HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-16, Page 12Pep 12 The Tirnee-Acivoc4te, October 76, 190 1r 7
sy MRL
Many houSeteives have favorite
reeipe$ and some have treasured
recipes which have been heeded
clown from mother to daughter
or several generations.
Home economist Miss Sally
Ienry who, annually, reads about
100,000 recipes to determine the
top 210 recipes for the $25,000
Eakefest, Canada's largest cook.
Ing contest, says: "It would he
heartSbreaking if the women who
Beauty Bar
Unfortunately the Beauty
Sar has been closed for seve-
ral days following an acci-
dent. I regret the inconven-
ience caused to those. ladies
whose appointment has been
-Made. We 'hope to re -open
sometime next week.
Elizabeth Arden
with cenTenient Loc.
Top and Dispenser
4sSsi,s, gsoI
• .6
June Geranium or
Blue Grass
Blended with all Miss Arden's
renowned skill—one drop of
this famous hand lotion ac-
tually does the work of ten! It
contains a secret ingredient
that makes the hands softer,
whiter, less likely to chap.
4 oz. 8 P5
EXETER Phone 50
J. M. $.
tell us their recipe is an old
faintly seeret, could set the
hundreds exactly like it which
pass over my Sleek dtu.'ing. the
When asked what were the
most popular recipes, she replied
that chocolate cakee, brownies
and oatmeal cookies made up at
least 30 per cent of the entries.
"We look for something dif-
ferent: something thart .original:
perhaps a new twist to an old
favorite,"said Miss Henry, when
asked what she and her staff
look for in a recipe.
* s
There's nothing more delicious,
then an Old fashioned tapioca.
creaM, Here is .a•recipe from the
General Foods kitchens which
uses bananas. oranges and coco-
nut: •
Ambrosia Tapioca Cream
1 egg white
2 tbsps. sugar
1 egg yolk
2 cups. milk
3 tbsps. quick -cooking tapioca
i tsp. salt
2 tbsps. sugar
a tsp, vanilla
cup sliced or diced bananas
cup diced orange sections,
a cup flaked coconut
Beat the egg white until foamy.
Add 2 tbaps. sugar and continue
beating until meringue stands in
soft peaks. Set aside.
Mix egg yolk, milk, tapioca,
salt and 2 thsps. sugar in a
saucepan. Cook and stir over
medium heat until mixture
comes to a full boil (5 to 8 min-
utes). Pour a small amount of
hot mixture gradually into the
meringue, blending well. Quickly
stir in remaining tapioca mixture.
Add vanilla. Let stand 15 to 20
minutes. Combine banana, orange
and coconut; 'fold into cooled
pudding and chill. Makes 6
We tend to think of tapioca as
a pudding ingredient but it can
be used to thicken soups and
juicy fruit pies and it will hold
souffles and omelets high, light
and fluffy, In using quick -cook-
ing tapioca to thicken fruit pies
uae la to 3 tlisps. fel- a 9 -inch
pie. If the fruit is very iuicy or
You want to serve it warm, use
3 tbsps. of tapioca.
Here is the .recipe for omelet
using tapioca.
Top of the Stove Omelet
2 tbsps. quick -cooking tapioca
tsp. salt
tsp. pepper
1 cup milk
1 tbsp, butter
4 egg whites
4 egg yolks
2 tbsps. butter
Combine first four ingredients
In saucepan. Place over heat and
cook until mixture conies to a
boil, stirring constantly. Add
butter. Remove from heat and
• allow to cool slightly while beat-
ing eggs.
Beat egg whites until stiff;
beat egg yolks until thick and
lemon -colored. Add tapioca mix-
ture to egg yolks and mix well.
Fold into egg whites,
Melt the 2 tbsps. butter in a 10 -
inch fry pan. Turn omelet into
pan. Cook over low heat 3 min-
utes. Cover and cook about 10
minutes longer. Fold carefully
from handle to opposite side, and
Beauty Salon
Contra Ha
Air Conditioned Dryers
Full Line of Revlon Proclues
Marg Coward, Prep.
