. 14 Dancing 10 to 1.30 DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT, until next spring Music Supplies. By Des jardin,e's Orchestra Sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club 1p llulilllll11hialeini 1anni1UU11:111111111110111111111111111111x111111111/1:1111111ninilllllllinunIt111111U111111111111' wi1111111111nani111111111111111alini111111111111111a01a I111111alalaininteinia 1n111:IIIIItatunaa111t11111iunn Tri -County . Youth For Christ. SaL, Nov. 8 8:00 p.m. Clinton Legion Hall Featuring GLAD TIDING QUARTET from St. Jacobs RUDY PETERSON, Detroit, Michigan TRUMPET TRIO, from London THIS IS YOUR INVITATIOi'_ ,••tl111111111111flIUM11111111111111111t11111111111111111111111111111111111U111111111011101IIQm11tm111m11IHIU1111111111t111,i1 IMITHIII1t11111ma11ma11a110a1am111111111111111110111111111111111111/11I111111111uuu11111111IIm11111111M1a0 111104 , Exeter Kinsmen Club Presents Barbersh�p Night By London Chapter SPEBSQSA Friday., November 7 . Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Featuring the'86•Member Chorus "Men Of Accord", •and Four Top Quartettes, "Gay-Ton.es", . "Chord Criers", "Rip Chords", and "Four Gents." A]7MISSXON $1.,00 PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE .�,111111111i1a)IIIII IlaOullllllll lltllt111111111111111I11111I111111I1HIIi1/111lltlll11111111111011IIIII II IIIt1111101111111100110 Doors Open 8' Games Start 9 1S REGULAR ROUNDS --CHICKENS 10 REGULAR ROUNDS== TURKEYS PLUS TURKEY DOORPRIZE' .Admission 500 , Special Rounds & Extra Cards 1 p, 3 for 25 etitl • 0 Lions Entertain 100 Mrr, hitt Win .Costume , Over 100 ghosts. witches. tow - boys, • Indians,. hobos, clowns, animals. pirates and many other types of costumer. children at- tended Exeter Lions' annual Hallowe'en party at the arena Friday Might. Thirty-two children won cash. prizes for hest masc(uerad.es. :Exeter (Citizens' Bard provided marching music for the parade Contribute Milk To Relief Areas .Canada recently shipped 7,000,- 000 pounds of dry skimmed milk to • countries in South America add the Middle East for relief .feeding and care of underprivil- eged children. The milk, from srirplus stocks resulting from a support pro- gram administered by the Agri. cultural Stabilization. Board, was part of a 30,000,000 -pound allot-' meat offered. by Canada. Distribution ,is handled by the United Nations International Children's Organization. ALMON Theatre GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 7 and 8 "COWBOY" (Technicolor) * Glen Ford * Anna KashfiD "QUEBEC WINTER CARNIVAL" A Good Short and a Comic One Show Each Nite -- 8 p.m. Presentation. and Dance MR.- AND MRS. ROY (BUD) RYAN (nee Helen Enamel].) Fri., Nov. 7 MT. CARMEL HALL Good Orchestra Ladies• please provide 1uilch, BINGO Grand Betld Legion ]3ranch No. 498 EVERY Saturday Night * Cash it Prizes Conte * Jackpots * Specials One, Cottle All. ADMISSION 500 CHANGE. OF DATE SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL LADIES AUXILIARY ANNUAL MEETING Fri., Nov. 14 2:30 p.m. AT THE HOSPITAL. Last Dance. Of Tho . Season Bluewater Dancelarid Fri, Nov. 7 10 pin. to 1:30 p,f11, Music by DESJARDINE'a ORCHESTRA We Wish to tape this ollfor� tultity to - thank all our cus- tomers aitth friends for their patronage during the past 5t{ason. We hope you will all come back again next year. of outfits. 