HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-18, Page 14Papet 14 The ThrescAthregete, September 1St 198
13y MRS. 4. H. PATON.
Church nem
The Vatted Church will sib -
Wye Rally Sunday next Sun-
day at 9.45 a.rn. with the Sun-
day School participating.
At St. James Church next Sun-
day at 9.00 a.m. the annual
family Holy Communion wUl be
celebrated. Holy Trieity church
Harvest Thanksgiving services
Will be at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Ou Sunday. September 28 Har
rest Thanksgtving services will
be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
(standard time). Guest preacher
will be Prof. R. K. Harrison.
B.D. Ph.D.. of Huron Col•
On Sunday the guest preacher
was the Rev. .1', Grant Merden,
B,A., B.D. S T Ai of Huron Col-
United Church Meeting
The ladies held their meeting
at the church last Thursday
evening with 12 members and
tine visitor present. Mrs. Wil-
mer Scott and Airs. Arthur Simp-
son were a committee appointed
as go to Exeter for further in-
!ormation re the communion
;able for this church.
Mrs. Roulston replied for the
ourchase of a dining room table
or the parsonage. Mrs. Eaton
ourchased chemicalto be used
or the dampness in the base.
Next meeting will be October
1. Members of the W.111.5. were
rivited to attend the Missionary
Rally in Lucan.
flomen's institute
The 4-H club girls and their
easter, Airs. David Kestle. were
guests of Clandeboye Women's
alstitute at their September
neeting and provided a program
!Onsisting of a skit "Dressing
tp Home.Grown Vegetables,"
•eadings by Janke Macintosh
News Budget From
5ersanal Items
The teachers of St, Marys and
31anshard held their annual
Reefing in the Base Line school
ast week.
Mrs. Oliver Baker spent a
ew days last week with her par -
,its. Mr. and Mtg. Herbert Beer
4 'Munro.
Mrs. Archie Dewar spent Sun -
ay with her daughter, Mrs. 5.1
darriott, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard spent
tunday with their daughter.
Ira. Albert Hernandez and fam.!
ty at St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. McAlpine!
4 Ailsa Craig were guests with!
iir. and Mrs. Duncan •McNaugh-1
on on Sunday.
Mrs. A. Shepley of Sturgeon
;falls was a weekend guest with 1
Yir. and Mrs. Howard Switzer. •
Mr. and Airs. Arthur Thomp-.
!on and family of Parkhill were
;nests of Mr. and Mrs. David
Tolland on Sunday.
Mr. John -Rine, Bill and How- :An n iversary
,rd and Miss Noreen Walkom ! -
pent Sunday with friends at
amcoe, At B r i n s 1 e y
Mrs. Shepley and Bruce of
.aficl She= Kestle, piano solo
by Marilyn Eaton and a vocal
solo by Rosemary Hall.
Silver forks and spoons were
:presented to Nancy Scott. Marilyn Eaton, Janice McIntosh.
Helen Kestie, Sharon Kestle and
!Rosemary Hall for completing
another project. The girls pre-
, sented a gift to their leader,
Mrs. Kestle. Helen Kestle cons
ducted a riddle contest which
was won by Mrs. E. Lewis.
Mrs. Al nx Macintosh and Mrg.
Gordon Eaton were chosen as
leaders for the fall prnjeet "The
Club Girl Entertains."
Mrs. super', Villiams, «int en-
er of historical researeh, slave a
paper on Clandeboye as it ap.
peered many years agn and as
• it appears today. She also told
of her day spent at the Tweeds-
! muir Workshop held, in July at
- An invitation was received
from West McGillivray Institute
tn attend the annual flower show
in \Vest McGillivray Hall, Sep.
tember 17. Mrs. Ernie Lewis
reported on the successful paper
drive and plans were made for
another as soon as possible.
Mrs. Arnold Blake presided
for the meeting which was held
at the home of Mrs. Rea Neil.
