The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-30, Page 16:Pap 16. The TimeM.. vacate/ 'October 30, 190
LIVELY CYCC cONVENTION—BesIdes discussing current teenage problems, dele-
gates to the mid -western zone Christian Youth Councillors' Convention here over the
weekend enjoyed a tour of RCAF Station Centralia. fun programs, fellowship, .and a
banquet. Above, three of the boys discuss the program with Rev, Bren De Vries,
Trivitt rector, who was guest speaker. From left, Doug Snyder, Waterloo; Re. De
Vries, Bill Batten, president, and Doug Thompson. Clandeboye. --T-A Photo
Increase Social Activities
In Church, Urges CYCC
Continued From Page 1
had tampered with his car in a
practical joke, the minister made
a, humorous, hut futile, attempt
to force through, a resolution dis-
crediting the culprits. Later, he
aired his grievance to the
amused congregation of James
Street Church during his sermon
Sunday. The delegates ,Attended.
Vill1111111111111 ...... 11#41111$11,1110111111111114.111041111111 ..... iiiiiii 111111$141111111110
Storm Windows
All Sizes!
Built Expertly For All Buildings
Visitor At Lodge Here10v!ra:80.0 ...Enter
Finds Himself 'Dead
rtritung Contest'
Over 800 secondary school.
•students entered the muscular -
Two. Listowel Men experienced
a rather nerve -shattering re-
ception in Exeter when they al.
tended a special meeting of the
Masonic lodge here recently.
One :foetid himself listed among
the revered deceased officials
the lodge and the other went un-
recognized—for a MOninnt at
least• -•-•by his own father.
The amusing story Is told by
Editor Cy Bamford in his col-
umn, 'Street Talk", le the List-
Owet Banner.
"There have been tittles when
by a quirk of fate men have
survived to read their own
obituaries. If you want to know
bow a man feels on such occa-
sions ask Russ Coles. Be didn't
read his 'own ..obit, but eireten-
stances were as closely related
as one could possibly approach,
"The situation happened up at
Exeter recently when Russ, a-
long with., Dave ilay, Andy Mal-
colm and Ted Taman journeyed
to a Masonic lodge meeting to
he among the guests when Ted's
father received his 60 -year jewel.
During the ceremonies there is
a part where pause, is made io
respect to past district officers
• ,,,,, ,,,, . .
. .
This Week In
Thames Road
who departed to their eternal, dystrophy contest conducted In
reward.Latnbton county and surrounding
"A past district deputy grand
• master of Ilium, Rues solemnly territory,it Was, '11""o,""ce,..4 by
ipicked 'op the printed sheet eon- time Mai committee. 4n enarge,
• taming, the names of the depart-
ed brethren and lit reverent
Istance was prepared too bow head
in hemage.,Lut lie suddenly jerk-
: ed to attention when els eyes,, of the youth as well as all. others
dutifully scanning down the list, involved, There were over 2,300,
came across the name of Iltissel *gee of literature distributed'
'R. Coles, formerly of lleusall, a to Acquaint the youth about the,
!past district d e p u t y grand nature of the disease.
this week.
The committee said it was
well pleased with the response
master. Winners of the contest, whieh,
"Exclaimed Russ: Be gad if
I'm dead, I'm not yet buried.
That brought a shuffling of feet
among present district officers,
Their own eyes toldthem ob-
!viously someone had blundered.
Several weak explanations were
attempted but that which best
;seem to eSuit was that age old
; one which never seems to wear
out, it was the printer's mis-
i take—a typographical error. The
!asterisk should have been oppo-
site the name above Mr. Coles.'
"At the same session, Ted
ous ineldent. The honored guest
Taman enjoyed his own humor-
, —his father— is one of the most
active Masons in the Exeter
Like ma who in
advancing years, find Liter eyes
sight failing, Mr, Taman. Sr. re-
places television programs with
coaching of aspiring lodge metre
hers for relaxation. Consequent -
Iv for the past decade or so he
i ............... has become well acquainted
every member who passed
Personal items through the various degrees.
in last week's news Mr. and. "When the Listowel lodge.delega-
PS' people,
Mrs, Lloyd Miller and family's tem arrived. Taman senior was
ocupied shaking hands and.
the service in a body, and two, name were omitted. It should " , ,
participated, Scott and family and Mr. and several of these paste proteges.
congratulations from
Bill Batten and Bob .Knechtel, have read Mr. anti Mrs, Jim receiving
Tour of RCAF Station Cen Mrs, Lloyd Miller and family One of his veteran frefternal bro.
