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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-16, Page 9
d ,r 11 it Fieklman Comments .ask interest In Fouth FQr Special JV Project By J. ••art li minaway I.Ontarlo ;tarn Forum, attended Several of the ;township Federa• land gave out organizational :tions of Agriculture are Talarinin,1 i material. She pointed out that TV groups should be smaller than the dates for their annual .meet- I radio groups since everyone Ings. I hope they will keep in " needs to view the program. This mind the dates for the .0,1 A. will shorten the distances to be annual which is being held No-, traveled _and will also relieve the vember 10, 11 and 12 in Toronto. 1. l 'ohleni of small , children. It is a busy time, and with only Groups representing four to six one man on SO many farms, it is families should be quite satis- difficult to attend the lhree•day i' factory. provincial annual. However, it! The first discussion topic is an important meeting and each!"What Price Freedom'?" needs township khoulct send at least one serious consideration. Host of representative. The county an- you will remember the hog vote. uuai is planned for November 26,, Loss of freedom was one of the* and, will follow the same program' big issues. Do ye -operatives ye- as in recent .;'ears, spice freedom?, Just where do we The meeting for the organize-, balance "freedom" against "ceo- tion -of TV Farm Forums held in! nomie security?" This decision Auburn last Thursday evening, will have a very important bear - showed considerable interest and Mpg on the policy of every farm prospect for a number of groups organization. The rest of the is good. You are urged to take topics present just as great a part in this project even though I challenge to rural people, If you It, may not be too convenient. at' want a share in that decision times. This is. a special test , invite your neighbors in .for project for all Canada and Farm Forum, November 3, for whether this proves to be what radio, November 4, for TV. is needed or not, it is important I Registration forms and study that there is enough participation' material are available through to arrive at a definite conclusion.! the Federation of Agriculture Mrs, Adith :Story, secretary for office, Box 310, Clinton. Centralia anniversary Attracts Many Friends The home of Mr. and Airs. Mr. Grant Brown, of Sarnia, Andrew Hicks was the scene of a happy occasion on Saturday when they celebrated the sixtieth anniversary' of their .marriage. The house was beautifully dec- orated with .the many gifts of flowers and cards which the couple received. Following a dinner party at • Armstrong's Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Hicks held open house where they received about two hundred and fifty old friends and neighbors. Tea was served by the W.A. of Centralia United Church. This gesture of kindness seemed to the family to be an act of magic—when as if out of nowhere the ladies kept appear- ing with huge plates of sand- Clarke had the honor• of ad- wiches and small cakes • which ministering the rite of baptism they graciously served to the to his granddaughter, during the guests. church service, Among the friends who called Airs, M. Elliott, Miss Agnes were Senator Golding of Sea. ,Anderson, Airs., A, McFalls and forth, Rev. and Mrs. Nilo of Mrs, F. Bowden attended the Ellingham, and Rev. and Mrs. sectional meeting of the Woman's Kiteley of London. Missionary Society in the Cred- Messages of congratulations iton United Church on Friday of were received from her Majesty last week, the Queen, Prime Minister Diet- The intermediate class of the enbaker and Hon. Lester 13. Sunday School of the United Pearson. • church which is taught by Mrs. Cooper McCurdy are holding a Thank -Offering Service bake sale on. Friday afternoon Rev. Tristram of the Romney- in the church basement. The Glenwood pastoral. charge will proceeds are in aid of the Cana - be the guest speaker at. the an- dian Institute of the Blind, nue]. Thank -Offering service in Mr, and' Mrs. Arthur Robin - the United. Church on Sunday at son, London, spent the weekend 10.30 a. M. Mr., .Harry Kern, with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robin - Granton will be'`the guest solo- son and family. . was a Monday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. G, F. Peuwarden •nf Sarnia were Saturday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and ,Airs. George Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. William Lee, Clandeboye, Mr. and Airs. 