HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-16, Page 14FliPt.0444. Page 14 This Tirno5-A ;,T •-• . v t , OCtobcr 16, 195C CT.tandeboye .Cornrnents1 • . By MRS. H. PATON cHIJACH•MEW United ;bereft: Flowers, fruits and vegetables were placed in the Vnited Church on Sunday for the harvest thanks- giving service conducted by the Pastor, the Rev, Edgar Roulston. Special music was given by the choir and a solo by Mise Marjorie Donaldson aecompanied by the pianist, Mrs. Kermit Thompson. St. limes choral On Sunday at St. James church the rector dedicated the new nylon Union Jack, given by the Ladies' Guild, prior to the serv- ice of Holy Communion with suitable music for Thanksgiving by the choir, Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and Clare attended an anniversary party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hills. London. for Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan. Other guests were Mrs. Harvey Riche 'Veneta and Bob of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paton of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin. Following the showing of col - red family pictures by Mr. Hill of his new home and greenhouse with flowers. on behalf of the group Mrs. Hill presented the couple with a twin -light floor Jam p, Mr. and Mrs. Logan were mar- ried 15 years ago in St. James Church, Clandeboye. Personal Items Mr. Stanley Tomes. a student of Huron College. is assisting the rector at St. Mathews Ang- lican Church, London again this Max Bloee and Mrs. flla.e, Cheryl and Suean at North Bay Mr. and MN. Andy -Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis eisieed Mr. and Mrs. William NniPV nail family of Monkton. on Sunday. • On Sunday Mr and Mrs. Jen , Roberts ofHamilton and. Mies :711enT,1•1. ?1;1t;I:d 1 a rartilYted ;•lett'sann.. Lucan Teacher Crash 9 Liman And District NOM.. Phone 109 Leon orrespondentt Miss Una Abbott tiler from England, eieeed with irsi. .. Mr, and MN. Peter Bat+, te ,. • Sarnia. A. ed ,with the latter eMr. Jack Steacy. chairman of 11 s owning fall meeting of --;— -- - - the Biddulph and North London ao-an mom, as, an Beet .3,. the intent C.N.I.B., reports the pnreme. Mr. and Airs. Mauriee Too • k Simpsen- Mr. awl Mra. ..Merein Carter • last ;Tuesday in Mrs. Ceell Bow- s man s school, S.S. No. 0. leftB. .1 b eN : esteem •on Was' IV ii I Irl e eturdav when his half -ton truck Prior to the tagging Airs. Erwin Geanton farmer, was killed last recent tag day netted $72.32. Bry day. entertained their family on Sun-- Bidthdph. toe, and hit a tree. lie lay at representing the Luean \Me met . ig 1 ury Ave. nearanse Scott and Mrs. H. 13. Langford. anti Mrs. Roy Cunning- • ' N r Wesley Chw. Lueen wa 1 • • -• - ( • • • -s rest in the C. Haskell: and Son with ;Mr. Steaey to maks, the ham and Allen. also Mrs. Omar elected president. Vice-president ' funeral home. ',Liven, where necessary arrangements. is Mr. Don Medd, Lryanston; prayers were said at. 9 p.m., Cunningham were gueete of Mr.Girls who served as •taggers and AIN. Ernol Cunningham and seetetary-tre.astirer. MN. Cecil monday, and funeral services were aine steam marghre- t. and ew President Area Man Airs. E. Tomes and tainily. Blind Tag Day Nets $72.32 Ninny in sieneoe. on sunany. Bowman. S.S. No. 5; pianist. Mrs. were conducted be. the Rev, nsna Eizenga, Laverne George, Father j. A. Alackesy at 9,30 ; Anne Revington, Mrs. Jim Hall and daughters; Arthtn• Black. Luean. Beth Watson, Misses Mary Jane and Rose- The meeting was then given a.m., Tuesday, October 14. and,. Julia CrozierCarol Young. na*. spirt the weekend with over to arranging a time table Requiem High Mass .sung at 10 t Marie and Jo , an Whitehead, Mari - the fermer's brother. Allen Car.' of meetings and the topics to be a.m.. at St. Patriele's Church, • ipn and Dana Culbert, MargaretMrs. Mrs. Charlie Carter returned! to and family in