HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-16, Page 15Mess •G. Berg, of Detroit, Is spending some time with. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Feltner, Mi'. and Mrs.' Gordon Morlock accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 11. Sperling, of Walkerton, spent .several days last week in. North- ern Ontario motoring as far as Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Mot. - lock spent the weekend at their summer home al, Dorset. Mr. Herbert Platten, of To- Xonto, spent a week with Mr. William Geiser Sr. and Dr. Lulu Geiser and called on many old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fahrner and son, of Wdlowdale, spent a few days last week with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fahrner, Mrs. Frederick Foist. son Charles and daughter Marion, of Eitcnener, spent the weekend with Mrs. E. Feist and Miss Nola Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finkbein- er and Reginald, and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Haugh, Linda and Danny spent the weekend at North Bay with Mr, and Mrs. Messrs. Gerald and Eldon Smith spent the weekend in De. troll, Mr, and Mrs. If, Schenk spent the weekend at Ancaster, grand- daughter Kathy returning home with them after .a visit here. Presentation Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. JERRY SPRUYTTE Fri., Oct. 17 Lucan Community Centre Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. October 16, 17 and 18 "SADDLE THE WIND" * Robert Taylor * Julie London PLUS 3 ADDED SHORTS. MON., TUES. & WED October 20; 21 an 22 "OPERATiON MADBALL" * Jack, Lemon *. Kathy Grant COMEDY CARTbON. —. COMING — "CAMPBELL'S KINGDOM" * Dick Bogard * Barbara Murray . and "HIRED GUN" * Rory Calhoun * Anne Francis • Announcements RATES Birth* . No Chem. M.rrIgms4n4 Peeths . . ..... ........... . . 750 (Marriages anel iiteatlis are reported without charoe t In ew otumris. This. 4114r9a- applies, only to listing tinder Annosincements.) Cards of Thanks, Engagements In Memoriam; (4.Iine verse) Extra verses, each 750 250 BIRTHS — rtraIxnmuionsT —Mr. and Mrs R. Brentierhoret, MR. 1 Hen- sel!, announee the birth of a delight Pr. .Harriette Joyce, at Smith Huron Hospital. October 19, grAiNiN(iHAM.Sir. and Mrs. Roy Cunningham,flandeboye, an- nottnee theft birth of a son at 'Victoria Hospital, London. Oc- tober 13—a brother for Allen. PIXON—Mr. and Mrs. nit: Dixon (nee Marilyn Hero), R.R. 1 Clandeboye, announce the birth of a son. James William, at South Huron Hospital, October I2—a. brother for Christio. roan — Sir, and Mrs. Jack Ford, Dashwdrl, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hos." pital. October i4, GrNNING—Ron anti (Man Gun - fling wish to announce the safe arrival of their son, Paul F.mer. son, at Victoria Hospital, Ion' don, October 5. — F/0 and Mrs, Hughes, RCAF Station Cen. trails, announce this. birth of a daughter. Kelley Audrey, at South Huron Hospital, October S. - ROOD — Air, and Airs. Laverne nnem, n.n. I Woodham, are happy in announce the birth of their son, at South Huron Hns- pita]. October P—a brother for Wayne anti Karen. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Airs. Andrew Hicks with to thank friend5 and neigh- bors for their many acts of kind. nese on the occasion of their diamond wedding anniversarY Special thanks to Airs. Armstrong and staff of Armstrong s Rest. aurant and to the W.A, of Cen- tralia United Church. IP* Air. and Airs. Gerald Campbell and Donny wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered Donny with cards, visits and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since return- ing home. Special thanks to Jack Weber and Fred Darling. 16c We wish to extend a sincere "thank you" in all our friends and neighbours for their cards. memorials and at tier express One of sympathy at the time of our recent berea cern?. nt. \\'e especial- ly wish to thank Rev. Snell, Air. T. Harry Hoffman and the neigh- bours who supplied baking.—Airs. Fred. Finkbeiner end family, lac Centralia UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. T. Clarke Minister Anniversary Service SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 10:30 a.m. Guest Minister: REV. W, R. TRISTAM Romney•Glenwood Soloist: HARRY HERN, GRXNTON A Warm Welcome is Extended to All Rummage. SALE Saturday, October 78 9:30 a.m. Exeter Legion Hall' Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary, RCAF Centralia Anniversary Turkey. Supper ' Caven Presbyterian Church Wednesday, October 22 tat44.1ttiMittiniriflitiffillMtfit 5:30 aid '05 Adult$1,60 • -Children Under 12,,./Sg Tickets Are Available at Ersmasis Bakery anti W G ("clirenati DOIte • TAKE-OUT ORDERS WILL BE Fuer) I3Y PHONING 4,96 EXETER S i It is respettfully requested that these take -Out Orders be phoned in tot later than 8 o'elock NIL 'Tuesday, October 21. CARDS OF THAWS.