HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-06, Page 7Teams, WOAA Argue
Over Hockey Grouipin'.c..:9
ENeter Mohawks are still with- that they would -definitely fold.
out a grouping! However, this Chief complaint is the travels
may change in the next couple hug and the late hours involved
of days or so when the outcome for high school students who
of a strong debate held in Wing- are playing on the teams. A.
ham Monday night., is knrwn. second point brought up was
The WOAA, in its tentative .that the southweitern teams fail
Group 1 class, linked Exeter to bring ,any fans with them and
with Ilderten, Iforest, • Clinton, you can't operate a taut) on
-Blackwell, Lue.an and Pt. Ed- nothing!
ward. Qther Tentative .Preop
Mohawk .°M°1141's feel that it's The second tentative grouping
a waste of time travelling such
drawn up by the WOAA brought
long 'distances in the Inter- together iiiticardine, lianover,
mediate ,"B" class. 4tui their Pod Elgin, chesicy, Wiarton
opinion is shared 1)y m°acal
• 7— and Wingham. Group three con -
other clubs, . . , .ststed of I'aimerston, Elora,
Before anything definite CouldPhillipsburg and Mitchell, with
•he decided, Mitchell wasn't very the addition of Paisley, Walker;
happy about its group) so it tori and New Dundee, which are
joined *cos with the local club ,011A clubs,
on one condition knct thataid was An intermediate "D" league,
that teams'such as Pt, Edw
• .7.! was to bo formed between Lin -
Forest and lila dwell aren't svood, Winthrop, RCAF Centralia
entered. and Monkton. Centralia officials
• In other words,. Mitchell would left the meeting early when they
Like combine 1°17P" with saw where they had to travel.
Lucan, Tiderton, Exeter and
The filial Clinton to form a five -learn drawin was a tvro-
grol-Wing with short travelling
team junior series- between Dur -
distances, Alt of these five ham and'liannver,
learns definitely favour this set-
Mice Scare
However, the WOAA has other
plans, They are stuck with Pt, ,„
Edward, Forest and Blackwell,
other team to make a four -team
and unless they can find an- Happy Gals
grouping of, it down that ' way,
theyThe Mighty ,11.tice gave, the
intend to connect them with
the local surrounding teams. league -leading Happy Gals a
real battle for the point honors
in the, Exeter Ladies Bowling
Some of the learns around the League.‘this week.
vicinity definitely stated that if
these three clubs were included
• Clubs' Won't
Top Teams
Open Gap
Spares and Rackets continue to
set the pace in the Exeter Men's
Bowling League.
Each team racked up seven -
point victories over the week
in their respective "A" and "B"
groupings to' hang • onto substam
tial leads. , '
lnthe "A" grouping itself,
Big Six, Pin Poppers, Red's Bil-
liards and Spares were all seven -
point winners,
Stan Frayne's 658 triple paved
the way for the Big Six to up-
end the Co-op while Pin Pop-
pers' Bob Nicol trundled a, 731
triple to spark his eam over
Larry's Supertest who were led
by Larry Rumpel with a 625
night. ' •
Ray Van 1)orselaar fired a 71.1
triple at the Babknionts to lead
the way for the Billiard's lop-
sided victory.
Two teams chalkedup seven.
point decisions in the "B" class
as the Wildcats clawed the Dod-
gers and Rockets soared over
_the Pepsi's.
Lorne Haugh was the hot -shot
for the Rockets with a 697 eve-
ning while B. Davis rolled a 649
triple for the Wildcats.
Rockets of the "B"• group hold
'a 12 -point edge over the second -
place Milkmen in the loop stand-
ings while 'the Spares of the
"A" division are six out in front.
Free bowling awards of the.
week went •to Barry Holtzman
for high single of 334; J.
Schade for hidden score and' to
"Boom" Gravett for a 748 triple,
1,A44 LEA(1,1.
ErltelaAres (C'. Wein Si 8) .