Lansing. Mich. ! discussed at each meeting. ; Biddulph. Interment was in :St.' Neil and Anne Marie AluerlY. The November meeting will be' Patrick's Church Cemetery. t with the ladies after spending held in the Denfield School, Pallbearers were John Lam„ t Personal Items • six weeks with her son and Lam- where natural science will he the bourn, Nick Van Borne, Alptionusl Mr. and Mrs. ltt. B. Langford, ilies. I topic, and roll call will be ; Keskaert, Pat Crunican, Gerry 1 Mr. and Airs. John Park and .Thankeolving Guests answered by, a drill device. ; Cruniean and Frank Ketchaars, I family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park ; d familyof Luean, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tomes enterlainedl It was decided with exams He is suryived by . his wife an , the i Mrs. Stewart Park and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aimee ' and Christmas concerts there termer Nellie Loyens, three sons '1 of Petrolia, and Mr. and Mrs. and Elizabeth, of Dorchester. would and Billi f, home, would be no December meeting. John, Peter A._e,a Clinton Haskett, of Birr, spent Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer atilt' The Biddulph teachers re. his parents, Ira and Mrs.di, °,-,,T, 1 Thanksgiving Sunday in Toronto, • David. of Petrone. and M. and' manned after dismissal to discuss Blom,-otHolland,., Frank ji, onl,anala0 of-. guests of Mr. and Mrs: William brother, Mrs. Ralph Lynn, Stanley and the public speaking contest which Toni Tomes. will be held in •the Lucan Public Holland. I Butler. ` Mr. and Airs. Maurice AleDen- School Tuesday, October 28. As Mc. 110111 only n aid, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. had obeen ; Women's Institute. ' that happens to be the date of Canada three years. Mrs. Alex Macintosh was host- ' the Home and School meeting. • ess for the October meeting of the executive decided to hold the Brother.ln-Law .Clandeboye W.I. President Mrs. H. and S. meeting a week earlier " - I Con duc ts Rites Arnold Blake presided. Roll call • on October 21. ' . • • d • h IVOS anew ere wit time year. . spent last weekend with their An appeal for the Canadian Last \Vednesday 45 pupils from i I was the setting last Saturday $on -in-law and daughter, sgt, National Institute for the Blind the Luean Public School m'e-, afternoon for the wedding of was received and a sum voted ccived polio immunization, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murless new 1 would like to learn.`' Public School News Trinity- Anglican Church, Birr, COMING EVENTS NORTH MIDDLESEX CONSER. VATIVES—Annual meeting and informal reception for Hon. .51. B. Diamond. Minister of Trans- port and Mrs. Dymond, and Mr. W. A. Stewart, MPP, and Mrs. Stewart will be held in Lucan Memorial Community Hall on Wednesday. October 22. et 8 p.m. Program of local tal- ent, buffet lunch. One dollar per person. 1 MAN IN Updates his fire. theft, house- Lucan Personals hold and car insurance ever Nona Anneta Mires and Glen to be 'donated to this cause. Dee -;E. R. Patterson was assisted by e Arlo Clark. The nride is the gates were named to attend the; Mrs. L. R. Wilson, a seems, daughter of Mrs. Leta L. Mires, area convention in Masonic nurseasAIrs. C!alvin Haskett and! . of London and the late William Temple, London. on October 20. : Mrs. Robert Kehl of the Luean Harold Alrs, formerly of Bier, 21, 22. Chosen to represent this' Home and School Association, f and the groom is' the sou of Mrs. branch were Mrs. N n r m a n • Running out of .supplies, those - Helen A. Clark, of St. Thomas, Hardy. Mrs. Andy Carter and ' who were not inoculated will i Mrs. George Simpson. :receive their first. dose Novem- • Clark. t and the late Harold Wilson The life of one of our promi- her a when the second dose is I neat members of Parliament. I being administered to the other. The Rev. William Sewell, of Ellen Fairelough. was read