HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-18, Page 16;Ns 16.'The 'T.im•s.Ady September 1 ,. 1?58
Expanding Firm
Now Delivers
"aeter Dairy Limited. which ice to eight communities in the
earlier this year amalgamated area. Besides Exeter, it gives
the Highland Dairy. this week dairy delivery to RCAF Station
announced the r'urchase of the , Centralia, Centralia village.
Maple ,Leaf Dairy,. Seaforth, of Cromarty and Stella anti now
;festive Monday. ,Seaforth, Brucefield and Dublin.
The Exeter fern took over Ale- It is distributing mer ,:O.non
Uvery of dairy products in the quarts of milk daily to 6.t)00
Seaforth. Dublin and Brucefield customers in the area.
areas at the beginning of the Exeter Dairy was originally
week. Bilk for the territory Is formed by Lee Learn anti Oar -
being processed here and trans- ence McDonald in in17, ::portly
ported to Seaforth. after the two returned from
This expansion. along with the service with the armed forces
erection of the new plant on during ;vorld war two. They pur•
William street north, indicates chased Hatter's hairy from Wil -
the impressive progress of Exe- ham P. Hatter, who had taken
ter Dairy Limited during the over the business from Russell
past year. It now has one of the Redden in 1927.
largest operations of its kind. in . Ciarence McDonald was em -
the -district. • ployetl in the business before he
Responsible for the fast growth , joined the RCAF. Lee Learn,
of the firm are three young who is married to Clarenee's
businessmen who have been as- sister. Catherine, was employed
sociated with the dairy industry at the canning factory before
in this district for many years. joining the Princess Louise Fri-
Clarence McDonald is president goon (;dards.
of the company: Norman Stan- : Both men. Legion members.
lake, former owner of Highland served overseas ••-• Clarence in
Hill Dairy. is vice-president: England and Lee in France,
end Lee Learn is the secretary- Germany and Holland.
treasurer. Norman Stanlake joined the
The firm now provides a sere firm in May of this year when •
"„111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111t11nt1101111lllll 11111111111111111011 I1nt11ullnllnuunlnl1tuluulauuuu>�
For Continued Success
to the
Exeter Dairy
W. M. Hodgson
"The Insurance Man"
ll,lllllll 11111 ll1111111111(1111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111,111111111111111111111111 Ito 11111tI I Ill I1t1111111jJt1111 t'
•�„1111111111111111111111111111111111110t11111111111111111111111111 llllll 11111I11t11111I1111111111Jt1111t11111111t1111111111111111111(1111,
Best Wishes
For Future Success
to the
Exeter Dairy
We Were Pfeasecl To Supply he
Fill and Gravel For The Building
Phone 31 O or 118-7-J
.l1211111t11111111111111111111t11.t111101111111/11,1111111111111111111111(1,11.01111111111011111b 1111,111111111111111II/ll 4 0 11111111 0
uys Sfort.h Elairy
Quarts Daily
the amalgamation with High- !plant on William Street north. include liari'y Beavers. Illair teiuplateii and there will be a
land Hill Dairy took place. I hts i in which open house will be held • Bros.. Wellington Brock and clurnge in n
� producers. The dairy
dairy had been operated by the this Saturday. Son, Don Case. Sandy Elliot, will .co.ntinue .13) operate under
Stanlake family since 1934 and Head man in the :new plant is Gih Dow .and Son and Ray Lam• the'name Maple Leaf Dairy.
the plant was ncoued from the! Arthur Baker and his assistant port. Suppliers of the Seaforth dairy
Stanlake farm. in Hay township; is John Bruls. Drivers include In annouueing the purchase of include Peter Simpson, Lorne,
to Exeter in 194G
Reg StdR
(art St'
e. JoeGosarai the Seaforth plant thisweek. k
Carter,i, Carl
den and Re
.kqulpment of hoot dairies has and George Cuney. tet officials said no changes in olds brothers.
