HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-16, Page 5Did 'yea hear of a hulnerous incident in our neighborhood this week?, ??, ,Other :fours like to read about :it.. Phone 770, The Times -Advocate:, or the corres p04101 t it your arta. S COMPLETE STOCK 'NOW ON DiSPLAY LAYAWAY NOW Fisher HARDWARE Phone, 29 Exeter TAKE A BOW, GENTLEMEN!.—Zurich Lumber Kings were Doug' O'Brien, Doug "Red" 'Meander, Tom Rawlings crowned Ontario Intermediate "C" baseball champions l'(coach), Gordon Block (club president), Jim Wild (secretary- over the weekend when they captured their best -of -three! treasurer), Arnie Meyers and Bruce Moir. Back row, Don Ontario final series against Latta in two straight games. I Hesse, Gerald Bell, Don O'Brien, Jerry Ronnie, Bill Yung Zurich tools the first game at home 7-1 and then wrapped l blut, Ken Parker, Bob White, George Parker and Benny up the honours with a convincing 8-0 .decision in Latta Gignac. Seated in front is batboy Earl Wagner. Missing Saturday afternoon, Above are, front row, left to right,, are Ron Heller and Jim Ruttle, ',H111nn11111111111nnn1r1r1n1n1n111111n111111111nrtnitnal Intttt1.1ltn1n1111111n11nr11ntntnitnanl}Inn1111tltttttt Gals Set Torrid Pace In Trundling League Larry's and Len's Dependable Used Cars '58 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR STATION WAGON Automatic transmission, six cylinder, like new, own private vehicle. '56 FORD 4 DOOR SEDAN Very clean inside and out. In A-1 condition. '52 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN Set? and drive this one! It's ,a real family car, '50 FORD TUDOR Lots of • transportation for such a low price. We invite you to drop in and see these out- standing values on display at Larry's Supertest Used ,Cars — General Repairs PHONE 968 DAYS, 509 OR 536 NIGHTS EXETER I tnuuaunaaaammolokol olototomot nnaunuumatutultnnmlltntaaaan roloomoolotounnu,n; Happy Gals continue to set a torrid' pace in the Exeter Ladies' Bowling League, as they chalked up another seven points this week to post a total of 33 out of a possible 35 points in the first five weeks of activity to lead their pursuers by seven points. Tied for second place are the Pin Poppers and. Hi -Lights with 26 points apiece, as they each piked up five points in their last outing, • Rollettes' are only one point off the second place pace with 25, while the Jolly Jills and Merry Maids follow respectively with 24 and 23. Delores Fuller, of the Pin Poppett.es, ran wild in one of her three games last Thursdartnight against the Alley Cats, as she racked up a neat 325 single. Her total triple for the Bight soared to 748. This week's •1lidden score prize went to Lois Tinney, of the Ml,;hty Mice, while Fuller ran away with the high single con- test, Jolly Six (I. Nita Hawks (2), A1a.ttsen 521) _ 2 Simmons 504) ,, r, Chocolate or White -- Large 17 Oz, Pkg. Pillsbury Cake Mix Quick Cooking Oats 2 Foa 63' 4 OGILVIE S -LB. Heinz Tomato Soup loo= SWIFT'S Big 'Food Sale Prem a Premium Cooked Ham Golden Dew Margarine , • Jewel Shortening 1Z OZ. Tit's! 43 11/2.14+. tin '1.+45 2 LBS. 49c PKG, 31c Swiffit Sreekfield Pure Perk SAUSAGE Maple Leel -- Sliced er !bile! BOLOGNA Le,fsKt!. 49c 33c L8: 55' Sweet Pickled P.. Meet Cryovac 1/a'ti COTTAGE ROLLS PRODUCE • MAC APPLES • 3 LCnS. CELERY HEARTS i>luhit4 1Slrho SPANISH ONIONS 2' L , 19c It Cod Fillet. Pr.nah Fried 19` Potatoes 010.. 