The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-10-09, Page 14Page 14 The TimosA to, _October 9, 1958 'C/and Girls Clubs' • Organize New Project ay MRS. '1. H. PATPN. ,served. Guests were he, and t Mrs. W. L. Paton, Parkhill. The two Clandeboye 441 Clubs , Mrs. Robert Crellin and Mr. and bed •a joint meeting in the Clan-, Airs. Earl Paton of London, Mr. deboye Public. School on Mon., i Wilfred Loganand and Mrs. • days September 29 at 7.30 p.m. Myrna of Thorndale. The project this year is "The • Club Girl Entertains" with hos- Attend Lodge s pitality being the main theme. „ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton. Report Numerous The election of officers for i Mrs. Wilson liodps, Mrs. Lorne • • • . Club. No. 1 results: president, l Hudgins and. Mr. and Airs, Pat- • Marjorie Donaldson, vice presi-' lison of Victoria Lodge 387; Residence Moves dent, Janice Macintosh: seere- Lucan. attended the tenth anni- L 1 .1 can Phone 10? Lucan Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott US .Engineer Dies Here. Church News Anllean A meeting of the Servers' tw4an Personal Items Among those who attended the i Mrs. Ansley Neil, of Ea:eters, pie social and program at St.: was a weekend guest of Mrs, Patrick's church last week were :Tilos. Brooke., Mr. and Mrs. Merton ,Culbert,t Messrs. Bob Watson and' John Mrs. Maurice McDonald, Mrs.. Ewen arc Da a motor trip to William Dickins and Mrs. Bob.{ Winnipeg where they are guest's Guild, was, held in the church Coleman. last Tuesday evening with the S.S. No. 1 Denfield was one. of i.of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horne and D. st, If. Skating. rector in charge, the three schools The Lucan -.Clandeboye A. last Monday in London Town- , ransacked i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins spent last Sunday with Mr. and P.A. will hold their regular ship but none of the schools con- Mrs. Arthur Abbott of Saints - meeting Sunday, October 12 at Lained money so the thieves got.' bury and were surprised to find 7.30- p.m. in- the parish hall. nothing. • 1 their whole family there to cele- brate Mrs. lioclgins' birthday. The'rector has secured Profes. Miss Gerta Hunter of London 1 scar R. K. Harrison of Huron. was a Sunday guest of Mrs. John • C.G.I.T. Corn Roast • • Harold Morgan College as guest speaker for the Casey and her son, Mr. Harold' The Lucan C.-G.I.T. opened the season with a corn roast at the home of Mrs. Charles Sovereign, which was highlighted by a scavenger hunt and a number of games of the members' choice, Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of Holy Trinity . church held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. - sistant is Mrs. Arnold Blake. ; 1, . Supplies. were donated through The leader for Club No. 2 is 'Mrs. David Icestle and the as - lire. Alex Macintosh and the the courtesy of Mr. Radcliffe of by the club girls to hold ' their ; ' - - ' Mrs. :• assistant is Mrs. Gordon The shopping bags being used. " Eaton.; short program followed %vitt' ,,,Ritchie at Baden on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson and lunch being served. Lynn visited the ladies' brother.' Goods, recently vacated by Mr. Mr. Carl Ritchie, and ham and Mr. and Lloyd playing Personal items t. andAirs.Wilfredum ins monis, have moved to the apait 1 c i. ,,ii Mrs. Eleanor Emerick's apart• Church. conducted funeral ser. writ was in St. J ames eemesj Mrs. ' and Airs. Doug Watterworth and i Mr. and airs. Maurice Dupuis October 1 when the Rev. Edgar chester conducted funeral serv- ;na Thomson, Lorene and Paul eats, - Mr. and Mrs. W. Frost as assistant hostesses. ! who have been living in one of Roulstoa of the Lucan United ' ices Tuesday, October 7. inter- ' ment above the Luau Dry a home on George Street. can. until 2 p.m. Wednesday, 1 Rev. L, C. Harrison of Dor-1 meeting. Vicky Bizenga and Don- and called on .