A contest on drawing the em-
blem of Ontario was won by Mrs.
Wilmer Scott. Hostesses were;
Mrs. Blake. Mrs. James Donald.'
son, Mrs. IVihner Scott, Mrs.!
Mex Macintosh, Mrs. ;lames
Hall and Mrs. David Kestle,
sa*Iss s,
Phone 19 Lucan
And District News
Chrigapondenti Misa Ulna Abbott
WI Wins
16 Prizes
The members of Lucan Worn -
en's Institute went really all out
this 7enr at the Wetern Fair.
sending in 17 entries and win.
ning 16 prizes which netted the
branch $34. They won two firsts,
one second, two thirds, eight
fourths and three fifths.
Considering the number of
branches competing the mem.
hers are highly elated. They
vim: first in copper tooling and
fancy cookies; second in stuffed
toys; third in Lady's hand -made
• hat and hooked rug.
Fourth in oil painting, elmen.,
. late layer eake. :decorated child's
birthday cake, home-made bread,
peach marmalade and apple
jelly; fifth itt applique quilt, dark
fruit cake and dill pickles.
Prior to leavingthis week for
his new position n the Sank of scare wins
Montreal al West Lorne. Mr.'
Doug ;Watterworth was guest of
honor at an evening at the
home of the manager, Mr. Jack
Steacy, when the bank staff
(husbands and wives) met as a
Personal Items
Mrs. Omar Cunningham. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Cunningham•and
Allan called an Mr. and Mrs.
Alex O'Neil in Aylmer on Sun.;
day afternonn, Mr. O'Neil was I
able in leave the St. Thomas -
Elgin Hospital on Saturday after.'
noon after spending several'
weeks there, following a heart,
Mr. Rosa O'Neil is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital where
he underwent an operation on
Mr. and Mrs. Sam King and,
daughter, Marlene, of -Crediton,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Karl O'Neil on Sunday.
Miss Margaret Shoebottom of
Denfield visited recently with
her aunt, Mrs, Omar Cunnieg.!
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Paton and!
Clare and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Logan and Myrna of Thorndale
visited with Mrs. Harvey Riehl.,
Veneta and Bob in Stratford,!
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Thomp-,
son returned home last week-
end after spending two weeks,
at Rice Lake with friends. Mr.
and Mrs, Andrew Thompson
spent the weekend there and:
brought Mr, and Mrs. Thomp.1
son home.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Erskine,
of R.R. 8 Parkhill were guests1
with Mr, and Airs, Mervin Car-
ter last Sunday.
Mrs. Mildred Legg of Inger-
soll spent last weekend with'
Mrs. Omar Cunningham.
A • • • n,
ter daughter. .Alrs. Howard held in Brinsity United church
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle
Rev. Duncan McTavish of Lon-
nsited on Sunday with Airs.
don. a former pastor, was guest
!;ssex were weekend guests with nniscisaly services ere •
Switzer and Howard. ;Sunday morning and evening.
;speaker in the evening and Rev.
rnma. Fletcher, :Clarke of Centralia in the morn-
ing. Special music was rendered
Happenings In : by the choir.
Re -Dedication Services
IOn Sunday there will he re-
dedication services at Brinsley'
By MKS. M. H. ELSTON !Anglican church at 11 o'clock.
The rector and congregation are
pleased to announce that the
birthday church has been completely re -
Mr. Chris Fischer, who cele- decorated.
crated a birthday on Sunday, The guest speaker will be Rev.
vas given a surprise by several J. Grant Morden, B.A., BD.,
nembers of his family. !S.T.m., professor nf Theology
Those present were Mr, and at Huron College. Guest soloist
iirS. Lloyd Stanlake and family, will be Mr. Harry Hoffman of
dr. and Mrs. Joe Mordush, Mr: 1 Dashwood.
