HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-16, Page 3a
"'"""""---.---1-'—'"'"."...."'"'"'"'"'"'"""","`""".—.WW'r'"'"."`,1,41111,1.1.dirrlitWirriAr.rn, •
News Of Grand Bend
Active 'Citizen
Dies At Resort
The death occurred on Tliters-
Women Teachers
Outline '..Program
'rhe executive of the local
unit ,of the Federated Women Items of-:Socbil -And Porsonal Interest In and Around lExeter
an Wednesday for a holiday in
-Gravenhurst and :Willie.
11.1 Topics
Teachers' Aesoelation met in the The gxeier Timee-Adynate is ,alwaye'Leas1 e +e,. .o :publish these acme.
Mr. and Mrs. lime Devine Exeter Public School on Toes- t We and our readers are interested in you and, your friends. Phone 779,
spent Thanksgiving weekend in daY evening and outlined plans
Port Heron,. Mich. for the year's program. Mr. Thomas Tapp, Detreit. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Case,
1.4ame Winners
Of Series Pools
Kinsmen $100 poot winners in
this yeer's World Series were
Gordon Williams, onclon; hies
Benson Tnekey. *Boy Jory and
Gerry McLaren, Grand Bend;
Jean Trempe, Centralia; Mrs.
Clifford Jory, president, vent several days with his sister,. Johnny, Jimmy and Janice, New- George Schummer, Kitchener..
Mr. and Mrs. T.M Dodds of Mrs.
day afternoon. October 2, after Grand D ' left ---* . * .
Miss Marjorie DesJardine, at
a long and yainful illness, of the winter" inFlorida.Mrs
_, named to represent the Exeter market, with Mr. and Mrs., Ben Mrs. Helen Holland, Norman
Case and Mr. and Mrs., lie b Martin, Wein D I d
r Wally. as moo ;
0, Sunday to spend and Mrs. Douglas Hughson were Miss Mary Tapp.
ited school at the regional eonlet Airs. C. E. Zurbrigg. town, Jerry Lawson and Wilfred Paton
the home of her sister, Mrs. with
. iLtinneal Station vis -I er. and Imre. Be G. Ra4.. Raninton, Aiousseau, Zurich.
throy for , over the weekend of Octo- spent several days in the Alus- Air. _anti Airs. Donald iiill a
ence . . Winchelsea; Ed Little, li. II*
. ensa ;
Erie Elnan, Grid Bend, young- the lwereeknen\de.s n Stra rid
ATI the late Jule DesJardine• at their Grand Bend c tt g
o a es be het I in N ' ' 1 • II e spent the holiday weekend, with Glen Belling of the inspection in a separate $?,5 pool theough-
•eet daughter of Mrs. Finn me bee 25. koka district last week return- David of Paris with Mrs Milo Clara Petrie' Verne Smith. and
The following people'were seen! the first regteae meeting will ;mg on Thursday. Mrs. Ratz Snell.' * Mrt, Gordon Hale.
The late Miss Dcsjardine at- over the holiday: Mrs. Harry t J.A.D. McCurdy School(
tended' Grand Bend Public: Greb and children, of Kitchener;
tiebool and Westervelt Business Air. and Airs. Jack'Mennel, Mr. I
ception of a few years in Port London; Mr. and Mrs. D. Mar—
College in London. With the ex- and hies. F. Chapman, both of .11.;
ions Hear
Huron and Toronto she spent tin, Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mrs. -• • • • •-•
her entire life in Grand Bend
out the community, the winners
Mrs, hurhrigg. staff of the Ba.nic of Nova Sea+ named were Amelia Acheson,
Airs. ,Jan Mason and i Judy at- ha and his assistant,. Jet! Flan- Fred Uuxtable, Reg Stagg, Mrs.
tended the Marshall-Bish.op wed- ming and Donald Link and fam• Clarence Heywood, "Red," Scott
ding in Toronto on Saturday. thy. Belleville with Air. and Mrs. ,
Mr. and Mrs. .Feege. Robert Belling, and Bill Pincombe.
where she was very active in Mrs. James Dalton left on Fri- Area Official
t 1 5.411 wereiiMondayrsguestsIiOet.of,Town Visitors
- Ai JosephFerguson,
li. Loetheed, of WOOdStOek.