— I wish to express kfincOre thanks to all friends, neighbors and relatives who so • kindly re- membered me with cards, flow- ers anti treats while a patient in Thonhill Hospital. awl since re- turning home.- Mr. :Chris Heist. 15c I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me white in 7 hornbill Surgeryand since returning home, for cards, visit*. find treats, and the' Luther:4: 1.ariles' Aid, Thanks kgain.—Wii. Liam Rarich. We wish to- express our sincere appreciation for the many kind- nesses anti expressions of sym- pathy during nor recent bereave- ment, -- 'rite fancily of the late Airs, Den Keys. 16c IN MEMORIAM ATKINSON—In loving memory of a dear father and husband Thomas treating Atkinson. who passed away two years ago, October in, 1515, Hach. dbaiknvIn,ing day. thought. of At eventide a prayor. For in the hearts that loved' him. He always will he there. —Loving:1Y remembered by his wife, Roselle. son, Jack, and daughter -In-law. 46* CULBERT—in loving memory of wife. and mother, Mrs. Myron Culbert, who passed away one year ago on October 13. 197,7, 'Tis sweet to know we will meet again. Where troubles are no more. And that the one we loved so Has just gone on before, ...Sadly missed by husband anti Hic family, — loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, John F. Smith, who passed away October 12, 1954. We lost a Dad with a heart of gold, Who was more to us than wealth untold. Without. farewell he. fent asleep, With only memories for us to keep. We have lost, but God has gained One of the hest .Dade the world contained. —Sadly missed by wife and fam- ily... 46ne Dinettes Discuss Future Projects Future plans and projects were discussed at the business meet- ing of the Exeter Kinettes held at, the home of Mrs. Sheldon Wein on Tuesday evening. Arrangements were made for a linen draw to be held on Dec- ember 20, 'tickets for which will be on sale shortly. Mrs. John Burke won the draw for the evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Lloyd Ford and Mrs. Jack Coughlin. President Mrs. Ray Frayne chaired the meeting. CORRECTION, PLEASE The film, "Going Steady," which was presented in SHDHS Auditorium on Friday, October 10, was sponsored by the SHAHS Bible Club and NOT the Tri - County Youth for Christ, as appeared in the ad last week. The Times -Advocate regrets the error. • Girt Guides. Organite, James St Circle. Report From Kirkfon R Ay MRS. MR(4,4 DAM Th. TinitwAcIvecate, Octilsr 1 liPpi PIP* 1$ Girl Guide activities.are be- ing ,orgnnized for the Wt and winter with. two, Brownie packs, and three leaders for the •Guides aceording to. Division COIT11111,V stoner Miss .L.auretta, Seisiner. The First and Second '1i;.x.eter Brownie Packs are meeting on. Wednesday and Thursday after.. noons. The Brown Owl of the First Pack is Mrs.. Hubert Schroeder and the Tawny Owl is Mrs. Sidney Dove. P are• - Del' bridge and Miss .Caret Gibbons. In the Second Pack, Mrs, James. Wilson -is Brown Owl and Mrs, Pearl Jones is Tawny Owl. The Packie is Miss Donna Wells, The Local Association is be. ing re -organized with Mrs. P. W. Corbett as chairman. Captain. Roberta Luxton and Lieutenants Alice Carter and Doreen Pearce are in charge of the Guides, A successful series of train. ings for the "Guides has been given in Hensait by the follow- ing trainers front London: Mrs. J. S. Patterson, Division Com- missioner; Miss Nancy Stewart, Mrs. R. Kimpton and Mrs. J, Wright. Zurich Personals —Continued From Page 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zehr, of Baden, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs, Roy .Gingerich and Rev, and Mrs, Solomon Baechler and daughter, Verde, motored to London on Monday evening, Rev. Baechler being a guest speaker at the Rescue Mission. Mr. and Mrs. ,Daniel Zehr, of Woodstoek, were Sunday guests at the home of Rev, and Mrs, Sol Baechkr. Mr, and Mrs. Fisher and fami- ly, Mr. and Mrs. Tirmy.Bedour, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Banks and