been incorporated in the new; Suppliers for the local dairy . the existing staff there was eon -
FIRM MAKES RAPID EXPANSION—Exeter Dairy Limited, with which Highland Hill
Dairy was amalgamated earlier this year, announced this week that it has purchased
another district business—Maple Leaf Dairy, Seaforth. The local firm began delivery
this week to homes in Seaforth, Dublin and Brucefield communities, The two men who
launched the business in 1947 are Lee Learn and Clarence McDonald, seen above
beside one of the new stainless steel vats installed in the,new plant. —T -A Photo
Stress Important Market
ServedBy Weekly Papers
There is an encouraging evi- past president, Cecil Day, in his' Rising costs of publishing and
dence that business and Indus- i opening address at the conven- printing were forcing weeklies
try is beginning to realize more; tion had- mentioned that in to the crossroads, Mr. Day said.
than ever the important market Colorado,, an average of three He felt many weeklies in Canada
that weeklies serve in Canada,1 weekly newspapers per year are were now relying on their cont -
Hugh E. McCormick', of the' being closed down for good. merelal printing but even with
Montreal Monitor and incoming "One of the major reasons for this, they were finding it difficult
president of the CWNA, told 1 this tragic death of such corn to satisfy the demands of em
more than 400 delegates attend-'munity papers is that we ployees on one side and the
ing the 39th annual convention 1.haven't been keeping up with banker on the other.
last week in Toronto. Ithe fast pace of business compo-;
But, he said, there never has : Brion,” he said. "We haven't
been a time in the long and been going after revenue of
colourful history of the weekly national and local advertisers
newspaper industry in Canada, that there is for us, and which Shipka
when there was a more urgent `'helps keep us in business."
need to promote weeklies as a; Mr. McCormick felt that the
key advertising media in the; Better Newspapers Competitions - -
business life of the nation. i of the CWNA were raising the Personal Items
The five million readers sere- excellence of weeklies. "An at -r and Mrs, Don Adams,
ed in Canada by the weeklies; AIr pttractive looking paper is an add- Mark and .Brock of London were
were making an impression on! ed inducement to the advertis- rs with his parents,
Sunday visitors advertisers, he said. i er," he pointed out, SuSunn and.:1lto Les Adams.
"For 100 years the weekly) Mr. McCormick said that the
press has had its problems but 725 -odd weeklies in Canada were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duncan and
nothing like today when cam- a big potential. market whose Peter of Stratford spent the
petition from other media,`rising impact on national life cannot weekend with Mrs. E. Lamport
costs, employee demands and so be over - estimated, He noted and Tom.
on, threaten our very existence that of the 265 constituencies' lli. and Mrs. Jiro Clarke,
as a force in our national lift," with seats in the House of Com. Brenda, Billie and IIiekie visited
Mr. 'AIcCnrmfek said, ' mons, 194 at last tount, were Sunday with her parents, Mr.
He. noted that the immediate served by weekly newspapers. ' and Mrs. E. Winegarden, at
For lbe work of the CWNA `Parkhill.
in promoting the cause of the; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coleman,
weekly press, Mr. McCormick' Mr, and Mrs. Wes Coleman and
had nothing but praise. i Agnes Ann of London were
"In the 22 years that I have,Tuesday visitors with Mr. and
been attending CWNA colleen- Mfrs. Hugh Morenz, Billie and
tions 1 have been impressed by, Mrs. J. Coleman.
the social value of the associa-' Neighbours and friends of Mr.that", he .said, "It's value as a 1 and Mrs. W 111 i s Desjardine
fraternal group has always ini• (newlyweds) gathered at the
pressed me, but mare recently Blaek Bush school on Friday
I have Come to see that thea
CWNA can he a powerful instrtt night and presented them with a
meet in furthering the good of miscellaneous shower.
the industry.
"In our efforts to get more of
the advertising dollar in Canada
the CWNA through its commit.
teas is the best avenue we have•"
he said, "Through the CWNA
ewe can, 1 ain sure, find ways
and means to increase our ad- personal liertis
vcrtisfng revenues." lir, Marry Carroll spent the
Mr. AfeCormick's key note
challenge was further supported weekend in Batavia. l
by similar commtnt in several Almost everyone from this'
community attended 0,Western
Pan', '
Mrs. Heber Davis was a Wad -
f: 5day afternoon e 1
i€ during the past year was the Aners. trim 'young, 'Lguoranst. i\with lrs. 1
setting up of a promotion and A, Keough and Mrs. G, Alfredo, i
public relations department at London, and Mrs. D, h'letcher,;
head office and the taking on Toronto, were guests also, prior
staff of Bill James, :formerly of to Ali•. and Mrs G. Alfred`s!
the Batvitianvilll statesman, to, leaving by plane for California,;
direct its activities.
