HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-18, Page 177:s Sanitatiop, •EXETER DAIRY MILKMEN—The men of Exeter Dairy Limited who deliver "nature's most perfect food" to many of 'the houses in this area include: back row, from left, John Bruls, Joe Gosar, Reg Stagg; front George Tinney, and Carl Stire.—T-A Photo , • , . FIRM STRESSES QUALITY — Rigid standards are main- tained. at Exeter Dairy to ensure quality products for area consumers, Above, Norm Stanlake, vice-president of the firm is seen in the laboratory where products are con- stantly tested. In addition' to the dairy's own quality con- trol Program, frequent inspections and tests are made by four separate government organizations. —T -A Photo Attend Exeter Dairy's. OPEN HOUSE See Western Ontario's Most Modern Dairy THIS -:WEEKEND 1,,ie3eteelieeilememeelemeneeemmeeemieneeneeleeteeemeneeemeeeleimeeemewleet. Here's the only really Instant allocates! •••••••••Iser..•••• 401EINEMPIMIIMMINIM. our DAIRY CHOCOLATE A delicious fresh drink that h corn- pietely mixed, blended and pas. teurized at our dairy, Combines all the goodness of milk with the world's finest chocolate flavoring, NO MIXING • JUST POOR IT No mess. No fuss, No delay. Tastes better and it edSts ICA than self. mixed chocolates. An idtil luth. mertime drink, tooarefreshing find full of quiek energy. Mk our driver to deliver it --�t get it at the dairy east of your favorite' food store, Exeter Dairy E 33EXETER 11 Daily Delivery Sovie PiIN 1 t§ The Story In Zion Ey MRS. JUD DYKEMAN Mrs, Bob Hern of Jarvis, who has been visiting in the com- munity, returned home on Sat urday, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Row- eliffe, Exeter, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Bern are spending this week up north. Mr. Tom Brock returned home Saturday from showing cattle at the Western Fair, London, where he won some prizes. A number from the eommu. :nity attended the Jaques -Bow- den wedding at Centralia United Church on Saturday. Misses Jane and Ruth Ann Dykeman, Wingham, spent the weekend at their home. Mrs. William Elden, Seaforth, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. A large num.ber from the community attended the fune- rals of Mrs. Laverne Hern and Mrs. James Squire, last week. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Dykeman, London, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dykeman, Crediton, and Mr. Gerald Dearing, Exeter, were1 Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jud Dykeman. The northern Ontario town , of Kenora was originally called ].tat Portage because it was situated on the migrating route of musk- rats from Lake of the Woods to. Winnipeg River. A ualit In New Nati Alen in charge of the plant at. Exeter Dairy Limited spend more time keeping the equip- ment cicanthan they do proces- sing milk. This fact illustrates the em- phasis which is placed on. sani- tation. at this local Indust**. Bum day after the milk is processed, the entire network of stainless. steel equipment and pipes must, be thoroughly flushed out in preparation for the fol- lowing day's work. The clean- ing -out process involves hundreds of gallons of water, various cleaning fluids .and compounds and a lot of scrubbing." "In our business, the old phrase 'cleanliness is next to Godliness', isn't an idle saying," says Lee Leen. "It's the gns- pel of the dairy indostry and we! follow it religiousIY. We have tried to build up •our business, by stressing quality and the drabness nf our .equipment to keep that •quality high." Because of its importance in providing healthy food to the, public-, the. dairy industry is sub:tete to strict s!'pervision frOTA a number of sources. 13 The Ontario Department of Health and the Huron County Health Unit lake frequent tests of the inik and make numerous unannounced inspections of the plant. In addition, Exeter Dahry. is alsn inspected by the Cana - than Army and the R.C.A F. of- ficials to ensure that milk de— livered to 'R.C.A.F. Station Cen- tralia meets the standard. 4'We 'welcome these inepec. eons." says Mr. Learn, -be- cause we are as AIPAOUS as the authorities are to- ensure that .our milk is of the highest pos- sible standard:' Mrs. Briggs had been attacked IV' dog while out with her hits - hand. Ta her disgust, Mr. Briggs had immediately taken to his heels, leaving his wife to her fate. "You're a. coward," she told him later, when she had made her escape. "Fancy leaving me to be bitten like that! 14;4 didn't you grab its collar' "Well, dear." pleaded Mr. Briggs, "when we married we agreed never to keep anything back from each other, didn't Canada 'Grandmother' To Needy Children To many thousands of needy dwellers and beggar children •' in Greece, mountain farmers made homeless hy the. war will be enabled to rebuild homes and produced everything from milk begin a modest livestock and and 'warm clothing to the love' olive tree program through CSC! and care :of devoted foster' loans. The