HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-11-06, Page 4Page 4 The Tinles.Aelvocate, November 6, 1953 Hensall And District News 1cORRESPQNPENT$ Mrs..Maude Hodder, Phone 5 Mrs,`Ar.hie MacGregor, Phone 56 " . EX iosion Blast Back Pets roan P Irl Fa At Hensall c r�t�i` ° while ° on Ms 'Out Of Car Support for Exeter's petition seeking amendments to the Can- ada Temperance Act was given by Hensall Council at its meet- ing Monday night, Theresolution requests ehan,s in the act which would; make it illegal to drink intoxicat- ing beverages in cars and public places. Hensall will forward a similar petition to the Federal Depart- ment of Justice and other author ities concerned. Tax collector L A. Paterson reported that 1958 tax arrears were only $1,812.18 or less than 3.3 per cent of the total, He was instructed to proceed with col-' lections. way to work in London was dm- , ing a 1957 t''hev when it burst into flames on intersection of 4 and 84, llensall, Grant turned off the ignition and went to call, the fire brigade. During the• time he was phon- ing the beat from the fire melted the motor. wiring, carburetor: and coils and the gasoline tank exploded and blew the ear right across the highway. Two tires were badly affected by the beat. •Vets Back Pee Wees Debra Christine t'larlc, thre" year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark, hydro superin- tendent is recovering from in- juries she received when she fell out of her parent's ;car on Su'1- day between Stralhroy and Ailsa Craig. She was in the back seat with her brother Beverly. six, when the first thing the parents knew the little girl had fallen out of the ear into the ditch and .rolled up on to the gravel. She suffered head injuries and cuts and had a number of stitches put in the back of her head. She returned home front the Clinton Hospital on Tuesday. Hensall Legion met Monday Bingo Winners 'Utility man E. R. Davis told , evening in the Legion Hall with ',Winners of Legion bingo Sat - council refuse from „rain mills • President William Brown presid-': urday night were: Margaret was still burning at. the dump. a ; log. The group decided to spon- ; Woodburn; Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs, condition which brought an of-;sor a pee wee hockey team again ;\• Baird; airs. Baird; ars, W. ficial complaint from t'sborne :this winter. Doupe; Gordon Oke; Mrs. Heitz; Township recently. Mr, Davis' Plans were arranged for Re- Mrs, Meidinger; Mrs, Genrgc also said the dump needs bulldoz- membrance Dat service to be Boa: Mrs. N. Fleischauer; Mrs. log, ' held in the Town Hall on Novem-: aleirlinger; Mrs. R. Baker, Mrs. Of accounts approved. , $1,864 ger 11 at 11 a.m. with a parade Smith; Donna Wilkinson; Mrs. was paid to Clarence Reid for' preceding the service with the Wes \'cnncr; Wm. Webster; Mrs. gravel used in' street construe-; Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Scouts O'Kes, ton.Cubs and Girl Guides taking Jackpot this Saturday will be The meeting was one of the part. , worth 5115,00 in 60 calls, .shortest during the current year, In the evening a social evening It ended at 9:45 p.m. j will be held attended by mem- . em Kln:ettes Cheer hers, officials of various town or Milton O rtwe i n iganizations, and town council, t A donation of $25. was made to' Area Shut -Ins ,Former Residen 1 the Springhill Disaster Relief , t .Fund. and $10 to the Beck Memo Hensall Kinetics observed Sun - The death occurred in London' rial Sanatorium Christmas fund., day, November 2 as Shut-ln Day on Thursday, October 30 of Mil•! 'Two new members, Earl Zhu -and called on 34 ill and shut-ins ton W. Ortwein in his 68th year,; mer, of Zurich, and William J. presenting them each with gift Mr. Ortwein, a well known ; Cameron, of Hensall, were mitt.-' boxes. They visited. South Huron ated into membership. i Hospital, Exeter, Scott Memorial former Hensall resident, was! born in Listowel, son of the late; Personal Items • Hospital, Seaforth, County Home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, ' Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Stephen - He was salesman for a good' son, accompanied by Mr. and many years for different insur-: Mrs, John Armstrong, of Zurich, ance companies and for the past , spent the week -end in j Marlette. 