'Youngest child at the event I was Billy Wilson, 21 month -041i son of Mr. anti .Mrs, lough Wil; on. Beverley Grnttner. "'t months.; son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Ralph Gent- ,. r Gent - bier, and Martin .e z1 M � r a 11 ,lar in d'a. mouths, son of Mr. anti Mrs.' i'iarl'y 1'.11$11, were 1.111111e1 1, .Other prizewinners were: Cowboy m-- David Leach, ellen Rohde. Bobby Beavers. Witch -- 1)elana Pearson, Bar- ba:i•a Leach, Martin Pag?. Ghost -. Margaret May, Kar-'. en 'Heywood, Peggy Pryde. Indians Larry Horton, 'Nor- man Dowry, Dixie Amer'ongr'n. Hobos — Mark Heywood. Ma- rion C.arseadden, Barry South - colt. Clown m- Binh Ann Whiting, Jimmy hackney, Shirley Gent. tner. Animals . -. David Sweltzer. Randy and Ricky Weber stied), Beverletac nn• Irl: 1 19 a Fancy dress Susan Montan, Perri Laughton, Geordie Laugh.; ton. Open -- Jimmy Dixon, Lynn , Reception' option and nce MR. AND MRS. EDISON McLEAN (Formerly Helen Dewar) ,Fri.,• Nov. 7 HENSALL TOWN HALL Norris Orchestra. EVERYONE WELCOME CREDITOM UNITED CHURCH z and. TEA CRED1TON COMMUNITY CENTRE A ceremony honoring the seventieth anniversary of the W,A. will commence at 2:30 p.m. BA Bake Sale and Tea Program THAWS ROAD UNiTEit CHURCH Fri., Nova4 2:30 p.m. Under the auspices of the W.A. Reception Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. RAY JACQUES (nee Marina Bowden) AND MR. AND MRS. DOUGLAS STEPHENS (nee Dorothy Bierl,ing) ,Fri., Nov, 14 EXETER LEGION HALL ]YZool Quips Orchestra Everyone Welcome Lyric The tee NOW PLAYING "GUNMAN'S WALK" * Van Heflin * Kathy Grant (Cinemaseope, Technicolor) Motgts1., TUES. & WED. November 10, 11 and 12 "WOMAN OF THE RIVER' (Adult: (Technicolor) * Sophia Loan * Riebcttagtla NEXT THURS. FRI. & SAT. November 13, 14 and Tx `. "rl'AREWELL TO ARMS" (Adult) (Cinentaseope, 'Technicolor) * Rask Hodson * Jennifer JBitos The feature "PONY SOL113111Ret will replace aloft foatu.rro for ri1(fltrd(t Saturday, at 2:90 11,11, Priz WIMM MM .M ,COMING RVKN`rS REPUL4R gET.WG QP' the,; Lathes Aumbary of South .Huron' 1.> Einpitad. Monday, Nuvelxl November 20. i 2:30 p m. This s an annual !meeting and alt ladies of the Pane. Doug Huntley and Paul tan (innzea (tiedll, judges were Mr. and Mrs. C. Ma 'Nauglitoin, Mr. and Mrs.! t ejlarle4 smith and Mr. and .1rs, 1'.. It. l lr,pper. i Lions in charge of the pro - :rain 1110111N. Dick Jermyn, .tt}hn Lumen, Llr�yd Henderson.: Norman Stanlake and Buss :;rill. Gerald GOrlhnit t', as master of 1•eremonies and Lions Pro i- rdent Ed Brady welcomed the children, Circle Pre Tres • Church Supper Plans for the enngregalional rhnner meeting to he held Wed nr.,.i'lay evening in ('aSen Pres• hn terian church were discussed at the meeting of the Congrega- tional Circle on Tuesday evening. Committees S Were also chosen for or Christmas Fair to be held. December 6. 1•'olloWii1g, the 1 t:.incss con- rluctril hy• Mrs. Hilton Laing, . Mary Shaw and ('aro. Hogarth' rl!a" ed a churl and a silent aur - limn was held, the proceeds go ins to lhr ehnir. Mrs. H. Strang and Mrs. C. Cann were hostesses for the social hour, district are cordially inviter.. 30:6c lCQ.OP BBANe:8JET—Extter Dist- rict Co Operative annual meet. )1g and banquet, Exeter Legion. Hall. Tuesday, Nov. „a. Pleaase reserve the date. .Tl"1'lit4 `1'ownshrp lcderatron of Agriculture annual meeting and turkey banquet, Wednesday. November 19, 7:00 p.m., Credi- ton Community (.entre. Don 'Middleton, Middlesex k ieldntan. speaker. ,BAZAAR & TEA—Ladies (guild of frit ttt Memorial ('lurch will hold their annual bazaar and. tea nn November 15 at 2:30 p.m. in Central Hotel, .Exeter. Every one welcome". 