- ,i,,,f :A ' , lane. Bob ' White, Bill Laughty, Quarterly Confiirence in the Lon- Mrs. Wilson Hodgins had to be The chapter "Our Representa- , Frank Whelihan. _ Pallbearers were Max Meltar- attended. the Chatham District 'has been living with lilt', and ?rest. • Larry Marshall, Joe Nagle and don Pentecostal Holiness duffels taken to the Milton Hospital tives in japan" in the study tcry, tiandeboye. church last Saturday afternoon Earl Ezeard of Milton, who Gerald Lewis and Rev, J. P. ; Graham entertained. with duets. : speaker at the ...Friday night Y.P. A number from the Lucan their home,. in London, Friday evening sn's their way to turned from Their hanesetnoon the. bride's par. lung with Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs. J. 1'. Prest and Mrs. Jack Eisen Clare Stanley Wednesday eve - ship Airs. Stanley led in the wor- .. . . serviceassisted byMrs. progressive euchre. A Nuistna Home is also -htuldun, kett and son funeral home, Lu. hev, J. P. I rest assisted by the - • in the evening 15 or more young seven weeks ago when he had book was taken by Mrs, Charles Lucan, I Miss Margaret Wooley of Bel- family (if Quebec are moving ..ki,l'ingirq Only son of Mr, and Mrs.. people attended the special young the misfortune to get caught in Corbett... ' Lynn. WA .7 . he worked for some years at the : Douglas Clark of Toronto was able to return to the Hodgins United Church : mont spent the weekend with into the apartment they left. ' • " Arthur Morgan, R.R. - Lucan i peoples. 'rally where the Rev, a threshing mabhine. He was• The next meeting will be held. Harvest Thanksgiving service : the Misses Dorothy and Pauline Mr. and Airs. Brian Savage will be held on Sunday after.. and family . of London, have Reliance Service Station at El- : the guest special speaker. Spe- household last Monday. . . • in the parish hall with Airs, • Clare Stanley, Mrs. Jack Hardy, noon at 2,45 p.m. with Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bert Little, of moved into Airs. limerick's other School at 1.45. The pastor, the , Toronto, Called on Sunday to . apartment. Rev. _Edgar Roulston will con-, visit Mr. and Mrs. Maurice - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Staples e duct the service with Mr. How -1 Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. and family of Water Street have s ... and Kew of Lucan in charge of• Clarence Carter. moved to London and at time of the music. ;Mr. Charlie Edginton spent writing :the house they vacated 'Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. is still empty. Last Sunday the congregation ' with the pastor, the Rev. Edgar. Lloyd B CO u g h t o n, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold Roulston, joined in the world Broughton. in London. . and family have moved into their Mr. Moore Cunningham, Mrs. wide Holy Communion service : home on concession 5 which had with Messrs. Ward Hodgins. Fred Simpson, Mrs. E, Tomes been rented to Rev, and Mrs. Arthur Simpson, William Scott and son, Torn, spent Sunday Fred 'Thomson and family. and William Northgrave assist-: with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris- Mr. . and Airs. A. S. Blonde! ing. i on in Aylmer. have bought and moved into the . Miss Elaine Grainger. London, 'louse on Albert Street vacated St. James Church . former teacher of Clandeboye • by (pl. and Mrs. A. E. Parry At St. James church on Sun- school, now attending Teachers'and family.' Cpl. Parry has been day the service was taken by College. spent the weekend with posted to the RCAF Station at the Re'. T. A. Griffin of Ilderai Mrs. Ralph eLynn and Mr. Lynn. MacDonald, Manitoba. morning service next Sunday. Hunter of Detroit, spent a few Dies In Hospital days with her. . , , . Pentecostal . . A .. ..:, , . .lol 1. u, Air. and Mrs. Everett Gagnon 1 a , Harold Morsn. 