A number of comanittre re- The September meeting of the
ports tabled at the convention W.A. will be held in the parish!
praised this step as a forward hall on .l"uestlay afternoon. I
one. that would do much to assist Mr. and Airs. L. Maguire and:
CWNA nientbers in increasing Cleffary, Scotiand, Ont. were
their revenues and thus be in a Sunday guests .with Mr. and Mil.better position to meet rising hurray Abbott, i
Costs of publishing, lir, and Mrs, Cliffercl Abbott
Neil bay, of the Liverpool and Rowena and Mr. Allan Tin.
(l' .S.) Advance, retiring presi Hail were Sunday evening guests
dent in his address opening the with Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Ab•
eoovention, hailed the formation batt,
Of the promotion tlepartment Mr. and Mrs. )layniand Green -1
under Mr. James as r a move led visited with Mends at Nairn
long overdue. lie said he was an Sundey
pleased to learn that two pro,
Report On
Was Installed By Pete Crocker
For All
Large or Small
Please don't hotitate to call
us for an estimate.
The Story In
committee reports tabled at the
One of the most important
steps, he said, in this regard
Crocker Refrigeratio.n
PHONE 11.14
.. .... , , x . "..:. , , IM !.Y.� sFtK � el' Ai /' Y tM .4
vinCial divisions Of the CWNA
11tt attoneled last stntimer were Shop at IMntn ... in tlta i altos
eontonipialing publte rotations of `Mitt .'idles- .dvoCate,. your
departments, morn into%y newspaper.
Happenings in
Personal Items
Alr•. and Mrs. Clare Sisson
and Marie were Sunday guests
'of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Care
real of Watford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robert
son, Joan and Elaine, Mrs. Sis
son of Sutton. West spent Mon
day with A1r. and Mrs. Clare
Airs. Jas. Mossey spent a
couple of ` days with Mr, and
'Airs, Wes. Mossey.
Miss Kathleen Massey and
Mr. Doug Sehiestal of Wingham
spent the aveckend with Mrs.
Jas. Mossey,
Mr. and' Mi -s. a'hae. Stephens
of Anderson spent Sunday eve-
ning with Airs. Jas. Mossey,
Mr. William Thomson is spend-
ing a few days with relatives
at Oshawa and attending the fu-
neral of his brother-in-law, Mr.
Albert Balsdon of Oshawa.
Sunday evening birthday guests
with Mr. and; Mrs. Wm, Jones
were Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Bryan,
Shriley and Robin. Mr. and Ars.
Gerald Bryan and family of
Prospect 1ii11, Miss Leslie Gant -
mage of St. Marys, It was Mrs.
Jas. Bryan's and Carl Jones'
Mr. and Airs. Gerald Horn
and fancily of Zion, Mr. and
Mrs, Malcolm Spence and fam-
ily were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson,
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' q
Id's 4 . Plea ure
t_IXETLR DA1:RY Liivir D
ON 'rutin Pii,oumi SSIVi1:
The Buckley
"Good Food"
f11311I11111lIUlll lrtllllllll tllllllllllllllll11111111111411 IIIIIl11I11111111I11111111111111!ltllll11111t1111111t11t132lt11111i11111111{D
111111111111111t1111111t111111t11111I11111111t III111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111t1111t1111111111111111111111111111111111Ub,
Exetr Dairy Ltd!
This modern plant, which insures quality 'dairy
products, is insured through
John Burke
Phone 863
534 Main Street
"It's From Burke's
'11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111{211111111111111117111111/111111111111111111tt11I11111t 1I111111��
to the
Exeter Dairy
On The Opening Of
Western Ontario's
• The Diversey Corporation
Exeter Dairy
On Your New Development
AA• Brick ' .e Cement
• Lumber •Nail.�
• Windows a Blacks , A
• Mors • Hardware
See Us For
Top Quality Low Prices
Cen'h' alki •Farmer's
PHONE 8115i