' thers spotted son Ted entering
the (Member.Quoth he: Here
Bill is a fellow you should know.
Mr. Taman walked over to his
son, peered at him in. the dim
light and asked; Well sir, and
who should you be?
traria was conducted lay SiL of Staffa were Sunday guests
Watson, F.' L. Lae Franc and FO with M. and Mrs. Kenneth Dun -
Don Cameron, Finishing up at can,
the control tower, the youths Mr. and Mrs. John Selves,
were treated to an aerobatic and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webber, Mar -
smoke -writing 'display by FOs garet, Barbara, Marlene and
Mery Billings, Pete Giles and Douglas were Sunday guests
i McGarvie. with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hern
Resolutions read: of Jarvis.
Encourage Abstinence Mr. and Mrs. Len Huston, of
"Whereas (1) the over-indul-
Streetsville, spent several days .
Bence of alcoholic beverages has recently with Mr, and Mrs.
been proven to be detrimental to
; health, and (2) we realize that
I the majority of teenage drinking
1 is a result of curiosity, a desire
to be 'one of the gang', or a
lack of self-confidence, anti (3)
excessive consumption leads to
' a relaxing of Christian moral
standards, be it resolved that:
"(I) We endeavor to encourage
abstinence among teenagers by
ta) promoting Christian fellow -
Glenn Jeffery.
Quite a number from this
community attended Elimvele
anniversary on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett
and Carolyn Ann wei'e guests on
Sunday with Miss 'Verdi. and
Mr. Laverne Kellett of Elim -
Mrs. George Shipley, Mrs.
Reg Shipley and daughter, Lynne.
of Clinton visited on Sunday with
ship as opposed to alcoholic Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Wilson.
fellowship. (b) becoming our- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir
selves fully acquainted with the of Hensel., Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin
harmful effects of alcohol, thus Passmore and Beverley spent
strengthening our. conviction, (c) Sunday with Dr. Arthur and Mrs.
transmitting this conviction to McAllister of Georgetown,
others, through our own ex- Mrs. William Johns andin-
ample." - rant son, Brad, returned home
Create Entertainment from South Huron Hospital on
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Borland
were treated to a rousing chivari
on Friday evening: •
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery,
Mr. and Mrs. Len Ruston visitell
on Sunday evening with Mr. and
iNilarnsl.. Alex Gartenburg of Wood -
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pyre and
John, Mrs. Perkins, Miss Mari-
lyn Tuckey of Exeter attended
Parker St. United Church an-
niversary ill Sarnia on Sunday
and spent the day with Mr. and
Mrs. Alla T.'anner.` Mr .i and
Mrs. Emery Geiser of Crediton
spent Sunday with Mr. Cephas
Mission Band will. be held. on
Sunday during the church hour.
Mr. Caffrey Cann will have
and young people feel they must , charge of the church service on
cope along with moral issues, be' Sunday morning. It is laymen's
it resolved that: Sunday.
"(1) the family engage in some; W.A, and W.M..S, meeting will
activity as a unit; (2) parents ;be held on Wednesday afternoon
adopt a psychological rather ; at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. H.
than a physical attitude toward C. Wilson. •
punishment: (3) we adopt a more ' 3-M Meeting
tolerant attitude in the choice 01 The October meeting of the
programs and if possible, con-
epial room; (4) 3 M Club was held on Wednes-
fine TV to a spclay evening in he church ba -se -
parents and children develop a ment when they entertained the
closer 'matt to man' relation- choir to the -number of 46.
ship," Ross Rodgert conducted the
Christian Vocations worship service service •assisted
"Whereas. there are some jobs
by Mrs 'WilfreRunkl
d e who
that are not acceptable to Chris- read the scripture. Mrs. Lee
liens, and environment, natural read a poem and Mrs. ROSS
ability, industriousness and re- Hodeert read. a story and also
led in prayer. Rev. If. C. Wil -
in choosing
to others are factors
ehoosing a vocation, be it son welcomed the choir,
resolved that: Rev. Wilson introduced Mr.
