The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-25, Page 10•471-47. • •11ta" .• ; • " " Pert *0 The TirnesAgIvooste, September 2St 195$ Former Pastor Speaks ,....,..,..1. f....re.......1tan .Li„.„ervices ............._ ay MR$. jOSEPH, WOODALL he Mrs. Lorne Hodge and Mrs. Anniversary services were!A' Snlith' beld itt the 'United Church on Mrs. Ed. Lamport presided speday„ Rev, W. llama (-)f LDri,,, for business. Mrs. Ross Krueger don, a former minister, was M: was appointed public relations .charge and delivered excellent representative. sermons at both morning and 3irs. E. .1%1 .Fahrner read an evening services. appreciative address to Mrs, W. The thoir. under the leader- Math. immediate past president, and who had served so faithfully ship of Mrs. L. Preszeator,' for several years, and Mrs. H. rendered anthems at both serv- Schenk presented her with a ices and Mr. B. Farrell of Kin- cardine was guest soloist in the :gift. 4-H Girls ('1b books, charts morning. Douglas- liallowaY and , and First Aid kits were bn &- pictures illustrating Douglas Lightfoot :favored with I play' also ; clarinet duet iti, the mulling .history of Credit= telephone ex: and INIr. Boeock With a (le110 : eha.nge. .$010 ill the evening. Personal items. Guests were present from Exe-' Mrs. W. Parrott accompanied ter, Shipka, Brinsley United Mr. Parrott to Crediton on S1111 - churches and from Crediton day. attended the service, and Evangelical church, Rev. O. was met by many friends. Strome assisting in service. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tuckey and 4-H Girls At W. I, family. of Exeter. visited on Sun - 'day with Mr. Albert Geiser. Members of the 441 Girls' Club. Mr, and Mrs, Russell Clark, presented the program at the ' of Detroit, were weekend.: visi- Septeniber meeting of Crediton, tors with Mr. Francis Clark. Women's Institute. Sunday visitors with Mr. and The Club's latest project "The Mrs, Ronald Harris were Mr. Club Girl Stands on Guard" was and Mrs. G. Harris, James andi led by Mrs. Ed. Lamport and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. W. Far - Mrs. Lorne Hodge. jean Krueger rell, Mr. Ben Farrell and Air. t spoke on foods that maintain : Baird. all of Kincardine. good health. Marlene- Ring, Mr. and Mrs. William Priestly Smith and Nancy Fahrner dem-:of Byron and Mr. and. Mrs. Fred onstrated "Artificial Respira. ; Preszeator, Robert and Calvin Hon". Barbara Dundas narrated of Exeter were out - of - town procedure. Ruth Roeszler, Gwen ' guests on Sunday with Mr. and Pfaff and Doreen Kenny dem.' Mrs. Lorne Preszeator. onstrated "Correa Posture" and Recent visitors with ?Jr, and Shirley Gaiser gave rules for Mrs. Garfield Hill were the Jai - safety in the home. ; ter's two brothers, Mrs, Ernest Doreen Kenny and Jean Krue- :Hills of Minot. N. Dak.. Mr. and ger entertained with piano solos :Mrs. Arthur Hills, Mrs. Mar - and the girls sang a chorus. jorie Howard and Mr. Don Erick - The institute presented silver 1 son of Appleton, Minn. and, Miss, sM- • EXETER DAIRY ENTERTAINS—Over 1,000 people accepted Exeter Dairy's open house poons to girls and girls pro,'Dorothy Hills of Rochester, in stutter] their leaders with gifts. : nesota. invitation over the weekend to see the equipment and facilities in one of the most Leaders for the fall and winterMr. and Mrs. .Albert Ryall of modern milk processing plants in Western Ontario, Above, Vice -President Norman ' project "The Cereal Shelf" wiu 'London were weekend guests Stanlake shows a group the bottle washer in the plant. Refreshments and free chances —T -A Photo James Brock has returned, 1 from a visit with relatives in 102, Mrs. M. Faust spent several Area days with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Public School Pupils . London and St. Thomas. Feist in St. Thomas. Prior to taking a post gradu- Top ComperiTors At Fair .