son, Ronnie, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bedour. Mrs. Banks and children and Mrs. Beer and daughter, of Lon- don, accompanied their mother, Mrs. William Hay, who returned to her home, after spending sets- eral days with her daughters ;rid other relatives and friends in the pity. Fedy:Spellman — Continued From Page 13 shantung frock and oatmeal beige and brown accessories were selected by the bride- groom's mother. Her brown feather hat and corsage of tawny roses enhanced her outfit. For travelling to the New Eng- land States, the bride wore a COCOA brown sheath and jacket ensemble of French brocade. A cloud white cloche trimmed with gold feathers and brown acces- sories. Her corsage was beige orchids. The couple will live at Waterloo. The bride is sts gold medallist in figure skating and is a teacher at the St. Mary's High School, Kitchener, The groom is a grad- uate of Assumption College, :E . ZION CHURCH PENTECOSTAL Evangelical United Brethren TABERNACLE CREDITON 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11;00 a.m,—Wership Service 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p,m.—Prayer Service Friday — Christ Ambassador's service in the Huron County Home. will.'say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him will I trust." —Psalms 91:2 Pastor: Evans/. L. Winn- Butler Rev. G. R. Strome, Paster 1000 a.m.—Vs, ors hip Men's Day Service 11:15 a.m.—Ohureh School , 730 p.m—Sound' Film "Martin Luther" JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C,M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 ast,—Morning Worship Laymen's Sunday Special Speaker: Mr, Elgin MeKinley, of Varna, The Laymen will conduct the service. Men's choir will sing the an- thems. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service Stilton Subject; "The Wheat And The Tares" A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All . IIIMIA*1411111.1.1•1,* howivi, 'rile ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev.' Bran. de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, -October 19 9:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 1100 ari.--Morning Prayer • Nursery and Sunday School Parish Halt, 7:00 p.m.—Evensong In CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical! United Brethren DASttwooD • Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken Mere, Organist Sunday, I')0,tober• 19 ANNWtnsAttIt stnAiltIlS 10:00 a.m. and 1;30 p.m, Guest.Speaker; Rev. Brute 1i, . 'Seeban , 'Hanover, Ont. Special numbers in both Ser- vices. 11 II: CS a.m.—Si:day Sthool BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastels Ivor Bodenitelli I. aan.—Bibie Schoel 11:00 A.M. Melting Worship " Service *MO p.mvoningt Soviet Wed., 9 Study and Prayer Soviet „ A Warns Welcome 'to All THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2.;00 p.m. — Afternoon Worshipis, at 2:30 p.m., in the Central and; the Service of the Lord's Hotel, Exeter, Everyone wet - Come. 16c L8stle5 •Man sa7aor Mrs. 13141101e Campbell, ,01 Wel- The Ladies Guild and W.A. of land and Kenneth- Green and sis pants, Anglican church met David latchen, of Weinsflect, on Thursday afternoon at the sPent the weekend with Mr. arid home of 5Ir. and Mrs. Andre‘v Aire, Fred Switzer. KiltlX with 13 present. Mr. and Mrs. John lianniman Mrs. Alex Irvine •conducted and Bob of Elliott Lake, spent the W.A. meeting with Mrs..,rie. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. nomPhreth Ys assisting in e de e- fj AIL notional Period, —0, A few highlights of the Dean. ery meeting held at St. ,Marys was given by Mrs- A. Inane. A chapter of 'the study book was given by Sirs, Clayton Smith. At the Guild meeting prepara- tions were made for the bazaar November 14, Mrs. Eric Humphreys acted as auctlorieer for a sale articles, At the close of the meeting lunch was Served by Mrs. Burns Blackler, Mrs. J. Rounded a n d Mrs. Clayton Smith and hostess. Personal Items Sunday visitors with Mn, andt aMnrds. RussellmrsEll'alyorrisonwMorrisonere 11a tnr. ti family of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Morrison and Lome and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Mor- rison. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Dan Jarvis were Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Atthill and Steven, of, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs, Norris Atthill and family, • Mr. and Mrs. Don Hewitt and family, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and Gregory, of Richmond Hill, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gough, of St. Marys, were Sun- day visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Black - ler spent this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Michigan. ThompsonPontiac, Miss Nettie Highett of the DModucphe.ell Road visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mrs, H. Box, of Ridgeway, COMING EVENTS-. NORTH MIDDLESEX CONSERs VATIVES—Annual meeting and informal reception for Hon. M. B. Diamond, Minister of Trans- port and Mrs. Dymond, and Mr. W. A, Stewart, MPP, and Mrs. Stewart will be held in Lucan Memorial Community Hall on Wednesday, October 22, at 8 p.m. Program of local tal- ent, buffet lunch. One dollar per person. HAM & BEAN SUPPER—Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall, October 28, 4:30 to 7:30. Admission 850. • 16c BAKE SALE — Centralia United Church basement, Friday, Oct. 17, from 4 to 5 p.m. In auspices of C.N.I,B. Donations gratefully accepted in lieu of buying bak- ing. Sponsored by Intermediate S.S. Class, Mrs, Cooper Mc- Curdy, teacher. 16c BAZAAR & TEA, in Thames Road Church, Friday, November 14, 1958, at 2;30 p.m. Program. 9:16:23c BARBERSHOP NIGHT — Songs by •the "Men of Accord" Chorus, and four quartets, "Gay Tones", "Chord Criers", "Rip -Chords", "Four Gents", of London, Fri- day, November 7, Exeter Legion Hall, presented by Exeter Kiss - ,men. 16c BAZAAR &' TEA, in Crediton Community Hall, by ladies of Evangelical Church, Saturday, October 18, at 3 p,m. 9:16c MEETING of the Local Associa- tion of the Girl Guides and Brownies of Exeter in Scout House, Wednesday, October 22, at 2:30 p.m: Everyone welcome. • 16e C.G.I.T. of Caven Church are having a Hallowe'en tea' on Saturday, November 1, from 3 to 5 p.m„ at the church. There will 1 be a silver colleetion. 16t RECEPTION & DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Madge, in Rus- stildale Hall, Friday, October 17. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 160 THE LADIES GUILD of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold their annual Bazaar & Tea on Nov. .Supper, 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School 7;00 p.m.—Temple Time, CHML . CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. D. Van Eck, Minister 9:45 am—Morning Worship (Dutch) • 2:15 p.m.—Afternoort Worship t English) In both services, Serving of the Lord's Supper. O The minister in charge, 3:30 p,m.—Sunday School ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASH,WOOD 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 am --Service Pastor K. Brill, Seebach'S 11111.. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "teach Mt Thy Truth 0 Lord" is1;30 a.m.—Sunday Scheel 11:80 a .M.—Wor ship Paster; Stanley taudes, Exeter MAN STREET The United Church of tenetle Supply MIrlister: Rev, H. V. Werkriiiiri braehiet: Mrs, A, Willard 10:00 dnurek School 11:is ainio4arvie* of Worship Nursery provided in the Pritri- ary ROOMS, teginners, ages will Mire during the Second hymn. And Weraitip With Us • Brownie's Drive In Clinton ox Office Opens at ' 7:30 p.m, DST First Show at Doak THURSDAY & FRIDAY October 16 and 17 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE COOL AND THE CRAZY" (Adult Entertainment) * Scott Marlow * Mai reereAu "DRAGSTRIP RIOT" * *Nettie LIMO * dery Clarke (Adult Entertainment) CARTOON • SATURDAY (3NLY otfobee DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE GUNSLINGEIV (Colour) * Jon 'Ireland * Beverley Darland "THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED" * *Wood boom% * Adele jergent CARTDON Lucan Personals — Continued From Page 11 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hauer, Mr. and Mr's. A. Simpson and Mrs. A. E. Reilly attended ‚the Postmaster's Association Con- ference banquet at Hotel London last Tuesday evening, Mr. M 0. Smith, having COO1,^ pleted his job at Montreal is bolls daying at his home for a few weeks, The Middlesex Bookmobile called at the Lucan library last Friday and left a new supply of books. John and Bruce Leckie, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Leckie of Waterloo, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. 51. 