HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-11-28, Page 3elk
O ▪ f- -
mgliigitYiiiiM1sil11ii`i`iiehmy wis pspeelti•o. 11a! soden W*hold ►•centimes how we Weirs District crown Lands Ce. 02142,111 w T } t t p( STRATFORD
ttaes.ir w the perm M le tone eyen w ter M the Teem who an 1 by the es the («ling. of • virtuous ledigsstioe It ` "7/' ►71 W 1y11',rJW l(. '( LLIN G ¢ CAR DIN G MILL
. area For we bees that sbss yes redo gat „wow w. hey .arwad, would ally them, I.
I1. Desttso*. hero 10e e(, 0' ad kat- --
btY&f tepe.iaeialtreM►bath, Fee will hat{ eel with my N N t that rod, NnTICF. is HEREBY GIVEN DR. ISON, DENTAL BURGEON.
y p.rsoa y pettyTHE eeb•eribN to thankfully ackeowl.
set bhea *tre w• era •asesBs' watt W their rotors to power. This mud THAT do ►.+rias■g CROWN [.Al1De r(1ROM Nottingham, F.eglasd, aay be a
seam tN •dinars wit te rusts eJ i*a rnapo•rog s. whit aio have o Bscasvaae's Ostass. le ABHFIELU sad WA WANOBH, are l eoasult•d for the Moose* of the edging the eery !Moral patronage be••
Nares ayes er•f.sarwtia.. po Ml m met[• y ppO11d Tarssle, Yid 11•eembrrr, 1750. ow dee FOR BALE All oeeasaary mimosa towed upon bin Carding Mill this •.sono,
war as a emi•iim de the wee we:.f h•+•d•B ail their Yee, shears the taut wast of pros- Hes Lica" `nor ria Govauoe Gua■a ilii• revenues wee Lamle may 4e e►uwd by MOUTH, GUMS AND TEETH. heirs to 'alienate to bar •need• and the pub -
a viola tithe miig islall••••MS aisle .1the Tories 1s poked. Our fnoade hoe boosp1ewd, by Warrant nailer his Privy applylag ro To those requiting hte services, he would I,e gwwweoily, Ib., he is ready now fur
Mires pian would abrob to tw
ta/owell to be on their guard Bol. o the following ds for holding • JOHN CLARE, recommitted an earl) call, a some affictinoo
V shies ms der sof noisy stoma the ..w -I dged liberalism ; it a all Special Bfulap d the Cort of Oe•eral Quarter Di•trite Crow• Lead Amon of l►• Gum• and Teeth require mime time
Fulling, Dressing and Finishing
gtiMt•t4•e(ri*•grtlyest . Minium. Mary of the fissures sawed fis1wosoefthe Pam ia sad for the respective 9[1rdNovember, 1050. 3..411( to render sound and healthy. Charge* •11 ports 01 doll that will be left (n hie
AedMa•dre •••f are good, sad will prove beneficial to the Counties sad Vetoes *Monsters, fa that part el modems. Rooms at the Brinell Hotel. carp. Ht. F'ullin1 Mill, Card ng Mill, anti
irw t• /r b• 61814(,,,,1111,14416-, eowalry at the proper arose. R.(orm•n 'k• P sviee• lerteprl Upper Canada, wader 11. OT10E.-Claw law the reform d '1. Oodrneh, Nor. 10, I85b. 39a bit of apl.antur, i. all n( the moat taperer
ter .id•er, (tiat4 Mems' , Mould fast eealsse• with Twine in those
Joy Act, 1? and I{ Viet. Cheap. *5, fleet. fR9f N Subscriber a August loot, • YEARLING red and •eweet kind of Maehinrr ■roil wor-
jesietnflesetedst•ab*el 1 ns: STEER, `TKA1'EU Iron ohe8ubsenoe•, Lot Irl, y'
cases when their ad w otoeasar to eetab, requested w prove pro- , ked by none but skilful and ex nenced
Fpgam a est.sesir ani fiwM/ M•••r Itch 1 wotos principles, but a sours other WARRANT. ore pay charge" nod take bin away. 8th concession, Township of Guderich, hand., and hu Terme will be ales s the
j os id'e mrte.e•d i rbid is ••m••s•fw p per' GEORGE MaLCOD. on or about the 15th of July tart, • Pale 1
liaise, tempts, sod milk as commotion other thee this will mid as Ushers. Ner. lard, 1850, y3n41 white OX- •oar on the mile. -ret
most liberal and moderate known to the
"iebtilso hart." tail "Terh.seaey t►.ai►" dt t►e compact between the limb amid the PROVINCE or CANADA. Pcountry.