'l. Martin and' family of London and Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks. Rev, J'. T, Clarke, Miss Odeyne Clarke, Brantford and Miss Flor- ence Clarke of Sault Ste. Marie were visitors at the home of Rev. Ewart Clarke and Mrs. Clarke in New Lowell for Thanks- giving. On Sunday evening Rev. Personal Items HAR.PLEY Mr. Stuart R.ichaydson of Belle- Mr. and' Mrs. Chester Stone vine is visiting with Mr. and and family, of Blenheim, spent Mrs. Wm, Haddock. the weekend holiday with Mr. F/L. f, L. and Mrs. Andrew, and Mrs. Clarence Stone. Georgia and Philip of Camp Mr. and Mrs. • Jack Ridley, Borden and Mrs. Alex Wells of Jean and Mrs. Wilma Desjardine Londesboro were -Saturday vial- spent the weekend in Detroit, tors with Air, and" Mrs. George Flint :and other points on a short Hicks. vacation, Miss Helen Hicks of San Carlos. Mr. and Mrs, Stan Keyes and California is visiting with- her family, of Willowdalc, are on parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew 'vacation at the home of Mansell Hicks. Hodgins, and other relatives.- • . flighest Prices Paid for WHITE. BEANS at Be -SURE And Check Our Prisms Before Selling ' Your Wheat, Oats or Barley Take aclvailthge of our fast unloading system. We have .a lleW hoist iii -action for unloading Semis, W...G. Th'i"m'p..sQn' ,SONS Limited Second Section e ((axe EXETER, ©NTARIQ QCTQBE 1900 PA finny FIRST CROP OFF—Some 3,500 broilers left .the big Alcantue poultry building, north Exeter, Monday morning in these trucks as the first crop of 10,000 from the plant goes to market, About 4,400 were shipped last week and another 2,000 will go Wednesday. The huge poultry building, believed to be the largest in the district, measures 364 feet long by 56 feet wide and it contains no windows, It employs a ventilating system which changes air five times an hour. Another crop of 10,000 will be started this week. —T -A .Photo In' New 'Lacombe Hog Secand Consecutive Year Lacombe hogs, the new breed developed by the federal expe- rimental farm in Alherta, are hard to get but Emerson Ten - hale, R.R. 1 Wnodbam.. seems to have a special knack of .ac- quiring them. He's been fortunate enough to have his name drawn two ;gears in a row from the list of same 1,000 farmers across Canada who liay.e applied for them each year. He was one of six in On- tario to win last year and one of 1i this year. lie learned over the weekend of his good fortune again. this 1 year and expects delivery of his second Lacombe sometime next week. It's not the kind of lottery in which you get a big prize for buying- a 25 -cent ticket, how- ever. The Usborne has ,had to spay $150 each .for his hogs, plus freight, but he still considers the "prize" worthwhile. Down To Earth say p. I. HOOFER Are They True? Reading the Country Guide this month an article on weather sup- erstitions caught my eye and after perusing it realized that 1 had added to my knowledge a little bit more — if I can remem- ber it for later use, Snme of these things I had encountered but others were new to me, May- be you will find something of the same or could even add a few points, "What does it mean --'•'n the groundhog sees his " "v at noon on February 2: settler experts emphasize that that is clear proof that the sun is shining — and absolutely nothing else It does not signify that Lakes place. The cricket is a hopping ther- mometer, and a reliable one, too. He chirps at a rate that in- creases as the temperature rises, Count the number of chirps in 15` secopds, add 37, and the answer should be the tempera- ture. "A trick for forecasting flow the combination of heat and hu- midity will affect you is to note the temperature of the air, add to it the relative humidity in percent. then divide the total by two. If the answer does not exceed approximately 75, you! I Emerson say's the litters sire !by the hog he won last year t are going to market in about five months, a considerable into provenient over the average of six and one-half months. l TO addition, the Lacombe hog has sired some big litters — lata , first was 23. t The Lacombe breed, which the Alberta experimental fang began developing in 1949, is one- half Danish Lanrirace, one-quar- !ter Berkshire and one-quarter I Chester white. It's designed to : produce good pork fast. Emerson currently has over 180 pig's on his two farms with a brood sow herd of about 24. lie keeps the rows hi an open pole barn, even in 'winter, and maintains they're healthier out. side. lie believes lie's the only far* mer in Canada to have been for* lunate enough to purchase to rurebred stock both years. Farmers must prove they have sufficient sows to qualify to pure chase the Lacombes and theit applications must be accom- panied by certified cheeks. From among those who qualify, names are selected on a lottery basis. HENSALL SALE PRICES Prices at Hensall Community Sale, Thursday, October 9: i�r'eanling pigs . 