:nd Mrs. Ray Fischer and Anglican Guild
wilily, Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomp-1 Mrs. Art Lightfoot and Miss
on and family, Lloyd Thomp- Hazel Lewis were hostesses for
pn, Bill Varga. Jos ea Fischer, the September meeting of the
Silly Fischer, Miss Sylvia Zeig- Ladies' Guild held in the base-
er, all of London, Mrs. Vivian vent of • the church.
1unningham and Joyee. The president, Mrs, Earl Dix-
tersonal llama on, led in the devotional, assist.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer,ed by Mrs, Alercer.1 The theme taken from the
Tommie and Dannie. spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Raystudy;book on Japan was given
eischer and Mr. and Mrs, LloydMrs. Wright.
tanlake, Mr. and Mrs. Joeby Plans were made for a ha -
liordush in London.
zaar and tea to be held in the
!basement of the church on the
Miss Shirley Atkinson, who has' afternoon of October 29. Con -
sten staying with Mrs. George!
tests were won by Mrs, A, Scott
tether, Jr., far the past two f and Mrs,Wes,Lewis
nonths, Exeter, has returned liarvesHone services will be
o her home and is resuming'
:at the ehureh on Sunday, Sep.
ter stadies at SHDHS. tember 28 at 11.30 a.m.
Mr. and Airs. Bob Blair anti
;iris attended the 45th wedding' Personal Items .
riniversary of their uncle and 1 Miss Mary Amos, who has
quit, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Baker,: been confined at Craigholme for
Irediton, on Sunday, which wassome time, was able to return
teld at the home at their; to her home.
:aughter, •Mr. and Mrs. Harold! Visitors on Sunday ,with Mrs,
aghtfoot. Fred Neil were her daughter
Mr. and Mrs. William Butson, ! and sorisin-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Staffa, Allan and Eleanor,ISutherland of Mt. Brydges, and
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Roland Neil of
rfrs, Jack Coates, Ailsa Craig.
Mr. Jared. Lyons, of Dundalk, Mrs. William Sholdiee of Lon-
tiSited. on Sunday afternoon with don was a weekend guest with
11. and Mrs. Eaton. her slaughter and son -le -law, Mr.
Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Ws, Wes- Lewis,
rad Mrs. Jack Blair, were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Thomp-
aid Mrs. Ronald Fletcher and atm were guests on Sunday with
Itirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Hari Dixon.
Mrs. Lin Crayon at Parkhill
spent Sunday :with her soli, Wes
Watsdn and Mrs. Watson, also
attending anniversary serviceS.
Sunday visitors with Mr. Lin
Amos were Mr. and Mrs. Over:
ATMOS Of London and Mr. and
Mrs. John Rosser, Ansa Craig.
Sunday callers with Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were Mr.
and Mrs. ROy liatrallOtt of Lu -
cam, Mr. and Mrs, Will Hackett
bf Detifield, arid Mrs. Cattip•
bell 61 Travers City, Michigan,
also .Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Odd
and Calotyri LOnden, Mr. and
George Prost and Mid
and David Howard of Dashvvood.
Mrs. ,/oe Mergan, who has
been en the sick hsf or Selig
tinit. &Vend a hesnitat 'on Mit,
day The an ()Oration,
If Ifou'reTIRED
Now And, fifth everybody gets a
l‘tirechout“ feeling, and may tin
bothirod by bitkattite. Perhaps !lath -
ng seriously wrong, fust temporary
condition caused by UrittarY irritation or
bladder diaconifort. That'a the tliet to
take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's llelp
stimulate the kidoeya to relleto this
condition which may often daust batk.
Arks and Cited f lin Thee yea fed
better, test better, wed( better. Get
Dodd'i Xidney Fills ode.. Look for the
blue hot 'with the red bend et all drug
itUttlteta. You tad 46ettid 6h Da d d's. S6
orr 0 0 A A
Lions ,Members.