18c TINS 2-25 Apple Juice NEW PACK — ALLEN'S de -oz. TIN 31c 2 20 -OZ. TINS 29' Ajax Cleanser FREE St7.1014RING FiADs 3 5 C Robin Hood -- With 12f Coupon Easy Bisk 45c White Cross Tissue 3 ROLLS 39c FROZEN FOOD Skintess Lb. pkg. 31c A 6*. H Marke Free Delivery Phone 532 Badminton Club Swatting Birds Exeter Badminton Club start- ed another year of activity on Monday night in the Exeter HI -Lights (M. Holtzman Uhl) 5 Public School gym. Lnlllpops (,l, Lippert 6n2) 2I Despite the Jong Thanksgiving. Ile -flops (a1. Wells ssa)R_ 3 holiday weekend, about a dozen Pills (ri, Hunter-uuyar 510) M__ 4 enthusiastic players turned out i4uttercups (r Elliott 67R) ____ for some games. sputniks (nr Schenk 4 2) -- 0 The Exeter club this year has Fine 'Bees ( M. Edwartis 470 _.. (r t.'ps ,R Downs (V. Miller 477) - 7 Ivan Bunter-Duvar as president; Hot Dogs (I), Tiernan 509) _2 Bill Huntley, vice-president; Merry Maids (V. :mason 605) _. 5 Kathy Hooke, secretary-treasul'- lolly Jilla (A, Lawson 715) __ 7 er, and Ross Tuckey in charge mighty Mice (1:. Wilson 5122) - 11 of refreshments, Alley (`ate 1(1, i1•t)rm 552)z' The local clubs intends to ex - Pin .Poppettes (1). 1"t,ller 745) _ 5 Happy (mals (u. Munroe 029) __ change courts with RCAF' (en. woe Hopes (x, r, ldwell sort) _ u tralia and Zurich throughout the Blowettea (;t(, Marriage ; sa) _. a season to give variety in playing ttoltettea (7) Marks 505) 4 conditions. Handicappers (A, Green 5074 _ + Club members play every Mon - Who Car" (r., F rintneII ROn) - day night from 8-11 p.m., and Frisky Six (h. Heywood 412 _ 0 are looking for recruits. Anyone What Note. (1). Cronyn .569) __ 17 St a adbl);',t Happy (Iola .... 31 Pin Poppettea20 HI -bights ... . ..........., ...y 20 Pnllettes 21 Jolly lilln 24 Merry Maids 21 Jolly Six .__ la Alley Cats ___--__------ 10 Se -rices ____ 18 L'ps & Downs „ __ 15 klot rings .._ i7 Pills _ ....s._.-_ 17 Wee Hopes _.. 17 Frisky Slx .. 17 Handicappers __.. 17 Lollipops _ __. _ 1 R Mighty Alice -..._...._,.__..-.......- 16 Easy .Pees _. .._._ ..15 What No(s 12• Hlowettes 12 Nite Hawks ___ l2 13utter'cups , _._ 11. 'Who ('ares _.. _ _.._ 7 Sputniks -_ ___ ----,-------- Spares, _ ..,.__.___ Spares, Rockets Remain In Lead.. Spares and Rockets continue to dominate first place in the "A" and "B" groupings of the Exeter Men's Bawling League. The Spares were paced to a 7.0 decision over the G,M.'s by Bill Stanlake's 640 triple while the Rockets, on the strength of Jack Fuller's 773 performance, upset the Wildcats by the same lopsided score. Each team is out in front with 26 points. Rockets are eight points a- head of the closest competitors, the Imperials, who are parked in second place one point ahead of the Pepsi's and Milkmen. Tradesmen are only two points off the pace set by the Spares whilepoints. the Windmills hold down the number three slot with 21 Five 700 or better triples were turned it, this week. They came from Chub Edwards (Milkmen) 742, G, Webb (Tip Toppers) 711, Eric HeyWood (Tradesmen) 797. B. Wettlaufer (Windmills) 736 and Jack -Fuller (Rockets) 773. Free bowling awards went to Chub Edwards,' Eric Heywood and Bob Davis. u.i' y.i1l:�cmrs windmills (B. 736() 7 EankmontA L. Supertest (\)',a 1'Fraft 626) __ 5 Fig Six Cr). Case 5*2) l dselaires ('FI. Russell 673) ___- n Co -Op (T. Wright 576).,-...._ 2 Tradesmen (Si. Heywood 767) _ n l..ippen Tigers (1, RoSs 54*) _.0 Spares (B, Stanlake 640) __.,.._ 7 O. .'a n Pinpnppers(B. Nicer 052)_ 5 It. Billiards (J. Hennessey 5011 2 S(nnd)n,rs Spares _-,... _.. 20 Tradesmen 24 tt'indattils "-_.._, ___. _. 21 Clg sex .. _ 15 Plnpnppei's .._._-_-__......_-__- 14 G, NI.'s 14 Berl'S Pillisrela -.„ ________a 14 L. Superheat 12 Erlselait es 11 BSnt monts Klppen Titers ..__.. 4 "at" Lw1A(41.'hl Pepsis (,r, rnughlln 621)5 Silver Hawks (.1. *Heywood - 681) 2 Rackets (,1 T"uller 7,J) 7 t�'ildettts Cis, .HIg •tns s16i"~ _ _ (1 lmperlals Aft, Alenonald 57") _r 4 lltllkliten (C''. Edwards 74:) _....w 1 Dodgers oil. Craw(crd 551) _....5 t'pstartS (10',, WSfeon 515 Kingpins (r, Iladford 0025 _,.,._ 4 "rip 'Lopper5 ((1. AVebh 711) .. 