31, died in work there, were the who left S t d f . and family of Willowdale and . . guest Won were weekend guests of -tars-% Nancy Scott; press re- x ersary of the Agnes Watson ' • Is d. ' l'''' * • ' e ' °I S . on . a ur ay or Argen. • a home on George Street have prietor of the Lord Elgin res. 5. Victoria Ilospita unday October . cilia to continue their missionary M1SS Audrey Gagnon of iiam- *porter, Marilyn E'aton. I Memorial Lodge L.O.B.A. 1167 and family who purpose buildine a Robert la Crinnian. 60, The officers officers of Club No, 2 are: at:Woodham on Monday evening. were moved to Lambeth tor the win- taurant. al Elginfield died sud. ' lie lay at rest in the Aluedy speakers at the weekly ''si'ss.e'r'' Rev. and Airs. Fred Thomson president, Jeanette Blake; vice tither lodges attending The leader for Club NO 1 is !* The evening was spent in ii.ow .staying at the Pines liassen He lay at rest in the C. Has. ice at Op .m, Tuesday and the . Airs. Howard Currie was the "GiftsofIlGo4do gnAclirfanalinbd. Mrs. Edward Fur. ness, nee Hazel Frost, have re - president, Marilyn Newman; Clinton, Mitchell, Seaforth, St. let. . • . ' dents- at his late residence, Mon.., ihien e rad.. (1)1111,1 e.,,.01.11,17e0 liner aersseno,f. , meetinglasttliVeedesdaY. secretary, Sharon Nestle. Marys and Lakeside. Alr. Chas. Norton ot Sarnia. day, September 29. ton, with the ,Rev. J. P. Prest . . taking the Harvest Thanksgiv- ing and Holy Communion at • Extend Quarters Lucan Personals tied at 4 p,m„ Saturday, Sep- can church for Thanksgivieg anti In Nursing HomP • •• Next Sunday at 2.30 p.m. at : A W.I. committee meeting was ' . SI. James there will be Holy held at the home of Mrs. Mur- ' — vices. Interment was. in st, 'tomboy 20, by the Rev. Murray the Clandeboye members to as - decorating of:the Jellies Cemetery,: •Clandeboye, Stuart at his London home, sist in the Communion service and dedica- ray Hodgins last Thursday eve4, With • the vacating of the see. . He -is s r .' •ed b • If ,*f wir,f1 he •united in 1 • i ,, Clandebove church. Grace Church, Ilderton. sin is is me opemna a lathe initsic was provided by To- The Lucan Figure Skating Mrs. Merton Culbert, Mrs. Gers and TV store on Main St., Lu- ronto and London young people, Club plan to begin classes this aid 'Lewis, Mrs, Clarence Hardy can. After leaving Lucan he re- . year on Saturday, November 1. and Mrs, Norman Hardy as hosts United turned to farming. , from 12 noon till 1 p.m. in the eases. His only survivors are his par.; The Lucan•Clandeboye Y,Pssa Lucan Arena with Miss Gay erns, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mor- met in the United Church par- Clark of London in charge and gan. liors Sunday evening with Jackie Miss Margaret Neil of Lucan, Park and Don Lankin's corn. Lucan Man Injured ' assisting. Miss Clark comes high. mission in charge. In keeping • iy recommended, - Among the many weekend car with the season, the theme of - accidents was a two -car collision , citizenship was ch caged to just east of the village where "Thanksgiving". The leaders Granton W. ' • Jellies Holmes, .23, of Lucan, were assisted by Sandra Wit- The September meeting of the suffered head injuries. He was llama and Jeanette Black, Granton W.I. was held at the taken to St. Joseph's Hospital The resignation of the presi- home'of Mrs. Chester Gorvett. dent, Allan Ready, was regret- Roll call was ansered by re - fully accepted and the Rev, Exi. Wing something 'interesting a- gar Roulston was in charge of bout Newfoundland, the meeting, Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Mrs. B. Arrangements were made • for Hanson and Mrs, Carman Dann the Lucan. members to assist were named delegates to the the W.A. 