HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-12-12, Page 4/ONO or Toot: EDITOR. 'hs Ging, A.lewrttter hos the futlowieg, de- dicated to bis Jelwgwut •• Petrous." AIN-•' 1'hsa 'meld remember ere." When oiha bill. a,d ether dose The" tele. of woe shall tell, Of notes in ha.b, w,th.ut '• the (wide," AuJ cotton had to sell; There Imy, pwthsps. is each a sera* Some r•collec"os& be Of bills that longer due bare trea, A..d you'll remember rr 1 Who. "hard up" tetrameters shell wring Your hetet w1'1t bnpn 10 •r., And deem 11 but • •r fling ,ht„g To tell ynu •• cru ses'.n.•' \Vhen • • c.liu'g" proves • .., e'•.s teak, \V, thou* Clot •• Lwy•t'• fee," In enrh s M000ei 11.n1 ark Tkal,yua'lf rs,rrieber ate 1 LA'Z'E EUROPEAN N E s1•S. ARRIVAL OF THE EL'ROPA- W leers by eekgraph from New Toth en the •.ting of the 911th, that the Europa aimed st ll.hf�a iso Cie 117th. , Toe 411111 arrived est is 10+ days. ENGi.ANID. L67D MAYOR'S SHOW. The !.orMynr'* reee•t annual public dinner wee method by sn•.uel btil'. aucy. The Ilan. Abbot Lewre,.ee wag prepent, end .nide a speech. which WOO characterized be the pope's as ear- n est and eloquent. tratiful ad tmpsa.iooed, and 'is mid to hsee been no fine taste. Meters Clown, Il, ernrn.t primers. hive rburned the roerract for printing the catalogue for the 11151 Exhibition. They give a premlbm of £4,000 for the privilege, arid 2d ter every copy geIII :emesis she rzpense of the I sblb,ti.n.- The *solo.** will be sold our Ir: souther e.ra• lege" w,ll s1... be published, which sell be print- ed iia several tengaeeee, and he sold for I11.. - The number of hands employed on the beilding is 1500. A MAN('FACTORY OF ANIMALS le Samar, in • modest shop upon the quay, 1 witorssed an exhibition showing • degree of to - dewy, ingenuity, and perfecly novel genote skill, which sur,.rised and delighted me. In a glass ter by the door stood what 1 took •i Ent 'oohs to be a huge &rnte.gse dull, made op is Indictees imitation of the lack-•-daisieal look- ing shepherds who eemeum.s Boarish in the pic- ture. of Wates• and his pas:oral-10.03g eoo- temporeriea Looking more deftly, I discover- ed that my shepherd was a glen one -that the ball tarry, half -velvety materials it which he was dreamed were eompe.ed of Inaemereble fila- ments cf spas glass of all irwgineble colosrs.- I was ezamtning the figure. when the shopkeeper politely iaeited me to enter. Ile was engaged, by the help of a pot of gee, • small lamp of glass, e nd the blow -pipe, in uws.(aeturinp an roOnity of tiny doge. eats, and birds of paridise, with lestrioes tails; the like d which sbueod ie oar awn toy -.hope, but which were here miaowed - with an artiste. appearance e( bfe, sod 6niebed of.with • perfection ofdetail wheeh appeared to me quite unrivalled. Still, mot beteg over sod above int ' .1 in the prodoctiva of these pretty nicknacketies, 1 was turning to go, when I ob- served • large glase es** at the bottom of the ' bop, eootaiuiog what 1 took to be very (.e stuffed specimens of • lion, • termed tiger and a leopard. " Ali I" said the •Hist, •• these are my tromps. I make my living sot of trumpery dogs ad care, sod children•' set@ of plate: but Clem are the works to which 1 have devoted all the time, and in which I hire settled all the pride of my life.,' I was estnaishd. What I had taken for the natural hides and for of the aima!s was entirely glue -ivory tawny hair is the boot'hi mune be- ing • dietiaat thread of the brittle material. sod every coloured 6hre is the tiger's striped hide a separately span opeeale drre. eopetdtmg .h bued glass. 'Fere. no doaht, Wen the evidences of vat Wooer, of most petite' and delicate haadi- estark, Bat the at of th..abibititlea was shown is the skill ad fidelity with Which asters had been iusitated, in the whole aspect sad bearing of the ■oimalI, in the fine swell of their muscles -the attitudes and cord-like teoroame given is the lege-and above yI, in the fierce and life. l,ke aspect imparted to the cremates' heads, that of the lien to particular, Ramie( upwards Trona -the tangled muses • shaggy heir The ortut looked maim kis works with pater• nal pude. •. I am rhe only man in Europe,•' he paid, • • .los can nuke the like.•' He added that be hid been seat for by the late ex -King .f ;he French. who hod pwrchaeed several smaller ani- mals, made in ;lie e,yle of those 1 sew. i ex- pressed • hope Ihet 1 should encounter the lion, meat simmer, to the London F:xpoeiuoa.- "No," the man replied, •• Ile had .Hawn hie collection to groat English mulorda when he was is Faris, but they over. stiff and cold, and t•.e reeeptioo they had gieen lura dircouragei him i•nm thinking of send,ug any rpecimrus of his ✓ k:11 to Lend„a." it ,s to be hoped, hoped, hoer - ...r, that M. l.rmt.oug-such i1 the artist's none -will change hie n.i..d in this respect.