Plan Activities
The opening fall meeing of the
Lunn Lions was lieht inthe
Anglican Church basement last
Monday evening with the new
president. Mr. -Jim Young, in
the chair,
Mr. Doug Watterworth, the
branch's secretary, who has
been transferred from the Bank
of Montreal here to West Lorne,
• was presented with a clothes,
hamper, Mr. Clarence liask•ett
making the presentation, Mr.
Al Bromwick will replace Air.
Watterworth as secretary.
Most of the busitiess- session
was spent in laying plans for the
winter activities.
1 The Ladies Guild of the church
with Mrs. T. H. Bond as con-
. vener catered. •
Area Pacers
During the evening. Mr. Wet-
terworth was presented with a
clothes hamper and wallet.
Mr. Ed Morris of Orillia suc-
ceeds Mr. Watterworth in the
Lucan branch.
At 13alavia, Governor G..
owned by Sheridan Revington
and William Ellerington, was a
'Monday winner, Bimbo Chief, a
Tuesday winner, and Howard
,Rosecroft, a Saturd0 winner,
At Western Fair, Herbert
Carter, Meadow Arts's Lady .a.nd
Pauline Vohs, owned by the
Hardy Bros., were winners, the
first winning :two heats and a
Iblankct, the second two thirds,
Car Crash Kills land the last a third fourth.
Gilbert Grattan, owned by Neil
Local Employee ,MeRann, won a second and
fourth. Delores Grattan, owned
Mr. Li° 1 A CI a. 1 35
of Sarnia, ast employee of the
Lucan Nuway Motors, who had
planned to move to Lucan in
three weeks. was killtd near
Sarnia in a headsiong crash last
Saturday evening, five miles
east of Sarnia, during a rain
Mr. Chartrand was driving
%vest alone. In the other car,
coming east, were Mrs. ,Tcssic
Hawley, 60, of Detroit, Isto was
driving, and her bro1her•in-law,
Mr. Ernest. Lackey, 57, of Lake
George, N.Y., both of whom
died later in Sarnia Hospital.
The Chartrand car was wreck-
ed and the Hawley vehicle badly
da m aged.
Mr. Chartrand is survived by
his wife, two sons. Rickey and
Roddy, two daughters, Susan
and Debora, his father, Louis
Chartrand, of Pembroke, five
brothers, John of Sarnia, Louis
and Simon of Pembroke, Oliver
of Edmonton and Acllard of Sud-
bury; three sisters, Mrs. Fred
Walsh, of Chapeau, Que., Mrs,
AlfonseGutiet of Val d'
or, Que.,
and Mrs. Tony Bowers, Pem-
Funeral services and inter-
ment were held Tuesday, Sep-
tember 9 at Sarnia. While here,
Mr. Chartrand boarded with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Frost.
; by. Leroy Reyington, a first and
tone sal istnc , • '11 1 n 1 L sl ' Gi 1 1
sirs, a c mas r , ownec
by Eldon Young, a fourth and
At New Hamburg, Pauline
Veto won a first and second, and
Herbert Carter two firsts,
; Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bradford
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and. Mrs. Bice of Glendale.
• Personal Items
Mrs. Joe Bcatson, a member
of the ;Woman's Auxiliary of
Holy Trinity Ch.urch, left on
Sunday to attend the meeting of
the Dominion Board; held at
Christ Church, Deer Park, To-
ronto, Sept. 15-18.
• •
Instruct Religion
In Area 'Schools
Religious education began in
the public school last Friday,
with .Rev. 3. P. Prest in charge
of Mr. Clow's and Mr. Desjar-
dine's room; Rev. Edgar Roul-
ston, Mrs. Black's and Mrs.
Allison's rooms, and Rev, Fred
Thomson, Mrs. Cobleigh's room.
Mr, Prest will also teach
in the Clandeboye school
from now until Christmas; Air.
Roulston from New Year's till
Easter, and Mr. Prest from
Easter till midsummer.