church anti community life. She day night for a weekend pilgrim- - - , .. . . . Chiselherst. I
etioir for many years, a Sunday ,hir, and Mrs. Fred Wilson, few days in Detroit.
arc'spending Airs. Ralph Batten in Toronto. U p Si. htl
ig y, ibyLerian Church came to be Steeper.
known as Greenway U a it e d Mrs. J. H. McGregor. of Grand
as great disappointments in life Wilma Coates a
Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton
• and in service ,
&hoot. teacher and interested in spent the holiday with their 0 - work)" said Da' Rev. and Airs. John vin„,,,,,, Mr. and Mrs. William Wright of Parkhill, visited On
missionary work. She also served daughter, Ruth, Mr. and M% i Luel,now, an the occasion of Watson,.his o". . Grand Rapids,Michigan,
cliffe in Clinten. Hay township tax rate will he Services on Sunday will be Hayes,
with Air. and Airs. Don-
; tric _ Governor Rae of. , (.,,1 7 t' with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon gut-
' I official visit to the E,xeter Lions visited a few days at the home "slightly higher" for 1858, Reeve Under the direction of the min- Sundae*
as a member of the Grand Bend Harold Cottington anel family
first members of the Orpha Mr. anti Mrs. Ken -Young spent II Club at its
Library Board and one of the Toronto.
Thanksgiving in Detroit, Mich.
day last.
Armstrong's Restaurant Thurs. "Awe,
supper meeting at „ ,
• e of Rev. and Mrs, Richard. Van •
Th. nksgiving Visitors with their son, Douglas, a stu- councilyi Allier. and Mee. Lawrence Wein I
dent at Albert College Belle-
, meeting Tuesday night.
V;LsBeetcktieler les‘alird atthaiswe specialek. ister Rev. A. E. Holley, when A 4., family.
Reason for the increase in , Hee will deliver the messages heldinthe '1,1 e Church.
!at both services. SPecial music
Dr. li. Godsell a layman of Pon- old McGregor and
Anniversary services will be
He outlined some of the sells- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Witmer, etthe rise in the county rate to will be provided by the choir Dr.Sundaeat 11 Lin, and 7.30 p.m.
Godsell, Detroit, will be the
The funeral service was held Mr. and Airs. George E. Jack- evening -
-Mon- son. MLA, and family, were at
faction received in doing some- Tillsonburg, with Mr, and Mrs. . r. and is. Frank Taylor
In the United Church on
E. A. Holley, who paid tribute Thanksgiving weekend,
and on the other hand 1to3e.3'nsmhiiplis,remain the same as luinadrer!r the leadership of Mrs. guest speaker.
,Isaac,swith Miss Evelyn • theMilsyseelfeanridellmWithmlmbriirnauadndAAirfrs:
their Oakwood cottage for and Jeanat St. ClairShores,D
day afternoon conducted by Rev. thing worthwhile to some needy Wes Whiner. trait and Pontiac.
' e -
School and road levies for the c
to her courage, fortitude and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanialte individual,i Grandur Curls asBe node organist:Services'Cjrch‘vinilf Ken Larmer, of Burketon, spent
guests, the disappointment in the lack of
• Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hogg Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fraser in
faith during all her illness. entertained as weekendand Fred, and Miss Beverly Wil- Birminghael, Mich. last year., I be withdrawn for the day.
Personal Items I Mr. and Mrs, -Wm. Ricks spent
, Carman Woodburn.
support or enthusiasm when sem all of
Besides her mother she leaves Air. and Mrs. Douglas Burnett,Oshawa, Messrs. Fred Miss Greta Harness with Mr. Mill rates include; I
some worthy project is attempt-.
to mourn her loss her sister, of Toronto, also their sou, Air. Hill and Fred Ford, Toronto, and Airs. C. W. Hall, St, Marys. General township,fare i • and 1 -
Mrs. Elnan, and un brothers, Bruce Stanlake, wife and family, ed. and Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Sims. Air. and Mrs. Harvey F'er- residential, 2.e; commercial, 5.1; ' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPhee- , Harold Honsberger and family
the weekend with Air. and Mrs.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Taxes In fla
Times•Advocate, October IL 19,58 Pago!