- - Tb" lion coat him five year., of !sheer. Ile eel - mated its value et 33.003 francs, while he rated the tiger std leopard as worth 15 000 frames 'sob. -Special Correspondence of the Morning CMwsiets. BIR Joist Rest's CaRRtaR Pintos' -Many .ptradistory .t.t.ntsuts hero appreied teepee ting 'heartiest of them pigeons, cod more the toe paragraph. reporting that " three of there birds, bringing impoetat despatches, beim re- turoed," has fuuod it. wpy iototbe publie prion. We ere tiled to have it to oat power to give as authentic account '.f these aerial mementoes. - On Sunday, the thirteenth of this month, • car- rier pigeon was abutted on the top of • pigeon - house at Aenem•hill, which. being ender repair, ser. shat up: .pd on tee Wedoesday foll.wieg M... 1/melee (this lady presented the pigeon to thr John Russ) was informed by a friend that • merrier pigeon had takes forage it Shewslme, the seat of the Lord Justice General. The pigeon was secored sod taken to Mire Dunlop. who Si ace recognized it as Soo of the yeas pair, both d which Sir Jobe Roan had isiim.nd te her his istentios lo Peed offa room as he w.s frotes is foe the oldier, and premised to seed deopmtative by them. Ne letter het, however, been received, mud although soother bird of the moue hied Ma b... seta to the s.ighbrrho.d, whist 0 1. th .ur ti may be the mere of the nos caught, it had rot, op to the twenty-fourth, beta eeeured. 'When rhe pipes' ie q weti rt wee tabes ism the hones eller. it hod bee. reared. tied in whieh oto forty nests, tee little ere -more $.w at eece Imo the nest whore it had beer hatched. The foregoing is a simple euteneet of the facts, and he of peat rn,ere0 is m'n way. ,limn see. We should be glad to receive any remarks ■poo the Bight of then birds from •ay .r.iithologtet of repute The probable post tion .f 817 Jnho Ross wmnpd be to the westward of Bmrrew Sirsn.-Lowdnw fibw4Mir d. n.Tee MOW, Fueopstieti -A e.ogelar phet- onmen has for mom time emoted i* the parish of Rowley R•gns, which has sot fly give* rise t* the most ab.urd roomers, bet ba bee • saute* 17 .ceder. And .u11 remain .• imezp!.es• blo p.ulo ta all ter" vanities mea sad phtl*se• of the leeelrcy. (1n.. halt fire ?rants.. ea a 'null meadow occupied by Meow*. Mills e nd Co., at tee Eagle Colliery, sod thr.uth which is a feetp•Ih t• the hew.. of Mr Joh' Higgs. the "heck WHIR' as the wharf, as. mere• tog were duaoverd a amber of mark" •over sjiir gieaswerd, from the path to the beesdery See, and Met arils. is a trra.geler 1... - TLese merits were e..uly 1. the form d •e ire - mesas nim-.h•p.w berme foot, end not eels was every trees of r t..ti.. destroyed, bet ober eery *off .,peered RI a1 aser.b.d with • red bet iron. Nttakese of people were aur.eted t eke.p.m daily, mad as the Report spread. It was visited by 1Mure.ds, awl d.w.r to • .enolder•bts omoaat woe doe., par,lco:erly we deadeye. 'I b. •mor ay., us, auJ, taller the lapse of • roar Of 105, • strong ebur., fete* w.. pieced round, to the ea- peclali*e that of fearer gram wuela ag5ia grow over the ewe. WIW. 11'.1 C*Walde 'haled now 1s that has Ittera.l Ale!, sly, for .ume purpose es- heowa 10 Ul•rtele. mut au/primed the masks or fel. but ail bee breu to oto purpose -nus • regale t..a.le td one descriptiea til vegaetiuo ba seer yet appeared on the 'actuated spots, std though the leoee hos been since removed, •.d the dela regolerly ninon, the b..r(sl i.0..eee sill re - mem.. a•ol there the deep iudested marks are, owl. soy re.d terve. a .s lint, • iseimeial u( some 01111. r,...• seemly; but what 1, mea tie tameo ingettetty los yet d,se..reed. 1t ha. ,ern "uu.ureJ that • pndemee re..dine SCSI hes •fanned lie would gloat, give 1.11 ►h fu- ture totems Itis dtaereeab!e mystery setistae- touly rapisioed. FRANCE. Lows N.p..bon b.. seat • keg Motes• to the A...emoly. which has g- Yee geeersl .sti.fsc- tote. He decimate all per.nnal ainhotee. At tee lost Couac,l or !holsters, us the de - matches from Germany, i, wee un.aim•'uly 6s - Tided, that the rrpr..e.i.tive of Fraure 01 the Course of Austria sod Bvdiu, should he in- spected to ennouoee that ebe could not bet re- gard s wee 1et.een Astiri. and Fraser an an Eurnpeun affair, and the Fussell Ministers are diteeted 10 remen.irau with all the might of ILew (Oficial petition molon the right of Again. . 