6:13c RUSSELDAL.E HALL, November 141 Sadie Hawkins Dance, bright colored cottons and denims. fret dressed and ready to glow with Lorne Allen at this real hsc loft hoedown. Ladies kindly bring lunch. Admission 500. 6:13c HOME & SCHOOL --The regular monthly meeting of the Exeter Monte and School Association will he held in tate Public School auditorium Wednesday, nevem her 12, at 8:15 p.m. An interest- trig programme will be provided by the staff. Please note change of dale. 6e The Tim Advo ,Nov 1,58 Peal HOSPITAI. AUXILIARY Thal ' To those uho would be !annual .meeting of the Ladies.' drivers: Stay alert,. follow t . Auxiliary to lire South lln nen . tufts, add look oattorHospital wilt he :held Friday, ; other fellow. November 14 at t':30 p.m at the, hospital. All ladies .of the .dtstriet I are cordially invited. Please note, change of date. Sc FOWL SUPPER U, PER e W.A.A A.. Grand lend United Church are! serving a fowl supper November 19, front 5:30 In in. on, Adults $1.25, children under 13. 73t. 6r BAKE SA1,E, sponsored by the Local Association of Guides and Brownies. Saturday, Novembrer, 22, 2:30 pati,, Snell ,Bros. show- room. 6.13c Remembrance Day Service HURONLALE ,SCHOOL Sun., Nov. 9 2:00 p.m. SPEAKER: Rev. Bren DeVries SOLOIST: - Mrs. George Wiese a ctivities FRIDAY, NOV. 7 4:00.5100—Selina ak&ttng . 7:0a-S:0O-:00-3110 get Pxnettea 8tM7.1O100--110bawk. ,Practice ., SATURDAY, NOV. a -` 4Pie IK xeansm) 0;00 • .411 11,07s oi' 'Pee - "I1V4 ate, 042 sear,x, 10:110 --Site li ee, 4-t1 'reams. 1;50.3.00--Publre Skating .,h:eOt0i-561rag; em SFbntiuwe e 8100'1Q;00—Public Skating SUNDAY, NOV. 9 '111:304:00....Mahnrrk z'raetica 1•0e -4:0n --.41r 'force 0 g00-31 t00-4 lithos I MA 0 Y r NOV. N 10 rJ 4I00-:5:00—.School Skating 0:30 -10:3o --11.t .a,l'. TUESDAY, NOV. 11 0 iOO.12:OO '-4 urltng WEDNESDAY, • NOV. 12 g:an-zii:00—f urling THURSDAY, NOV. 13 4;QO.5:00—school Skati g 0:30-10:30-11.f .A.F, c t4Actimeq 1111 et s . when they were hit hard, the eyes looked at you and said m "Pm not afraid for myself, Mae. ?Out my ui fe and kids! What'll happen u them 1 Who'll look after them " For thousands of widows and War orphans there are pensions. But no pension or allowance con hope to provide for life's emergencies. Most of us have some form of insurance against sickness, accidents and hospital, bilis. But whore would your wife turn for help if she were a widow or if you were disabled ?, The Congdion Legion's floppy Trust stand is the answer for thousands of 'war widows, orphans and disabled veterans. It is a ecirrirado's enduring answer- to the eyes that talked I "Wear A Poppy In Re.membranceu y�. /� i m rant !cof Service November 11 — 11 a.m. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Moinbers of the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary are requested to meet at the Alenlorial flall at 10:15 a:m. CENOTAPH CEREMONY FOLLOWING SERVICE *' * * * HURONOALIi SWIM SU: bAY, NOV. 9 2:00 p.nt. Remci:'„ r r, nce !Jet • EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL 1:1; Tues., Novrn b r 11 7 p.m. SPEiAKER: PRQ"INCIAL CHAIRMAN Chester Merriam, Tara Members and thu.,e eligible for membership arts invited. Tickets may be bernrcd from ;Secretary Reg McDonald or Tr'eaurer Albert Ostland. TICKETS $1,00