CLOTHING DRIVE HITS "JACKPOT"—An appeal for baby clothes by the Catholic
Women's League met with a generous response from the young families at Huron
Park, RCAF Station Centralia. The group collected 'over 75 pounds of blankets, wool
and baby clothing of all kinds. It will go to the Mercy Shelter Guild in Chatham
which assists `unwed mothers of all faiths. Above, from left, are Mrs, L. Howard,
president; Mrs. P. Kendrick, third vice-preSident; Mrs. R. Freeman, second vice-prosi-
dent and convenor' of the clothing drive; Mrs. J. W. Thompson, first vice-president,
and Mrs. J. McCarron, secretary. ----T-A Photo
Brides Choose Fall,Rites
Yellow arid bronze mums deco-
rated Calvary Church, London
for the wedding of Donna Marie
Fleischauer, daughter of Mr. A.
Fleischauer and the. late Mrs.
Fleischauer, London, and Sher-
man Woodrow Hill; London, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hill,
Crediton, on Saturday, October
11, at 2 p.m, Rev. Dr. D. G.
Turnbull officiated. .
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a pale
pink box -style suit with royal
blue and black accessories. She
carried all white carnations and
gardenia with royal blue cor-
Mrs. A. Warrington, London,
as matron of honor, wore a
brown box -style suit with tur-
quoise and brown accessories
and carried yellow carnations
and gardenia with turquoise cor-
Mr. A, Warrington was best
man and John and Gary Fleis•
chauer were ushers,
A reception and Inflect' was
held in the Nordon restaurant
where the bride's grandmother,
Mrs. John Norry, Exeter, re.
ceived guests in a grey and
orchid dress with black acces-
sories and the groom's mother
chose brown with matching le-
serve on hot platter. Makes 4 to
6 servings.
74, 54 4,
The roll call for the September
meeting of Lucan Women's Insti-
tute was a writ -ten recipe for a
supper diSh. Here is the one
given by the secretary, Mrs.
William Brownlee.
Tuna Casserole
1 7 -oz. can tuna fish (flaked)
2 cups crushed potato chips
1 10 -Oz. can mushroom soup
cup milk
1 tsp, finely chopped onion
few grains pepper
Arrange half of the potato chips
on the bottom of a greased casse-
role. Repeat layer for layer with
the flaked tuna. Combine the
remaining ingredients and pour
over the mixture. t eke in a 350
degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
Garnish with whole potato chips,
'59 (hey
You're. MI/1W to. SEE IT TODAY in our showroom
Snell' Bros. Ltd.
MOM 100
The honeymoon tvas spent in
Eastern Ontario. On their. return
the couple will make their home
in London,
Wed At Home
Miss Helen Mae Webber,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs...Harry
Weber, Woodham, and William
Lloyd Cowdrey, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Cowdrey, Mitten,
exchanged vows on Saturday,
October 11, at noon, at the home
of the, bride's parents,with Rev,'
J. Wareham officiating.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a street'
length gown of white brocade.
A matching headdress held her
shoulder -length veil and she car-
ried a bouquet of red roses and
white in un
Mrs. Harold Levy, St. Marys,
was matron of honor gowned in
tangerine crystalette styled sim-
ilarly to the bride's. She car-
ried yellow and white mums,
Harold Levy, St. Marys, .was
best man, Mrs,_ L.,Knight, sister
of the bride, furnished the wed-
ding music.
A reception and dinner was.
held at Armstrong's Restaurant.
The bride's mother ,received
guests in teal green dress. with
white accessories and the
groom's mother chose teal blue
with navy accessories.
The honeymoon was spent at
Niagara Falls and United States,
the bride travelling in a light
blue -tweed suit with navy ac-
Mr. and Mrs. Cowdrey will re-
side in London.
White and yellow 'chrysanthe-
mums. fern and altar candles in
Daahwood Lutheran church, was
the setting for the marriage of
Barbara Anne Becker, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Valentine Beck -
Dashwood, and Leslie Willard
Bucholtz, Kitchener, son of Mrs.