Comments From Greenway
Mork Anniv.rsary.t and family in London.
Anniversary services . will he ; Airs. 1 Sao*, of Parkil-4
held next Sunday, in Greenway,,:and Mr. and Airs. Glen tvoorl.
United Church at 11 a.m. and : burn and Sandra of P'resto4
on Sunday with Mr. awl
7:30 p.m. The first religious ser- visited
in this Mrs. Cecil Smithers and .fa-mily„,
vices' ' that, were held
.neighborhogd date back to the! Mr. and Mrs. Russell 13rOW.13
year 1860 when Mrs. James Mac- and family visited 4)n Sunday,
Pthieleroncommunity gathered 1 .ntitioe chTrldrivionl:;Ioef i: wiAtihr.replaattizosn
aliltoAodrbicuthlrita* of To,
and held Sunday School for . ronto, spent. the weekend at 44
in 1875 a Methodist Episcopal home.'llii*.and Airs. Lewis Doan and
some time.
church was built on the present :Cynthia, of London, visited, on
site and in 1897 it was moved ‘ Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Lawx.-
over to the farm of Mr. H. Eg- : once .Curls,, •
gert and •a new church. was built.! Miss June Steeper, of Belton,
known as Boston Methodist And Mr. Bobbie Steeper of Oril.
Church, which in 1926 at the . ha spent the weekend With their
Randy with friends in Windsor - . - - "- - - - ----- - 7 issue of union with Corbett Pres- ' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Johnnie
"There are great thrills as wa Miss. Joan Parsons and Alfss
was a •memberof the United age to the Shrine of Ste Ane de and Chatham,
.Chierch and also of the church Beaupre.
Boss and Wallace all of Grand TIIP following people were seen "Learning to live and making 'Windsor, with hirs. W, J. Forcl. kins accompanied by Mr. Ivan road rate 9. general school son, of Toronto, and Miss Ruby of Vineland.
at their Southeott Pines cottages the best of all situations is one of
Bend, five nephews and three
Mr, and Mrs. Lou McKerlie, the most important, things in
nieces, and a host of friends in
the community. London; Mr. and Mrs. William le."
Kernohan, London; Mr. and Airs.
The remains rested at the Ale! Southeott, Exeter; Mr. and
Hoffman funeral parlors at Dash- Mrs, Ian Coles and guests, Lon -
wood where a short service was don; Dr. and Mrs: Schlotzhauer,
held on Monday, and were then of Stratford; Dr, MacGregor,
taken to the United - Church, Kitchener, and Mr. and Airs,
Grand Bend, for the public sere- David Logan, of London.
ice. Interment was in Grand Air. ,and Mrs. Charles Lawson,
Bend cemetery, of Hamilton, visited with friends
in Grand Bend over the holiday.
Mr. anti Mrs. Les Hutchison
spent the weekend with their
daughter, Lois, Mr. and Mrs. R.
The W.A. of Grand Bend United
Church is holding a• tea, bake
sale and bazaar in the church
basement on Saturday, October
25, at 3 o'clock, This ‚group is
also having a used clothing drive
for the, bale,
Grand Bend United Church
T.W.S. group will meet Friday,
October_ 17, in the Sunday School
— Please .Turn To - Page 10
The pallbearers were Messrs.
Ezra and Elgin Webb, Ross Love,
Garnet Patterson, Arthur Fink-
beiner 'and Wellwood Gill, and
the flqwer hearers, Messrs. Ed-
ward Gill, Donald Hendrick, El-
mer Webb, William Love, Willis
Gill and Jay Whiteford.
Personal Items
: The Rev, and Airs. E. Wattam
left last week on a motor trip to
Western Canada for six weeks.
Mr. and Airs. L. Johnson enter-
tained for Nancy's third birthday
last Tuesday. Guests included
Mr. and Mrs. T. Al, Dodds, Mrs.