'in decorating the Lu- area convention to be held in London, October 21, 22 and 23. Some of 'the high -lights of the meeting were Airs George Wil- son's articles on the Australiee hut released after treatment, Travel In East ROBERT • L. CRINNIAN Following Rites operated Lord Elgin A quiet wedding was solemn - on( floor apartment by the . , , , , bon of a new Union Jack by nine to plan the menu for the• The highlight of the meeting educational system; Mrs. Alex . Neelin family, the Pines Haven the former Mildred Hastings, one ' Gladys Marie Wyton anti Marien the rector, the Rev, J. P. Prest. family night dinner to be held Van .Arenthals, was Mrs, Murray Hodgins' il. Irvine's current events; Airs, : in the Community Memorial Nursing Home will 110V,',, have . son George Robert Crinnian of Euchre Party Milwaukee. Wisconsin and one The bride is the daughter of lustrated talk on the Hodgins' William Allan's resume of her Centre at 6.30 p.m. October 16.. accommodation for a larger , Air. and Mrs. William Wyton, of family ,motor trip to the coast trip to Scotland; Mrs, Carman Mrs. Clarence Carter, teacher Messrs. John and Alex Sprowl :number of patients. The latest . daughter, Miami, Mrs. Virginia Lunb• lorm of Florida, also one New Brunswick, and the groom last July and August. Dann's report on "The Grand and pupils of Clandeboye School and Miss Mary Helm, of Wing- e fli' o tin e n t s are Mr. Arthur At the 11 o'clock service it Ohl Op.re" et. Knoxville, Ten - Section No. 12 and 4 held a - ham, were Sunday visitors of . Coates, London: Mr. Tom Mont- : sister, Mrs. Janice Azcarate of is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cor- i nelius Van Arenthals, Holland, was a world wide communion nessee and at. Noreen Wal - euchre party on Friday evening Airs. Durham and her sister, emery, Petrolia ; Mrs. William : St. P-etersburf, Florida. The bride wore 'a ballerina- service at which eight people kom 's pickling hints. in the school with six tables in Mrs. Margaret Dann, has1 been a Cornish, Mooresville, and MI- Pall -bearers were Don Bar- es length gown of Chantilly lace lamed the church --Mr. , . ., . .. . and Airs. Hostesses were Mrs. R. Rainey, play. visitor with her for the past Margaret Elliott, London, mak- her, Irwin Skarret, Charles Sete- !over taffeta, featuring lily -point Cecil Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. Len Mrs. George Wilson and Miss Prize winners were Ralph . week, i ing an all high number of 12 ' fert, George Barber,:Don Smelt.' sleeves, a tight -fitting bodice ac- Fisher, Mr. and Airs. Fred Ma- Noreen 'Walkorn. Simpson and .Tee Cunningham 1 and two boarders. Besides the zer and Peter Park. , cented with sequins and rhine- itire, Air. and Mrs. Orville for high score, lone hands, Airs. • Arnold Blake and Clarence Car- Church Nursery i upstairs accommodation, changes . Son of the late Mr and Airs , stones. A fingertip veil of French Zavitz. ! are being made in the rear of CharlesA , • • ' ''' A. Crinnian Mr. Crui• 'nue] • - - 1 , ons was held by a halo of A capacity crowd filled the Car- ter, . . . the building. What has been the ' nian was born in Au'sabl Mich ' Birthday Party Plan For Trinity ! kitchen and dinine 'room'11 e, . ! white gardenias. She carried a church, ' future. be used for the patients ., W1 , = World War , in I he enlisted in cascade of white carnations and . Mr. acid Mrs. Clarence Carter The , September . meeting of ' sitting room and a large room the 32nd Division of Michigan , rose buds. Explorer News e ' entertained on Sunday for their Holy Trinity's Woman's Auxiliary at the rear of the house is be.- serving in Germany and France, i Her only attendant was the Th18th Expedition of the son, Stephen Lee, who was two met at the home of the presi- ing converted into an up-to-date was wounded anti won the Purple sister-in.la'w of the groom, Airs. Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers was years old on Monday. ; dent. Airs. T. C. McFarlane, ' modern kitchen and dining room. Heart. On his return home he ' • lack Van Arenthals, of R.R. 1 held in the United Church par - Guests included Mr. and Mrs. last Wednesday afternoon with 16 ; joined the Ford Motor Co. and Lucan. who chose a gown .of tors last Monday evening with -Maurice S m p s o n . maternal . members present.• The president . Counsellor Kae Haskett in charge Gladioli Provide I was one of six chosen by Henry blue chiffon over taffeta with; the worship service. She was grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- ' was assisted in the devotional I Ford to attend the Massachu- matching jacket and feathered • of headdress. She carried a spray/ assisted •• by Helen Sigsworth, Decor:For Vows !stts Institute of Technology. of pink and white carnations. i Susan Bridger. Louise Coda. neth Carter paternal grandpar- by Miss Lina Abbott and Mrs. ' eats, Mr. and Mrs. John Simp- Erwin Scott.. He was chief engineer on the Mr. Jack Van Arenthals was: rane and Patricia Cobleigh. son and daughter Rosemary and -' Mrs. Roy Stanley was voted : White and pink gladioli ; Morden Bomb site and acted as the . best man for his brother. i There were three new mem- Miss Patricia Carter. ; the new social secretary and a ed the setting in the church of form' ' a consulting engineer for After a reception at the home hers enrolled, Marie Arnold, Junior Farmers' Meeting • • jam shower was planned as a: United States Atomic- Energy Epiphany, London, at 3 pan of Mr, and Mrs. Van Arenthals ,1 Margaret Zavitz. and Dianne Saturday, October 3, for the . -I Commission at Oakrid„cre. Ten- . Thanksgiving gift to the patients Mr. Fred Lewis with his par- Thanksgiving the bride changed to a plaid ! Cooper, making an attendance of cats, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Home. the Pines Haven Nursing marriage of Marilyn Joan Mayes i nessee and Hanaford, Washing- suit with black accessories and '16. and Ernest Albert Bond. Rev. R. • • ton and was also on the guided Lewis entertained 90 Junior • • white baby mum corsage, for a 1 Counsellar Kae Haskett in. Rev. J. P. Prest spoke brief15. : A. Weeks efficiated. missile project of Cocoa, Florida. Farmers on Monday evening. 'honeymoon trip to Eastern Can-; stalled ' the new officers: Bar- -President is Mr. John McIlhar- on plans for a church nursery The bride is the daughterof , lie had a fellowship in the Aca• ,,s, l bare Park,Chief Explorer; Mer- ges,. • and the appointment of a church . Mr. and Mrs. A. Mayes, London, , !.demv Engineering in Detroit """' On their return the young .! garet Cobeigh, Keeper of ' the higtorian. After his departure and the groom is tile son of Mr. • and ' was the nationalpresident A debate "Resolved that rural : i couple will make their home in.' Log; Carole Davis, treasurer and ' of the American Society ofn. youth in Ontario is being ade- Mrs. Erwin Scott was appointed and. Mrs. H. T. Bond, of Lucan, : Lucan. l Barbara Ready, pianist, dustrial Engineers, a post he ; A new Expedition, "The Ways quately trained for modern ag- ' historian with Mrs. T. C. Mc- : Given in marriage by herPersonal Items ' held for14 years. . , father, the bride chose an en, ' • ; of Worshipping God" was begun. riculture" was- held. Team Fred , Farlane as assistant.. • Culbert and Clare Paton with Those wishing to attend the ' semble of Chantilly lace and ne , ... . , Garrett - Counsellor Rose Revington began 1.1 Seven years ago he came to Mrs. Bob Coleman • entertained , and Mrs. W. W. 1 - Bruce Henry coach won from :Diocesan Deanery meeting at. over white' satin, featuring lily : Canada to locate, "a quiet place Mr. family ..