0,1 P,.IOia to epee 11,. way to c,•Oeel110• m E urope. for intereela which ere ei her personal nr ten slight to make it tucwebeut se them to ulcer enntuel concemien.. The poeeedinee of 'he .4r.errlly were ma:mpnnant. The Nisi. - try are eery well dapred toward. the President, ■ od the lle.mge Lae .rraas pacified the opposi- tion. N.polrnn in his olanid decor/sews *oe• fined hir,re111., feets end prineipleo (outgo 10 'the.Ileied tendency of his smhilios. WAR BETWEEN AUSTRIA AND PRI SSIA. The report .f the renewed mlaoderetadiog hetweed Prussia and Austria. is sosfirmed; Austria sed Barrio are is arms. Erases, Ruuia. ■nal Englad have offered their media- tion. Presets are. ibs first Mend. Nor trope occupied the •;Page of Byolzell, open which the Aa.tri.os sd,•oced, their swords sheathed, but were at once 11 -ed .e, sod sever.! of them wounded; the fire was roamed sod the Prussians finally evacuated the plaeef e•rryi.g off their wnuodrd. The last ',cops." are more peaeefel, although wit is now looked en as certain le Vieoas. T H5a MAJESTY AND TWO FAarsa's F•1111 - LT, OR R MINK 110 ITSaNDR1R- IKo Asesc•T.-Rome weds ago her Majes- ty, who 011750. 110 opportunity of making herself acquainted with all grades and class• es of tier suhjects, and of familiarising her- self with their habits and persuit., paid a visit to • highly respectable farmer, named Coatis, who resides at Street of Moealtri., about two miles distant from the Cutler of Balmoral. Accompanied by his Royal H ness Prince Albert, her Majesty entered the farm bowie, and evidently felt disposed to make the best ear of the time which she might speed audenits roof. Most condos- eesdingly and affably the entered into eon, esrsano■ with the good dame of the man- sion, who, little 'spotting the honor heeler' that day to entertain Royalty, was dressed in ber usual homely attire. Posieeei.g, however, a fair share of that good geese for which, In Scotland, persona of ber elan are duitiegntshed, and of that self•po ion which is Its frequent concomitant, she re- plied in a becoming manner to the num questions and Inquires which her Majesty and hie Royal Hlghne.e put to ber. And many were the inquires which the Royal personages made regpeeting the establish. tient, especially in reference to the dairy, cookery, and housekeeping. The jelly farmer, who is a portly yeoman, and by no means a bad representative of his order, wap n ot at home when the Qneen gad Prince reached tbefarm hoes*, but ho was prompt- ly summoned to do the honours to his il- lustrious visitors. But before his arrival, his worthy h,•Ipmate had produeed the best cheer that her larder and dairy afforded, in the shape of bread, cheese, butter. cream, cards, milk, bis.. of which her Majesty and the Preece and their suite partook, and with the excellence of which they expressed themaelves highly pleased. Having court- eouely thanked the worthy farmer and his wrfo for their hospitality, and for the in formation which they had imparted to thrall. the Royal personages took their leave; and It was some time before the homely pair could calmly and deliberately contemplate the fact, that the Sovereign of Great Brit ado, whore rule extends over territories ■o vast that the sun never seta on the whole of them, and to whose sceptre a hundrod and thirty millions of human being* owe allegiance, had actually entered their lowly dwelling, partakes of their homely fare, and spoken to them in a way which assured them that they took an interest in their welfare; and no doubt Saturday the t8 of Sept., 1850, will be long and proudly remembered by tho jolly occupant of Street of Monaltri., sod by his better half as the mopt memora- ble day of;lbeirexistence.- English Paper. g,.oc11.55 D. or A Pt.sirw -As itine- rant player, possessed ef,nnre wit than money, ma., a few day ago, driven by hanger to com• mil the crime of policing, in the neighbourhood d B•rnissb.m. and beteg -detested ie the set, woo earned forthwith before • Bench of Magi.- tratos, whim rho offence wee fully proved. The knight of the buskin, however, beta, celled ep- ee 10.4.7...4r, asto,tshed rhe learned Judges by adapting "bruise's speech to the Romans en the death arrest" to his rete, in Cie following maleer:-" Briton., hungry Inc,, an I epteureel bear .. for my cow, and 1.. silent that you n osy hear: belii•e me for mine honor, and have respect for mioo bonny, hot you may believe: coitus ere i5 ref wisdom, and awsks you in your 000..a, 'bat you may better judge. If -there be soy is tibia aseembly, any dear hued of this hare, to him 1 say, that a player's Inv" fee • here is no leu than hi.. 1st thea that foetid de mud why • player roam Sgsinet a hare, this is my gamer: -Not that 1 love I hers lees, Dat Chet 1 level eating mare Hod Tor mho this %to- wers living, aid 1 bad die4,eraving. this that this bare were dead. that 1 bight lire a jolly fellow f As this Aare wag pretty, 1 weep for him: a he was eimbl.. 