L, Geromette and Mrs, May Holt,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown left
Used Car
1,200 miles, is automatic
and tutone. It's a beauty:
Tutone, rear'. seat
speake r, 'new whitewall
tires, black and white in-
terior. Sharpest thing on
Russ and Chuck Snell
Mrs. Laura Doman, Sarnia, Mr. in Detroit. araretea,):3 •s(ripotHaspp7li;capleederloagnhogfl
weekendPalitickowiltHhanelliil•tso.n*A. Pollock served in the United ChurCh 011
spent the 4 Thanksgiving service was our
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra McDonald, Perkins,. Lendon, with relatives
and Mrs. Wilbert Welch Both- Alr. and Airs. Art Cann and Agriculture two-fifths' fire re- and Mr. Harold Pollock. •Sunday. Joanne'Margaret, daugh+
, e
A sing song was led by Lion Iva, with -their aunt, Mrs. Eve- Roger with Airs. Cam's mother
. . .
. ; .
tection for farm buildings, two,'
Miss Jeanette Steeper of Sandter of Mr. and Mrs. HarveY Wal
h her peron
, and Ronald Hugh , set
Tamer Bill Cocbraee, with Tail Ii BroderickAirsALTarnbling Dunn-
fifthsZurich and Dashwood POI Hill spent the weekend 'wit
Twister Elmer Bell in charge of - Mr. and Mrs. Rowe Dinney
Ibe fine box. Harry Strang, of and Pat, Toronto, with the fee-
Usborne, was welcomed as a new nier's mother, Airs, Thomas Dm -
member. ney.
Twenty-five dollars was donate Mrs, F, L. Jackson and Peter,
ed to the institute for the blind. A Dunnville; with the former's Par -
Hallowe'en party for the children -
was proposed, and arrangements
were' made for a paper drive.
Lion John Goman introduced
the question of Lion participation E. AL Grove and Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Smith and family.
in the proposed swimming pool
for Exeter and community. The Miss Pat Cann and Miss Gail
cost of an open pool is estimaled Knights, Port Arthur, both stu-
at $40,000, $30,000 of which it is dents at Alma College, St. Thom -
proposed to raise by public sub- as, with Mr, and Mrs. Carfrey
scription, The club asked for '
more time to consider it. Air. Bruce Cudmore, Hamilton.
Members of the - club will and Miss Nancy Cudmore, Lon -
attend a rally at Arthur on the I don, with their parents, Mr. and
date of the next regular meeting. i Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore.
The local meeting will be held I Mr. and Mre..• W. H. Waddell,
Tuesday, October 28. I Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Read
' and family, Toronto, Misses
Marguerite and Trudy Pickard
and Mr. V. Puls, Hamilton, with
Mr. anti Mrs. C. V. Pickard.
Miss Nancy Boyle, London,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Boyle.
cots, Air. and Mrs. G. A. Cann.
Mr. and Airs. Gordon AL Grove
and family, Toronto, with Mrs.
News Of Elimville
Mrs. 'Vera Blackwell, of Pet-
rolia, spent the holiday weekend
with Mr, and Airs. Wesley Hey-
wood. '
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Parsons and
Susan, Mrs. Philip Murch -visit-
ed on Friday .evening with Air.
and Airs. Russell King, Credie
ton. • -
The Elimville Mission Band
presented a skit on Japan at the
South Huron Presbyterial meet-
ing at Crediton United Church
on Friday afternoon,
The Hallowe'en party for the
Elimville Mission Band will be
held in the church basement on
Friday eyening, October 24, at
8 p.m.
There will be no services at
Elimville on Sunday morning
because of Thames Road .anne
versary service. The Elimville
anniyersary service will be- held
the following Sunday, October
26, at 11 a.m.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Coultis and
Neil of Toronto visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Coultis. .
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and
family of London have moved
Into their new home, formerly
owned by Mr, Grant Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunning -
ton have moved into the house
south of Melville owned by Mr.
Laverne Skinner. .
Mr. and Airs.' Howard Peen
and Joan visited on Monday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Lobb of Hohnesville.
Mr. Elgin Skinner, of Toronto,
spent Thanksgiving with his par.
ents, Mr. and Airs. Everett
Every*inei-_s: TalkiOg, •
About The Magnificent
Styled Especially For Canadians
The Meteor
13 Models In Four Groat Series
. South .End Service
Rum $1nd Chuck •Shall
Topics From
Wocodham e w eie a towns ip
(New provincial regulations pro -
schools are in an area, the gene -
By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE ral rate is included in the school
assessment rather than in the
township rate. Hay's school
area rate is actually the same
last • year.) Stanley school
area, 8; Stanley U.S,S. 9, 10;
S.S.S. 1 Hay, 8; S.S.S. 1 Stanley
Union, 12; Union S.S. 1 (closed).