Personal Items
Rev. Ar, A. Stephens, B.A.,
rector of St, George's Church,
Kitchener, was a Thursday guest
at the rectory. The bishop was
so impressed with the new
chapel at Clandeboye that he
asked Mr, Stephens, who is edi-
tor of the Huron Church News,
to visit the chapel. get pictures
and material on the history of
the chapel for the church paper.
Other rectory visitors on Thurs-
day were Mr. Bert Ashby and
son Jim, of Brantford.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Conn
and daughter, of St. Marys,
were Thursday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar McFalls.
Services Honor
Deceased Canon
Rev. and Mrs. J. P, Prot and
family attended a dedication
Service in St. JOhn-the-Evangel-
ist Church, Strathroy, last Sun-
day in honor of Mks. Prest's
father, the Rev. Canon. H, B.
Ashby, who died recently. Mr.
Prost read the lesson. and also
pronounced the benediction.
The guest speakerwas the
Rev, John Morris, L.T.11.._ who
was a classmate of the Canon
and also :f the 1at Bishop•
Arthur Carlisle, at one -time
rector of Lucan. Mr. Morris had
charge of Old St. Paul's. ;Wood-
stock, at the same time as.
Canon Ashley had 'charge of
New St, Paul's,
During the Canon's
beney at Strathroy, the Keates
organ factory of Lucan rebuilt
the church organ. On Sunday a
set: of Vox Humana. pipes, which
had recently becn installed by
thc, same company.,were dedi-
eated as a .memorial to the
Caiion, Mrs. lan MoGuban, af
Lucent was present to resent
the company, —
Two water aloft of the church
painted tv -Caton Ashley were
presented by Mr. and Mrs.
Prest, Otte Thr the rectory and
the other for the new parish'
Cltrisf Church, Ayr, Canon
Ashby's last pariah, :also had a
dedication servite In his honor
:last Sunday.
A splendid representation of
the Irving Masonic Lodge
paraded to the 7 o'clock service
last Sunday.
Next Sunday will be Rally
Sunday and church sehoel pro-
At 7.30, the LucansClandeboye
YPIl will hold its first !meeting
in the Lucan church, with Mari-
lyn Eaton's group on missions, in
charge. The weiner roast sched-
uled ;for Sept 19 had to be
postponed until Sept. 26, owing
to Medway initiations.
Mrs. Edgar Roulston's group
will be in charge of the WMS
meeting on Thursday, Sept. 18,
changed from the 251.1i.
A choir rafty will be held
Friday evening at, 8 p.m., fol-
lowed by a social evening,
The Young People held their
opening meeting at the church
last Friday evening, A large
group from Toronto, including
the three Graham sisters, form•
erly of Lucan, put; on a splendid
program. There was a boys'
quartette and band among the
Speaking on "Duty," Mr.
David Howden, of Toronto, was
the guest speaker. He is (he
youth director of the Pentecostal
Following the service. refresh-
ments were served at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Birch.
The flowers on the altar nn
Sunday were in memory of the
late Mr. H. S. Stanley. '
In the absence. of Mr. Prest,
the guest speaker was the Rcv.
3. Grant Morden, B.A„ B.D,,
S.T.AI., ot Huron College.
Next Sunday will he the an-
nual Harvest Thanksgiving serv-
ice, when Archdeacon C. W.
Foreman, B.A., L.Th., D.D., af
the Church of St. John Ihr.
