HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-25, Page 13Over 1,000 Visit Local Dairy;.Plant ,Over 1,0O0persons inspected: Exeter Dairy's Modern new plant .and equipment during the firm's open house on Saturday and Sunclaa' nn CLASSIFIED RATES-- "Besides being coTl(Ilcterl tours of 'theplant, visitors were treated to. refreshments by the owners' and their. wives. Four _district1? "ersons won prl• zea In .a free fir.aw. Mrs. Etta McCarthy, Exeter, received .a fryY pan; Mrs. Elgin Thomson, Eippen, a stearal .iron; Brenda Waiper, Exeter, a steam kettle, andBob�Robinson,ab Woodham, , one months supply of milk. The Times -:Advocate, September 2$, 190 PPg�I 1.31 anks, Braves, Classifieds Still In The 'Pay-Qffs' The Story In Zion By MRS. JUD DYKEMAN Personal Items Mr. and Airs. Wellington ;Brod: spent the weekend in Niagara Valls; Mr. and Mrs.. Warren Brock visited Sunday with Mr., andMrs. Gammon iib Forest" 25 ds o wo r lesx r _ 70c More Than 25 Words 20 Per Word 20¢ OFF 1f .ad paid with order ,or by Saturday following the ':last insertion .ion n SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 40r 0 Words More 2......-- .. 1130 Per Word Semi Display Classifieds stri tot 1 (Restricted one coliml ) First Insertion $1,40 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions $1,25 Per Inch Minimum ler Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. Mr. Tom Brock showed cattle FOR SALE— at Seaforth, Blyth, and Exeter fairs last week, AIr. Harry .1aques returned home Tuesday from South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mrs. Norman Brock and Mrs. Warren Brock frjn Elilnv.ille W.T. attended the 'meeting of the Protestant. Women's Guild in the J:A,D. McCurdy School at Centralia, on Thursday evening. Elimville W.1, were invited guests. DRAIN TILE 4 inch _ fi 55 per AT Der-cl 5- inch 85 per 11 pP,1'rL 6 inch 110 pnr :fit Pel'rl 7 inch 145 per M hel'rl S inch 175 per 21.:Del'd T's, T'a and Elbows in Stock Prices for 111", 12" and 14" on Request RYDALL BRICK AND- TILE LIAIITL13 11tfn. Mrs, ;Ind D,'keman was in i lginfie1d T'hnne 193 Levan Guelph on Saturday at the Pune- OFFICE EQUIPMENT Head - ra.l of her uncle Mr. li'illlalu R quarters for Royal typewriters, 1'9cto' adding machines, 'R'e can X1155 Janel)1'kenhall attended save you money! Exeter Times- Advnrate, Imo" 773, 27tfc the Borland -Willard wedding at Mount Hope on Saturday, Typewriters e ya Portables or Standard THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 1.7 tf c Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. Ross :Bern .re- turned home from, a trip north and Mrs. Hern is spending this week at home before returning to Detroit. Anniversary services will be held at Zion West Church on Sunday morning, at 11 p.m. Join Us! MAGAZINE OF F'E;t1S:—'\'ngue, 20 issues, 56 00: 1':Touse and Garden, 14 issues. $5,75: Glamour, 14 is- sues, 52.56: Phone 770, Exeter Tinges-Adl•neate, agents for all _pub' lea inns, 25:4.11:11:25e FOR SALE— SPRAYED ALE—,— Si', .Yi1:1) APPLES, Wealthy, Lawrence, German Poole, etc, FOR RENT— 1 PERSQNA� -, STRAYED-- APARTMENT .Availa hie S('pteln WHY k'1SI1I4 01.11' Feel Tears STRAYED onto I.01: 30. ('nu, 1 her 90. Apply Simmons :#I1<1't- 1n•utger. 4 8I1t'x tonic: .1.hli•18 1 at(1'8< '1nnllship, i4. brad of Phone f"linton Illi' 2-1.214 or ap- :tnents, phone 879-\1' after .a 11,,11 ret nalisp l hnusands past 4,1 ONLY rattle. 7 Holsteins, 4 white fare AlY .k's'< ;\ir('lymont,• 7 mile 1 11 all rlruggiats. 11:1A:3.•r, ltlwes and 4 .1 Million or Short- a bur, south of ]'sena. 15;,:,e iIn,ln Baur may have same by APATtOIF;NT, hers, iivinl: rnnm. • “Nit rim i• I1)t)is 1'0l'Nt31:I: -.- restnrc' prownr; 1n•oprft:'S. turd pat•Yugi r>x- :5 ' 1 -O kitrhrn hwlrnnm and hath; 1111- ll•+rural ralnur t.o y• our hair. t penFrs. .lpply Spun ur 'Lhou,as ( i Q P Al1NF:R;1.l,S--tiighraC°1171'11111:1' ••-,, glm:tlii.v fol' rattlo :and alible, tate 0iltrancr; pnsaessiou nclw'. :lcott'x An11 c, ray Jiah'tnnP, a13)nttf:rtl, 13. R. 1 lien., -":+}t• - ►11,1,111,5,#)•1;11, (1( 1<1itFJ� !iY ,1tla�+ t' .dl t Exeter, , }I Cl "46 51' Lowpat 1lu.O'ine (•nntrnt alt the 0118. i;leanot• isnierivk, phone Lu- 11(1111- gtraM(lcss (•18an4. 48 euua1- . market. Check withuseau 9:11-W, �5(. la' effo,-j j. nn all shacfea of hair.. Ott Lt1t/ p.m. " "'Q for 1he EMPLOYMENT WANTED- the following• x1 -1i ti actor: New linat 1 -slue. F;xelel• llstric•r t'n- '^-^•-- _ .. l.a.nnlin base, still tint stailt pII- 111• ]airy • .BUSINEas OP.POR.T NITi S Inas nr t lrrthillg, t;tiarxetPt (l. 1 , JI , ruin hay hxtrr, with meow. , U rip, plume 957. 15:95:;'!1( d-k.Un\1 al':ar.11t[:S'1'. in ,nun- ,,., _. .. ., jar $3,1111;nee, Knot, , I r� h new 2.lxheel intact', $ ears, :1 r St ODD IDL:', cartPtunrimi^, ,tainting .,. ,._. ..:._. (ell try home, In llensall»F,aPlrr dial- ,tnllnsr„r1a ilio) :+tnr0, l,a(•ler: pelt• ]'hone I:APtr1 411.1. 1t:5t'fe elPril• rc silerp t•lipprrs: sot of LAftc;T, 1'NITI:D STATES and 7)11 S'1'01'F;, gond condition. tact. $1•,, :apply lien Elder, .p11t1ne and 1\'iisnn'a 1rrug, llensall, ,,,r, t'r(tn::4n s1ieet< elipl,rrs, set or (•anadian mnnut'arturin„ eompn.nlr 513.1111, Alan oil spam hear Pr, 65,1-1•-14 'Hansa 11. 2•'c' 5.1 nn0 ".' e wINIu1114 (^LEANED, storm rein- &snide hlin•l.S. three In 1 I,, I.d . „ bargain for rash. (lows -a bar- requires field representatives Iq t • '1hers, .2 Ant on, screens rrnrntrd, Falx: f,1ou,1a. loapiitg , 5011,8: Frr[111rii and rat -mime Tnttnstlips• Carol(1,1,1 miles pear Esteem stn, ANTED Jtautan l.in0 f°u•t house so.SMALL AP •3Ci7':i1:X'l', furnished. flriltrr bode xtnnrirrl. latt,(a innit- 2 pipe 11Ir•nr•hrs; sheep shcerr+. i•.arr•ptYnnall}• high earn'ing9, 1 ' 1 v' tours.), 1 n se off „, ground floor, hot and cold. wafer. ,-:,.,-... .." - iced, painting, and any other odd has pails; forks: silo) els: line:;. Guar'anire(1 repeat 11181808s Auto- t Ilgl 1+a. • , , u p b 0 a r cl s, private entrance, Silo (,',11,1 1',8 Suitable for , jobs: no Joh 1011 farm, nr Inn 1, 411418 h:•gr; Flt ar krt1e5 gond n(nhile <' sen tat. .4 $rir:ttltural al (45111,8' 01 ]'FIT, 8-11ier'P, 11111, availahlP i;Pptninitrr 20, 1'hm;P Hon ,4.11 recap,- ('alf ('1n). .any i await: reasonable rat Ps. flay .1lir• fisc: 11I11,•lie•t' 1nn15: 51044.-: 08,118 farthing hapl<grnnni moat 11npODt. (' t •, 1 _-11 pin C le • 91., 41 Siniene St.. EXPter', bel breed bet wenn 3111 qlt lbs,: lemic, phone 129, Hensel]. ,Fairs. t , Mon scales; carpool i .rot Sales training given. Ileply 11lrnurnn(h F35P 3, in gnnrl condi- 1 nu+act .tem McGregor, I:. R. ', 15:25:„ a tools; arcaat. gsin: a,1rs, 3 lad- to flex 54, 1nudnn, (intario. 22oA 11.eg. Phone 649-41' ar apply A#,.a APARTMENT. 1. furnished, heated.. Elmira, phone (91-r-13 d1nnsa11. ' ders, 11,A 11n,1i ..,. 30'a\tenaan/v Reg, Alrflotalct• =1 prllat•P :Pn#ranr'e, couple prefer*', •1f,3 i:111 STF;\fttlll,if'1i1;1L rrqutl1•14 per- cord 01111 i481. 2 twlrrk184 ha ca 193:3 J;t'P'K :1i4RD'r0r' -1010 t•ed, Phone 01-R 1Sxeten, -' - a manr81 pnsit100. Apply Jinx ft, and 1,1ber 1111 ' Irl lint nlcnl1r2ned• ---"-- hive and while. anf11(881 , radio, 11':12' [1,1) 'ru RFN'r 2•, nrrfPr-''I'lmrs-AAtOcal0, ;1• '1•P:i1011: ('ash. )l l} :;-hPdrnnrit 8808(1 Unfutvttalt- t Rf11' g1lll'H. Atrc•1in+)nor whitewall tires, Phone (pt: f (eh- REAL ESTATE— rd. in F,xetnr, print to mirl-Oran- Phone ri37-r 4 Parkhill at<tsn,i 19-r-9 .1,e1rr, after 5 ilc, ('All Et1 11. b'. dn11J1sun. NOTICES TO CREDITORS Fuller Brush Co pimp n n 1 k S CLUNES, f (ler plum _1. Loral 310" Ix.2;r 1ua171 ES' '11 f\'11;1: ll .i t'JC f, I ,n..,- 1—,Ar a C. V. Pickard WANTED 1) '1 <) ill•;\'r - :I -bedroom l In the Estate of length, reel with w"wor Foliar, f hoose in I:aP1Pr. Two children of : Has openzng for aggressive, neat quilted lining, only 01111'11 twice, { Thomas Rober# Jackson, Clearing g F;ll4'1'E;R high :whorl age. Needed by early' »q appearing man with Carr, in 111:, nett. 19.34 be seen al. :lied- deceased, Town Cleaners. tht0leer, Phone 17S Exeter. AUCTION SALE Parkhill Lucan and Ailsa Craig °: c i1'P, harrP rllenis st tshlnfi 50 Aur- 15.2'1,. All p e r a n n a; hatutg' •claire , 100 ('I' 1 '•"5 _ chase Exeter ]tomes. 15 you wish ;against 11, est late of Thnmaa Of d Holstein and Quthd111 district. l,xerilent oppnrtumtlt I, .LJ n.1,P.. x ;Light to sell, see us. F.\r 1-11 LLS, cows, :]Ian atoms Rnhe11 ,la"l.son, late of 1110 Town- : • With above Sverage earnings. Sussex, read; to lay, pply not neer boon 1ha, n7np prices.i she or 15ac, in tete County of ]Feasor 111x111, phone ts•r-6 Crerli- 1\'e art+ offering; the following � . p Cows and YoungCattle I. For information and interviel� p 01(1 1 ,),- ab. tient 2 11 who died nn ^r Inn. 35e and other properties: p e 01' about the x,;111 clay of ,loon 1.9x19. Model Car wril.e 1.1., W. 1Valknm. 65 -Avon ., utrulr•r':., 1s41cnnnr, hone x» rnlloO. 1 5,-n:2 30(1 '[ t'1.I.I lt;, tillaaex and Il.ed, P•,R,`,:' 1) NF: 1V .",-hedl'oom !tome. 1 19:.5, are rerllurr•d to file par- St. Stratford or phone 4771. " starling to lay. Apply (toss I.nle, Completely modern lhrnul liont, 14' . 5\ 1'1:51 '1'11 RESIT • . Home 1(1 1i111I81$ of sante wit R"11 X,: 150 Acre Farm ' ° ! phone 1174-r-1ii .1101181411 961 Garage, May be putrhased for Ex 01r•r, 2-h0drnnm minimum, re -;].aught on, solicitors of Exeter, in 1,P hr Id at low Cash price or on easy terms. pined nn nt• h<'fnre November I.1Ontario, by the 2(118 clay- 0f Sep- Lot 23, f'nnpasinn ', i`hnnP 142 F;srlo. 23' •!ember next, after which date 11 108' 11`1 used user}, like F,i,ANSHARF) TO\VNSHiP net+, Nn. 3 used hay loader; John SHOP ea AP,aP` MENT—Gond lo- IhP Fatale will 1,P diatrillutrri 1)00re 1 -bar delivery rake, in cation, Suitable for °(flea or x111 1 (l,2 junior six,. or will Itaw111g regard only- 1° 1110se 'n miles west of Si, '1arys, FOUND new ('nnrlitInn: set of slack Hawk shop. Very comfortable living 01<unnge n boas' yowl size: Maims of which notice has been 1 mile frntn No. 7 Highway nn half barks, side arl,inatment, used quarters, Can he purchased on hcl'8 preferred. Phone ;1_J (,•rel1I- received. 1').111).#1, SL:['r1.817TF;it 30, 10'$S MAN'S "WRIST WATCH Pound a1 very easy terms, Inn. 25e '$e & Laughton, t;eptem* six weeks, like new, Sas F:, 1., , nt 1;320 11.t(1, l:xPtar Fair. Tluirsday. C''haffe d Sons, Nn, •t H7 Exeter AP;OI.T\I7 N'r HQ."11:S, TATS and Iter ]5 Finder may lia7w slate b 81.11 Crediton Road, phone 7'.eter rSnlici1ola int lha Fxn(iUi8I8, „hp ffIln(vtng: tolls, amp In ' 25. other ;,:•operties, SERVICE$ —°' ors f r » Ontario. No,; ° 3 p ...r. , property. and paln`* Po! 515, _.1 _ cn)t•a, d11P in 1'111,., _ rntt'F. 11 I'S; i,r. doe in 1larc h; s i",ws, rine „t ad%ertisement. Phone i6 -Ai Ex- 'To buy nr sell, see C. V. :52102.1'. wishing to have their Aprlt; 1 goys, rine cn 11ay; 41 etc,, 2511 F'.cLf, O\'J'I181' 42% gant1eman•a: PICI%.ARI), I.eialtnr, spud General barns or henhouses white washed - (1u•r•08' -085: yrartrng a(rrrs: IikP nate, sir.P 4:; rtlso ladles insuranr1 „9t Alain Sk„ Exeter, call Rill ']Watson, Phone 37-r-13 hinter coat green, size 42, Ji1< phoria iii,; and 6:8. 0;5tin. In aha 'Estate of 2 yearling heifers; 4 stork d 1,,11 „- Dashwood. Also grain or Dorn `, caller: purebred Hereford hull _----- a cell, Phalle 393-,I F.xetar. _311 spraying. rnfnc' Isabella J. Daniels,The a 1101, are 1aceinated and TF1 F'4R1I-1116 af1'es, hQuiteome modern lrsrd, l :,0 Pt I,I.,1;'I'S, :".Pty Ramp.la'. a,td barn With fins home. Water Fllt';Fu sr CA51I r'rxc ;S for sick, elorrased. 1nt5 17nd a (08)018 sedan 9ti1 SOUTH END SERVICE Il°cls Doss, bng'innhlg' to lay. ;ap- nresaut'e systems in barn and down or disabled horses and grand 1011cifunn. ' ply Orville Farrell, phone to -,-15 house. A lot of machinery which 4.088, Dead single at raluP. Call 111 e rs n n a having rlalrna The Prn ,rete: 1 n aura wrl]- "Home (,rand bend. 2;c coultl he houg9)C twith farm. I,ar4e promptly; 7 -day week service. againstpthe estate nt 'Isabella .1. drained ani! fenced will a large Home O'r File. Possession as arranged. Near ('all I1rl Andrews, Collect, 511-11- Daniels, late of the Village of barn, 54'x511', cement atm -dine, h1r1 ton• Il CO;tfnrth. 9:25-1:1 Ileneatl, 111 1 h 1'nunty of Flurnn, aft°. d r i 11P cl 11 P11: 3 - hedrnnm' FARM -1110 acres, Tine home and Widow. who died nn or about the (Nolte hoi80, h,tilt - in cupho$1-4s.' Than barns. Near Exeter, St'ILSIING send remodelling; al- (.18 ,day of Snptemhnr 10.'