1 rejoice at it: es he was plemp, 1 Moa hie: bet as he was tumble, I sir. hem." 11 -re she gs•is► of the Gut was ebiige.J to give titer p-seprous. spectators. and ell berm I.Ie lssghsa at the ready wit displayed by the "pew sets.." The inferiorities neo wnhdswa, and she height of the seek sad Nski• lett smart ooh poetess nisch twoo, the whir be enured It, with tee iatentw .fapersee- ,,g.. the sear the same eveoism le se ,. se - tinily sere eh.re.taa„ Wrur Canr nr I$i•r..LThe Bakers' CI•eulsr setinetos that the land of Great edition will, 1n the year 1450, yield a less quantity of *mind useful corn by full 5,000, 004 *Equation ibis to the ►ears 1849 and 1844, which were year. of •ttusdasee. Fine/a twos. -The" B.rolek Adver lies?" rseetinns the taktag of a erasion w11d weighed 41ifb., aad maea.0red fere feet three new.,s is length, and tttl. NY Gee leek l• girth. AN IRISH ANECDOTE. Once opera • time, a Iuag tune ago, Gaeta were as plenty te Ireland as Saga upas a teen eat, their lived on the borders of the county Armagh, one Barn, McConnell, who law(uhy emuH1 under the above appal [than, being saves feel high and made an proportion. 111ut prowess wee well known aed acknowledged fur many a mala round, but there was one thing that graved Barmy above s little. namely, that be could get nobody that was •hie to steed before hem in kis ewe cuuwtiy. N.w report spoke of a c,•rtate grant is tl.otla.iJ who was labour lug wader tics like grief, and for precisely the mune rata..; tbrelor., Barney, after co..obtieg kis friends os the wby.ct, moot a challenge to the Scotch, giant, to "eon's over to Ireland avd get the conceit taken out of himself." After the due time the bearer of the challenge re' urged with word that it bad been aec.pted, gad further .tated that he oris advised to inform Barney that he bad better snake bis will, get hie colo made, Ina., as he that be was about COCOON:Of, sever left 1ie work ball dura.- ,. Did yu• see ben 1" asked Busy. "Faith an' i Jul," said the mes.nger. " What i. he Ick. T' interrogated the gleot. " Faith std Bony, aria, he's bks anything al all but a mwttal being." " How big is be 1" said Barney, looking anything bet pleased at the lo+sription of his rival. " How beg ie he, 41.1 you ay 1 Faatb his as big as the cold tower (oration the door an • had gad sbds:ders on him as Father M'Gurney's bull, a by all accounts hill .it you alive." Barley began to feel rather eneumfortable at the pro.pect before him, std straightway went to consult hie wife, as to what should be done in the vent of his real proving to be suck as but messenger had represented. While they were thus, engaged, one of the children tame reining, in, and exclaimed, "Daddy, come to the door and see this Brest bug less that's coming up the Hill!" Garay peeped through the chink• of the dour, and to his his great terror saw the mower ! One look was *sough to satisfy bum that his messenger bad 001 ezagggera- ted his account of him, and tuning to his wife, he said, "Ethel*, jewell, lois etc alive, for arcate ! Here comes the Scotch brain to drum your poor Barsey." Wheel Sbela heard of the approach of the coming foe, and saw bar lord's rather inability to wage war with owe so far superior in gilt ad site, she tone/tided that it ma only by some pieces of woman's wit that her hus- band could escape fro•, the affair without dishonor; and sccordiegly, she Jowly lifted the child out of the cradle, and depositing it oe the bed in the toner room, made the father get in its place, gad coverlag bin up with a quilt gently located herself gad reserved her work. After a few moments, to walked the cause of all the disturbaecu, and demaded an i.terview with the giant. Shelf, motioning with her bad to keep quiet, walked aero.. the Boor to where be stood, and in as under toes told him Baroy had gone out to the woods. The vast in- formed ber that be intended waiting lig return. "Very well," said Sbela, "Only don't make a word of noise, for the life the:'s ie you; for there. nothing makes him more furious than to hear the child crying when he comas home." By this time the giant had seated himself on a beach and was quietly surveying the apartment, but when his eye reeled on the cradle, with a look of unutterable astonishment, he asked what was in it. " In it !" cried Stets, " don't you see it's the child that's is it, an God help you if -you awake him; the craytbur didn't git • wink of sleep last Dight, with the two back teeth bas cutting," The giant, with s look of terror and astanish- ment, asked whet size the father was.