Qnotismisw .dL
Wand. -H.stiwp Chromate. By His Eae.IkaenJams oy the Right HebleJafrom the shoulders to the head-• three-
CIAorsoime-Ilk. CAMs boa said- EMIL or Euts nam Yuusuua, Knight •I N 0 T I C E , cornered white spot on his forehead -with Fur WM. RISCHMULLER..
Ani usor.sasly aa is basad m dm, the Meat Atee,nl sad Moet Nobe Oder d crumpled floras, sewn years old -and small Stratford Steam Mills, Oct. 26, 11450.
LIM,meeareslogssreaElgt.,M.s! CANADiANTRADEUNCf1AMPLALV. ,b. Thistle, Generate Gruel of British THE Anssl Mooing d the Ga+..ie►Fire size. A liberal reward will be paid env
Omigity S. mostroormaa EIgI& sed metra, - North America. sad Capais Ouse. •.d Company will take piece et Mr. Rabat Always on hand a large end well
poroma lea•nng information with the Sub
'Who will rime* te Melds Mid ool. 1 Amos bast been made by which Goode i• Chief i* gad seer the Pr...teem. Ellis's, Colborne las, ea Frtdey resins the acerber or at the Ifo`.ron ."ig•al Office, of saold at
ld it 1i of ed oh tern,.
to s willc e.
0 easy tom -ti. whew da ►es lowed vowels rowing eight feet of water, with oc Caere, Nova Sear. New Bruesenck, `19th best., at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of elect- sold al fair perces *s1 oh terms cn inn nut.
Tomo tW Promisee swung es its tad 1 cargoes of !3 t0 barrels of flour may come
soil the Island of Prises Edward, sod Vice imp office bearers for the present year. A11 m•m- elect -
the said ox. inmate, 3137 3m
Admiral of the same, &c. &c. ilio. ben sad those (tiredly to the cause are request- JOHN CLEGG. _
- {liug+r• M•8• from Lake Eno to any port on Lake Cham- To the Chatters stir Geoenl Quitter Bee• ed 10 entad Goduieh, Nov. *0, 18 0. r3n18
e A NEW DODGE plain without break'sg bulk, neat May. Moss of the Peace for die time beta` in zed HORACE HORTON.
, , (1.1 HE into the enclosure of the subecri-
To estimate the importance and value of for the reepecure Comities and Unions of Bee'y 0. P. C. LIST OF L rl LIZ Mer about the tet of July, a cern year
' these improret0•b, it is sufficient to re Cesatlee in than ,cart d t1• Province termer!, Oodedeh, 46t1 Nov., 1850. •3u41 REMAINING in the Stratford P. O. up old Ked and % Arte horned STEER. The
TI. Tonin, alter ettdeawrimg but 1* tale cord the following •talement of the Manses. Upper Canada, and to all other Her M.p.Iy'e to November 7th, 1860, oworr is rt gee.tod So prove property pay
to rule the Province aid 11• majority of at 8t. Johns and Chambly. Canal.