Nomination and election dates
were set for November 28 and
December 8.
The clerk was instructed to
write the Agriculture Society and
Zurich Lions Club to appoint re- •
placements for the two members
who recently resigned from the
!Hay Community Centre Board,
parens, r. is, c r. an rs. ona c eg
lice village rates, 15.
Steeper. were baptized. Two flower tables
School rates: Hay area, 7.8 Mrs. Lloycl Brophey spent a from the C.G.I.T. and leaders
special rate;' school debenture, couple of days last week with were presented to the church
2.2; general rate, 3; total of 13. ?gr. and Airs, Cleve Brophey ! and dedicated.
Sunday Visitors
Mr. and Mrs, George Levy of
Russeldale with Mr. and Airs.
Walter. Levy, With Misses Rhea
and Blanche Mill, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Mills, of Mr. and
Mrs. Don Rixon, Mary Jane and
Robert of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Skinner
and family of Munro, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Tufts of Kirkton with
Mrs. Roy Kirk and Lorna.
Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Dunnell
and family with Mr. and Airs,
John Tipping.
Guests of Mr. and Airs. Bill
Rundel and Shirley were Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Scott, Farquhar.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Russell and
family, Munro, Mr. Gerald
Misses Helen Sweet and At. Brintnell, Kirkton., with Mr. and
Baker, Toronto, with the for- Mrs. Joe Blommaert.
mer's Mother, Mrs. Muriel Sweet. Mr. -and Mrs. Hiram Hannah,
They all spent Monday in Guelph.
Kirkton, with Mr. end Mrs. Alex
Miss Jane Farrow, University Gartenburg.
of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Don Hewett and
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Farrow. family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- Harold Levy and Lyn, of St.
stetter and family, ,Guelph. Mes- Marys, with Mrs. H. Chatten
ars. John and Edward Gackstet- and Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Archie
ter, Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Cbatten London.
James Fergusan and Ron, To- Air. and Mrs. William Rhode
ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc-
Intyre and Leslie, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. William Hor-
Mrs. E. G. Lloyd, Grant and
Sheila, and Mrs. M. Carter, of
Schomberg, with . Mrs. William
Mair and Mrs. Ferguson.
Mr. and hire, Grant Taylor
and son, David, of Sarnia, with
Mrs. Hector, Taylor.
Air: ant Mrs. Gordon Peacock,
St. Marys, with Mr. and Airs,
William Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hennessey,
and Faul, Harrow and Mr, Pat
Hennessey, Chatham with Mrs.
Leo 'Hennessey. Mrs. Al Horton.
Larry and Kathy, recently of
Camp Borden, are visiting with
the former's mother, Mrs. Hen-
nessey prior to leaving for Green-
wood, N.S. where Mr. Horton
has been posted.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mattingly, Douglas and Judy, Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hanni-
gan and three sons, Waterloo,
with Mrs. Mary Hannigan.
Airs. Garnet Hodgins.St.
'Alarm Mr.. and Mrs. William
Quinton, Diane and Bob. Air.
and Mrs. Robert Lilley, Susan,
Barbara and David, Miss Helen
McFalls all of London, Mrs, Nie
Johnston, Glanworth, Mr, and
Mrs. George Walls and Joyce.
Mr. and. Mrs. 'Ross McFalls and
David; Mr. and Mrs'. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael anti Mrs.
Arthur McFalls, Centralia, Mr.
and Airs, Bruce. Glenn and John,
Toronto, Mr. and, Mrs. Mervin
Hayter, Darlene and Glenn,
Varna, Mr. andMrs. John M.
Glenn, Hensel], Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Walls, Mrs. Samson
McFalls and Miss Nettie MeTag-
gart, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Glenn.
Apply' For
SS Rights
Application hat been made to
the Ontario *Department of Edu-
cation to establish a separate
school for families of St. Boni-
faee Roman Catholic Church,
Zurich, Rev, C. A. Doyle taid
this week.