., aro 4-pit<0 the hathrnnm, fnrnare. B!�' 1�t C �hanNevi F',1R\f--140 acres, :Modern P(1ulp- 4 'minium (•nmhination Floors' and ,'Pg11t1." 10 rile partic•nlars of hot-water heater, pressure sys- perl hoose and barna. In good lo- ,windows; flnor tile and ttrnngh[ same with sell C. l,anghtnn, 80- terns f/ (anion, Best of land, ]Gould like' iron railings, ('all Robert Robin- licit ors of Exeter. Ontario. 1 y° the PE11M8: ('ash. Used �cp _ r_�+ to sell implements and any live -'s o1, 11•ondllam, phone 62-10 Kirij- 11th day of Ck'iober, 1',;c. after Tering 00 Prnprrlw• 9ne'r Flat^ 05 1►,�st d - a s stock wanted by buyer, ton. 15:33 which ,tate ihn est ale will be d3 sale, balance in 30 (Jaye. trihuted havrng 1'P 2Ar(1 fluty In A Int 1 ttld like 111 lies in this Utnse claims of 1vhnelt notice, has 11'• B. NA! RN it, SONS, section. \30(151 like fn meet Urns- 1 (1R 11:'1111(:111; IXSF;\t7NA' been receit1d, Auctioneers pectitr buyers and sellers. Phone 'l'[OX service or more info ma- G3;Ol(,I. hinmP, Pr rip, 158 METEOR 1 nr write Morley 1VaSs, Granton, 11 inn, telephone the Waterton Cat - agent for R. R.Harris, Loltrinn, ' t1 Breeding .1,ssociatinn collect at 171 fn c Y P11n100 til' 2-3441 between 7:3" 1 and 0.30 a.m. wPelc days, 6 and 1 x 11.rn, on Saturdays. Do not call W C Pearce : for sot'vif e. nn Sunday. Cows ill C. heat on Sunday can he insemin- FI:OT,TOR algid satisfactorily on 1Jonday. l iYP supply service tent o lop gnailty TENDERS — - C,.F \ FIRM, I\SCI. �\CF: I hullo oP the F•Iolatein, Jersey, S1 Anne 8t. Peeler Phone 435 Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, BF;D brick cottage, wired mt.; Poll, Hereford ipolled and range, 3 -piece hath, oil furnace;;limme111, Peet Shorthorn ipolled garage; liberal terms, and honed}. and Dual Purpose AUCTION SALE BABY CHICKS.,. •- 1+,i1 he held at a 1',nt 3, <•nnee8sion 2a. ASK FOR f3.AI price Hat on. t4, 1) eek old dual purpose pulteta, :Nyi,11,3,11'31A'i '.5 ()5 2.i"HIP p r o m , t s'ltipinent. T•rayold to t» miles s. ('n p 1 � to s rap I of rhe=tt• ntrlPr. Also .Onus dity'nld' a.11it,. 'rhe 1,ndtrsigticd has been in. Marled far Ingh 'jl rnductinn. 10Th'' Ft dict eel to sell by 51081iu duction Ma 1111 l'nance, Order N0'.5''lnber, for ,Inhn l:uhlnt•i: nn 1iecenther brnl1Prs. Agent --- Er►4 . _ arsr'i. (. en ' :xC er phone 246 -IAV; C-1 PIT y2)l'rl St'Pr1.Y of prune plums, German and Italian; .Bart- lett pears; marsh -grown table stork potatoes; 24 miles west of HensaII, Highway 54. Phone 92-r- ;: Zurich, 11'l)f \Inusspau. 15:25(- 12' PLWU00D Bo,yr,, fibre glass covered, and 1railPr, 4 life jackets, 51113 00 Phone 453-1W-1 Exeter, 2_5:2e FILREFT,•i PEACH ES -Now ready al. Sparr'ow's' orchard. 113 miles nol'tIl of :lashwond, phone 136. 25. FIEXIIPRSON Snarled Chicks Ltd. 'forage TR(PK, 1915 ,'het-, with forage rack beet box and hoist. at Sea of rb are prepared to site- Phone Exeter. " 822-W-12 E_,:21t WY' you full replacement pullets, Ready for delivery now—our 15- FI.1 \A("F:S-2 used g•r•avity hand - 11 eek-otrl and ready -to -lay 51(11- firer'. Furnaces; one used floor liIs; also yorllger birds, 411 put- furnace, rill-fllerl; one used in- lets aro laminated for Newrasrle and branc•hllls rliseasps, phone ternat:ional motor (valve and 645-,T or write P.O, Box 100 Sea- bead 1. \pply :Ed PInk, phone forth, 11:15:^5i, F10ngall 36. 2;c Volkswagen Deluxe metallic grey, 12 months old, large rear window, Porto - walls, windshield washers, bed conversion seats, available Oct, L5. May be seen this Friday (Sept. 26) evening and all. day Saturday only, at 396 Main St„ Exeter (next. to Bank of Mont- real). 25c We're local people saving money ;PFRSI i..- LAMB • COAT, J'. -g810<1 , (at good interest) and borrowing len„ th, excellent cnndilann, ideal money (at .low rates) ... Free for remaking 11110 chemise ,nal 01' jacket, size 14-16. Phone 1;2 insurance, 'tool errand rend, 15:30° EXETER & COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Open Mon., Wed. .4 Thom (J hle main 31. (t'lrasrirr) opposite Po Rubbers We have a full line of Rubber Footwear for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Prices for Every Purse Buy Now—Be ready for the cold, wet weather. eathei'. Skates Skating is just around the corner. As usual, we'll be skates and . 