0. Smith and Mrs, Louis ISithier was a Saturday lunch visitor. a Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubbs and family of Mitchell were Wecines- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Hodgins. Mrs. Ira Carting, Miss Muriel Carling and Miss Lynette Wa]- pole attended the funeral of Mr. Ben Walpole in Kincardine last Saturday. Guests with Mrs. Ira Carling - last week included Mr. John Johnston of Florida on Saturday and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and her father, Mr. David Fells of Mel- rose, on Thursday. Mr. W. J. }tussle of Petrolia is a guest at the Pines Haven nursing home. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Davis and family attended the Nor - grove -Johnston wedding in the Lambton United Church, Toronto, last Saturday, where Carole wa: the soloist for her aunt. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Anderson, of London, have' purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young, Alice St. Mn, Bruce Walden, of Con. 16, London, suffered a heart attack while in Lucan last Wednesday. Dr. Kipp, of Granton, Was called and he was taken to Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William McComb have left on a business trip to the west, Mrs. William Dickins is spend- ing the next week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and family, of Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Caldwell and family, of Shedden. , Holiday Visitors Miss Kay Hodgins, of London, with her aunt, Mrs. John Casey. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Hodgins, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. George Strasser with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins. Studies Continent Thanksgiving was the theme of the October meeting pi the Mission Circle of James Street United Church at the home DX Miss.MayJones on Thursday evening. Miss Jones introduced the new study "Concerns of a Continent" lisesto by MISS Mary Van I Camp, Mary lair°, Mrs. Gerald i Glenn, Mrs. Garnet Shipman and /Miss Olive Parsons. The seri tu e and Thanks- giving story 'Were given by Mrs. 'Howard Holtzman. President Mrs. Shipman con- ducted the business when it was ;decided to pack a hale and in' I elude the Mission Circle guilt to be sent to the Whitings at Hazelten B.C. this month. Mr. and Mrs. Moine Eizenga and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eizenga and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eizenga, of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Don Downs and Mrs.lrene Coursey, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and family, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dinkins and family, of Lambeth, with Mrs. William Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bromwich, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Al Bromwich and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair returned Monday after spending several days in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrst Don Traquair and fam- ily.* 4 41.11P111111 .. IWO llll I llllll 41111111111,1101111/111111111.1/1111 lllll 111111111111$1111111111111/MIUMM11111111111111111111111i lllll ' Mrs, Ian Watt of Fort George, B.C. is visiting with her daugh- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. I, Sweet. Aldon Theatre Grand Bend FRIDAY 5 SATURDAY October 17 and Is "APACHE TERRITORY" * Rory Calhoun * Barbara Bates "THE SCEPTRE AND THE MACE" Canada's Top Theatrical Film A Good Short Subject And A Comic Strip Full, 2 -Hour Show — All In Color One Show Each Night 8:00 p.m. Standard Time DANCING EVERY FRIDAY -NIGHT 13Iuewater Danceland .Milos North f Gland lend. Dancing 10 p,m, to 140. a.m., DEVARDINE PRCHESTRA. Modern, Rack 'n Roll • Square ..Pancine Admission 750 Anniversary Service CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Oct, 19 lb a.m. end 730 p,m. E.S.T. GUEST SPEAKER; REV. GLEN „CAMPBELL OF HAMILTON Sunday School at 10 a.m. Nursery for Children Under Six Years ANNIVERSARY TURKEY SUPPER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Settings at 5:30 and 6:45 Adults $1.50 Children 75* i0411111111fli .... 11111)11P1111111111:11111111101,11,0111MMIMIIMIIMMIIM1111111111111111111111 ....... f$111111111S1111$11101 ....... ANNUAL MEETING Exeter Figure Skating Club Friday, Oct. 17 8:15 p.m. TOWN HALL Council Chambers All Persons Interested Are Welcome Registration & Skating Begins Saturday, Nov. 1 3:00 p.m. MilMt1411145,10.1.14..SOC Boost Local Scouting Saturday, October 18 ,IN EXETER LUCAN AND HENSALL Friday, October 17 RCAF Station Centralia DO YOUR4 GC$00 TURN BE GENEROUS I. .9, 4