•. ate course at Toronto University, Phone for ford spent a few days with Mr.: Mr. Robert Hayward of Brant- twith Mr. and Mrs, Roy Swartz. on a number of door prizes were among the features. H ARVEY'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE and Mrs. Ray Morloek, Mrs, Bert Nichols, Mrs, Charles Nichols and Mrs, George Glenn E of Adelaide visited last week 'school kids. They have the Com- Best Dog — Danny Lenagtan, ler. Jimmy Dixon, Lawrene.a with Mrs. A. M. Berry. petitive Some sections in the school 'fair attracted over 50 entries. Forty and thirty exhibits in a class weren't uncommon. Toughest competition came in the vegetables, flowers and writ- ing, Legrol-••-W, 1Voorlhant; 0. (*red- ,. Hon: 11), Dash wood ; (1, Granton•, 1 1', Cal)Orne: S, Stephen; K, Kirk - ton; all others, Exeter. .rli Grades 7-2 Bonnie }raga:NIL Joyce Dirk ey W. Carol Faultier C, .;\ la rgaret Varley 1'. Grades 5-4 — Shirley Semler, Joanne t•t ene 4S. ,Marlene Har - !less, Marion Ca rscardden. Grade 4 - • Sharon Fletcher fir, • Ka I bryn GC, Darlene Snell, ' Margaret Heist 1'. ' tirade 3 -• -• Brenda Din n ey. Sns- t an Gibbons, Donald Campbell, Darlene Parsons. trade 2 -.Yvonne Pen:hale, .1 itily Cowan, Donny Campbell, 'Michael i• Grade 1 — Philip Hammond. .Ilicky Webber. Maureen Quinlan 101, Joanne Whilsmith. Most enthusiastic exhibitors at 'ats Joanne AVItilsmith, ullY Billy joffery 017. Shirley xeter Fair this ye.ar were the latatzp.78, Gordon MeDonald, Doug- nnlds- 1 1', Karen Pinitheiner s 50. • Tatman sweets Billy jeffery V1111111111111111111111111141111,11111111111111111 JJJJJJ $11/M111/1111141i.111111111111111111111111111111111.1101/.11111i11.11,111.1111111, Canada's Finest Heating OiI DISTRIBUTED BY YOUR FRIENDLY B -A AGENT Middleton & Genttner Phone 40 Exeter :k11111a111111111ittaintitilviatilitimocaminitimminiumismotimionnts tttttt i Hortocri , Light horse and pony; Donald Cann. Pets Bantams - Doug; Lightfoot, P rny Hern (, .1 nhn Palmer ),rt Brancl 4I' Rabbits y 1 -tern el, Del - 1 ion Wainer, Grant 1-lohner, Bill Snow 2C. Pigeons - Doug Light foot C, ` Basil Crawford, Bob Taylor, Judy Tfa z 713. For an investment in good appearance Tailored -To -Measure Clothes by ?air/don-et! 1.011144 Traditionally outstanding for superlative quality and a vanguard sense of .styling. Hundreds of new fall and winter materials from Eng - lands' fine mills expertly tailored to your individual measurements, 65,00 to 89,00 New Fall Topcoats Crompton pure wool and cashmere topcoats by Coronet. -priced from $35 to $49. SPECIAL—Super quality satin venetian gabardine with quilted zip -in lining. Showerproof and windproof, the three -season coat . ONLY $29,00 Exciting New Colours In Tony Day .Sweaters Exclusive "Orland" yarn --machine washable and moth- proofed. . 