11 Ill excha ); g You can get yourself a good buy in new or used, , Skate Sharpening Our Specialty. While You Wait Docks FRom 14.95 IN UERTH'S ' Phone 252 - Exeter SP RATED .APPfdSS -- :Meinlnah. 1 C,• 7 rllrinus, i.y and many other varieties, Plutnc. Sheldon pea vs anri tomatoes. • Save money by buying at the farm, Philip Air - Kenzie, phone Hensa11 651-r-41, 11,1 miles west of Keppen two miles north. 11:15:25:2, 10 VARIETIES of frozen fonds as e a.\ailable al Exeter Frozen Fonds, your home freezer and locker provisioners, Ask us al?oul big savings on quantity buying. (01nplete alnek of containers. Phone, 70 Exeter. 9:11 tf.nc EXPRESS TON TnrCK, '51 Ford, with stock rocks. good (Yond.ltioi, Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash wood, 5 n PULi.F)'rs. Ti.1'.E, x 1,.5. 4p- ply Bruno Shap ton, phone 626-r- 2 Exeter, 25'' S CELLAR WINDOW i'Xi'rs, in good coalition, for , half price. good 2 5"x.5" chimney flues and east iron ileal. -011t: 1,1 h.p, Iris ioto, Phone 1154, 25e S 1: W I \ G 7M•-ACT•IJNF:S, Sirot Iter and o,'ntac, 5 models to choose from. Freud at 55.4 and ftp. No oon1118(8 nor any 01 her so-called twinnings, Find out: the real prices and compare, a. 14, Ahrens, 69 Nile St',, Stratford, phone 163- 3, free home trial, easy terms. • 11.:1S 25:2' ST'own. BEET WAGON, 5 inn, rank and aide dump, 'Phone Otto Darling, 162-r-4 Liman. 25e 3 LA'DIES' < 0.a'I'S-1 winter coat, dark' gray; 7 gpr,ing coat, blue; 1 spring coat pini:, size 42. May ha seen At Brady c'leenera. 21:2n HARVEST ST1:'R—No. 60 Allis Chal- mers A11-('rop .Harvester, esee] I- ent ('0(14)) 1118, reasonable, Lorne sa.liagh, Teeswater, phone 175-1- -, 25. O'CA BC:nNon. Marchand, in gond. eondiiion; Otine rahinet. and Jiv- ing rnnm (-hair. F. Sproat, an Waterton Cil, 3<,'. 25' Macintosh Apples tow 'picked and available at the orchard. • ANDREW DIXON AP 't.I:S Sprayed `Macintosh, 1 nnn„I'.F. HGIE'.ER, springy. \tit 'Delicious, Snows, Rings. Spy and <hell 'J3aakett, phane 159-W f,u_ Talman Sweets.. Apply Hugh Hen. can. ,c (trick, phone 6,51-r-3 110118811 113 - 4.15-P F,xeler, 25c Shop £il.'st in The Times- 'DIN1Nl P0055 • SL Sul TE. 6 -piece, Advocate and you'll save money. oak; 45" bed. Springs and matt- ress; 1.6, a s 11 a t A 11 d and daybed. t,1111111111n111nllnln,lllnnl,,,,,,,,,nnuuunntl,,, I11, Phone 911-R' FTensa ll. 25C • 7. ;1 C1..S'1'on 'N Orin sedan, natty, Garage. 3 good condition, fully equipped, 1 radio, heater, overdrive, et r. Tri- : vately 01'(1011, $•1110 --or hest offer. �,,, i lion. i » .]hone 105-r-1 6 fulls.. c \ S --- 1,n erla eacheF 1p1 H[., b 11 1 1. C p Sunda And nettle ("laude and prun plums, squash, sweet poppers, street Evening -Service1, : torn, tonatoes, pumpkins. r in'g• reeler} Recording to law, : your baskets. .1ppla Jam Eller- I)aIPrl a1 Crediton, this '1.311 day ly, Sylvan, Ont. 2:+c Of September, 1055, Open this Sunday, Wcdnes•. : 1'13_1:PCI,1S plentiful and Pr- cellerri, Mail n 10811 heels, I: Inge, day afternoon, and during - '581(5811 Sweets, Delirious. North- • the evening throughout the • ern Soles, Pick your nwn here week, For apprnxinlatPly half rein i1, \T101141'I ON(i'$ Ileal fitment will Snov apples 51,00 a bua110). l:'tey- 110, rin$Prl \innday, Septenthr1•110219i . 4311011 Irrail 1Faen, XI arklP ,1, to ll nrlay, OclnbO,' (1 for - Stewsrt, Ridge Road.(Forest 251• days.fnc Graham Arthur toys' t'.ir COAT, grey Toni Wit hood and tort (101)11141 Unit0• AA size 12-1 4, 56,05: boas 1441) bine Motors shit size 12, *1.00girls' char- l'op01'alinn cif the <nal tweed Hinter anal with hood,i:0unty of Huron pink Allo lining throughon size + T11 11'l'r: .nlurniutnnunrnrnrnumtuncruuinntin natotnt 12, 15.40. Anal). 