two most important parents. pilot projects are community de- velopment schemes in Northern - and Central Greece. In the Middle East the ['SC program includes .commercial: training for young Arab refugees. and miriewifery training to re:i place primitive and .often dan- gerous practices that claim the. lives of thousands of mothers' To continue this heartwarming and babies each year. work, the USC will launch its One nf the niost urgent work! fourteenth appeal for funds on prngrams is the despatch oU September 8. The objective is 23,000 layettes promised to the' $200,000—the highest ever set, to United Nations for Arab refugee' be raised by Christmas Day.babies .this year. Layettes con— The money will. be used to sist of four diapers,two baby finance some 50 projects in 11 vests. two nightgowns and two! .countries in Asia and Europe jackets, outgrown but not (mt.! with the largest amount still ear worn, or made up from material marked for Korea.; to help the around the house; on towel, .most helpless of all war 'victims, one cake of soap and four safety, the orphans. The care of these pins.The "Pullover Parade", many children must extend be- yond their basic needs for shel- ter, food and clothing, to include rehabilitation through education and vocational training. In India, :USC work is mostly educatiOnal and medical, assist - children in the dark corners of the word, Canada is a fairy god- mother whose magic wand has In 13 years, nearly seven mil- lion pounds of vital relief sup- plies have been ehann e. I e d through the Unitarian Service Committee into the empty hands of starving children and des- perate adults. And every ounce of it has been distributed in the name of Canada, organized to send 25,000 long- sleeved, high -necked pullovers to shivering Korean orphans, also needs enthusiastic volunteers.; Grey wool can be obtained by writing to the Unitarian Servicel ing i s o 1 a 1 e. d villagers, slum3 ,fleeeeleeemee#########ileemeemeee lll # ll eleeleeleeeleemeweweeeele,......fleleteme, ARMSTRONG'S _RESTAURANT Phene 538 Exeter 41121HtuntiumininsUIWIUMilifilfmniunifowl4mmonsflinlmfiltummWmfiluilitumgillulninsum10' IT WAS Committee, 78 Sparks Street, Ottawa 4, Every earreent and every • dol. I 4 lllll 1111111111111$11fililintuultilltin111,11IUMMIn10911:Mfillijfli0101HMIMOOMMIIIIMOIMOIMP" in the area of greatest need, re- gardless of creed or nationality.' Each Year Dr. Lotta Hitschma- , SC executzve director, undertakes a world tour to en.' stye pfpcierit administration of 1 all UK. projects and to keep in close touch with human need at grass level. "This year I saw progress • everywhere, even in suffering Korea," she reports, "But the need is still desperate. It is ab- solutely essential that this vital Canadian relief and rehabilita- tion program continue." Thu TirriesAtivotabk SeptemborIR, 1958 Palm 117 We -ere.,Pteased •••• To Do Ali T. -.. WIRING * In. The Modorn. Exeter D&ry Garfield Thomson. pHONU 232.M vEXETER tar's worth of aid is distributed In an uncertain world where goodwill, understanding and friendship between nations is the very basis for world peace. Canadians are fortunate to have this unique non -denominational organization as their reliable ambassador to serve in areas of, greatest need. The forthcoming appeal of the Unitarian :Service Committee is , warmly endorsed by .the Prime Mmitter of Canada. ,itre fl H EARTI EST ratulations ON THE COMPLETION OI YOUR MODERN BUILDING Exoter Dairy Ltd. Gerald R. Godbolt ccu. PHONE 749 EXETER toimotimtillimutwitimmittisilintismentimustisaltims lllll titsnemmitititittittninowiammintlitismutio.5 The Very Best In PLUMBING an HEATING 1-1415 Been Installed In The EXETER DAIRY It Wes Our Pleasure To Be Called Upon Fur This Servite EXPERT PLUMBING, HEATING SERVICE We would appreciate the opportunity of submitting efti- mates on any plumbing or heating job for you. Give us a call today: For PLBG. & HTG. Needs SEE JAKE Jake's Plumbing Heating PHONE 463 MAIN .STREET EXETER UR PLEA aie * 0 * It was our plee'eure to serve as General Contractors for the Hew Exeter Dairy LW. This modern building is a definite asset in the development of public services for this community. Again, weirs proud to serve South Huron in its development. We Have Been Pleated To Contribute. To The Prolress Of South Huron In Resent Yearti The Conetruction Of The Following Local Projects; EXETER DAIRY LIMITED • SOUTH HURON NURSES RESIDENCE ADDITION TO EXETER POST OFFICE BELL TELEPHONE CO. LTD. TOLL BUILDING, EXETER BELL TELEPHONE CO. LTD. TOLL BUILDING, CENTRALIA MUNICIPAL BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION RETHERAS RESTAURANT EXE.T ,DA1 ye? C. A. McDOWELL & C General Contractors PHONE MN La is quote you on • COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS • PAINTING CONTRACTS • NEW HOMES e ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION kttatontetimiall11111t11111111111$11M111111/11M111111)111111i111111111111111181111111111111t11%1.7