10 years took over the business' Mich,, visiting with their cousins, as salesman for the Rawleigh :Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wylie. Company for Lobo and London : Mrs. Laird Mickle and Miss Township. ; Betty Mickle spent Monday in Surviving are a son, Lloyd. Ridgetown visiting the latter's of Dorval, Quebec, with the' grandmother, Mrs. George T. Canadian Marconi Co. of Mont-: Mickle. • Guest speaker was Tim real, two grandchildren, Mary • Glenn Koehler has been ap Bur - Lynn and David, two sisters, `pointed manager and caretaker gess of Lambeth. Rev. Chas. D. Mrs. Ella Drysdale and 'tics.' of the Hensall arena.' ' : Daniel was AI.C. Laird. Mickle Lillian Paterson, of Hensall; ; Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Chadwick, thanked the I.O.O.k , for sponsor - one brother ,Alonza, of Cross- of Burlington, spent the weekend ing the team this summer and well, Mich. `with Mr and Mrs. Fred Beer and also for banqueting the team. Syd McArthur expressed thanks Clinton; Queensway nursing home, Hensall, and many local residents. Bantams Banqueted Members of the Ilensall Ban- tam ball team were banqueted at a turkey dinner at the Legion Hall Thursday evening, Ninety sat down to dinner prepared and served by the ladies. Public funeral services were family. No - Comments About •......... to Gifts ofthe d smokers were resent- held from the Bonthron funeral' ies. chapel, Hensall, Saturday, 'gip- �present- vember 1 conducted by Rev. ed to manager. Ernie Chipchase Chas, D. Daniel, minister of and coach Ed.. Corbett by the Hensall United Church. Burial ball team. was in Hensall Union cemetery. Cromarty Bearers were George Hess, W.I. Plans Program W. R. Stephenson, Roy Consitt, By MRS.KEN McKELLAR Public Relations will be the Jack Sinclair, Barry Williams, theme of then November meeting Jack Drysdale. ... ....: .. ,.. , . •.. r: of Hensall Women's Institute to Personals I Miss Laura Chappel is a be held the Wednesday: a�Hall November Guest Mrs. Jean Ferguson, of Toron-patient in Scott Memorial Hos- speaker for the evening will be to, was a weekend visitor with ; petal, Seaforth, having under -Mrs. George Wilson, of St. her sister and brother-in-law, gone surgery on Saturday. Marys, public relations convener Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Iioustort, of the Federated Women's Insti- Mrs. J. Stewart and Mrs. Herr, ; and son, Kaven, of Appin, visited lutes of Canada, who will give an of. Exeter, visited with friends over the weekend,with Mr. and illustrated talk on her trip to here during the past week. i Mrs. Norman Hrburn. Ceylon. Miss Phyllis Case will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford,1 Mr. and Mrs. Angus Dickson, present her report of the London London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, of Listowel, were recent visitors Area Convention. Mrs. Harry Clinton, were recent vi!;itors with Mr. and Mrs, William Ham- Bess, of Zurich, will be guest with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chap-: Ilton, Mr. Dickson is a cousin of soloist. man and family, Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs, Edna Corbett was a week- Mrs. Donald Park, Hensall, Personal Items end visitor with her daughter and , visited on Thursday with Mr. Cpl. Don Orr, RCAF telephone Parker lir. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper and transferred from Trier to 11am- Z'arksr and family. ' Miss 'Wilrfia Harper attended stein, Germany. In a recent let - Geraldine Edgar ParkerCudvisre and Miler. anniversary service at Knox ter to his family in Hensall, he the doe weekendwith vsited over Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, expects to be stationed there the with Mr. and Mrs,. Wilmer MacDonald and family, . on Sunday, and visited with Mr. until early in 1959. tit Griswold, and Mrs. Doug Gale. Miss Maja Roobol, nurse in- i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerslake training at Victoria Hospital, l and family, of it. Marys, were Message From London, visited this week with , Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. John Wallace. Roobol, Mr. and Mrs. Alex C,ardiner Mrs. Louis Simpson was a re- returned home on Wednesday cent visitor with Mrs. Winnie . from a two weeks' motor trip Dayman and Mrs. Etta Hemphill, through the Western Provinces. Mr. and Airs, Gordon Wood= in London. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mr, Cecil Van Horne, of Lu- • Joyce, Brenda and Craig, ac- burn spent the Weekend with can, was a weekend visitor with ; companied by Mr, Andrew Mc- relatives in Toronto, his daughter and son-in-law, Mr,' Lachlan, visited on Sunday with Miss Elcia Brown is sisiting - find Mrs. Gerald Flynn. , Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hogg and with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Brown Mrs, Minnie Sangster visited Mrs. Ruby Routly, at Thorndale, and family last week with her daughter and Mrs, , George Laihorit, of Mr, ' and Mrs. Robert. Belling -eon-in-law,• Mc' and Mrs, herb ; MitcheIl,a was guest speaker at of Exeter visited on Sunday Stratton, in Lucan, • the service on Sunday, it being with 1Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Bro- Mrs, Eleanor McKenzie, of the W.M.S. Thankoffering sere• phew, Kippen, has returned home after :cc. Mr, and. Mrs. Carman Wood- * two months vacation spent; The annual bazaar under the burn spent the weekend with with relatives at Talmage, Kan•auspices of the Marian Ritchie friends at Burketon, eas. The trip was made by bus. Auxiliary and the Ladies' Aid Baptism service was held in Miss Kathryn Sells and Miss :Society, will be held in the base-, . Grace Anglican Church on Sun - Amy Laramie, London, spent the: meat of the church on Friday day when the son of Mr, and weekend, with Miss Greta Lain-; afternoon; commencing at 3 Mrs. Norman Llodgins and the ' Mies , I o'clock, and lVI.rs. Sam McCurdy, and teletype technician, has been Greenway • Hams & Baions- txpertly cured and hickory nrnoked. A eonlpl'ete: processing gerVice for Locker and Nome Freezer owner, Exeter Frozen Phone Foods Mein. Street r i son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mit- chell were baptized,' Mr. and Mrs! Joe. Kerr of. Sar- lila visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Brown and family and Mr: and Mrs. Dean Brown, Mr. John. 'Pollard of Exeter called on a number of,old friends here on Monday. Miss Karen Brophey has se- curt'd'a position in the office at Victoria Hospital, London, A number from this district attended anniversary services in Grand Pend United Church on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marriage and sans of Exeter visited on Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd llrophey a n ci Miss Frances Brophey visited ott Sunday with Miss Mary Yea of Grand fiend, The llarntttny Class of the United church will meet: on 1'"i'1• day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, lack Hartle in Park- hill, Lad: "Say gramp, how 'do they eateh crazy. men?" Grandad "That's easy.' They use a little rouge and lipatiek, a C:uanin' halr•dfi' and a pretty drest,'t" s Mrs- Alice Jaya was : Le*: don Saturday last attending the rugby game between the Toronto S lues and Western Mustangs, Her grandson, Larry. Joynt, ,ol Toronto, was a member of the ,t'oronto team Miss. Mildred Forrest,. R.N., on the staff of Brantford General. Hospital, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil - h am Forrest. SEMI,FINALlSTS TREATER •. Hensall Bantams, sponsored 'by the 1.O.O.F. Lodge of Hensall, were treated to a banquet Thurs.. day night, to honor the .O,S,A,. semi-finalists. The club captur- ed the WQAA Bantam "D' championship. Seated, from left, are Harry Moir, Len Wilkinson, Larry Jones, Robert McNaugh- ton, "Bill Noakes and David Tay- lor ; back row, Ernie Chipehase, team manager; Bill Shadcl.ic.k, Greg Spencer, Jack Chipchase,, Bob Mi.ckle, Ron Schroeder, Stevh Kyle, Bruce Horton, Den- nis, Mock, Jerry Chapman and - Ed Corbett, coach, CUCKOO FEATURE! Rase -Pure Frozen Food Jamboree at $uper $ave Orange Juice •LIBBY'S 6-1:1Z, TINS 4 FOR 99 • Green Peas 4 rot/ 79c LIBBY'S 12-t7Z. russets S;'. routs BIRDS EYE 10 -OZ. 3 FOR 8 5 $UPER $ANVE FEATURES Strawberry . or' Raspberry 12 -oz. »jar CUCKOO FEATURE! Aylmer Tomato CUCKOO FEATURE! Daily Mail Brand fly r1; CUCKOO FEATURE! Aylmer Fancy Quality CUCKOO FEATURE k;lunt'n BEEF All right—so we outdid ourselves with this► week's BARGAIN BUYS! But only the prices are crazy—not us! We believe it's plain good busi- ness—and plenty smart—to give customers the 'most for their money. When we can reduce prices on any items, we are quick and happy to do so, *� urs Pork S;± _ sage levers 54 Cubed Stewin ', r ce Boneless Pot Ro;zuLL' Heinz 57 Steak Sa $UPER .$AVE FARM FRESH Grapefruit } California a Fresh Dates Cello Tomat�cs Ci'anberries PRO LEIS, i -P. LEI. ce it e: t'r i :Ct i:: r ri 1'1't BE: 2 (LI ICA(' OR 1', STA NI' F' 0 R 2 f 0 R F 0 K er Oats Olrl)- (VIM \Y le Syrup inty Rice 2 11 -oz. bottles Ctn. of 200 4,9 I 48 -oz.. tins 57 71/z -oz. tins 29 pkg.. 9 16-oi. ;Iua;. 1 -Hi. pl ca. Fo r4 j 4 FC1R S-bz 1=4:11. , L6.. CELLO PKC., KLEENEX TABLE NAPKINS ,KLEENEX u 400's -DELSEY ' TWIN -PACK IX OR MATCH THESE QUALITY KLEENEX* PRODUCTS UY ANY THREE and SA VEs , 9 Any 3 Fir. 89c WE'RE OPEN FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENINGS,