HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-12-12, Page 3Mai mess weld net be prepared to supply the demand. Pau were deg le which to bury the dead. Every preeaeues was beteg seed to check its ravages, het ties far without agent. From the Ludes lageirsr. THE PAPAL INVASION. It would appear that there has been for Sema ume •:consider•bl 1portion of the cler- gy/ et the church o1 England, who have cher- ished the belief that the dtffereec.m between our National Estabtehmeel and the Church of Roos were net incapable of a:pacific and harmonious adjustment. These persona h aws Dot been, intentionally at lout, dis- loyal to the mother Church. They have rather wished to combioe Rotu•ni.m with Aagehesoem to the comprebeeaive em- brace of their religious affections. Beteg, of sourer', bound to regard the differential decimetre and practice' of Medieval Catho- licism as departures from tbat primitive •poetolte model which has been Wipptty restored is Ragland, they have yet spoken e1 them with that indulgent tenderness which may be supposed suitable to the frailties elan erring. but much -loved sister. They have contrived to make out • sort of Sleety which attributes a character of ',vitality to all cuatioental churches whish am not Protestant. Thus Anglican- ism may be more pure than Spanish or lelian Cal►theism,-bot for Spaniards god Italians, their national churches have • just title to spiritual °bedteoe*. 1. abort, the theologians to whom we refer would be glad to coaelede a treaty with Rome. on what diplomatists call the basis of mei poei- desis,--or is other words, that each party should keep as of right, its acquisitions.- " Remegsise ss in England, and we will recognise you in France, Spain, and whet - ever else.you are legally established. We *hall thus be able to prevent • strong and united Catholic float against all the earlo- be* of Protestantism.' This happy con- flustoe required only that Rome should be animated by feelings of reciprocity.- Would she bat reepoad to oar fraternal sympathies ! Would 'hs rut see and grant that we, as well as she, are apoatolical, sad hey* inherited the right divine, all might then go well." The uisreses of a class of divines an- swering to this dsscripuoe is plainly im- phr'd is the answer of the Bishop of London to the Addrese of his clergy, which has just appeared. We must assume, too, that the Using of this alas prevails pretty widely b the Established Cbareb, or else it would be totally impossible to explain the surprise alarm, and eiaspsratios, caused bythe Pepe 's s ere•ttoo of Roman Catholic ubo. pries a England. The sting of that mea- sure lies is the fact, that it brands the English Church as berua.al, ad virtually pronenecee ber orders and dignities invalid. it is therefore resented as • rude rebufftrom . what should be a frieedty quarter. The Anglicise were, as it were, drewing up their ship along side of the Romanist Armada, in eider to engage in a united bat- tle against the motley hosts of English and Continental•Protestaslum, wbeo to! they are soddenly @aloted with • discharge of threader from the whole range of the Papal artillery. The meekest patieoce might be excised for giving way to some movement of anger at so cruel and c-'atemptuous ■ repulsion of conciliatory advances. All this corner' of the infidelity of the !taglish Church in the priwctples of the Rcforteauno. If she were, as ohs ought to be, thoroughly and consistently Protestant the ecclesiastical policy of Rome would be to bear a matter of comparative indifference Oho would then, of course, expect notbiog from that iolicy but uoquali6ed hostility; and bar faith in the power o1 her own prit- ciples woold case* her to (eel that no in- geamty, whether o` priest-cratt or State. •raft on the part of the Vatican, could place these pnocipte. in the slightest danger. - As to the consegasnces of any direct end epos exercise of power by the Pope, like the division of England into bishoprics, we rout confess that the supposition of its Wag perilous to Protestantism only pro- vokes us to a smile. What can it matter to se what title the . Pope gives to a few Catholic private in Eogland i He may transform them from vicars apostolic 'into territorial bishops, or subetitute for Maim - metes Sees, like Trajanoph. and Philippep- polio, the more familiar regions of Bir- megham and Westminster ; and he taught crows the whole operation by • shower of red hats ;but by all this he would not gain AU slightest accession of power. Ilia bishop could continue to be the same men with the same rights, jurisdiction, and coda eau, which they had before. Whatever it was possible for them to do heretofore a- gaiat Protestantism, we may be sure that they did. If they were, as we cannot doubt, ensure Rotnan Catholics, this was inevita- ble. How sit to be supposed, then, that they stupid now become mon formidable or more successful, in their warfare against the Reformation 1 With these views we most confess that ties agitation which is so fiat spreading amongst the Established clergy, appears to as calculated to p.ace them In a position by ao means dignified. 1f they confined themselves te a solemn profession of at- Igabmest to the great principles of Protes- tantern, the tnmvemeat might be appropri- ate, though it would still be one of doubt - fel medusa, inasmuete se it give* an ex - tweeted Importance to a Papal Bull. But their proctical object appears to ba to pro- em nom* new legislative restriction by way of securityto the Established Church. Aaytbiag of te kind must be either futile, N worm, as tesidieg to lowest the °heexi- ess parties with lb* honors sod the eclat ofa species .f perseeatioi. A law might prohibit Dr. Wiseman from assaml.g the title of Archbishop of Weetmisster ; but • s• law could prevent bine Rom exorcising episcopal jurtadictioa rw nods, the very wall' of Iwm►etb, over those who recog• o leo his spiritual authority. A law might snake it psual for him to saga bimeelf Cardi- e st ; bet it a meet divan ►tor elf the dignity sof pesveet Rogue Catholics from submit- ting to him as the chums counsellor nt their Supreme Pontiff. Oa the other head GO thou wile am not Raman Catholics, we preeeme that they do set want an Aet •( Parliament to test► them what value May should set epos the new Arehbiehep's ♦sit thesg► lire Legislator ens do aotbiegts diminish inch power as Cerdiasl Wissmas may really pressor is Eylaad, ft might, by preeipsl0sey, very eon.(dsrably inersaas il. if it wan se no- wise as to legielats directly ageism. him sed ►fethere are at preowst seM wrn of ani Awe not anweigat the ne.deeat.d claw, for, whom stash a pro- eesdisg world may nether Rowan Catholic, •leistrsIJws men Omani eel attractive. In short, let Cardinal Wiseman be attack- poetical. The rags after bleochi■g, are by the House of ('omeioos, and he will be- then ready for the n` mafioso, wheel mw - come the great "Lion" of the day. ile will Reale them into pulp. The rag-engioes enjoy the profit without the punishment (there are two bore) are that emptied into of martyrdom ; eed we @ball see all the the receiving vat below. which again db - leaders of fashion and lovers of excitement charges itself in • small cream tato the in tile metropole crushing for admtesiun one end of the paper-maohiae. several foto Gee ehapele t. which " he Eminence" cgntrivaaces keep the pulp to consent •gt- ei expected to preach. tenon to prevent its eeparaling from the water and settlingdown. to a kind of trough filled with te watery pulp revolves • large hollow braes gauze covered drum, which lifte on ie surface from this recepta- cle • regular layer or coattog of pulp of the required width. Thi. begins the paper web, which is taken off on to a revelries/ felt kept always wet, and which conveys it to the 'teem drying cylinders, round ree of which it Is passed by means ofa hind o1 canvass. By this hitter operation 11 is per- fectly drycd, and can then of course bear its own weight. The long continuous web of paper then pauses by means of conveying rollers and other devices on to the 'beet cutter which is the last operation of the ingenious series of beautiful inveouou, and it is by it cut into regularly sized sheets which are counted into quires sad Dareellad up by a youog woman plac Sly sitting then to receive them as they (alt. A large ware - room, a little elevated above the machine - room, and immediately adjoi•ing it, is des- tined to receive the paper in its finished state, where it will of course be made up in buodles and reams suitable and ready for customers. A cutting or edging machine is also is this apartment. Nut the., divi- ded by • partition, is the counting -room. Leaving out minute details, our readers, perhaps, can gather some idea from the above of the mystery and science of paper- making. The Meseta. Forbes deserves great credit for their enterprise, and we hope they will meet proportionate encour- agement. The heavy machinery put in by the Messrs. Crombie ofthis village, especi- ally the large expansive engine, is a ponde- rous yet unique and clever specimen of engine manufacture. The boilers which supply the steam soginme are fitted up upon an admirable bot air principle and save nearly one half the usual fuel. The air is first heated by passing through the ash -pit by means of ventilators and after receiving the full beat from the furnace it lodges to a kind of reservoir en- circling and running below the boiler, the rarified and highly heated air of course always remaining on the top, about the boilers. while the comparatteely cold air falls to the bottom and escapes up the chimney. The plan, which is a kin to beatiog the 'cold water by the exhaust steam before it goes into a boiler, works to perfection, of the projectors. -Dumfries Reformer. THE CANADA COMPANY. No. I. The cowiJeration of t►e present pnsittoo of the Canada Company, and the influence which it has exercised, and that which it it is still deelioed to exercise in thus por- tion of the Province forms • subject that necessarily must receive considerable aces' coo from the Public of this Colony, or at at soy rate from that put of it which io- babite this western section. In the Coun- ty of Huron, already, its very name a re- cognized by many with dread and dst.atif- tion ; and by those more fortunate few who are in the permeatoo of their titles, with contempt, mindful of the dastardly use made of its in6ueoce to compel many to act a part distasteful to themselves, and one which they must have felt to the ex. creme, for at no time L poverty more gall- ing than when it is accompanied with a forced eubmissioo of the mind -when for the sake of a man's wife and chi:dren he is forced to act's part at varieties with his feeling• and eptolons. 8ucb has been and will continue to be the else as long as the wore petty miods rule the affairs of the Company. Conducted cedar the crafty policy recommended to the Directors by Mr. Commiseiooar Widder, its baneful, i may say blasting iofluenece, will long con- tinue in depressing the enterprise of that fioe portion of the Province (the County of Huron) and make it ultimately the Ireland of Canada, as the greater number of its in) habitants must, under the leasing system of the Company, continue the dependants o(,lbia absentee Corporation. Never has such an iniquitous seheme been submitted to the consideration of the emigrating com- muntty • it merits to be closed with those which the fertile brains of the yankee swin- dlers of New York and the other, seaport town devise to entrap the unwary immi- grant. The " no money required down" advertisements of the Canada Company are a dilutor', a trap, through which lb. 0e• fortunate immigrant is red to take up land, go on and improve it by hie Industry and thus- enrich oot himself but another. - He has leo control over the property, a Mo- gi* default in the payment of the rent may and to numerous institutes will be followed by ejectment -should he make no failure to his payment, still at the end of the lease he will be as far from being the owner of the land as he was at the beginning. The on- ly hope left to him is to abacdon big clear- ance, obtain a location on th_e lands of tho Crown, and begin the world anew with the experience he ba gained. Ile will be (ortanats who possesses the moral courage to remove from the malign influence of the unfeeling and illiberal corporatioo at once and without delay, and seek and obtain value for bis labor. This advice is given by one who for many years h ss watched the proceedings of the Compae), and its officers, who know. from experience daring a lengthened period how very many have failed to meet their engagements- to the Company, and how much more numerous they are this those who base succeeded - who from knowledge thus acquired, tells these now settling on the lands of the Company under the leasing system, that they are preparing for themselves and their children, muary sod wretchedness, the re. sults that must foi:ow :he working of this terminous scheme. -Examiner. ALiQUIS. Tore G•iT PAIR MILL. -On the pncaamp- tion that out readers are staunch advocat.a ofoar manufacturing progress, that every new future which springs up amongst us, tending to develope some latent resource hitherto unemployed, must yield them a grati6catioe, and be to them • source of unmixed, patriotic pleasure, we proceed to give a brief deecriptinn of our new paper mill, which commenced its labors in this villegs only last week. The building, of store, situated close by Meson. Cro tibia's foundry on the western aide of lbs river, is BO feet lung, by 40 wide, that is indepen- dently of the boiler-houseoes, and two glo- ries In height. Oo entering on the ground fiat, the visitor is struck by the sight of so much fine machinery all actively io motion. There are two steam engines -the one of 18, the other of 6, horse -power. This is the moving force of the establishment, the first driving the rakemie00 and rag -cutter which ars situated .b the upper floon of the building, the second seta in smooth motion the long lino of fine paper -making machinery with its moving felts, pulp sod steamdrytog cylinder, pump, conveyers, shoot cutter, ice., kc., all placed on a sunk floor on the touchers side of the mill. io the manufacture of brown or wrapping - paper, each as the mill commences with, merely to bring the apparatus into proper working operation before making finer kinds a good deal of common wheat, pea, or other straws is used. The straw is first steam- ed and blseehed in a large vat for the per - pose, and then thrown into the rag -engines, which consists of • large ovel trough with A Gaa•T Mur•xs.-We cos that come of our colemporartee, when speaking of the present stale of the liberal party in the up• per province, detach from it that portion of the party who are supposed to be Aooexa- tiomste. This, as we take it, is • very great mistake, sod will be found to be so, when the tug of war comes. That many, men, from motives of pure patriotism, deem- ed it the interest of Caoada Vibe united to the Beres, and yet conttoue to think so, we have no doubt; but to suppose that these men will separate from the Reform ranks, we think is altogether gratuitous, and far from being correct. If a policy be pointed out to those men, calculated to promote the interests of Canada better than can pos- sibly be effected by annexation, can it be doubted for a moment that these men will hesitate to sustain our pelitteal relation with Engiand 1 It was only in despair of any such policy, or any such results, that any man of the Reform party ever gave in his adheneion to the Annexationist.. With the same rallying point exist for the Tory Annexationi•tet We have been amused with the efforts made by the Tory Press to alienate the country from the present Gov- ernment. Can that Press propose a policy, •bo mon to carry it out, around which the prngrosefve ;arty can rally 1 If the present Administration bd too slow in its progress to please the Ranieri petty, can the 'Tory party expect it to be su:^ceded by one more acceptable to Reformers, a^d yet lees obnoxious to the prejudices of To710m 1 We wish to see all mere party policy i:' ever extinguished, and measures, not moo, pat before the country for the approbation of the people. We hope that the party who bids highest, with the honest intention to maintain faith with the people, will be the party sustained; but we adyiee tho.peo- ple to set by the country, et the ensuing contest, as the 8cotehmsn who was asked what be would take to accomplish a certain work 1 cautiously eked-" What will ye ggee mel" The position of the canny Scotchman is decidedly better thin that of careless confiding son of Eno, who only asks what is to be done, and immediately sets about it, leaving it to " his honor" to pay him when the work is done. First, let the people agree. a near as may be, as to what the country requires, and thee select their men to accomplish it. " We tee nears tog at all insuperable in this process. The Reform party is in the ascendant, and any of its great principles which have been tried have worked well. The policy of the party hu received the sanction of England, and certainly nothing has occurred inCanada, since the last general election, to weaken the confidence of the country in this policy. if the people only stick together, and under - a divieion in its centre, being probably stand each other, the interests of the couns about 20 inches deep. On toe side is a try cannot be neglected. -St. Catharines covered drum something like a thrashing Joar.al. euchre's drum, revotvisg rapidly for tearing the straw or rags late atoms ; on the other is • hollow octagon covered with thio brae. wire purge, moo revolving, but slowly, for lifting the water after it has done its duty from the trough, which escapee by a putt- • Montreal, November 29, 1850 liar eoetrivaoee, but leaves the pulp behind. Flour-Tbe business of rho week boa A water -pipe by the side of the trough boom very moderate in amount, sod etesdy supplies aboedance of pure spring water at the following rates: -Fine, a 19t; No 2 wherewith to mix the blseeched rags or Superfine, 19e tld to 20e; Super6n , 10s 6d straws thus thrown in. The nes o1 the to 20s 8d; Fancy and Extra Super, 10s 9d rag.-engise, then, is to keep rep a centimes' to 21s 64; Sour, 180 6d to 20s 3d. agitation and redeetioe of particle*, until Wheat -Lower Canada Rod is firm at M the material timid, be it straw sod rage 61 per millet. Of Upper Canada Samples, combined, or merely rags, are brought to • the osly sale M • parcel of Red •t 34 W bee pulpy coe.ist.ney. The protest takes per N Ib.. 6 or '7 hears. Prenioes to this operation, Pelle--Command 9. led a 341 per mutat, we shield meet,oe, that the rags art tum- hat the transactions are scarcely of • char- med and sorted, cleared of butte.* and actor worth reporting. ether obetrsetios•, by a net of tidy girls at Barley -Scarce sad wasted. work in the sorting room, w►ieb ie sat Oat*. -.Are bought frosty at Is 6,11 to is floor a little raised above that on which OW 74. rageegises are bony. These rage again indiaa Corm--Nalsis.l. are headed into •a d" Sieg aprteseet es Provisiotm--Beef In seminal. Pork - the same range to which is placed a little Moon i0 firm at 711' W to 75s per barrel, but stubborn kind of machine called the rag- the lower qualities have receded to 55e for eater, which is oteeded by taro wemea, Prime Nese, and 47s fid to f14). kw Prime one of whom feeds the roost aid the other Butter -A few Paresis hays boos takes takes sway the demolished rage me feat se for Qm.b.e seeenet, at and Most bid to Nil they escape from its relentless grinders or mid lid to 10 in swab reality. kmites whish •' whirr" round with • peeoli- Asbee-tbe elemiN tun bens gibed, bet sr " deatlsg" dobe more unavoidable time' the pose hr woNd to 17e N to fM M iflarkets. for Pots, and 17s 91 to 28s 3d for Pearls. Freight-8.awe eluted. Eac►aeg0-hank has decilitre! to 11, sad Private le 10 premium. LESSONS 1N P ti 19NIP!! MR. THRASIIERE wield my 1 the Ladies sad G.tlemos of Ooderick, that be brigade on Monday, the lith inst., to ryes • CYass in Penmanship. A. Mr. T.'s charges are moot liberal, ea Derma who needs nnprevetaeat sbootd mist tbi* chance. Private Lessees given If required without earn charge, His School will mamas 9 weeks sod w longer. ROOMS AT THE HURON HOTEL. Gedericb, Dec. 11, 18.50. 4311E Subscriber hie received for BALE on .T COMMISSION, Twenty fie. Chests IIYICil'J 11 A81i0 SUE WIC/l 1L . DR. !SON, DENTAL BURGEON. L`ROM Noting/humE.glaad. may bo committed for the Daemon of the MOUTH, (RIMS AND TEETH. To thong reteirug hie services, be would recommend as early call, as some affections of the Gums ad Teeth require some time to reuder .osod and baliby. Charges moderate. Rooms at the British Hotel. THE Subscriber, is thankfully acksewl• Goderteb, Noir. 15, MM. 39:f / edgrog the very liberal patroler Mem towed upon his Carding Mill Ibis @sues. TICS. begs to intimate to bis (nude and the pub- lic generally, that he Is ready now for To hulling, Dressing and Finishing all sorts .•f Cloth that will bo 1,11 in his cue. 111. Fulling Mill, Carding 14111, and rest of spparauv, ie all of the moat unprr- red and nee cat kind Lf SLchinery, and wor- - ked by none but skilful and experienced hands, and hie Terms will be alway■ ft:e mut liberal and moderate haute in rho country. CAME rate the premisesol Audrew Mardis, Lot elleCoe. of McKil(op, a Black sed White STEER, three ?tool old, with a while stripe irom top or the sigh eheokier down to Ike whits of the belly. Aar pekoe proving oral arty sod peylsg eapenses call take him sway. McKillop, loth Nov. 150. M BTRATFOR F) FULLING $ CARDING MILL NO Country Merchants, AND OTHERS. CI AME este t Enclosers A be h e oesrs of the 8sb.eriber, 5-/ os the 92nd October last, a Small Muly OX about years old, Brindled, with a White Head, and a Bell o. The owner era have him by papas expenses, mad proving property. JOHN CLEGG. Tp. Godericb, Dec. 10, 1850. 43 CAME INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF the ubeeriber about the beginning of Jely 8last, • Year Old HEIFER, ofa Rolla ceder, sad of the Durham Breed. The owner is bereb; relented te pro.* property, pay charges and re- move her forthwith. FRANCIS FOWLER. Lo: 18, Tsek.,mith, Hares Read. Dee. 7th, 1850. VICT®IR L 1HI0'71E14 WEST STREET, OODERICH, 9 (Near the Market flquaro,) BY MESSRS. JOHN & ROBT. DOIiOOH. G000 Aeeetsdetioes (oTriune's, and moTriune's, Gas utnuiee tical ter at all times, to take charge of Teemp. Ged.neb, Dec. 6, 1850. 43-tf I'OG1CIIi QNTE Of venue grades. Also se exeell0l setteb of HO.VEF DEW 04Vj D( H TOBACCO! Whish will be Sold ata small adnnm em New Yost Pt:can Potash, Cherry Lou,ber add Whs{t tam 1s Exchauge. 11 ACF. NORTON - NB. SADDLES, IIARAESS sad seer pa thing is the Lisa, eeetly em Asad, cheap for cash or Merchantable Produce. H. H. Goderich, Nov. 25, 1650. 3veo41-3m CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderich Mills. by WILLIAM PIPER. Godericb Mills, Sib December, 1849 46-t1 Dissolution of aJpartner'shiip. NEW LINE OF STAGES msrwsar GALT AND GODERIOH TfIF. Copertsership of JAHEB URM/TON CRAWFORD and RABY WILLIAMS, as Chemist., Dtatgista and Mr/reheats, lately carried es under the name, style aad form of R. WILLIAMS A CO., a Stretford, i• the Comi- ty of Penh, beteg at as sad, by tba eel. of all the stock is trade in the said firm by the Sheriff, aad by the amu of the said Raby Williams un- traetiog debts contrary to the deed et Copartner- ship. The subscriber hereby gives notice that he will sot hold himself reepoe.ible for soy debts Of liabilities eesgractsd by abs said Raby Williams: and furthermore ware any perigee sr person. tram ..tiling soy debts with the mid Ruby Williams, as they will be prosecuted by the creditor,. Dated at Stratford, 9th December, 18.50, by order of the Creditors. JAMES II-CRAWFORD. v3e43-3m LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the STRATFORD Poet Office ep to December7th, 1850. Anderson Peter McLeod M•leelne McKay Wm McQsaid Niche McFarlane Alex McGill Druid McCoieheoe Rout McGoary Barad McVey Chas 2 McGonagle Robert McEwao Mr McCletehy Thee McFarlaoe Joho McCardie Jas Neil Wm Pickett Deal Present Benj Packbsm Fredi Pringle Geo Powell Jao Parket Joe Quinlevi, las Quirk Itch! Reid Robt Rowan Mr Raskin Chas Smith Wm 3 Sparrow Thu 8tsseoph Michl Scott Alex Spry Thomas 8ibbeld Wm Simpson Wm 8ebbee Joo Shawb Mi1b1 Stephenson Win Studer Hear, Switzer Jacob Tbompeoe Gavin Tackerbt:'v Sethi Thompson Wed Tracey James Terry Rd Volker Mr Wdliemaoe Jas Watson Wm Williamson John Wilma Thee Wallace Mr Anoll Tho. Ballaatyoe Rohl Jr Baia Rolm Ballaatyoe Michl Bart Tberbald Brennen Jess Beadle Tho. Brown John Boyd Edwd Bien Hugh 2 Byers Michl Court Daniel Callotoa David Cheweo The' Court Joh. Douglas@ Alex D•a.more Jae Jr Densmore Mary Aao Dawe Mn Dogherty John 2 Dunlop Jobe Dempeey Hugh Dun. James Edgar Mr Egan Thee Elder James Fraser Rob* Fry FJ Graham Andrew Gao.ten@ Hoary li'milto. Jaime. :Iewe► Wm HohizeyerJohn lioffneye; Coend Harrison Jana Keller Henry Love Wm Mootietb Wm Massie* Arehd 3 Marti. David Molloy leo Meer Jae Mani. Bryan Montgomery Jas Mastic di Wilhite Maloney Miehl Merry Jae Jr Marvia J.o A. F. MICHLE. Post -easter. STRAYED from the Mai dried Fleesor , stie- time abort the end of harvest -A RED STEER, twee years old -as it is probable that he is somewhere to the township of Goderteh, any person who will give to the Subscriber or leave at the Swim/ Office, such isformauoa as will lead to his recovery will be handsomely re- warded. JOHN ANNAND. Colborne, 3rd Dee., 1830. v3.42 To Common School Teacher's. THROUGH IN 18 HOURS ! ha e.eaecti.w .446 tie Steges fr.0 AenoiW%. COMMENCING os TUESDAY 1st of October, a Stags will leave the Uowo Hotel, Galt, at 5 o'clock, a. m.. sod the British Hotel, Goderich, at 6 o'clock, a. m., every day (Suodsys excepted,) arrmog at each of the above Towns at Jrrly beds time, and will continue to run 111F the Acs commodatioo of Travellers, starting pones Wally at 5 o'clock in the morning. The subscriber hopes by paying strict attention to the comforts of the Travelling Public to receive • share of their support. Buffalo Robe*, ace., lLroubed. Any complaints made of Drivers will re- ceive immediate attention, and will be at ooee redressed as far as redreae is practi- cable. Parcels sent by this Line will be convey- ed with care and punctuality, and delivered at moderate chargee. Persons traveling by this Line will not be deprived of rest a on the Route from Gode- rich to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be- tween 10 and 11 o'clock at Dight, and leave in the morning for Hamilton at s o'clock - and on the Route from Ilamiltoa to Gode- rich the Passengers arose in Galt as they nose, at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon or 12 o'clock at night, and leave for Godericb at 5 in the morning. • T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stretford, Sept. 26;1850. 3v-.331( HURON HOTEL. THE Subscriber begs leave to intimate to his numerous respectable customers, and the travelling public generally, that the extensive repairs and improvements which have been tnrogrerss on the Huron Hotel during the course of the summer, are cow fully completed. And as he (eels confi- dent that his establishment is now capable of affording accommodation equal to that of any hotel in this section of the country, he ventures to hope for a continuance of lard liberal support which he has received during the period be has been in bailees'. . JAMES GENT -LES. Huron Hotel, Godericb, October 16, 1850. S v5n35 FOR SALE. TIIAT EXCELLENT FARM ON the Bty6eld Road, Nine miles from GODERICH, and Three from Bayfield, consisting of 190 Acres of Land, 45 of which are cleared, and through which rune that excellent Mill Stream, the 33 Crook. For particulars apply to Mr. NAFTEL, at Goderich. September 27, 1850. •3-o331f 100 1-4 ACRE LOTS FOR SALE is the Tows el Stretford. Ap- ply to D. HOME LIZARS, tloheitor. Stratford, 18th Nev. 1850. 3ve404 ATEACHER WANTED for one year, for School &reties No. 6, Goderich Township, Hero. Canty. Then is • good dwelleg bow Lad se sere of Doted well cleared and (sliced itemised to the School. room for the bete fit of the Tauber i( nleired. As the notary will be liberal, sone bet theme holding a first et neeedClaw Certi6sate toed apply. Appliea- tiring will be received by the Trustees wild the timed Teasday ie Jesuitry, Of by biter poet peed.) ALEX. FRABF.R, CORNET, McREE. Trete/we. WM. MCILWAIN, GOderich Township, Dee. 441. 1 4B District Croton Lands Otic'. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN rrinar the remaislag CROWN LANDS 1. ABHYIELD a./ WAWYANO®H, are sew eyes FOR RALE. An aeeeeary ieferm.- 11.. tsepesti.g teas Lasds may 9e ohtsined by applying to JOHN CLARK, Digitise Crews Laud Agent Mid November. 1810. *sad W. 8TOTTS, Saddle and Harness ....s AIaAlker, GEO. J. PRUPS ING. Fur WM. RISC'IIMUI.IER. Stratford Steam Mill.. Oct. 26, 1810. Cr Always o@ hand a large and well ted Stock of Lt'MIIER, chick sill ►. meld t fair prices and ea terms to suit cuss loaner,. 1.37 1m DIVISION COURTS, rimer Jinn Divicine Courts ter the L'wiied 1 Cstaai. • of Ilur.ou Penh aad-Brece, will be haw at the uu,Y and places Inllowiog:- 1N. Derision -Court Losse •1 Gedetleh,- e DrsemIer. T. G. Morro. Esq.. Clerk. 2.1. lkria»n -Julia Hicks'. Mitchell, -30116 December. Robert Cans. E►q.. Clerk. 3d. Diemen-Woo.l'iraffle, Suit grid, 3let Decemb.f Raby Wdl,am•, Eaq., Cletb. 401. Derision -Quiche' T Loadee Rood. 27th December George Carter, E.q.. Cbtk..1 Sth Deems*--McKeazs'e Ioa,Orocefehd 26th Dec. Janes Gordon, Esq., Clerk. 6th. lip+rwe-School house St. Mary's. 5th Feb. James Coleman. Esq., Clerk. The Slumped the Several Courts will com- menee pa.cI.elly at 11 .'cheek, A. M. ARTIIUR ACLAND, J. D. C. Goderich, Sept. lith, '50 3v-a•axi NOTICE. [PERSONS desirous of settling on the L Durban Road in the Townehtrs of Gleeelg, Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Kin- loss and Kincardine, must apply personalty at the Office of the undersigned, and no lo- cations will be confirmed except such as aro made in accordance with this requirement. All assignments of interest io locations without the knowledge and approval of .the Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of alt right in the locate° or sesignce. GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. CROWN L•ND Orrcn, Bentinck, County of Waterloo. t March 14th, 1850. v3n7 TO BE SOLD. -,.-An Excellent Forret of Land. BEiNG Lou No 15 sod 16. on the 14th ree- eeseinn, Towne of London, co.ieiei.g 200 acres, 70 of which are cleared. The Lend is of ■ Superior quality, and well watered. 1t is situated ten miles from the Town of London, on the Macadamised Road. There is a Fume Hoose and two Frame Berne on the premiere. - it is in ibe centre of • populous locality. The plaee b well adapted for • Store •or Tavern Stand. This Farm is well entitled to the ■nen- tion of persons desirous of going into business. There is also • good Bearing Orchard on the paid Farm, end will be sold on very reasonble terms. For particulars .apply to Wm. McMa- hen, as the adjoining Lot, or to JAMES McMAHEN, Town of Goderieh. July 3Fd, 1850. r3o22 la -NOTICE To the Clerks 'and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. TIIE increased demand for Surronase and other BLANK WRiTS, in con- nection with thebasinees of the several Di-. vision Coots in ibe District, lin. warranted - ue in printing them 1n much larger quell:: ties than heretofore, and consequently coa- bio• us to ',ell thein much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the several Officers re- quiring those Blank Forms, that from this date, Summonses and all other Writs be- longing to the Divi.ion Court, will be Fold at -the Signal fffire at the reduced rice of Q7 Twa SII,LLm.u. AND FliarII'Cm !ER HO.naaD.. Blank Deeds and Memorials, ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT A. BLANKS, and BLANK FROMIS- SOIt,Y NOTES, for sale at the Signal., Office. Every discriptton of P.00K and JOB Printing executed with neatness and dtepateh. ET CUMMONSEBrequired by the New D1. - ET 13 met Court Aet, andsll other BUNK FORMS teed is the Diptriet and Division Comte, en Bale et the Fix,tnl Office.A, ell kind. of JOB PRINTING ,..d os rho shortest notire, esd nn moderate term,. Goderich, July 19. 1949. REMOVAL. J')IIN ADAMS, TAILOR, Goderich, 20th .J'ot'. 1850. BEGS leave to intimate to the tnhabiler,ta of Goderich and aro vicinity, that !lolled' "TU EMIGRANTS Removed hilt TAILORING ESTAh1.IFII- MENT to West Street, hr.t door east of AND OTHERS, WANTING M. D. Seymour Is Co.'s Store, where he ' will be prepared In make all kinds of GAR- MENTS on the oho•tust notice, and on the meat reasonable loans. Cuutog done an shortest n..ur- Goderleh, Fl.n•pt. 12, IPSO. v9 -8301f "TRAYKD from the enelo.nre of the sub - ember on the 1t, held Road, rear chit Town of Go.lcnch, a largo Red and %t'6ito Spotted STEER. Any ono giving rLfe►- mation wha rewvd.d. C/ EDWARD YEAMANT. Lot 21, 2nd one Attgw@lall idtb, 1!•eint•bly50. .3n31 • "Coaduiag iif 100 Acme, 60 Cleated. {Ag iii, 3rd OJnce.xion, consisting TRAVELLER'S HOME. BTRASNIII(G, WoTIM ton, f d 11 done, 40 el.arvd, beteg omitted a hal( 2Iith February, 11149. miles from she " I HE Seibeeribsr hereby intimates In hie (VILLAGE of BRUCEFID_D.friends and the Travelling Poblie gene- ' Os the latter bet. theta Ma GOOD LOG telly, that he has removed from New Aber- 11IOUBE. BARN. du. Le., with s creek Mow- deep to file Village of cnra.borg'i, and vita Hid tb:oegb oho Farm. Then ;s also Mess are now be found in that well-known hoes,. ter. news .4 wisely neenpied be Mr. Jnse.,-where he FALL WHEAT SOWN, will be reedy .ad able to coeduee to ll.e whisk ase be lid at • moderato .also. The eoml. t of lb .. who may honor him with lusts w1n los sold Ingather ter separat.ly, as may their palroeago. Aad *kilo he reform its &airs& Os the Let in the Sed eo.ees@aa thanks fol past fume, hs haps, by strict Mere aiePoma Weeks is steeliest order atteation to the wants and wishes of hie 3vtdltf M. B. SETMOUR t Co. e.Istemers,.till to merit a contiouaree of WEST f1TRZET, OODEIUCH. their ptrosage. ilesrly eppngii. Omega Vidius W.btmi* OS MiRTiNOsf every Amp 'use. neaNy JOHN ADEL. tid• mW, law. N IMO.•1141-1y 1J sed p►lyox.emtod•t this eget. k. B -Coed STABLES and •atesptity BO,Oweme. .2-a4lf I 0 (MHO THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR MALE, TRE following LOTS OF LAND is the Toweebip.4STANLET-