Evangelist, London, a former
native of Lucan, will be the
nv'A ke•
Tilt first meeting of the Holy
Trinity Servers' Guild will be
held from 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday,
When the class. is organized,
special vestments will be
The annual family Holy Com-
munion. is scheduled for 9 a.m„
Sunday, Sept. 28,
Four Ponies
Win Prizes
Cliffordi-Acheson, 15, ef Luran,
showed four of his ponies at
Western Fair and all won prizes,
none less th second, Jayda
Choco late Doll won :reserve
eh= pionsbio m aro; Lyewood
Lari so a second: LVIln's Little
Dipper, a second for foal of 1658,1
and Jayda woo a first and a
Persona! Herds
Mr. and Mrs..3ernes Tubb and i
family, of Miithell, and Mr, and
di'. Sant Earle and family, of
Woodstock, were :Sunday guests'
of Mr, and Mrs. Wes: ilodgins,'
the OdeaSiett being Dait"t
'ANIr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte
and farnily spent last weekend
at, their tottageat Colpoy tay,,
Area Youths
Catch Calves merly of con. Biddulph three
COusins 'Weal
Two former Lunn cousins,
both former members of Holy
Trinity Church jr. Congregation,
now of London, :chose the' same
day for their wedding, one in
the morning and the other in
the evening of Saturday, Septem-
ber 0.
Dorothy Iliac Fenn exchanged
marriage vows with Michael
McNeil. of London in a cere-
mony at St. Patrick's Roman
Catholic Chureh. -The bride is
the daughter of Mi'. and Mrs.
Henry W. Fenn, London, for-
- - - " - . miles north of Lucan and the
of the 21 Western Ontario groom,,ts the seh of Mr. and Mrs.
. MacNeil, New Water -
youths who participated in thesr;,",'T 4'
calf scramble at the Western i vine. °Metaled. ,
Water -
third annual Aberdeen Angus ''''''''. N.S.
i The Rev Fr. C. F. De -
then bjrniacil;riaegheoseby ahefrloloar--
Fair last week with 10 calves to ii: tne'r,
bid for 10 prizes of $100 were
two local youths, Jim Scott, 16 ' length
Ltiul 11 eg,oswtnyledolanCpliragUels3rs linesla
of Clandeboye who was second ;,, , ,
to land his calf and Grant Hods il,„v,",1,,,,aata,,le-wicie nailed skirt. A
bolero with collar of
gins. 16. of R.R. 1 Granton who ir"incle.';clieugl sequins and seed
e ;Imo eighth,
1'he 10 winners were presorted peards was Worn over the strap,
less lace bodice. Her finger -Up
with Slea certificates twards veil was held by a tiara of se-.
the purchase of their (Mil Abet'- quins and seed pearls and she
.cleen Angus heifer by Mrs, Hugh carried a bouquet of' red roses
Labatt representing Jelin Labatt, and white stephanotis.
Ltd.. en.sponsors of thescram
-and scra- Miss Mary -Ann Stataspal was
me, with the Western Ontario maid of honor wearing a cock
Aberdeen Angus Association, tail length, soft pink dress, The
Personal Items brides -maid was Miss Margaret
Fenn who wore a similar dress
Mrs. john Casey who went to
Toronto with her daughter, Mrs, 110 pale blue.
C. F. Langford when she n -
Ambrose F, MacNeil was
after groonisman and ushers were
aturxnveedekhsonta.caisuoiw back
i George Mead and George Mor -
Misses Elaine Abbott, of Lan- rbw•
sing, Mich., and Geraldine, of1 The couple will reside in Lon -
Detroit, daughters of Mrs. ! don -
Abbott and the late 'Dr. Joe : At 7 p.m. in St David's Angli-
Abbott, and two girl - friends can Chnrch, Hamilton Rd. the
called on Miss Lina Abbott,' of ;Rev, George C. Pearce officiated
Lucan, and Mrs. E. Hodgins of :for the marriage of Maureen
their way to the Stratford; Yvonne Fenn and Glen Wayne
festival to see "A Winter's ' Cameron.
Mabel McRoberts, of
London, and Mrs. Warner Mc-
Roberts, of Dresden, were %guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westin an
last Sunday.
Tour Of Mexico
Auxiliary Topic
The Evening Auxilial'y of the
Lucan United Church held its
September meeting • at the home
of Mrs. Charles Sovereign last
Tuesday night. with 13 present.
