HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-25, Page 17Starlite Drive -In Theatre 8S Miles •West of No. 4 Highway FRIDAY & SATURDAY Sept.m.xr 26 end 27 1'EN WANTED MEN" * Randolph Scott A. NESBIT C, Secretary *; ,Jocelyn Brando ^�,11ll,lllm 11111, 1111111111111111111111100 111,1111111111111111111111 1111111IIIIt11111111111111111n 111111111111111111111,111111111111(1 f, ANNUAL METING Huron County F rmersr Union AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOMS, CLINTON October 5:30 p.m. Mrs, Evelyn Prosser, Wo- men's Pres., and Vaughan Douglas, CKNX, will be guest speakers. A .good attendance is requested. Huron County Junior Farmers .And Junior institute 10th Anniversary Saturday, October 4 CHICKEN BARBECUE ,-- SEAFORTH COM. CENTRE 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. Standard Time Tickets $1,50 Available From Members VARIETY PROGRAM: -- DANCE Carruthers Orchestra — Admission 500 Sunday, October 5 CHURCH SERVICE —• ONTARIO ST. U,C., CLINTON 7:30 P.M. Standard Time Guest Speaker: Padre W. A. Young; OAC Fireside Hour Following Service ?,1111110011111111111111111,111IIIIMI11111111I I11nm11nlln,l1It1111011111111111111111111111111111111111,111IIII,In11111111111111,, ,,t IIIIItn111111111111111t1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,, Ladles Auxiliary To South Huron Hospital Will Hold Its Annual TAG DAY Sat.; September 27 Pleasd give generously when the tagger calls on you. 4111111111111111,11111111111Int11111111111(111111001111111100(11111111111111111111111111111111111LnV IM 1 mluI1,wenuuun 1, Farmor Resident Named Manager Jack F. Anderson, 37, a native of Eieter, has been appointed manager of Leamington P.U.C. at a salary o $9,000. He will take over the post October 1. Son of ,air, and Mrs. Tupper Anderson, now of Amherstburg, Jack has been with the .Ontario HEPC since he graduated from engineering at the University of Toronto in 1950, He is married and has two daughters. Thedford Fair Sept. 25-26 Parade 12:45 DARLENE LEE ma lorettat end her Life may bean at 40, but :by. Strikes & Spares that time WS more difficult ,te keep your chin up, beau it's * * likely doubled. Blows BowlingLid Off ' COMiNG EVENTS With 3 High SingIaon Tuesday, ;'Sepember 30, --- Ed stallation of officers wall be lc secretary; et�aa Ifo Hunter. ow 1 r e (' H a S 4 • , er 'triple. r ? a Y Four teams in the k:a�et l _ase rattled off a total of 10 strikes and rang up two N.Q. 25e shares in his twelve frame to spark the Big Six in a 7-0 d; -'i- .; ston over the 1ankntonts. Ladies .Bowling League are fighting it out for the choice spot Hi -Lights, i in the standings as the i•La ! H g Happy Gals, klot Dogs and Pin Pappetles are all deadlocked with 12 points, Hi -Lights and Pin Foppettes each gabbed seven -point ver- dicts from the'r apposition over ,the week to pull into a four-way tie with the Happy Gals nnct 1 -lot Dogs who each thumped their opponents 5.2 in point totals, Highest triple of the week was turned in by 011ie Essery of the Whatnots, who trundled a smooth 747 to capture the high triple award while thehidden triple the Tip Toppers to pieces far prize fell to Marion Fray.ne, 01 seven points while the Rockets, the. ,lolly 3111s. Wildcats and Imperials trounced '.Triples bettering the 600 mark their opposition. were turned in by Audrey Fair- Pepsies edge Cromarty Rollers bairn, 925, Pin Poppettes; Jan 4-3 and the Milkmen downed Up - drum . Lovell, 606, Happy Gals; Joan starts 5.2 in other league action. Parsons, 605, Mighty Mice; lr l,r:ar.l 0Joyce Weber, 611, Wee Hopes, TI. Six (Il i'aae i ca 1 7 and Georgina Webster, 629, Busy Bees. The "A" grouping of tiie Men's League really enjoyed a lop- sided week. Out of the 12 team participants, five were white- washed while the other bowed 5-2. Big Six, Spares, Tradesmen, Windmills and Red's 13i11iards came out on top of the seven point earnings while the Pinpop' pers syphoned the gas from the G.M,'s for a 5-2 victory. In the "13" category, the league -disturbing Butchers cut FRANK McBRIDE—Entertainer BABY SHOW AMATEUR CONTEST VARIETY CONCERT and DANCE IN ARENA Reg Galloway and C-4 Swing Boys Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. dl SAT., September 25, 26 and 27 "TH.. LIGHT IN THE FOREST" * Fess Parker * Joanne Dru Added Featurette "SCOTLAND" MON., TUES. & WED. September 29 and 30, October 1 "ALL AT SEA" * Alec Guiness * Irene Brown & ADDED SHORTS — COMING — "3.10 .TO. YUMA" * Glenn Ford * Felicia Farr MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2:00 P.M, Help Your H A....L RUMMAGE SALE South Huron Hospital Saturday, October 4 AT 1;00 P.M, ARTICLES MAY BE LETT AT THE HOSPITAL 'AUXILIARY ROOMS (ANNE ST. ENTRANCE) FRIDAY AFTERNOON (OCTOBER 3) OR WILL BE PICKED UP BY CALLING 332=J ANY DONATION WILL BE APPRECIATED "Don't Crowd Your Home With Surplus Articles What You Don't Wat'tty We'll Selil" 'rneadl1y, Septen,her 16 1)-T )gets (B. Clifford 554) _--- 0 tthat Nola (0, :F4ssery 747) 'P. Poppet(es (A. k'alrhairn 625) 7 Buttercups (1.. 7:Mott 591) .... 0 'H'nt Dogs (f). ftrad y 501) _- a Who ('ares ID, \\'Ilson - i1) 2 happy (::6)6 (J. Lovell 606) _..*5 11ps ,f DOwns (A1. 'Rader 47(1) _ 2 Merry Maids (V. Mason 470) -- 4 Alley Oats Ili. flay 665) 3 Nile Hawke R. Sangster 5 f3Inwett6R• (A. Ford 466) ._ YtAl4r.ttea (0, Smith 691)) 4 Prisky Six in, (•nitg'hlln 537) 3 Lnulnnns (6, :Brock 576) - 5 .Ally six (0. Skinner 5:17) Mighty Mice (.1. Parsons 635) _ 4 Re -Ropy (L. Blom Ina art 560) t 3 ,lolly .fills (A1. AJuaser 554) Wee-HopeS (,1. Weber 611), .__ . Busy Flees (G. Webster 629) __ 4 Pills (16, J'riehner 444) HAndtoRppers 1A. Crean 5.62).-__ 5 Sputniks (16, }lodge 451) StnndIPg rinponpe(tes Hot nogals Happy Merry Maids Nit J-tawks 1L61llpnp6 .- -- Tiolletles __-.._.----- Mighty Mice lolly JIBS S Frisky six _ Inlly" Six 7 Handicappers ..___ 7 Pills __-. ._.._ 6 'Wee. Hopes .----- 5 Alley rats ..,.-... 5 Busy'Ries __.... ____. 5 Rlnwet tes _..... ........_ 4 r . :Downs _-_.._ 4 Be -Bout _._ ...__ .__. -� 3 Buttercups 2 Sputniks •- 2 'What Note - 0 12 12 12 Four Teams Tie For Ladies' Lead There is a good chance that the high single of, the Exeter Men's Bowling League has been set in, the first week of competi- tion. Don Case, one of the free wheeling bowlers belonging to the Big Six aggregation, may have wrapped up the laurels in his first attempt by rolling a brilliant 389 to spark his 785 Senior Citizens Social Evening Tues., Oct. 7 a;00 p,m. EXETER LEGION HALL Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches or Cookies Anniversary Services CHISELHURST UNITED CHURCH Sun., -Sept, 28 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Standard Time Guest Minister: Rev, R. A. Brook Special Music Attention Parents The Exeter District Junior Band will begin New Classes IN REED, BRASS AND DRUMS Interviews with the Bandmaster will be held Mon., Sept, 29 4to5and 7torlp.m. In Exeter Town Hall For further information, Phone Gerald Gbdbnity 749 Exeter dY,.r1'a.,n Jl r, :. I;)ankn,onta t 41-. Sylvest er• 510) 0 spa 1.03 (1',. Passmore 604) 7 ('o.op (11. Paterson 542) 0 '1'radr'snlen (4.1leywood) 667) .. 