1,ong-sleeve V-neck pullovers $8,95 Como Cardigans $9,95 and $10.95 Vests t ttt fart ttttt ,,,,, $5,95 to $8.95 A a PHONE 190 EXETER om foissel I 713, Lollia McBride, Donnie Wolfe. Ita rred rock -- Cockerel, Dale and Elyse Lamport C; pullet, Hale Laui port C. Leghorn Cook erel, Donald Dundas 0; pullet, Donald Dundas C. Sussr•x ,•-•• Cock erel, Donald Dull. 1117P 1', Dale Lamport C. Elyse Lamport C; po let, Dale Lamporl. • . S Snapdragons — Tom Russell 7S, Elyse Lamport C. rry Balla ntyne, Bonita Greene, Hybrids — .Bobby Stone, Dianne I Stone. Shirley Reynolds 11'. Ducks -- `Bobby Stone, Dianne Marigolds — Nancy Strang 1 r, Ruth Ann Sill mon D, Kenneth Stone, AT aril ,yn Galloway C. Turkeys --- Paul Swartzentrub- Gerald Morley, 1. Cen- elide.f er, john Elliott. rraln le ial n in — D ale Lamport C: Catt• • MParie Idle, Dianne Shapton, Beef valves — Born before .Tan. b Dairy calves—Born before .1a n. Stone. Bob - 1, Muriel . cornish 71'; born after t zinnias — 'Alartlyn Galin wg Jam. 1, Margit ref A nn Cornish. I Herald Morley 1 Cen tral la, Roth A.1 Jall117811111,11 1;13.! AST:11'.15'41:al'al 113S1:1111,1111 \•.1 di. S1 artinlin(atisoin: LD:1,711(11.StYolf).14:a7z:NrIc87R-8-6.1 Ha Bar -broken calf --- , Ma paha sr% Groot, :Projeetx Credit n, I:shortie, Angela Corn I h 7 1". Irish Grades 7 - -•-• S.S. 2 1.'sborne, Da yid Marshall 8 1.7, Barbara. Bern Swine — Bacon hogs over 127 lint,. Bobby Stone 1111", Dianne Stone 1111`, Sharon Passmore 1U0, Paul Passmore 100. ( he. bet • Pears — immy Dixon, Zon- day 115, Gloria Cha.mbers 1 loria Adams 11S, Beverly Ham- ill on 1 01.7, Flowers .sl ers - ('arol 'Hendrick 4S. La ro Balla ntyne, 51a rilyn Gal- lon ay C. Ruth Anne Salmon D. cosm — Dianne Stone, Shirley Gent t n 'Ffobby Stone, Shirley f • 1 I 15' Gild more 1 91', Dianne Si one 1 (11% 1, Barba ra Hern 1" 1 • • ft t • atiat 'Praia lag Grade G and under — Lawn or•• 'lament Dale 'McAllister 11', Or - villa Wein 0, Gordon Neueetti I 0S; Room 3 EPS. bird house, Ge ter DeVries, Larry NV Wert, Brian Maclean, Ruth se 4vIng Grade and tinder — Thnming, Jacqueline England C. Ala rga yet Salmon D, Margaret Haist fl•e•(1011 band -dressed, Margaret Johns 20, Saney MeTa Carole AlcDon- augh C, 'Yvonne Devine 1 111; pot holder, Frai,ces Skinner 6C, RI? ' LAM .I4'511e3' 0, Ala ry Corbett, Sandlot Pro t. Gra In Grade 8 810 under •-- '11 eating SuslIagp vont --- :BO' ;41°11i' apparel, 'Ala rga yet Hde y 1 l'„In- 1 I', Dianne Si one 1 01', 51.,t'Miners, Kern W, Lynda Lamport Dale !Amnon 0C, •\ esteott. '0', 'Marlene King- 0; marityo lloway 0,embroidery woi•li, Lynda West - ()at511"1.--1.."nees Skill""r 61'' cot t 41" mare! 'Hyde 1l', 1114Sweitzer 75, Barbara Bern Slut Sharon W. Joyce Glanville Webster, Carolyn Barris and Sandra jo ry. Grades 5-6 -- :Indy Matz 75, Lorene Mellin, 78, Room 'BPS, Grades 3-4 -- S.S. 2 Ushorne, Winehelsea, S.S. Csborne, Boonl 6 EPS. Grades 1-2 — Room 2 EPS, Vildniore OL Grade and u Pair of book ends, Glenn Shipman; serv- ing tray. E. Neil, Nell Mc kll later 4 Glenn ShIpma.n,• E(.1tVard .1,11415 C. Metal article —• Stanley Lode 1DS, Brian McLean. Wheat(Sh eaf - Sheila Hera eV, Barbara Hero 7 Sweitzer • e Beretids. A rf• Grades 7-8 — Sandra .Tory, An- gela Webtiter, Carol Taylor 10S. Hoots and eget ablerr (-,ratlem ••-•".. Barbara enke, Larry Red.* mangles, Barbara TTern 71 . Lenaghttn, Susan Doerr, Ballantyne 51.". Billy f •t- Loretta, fery 1 0 C. Pratees Skinner 61., Grades Haley. 