"We have also applied for
authority to issue debentures to
finance construction of a two•
or three-room building," the
priest stated,
Si -ie of the school will not be
known untii a survey is takee
to determine, the number of
children who will attend. It has
been estimated there are about
75 children in the perish. Pupils
tram a three-mile radius of the
village may atteed,
At a meeting or church mem.
hers last week, Lewis Harwell
was named chairman: of a three -
Man trustee board which in -
dudes Gerald rt-ggitr and Cla.
roma Geoffrey. Rev, Doyle will
serve as seeretary-treasurer.
Tentative plans call for a
school to he built west of the:
house in which the priest resides,
The property has belonged to the I
parish since its organization I
about fie years ago,
Officials hope the school build.)
trig limpet tall be completed In
time for the beginning of the,
On term,
and family, Thames Road, with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomp-
With Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mc-
Curdy were Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McCurdy and Brenda, St. Marys.
Air. and Mrs. Preston Morn -
son, Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Doupe and Grace.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger, of
Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. John
Simpson and Rosemary, Clande-
boye, Miss Beatrice Clarke. Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brine, Base
Line, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Carruthers anti family, Appin,
with Rev. J, Wareham and- Airs.
Mr. and Airs. Phil Brine and
Nancy, St. Marys, with Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Brine.
Joanne and Dennis Webb with
Mrs. M. Copelend and Jean,
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb,
Michael and Julie were Sunday
afternoon visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Small, St. Thomas.
Mrs. William McNeil, of St.,
Marys, is spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mr.' and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques
and family, Mrs. Mary Jacques
visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Lambert of Flint, Mich.. for the
Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. Al.
Jacques is staying for a week's
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Copeland
and Mrs. John Rodd visited with
Rev. John Wheeler and Mrs.
Wheler, of. Alma, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cope-
land, Donna and Murray were,
Sunday 'visitors with Air. and
Mrs. Murray May. at Byron.
Air, Albert Vadden, Airs. Ro-
bert Scott, Clinton, were Thanke-
giving vistors with Mr. and Airs.
E. Vodden, on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. George Webber,
Mr. and Mrs. RobertWebber
and Debra, of Detroit, were
weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Webber and attend-
ed the Cowdrey- Webber wed-
ding on Saturday afternoon.
Lawrence B, Copeland Seed
Mixtures were exhibitors at the
Provincial Plowing Match held
at Cryster lag week,
Mr. Allen terry broke a bone
in his leg last week when he
was caught in a cern harvester.
He is a patient in St. Marys
Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Aire. Morris Heim and
family, Zen West, Ale, and Mrs.
Cole and -family, London, Air.
and Mee. Vie Sawyer, St. Catbe-
rieee, Mrs. Ella Vequhaet, Kirk -
ton, were Thankegivifig. visitors
within Me, and Mrs, Cecil!
Mr. and 'Mrs. A Anderson, of
Toronto, Were Sunday visitors
with Me. and Mrs. Hugh t eery.
Mrs, Lawrence Copeland and
bertha visited With he sister,
Mrs. Lindsay Harris, and Mr.
Harris, also her nephew,
and Mrs. Iteg Harrison, Monday,
at. Medina.
Thanksgiving Services wt
held in the Woodham United
Chureij on Sunday morning with
Rev, J. Wareham, pastor, lie
speaker, With Miele binge by
the (shrift. 'The church 'was nicely
decorated with autunin,fieWerS,
Hoop Artist
Sees Show
Karen Heywood, 10 -year-
-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Heywood, Exeter, went
further than providing The
T.A with the best news tip
last week — she created. the
news herself,
The girl won two free thea-
tre tickets for her prowess
with a hula hoop.
Karen twirled her hoop
16,160 times and ate her sup,
per doing it. So far, no one
has been reported beating
her feat, •
The theatre tickets are
given each week to the per-
son who gives The T -A the
hest tip for a news story.
Muffler Troubles
Are Over!
Buy An
Get One Today!
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with an automatic electric washer
Everyone is brighter when there's an automatic electric
washer to take over washday drudgery. Just load your
machine, set the dial—and you're free to do the things
'you really want to do. And with an automatic electric
water beater, washer, dryer and' iron to help, you can
really work wonders on washday.
IVO better
Exeter Public :Willi ies