Annie Bucholtz and the late
Bucholtz, Pembroke, on
Saturday. October 11 at -3 p.m.
Rev, Kenneth Zorn performed
the ceremony and Mrs. Edward
Webb, Dashwood, sister of tho
bride, played wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Mr.
Geoffrey Lur,d-Teigen, Kitchener,.
who sang "The .LOrd't Prayer"
and "0 Perfect Uwe."
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride wore a floor -
length gown of peau de soie
styled On princess lines with im-
pressed pleats and chapel train;
sahrina neckline appliqued with
guipure Mee, A wreath of chif-
fon leaves .trimmed with orange
blossoms held her circular fin-
ger-tip veil of silk illusion. She
tarried a bouquet of yaw roses
and ivy,
Mr. Howard Dears. Dash.,
wood, wet matron of honor for
her tiSter and anther Sister,
Mist Lois Becker was brides-
maid. They were gowned alike
in bellefitia-length gowns Of eo-
coa-tpiee velvet, In laksie tie -
sign with scoop neckline, slur-
red sleeves, cummerbunds of
velvet, and bouffant skirt. They
carried white shasta mums with
yellow centres.
Lauri' Lenges, Welland, was
best man and John Merglcr, To-
ronto, and Mervyn Lahn, ;pt.
chencr, ushered.
A reception was held in the
church parlors decorated with
bronze mums and marigolds.
The bride's .mother. wore a sap-
phire blue brocaded crepe sheath
with corsage of pink roses and
white feathered carnations. The
groom's mother chose a silk
brocade in Imperial blue.
For travelling, t h e bride
changed to a blouson. style ger-
anium red wool crepe dress,
beige cashmere, top coat, beige
and brown accessories and white
gardenia corsage..
The bride ..nd groom will live
in Kitchener,
—Please Turn To Page 13
Crediton .Canfetence
Hears Port 'Worker
The "World for Christ" was.
the theme for the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society eonveetiot for the
south section of Huron Presby-
terialof the United Church of
Canada, held in Crediton Church
on Friday in morning and after-
noon sessions,
Guest speaker at the rally was
Miss Jean Stewart,. who was a
missionary in -China in 1951 and
1952, but is now a port' worker
in Montreal. She told of incidents
in her work and the many types
of people she meets. She men-
tioned the practical help the port
worker is .abie to give, such as
finding lost luggage, showing
friendship to those who come
from other countries and who do
not understand the language.
Alias Stewart was introduced
by Mrs, W. AleVittle, Huron
Presbyterial president, who also
spoke of her experiences at the
School of Leaders at Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, early in Sep.
(ember. This school has become
so popular that although 300 were
in attendance, over 10o had to be
turned away.
A skit on Japan was presented
by the Elimville Mission need,
with Larry Skinner as narrator.
Taking part were s. Frances
Skinner, Joanne Miners; Sandra
Walters, Marilyn Johns, Kathy
Hero, Janet Skinner, Carol Ann
Bell, Larry Lynn and Edwin
The morning worship sez'ice
was taken byMrt. C. E. Ur-
brigg, Mrs. J. 8. Smith, and Mrs..
H. FoWc, of James Street,
Exeter, while the ladies of
Thames Road Auxiliary, Mrs. Ed
Miller, Mrs, Melvin •Gardiner,
and Mrs. S. Coward conducted
the afternoon worship.
Mrs. Douglas lesley, Exeter,
reported for -Baby Bands; Mrs,
H. Fetlock, Pordwich, for Chris-
tian citizenship; Mrs. Elgin Mc-
Kinley, Zurich, for community
1 MAN IN 8
updates his fire, theft, house-
hold and car insurance every
How long has it been since
you reviewed your coverage?
We'll be glad to help.
Call W. He
Phone 24
friendShips. Miss A. Anderson-.
Centralia, for Alissioeery Monthly
and World Friends; Mrs. A.