by ' children. Edmonton, Alta., brother-in-law Mrs. Rae Neil convener of Citi, Principal Wesley lof the bride, and the Rev, Clow is at i Thomas Griffin, of Merton, zenship and education deserib-, lag her busy and important life . present securing information on ; officiated. and the great pleasure she en- ". The bride was given in mar - the "Shell out for U.N.I.C,E.F. 1 Last year $75 000 was raised in . Lam - joys in all her duties. nage by Charles Young, ,' Canada alone by the 'I.T.N.I.C..! The motto "you can't have E.F. for underprivileged chile • beth. She wore a floor length what you like but like what gown of silk organza styled on you • dren. If Lucan decides to help i have' was interestingly corn -princess lines with short sleeves - parents will he asked to eon- ! . and a sculptured Queen Anne mented on by Mrs. James Paton. tribute money. instead of the A lingerie party is planned for neckline. Her illusion veil was usual "shell -out." the November meeting. year. How long has it been since you reviewed your coverage? We'll be glad to help. Call W. H. HODGSON Phone 24 held by a cap of iridescent pearls • and. sequins and she carried a • lAnglican Choir cascade of red roses and stephan- i Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Roving-, ton and family. Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Revington and family, and , Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell I attended a family Thanksgiving dinner on Monday at the hdme of Mrs. Harry Welbourn, of London. et Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hodgins 1 and Don spent Thanksgiving in t Woodstock, the guests of Mr. t and Mrs, Sam Earle and family. , Mrs. Cecil Robb and Mes. Wil- liam Brownlee attended the W.I, Exeter rally at Mount Brydges last Wednesday. Elects Officers Anglican Choir Elects Officers At a meeting in the parish ball of Holy Trinity church after choir practice last Tuesday eve- ning the senior choir members !elected officers: President is Mrs. Jack Steacy; secretary, Miss Marilyn Brown- lee; treasurer, Mrs, Charles !Glen; librarian, Mrs'. Jack Ar- nold: social convener, Mrs. Kay Egan; vestment supervisors, Mrs. Cecil Lewis and Mrs, Irene Coursey, F 959 See Dobbs For Dodge DODGE SIX CYLINDER ENGINE FEATURES INCREASED COMPRESSION RATING X.re>•`7,A4err$."'""040.".' The Stylish Dodge' Mayfair, 2 -door sedan pic- tured above is an economy leader in the 1059 Dodge lineup which also includes another 18 Models in the Regent, Viscount, Custom Royal and our Suburban lines, otis. Attending the bride, Miss Jean Donaghey, Mrs. Marvin McCaig, land Miss Anne Curtis, • were! gowned in' green velvet. The I flower girl, Becky Dawkins, was t dressed in deep rose vadvele John Brown, of Fingal, was groomsman, and ushers wore Harold and Gerald Clark, twin brothers of the groom. For travelling, the - bride donned a powder blue and black, linen ensemble with blue and black accessories and red rose corsage. The couple ' will reside in London, Mrs. James Watson Mrs. James Watson, 80, the former Rose Brady, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Stan Wal- zack, R.R. 2, Granton, on Friday, October 10. She lay, at rest in the C. Haskett and Son funeral home, Lucan, until 2 p.m., Mon- day, October 13, when the Rev. J. H. Vardy, of Granton, con- ducted funeral services. She is survived by her hus- band, Mr. James Watson, of R.R. 2, Granton, and two daughters, Mrs. Rose Ferguson, of Toronto, and Mrs. Lily Clarke, of Orillia. • Auxiliary Legion Meeting The October meeting of the Auxiliary Legion was held in the. Legion Hall last Tuesday evening. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Dwight Ball, the first vice- ' • president, Mrs. R. T. Rummell, presided. The eontents " of the new mystery box, to go to some lucky person at the annual bazaar, November 1, was discussed, Mrs. James Freeman and Mrs, H. T. Bond, as co-cenveners, were . named to make the necessary arrangements for the annual New • Year's Eve dance to be held at the Community Memorial Centre. The lunch committee consisted of Mrs. Cecil Holmes, Mrs. Charles gagger and Mrs. Roydet ' Herbert: Shower Pot Erlde•Elect • • - The Mayfair series will feature, as standard equipment, a greatly improved six cylinder engine that has had its compression rating in creased to 7.7 to' one enabling it to take lull advantage of the higher octane rating of mos of today's gasolines. PREMIER SHOWING .Fridai October 17 Dependable Used Car Buys, . is DODGE "REGENT SUBURBAN 4 DOOR SEDAN V8 engine, tutent $1,995 ',56 PLYMOUTH "SAVOY TUDOR tutone, -low mileage . .... $1,695 DODGE "MAYFAIR" SEDAN V8 engin, tufene, 24,006 miles $1,750 '54 DODGE "CUSTOM ROYAL" SEDAN tutdne, VB engine, automatic $1,395 753 PLYMOUTH SEDAN overhaulod, futone ...................... ..... $ 895 '$2. DESOTO SEDAN — automatic, radio, $ 795 PHONE 100 Exeteror Salei No Pmol Dobbs, Prep, NIGHTS' 762N OR 169'M On Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 7, Miss Lucy }totem of Elliot Lake, ;formerly of Ailsa Craig, was guest of honor 4t a miscellaneous shower held at the home of her t, aunt, Mrs, John Darling of Lu - can, where about 30 relatives and friends gathered. Lucy was assisted to a dee- orated chair by Mrs. Edith Scott and Mrs. Donna Hitulmareh, A wagon and basket of gifts wore presented by Janice Hintimareh, Ruthie Bother, Nancy and Na- thalie Scott, Lunch was served by Mrs. Hiedinersh, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Marjorie Beiber. The room and chair was decorated by Mrs. Glenn Xerinedy of Byron, Holiday Visitoer AC Douglas Stone, of the ncArt Trenton, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stone, of the Coursey Road. Mrs. Isabel Underwood. of London, with Mr, and Mrs. Grey Ryan. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Cook and family, of Eitehener, with Mr, and Mrs. Will Haskett, Mrs, O. A, Moore, and family, of Itoekwood, With Mr. and Mrs. U. To. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Charlton and Mr, -and Mrs. Arnold charl. ton and family, Susan, Catherine and beetle, of. Lobo, with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MeLtan. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Bodgins arid Cattily. with Mr. and Mrs. rartersOn Hotiglits, of porton, %A -Please Turn. to Page Harry Noels, of Springfield, spent last weekend in Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Reilly and Mr. and Mrs. .Bert Thompson and family spent the holiday weekend at their cottages at - Pike Bay. 'Members Attend Church News WA Conference t. Anglican - and type of party, left in the Among the 125 representatives, of the United Church Woman's, Associations of Middlesex who attended the Middlesex Presby - tory semi-annual at Empress United Church, London, last Wednesdey, were the following members front the Lucan 1.710..ited church: Airs. Sheridan Il•eving- ton. Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Mrs. LL B. Langford, Mrs. Erie Young, Mrs. Benny Saulnier, Mrs:, Har- old Whyte., Mrs. Charles Sove- reign and. Mrs. Ivan Stanley. Of the eight Mrs. Revinglon holds the position of convenor of visiting and Christian fellow- ship. In the morning Mrs. K. B. Clysdale of St. Marys, chairman of the leadership educati9n cont. mittee of the Dominion Council, discussed parliamentary pro- cedure and the • development of leadership. In the afternoon emphasis was placed on the planning of a wor- ship service, Executive Meln- hers led group discussions dur- ing part of the morning,session. The first regular fall meeting of the Luean C.G.I.T. was held in the :United church parlors last Monday night with the presi- dent, Marilyn Culbert, in the chair, There were 13 girls pres- ent. Mrs. Charles Sovereign was in charge of the devotions and the story on China as well as