73 Girlies', St, Uy 'virtue 0 a 1 ar Fane issued Cxefrl, 'rc by the Warden 05 ill P. Cnunty or POr,N :RIN81.151 511d culling box, Enron tender his hand and the \pp1Y. .Slex `1'oisi i, Ailsa Craig, seat of 0141 said Corporalton bear - 1.R. g 25:2' Mg date Of the 12th day of ,1u• Ansi. sale of lands in arrears of tares in the C'ollnty of Dimon will be iteid a1 my office at the 1011' of 200 111. ]n the ("nurt t(aitse on tP, he 3tlt day of neernl- I(Pr 1955 0111080 100 taSPa alit' ('oats are ananer paid. Nriti,,o is 10rehy given 1.11141 the Tial of lands frit' sale for itrre,lrs nr taxes W- fie puh1ia11nd in the on - 1 Arlo ilt-Tarlo Gazette nn the Flit dac- or September 1955, and that comma n My Bell & Laughton So1leitord' for the Administrators. Exeter, Ontario. 25.2.0(, Shorthorn, .1 11., and Charnlais 4-3F;D Unita 1ion brick, hardwood breeds, The c'nst is low. 7:24 tin floors, furnace, full bath, kitchen conveniences, garage. 3 -RED 1-st.o•ey veneered, nil fur- nace, hot water heat, full hath, lovely kitchen, drilled well; Cen- tralia. Dance Lessons 3 -BED nu4 brick, nil burning fiu•_;Tall. ballet. hal nn twirling',' social nave, water pressure, garage, 441rla1(1 ng leap -ins in 1110 l.uean large int; (:rntralia, arena, Alnndays, beginning Sell - 'We 1; , Errington Stinting. 1Ve have several farms. • 1,rndo1: 1,il1a.ne Alarleau (Graham, EA.R1. PAFISONS, 'Phone 507 director.• 3:11-10:30 FRED COLE, Phone 544-R 9:41fe, COMBINING BEANS with SP 9a 'Massey -Farris , 0 111 b l n e. Apply 7-1400:1I 8511(".1: 'HOUSE- iligh• Norm Whiting, Exeter, phone 655 - way, 3 bedrooms , 2 up and 1 ntulPrsronerl unci \[nnrtdt c '" ,lac of sale, FxtancP rn .,n days ,down, new bathroom, new roof, W. 17tfe bur 6, 1lrb�, al I_' o'clock Ilnnn for' ®� basement: and half -acre- of land, rir,1ts 'DF;\'FLOP':D in 49 boors, 1.811 rnnstrnrl Int of the Forrest ; ,"td subject to a reasonable rr- South - Apply 10 ('ovens 1.18811. Trash- Exeter agent — Russell Electric:: 51.un1r11pa1 i)rafn in the Township •t n 1 P h1r1. N' f9 IR AA_ n' wood, phone 27-r-13, 1'1:15:2•,, Hensel) agent — Fink. Plumbing of Hay, The worts rnnsists of Px-� •Buyer of Real Estate 10 r1,eitr Service a S: Heating, Prompt photo finish- cavating and spreading approxi --r Flegel of Property emmednatcly /.�lt,471a 19 aR PA ing. 5:91-10:11' mma1elc :.1100 ,u, yds. nn the Main following lt'anaae i n of sale, 1lrain and nn the branch drain { 1IFLWIN (whir:11(11.5' HELI' WANTED— aitprnximately 1,11:, lineal feet of I ' 12" the r'it11 _ ratt•lt basins and 'XnR\LaN rt1'F;RHfl1,T. .33 feet f Esrr•utnrs for the ';stale Plans and .1 f 1 of the late Mary Miller - Salesman 1 h, Ott F t tt P ALVIN 1\'ALPI•:I., .Suctinneer en .2c H 101,Irrn,,,1(„(i„I,II,n(111n 1111„111,innn1111,m1,,Il,r„1,1,1,r1111(11111,1r111rnmr,BtI111n,11,1i11111n1r111IIII II 1(, F'or'11'pat ern Ontario's Leading f fur to PrP-F'tt \1'inrin8 s Const rue(ion anti Carpenter Experience Preferred ('al• Not Necessary DEMONSTRATOR Real Estate Only 462 miles on AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Dwelling fn ih0 1'lLT.AGF:' OF' 511'RI("H llireetly sterns/. from 15.2'. ('hurrh CARETAKER & OPERATOR IhP under$igur4 auctinnn,r 19 '55 OF HENSALL ARENA inslrur'ted to sell by public enc tint, nn 'fenders In 1,p in the hands or' 5,A'I'I:RDA S', 0C'rn:RT:Tt 4, 11133 the+ Secretary not later than oe- 111 ;• O'Cloek P.m, '53 MONARCH SEDAN tuber 11, 19:,5, Pubti0s to "nm- 111enrP nn nr hofnre Xnwemhar 1,' 'REAL ]':STATE—('nnststs of Lot .: 195x, 1,nwost o• any tender 1105 94, Knoll Survey, Alary Street. in "50 AUSTIN SEDAN—radia necessarily aceepted. 111, Village of Znril11, nn which is situated a w-P1l-hunt white P. l0 \1tNA1'(,HTON, hl'irk rl(relling-. ,Main floor r•nn- (� ,t $reret ary-Treasurer, slats of living ennui, kitchen. '48 DODGE' llensall, Ontario, 1)011rnnnt and hathromn. Ser•nnd ' Own, cnnsiala of 3 gond-sized bed - 15:2:,:2C rooms and hathrnoll, Full-sized cellar' with 15 at or pressure system Don't Delay! and level, soft w4,ter supply tank. DRAIN TENDER 7111. is a very desirable hnme,;Make Your Best Deal ` odayl TO\V\SHLG frF H.it nieela silnated and in good statue . of repair. Tenders trill be received by ;8p 1 ']'Penta of neat ':state -,•- tori on . '58 AUSTIN SEDAN Black, a dandy! MORRIS MINOR it! 100 ACRES of tiled 18134, 5 -room brick house with hath and fur- nace; large. L-shaped barn o1 wall; garage, This is a gond farm, So11th of Sea forth. Contact .1, 1., Henderson, Edgar St., Exeter, or 1.1. R. Arnold, Broker, R.R. " Kippen, 15:2.50 C.RF:111TON Solid brie 1. h0118p with 4 bedrooms, modern kitchen and balls, 011 heat, good barn. e g v 1 p p e d for raising' pnult'y; silualed nn 6 acres of: writ-rlratn- Pei land; 59,500 wit low down payment and good terms nn bal- n t'.51.P. t S,P(i Ira Bolls may e seen at the C'lerk's office. Zur- ich, Ontario, 111' C. Corbett, to P. Eng'.. 