- " Faith an I cant tell yon," said Stela, "coupe i never measured him; but that goa000 (pointing to the cradle) when the father is angry runs and hides himself in one of ho boots." "The Laird save us," ex- claimed the giant, " I winna mind waiting non loony, I must be ganging; guide morn- ing," and so saying he took to his heels, and never thought himee safe until he got among the bills of his own country. Hcraa.-Boy-Ma, isn't Mies Lovelock. a nice lady 1 ie'nt she though 1 Mother, -Yes, love, she is, a very 6e. lady. Bay -And don't father think a heap of her 1 don't he thought Mother -Yes, father as well as myself, thinks very highly of m.s [.nrelneke. Boy -That's what i thought tn.dsy,when i saw him hugging and kissing het in the front parlour. Mother (springing to her feet with all the agility of having pressed her foot on a hot smoothing iron) -Your father hugging and kissing Miss Lov.lncke. Boy, (in a ton of the highest glee)- My.ye. ! was'et he thought other, (distracted) -And did she suffer him to do such • thing, without raising an alarm 1 Boy, (winking his left eve in a remarka- bly cute style) -She didn't suffer any et all Tribe jnmt and kissed back again as tide hked it be ter. nor apple dompllo g, covered with'Iulre. dip. Mother, (wild, Liatericelly wild) -Oh ! the man, rat -eyed, pug nosed, red headed fright. The.caodalou. hos.y ' 1'11 tear out her eyes, i 01:1. (Fall down fainting -tears her heir, and kicks her hec!s on the carper, crying aloud for a dnoree, while her son runs off for a doctor, and meeting peppy coming home, tells hum, en passonl, that his hopeful sonny would'nt stand in his boots for something, and a trine over.) Ilow Tea BOT KRtwMI Feet/ea.-At a police court in the 'Green Mountain Bute, some years ago, the following amusing in- cident ocesred. it was related to us by one of the 'ninnies present on the occasion. A very ill-natured, quarrelsome person wee tester:od in a street brawl one dark night, end got a blow from somebody, which re- sulted in a 'black eye,' and a wit for assault gad battery. In the course of the trial a .on of the plaintiff wag called to the *noses stand -a regular 'clip of the old block.' about fifteen years afar". The buy testified to some knowledge of the affray, but couldn't give m••y particolare, as the night wee se exceeding dark o.. 'New, Sir,' said the *roes-egarsieteg at- torney, 'will ynu swear that your father waa there at will 'Yee, err -1 knew be was there.' ''But you cry yea didn't wee his., nor beer 14. .peak -boo !tea did you know he was prosiest!' 'Why --'U tell you. Join se i ramie ant of the gets, i beard Joe/lamb (the defend set) holier est, otter* gem the old desti- ned I /teem fie Ween* deed" Tb w wIa tht.bs laborManty .'111 int - MOO 1lttseelf seselnsty. TWO GOOD FARMS YOIt HALE. ONE within 9 miles, and the ether with is about 3 tulles of Goderich T,tw■ Plot. The first Is L'.T 10 iia 1st Cone's - stun, 'township of Goderich, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, is bounced •t the nae end by Lake items, sad ai the other by • Pu►kc Road, --sed the /mooed is LOT 8 is 8th Cuocenws, Colborne, W. Di witness, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and i/ situated at the Junction of two Pula - Roads. For Particulars apply to JNO. Mel)ONALD, F..q. Gedericb, 12th Jose, 1849. .9-11 NOTICE. -The roderaiped by power e( Amatory dated the 27th Jay of May. 1850, (teen hon by Thema B. Wogdliff, t0 cobset all outstanding debts dos the late F-rnu• of bides and Woodliff and himselfpersonally-regeoet •m immediate settlement of the same or they will ►e gt.ee to the Clerk of the Division Court foe e.Ileetioe- BENJ. PARSONS. Godelisb, Jess 19th, 1854. •3u19 A VJJ UAItLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! •I•HE subscriber offers for SALE bis GRIST and SAW MILL, situated in the Township of McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three mile. of Flaosgan'e Coram. The Mills are now ia'operatiu,ad newly built. The Privilege is the beat on the River, and situated in the Bost Tows. ship in the County of Huron -well settled, and Roads opened in all directions to faro°, it. The Machinery and materials are of the very best quality, and put up by the ve- ry best Machinists. For Particulars in- quire ofJames Crombie, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply tithe subscriber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McG.11i•rsy, 15th January, 1350. 