HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-06, Page 8Pae t The "clones.Advacete, November ,6, 'l Blake Children Wed 40 Years Pair eIe rate !capture Prize: A Hallowe'en masquerade party was, held on Friday at the Blake Public School. Prizes were given to. bays' comic,. Patel Erb and Brian Mus- tard; boys' fanec. Ricky Mils tazd girls' comic, Judy and Faye Casein. Pauline Meatier, and Pearl Ann Erb; girls' fancy, t4itada Oesch. 'Personal Items , Mr. Harold Finlay and Eliza beth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Claire Melick and . son Melvin, cif Komoka on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kiansher. of Zurich spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl •Oeseh and family-. Miss Pauline Steckle, nurse - in -training ,at the Kitchener- -Waterton Hospital spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Steckle. 11r- and Mrs. William Hay celebrated then' Mb wedding anniversary last Wednesday in the afternoon and evening. Their tlaughtcrs. Mrs. G. 1I. Macllonatd tAda r, of Winnipeg,'. Man., poured tea; Mils Kathieca Hay. of Exeter and airs. Charles Hay. Varna, served, and were assisted by the Hay's grand children, Misses Cindy and I.cchhie MacDonald. Weddiang cake was served. being prepared, by another daughter, Mrs. Gor- don Prance t Doreen). of Exeter. Lovely gifts were received. They pace we sons and seven daugh- ters. Personal Items. Mrs. Grace' Knoll of Port Col- borne and sons are visiting at.. the home of the former's par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Mey- ers. Mr. and Mrs 1i'illiaict Nebel of Guelph. air. Edward johns- Youru r Watch ; ton of l4tmti n were eveekeaV �4+ �°iritors at the Icnuie of ilr. and r Clock like t our, ear, needs a periodic checkup Why not have it done today? Bring it, or send it to Albert G. Hess. 38 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Why trust your timepiece with inexperienced watchmakers? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF ELECTRIC CLOCKS For tine diamonds, iewetteuty china and silverware, you wil be pleased with our large seloc tion. ALBERT G. HESS Mrs. Julius Thiel. I Mrs. Anne 5auve. of Searboro 1 is spending a few weeks in Zur- , ich. helping in the Oesch grocery. store, Mrs. Mary Manson and daugh- ter, Mrs. Newell Geiger and son, ,bourn, and Mrs. Sol Gingerich, ! spent Sunday with relatives at Kitchener. They were accompa- nied ;home by the former's sister. Mrs'. Nancy Koehler, who had visited with her son, Kenneth, and family at Huntsville and IKitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Siemon • and family. of Tecumseh, spent a . week's vacation with the for- ' mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stemma. 'tr, and :firs, Joseph Contin, END SUCCESSFUL SEASON—Desjarctine's orchestra; led. by Elroy Dcsjardine, , corn. pleted a successful summer season at the Bluewater Dartceland Friday night when it played for a packed masquerade crowd of 500. The hail, former RCAF building at the emergency landing field at St. Joseph, was leased by Desjardiue for the summer and weekend dances have attracted good crowds, —T -A Photo I of St,Joseph, have returned from " i their recent visit to Montreal land other places of interest. zuRicH Mr, and airs Bert Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Cleave HE.RAL • Phone 74 Zurich ; spent the weekend in Fort Huron. wiffilu11n1111111111n1n11111111n11111n1n1/11111111/•,11111111111111111111,11,111111111111$))11111111111111111111111111111111111'', ESTAfft.1H1J E 1400 1 Cornish, Mitchell & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish. L., F. Cornish Ct. Mitchell K. W. Slade W. E. Suchard. 291 DUNDAS ST, Dial GE 2.2651 LONDON, ONT. .'ltIlln111n11111,1111111IH1/nllln/Illlnlll4Iltllln,11111111111111111111111„111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111,11111104 MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION TODAY the'--tou.se of Seagram DISTILLERS SINCB 1657 p parr r�.l Ira\:" �t,a�Ir,S tcAt �n , t4 tri The baby feels secure . . but s'he? Family safety involves more than physical protection, There should be guaranteed financial security, Millions of Csantdianset this through Life lnsurransc, Theyown fl � more of .this valuable property, in relation to national income, than any other people in the world, Waste no time worrying about that small boy, Ho has, a two-fisted grip on security. He belongs to a family which considers Life Insurance an essential part of its progress towards financial security. 4 Canada is rich in families that treasure lift insurance as a present pledge and future promise of security obtained by their own initiative. Friendly, helpful agerits have shown 7/x million Cana- dians what a valuable property life insurance is. Every year an increasing number of families buy lift insure anew as their major source of family and personal security, Nowtidaya, !wino Rolieylibitleta .te+seiva rriilliort dolittet, &vary Weak, Roil the Life lnsuratu:e Companies In Calntstta. HE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA •-_.. ...... CORRESPONDENT, MRS. CHESTER L. SMITH Large Aud a ces At Anniversary Large audiences were present at the 84th anniversary services. held in the Evangelical U.B. Church on Sunday. Both morning and evening services were well attended, and the proceeds of the day amount ed to the objective of around $800. The guest speaker for the day' was Rev. L. A. Dorsch, of Mil- verton, who was interesting to listen to. The special music was provid- ed by the church choir and the men's chorus, In the evening a duet was rendered by Mrs. Ken ' Breakey and Lorne Anracher. Mrs, M.' O"esch District Teacher There passed away in the Clin- ton Public Hospital, on Friday, October 31. Jessie Christina MacDonald, beloved wife of Mr. Menne Oesch, in her 59th ;year, having been ill for a few months. She was well known as a pub- lic school teacher. having served very efficiently in her chosen profession in the Zurich district, also a few years in the Crediton school. She was a native of Lucknow. Survivors are; her husband, mother, Mrs. Christina Mac- Donald, Lucknow; brother, Mar. dock, Huron Township; sister, Mrs. William Reid, Arborg, Man.; Mrs. Eldon Henderson, Mrs. Donald Cardis, Lucknow, The body rested at the West- lake funeral home until Monday, when removal was made to the Evangelical ts,R. Church, Zur• ich, where public service was held at 2 p.m. Interment was made in the church cemetery, Bronson Line. Rev, John Bench Dies In Accident Personal Items Mrs. Aaron \Vein, of Crediton, spent the weekend at the' home of her. cousin, .Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rader, Area Ministers Convene Here Mrs. H. H. Cowan,of The South 'Huron Ministerial Dr. and Association mt: Emmanu Exeter, were Sunday guests at 1 •tT.B, Church et on aTuesday, withel the home of the Tatter's 'sister; eleven ministers present. _Rev. Miss Pearl Wurtz. - A. G. `Van Bek, pastof of the Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz are Christian Reformed Church, spending this week in Toronto. Exeter, conducted the devotions using as his subject "Ezekiel, a watchrpan of God." Rev. 0. Winter, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, gave a paper on "The Christian Min• istry." Both of these ministers stressed the sacred calling of Mrs. William Davidson' re- the minister, with the primary turned borne after spending sev- purpose of• exalting Christ in the eral days at London visiting eyes of their people. with her sister, Rev. S. ' Kerr, the president, Those who attended the Youth took charge of the business, with Fellowship convention of the Rev, G., R. Strome as secretary. U,:B. Evangelical Church, at The December meeting will be Pelham last week, were.. Miss held at the Blake Mennonite Norma Geiger, Miss Catherine Church. Rader, Messrs. Duard Mc Mareurioh News Adams, Dennis Amacher, Robert Johnston and John Erb, On Dago 1t[ The death occurred of Rev. John Bench, pastor of -the Evan. gelical United Brethren Church 'in Germantown, Ohio. He was killed in an auto accident on October 15, as he and two other ministers were returning from a conference in Harrisburg, Ohio, Surviving are his wife, three children and his mother. ' His wife is the former Vera Mc - Waters, a grandchild, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wells, former well-known residents in Zurich. Visiting at Home of Daughter Mrs,.•Mary Brenner, of Zurich, who has been absent from her home here for nearly a year following an auto accident near Kitchener last winter, having had both Tegs fractured, on Sal. urday accompanied her daugh- ter and son-itt-law, Air, and Mrs, Lloyd Hendrick to their borne on 1 the Blue Water 'Highway, Mrs. Brenner is now able to he on her feet for a little at a time, She is 85 years of age, and a very i bright lady. Personal Items Mr. Jack Gaiser, of Dashwood, made a business trip to Zurich on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gerber and Mr. and Mar. Aaron trb visited at Seafortb, with the former's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Vantzi. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee and family, of London, attended the 40th wedding anniversary held at the bottle of Mr. end Mrs. William Hay. Mrs. Thomas Meyers is spend.. big a few weeks -at the i•orne- of her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Lloydflee, at :atreetsville. Mr'., and Mrs. 'Williatti Forester and Barbara spent 'the weekend with friends ,in Toronto. Mf. a;t'trd M t's. Dolt Oka and family were visitors with feta• five at London. Please Ttirja To Page 1'f Misses Margaret and Emma - line STnilley, of Toronto, spent a few days at the Hosie of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger, , Personal Items• ,1111111111111111111 n111111111t111t11nn11y11111nlmjt11n1111nr,,,,,,,,1111n111L11111t111111111n11n11111m111111111111111111111n ALF ANDRUS • ---• Oil Burners --- Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW' ST., EXETER PHONE 719 innll11t11tm tniani 1ngnnutlltnllllnnnmllllllllln 1 nninllnnn11nl11,tnimalanlllo Imin i nlnlnl Itom. i Olf11 1041.0 utu 1{MMOMM4Ouulux1iIIM tl,u1unuNlllll1111#U11� MInull,Ann:11111n11u1J61utUA1g10411.104 Picks . Basket s s fweet Plums I' Mr. Clayton O. Smith, of the Slue Water highway, brought to town a basket of prune plums which he picked in November, :? which .seems .a bit late in the seasofi. f. However, .this fruit was well snatured and had withstood the I autumn winds and frosts. They are of average size and seem s much sweeter than the ones, picked earlier in the season. 11.1 mn you buy ;INSOANcg oke :sur. e7 1&101‘el k e �JohnB urs.,.... cnerat lnwrance Agitncy 534 Main $t. EXETER Phone: 86 i,lnnnintei nn,t,nnttn,nt owennntllttionnanninnlnatittiontet:li•1411-llnnlnlmJn,nnnnlll,lnln,�� THEIR LIVES—HIS LIVELIHOOD DEPEND ON OIL Imperial contributes. to a better, life for Canadians through constant . leadership in oil .. finding new supplies ...pioneering more useful products There are more than 'five tractors for every six occu- pied farms in Canada ... one motor vehicle for cvery four Canadians. More than half the homes in Canada are heated by oil, Canadians consume half again as much gasoline to- day as they did in 1946, nearly -five times as much heating and diesel fuels: Imperial has been a major - contributor to this, better life, more productive econ- omy. In 1946, Canada pro- duced less than one-tenth of its oil needs. In 1947, Imper- ial discovered oil at Leduc, in Alberta. Today, Canada's own fields produce nearly 69 percent of our requirements. Through its nine refineries from coast to coast ... and. in its research operations, larger than.the rest of the Canadian oil industry put together.. . Imperial has cmnstantly.heen able to lead in the development of newer and more useful products . to make a fuller Life for •Canadians. Since 1941, gasatinr.fucled equip• tncnt on farms has risen sharply. iMPERIAL OIL LIMITED 'IMPERIAL OIL.,.F4ti nil YEAR A LE Anert IN•CANAOA'/3 onow'rta. Magic -Mirror Finish Visit-Fene,riimic Windshield all be oew ideag ALL IN ONECA {OM1 Observation Lounge Rear- Window Finger -Tip Precision Instrument Panel Vista -Lounge Interiors Cross -Country Luggage:pate -PAruari r.7ia VISTA 4 -beet' Sport Sedan) From any angle the '59 Pontiac is a drew i of a car.. 4 and that goes for flashing performanceaod marvellous value as well as the years best looks All the wanderc eJcete A uncut hielas3'VALir6 All the beauty, all the features, all the luxury you've longed for are yoga in one magnificently 'new ear . , -. Pontiac for '59, Twenty-six dazzling new modelss six great series. Canada's, biggest Choice of economical VS's and a new economy Sttato.Six are newly refined for greater efficiency. And there ate three fully autonlatic t'ranstnissibns, Yes ., there's Something for everybody and everything for you in Pontiac for '501 aer ontia More EconomicdI Engines Air -Cooled. True -contour Brakes Easier Safely Power Mooring* Pearson Motors Lithited optional at estrrdist. taSta Zurich IIUMBERi COMEDIES FER 100 FARMS, TRUCKS TRACTORS ii El 10'.6 tD l'tl '•'•,: if. - satins DURATION 611RFAU OF .STOTI;OOS •w,- •f};-} 'S< 40 _-,•'`a r' Since 1941, gasatinr.fucled equip• tncnt on farms has risen sharply. iMPERIAL OIL LIMITED 'IMPERIAL OIL.,.F4ti nil YEAR A LE Anert IN•CANAOA'/3 onow'rta. Magic -Mirror Finish Visit-Fene,riimic Windshield all be oew ideag ALL IN ONECA {OM1 Observation Lounge Rear- Window Finger -Tip Precision Instrument Panel Vista -Lounge Interiors Cross -Country Luggage:pate -PAruari r.7ia VISTA 4 -beet' Sport Sedan) From any angle the '59 Pontiac is a drew i of a car.. 4 and that goes for flashing performanceaod marvellous value as well as the years best looks All the wanderc eJcete A uncut hielas3'VALir6 All the beauty, all the features, all the luxury you've longed for are yoga in one magnificently 'new ear . , -. Pontiac for '59, Twenty-six dazzling new modelss six great series. Canada's, biggest Choice of economical VS's and a new economy Sttato.Six are newly refined for greater efficiency. And there ate three fully autonlatic t'ranstnissibns, Yes ., there's Something for everybody and everything for you in Pontiac for '501 aer ontia More EconomicdI Engines Air -Cooled. True -contour Brakes Easier Safely Power Mooring* Pearson Motors Lithited optional at estrrdist. taSta Zurich