14-4— Brenda DinneY, David Robinson, Lynn ptis 61., J a ne Poortinga 21'. Grades 1-2 — Penny 'Preszeat or, Roberta Grassick, Susan Allen K, Lerny 1 -tern (1.. kindergarten and grade 1-3a ite Turkey, Margaret Smith, Beth Doman. Canadian seen P., I/PPII 14,11108 ohnston, Sandra Into, Lynda Waiver, :Beth Anne Salmon D, Sera a 1100k44 Grades 6-6 • - Anne *Creery 51,1, Jo A tine Miners, Joan Del Drier, +Joanne Marie 45, Grades 3-5 — rl Garkst ell et`, Ray Sander, Kathy Ilern 130, Marianne De Vries, Grades 1-2 — Philip 1 -la inmond, Willie Denomine, Roberta. Gras - sick, 1-1oney Wein. Cooking Grade 9 and tinder -- Drop cookies, Helen Brown 188, 'Karen jermyn, Jo Anne Whilsrnith, Roy MeRobert 120. White mangles, Billy Jeffery InC. Larry Ballantyne 11', Orvill(• Wein C. Sheila Bern 71.:, Margaret Ha ist C. 'rains -turnips - Tommy Prout 51', 'Douglas Pront 71', Sheila. Palmer, Douglas Webber 21, 13111 Table beets - -.\ 1111P NI ON'S (1', Shirley • Gen I Iner. Frances Skinner 60, Ricky Jory, Dianne 131 0114 int', Storage beets David l'Ima Laren rink twiner 4', 85 14' 1 e 5 Genttner, •Iiidy Pink brine!' 4S, Duncan 13111 ( rin gI on lid'. Dottiest is cabbage -Patsy Adams 1114, Freddie Wells, 161panor Wein 48, .luno -Morena 1113, Christine K 5 Nantes carrots — Bobby Rey- nolds IV. Shirley Gent Hier, Thos. Russell 7S, Bill Brock 71`, Bobby England Chantenay carrots—Erie. Brown 1(18, Sandra, ,Tory, Rirky aory, is a Hern IL% Lorene Alellin Oracle 6 and tinder • - Bran mut- Ins Marilyn Galloway C. Shir- ley Reynolds 1L, Margaret May, Linda Wainer, Table em•umbers - • Eric 148, Bobby Res•nolds 11', .1 iirly 1ia1 z 78; Joliti Goribolt, Geni•ge nod bolt, Pickling emminhers 1111 itr„,.k 71', 81111r1p5 (1 en 11 net', Eno 4-n 't1 118. mai-tem+ Webber 2t., Larry i1a1lIyn5e 51, S10110811 bi()Tig •••-• aantaf Pomo 2.1, Jim Swett t• 714, Carol Ben - /trick 4S, (Mame 1,Vehher 414, Douglas Russell 75. Hubbard squash --- Elyse !AM. Imrt Mar t'utlmore lot', 1401.. hy Reynolds 1 Tom Russell IS, Erie Brown 10g. No Pumpkin — 'Wayne Man - Ville r, Pave Becker 48, Margaret Cot•n4811 71.`, Laura French ter, Harold johns 140. Ea ePy pot:Hoeft Renk Gosor, 14 St ire, 1105 Slone 1(11', Naomi floeoek 1', Sandra Paulder 0, Lata poianms Beni; Gown., Marilyn Galloway, Larry 8(11-0, Bonita Greene, Beverley Thornton 100. lewd beans' Donald Du ii(LIS News Budget From Baseline By MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. David Holland -and, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Naughton attended the centen- nial fair at Parkhill on Friday. Mr, William 1Itirden, 6f Sud- bury, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Parkinson and Brenda. Miss Noreen Walkomattended . vArol flomiriek 4F4. fthInne. 111C funeral or. her grandfather, 'el•ther 4i, 1"ay 14eeker 48, Shat'- mt. Jiro scat, formerly of rm Pa it trier C. Muftlimelott 'Bobby TzeNtmiti:t. Ra81. tisseIdalce Who died at the age 11', nnerwk siti r tIP111T101% 111 1 e Y Los lo 1013, Mr, mid Mrs. Carman Rhin Demure Brom< e. fiStN:MCoton • Don 11aise1IXDale and amly, .ihiryS,Andr. La Ironer .'$, Marl terpnelt 121%! And 111r8, Lloyd Thompson alit( Sta*tt 108, Grave Eagleson family were gusts Join) tes. Rhin and family on Sunday. PeNuoir"itherit 141,5 AP14108 111115 tpr" ` *. • Vtrnoti GraV Capreol, iq (Pry lor. Gwen Yintolpispr 81/elloing A itVIV hsys with Mi'. Barleno 1411115 60, Gloria, Adams And Airs, Fred Parkinson and 1514. .11rnmy ,lottery 854irloy Bey. 11 rinlds • NA.rieY 5t. Marys, BrigIand C.