- last, „! the making of scrap books. pearls and se-: on 'the side of the road, to retire andAmity . luesday eve-; .Person.al Items John McIlhargey and John Mor- i Kincardine, October 24, were ' point sleeves and Peter Pan' row with Rey McComb coach asked to contact Airs. Roy Stan- collar' with seed and be a friend to man. He rung. The dinner was in honor I A nd chairman. ; ley.,quins, 'A shoulder -length veil of: finally chose Elginfield hut in- of her daughter, Mrs. Garrett, I Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pattison, Plans were laid to have a ' Mrs. F. W. Hovey and Airs. French illusion also accented: stead of retiring 'the Lord Mein who - was celebrating another , of Byron, called on Mr. C. Pal - skating party and dance at the Jack Murdy assisted the hostess with seed pearls and sequins fell j became an almost full time job. birthday, : tison at the Pines .Haven Nurs- lucan Memorial Centre . with refreshments. ; from a tiara similarly adorned,' Though living in the district After two weeks in St. Jo- „ing Home last Sunday and also soph. s Hospital, Mr, Erwin Scott ; on Mrs. Irene Coursey. returned home last Saturday and I Mr Ruled] Radcliffe, son of is back to work again. i Mr. and Mrs. J. Radcliffe, who - Mears. Frank and Clarence i went West with Mrs. T. A. 'Wat- Hardy are on a business trip to I son and Mrs. Charles v ita.ggar Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and points ' has secured a position with a west. cleaning firm in Calgary, Miss 'Line Abbott offered her , She carried a white prayer book' such, a short time, Air, Crin- Birthday Party ,home for the November meeting crested with red rose buds. ; nian made for himself many • Relatives helped Mr. 3. II. and Mrs. Irene Coursey, Mrs., Miss Marie Highway, Byron, friends in Lucan and vacinity. "Paton celebrate his birthday on Wilson Hodgins and Mrs. Wil- as maid of honor; Mrs. H. Lee, Mrs. Martha Inson :Friday evening. A turkey supper Ham Brownlee volunteered to as- of London, sister of the bride, including birthday cake was sist as hostesses. and Miss Gladys Bond, Luean, i Airs. Martha Inson, 91, passed sister of the groom, as brides- away on Wednesday, October 1 maids, and Debbie and Kimber- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . ly Lee as flower girls, were Stan Waliick, R.R. 2 Granton. gowned alike in emeralded crys- She lay at, rest in the C. Has. ."71 tal charm with rust and yellow, kett and Son funeral home, La- .. . - ' .; mum sprays. : can until 2 p.m. Friday. October ' Mr. A. Goich, London,. was 3 when time H e Rev. ,T. . Varcly of . . ... ..: . • - ' . . .. . best man and ushers were Mr.Grantee conducted funeral ser- . .. . ' D. Mayes and Mr. H. Bond Jr.! vices. Interment was in the Mr. Bob Miller, of London, Grantee cemetery. i ' i Provided traditional w e d d i n g! Airs. Inston had no close stir - music and accompanied the solo- eiv9rs• ist, Airs. A. White. At the Bungalow restaurantd Pentecostal WA Lambeth, the bride's mother re-' ceived in an orange ice sheath ' gown with matching. headdress.; Chooses Officers She was assisted by the groom's I mother in dusky rose satin with , matching accessories and cot'-; sage of yellow roses. The Bunga- low was beautifully decorated s with white hells with pink and! white streamers, ,..i. i:::i.?1 r or a honeymoon trip to Los .ii Angeles, California, the bride .' changed to a black suit with rose ss 4 ..,$,,, r . as, se 'n 3i''. J:. zt..... accessories and red rose core: ,4..... 42 ..,40, ••% i. tj, ›. 04' 0, VV. st sage. - , s...t..'", a • . mesa. aee. , The young couple will make - eesaseSseasts.seasessee sass ,..4,,1 A`• v.- .5t, their home in London, HOW "HIGH OFF THE HOG" WILL YOUR FAMILY LIVE? Whether your family lives on tenderloin or kidneys may depend on how well your estate is handled. 