1,ucan, Ont., 19ngineet' in r•ltal mr A Pert tried cheque nr accompany tender. Lnwrat nr rant lender 1101. necessarily accept rd 'fender forms may be obtained at • (he C'lerk's office Zurich. Ont. 14. W. RrO1;.1 XSF1rP.1•;, clerk -Treasurer. Zurich, Ontario. ,yr: Russ & Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER ante. ,applicant must spend some Iimp Crediton 3-hadi•nntti -brio,, io. in Plant to familiarize himself rated on 1 acre of land. (lnnd with 180det•n prndurtion met11nds. barn and gond water supply. This Salary plus (•nn llltSSinn and ern. r ' and Property. is In good . pal.ptoYPa heneftis I"at Mc” Write the asking price is 01)15' 55,90n' 5Or appnintntent, E.XETTSR—S-bedroom frame 110119e 011 gored residential street. Large BASH:WOOJ) '511..4 x1'l5 )117.1'.5 lot.Priced at 51,500, Dash wood, Ontario Call 16:115, - JOHN BURKE ;3.1 Alain Street. 'Exeter Representing L., Cosby, Realtor, Lonrion 1511 NOTICES —. r VOT R5LIST 1 58 E 9 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN "xolice is hereby given that 1 have r0mp13ed with Section 9 of the 'Voters' T,Iat Act. and that l have posted 1131 at my office In C'r'editon, On aril”. on the Sth day of September, 1!155, the list of all persona entitled to vote in the said Aiunicipal Elections and that Sieh list remain1 for in- spection, t tete spection .end 1 hereby call mini) all voters io take Mimediale steps 10 have any errors, er omissions Cor" JAMES 01 c n'HINNEI', Clerk -Treasurer 1r TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES ••,,1 Yochum°nn,mmir1111f(nunn,n,iiitrnuriitiiiii(ir,UieffarifrrQirffriinitlYliiifYiiinIOU 1u11111Yltlllnnivliq 'WetWaxWashing' That Beats I Them ARV Polishing 1 95 3 051,8 2 -tote, 504811, radio, gond roldition throughout. Phone 251-1\ 0 yam. 0, 25' FOR RENT— Concurrent ENT— Concurrent 5.Year Lease fish agricultural I.aOds---t<f. tr,t 15, 8 P118131ra Tad., Twp. '.•81)oite, centiet Ing of 40 arre1 more 01' 16as. Opt inn fni' ,itasinq 1111 np01t until $eptemheI' 110, 1935, :111p1y lit tvrltttl# to \'ett•ana Tend At -1, ••••••W -•--w",.. 1381 935, c,ntlerieli. ata tilt}+' rental offered tier 'rare, 1080 laxrai; H148051 lease nffet' not ntenSaar- lly accepted, 35" •1 11a1t1•ion' St., befrrre tlrtnher JI,S.T, sch0me 10 -15(015. I.1pplient4145 911011111 i115-81,111 pn• Hee 08peri1tll1, if any, vvttl 50 - MISCELLANEOUS - i rnrnit('es, 8ais. in55nrmalinn as 1n YOB? Y y �(t \'f`Ater.1ANT, 4, target. 'height n (tame 1linwill}• if 0101.010(1, religions rip• 'YOB?' Lw eltl ltainbI motile, pertly ?urn 'shod, heat, unti11n1tttnYt t1'Prt salary 'expected. @I� 'betide 11th], ball], het And cold lister. tv7,NT1175a VILLA. for 1"4, hi" Ai+nna[ !neat telt. i rent :parr- ,50 Sit citizens, It taw open at •P, t'• f''iC10riD, PHONE psi 1 gPSSinn. i'osaot5ahls 10131. ar1111t , 30 8ltndi'1'8 Si:, t,Sldrar, '1'),t 14'ill(9 'Inhn r'l+t•k, arage available, 3.1 A11dr81y �1., 13 Under 11115 1115lxlteineYi) 01" Mrs, TifittCrr CYu[. ifYlinliMiini`inrrnittinttf(fhfihift%Y]]tali.hire((iffillin[tintfiitittYYfr'(ilmillii ilftitfi(n1'itinninilinitente, Die'terr 81,0 �+ U69j�1'd108, �tXblblr, Tilde And 'Moller Shampooing Fina Service Willson BIr�fs4, Men Wanted Various positions open for ex- perienced or semi - experienced men. These positions include bench workers, assembly leen, machine men and shipper. Em- ployee benefits. Apply by mail for personal interview. �� Ti� SALES DASHWOOD PLANING MILLS DER --- F(,aR SALE BY TEN. 1941 RCAF CRASH TRUCK � * Cornish, MitchellCo. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS _= H. J. Cornish ' L. F. Cornish 1,). Mitchell K. W. Slade W. E. Suchard 291 DUNDAS ST, Dial 0E 2-2651 LONDON, ONT; is CHASSIS �uiunumuunumunumninunnwuurnmuunlmuiuwuuuumaluuumanm,uuuumunmruunutntF With 6 -wheel (Y•i1 r, phis e1tl•a .vnuu unuuamuuuuuuuununununnnumuun°uuuuuuuunn0uuununmmunuunnuuuuuuuWj 1h'e and wheel. This truck may be r seen and inspectOd al tho Super - teat Garage. Grand Pend. Tend When you buy INSURANCE res sho11r1 he clearly marked handstender" and hp in t 11 make sure hands of the c•lo•k ht 12 n'Oock noon of Wednesday, Ortnhrt' 15, 1951. eitr'.AY A. PISS .1A!INNS, ('lurk of the Vrllaao, Grand Send, ('411tat'1n -- Dashwood, Ontario i1:..,c AUCTION SALE r iture Of Household Furniture Stenographer FOR C ENEB AI, OFFICE WORK TYPING NECESSARY Bookkeeping Not Requ' Apply by telephone or mail for appointment. Permanent position open for suitable person. Employee Benefits DASHWOOD PLANING MILLS LIMITED t'boihe 00 Dashwood 14:31,` Chief Of Police John Burke IA 5 a 1 - General insLil'ance Agency 1.1. 534 Main St, EXETER Phone 863 I 1.'rnparty of \Ira. 1,at1r1lta Isla Yn• onium numittlunmumlnnnnmlauum,n,nuumuntutw,rnmtununmm�nlrouunumnnminnt,+;: a n the 1'n,ert. • n 1, nlrl nn t t 1 S 11 t r 1 raft . n( Al.r. Luther 5.031 llffr, wlumummuuuunnmm�nuumnuunmm�nmuunuuuunnnuuuuunlunuenunnuuuununuuunu,�`: 311+1 Anlrrtt St i:1T1. nll.0i, (1c'J'Olir;R. •t, 1035 1ncllin:' 'halls: propane 6i 8- rtl•cn.,latnr, like new: :Ma('lary gas glove; l'nnnnl' wna111114� 810<1tin0: F`rigudaire refrigerator: dinette , 1ah)P and rhans, hnffrl: stud in cnu.h, end tables, tier table, new lit 1114 rnnm rug; 2 pa Ira drapes; dining ,non ilia Sys. single' bed, •:prnitgs; spring -filled mattrr.8: crib and nmattreaa: 111 dl•nbe cheat of Fifa wars: Singer e•t'e 113 machine: finny )1nitah0l w a. Mini dna tier; curtain stretchers: quilt . 1113'' 5(3111,•5. le. mg rnnm Fretum' 1, it ellen 114131 fixture; rinse tilt's; 25 -ft dra1)01' -track. runners, Pte.. 111)8(,` 1l 111(1115 11 em8. :FRANK 'I'A1"1.011. vine Or visiiP;1i. Clerk 2S•2c AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects on SI:ttl(411 81 5 rm,..5 ,l: (IF 1 FIN'l'R,5Lt:S f'"it419A.%', 'OC'T°i tan "S, 1035 1)101118 ronin table, t, i•11n1Y'!t; AI'111 ,hair: 11125(111: 2 -pence. ch Pat Pr" (told 8uttr; 1-1140,1' chesto•fieitl f 111P gall! list may 115 had Al suite; her) april109 and mattress: r e adjourned d And One Constable dlassr,•s smgtr heel, splint±. and mattress, vilest of tire\tors: lib- '] he ari,ioh n 11 sale, It nems• 9 eery, x1111 lin held at ilia also<0 tart' 1a111r flno lamps small nfflee nn the 15th day of I)ecenl•: Wanted For table 1•lmpe. electric Pi 111 P: 1)01', 1955. digs amt ,t 3-51058; (1 r• c it 8 1.'1 n i Wanted OF EXETER 1hair, p'rl<FtAt 8111(911 141.181111 au(1 311<11trea large 11111t'nr, nil 1.. mils 115 dishes, quaintly lir ant,lurs. : (Signed) J. G. T;errY, 't 1 e8Pnret Appllratlona for these to n ,p081. lana tt 11101411, rt n 11 8 1 0 draw er 9.1 1-12 5e 0101111 will be rr,eltpa at #1,n Asardl•ahe, liana nig lamp pots anti idi5 sr'1TOOtr <110 TxA2r'TXG un(Tnt• 14; lot•1't'A 1'11(3(;41t. a '1p to 1in11405.. Latta, alt' 1(i,ttla of c001(184 ttt 1 Mn1101' '13(11 tt 5 51.18. put 1(14 to x41:9; llod s)51(04s. Fn1ttr. lineno. the di1ee19n11 5110 :gra, Tins "+rude• ronimrnoo 1113 enol as pnasime. garden 111n1s: raiment ay tnnls. rich 15 01)011 for rPgisir(91)011,, roreo 'win compel 0r Chief and The prAprrly at lite latae WI'S. Kindly phone 9IS; -1\nr vs'I nt nwn CrinstAhies. 41 ensinn anti 'S'reasurei's riffles this 131.1 day' of August, I9715. lglnnlas \\'lllts. 50)5.S;.T' '['.1T• 1,1111, :furl touter CI..S i K F11-111 1111. clerk ;111:1;, 13.515155 '55 T S1', I7s6r. Shop first *in Thr: t'utie Advocate and you'll save money.. Town Of Exeter No-tice Re Change f T� Citizens are ]'('quested to take notice that the i1'i1W114Of Exeter will change back to Eastern Standard Time at SeptMidnitc .Saturday 27 a Sigticd, x a. C. V. PICKARD, 'Jowl] 061.1 a a +i ° _ 1 t 1 r1 tendo nr u((uuiunutruunuunnnnlutnlru'+runnmm�rrrnrtnti�. nu11nnnnnnnrrnrnn.Otw mrnt t rc n t n ,