HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-06, Page 5ThS. Times-AtIvoc0t0, Noveinbsr 6# 1958 1Ip .I- 0 ...ARE 11.11 ONE OF THE 5,300,000 ONTARIANS WHO ARE REGISTERED AOR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE mr Registration for Ontario Hospital Insurance has been an over- whelming success. To date, more than 5,300,000 residents of Ontario (over 90%) are registered and will be eligible for benefits when the plan becomes effective on January 1, 1959. However, there are still some residents of the province who are not registered nd it is to these people that this message is addrerred It should be clearly understood, and remembered, that on1: insured residents will receive benefits under the plan. ON AND AFTER JANUARY 1, 1959, THOSE PERSONS WHO ARE NOT INSURED UNDER THE ONTARIO PLAN. MUST PAY THEIR OWN HOSPITAL BILLS IF THEY ARE ADMITTED FOR TREATMENT. NOVEMBER 29 IS DEFINITELY YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO REGISTER AND BE ELIGIBLE POR BENEFITS ON JANUARY 1,1959 A NOTE TO ALL EMPLOYERS If you emplgy 15 or more persons, enrolment is mandatory for every Ontario resident on your payroll. if there is any employer who. has not yet registered his employees with the Com- mission, he must do so immediately to comply with regulations under the Ontario Hospital Services Commission Act. EMPLOYERS OF FEWER THAN 15 PERSONS Thousands of firms employing fewer than. 15 persons have elected to enrol their employees as groups. IS you employ fewer than 15 persons you may do the same, and afford your employees the convenience' of • group participation. Group registration forms are Available from the Commission on request. To be sure 'that every resident who is not yet registered may have a final chance to obtain the two months' free coverage, and also be protected as of January 1, next, the initial registration period has ,been extended to November 29, 1958. Residents who apply after November 29 will lose the two months' free coverage, and will have. to wait up to three months -before their hospital insurance becomes effective. This means that, if you are hospitalized during the waiting period, you will have to pay your own hospital bills at the gall -inclusive" rates. Register NOW and have no regrets. • Have you a son or daughter 19. -or over who should be registered at the single premium? • Have you a relative or a friend who is aged or infirm whom you should encourage to register? The ONLY Basic Hospital Insurance Available The Ontario Hospital Insurance plan provides the most comprehensive hospital benefits ever made available to the people of this province. It will cover all the standard ward hospital services which are medically necessary to the treatment of r`in-patients" inapproved hospitals. It will also provide bene- fits for emergency "out-patient" hospital care within 24 hours following an accident. The very low premiums of $2.10 a month for the single person and $4.20 a month for the family are made possible by substantial contributions toward the cost from the ProV'incial and Federal Governments. The "Family" prem- ium ,covers husband, wife, and all unmarried, unemployed children under • age 19, and children 19 or over who are financially dependent because of physical or mental infirmity. • AS OF NEXT JANUARY 1, THIS WILL 3E THE ONLY STANDARD WARD HOSPITAL INSURANCE AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO. IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED YOU ARE Nor INSURED, aM7Af?Ib • ONTARIO HOSPITAL $VRVICES COMMISSION HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION --TORONTO jt ONTARIO Telephone WAlnut 4-3$01 A NOTE ABOUT "ALL-INCLUSIVE" HOSPITAI:, RATES Beginning on January 1, 1959, the hospitals of Ontario will charge "all- inclusive" daily rates, instead of basic daily rates, plus extras, as at present. The standard ward "all-inclusive" rate, which will include the cost of extra services (use of operating room, drugs, etc.), is expected to .average about $17.00 a day for the public hospitals of Ontario. However, as rates will vary from hospital to hospital, according to the type of services available, the charge may bhe $20.00 or more a. day in some hospitals. The "all-inclusive" rates will apply rrliether the hospital bill is paid by the insurance plan or by the patient himself. HOW TO REGISTER If you are not yet registered, and are not eligible to register through a group, you may register with the Commission on a Pay -Direct basis. Complete the applica- tion form included in this advertisement, clip it, and mail it to the Commission with a cheque or money order for one month's "Single" or "Family" premium, which- ever is applicable. DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL. If your application and one month's premium are received.by the Commission oh or before November 29, 1958, you will be insured for January, February, and March, 1959. Future premiums will be payable on a quarterly basis beginning in January, 1959. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY REGISTERED, USE APPLICATION FORM BELOW -11111111- Rom ttewe rhe eeeit m — - treat tear tare — MK tint ear tear east ow tear tars rues Amir later tett Ig ONTARIO HOSPITAL* INSURANCE - PAY -DIRECT APPLICATION I SURNAME IFAMILY NAME) !! TWO INITIALS Lel Mr. I n Mrs. tJ Miss I 444 *YIN I NUMBER and STREET (Please Print} I 1 I I3 ip I I I I. ADDRESS DO NOT USE THIS APPLICATION IF YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED NAME OP CITY OR TOWN !Please Print) PkOVINCE MONTHLY PRtMIUMS Married persons with one et riibrt dependants must pay the family premium. I$INGtE PREMIUM: t am unmarried, I 4 separated, diverted or widowed, with• eo eligible dependanil;) $2' OPAMItY PkEMIUM: T have slfgih)e dependanf(e) $4.20 ink OM ill rim umi fou linek on on IIG! RAlll1 RM me tin is ion mot 'o mil . NU itur ion mks um I ENCLOSE ONE MONTH'S PREMIUM WITH THIS APPLICATION PAYABLE TO: I ONTARIO HOSPITAL StRVICES COMMISSION I TORONTO 7, ONTARIO