1 rrnm5,r(y hnlle,' at. lion' 011) 5 Butchers (1•', Darling 622) '2 aInuiII otAx 'tlot•4tt�tS - "* imperials a_ _y 1C Pepiiala 12 Milkmen....................12 'Pio rlteta,, 1ll r'ronlarty 7:hliera , _,. 15 1'IpC13 ✓;flyerI5rtS 14'aialcs . 11 1'S llticetft 11 liotlgert 11' 'hip Toppers_., ,_„„10 Kingpins..- _ 4 ottfrah. ,yo li9S'7� �i�. V�-.'t.....�{•J. ..0...+...44. -LL...; ..n.....ui...%..t�. wishing to play the game id wel- come to join, A near-sighted man rounded a downtown corner. as 'a large dog coming from the opposite direction humped into him and sent him sprawling. As he was getting up one of those small sport cars of foreign origin hit him from the other side and knocked him flat. A good salna- ritan rushed over and asked if he was hurt. "I.don't think so," said the near-sighted one, "the dog didn't hurt me a bit, but that tin can tied to his tail nearly finished me." • Centralia Builder The Ttmlta, , dxecatte, October.' i6 1900 Page Gets Bell Award. Contract for .construction 4)f' the new dial telephone buildinta' at -Parkhill has been awarded to; C. A. McDowell .and Co. of (ren- i tralia, the Bell Telephone Co.' has announced. The one -storey, 29x44 building, will house dial switching equip- ment to serve some 700 tele- phones in the Parkhill exchange' area. The cutover to dial in. Park– hill, scheduled for next summer, will coincide with similar pro- jects planned for Isuean, Wards• vine and Dorchester. BACKACHE May be Warning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney Action, When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and Wastes remain. in the system, Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired -opt sad heery- headed feeling may loon fellow. That's the time to take,Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action, Then you feel better—sleep better—work bitter. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 56 Antllnlntltt111,1t1ttr.tt1111Innln1111.11.1I(1lglini(.niWtlnitnll,a}tnttlltrrrtt(muni,ligoolitaliiitolgot$1111104,,04 For Every Fcurn motto Quality Petroleum Products w BA 88 & 98 Gasolines • B -A Peerless. Motor Oil • B -A Tractor Gasoline • 'a•A Diesel Fuel YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD B -A AGENT Middleton & Genttner PHONE 40 EXETER %tlllltlrlrllt mintlnllttn ontat11n11 taint1nintainnnnnottni111111mininnr muntt1111111 ntnnallltanttl1 You're invited '59 (hey to SEE IT TODAY in our showroom Shell Bros. Ltd. PHONE 100 EXETER , The flank of Nova $cotta brings you another new service: • G ET A BA N K LOAN EASILY, FOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE through the Here's news for you! The Bank of Nova Scotia introduces a complete consumer lend- ing program --Scotia Plan Loans—designed to serve the credit needs of Canadians. This means you may borrow quickly, easily, and economically! Here are t+ho,!dl You can get a low cost Scotia Plan Loan to buy a ear or truek for example, to eon= solidato debts, to )Bees unexpected expenses such as medical bills . , , and these loans will bo life insured at no, extra cost to >oul Scotia Platt includes loans ,on your sig(lntura—on your home furnishings—and ort your automaliile. You aion't have to be a BIS customer to borrow Money through Scotia Plan. Repayment of your Scotia Plan Loan is made convenient for you. The ENS is as interested as you are in keeping your finances on a sound basis .. and the monthly deposits on your Scotia Plan. Loan are tailored to your own budget needs, Your Scotia Plan Application is handled promptly , . . fn most cases, you'll have your loan. within. 24 hour. You'll be delight• tedwiththe absence of red tape. The time to find out about Scotia Plan is NOW . We wilt be happy to discuss a Scotia Plan. Loan with you. Just visit the of any branch of the 13NS. Why not come in Soon? The -BAN K of NOVA SCOTIA ( Mere then 500 tirsiwshrs -dorsa ..,shala s t