2,5011 07- The Galt Reporter will insert the above until forbid. FARMER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL. FRANCIS FISHLEIGH hep to inform his tricods, and the public generally, that be has established himself in the above Village, sad hopes by strict mention to the comfort .ad eeo- neuiece of Travellers, to merit a share of their patroeage. Good Stabiiag and an musette" Groom is atteodace. Mitchell, May 15th, 1850. 3•-s:5 TO BE SOLD. -An Excel- lent FARM, being LOT No. 12, MAIT- LAND CONCESS ION, Townob'p of Godericb, eontaioiog 100 acres -30 of which is cleared. The and is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. It ia situated exact- ly nine miles film the town of Goderich os the Huron Road, and at the junction of six different roads; and as it is i0 the centre of • populous and prosperous locality, it le es- celleetly so/opted for • Tavern stand or • Store. This farm is well entitled to the attention of persons desirous of an eligible situation for huskie.., •s4 will be sold o0 very reasonable terms. For particulars apply to D. H. LIZARS, Land Agent. Goderich, June 20, 1850. 1v-nt0 NO TICE. T BEG to lotimate to the inhabitants of the Townships of Goderich, Beeley sed Col- borne, that soder a power of Attoroef from the BARON DE TUYLE, dated the 25th April, 1849, 1 snot authorized to dispose of his LAN 08 im these Townships, and to grant Tele Deed for the sem*--and.Iso to collect all 81001,5 due him. ad to grant D schargee (ur the same. -geed I hereby request all persmos indebted to the std Baron de 1'uyle, forthwith to settle sp their ree- pec t i rad.b u. THOS. MERCER JONES. Goderich, 8th M■y, 1850- 3r-n15if NOrctcr. IBEG to intimate to all that it may eoceero, that i have under a power of Attorney grant- ed to WILLIAM STORY, authorized him to collect all money due me either by Note of hand or otherwise, sod grant discharges for the same. And i hereby request •11 persons indebted to tee forthwith to settle the mime and save COIL. JOHN LANCASTER. Goderich, 25th day May, 850. •3.17 NOTICE. T''lE 8ubscriberhaviegtteeaappals red Agent for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL. AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, here- by &stimatl, that be ie prepared to receive Sub- ecriptisafor Steak in the Proprietor, Branch, ad appllcatie.. for Iseurasees in the \luteal Breech, sed to give s.eb isformatloa en the subjects. may be required. JOHN CLARK. 0ederich, 26th Sept. 1849. 9e-a34t. PLANS AND • SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs Imo to inform tb inhabitants of the District of Florin, and the neighboring Districts, that he has Established himself in Stratford, and to prepard to give Plans and Specifica- tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dame, lac. ble. lee., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, on the most reasonable terms. His thorough knowledge of his profession and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for any undertaking in the line. Addre.a post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Bonder, kc. bre. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, - Stratford, March etb, 1849. 1v-s7tf SRA'1'I:ORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Th nb.eriber having purchased she toter - est of Mr. C. J. Wilson in tee above Es- tablishment, is about to continue the Bust - nee on his own re.pon.tbilliy. In returemg tbanks to the public for the very liberal en- couragement received by OAR k WILsoir, he begs to intrmatt that he will con•tnntly keep on band ae assortment of Superior Cameos, consisting of C 0 O K 11V 0, Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most Improved Moolrk,-MALT ROi.LERS', Terming Leafs, Nmitk'e Rollers, 4-e. THRASHING MACHINES of a gupnrier description to soy hitherto introduced, and better adapted to thisone. try from their lightness of dnoght and Strength of coebtrottion. A cell fro in- Itnduag purchasers is requested before put - chairing slmowhere. The abate wail ire old at Low Rats. foe Cad or Teed*, nest mor• r.rpo.1tag rates a approved credit. A. B. ORR. Str.tfeed, Met Jt 141914, 11.-•10 A Meteor, b.vt.g fww Atari a ewy lea` wane* as sae hoe wets.*, nets* beers 5 - tie sated a peelletren hie epeeist, of ft; 1e replied Mat ores. h bet dist 11 W goaded a teem wort two of H." remWorWoomon•rs1 111111 ■ 1 ■1 111 I PIIIIPY t/I BLOOD. MOFF AT.• VESETAILE LIFE PILLS .aD PHCENIX BITTERS TIMM. sal .err.4 mma••sl'y r5p••••••110141e.p•••••p••••••110141a e set. see.lwd robesew.e.rM..reen�.r rot. dere ere• whoa Ile, ponds. 5. ,, ►.s .erd.v. tee art purl*, al - um erg *...weer,. eel r.••• Ohl dts.r. Tem ees he.w er sem reel em "ea meas set/4 he tk. ...e her theem sr y 4e loll of the er.seleue Z IMF ATLL1Kr (PAW =1- to- ASTHMA. AC•UTI hod C0a0..IC arca tuTMi AI(ACTIO.VII V Ms sasswaA r MINIS Ts. W.LI00S r1Via & 0001r1.01U1R- le 15e era ad .....hr. 5...r.e.r .m.