Mrs. Ross McRoberts' group,
was in charge of the refresh -
m ent 5. worship service and
study book.
The guest speaker was Mrs.
Charles Corbett, who gave an
interesting account of her trip
to Mexico and displayed pictures
and trophies which she 'brought
home with her.
A hake sale was planned for
Saturday, September 20, but
location at tittle of writing, not
Pigeon Fanciers Win Prizes
1 The bride is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Charles' J. Fenn
of London formerly of Main St.
Innen and the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs, C. Cameron of
RAI. 1 Arva,
Given in marriage by her fas
they the bride was gowned in
an ensemble of chiffon and net
over blue taffeta, :featuring bouf-
fant skirt, short sleeves and
blue net gloves. A white crown,
white shoes and cascade of pink
roses and white mums com-
pleted her attire.
Her only attendant was Miss
Phyllis Cameron of R.R, 1 High
Park, who chose a gown of fine
net over pink taffeta and car-
ried a bouquet of pale blue car-
nations and white mums.
The hest man was Mr. Bruce
Cameron of R.R. 1 Hyde Park
and ushers were Messrs Bob
Cameron and Fred Needham.
At a reception held at the
groom's home in Arva, catered
to by "The Three Little Pigs
Pantry" the bride's mother re-
ceived in a beige taffeta gown,
with brown accessories and pink
carnation corsage. She was as-
sisted by the groom's mother in
black lace over pink taffeta and
pink corsage.
For a honey -moon trip to Buf-
falo the bride changed to a blue
dress with pink accessories..
The young couple will make
their home in London.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Colbert,
af Ilderton, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs, William Brown-
At the Western Fair, Mr. Har-
ry Hardy exhibited a number of
his Homer pigeons and won one I
first prize, five seconds, one'
third and one fourth. His nine -1
year-eld nephew, Ken Hardy,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman!
Hardy, collected for himself $161
when he won six,. firsts, two
seconds and one third.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor of
Exeter were Sunday evening•
guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. C.
one 102
Miss Joan Hodginsis attend.
ing the Teachers' College in
Institute Fetes
The September meeting of the
Granton W.I. was held at the
home of Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins
when 10 grandmothers were pre-
sented with corsages.
Mrs. ham German 'was honor-
ed as the oldest grandmother
present, with Mrs. Joseph Bryan
as the youngest grandmother and
Mrs. Colin Grant fpr having the
most grandchildren",
The guest speaker was Mrs.
Gordon Culver, Komoka, presi-
dent of North Middlesex W.I.
She discussed the work of the
•Woman'S Institute and conduct-
ed ; a demonstration on making
of cancer dressings.
Mrs, George Wilson, national
public relations ()Weer, spoke on
Princess Margaret's recent- visit
to Stratford. Readings were pre-
sented by Mrs. Mary Hudson
and Mrs. Norman Hodgins.. Miss
Lois Hodgins entertained with a
piano solo.
Mrs, A Hocking
Dies In Hospital
A sad death occurred on Fri-
day, September 12, in Victoria
Hospital in the passing of Mrs.
Albert Hocking, 37.
She ley at rest in the. C.
Haskett and Son funeral borne
until 2 pan. Monday. September
13, when the Rev, Fred Thom.
son conducted funeral services.
Interment was in St. James
Cemetery, Clanleboye.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Herbert Addis, of London, Mrs.