10.50-14.00 Chunks _... •.......... 16.25-18.10 1� ceders .. 23.50-35.50 65.00-94.00 Sows ' Holstein calves 16.00-29.00 Durham calves . 24.00-51.00 I Stocker steers sold up to $23.25 a cwt.; butcher cows up to $16.70 a cwt. There were 750 pigs and 125 head of cattle and calve& sold. can be sure the day will be bear- 1 -.see— able. the next six weeks will be on- "The best weather indicators , 6 f CHS reasonably cold, or warm or , are the barometer, thermometer, . snowy, ar' clear, and hygrometer. The barometer Don't start counting on a white tells the pressure of the air, the' £.."'-! Christmas just because- squir- rels have plump tails in autumn. A squirrel's fat tail indicates two things: he's had an ample summer food supply and a large appetite, "When you notice birds flying south earlier, or later, than usual, don't conclude anything about the weather to come. Our feathered friends may ha"e just forgotten to look at the eaten- of. or they may have run out food. "But there are some natural weather signs that prove trust- worthy most of the time, autho- rities point' out. ';'For instance; if a pitcher stays dry' on • the outside when filled with water, and if your hair crackles when you comb it, there is relatively little moisture in the air. But if the pitcher "sweats" and your hair loses its curl, the humidity is high. The old saw. "Flies and mos- quitoes are biting and humming; ;l un„nuuruln,unnnunli„an,,,na,,luanal,,,,, mens m me miulmnnummnnnmmnlnuan the swallows fly low; a rain- ; 1 storm is coining," merits scien- t. i tific approval because insects I fly low in damp 'air, when their i wings become heavy. If this is ' 1�1 �v t t so, you can understand. why you E would hear them buzzing around - rri� won Pas' Five from South Huron before a rain, and why they wouldit stop to rest more often, sponsored this year for the first „T11 among 14 fromWaS Huron elingmg to any convenient. sup- i which w'11 compete in the ptb NEW PIGGERY NEAR: COMPLETION—This new 60x50 open -sided hog barn on the Alcantuc farm will soon house 400 pigs. The, building, which will contain automatic feeders and waterers, is divided into eight units each of which will feed 50 hogs. Sixteen sows on the farm have farrowed and the firm has 150 pigs ready to move to the new building, , —T -A Photo Feeding Test On HS Pigs experiment in is n .�feeding being conducted with the litter from SHIMS purebred Yorkshire sow, Meadowbrook Sally, which farrowed 'October 3. Six of the pigs are being fed gelid iron by mouth. and six have been fed intraveneously with lrufei'on. The sow produced 14 pigs but two have since died, Two years old, Meadowbrook Sally was secured from Wilbur Turnbull and Son, Brussels, a Yorkshire breeder. Her parents, Sprucedawn Dick 60D and Meadowbrook Lasss MB, both qualified for advanced registry, aa did her grandparents. Agriculture teacher Bruce Perry, who is in charge of the project, indicates four of the litter" will go to the advanced registry station at Kitchener, and the remaining eight will be sold to students, 1, Ifmmlrlllr1111IYillllrl111111111111111111111111111111111111111t11i1 HENSALL T PRICES W i n Thi rd Pr • ize In Pasture Test Ito' Bros., Londesboro, thirst prize in the provincial u competition w ich t re li F ive Teams lure,an eter tells the tempera-; Weekly Markets lure, and the hygrometer meas- !Weekly Markets ares the humidity or moisture! of the air." r a * Wheat $1.40 51 bu. 570 1.06 bu. I see that Canada Packers Ltd. of Toronto have stow installed their new Hog Immobilizer, pur- chased from Denmark. This is an installation of carbon dioxide 1 Malt. Marley equipment and renders hogs un- conscious .pefore slaughter. It has a capacity of nearly seven (togs a minute, 400 an hour, and is considered the most humane method of practicable slaughter. • Oats { Mixed Grain * w * When father or the boy -friend puts his greasy head on the newly plastered or papered wall in the living room, tape a pocket made of paper over the stain and fill the pocket with fuller's earth. Remove after the grease has been absorbed. (Now I'm trying to remember what` fuller's earth is). Feed Barley ................ ..... .96 bu. Beans $6.50 Prices Subject' To Change E. L. Mkkkkk . Son Ltd. PHONE 103 MENSAL!'. Fast, Courteous Service Storey.: Facilities To G uel p h teams be time by the Canadian Seed Trade vincial inter -club 4-H contests at Ass'n. OAC Guelph on Friday. The Londesboro farmers, who Following t h e competitions, woe the area competition with the 4-M' members will be guests 127 • Herefords on 55 acres of of the Ontario governi cent at a pasture, will receive $90 in special banquet at which re,- cash, sults will be announced and tro- Winner of the Ontario contest phies awarded. • was Hugh Blaine, of Mountain, Teams from clubs in this area in Dundas county, who keeps 60 include: head of purebred Holsteins on Exeter dairy Lorne Bern, a 200 -acre dairy farm. The herd's R.R. 1 Woodham; Patsy Max - 5.0? average is close to 15,000 shall, R.E. 1 Kirkton. pounds. - , Exeter corn — Bob Galloway, Blaine won the trophy and $125 11.11. 1 Crediton; Harry Jaques, in cash, R,R, 1 Centralia. Second prize went to Mac Lo-' Exeter tractor — Bill Ether - gen, R.R. 4 Woodstock, who had i --• Please Turn To Page 101 19 High producing ' Holsteins on' port, inclucing you. swallows are insect eaters, and when the 'iii - sects fly lows so do the hungry swallows, ' "Maybe you feel 'rain in your bones,' Teeth. bones and bunions often ache before a storm. It's a matter of blood pressure and air pressure, the experts say. Your blood is under pressure as it is pumped by your heart. This pressure would make you swell up slightly, but the pies - sure of the air against you pre- vents it. When the air pressure becomes weaker, it can't push against your body as much as_ before so it may be that a tiny amount of swelling actually 12 sores " of pasture plus after- 3 dt1111111if111111111111111111111111111111111111fllllffill1111111r111111111 math. Login receives $115. Fourth prize of $70 went to Clarence Sims, R.R. 1 Cameron, who pastured 67 Holsteins on 19 -- acres of approved pasture plus 1, • aftermath. - II IIir11111iiimilrf1111111rlfllmlll11rlm1tpt111f111111111111114 For ' Your BEN L. Mickle & So LTD, Phone 103 (�Neit NIly1itS • I1etis' iII : t �•lir'If'111grrl'1'p11'11IlrtYtfrfRiIXtl'1'YI"1111rt[rrnrpYlrrrrlrulrrnrtlfrrlrtrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrril7(r111rt1f11`IitrrtlYfl'mff1T111'iirilrti- i Snow . Fence 100 Feet $16.75 z S munuuuu umu111111111,1,1,,,nnrouu11nlrnnnpml ORCHARD MEN! Do you llays Mice ' Problems Try the sure way to kill —HOWARD PHOSI3AIT Ready to use for 1'111Ce 111 orchards only. Specially prepared to attract mice and for easy application with a seeder, 1111111r1r1111rrlrrrrrt11111111111MinftlfIMit 1YrrrrNr rrrrrtrrrrirrlrYrrttrrrtrltrrtr'Nrmlftlrertt111Y1rturfIrrr. 111111111111111111f1111111111111111111f111f If111111111f11f111111I II to- al Co -Op Anti -Freeze Permanent -type ethylene glycol base, in sealed cans. There is none bet- ter. $2, '5 tEIALLt7t t $2,65 Gal, by filo caste EXETER DISTRICT Pliant 281 G;iiocr' file Delivery iitreninlrrrrr ITITrrfrrl rrrtrrrrfr111111 lltlItttnntCif Iit r 1r 1r111110111frl11110111111'11VIMrrrlOMili'rrirftilinn....•.r at 14 Announcing T eseet,Tt Tae. 1^x, 5C14001'$ OPEN AGAiN AND 1-111E'$ WHRI, PARENT 6EGIN THEIN LESSONS ALL OVER AGAfl 1 e ew Shur- ai Concentrate Pro rain Shur -Gain Concentrates are now mixed by ourselves in our own feed mill. This means a terrific saving to the feeder, cutting off the cost of transportation, bags etc, Purchased in ton Ints you can sate the ii following amounts from the regular liriecs: 1 TON 40% HOG MIX YOU SAVE $ 4.40 1 TON 24% BEEFMAXER YOU SAVE $17.60 1 YON 32% DAiRY CONC. YOU SAVE $14.15 Put Your Hogs And Cattle On A Shur -Gain Cone, Program Mixed With Your Own Grain We have a Shur -Gain Concentrate and a Proven Formula for every need, FEED C It's clteaper to feed rats poison than to let Orem feed themselves. Use Wilson's Warfarin New Anti -freeze In Stock Presto to $3.29 Gal. lest Buy strand $2,89 Gal. ...nue1,.0w .efa.. M1 EliE1ERt eva,•7 ••WNAlENCC)t2Nt<'R'