\rimier" with Mrs. B011 srovv Marilyn 5(11145-1115—I41115 loto,ry 1Afam 0,Wilson andfamily on Friday, GallerIVAY 814aror M1118 Al' -barterer •, • -- AV. 8andra „%*olizer 10 Gloria rharebere e:6"141.6 at5151"-14"1"6fti6" sar Vet! SAW it iit The. Titilea. Delicious app1(45-Jimmy AdVikates Brenda. Slentnlosit applet•-3itrinlY . ha 1\tr Grhghry •a" '-44,'-'P ‘etter From . Brinsley By MR5. CECIL, •414-WOOR Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whit - croft, ,of London, spent Sunday evenine with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. B. 1, Dundas, of Detroit, and the latter''s broth- er and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs, Davis, of Scotland, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bart Dixon and ,other relatives In the coin - vanity „overthe weekend. Mrs. William Campbell, .,,of Traverse City, Michigan retufn- ed home after visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and Isis'. and Mrs, Roy Hamil- ton of Lucan spent the weekend in Detroit ..and other parts in Michigan. Mrs. Harvey Neil, of London. spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, William Darling: Mr, and Mrs. 'William Fenton A free -advice -seeking woman asked a farmer what would be good to plant in a spot that gets very little rain due to overhang- ing eaves, has too much late afternoon sun, has clay soil and is on a rocky ledge. "Lady," he answered, how about a nice flagpole?" 4.7 NOW... TOE -FREE FIT COMES TO A SPECIAL. POINT e the stiletto toe Smyfh's Shoe Store Phone 376 Exeter • 4 • and children, and Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Fenton spent Sunday with friends in Sarnia. Mr. Don Knapton and Miss Joan Elgie, of Thormiale,'visited with Mr. and M. Willi= 'Fen- ton Friday evening. Mrs. Kennedy, of St. Marys. mother of Mrs. Wes Watson, IS' quite sick :in, Craigholom 111.1111•11.1.11" To Whom It May Concern All bills owing MoFalls Grocery are long overdue. Please settle or arrange settlement by October 15, 1958. After that date these bills will ALL be turned n far collection. Yours Sincerely, PERCY A, 'McFALLS ak c FA Ls GROC FLY e4,01AuTik0ug1t0u$ Ova mAIN,v: *ELLINGTON ...EXETER aaaapaPp.P.a. Body And Fender Repair It Was Shaped Like This Before I Hit The Stanchion Never yet saw the -car so beat -up and battered • that we couldn't restore it to a "like new" look. That's our specialty and we're specially good at it. Try us and -see! Hunter-Duvar 6c. Sons PHONE 38 Limited EXETER Shop For These Money -Saving Specials At Your Friendly A&H Market AylmerCatsup 1 1-13Z. GLITTLE: r.°R1 35' Aylmer FREarzt\li Beans is-uz,2 271 Shredded Whea-t teAtalsEti 2-371 Heinz Spaghettis-DZ,-,,N,s .2F C:1 '11 311 All -Purpose Maxwell House Coffee oG 79c ____...7_...„ QUALITY MEATS Maple Leaf Pea. Meal . Cottage Rolls LG. 55' Maple Leaf Loaf Mac & Cheese Lib, 49c Maple Leaf Wieners Le. 43 Maple Leaf Pure Pork 4ausage Le, 49c .......v...._ FRESH PRODUCE Young, Tender Cabbage L., 5' Snow While, Good Size • Each Cauliflower 19c Mae Poly Beg Apples 5 EA 494 i•Jo....A.44,63.i..rnei...M..m...1•Y Phone 5.32, Good Luck - 451 Off 1 -Lb. Pkg. Margarine 29g. Whits Swan Toilet Tissue 349c Aylmer Fancy 20 -Or. Tins ,Tomato Juice 2-3F Aylmer Choice 15-0z. Tins . Peas or Corn 2-29g David's Asset! Mallows Ono Full Pound 374 Luncheon Moat 12 -Oz. Tin Swift's Prem 47g FROZEN FOODS Zero Pak Fancy 12.0z. Pkg. Peas 2, rok 3 94 York Fancy 15-0z. Pkg. Raspberries 39c Fancy Orson - French Cut Beans 2 rtill 494 MARKET SUPERIOR A `..600D MARK ETS.1 Eree. Delivery a