Carsen of the Caradoc Nursery
"(I) Both church and school
who showed pictures, Lee Web-
ber thanked the speaker.
Crokinole was played at the
close of the meeting. Prizes
were won by: men's high, Don-
ald' Bray; men's low, William
Rohde.: ladies' high, Mrs. Ed-
win Miller, ladies' low, Mrs.
Gordon Stone. •
Those in charge for the eve-
ning were Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Ifodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Hunkin, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
1 "Whereas with increasing free
i... ; time on our hands, entertainment
, has become a more important
e i part of our lives, and much of
. F.:- ' that entertainment has become
i destructive, be it resolved that:
Huron Lumber E: ... forms••
CO._ .: "We promote more construc-
tive of ente'rtalement, e.g.,
- social activities within the frame-
work of the church, entertain-
ment created by ourselves
rather than commercially creat-
ed entertainment."
Better Family Relations
:hi MI 11111111111111111111111111111111/1011111111111011111111111 ..... 1111111111111/1151111111011ff ..... tl tIS
Pket,edseeor•Ves/...,4%,..g....5.,..w.v.swwww. A
MUSt 1)e a fine one
the portrait
you give for
* • •
Expressive at your
best, a warm greeting totthose
who mean the most:
Make, Your
Appantment .NOW At
"Whereas in modern living,
the family does not meet as a
unit often enough, and- changing
times' require changing methods
of discipline, and the medium of
TV presents family problems and
also brings the family 'together
give guidance in the right Chris -
lion jobs and be definite about
jobs which are not Christian;
(2) the individual choose (a) a
Christian environment for his job,
(h) use his natural ability tie its
fullest, (e) remember his re-
sponsibilities to his employer and
his fellow -workers,"
Give Creeds Meaning
"Whereas the terms of the
creeds lack a personal meaning,
and tend to lead to mass accep-
tance, be it resolv'ett that:
"Our creeds be more personal-
ized by careful study of the
ancient creeds of the Christian
church and by testing ,these
creeds in our own experience."
Discussion groups were led by
SHOIIS Principal. H. L. Sturgis,
G. M, Idickle, S/L E. W. S. Gil-
bert,. Fa; J, Young, Rev, Glenn
Strome and Cecil Wilson.
Now $650
The blind fend reached the
$050 mark this week.
The past week's boost raised
hopes that the campaign may
reach its $1,000 objective.
Chairman S. IL Taylor's re,
nort on contributions shows a
total of $647.81.
Exeter $406,00
Crediton 0.31
Daghwood ........ V,00
Wanton 4.e0 ,
Webditalt 31,00
Total 6,17A1
William Isaac
District Farmer
William Isaac, a well-known
farmer in Biddulpit Township for
many years before retiring to
Lucan about one and a half
years ago, died in South Ituron
Hospital on Monday, October
21 in his 83rd year.
Pe is survived by his wife,
the former Annie Alma Hodgins
of Lucan, two sons, Alton, Mc-
Gillivray, and Bruce, Biddlilple;
two daughters (Olive) Mrs. Rol-
and Dodging, Lobo, and Beta
homet, two sisters, Mrs, El -
Mira Atkinson, Leamington, and
Mrs Thotnas Quinton London
TITh body is resting at the
Itlurdy funeral home, Lucan,
where funeral service will be
conducted by Rev. J. T. Clarke
assisted by Rev, Ti, J. Itonlettni
on Thursday, October :la -at 2
p.m. with interment in St,
jaltiet cemetery, Clandeboye.
closed ,October 20, will be an-
nounced publicly during the.
week of November '2440, the.
week of the "March For Mus-
cular Dystrophy". There will be
four winners and additional
Awards will be presented to
"runners-up" eachin of.Iha two
Three judges are, Reginald
Coombs, head of English depart-
ment, Central Collegiate, Sarnia;
Mrs. Harold Philips, nurse at
MDA. Clinic, London, and Arthur
Ford, London Free Press editor--
The Exeter
Public Library
Tuesday, Wednes,day
and Thursday,
Nov. 4 5 & 6
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