Tradesmen (E. Heywdod 613) 2
Big Six (S; yrayne 658)
,Co -Op CT, wrient set)
Pinpoppors (13. 2s;lcol 7311 7
h. Supertest (.1.,,Rumpel 625) 0
(A Osgood 7357 -....4
(1.M.'s (A. MIckle 592)
Ti, Billiards (Van Dorsolaar 711) 7
Pankmonts (D. flobertson 639)
paves I 0. Gravett 748). ...—
Xippen Tigers (A, Ross .189) -
SI ftUII I 111(1
•Spares -- _ - - 43
windm "
Bed's Billiards ,,
Big. six ,
7.. .
'Kipper/ Tigers
Supertest ---------
Co -Op -
'rip Toppers (1-1. Holtzman 707) 5
Milkmen (G. Middleton 659)' __ 2
.iflor.kets 7.4augh .6(17)
Pepsis (13. Oberle 741) 0
'Stitcher.% (H. Holtzman 758) _ S
Imperials (S. McDonalli 676) -
Kingpins (.T. Gun604)
Cromarty Rollers (A. Rods605)
Wildeats (13, Davis 64(1) . ._ 7
rindgerS (fl Crawford 575)--__ 0
Cpstaris TB, McIntosh 585) /.
_ ,)
Silver Hawks (J, HeywOod 544) 2
Rocket* _ 43
Milkmen- .
Silver Hawks , n.
rousts .4
Kingpins -------------------2-0
Imperials --------------------20
cromarty BbllerS 00
Dodgers A 8
Tip 'Toppers 17
The Gals only managed to
pick up four of the seven pos-
sible points. Dot Munroe's 631
triple sparked the Nappy Gals
while Verna Wurm paced the
Mighty Mice. •
Hi -Lights inissd. a golden op-
portunity to move closer to the
league pace setters as they only
nailed down five of ,the seven
points from the Nite Hawks,
Ruth Durand's 629 spoke loudly
for the victors while Dolly Mat-
tson held up the Hawks with her
Barb Oberle rolled a 623 triple
to spark the Be -Bops to a 7-b
decision over the Ups & Downs
while Mail Edwards' 616 three -
game total did -the same for
the Busy Bees against the Wee
Jolly 3111s were another seven
point winner this week as they
.upset the Pills by the lopsided
count with ' Pauline . Simmons.
showing the way,
Buttercups (T, Elliott 571) --- 2
Who Cares (TO, ;tor)' 568)
Handicappers (A. Breen 562) 2
Merry Maids (r4, Farquhar 160)
What Nots Cronyn 608)
Slowettes (1). Prance 545) ....
jolly .1111s (P. Simmons 618) _..
Pills IP, Hunter:Duval. 555) __ 0
Busy res (Al. Edwards 616) -
Wee Dopes (N. Caldwell 31.3) _ 0
trappy•Bals• (r). Munroe .6311 __
Mighty Alice (V, Wurm 543) --
Be -lops (R. Oberle 623) . --- 7
Cps & Downs (sr. Rader 580) --
Hot Dogs IT,, Snell $65)
Pinpoppeltes (A, Falrhairn 605) 1
Alley cars (G. Wurrn 518) -___
Sputniks (13, Allfield 566) ____4
,Tolly Six (T. Simmons $56) 2
flollettes (11.. Marks 51)) ._-_,5
Frisky Six (13. Coughlin 616) __ 2
Lollipops (M. Bunn A32)
141-1,1gbis (ft. Durand 621.1"...__ 1
Nile HawkS (D, Mattson 60S) _ 2
Happy Gals-_.... 16
HI -bights '40
Pinpoppettes 38
,Tolly .1111s 38
Busy Bees $6
Merry Maids 33
Alley Cafs 50
ves & nowna s3
Frisky Six
Be -Bops
Wee Hopes
-Hot Dogs
Alight), Mite "6
Pills 5
t Not's- --------- 23
Jolly Six
llandlea DPP rs
Nite Hawks
Tluttercups 13
Who Cares 12
Sputniks 10
'the ThnesAtivot•is, November 40 19$0, refts 7
Golf Course
Her.. Pay..
• —Continued from Page 6 .
• thusiastic club swingers, who
• like to play golf more than' once
a week, disbuss a local _course.
Pederich ties Emeacasful Saloon
The Maitland Golf Club of Gode
rich enjoyed a particularly good
season in 'ss as it had more
-than 4,000 visitors playing the 1,
course. The Maitland club is one "Z
of the better nine -hole courses
in Western Ontario and there is
LOADED- WITH SILVERWARE—Team manager Toni Rawlings and secretary -treasurer
Jim Wild display the trophies presented to Zurich Lumber Kings at their champion-
ship bamjuetlast week, Kings won both ORA and Huron -Perth "Q" titles,--T-A Photo
0 .
. • '
Community T asts ,
Mel/Ili Munn/ entlillui ismoi (i mun ilumeellit111101110 nimilintinuldifilialltutitiMture it it tit
cause to wonder how such a
course would do in this com-
munity'. The lake.port club is
well advertised as people travel
from many miles around to par-
ticipate in annual tournaments
-or to just play the mne.hole lay-
Goodhue Wins Turney
Ray 'Goodhue won the Ellis
Trophy at the Maitland tourney
(fl which which 25 members partici-
Frank Reid, Issy Bedard, Jim-
my Donnelly and Tnny Bedard
were the runners -0 in the tour-
The ladies title for the closing
day was captured by Maxine
Martin with Marjorie Madie in
the runner -tip slot.
rocla ation
'WHEREAS, the .Government of Canada has by 5
statute .designated Tuesday, November 11, as
A lawyer dropped in at the
corner butcher shop and got into'
, quite a conversation: "What
would you do sir," asked the
butcher, "if a dog kept coming
and stealing meat?"
"Why Id make thesowner pay
for it of course," replied the
"In that case you owe, me
$15.00," said the butcher, elated,
t Champio s ip ete
The 1958 ,edition of the Zurich
Lumber Kings, who won the
Alt -
Ontario Intermediate "C" chain -
ship this year, were honoured in
the Zurich Community Centre
Wednesday night with a banquet
and trophy presentations,
The Zurich club copped the
Huron -Perth intermediate crown
after a stout playoff battle with
Mitchell Legionnaires and then
journeyed on through the re-
maining OBA clubs to wrap up
the All -Ontario title.
James Millman, a life mem-
ber of the Ontario- Baseball As-
sociation who pow resides in
London, presented team captain
Doug O'Brien with the D.B.A.
Kent Shpe Trophy, emblematic
of Intermediate "C" supremacy
throughout Ontario,
Silverware Prominent
- A second cup, knoWn as the
T. L, Wurm Memorial Trophy,
was presented by, the Zurich
club's -past president Ivan Kalb.
fleisch te Bob White who was
voted by his teammates as the
most valuable player on the
Lumber Kings roster.
Zurich manager Toni Rawlings
accepted the Huron -Perth Inter-
mediate "C" Supertest Trophy
from Leroy O'Brien of Zurich
and President of the H -P League
for finishing first in the league
standings and winning the group
titleGtt%e' sts at the banquet inclinled
C. S. MacNaughton, MLA of
Exeter, Mr. 3. Livermore,- Clin-
ton, secretary -treasurer of the
Huron -Perth League; president
Leroy O'Brien, Alex Parks of
London, and Whitney Broken.
shire, Zurich.
Gordon Block, president of the
Zurich Lumber Kings, , chaired
the evening program.
Tom Rawlings extended thanks
on behalf of himself -and his
players to the Women's Insti-
tute -for catering. the banquet.
A good crowd was on hand .to
congratulate the newly -crowned
champions who. included Doug
"Red" Theander, Don and Doug
0!Brien, Toni Rawlings, Arnie
Meyers, Bruce Moir, Don Hesse,
Gerald Bell, Jerry Raanie, Bill
Yunghlut, Ken Parker, George
Parker, Bob White, Benny Gig-
nam,iieRon Heller and Jim Rut -
Ben: "Now that you've mar-
ried the girl of your dreams, I
suppose you've put her on a
Ren: "No,' I put. her on a bud-
classy right handed throwing
artist of the Zurieh • Lumber
Kings, received the T. L. Worn).
Memorial Trophy after being
voted the most valuable player
on the ball club that won the
OA Intermediate "C" chaMP1
lonship this fall,
What. does it Inca
"to be rated?
Iktot long ago men arid women with ,corOtisty artery disease,
tubereolosis or diabetes Ware unable to obtain life insurance.
Today it is possible for many of these people to be accepted
In a special premium classification, Techideally speaking they
are said to be "rated" policyholders. For many years
Manufacturers Lift .W contributed leadership in.thiS special.,
field, Today We are well known for our progressive outleok
arid for, the favourable premium rates being offered,
Actually 90% of the people applying for Manufacturers Life
policies Today are accepted at reenter rates, Another
ate offered insurafice et the lowest possible cost coiisidcriiig
their, particular physical condition, shitonly OA%
are declined. Whatever your oack, ydti can be sure of
progressive lire insurance service when you call the
Man front Manufacturers.
IN%UltsAICF (IMP iffs
A, E. Pyrd
'Jet': 671.M
"because it's your dog."
The lawyer smiled. "Fair
enough," he agreed, "Just de-
duct the 515.00 from the $25.00 '
you owe me for the advice." !
AND WHEREAS it is rierqrable, in view of I
the trying times through which We are passing -and
theneed for remembering those who fought and. 4.
sacrificed in World Warr I and II, that we should
observe Remembrance Day' on Tuesday, November
THEREFORE by the authority vested in me
by the Council of the Town of Exeter, I hereby call
upon all the citizens of Exeter ' to duly observe g,
Remembrance Day as 4
And that this day be derlicated.to those men
and, women who so nobly paid the supreme sacrifice
that we might be free.
R. E. POOLEY, Mayor
4;.V5.1::4MSAM n45-MMIggi".
• - •
'^i*e 01103t
... •
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•• •
• • v ,21
The new impala 4 -Door Sport Sedan . . .
like all new Chevvies . . rolls on tougher Tyrex card tires,
!.1-4 , ,.., . •
The beautiful Bel Air 4-Door'Seelan lvith vast new areas of visibility.
Let your eyes linger dyer Chevrolet's
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the roominess of its elegant new
interior, get the exhilarating feel of its
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the More ways it says new!
Here's the ear .that's definitely new in a decided-
ly different way. The '59 Chevy is shaped to
the modern Canadian taste - crisp, clean and
beautifully efficient looking, with new poise,
new proportions.
Chevrolet's, new Slimline design not only brings ,
you new grace, hut also new space . a new
and roomier Body by Fisher. And Chevy's vast
new areas of visibility, give you clear seeing
from every seat,
The more you look, the more you see that's new.
Like the new Magic -Mirror, finish which, with
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lustre for up to tit= years. And you'll ,fitid
important engineering developments -eight V8's
plus a new Hi-Thritt 6 that delivers up to 10%
more gas economy with mole usable horsepouer
at normal driving speeds: bigger, safer stopping
brakes; a smoother, steadier ride.
No other car says new like this, And you get all
those Chevrolet virtues of economy and depend-
ability. See the '59 Chevrolet today.
The budget priced 4 -Dor Biscayne
like all new Chevvies, has big new Safet-Master brakes.
What Canada wants, Canada gets in a Chevy!
- '
6 • -••
11-4V "
• '
The luxurious 9 -passenger A:11.4,m cod. Stott 63 Wagon
with a new retractable rear wind8w.
7 he captivating! Impala convertible.–
liveliest-looking lien' Chevy of all.