Hocking was the former Ivy
Mary Addis. She and her little!
family have been living an Main
Street, Lucan, for the past three
Bcsidcs her parents and her
husband, she is survived by Six
small children, all under 10 yeara
of age, Richard, Sharon, Wil-
liam, Gordon, Mary and How.
ard, also three brothers, Herbert,
Richard and Victor Addis, all Of
Pallbearerg were Howard and
Clifford Hocking, IhOrnas jack -
son, Sr. Thomas Jackson, Jr.,
George Gallagher and Ernie
oNews oe
The boiling nitetieg of the
Lateen Seouts was held id the
Smut Ilahl last Thursday, with
Scoutmaster Harold Whyte in
It was decided to hold a camp
meeting at the Pinery, Grand
Bend, Sept. 28.2g; to hdlel the
annual paper drive' Octebef 4,
sand Apple Day, Odder 18.
will be held in
Lucan Arena
Mon., Sept. 22
8:30 p.rn,
All Those Interested
Please Attend
Lucan Personal Items
Mrs. Brokenshire and Mrs.
Stone have retuned from a two
week's vacation at Hamilton,
where they were the guests of
the former's daughter, Mrs.
Harry Hill, and son, Mr. Stewart
The executive -of the.Home and
Shoot Association suet at the
home of AirS. C', H. George last.
Thursday to arrange plans for
the main g season. The open-
ing .meeting will be Tuesday,
SUL 23, at the school.
Airs. George Eizinga, who
was so barfly hurt in an accident
June 27, is .coming out Of Vic-
toria Hospital this week, but Mr.
Allan PAzinga has to re-enter for
further treatments.
Liliane ,Marleau. Graham, of
the Errington 'Western Ontario
School of Dance Arts, is opening
a studio in the Liman Arena on
Monday, September 22, and
comes highly recommended as
a teacher of tap, ballet, baton
twirling and social dancing.
She is an honor graduate of
the Teachers' Course. of the
Errington Studios, London.
Mrs. H. A. Mullins and Ruth
Ann, of Londen, were Sunday
guests of Air. and Mrs, Henry
Message From
Personal Items
Air. and Mrs. W. Cameron,
Smith Falls, and Mrs. A. Wells,
Londesboro, were visitors for a
few days last t'eek at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, George Hicks,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tripp left
on Saturday on a trip to Winni-
peg where they will visit with
their son, LAC Robert Tripp,
Mrs. Tripp and family,
Mr, George Baynham Spent
last week:in London assisting his
Main, Mr. Orval Bestard, of
Belmont in showing his horses
at the Western Fair,
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Baker
of Grand Bend were Sunday
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Haddock.
Callers at the home of Mrs.
E. Abbott during the past week -
were Mrs. W. Spettce„St. Thom,
as, Mrs. Lorne Moate, London,
Mrs. C. O'Brien, Wallaceburg,
Mr. C. Love and hit mother of
Hodgins, friar to their leaving
to attend ;a birthday -dinner at
the :home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Abbott, in honor .of Mr. Abbott
.and his daughter, Muriel. Other
guests inducted Air. and Mrs,.
Cliff Abbott and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ronnie -Cerroll.
Mr. and' Mrs. Earle Grose, of
Toronto,. were, weekend guests
of Ali -s. Vietor Snell, of London,
and Monday guests of Mr. and;
Mrs. Erwin Stott and Miss Una
Abbott. They also .attended Birr
Decoration Service ..on Sunday.
September 18 and 10
(Colour, Cinensascops)
* Victor Mature
* Janet Leigh
September 20 and 22
incisioN AT SUNDOWN"
* Randolph Scott
* Valerie French
* Gary Merrill
* Nancy Davis
September 23 and 24
* Alan Ladd
* Leo Genn
(Adult Entertainment)
*Johnny Desmond
* Merry Anders
llllll 11111111111111111111$101111111. iiiiiiiii Hier tttttttttttttt 1111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111*.i
Sat., Sept. 20
TV's Newest Sensation
George Pencliefr
Tiger Tasker
Advance Tickets on Sale at
Saturday Night Dances
Exeter Legion Memorial Hall
With Your Favorite Orchestra
And His Nite Hawks
Dancing 9 to 12
Admission: 71S0 Per Parson
Jeckife *end JAM% Nof Alia-wed.
1,10 v•r • 0 r.