111, Supertest (J., Rumpel 570) .. 11 J'urs ( N1001 .. _.... (.:\lIpnpp.'s IO.tNt13,xo)) 11;0019)69.9) 5621 699) 25 15'nulnlills (R. (lzgnnd 664) „.. - 7 Kippen 'Tigers (4, flirts 596) 0 Tted's 'Billiards (.7. (`rocker 646) F:dselalres (1.,, Ford 576) _...,._ 0 '411'1 mit 401 16 Butchers 1)1, Holtzman 633) ... 7 Tip 'Toppers ((1. Wehh 546) . 0 Rockets 11',. Thompson 757) 7 Silver Hatrka (;1. fleywonrt 567) 6 Wildcats (R. Higgins 500) _ Ing pins (A, Infield 513) 3 Imperials (B, McDonald 723) „_ 7 Pnrtgrrs 14, Scott 507) . _ -- 0 \1111unrn (R, Snlith 6191 ._.__„ 5 Upstarts ( 11'. Watson 543) „--- - f'epala (R. (;Ilfiilan 61+) . 4 C. Rollers (11, -Dow 675) 3 Reception &. Dance FOR MR, AND MRS, DAVID MORRISSEY (Nee Leona Woodburn) Mt. Carmel Hall Fri.,Oct. 3. DANCING EVERY. FRIDAY .NIGHT Bluewater Danceland 8 Miles North of Grand Bend Dancing 10 p.m. to 1;30 a,m. DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n Roll Square Dancing Admission 75 Brownie's Drive -In Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY September 25 and 26 "THE GiRL CAN'T HELP IT" (Colour, Cinemascope) * Jayne Mansefield * Edmond O'Brien (ALL STAR CAST) (Adult Entertainment) CARTOON SATURDAY & MONDAY September 27 and 29 "COWBOY-" (Colour) ✓ GI_n Ford * Jack Lemmon 3 STOOGE COMEDY (One Cartoon) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY September 30 and October 1 "THE STORY OF ESTHER COSTELLO" * Joan Crawford * Rossano Brezzi CARTOON The Times Advocate, ,September 2 ( 1955 P#!is '17' hairs "Happening Ian South Huron? .ATCH THIS PAGE I .nLl,t)In11.PJIIItIIn1IU)n11111!1,IbIP.nlnbmlA.IlltIp111U,1Ini(II,LL11,q)AA6111„1U,r111nnU11 AIt161A1n))R1,t1.nA,lPI S. KIRKT. N Thursday & Friday Sept. 25 & 26 Monster 4-H Show New Livestock Showmanship Competition for 4-H Club Members in ?erth, Huron, Middlesex, Oxford and adjoining counties—A $50 trophy will be pre- sented to winner, along with replica donated by Dr. Amos and. Dr. Schaefer. Three 4-H Club Contests—Beef, Dairy' and Vegetable. Parade Led by North Easthope Pipe Band and School Children and Palomino Horses New Cattle Barn Show cattle will all be under cover in the New Pole Barn just erected at a cost of over $800. . Rides For Children Admission: 500 Cars 250 PS Children Free Wellington Brock, Pres. Alex F. Crago, Sec.-Treas. Friday Night Dance Aberdeen Hall Everyone Welcome' Harburn's Orchestra Admission 754 sf4444f4444444444444444eh44444 II1, 11,,111111111111,1,00,1111,11111,1111111111111111I„IIIIIl,111In111„111„11111,111111111111114111,t11111111,11111,11,11111 nnlm”, M 1HereIt Comes Again! Exeter Kinsmen's Fourth Annual HARVEST JAMBOREE Friday, Oct. 3 Exeter Arena Star. And One -Half Hours Of Merriment 9:30 to 4 Kool Quina TWO BANDS SEE THE 'CHOOSING AND CROWNING OF EXETER KINSMEN'S Harvest Queen ROCK 'n ROLL and OLD TIME DANCING DROSS: Jeans & Slacks Plaza Valley Boys • Square Dance Competition Oroattiite a set and enter this competition for square dancers. Contest Is restrict. ed to amateur groups from Huron, Middleseft and Perth counties, Handsome trophy donated by Kinsmen for an- nual competition. ty 4 �'.l. '( •e wYF. dr ..4 W ala.. ♦ .,I ., 1, :4.. `• '�i