the games. Plans were made to begin a new craft which will take the form of candy baskets for the bazaar. Library Bridge • The winter season of Bridge al the Lucan library has begun and will continue each Wednes- day from 8 to 10 p -in. There were, two tables last Wednesday, Professor It, K. Harrison. of hands -of the Texceutive. Owing Huron College, was the guestIto the. Thanksgiving weekend, to - speaker at the 11 o'clock service, ',gather with a Wei there laltiinng4,1Shisndp ' therneismi:b e'lankS-Ovas a small attendance.. giving, Past a A letter from Don Middleton The junior Cliancel Guild and re the showing of a free film, Servers. Guild meetings will he; prior tojoining the film Plub., was held in the church Tuesday; the read. Mr. Pt -est reported on the IStweardship canvassers' meeting; success of such films at hie be the church basement Thurs..• former Parish so it was voted to day, and the • Little Helpers' write Air. Middleton for more Party in pan,onFriday. int.11 oPa wuih halt from parti cuein;l l a rs. 01oaturgeTonmos' the s; group 3next meeting, October 26, }AP ePh. Ae its u "nmeeting in i n ITeA . UniNsc,Ine(Cdhaulrig'hhanisgiving service.. 'Parish Hall at 7.313 Sunday eve- was held in the United. Church Laing, with the presidenta,nAdi d choirsrie ;Brownlee, in the chair, Ielen providing special musIc. Hardy's group in charge of churchwasthe tlueelfrcaanbrachtedb01 bythe refreshments. Rev. J. P. Prest members !led in prayer, and Edna Ryan 'the Y.P.De read the Scripture lesson. • For the first time, the 'nursery Members were, asked to attend and kindergarten children. were senarated, with Heather Stanley an. A.Y.P.A. rally in -St. Paul's and Beverley Butler taking the -Cathedral, London, at 4.30 p.m., Wednesday, October 29. and and three -year-olds, and Mrs. Murray Hodgins •the four and Itwas voted to again, this Live„y- car,olds, Year, visit the patients in the The Men's Club is. holding its Pines Haven Nursing Home once . first fall meeting on Wednesday a month, beginning October 20. night with London and go in a body; to the home for Vo ka. speaker. for the Work the new floors Members will meet at the church Sunday School room and kitchen a service at 7.30, then return to is the parish ball for the business - - nesedxgeted to lie started on Wed - session. , was decided to approach the organist, Mr. Ken Pentecostal Holiness Church Clarke, as to the most appro. On Friday night, the Young priate time for A practice. People made their final visit for A Hallowe'en party was dis. this season, to the Home of the cussed and details, as to time Aged at Clinton, Monday was a big day for the Sunday School and officers, Fired with deter- mination to bring home the attendance banner from the Chat- ham and . District Sunday School Rally, 35 adults and children jammed themselves into four cars and set off in Monday's rain for Chatham — and they did it. With distance and 'attendance counting so many points, they 'chalked up 425 points„Their nearest opponent had only 325, Trouspeair Tea Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Brum. well held an informal tea last Wednesday afternoon and evening in honor of their daughter, Helen Ann, whose marriage to Mr. Roy Edward Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A, Ryan, R.R. 2, Crediton, took place October 11, in Our Lady of Mount ,Carmol Church, Mount Cat -mel. • • 41 0 THE No need to call in a detective , , it just took a modern automatic electric range to restore this happy hostess to her party! Automatic, electric timers and temperature controls free her forever from pot -watching . . . and now she has time to spend with her guests while dinner cooks without constant checking, You'll enjoy carefree entertaining, and a cool, clean kitchen too, once you own an automatic electric range, LECTRICALLY the safe, clean, modern way tectricity doeso much .4 costs so Tittio. •