'Experienced tstate Officers, like those at Sterling Trusts, can help you plan your estate properly, so that ultimately there will be a minimum of delay, confusion and tax loss. Why riot talk to a Sterling Trust Estate Officer soon or Write for our free booklet "Oluepriti# for Your ramity"0 ThE STERLING TRUSTS CORPIOR A TION Hood Otlitc Offitel 02 gay tf4y tbitopitei Dueiop Sty Merit' 4 • Among the guests were Air.' and Mrs. Jack Alertly, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Lank -in, Mr. and Mrs.: Bill McFalls, of Lucan, and Mi'. and Mrs. George Thring, Ailsa Craig (formerly of Lucan). United Church W.A, The. October meeting of the . tnited Church Woman's Associa- lion was held last Wednesday; evening with Mrs. Charles Sove-1 The Pentecostal Holiness Church held its October W.A. meeting last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Clarence Frost. Mrs. Fred Thomson was in charge of the devotions. During the business session plans were discussed for the coming year's program and money molting schemes. Officers were elected. Prosi- dent is Airs. Moine Rizinga; vice-president, Al r s. Rufus Thompson; secretary - treasurer Mrs, Ed. Butler; devotion eon. vener, Mrs. J. A. ,Graham and lunch convener, Mrs. Howard Currie. Hulu Hbops The ilulu Hoop craze has hit Lucan with a bang. The. Culbert store window is now' full of hoops but probably won't be by Monday morning. With perfect rogit's group in eharge 'the weather what a grand time the program and refreshments. SheYoung fry had ma Saturday was assisted by Airs. C. C.„ twisting and wriggling. Bradford and Mrs. G. E. ' Birthday Party son. I Speaking ' on the 'Association' Mrs' Sheridan nevinaimi and e for Iletarded Children, Mrs. fainilY' ',Irvington and Airs, Lyl ,Joho //alloy, of London, was the family and Mrs. Harry AreFalls guest speaker. Mrs. Art Mack were. Saturday guests of m's, moved a vote of thanks ; Douglas Moore, Trafalgar St., , During the business session, 'London, to celebrate Mrs. Me- ttle date for the annual turkey' rail's birthday. dinner was set for November 13' Letdon 'News and the annual bazaar for Nol The Lucan Canadian Legion at vember 2P. the Legion Hall held another sue. The October rower committee' eessful smorgasbord last Friday 'are Mrs. A. E. Reilly. Miss. evening 1"etil" with- a "16" Doris Weir and Mrs. Murray table euchre. The prize winner Personal !ferns I The next Legion big , (Tent }lodging, was Mrs. William Mathers. m„. Harry Atkinson, /mann, i will be the annual bazaar sched. is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. i tied for SaillrdnY. NOVeMbrt 1, Harold Corbett. ...Please Turn Co Page IS , t - VISITORS? When Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary come to visit—or you visit them—tell us about it. We like to report the social activities of the folks in this district. Phone 770 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE Or your local correspondent EMintlett. Acclaimed DETROIT'S best.. Our Canadian friends like the TuLLERHotel because • Free Parking (in Parking Lot) • Economical Rates • Family Rates (No Charge for Children 12 or under) • Cafeteria and Coffee Room • Radio and Television • AirConditioned Rooms in Season 800 ROOMS with bath from $ Anaonzwo,,Tx.45.7.1m,,,,,,,,rnIrrry.sraor FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK DETROIT, MICHIGAN Harry E. Paulsen. General -Manager reta,11-E IAITT ;$ I, CI " pr- r rr•rrrrr r rrIt.r..rrrn .r Fr."rnrr r., r irErixralE PINOT TULLERt I; a " lie will need money for the family vacation "'so botli are building up bank accounts Every 11 seconds during banking hours last yor a new depOSit aceoptit was opened in a chartered hank. And to millions of Canadians a bank is not only the best place to keep savings—it is a financial SerViCe,Celltre providing services useful to everyone in the community. A visit tp a chartered bank is the way to handle all your banking needs. Here you can deposit filoncy, arrange loans, cash cheques, rent a safety deposit box, buy travellers chequesf transfer money—all safely, simply1 easily, THE Citititt.ERIO BANKS SERVINO.YOttit COMMUNITY • .V,4,An