•il. la. .s M Lord h..anb4 Myles. berm eel oboe..1. ease .r lws _- .4.15. .*.m.4 5 wading' ohm II1.A)1/1 CI'MlC. mai sueulle •..... Imwsms. 054 asolosL5AeI. COLDS • C0N001i. CAMM.'C. consume non u... wet peal wenn m atm air eel. Chat Urr 5(000*, D*Ur4Jse. MVIIPI sP/Ia. Ile serer web Thi. ds.+its • .50..5.5' dere, react th.e reser a emedieulp. envenoms V .ae awl. sar1Jrsus. fLATV Lt%c 1. VII WWI ami AODM. Is.enm went* dr wee Wow orally Nee mere= ern be head a ash. os..M. serum remedy. Othe eedrerr left he hoe. *.ernes/ le e ..r.1 tee gnu r e ere M thus orate.* • awmae54.- TOY •ruam. ere •ATMtII. C1•0 IK COMP souLNsas of courLszioes. •»<nl•L DEMILITZ GOUT. OI00iW*1 . ORA 111. M*ADAi'5 0 Vas., Mad. INMARD 'tree. M/lJ raATUR V &MAMMA MM. Jarvis BLOOD, JAUUADICL LOSS a 4771 rITR LIVER 00=IPLAIiTr/. Ltratas V. LOOeLetsa*, MratC L'KLAL DI.1CA11111•.- Me m lone r. owde a 50.07 e. a5 .Nene 1 lases► Id. nee4 teem hes he mem rem.5. am.a.t.. 4 0...n. NNW? ar14T*, NISFOINI ata,Llr Y. NONrou. COMPLAINTS of sot Mass. 4.141*4M1C serG:Tluw1 rILrrr4TION tl/w SLtr, PALVTKI'l CMULIG, FILM/. Ttr .w,ma wq..m e 1 Ow. m.d.0.m w ..sea 4 Mm 4/Btawseer•*Mer se1hem 14e 111•••0•• •sot rata n s5 seed. .Na tai trio. 1.44 ar.•.•r 1tH/BUMATIaM. rugs •Doi w.m 1Y. .rrAas tr.••. ewe 5 mw 1 paint 4 t5 ti VS ii os /BLOOD ..the 111LAu, at:L'art, S4LrLNa L'Y, aWSLLI\rci, •CRO?ULA. 5 ZING'S EVIL, le Ile were home U LC LS*, al wiry er.ar.trm - W O l Bit /. dell Mt. are i'.,a7 ees.Md be torn Iaweu..r. PrSi sit •• ••1••••••••••• Was .5w nom 1►5 .sots.. sagwmsd 5.hd awl 5 ena.s TEE LIFE PILL 1‘11 PB(Ii BITTERS PUiIFY THE 01000, Aad thee reams all disease from the system. ahells telt .a * he LIFE PILLS •s4 PN0:RII 11TTE111►•y5ethr.raufrarp.- 11110.. t5 •o04el... 1 .m., po.r.t. T'►s poet*. 1 Orr aehei....re re poi •► ie ebbe .regi •ed 1.51., t.pohor with •..meths. seed " ].(steel Good S.rnn•." r.es'o.mg t green.., et, es .55.5 1•• *S.isg 15.'sley her Wall sweet N ser Oaf., y .►1rh •.I,aae....rasp5 tsay Can .sty grimly 5.e T1. ergpn ..1 horn*•• .e. e.pyrfe 11111.11116111116010 .hr prem. hen ehb .tot. r• be .ee'Sd that SOOT ue prat.* be easef 1..01 de set bay there seen► r•a w we.R•n; tat if ,w de. M unlood Ih.s 1517 awl tete from 5• ee 4.o r.r► ha f1T rrep.»1 eel sad by ER. IILLIA>R B. M1o>rTAT. *30 Broadway, /err .1 AWN." ousel. New Teri. Tor get. by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Goderich, J110.18, 1848. WATSON & WILLIAMS, DI x16 WATSON of Goderiet, ARRISTBR AT LAID, Ae. &e. and 1.1 GEORGE WILLIAMS. of Stratford, late of the firm of Hector, Weller ad Wtiltao., Banisters, &e Toronto. having this day entered mutes-psrt•ersbip, is the Practice. sad Prob..- MOM of LAW. Cuator sod Coo vave.cm, will in future keep their Offices st Godeneh.ad Stratford, respectively, seder the name, style and firm of WAraoe ad WILiters. Dieu W /•sop, Goderich. Gtnsoe Wit. 110 KS, Stretford, 24tb December, 1849. 1115-e47if NOTICE. THE VILLAGE OF CLINTON. AN exeelleent •peeing for a good Ws• goo maker will at present be found is the rising village of Chilton, situated at the junction of the road" lead,eg from Hamilton and London to Goderleb, ad being Iw.tre mile• distant from the latter. This village is surrounded by t.►e nine* rro.peroue sot element Is the Huron Tract, and already promises to become • plate of Prime impar lance. There are now several tradesmen in It, and • good workman ro the above line 11.11I assuredly meet web liberal en- couragement. For further particular", spphemt'nn my be mediae Barclay Loran, Black.mitt Cho ton who will cheerfully give assistance to the person wsibieg to commence wagon making 111 the .hove lamed siliege . Chutes, 21rdOet., 11(50. 13-.36 rr H E S/ bseribr b.p to mama the i eh.hitu t o 1 et Gedeneh ad its raeyelty, that b• bas re. seised aLarge Seppiy of the LATEST 1M. PROVED PATTLRIf8 .f COOKING, BOX , AND PARLOUR STOVES, whrett he terms fee SALE at eery REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The 8ahoenber ds keeps nu head, as areal, a his OLD STAND, • LARGE ad very Su- perior u.nrtme.t of TINWARE of every description. The nbeeriber lakes thie.ppwtatry of retur- ning hos sincere thseke to the rehire for the very liberal petresage he ba received sine. he 1ao bees ie besiaeos in Goderich. aad hereby mulct attention t• ha...ae• sad moderate pewee, to cent tamelo receive. .hared Ibe pnbite osmoses,. N. B -GRAINING. PAINTING. GLA- ZING, PAPER .ad DELL HANGING carried ooh heretetere WILLIAM STORY. O.derieh, 6th Sept. 1849. Ie -'11 if CANAI)A LiFE ASSURANCE C IMPAN1✓. THE 8rbriber taring beef appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIEF. ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for Agee - ranee, asd will be happy to afford to •n? person the naeoes.ry asfnrautioa, as to the principles of the instituting'. JAMES WAT8ON• 0.4.14et, let Jane. 1849. .2e 9t KINCANI)NE ARMS. (Neer de Wharf Gederfetl,) BY H. MA LTON. TILE shove Hote1 h good •eeemodatios for travellers, Rt list, kir., kr. The Packet Mary se wilt leave f:nde- rieh (diN k weather permittloiy ) regular ly toles a eget for the Rierardfie Kett:* wet. Pee height it paee•g5 apply to (apt. ROO•n at the J( remedies Anna. f oderieh. Merck 11811. 16841, r,8 -r1 O6 PS!WTI NO d every deem*nes, meetly oF .ed at AO Woo. t)o...ha. 116, 0.,. 1 tarbo e I)R. P. A.-MCDOUGAI,L, C A N be Iced at all limits, at .Mrs. /rut, F. Gooding s, Fro1i_Lel, Goderich, Rept, 13th, 1848. 33 - I . LEWIS, BARRISTER, 80LIC1T011, d)sC• done, 1848. GODF.RICH. ALFRED W, (AVER, General Agent R Conveyancer COLLECTOR OFACCOUNTif, 4•• Ota GODERICH. Ort. 1, 1849 11-lo!s JOHN SI'RACHAN, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rolicilor is Chancery, Cosveyester, NOTA ItY PUBLIC, Has hie office to West lintel, Goderkb• Godericb, 2nd Jaeuars. 1850. 11 -nee DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, end Conveyer , .'olieiterr is. Ckareery, 4-. 11ae his office as lormerli, in Stratfe►d. Stratford, 2nd January, 1850. >N-049 N. B. -Mr. Minchin, of the late 6,. o. Strachan k Limas, continues to met u Agent and Counsel for Mr. Ultra in ell matters referred to him from Stratford. It. WILLIAMS, & Co. CHEMISTS AND DRUCGISTB. And General Dealers to Grocer:.., Liquors, Patois, Oil., N•ratths, Dy.Bni, Hardware, etc.. . STRATFORD.. Prescriptions dispensed with .*em0y esti promptitude. 3v -a15. J. K. G O O D I N G, AUCTIONEER, W 'LL attend BALES to any part of the County en reasonable Terms. Ap- ply et his Residence, Light -Hous. Street. Goderich, April 411, 1849, ., v -9a 1).k N IEL .GOR DON, CABINET MAKER. rues dem rest VS. Caudal Co's. C f ss, wEd'F-sTMRF7', OODERICD. - Aegn.t /7th, 1849. s. -m30 R. YOUNG, ROOT sad SHOE Mater, ear doer Mem M Mr. George Mases., Blacksmith, From t street, Goderich. . Apo: 96th, 1830.. vie B JOHN J. L..-LINTON, aoiraaT r(ILsc. C'ommis$ioner• Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. DR. JOAN HYDE, [urs nes 55050. IIE1D11CAlL 1W STRATFORD. July 31. 1849: ,. teelb WM. REED, ROUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. 4 e„ i.iGHT-HOUSE 8T. GODERICI. 0.t. 25, 1849. leek DAVID H.- LiZARS A U C TIONEE'R. IS ;nerved to attesd Sales in any part of the L'sjted Counties on the most moon - able terms. Apply at the Registry Office, Lighthouse street. Goderich, April 11, 1750. yl -m • NOT ICE. THE Fubeeriber having RENTED the WA REiHOUSE and WHARF bgleag- 1sg'to the Masers. Davenport, of tbio,place has established himself as a IeawAm.On •ND co00l5alon VR*CUANT, Ailey orders or eomensamn from the Mer- chants of Goderich, will yeeer.e prompt attention. JOHN tIcEWAN. • Waadeor, Hsieh, 1649. .tt-7naf HURON HOTEL. GODERICH, BY JAMES GENTLES. Goderich, Sept. 19, 1850. vial• S 1' 0 K E S �Ilcl»ist tt n D E rugasit, \\'1:3T -STREET, CODER CH. July 1850. 20-3 TIHE'01.1) BAKERY. HNEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE, CRACOW" . mod PAm,T Merrett Bret deer Let of r Caeeda Compeey's Office, West -street, Ade - net. Uoderieb, September 94, 1851. 3.19 WASHINGTON Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., CAPITAL. *1.000,000. EZRA IIOPKINS, Hamilton, ARRnt Air the Counties of Waterloo sod Heron. August 97, 1850. 8v18 *yOTICE.-Gage Tato theemelerere of the 11 Subscriber it August Iasi, a YEARLING STEER, the owner is requested to prev• pro- perty pay charges and oke hien away. OEOROE MeLEOD. Ushers, Nov. 93rd, 1850. .1.41 DAVID H. LiZARS, LAND AOENT, CONVEYANCER AND AUCTIONEER, STRA'1'FORD. WILL stead melee t• eery part of the Coiled Comities on the meet liberal terse. Ap- ply to Jobe Galt. Esq., Ood.nisb, or 1 Ila subscriber, Stretford. All lettere mut be pre petal. Goderich, Dee. 4th, IMO. Medi W. STOTTS, Saddle and Harness Maker, WEST STREET, GODERICR, Nearly opposite Weep Vidian's IWebSdab Beep. Ood.rteb, 14ev. 1n 1854 vill�ly PARTNE#ISHIP. II TR. NTDF. reepeelf lly eeeusssees 1. M peblt tie *ad mooted easatrd, Det be W teemed MOO P.n.entip with MR. $i:RIaUM. as orp.yle...d (Jw.sMi sal D..•gi s (1.5* km. Lathed,) sled hopes by ,fyg..,ag.tn.5t u meets Ile .pbm. 010. serf laws. aed mem the pommy. sad wIdmnn �ilb. p.. A fell imp'', drams. 011., Vssubee, Dye -(lair b., •e• wool be .m.msmtly &eve es beef Y W► IMMMM4m1 •M 1154, Duk. dIM, MM. �•�Sii.•41