Mote, nOoderich, for Christian
citizenship; Mrs. J. A. McGill,
Clinton,: for supply work. All re-
ports showed progress And inter-
est on the part of the members,
Mrs. George Reid, Varna, dis-
played literature And briefly
discussed books and leaflets. The
allocation for Huron. Presbyterial
this year is $24,950. Mrs. J. Sut-
ter, treasurer, recommended
planning and .giving allocation
quarterly -
Mrs. 'S. G. Klatt, Exeter,
favored witif a solo. An invitation
to Elimville for 1958 was accept-
ed. Whalen Auxiliary is to' ap-
point a resolutions committee for
next year, and else a delegate to
the branch conveetion.
Mrs. W, J. .Itoutly, R.R. 3,
Exeter, presided. Mrs. Garfield
Hill,,Crediton, extended 4 wel-
come, to which Ars. Elton Curts,
Greenway, replied. Mrs. Frank-
lin Skinner, Eliewille, , was
appointed secretary ler the meet-
ing. Mrs. Ronald Harris, Credi-
ton, was organist for the meet-
ing. Dinner was served by the.
Wed 3:5 Years,
Couple Honored
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs,
Melvin King, R.R. 1 Exeter celes
brated their thirty-fifth wedding
anniversary at A family gathers'
big at the home of their ,clatighs
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Neil..
Guests included their son. Rus-
sell, his wife and family: a
d a it kilter, Mrs, Alvin Willert
(Edith), Mr. Willert and family
Exeter and their youngest daugh-
ter (Melba) and her husband,
Air. and Mrs. J. Z. Maillett of
Orillia, who were also ,celebrats
frig their fifth anniversary.
Mr. and Airs. King have 11
Guests were present from Lon-
don, •Chathatt, Orillia, Crediton
and Exeter.
For Litast Styling
Darol Tuckey
Exeter -
▪ .Yr•
DETROIT'S best ..,
Our Canadian friends like the
Hotel because
• Free Parking (in Parking Lot)
• Economical Rates
• Family Rates (No Charge for Childrtn
• 12 or under)
• Cafeteria and Coffee Room
• Radio and Television
• Air Conditioned Rooms in Season
800 ROOMS with bath from $
Harry E. Paulsen
General Manager
reirrrrr c
recree O,
Wpm, u LER#Lg
PM •
You c;..n stop moth dam-,
age in your hothe. As an.
authorized Berlou Service,
Dealer we give you a 5 year'
guarantee. If Berlou fails, if
there is any damage, we pay
the bill.
Why not let- us mothproof
your blankets, carpets, rugs,
garments and upholstered
furniture? Berlou Mothspray
is colorless, odorless and
stainless. The cost is small.
A man's suit . . . a woman's
dress or coat can be moth-
proofed for only 2Q cents a
year. Any material moth-
proofed with Berlou retains
its original softness,
Remember — Berlou profes-
sional Mothproofing protects
you for 5' years or we pay
the bill,
Mid -Town
PI -109E 33 EXETER
4411111t111111111(11111, rt, it11111111111iirlifilmrilel,111, tintottillif 1119 MI11141110 1111111111111414111111 itrItilf Mil( 114,
Modern Beauty Salon
Introducing Miss Shirley Coop
who for the' past four years has worked in Toronto.
We're sure you'll be pleased with her latest styling
I arid cutting.
For your convenience, we will be open Mori.
day through Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday evenings.
•°ilA1tt11.1t NIAltSON,
You Pay Only
Automatic WASHER
Easy Automatic brings you the exclus-
ive Spiralator washing 'action . , first'
choice Of over two million ,women be-
cause it washes ALL the clotheALL .
the time. The Easy Unimatic Dial gives
fully automatic operation, yet lets you
wan the way you want saves on
hot water, too,
With The Matching
Easy Automatic
Clothe A Dryer
Your clothes come out fluffier, softer
when your wife hat an Easy dryer
. . , and she never has to worry
about the weather.
Only , s199
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With Trade.let
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