Justices griped to keep the Peace sed hold Adair James Jaenb Jacob 2 t xpeoeee std lake Lon away.
the people is it for the be•eit of a few ion In 1846, the number of vessels r
such Cozen in soil for 1M said Comities zed
P•a Armstrong Mrs Geo Irvin David
dividuals, and after ►aviag driven some of Chambly Canal wi ins {Ig Usioo• d Cou.ties sed taevery d them, sad saddle a1tl Harness headier,London Road,
our best ossa Out of the e•uatr , and Pro- In 1860 r Chamhl Canal to to all ether whom it doth or may a asywts. t Ardenoa James lsckenn John liar,
d+std the rebellion d 1{i7, toren obliged 30th 8e timber. r 1844 eoneerw, Gaseruo: WEST STREET, GODERICH, [Ieadli Joseph 1 Kelterboro Rev A
October 48th. 1850- t3n87
to seetpt M►• yston of RespouoibM Go- To which (eadd October and Notes• WHEREAS, by en Act of the Palliamest of Nearly opposite George Vid.aa'• Blacksmith Bernard Henry Knott Jno
yrsawnt ;ohm M eq hew.yr, with the this Province• paged in the Semites Shop-
Brown Riehd
Martin Bryan l)If'ISION C'OURl'.S
y , bar. 737 therein, held in the 13th sod 14th year of Her Ootferich, Nov. 27, 1840. •3041-1y Boyd lilwd Murray Harry t •IIE asst Dlilgio Gerufn► then Oa[td
fill intention .f ebetreeting it, ani reader -
Majesty's Reign. cbaperrrd amongst the Public Br an Wm blur h ]create! J
Mg its Meant• aogotory. The struggles V561 General Acta of the Steelton iu which the same y V y Cwellea •I Harem Petah std BnN, wldl M
that emn.d (►*0 1841 op to 1849, -the B•.idoneabout two millions of cubic feet war passed u chapter fifty -fire, and fntital•d, iOdCTIC t 20th Nov. lge)0. Bain Kenneth Mcl)r McQuzed I'atk Held a the tines •ed places tadl•oiwnr
burets( or the Parlament betiding. in Moat of equate timber, showing an increase of •' Ao Act for the consolidation moa amendment Bartle en eotirs I11c1>, rmott TerreOee 1st. piririow.-Coati beanie ar 4odnleb,--
9 R ae Barker Jas Mcllowsll Rubt 14 December. T. G. Merges. Esq., Ckrk.
year, -and the lashing of as coaatry into aur hudred per oat. to the business with- d the Laws relative to the Jurors. Juries sad TO EMIGRANTS1. lheimir,w _Joh. [[ink.'. Mltehell _30th
turmoil itdexeft.mast all proceeded from Inquests in that rt dthis Province called U ConwayConwy Jno Nelson Henry
Pt iii four year". 9 P• . p December. Rebers Cana, Esq., Ckrk.
the same taeee, vis., • desire to deprive our From Ibis ioersase alone it i• obvious per Canada," at ,s amongst other tines. u
AND OTHERS, WANTING Connell Ann Pewter Joseph
3d. [tiririo.-N'ood'•Te•rn, Stratford, 31.1
people of the ►lanugo as/ •dvusagss e( t1.1 the further enlargement of the Cham- elect enacted, that to every ease in which in Campbell Ino Pickett Dant December. RIM), 1VIlliane. .q., Ckrk.
Om British Ceastitstiou. The t net u arty year in sty County or Cou.cie", or It Corin Chsa R•bertson Jo 4th. IArisioa-Qnirke'Tavrrel.nndon Read.
y h hely Canal, eonbrmed with other improve- ..yCity•of Upper Canada, there •kill beCsmpbrll Moot SSebach Andrew 171, hrcemher l:rerge Curter, Es., Clerk.
la •11 sseh eoutswM, wen net surly de- plt on I1. 8t. l,awnne., will esr161i.h Bitiisp or Basins d the Oereral Quarter 8u -Crawford Rbt Smpson lames 5th lHnimiow•-hlrKen:io• (ae,Brueefield 2Gih
feaM*d i■ their Jesfgey hent t►osr party esu trade of almost unlimited extent be- .i... d the Pea, or Rcorder's Court of suck F1RM, B Dempsey Hugh Atm rem Riehd pee. Janes Gordon.F- Clerk.
completely overthrows, aid from being • tw., Lake Champlain and the Si. Law. County, Union of Counties, or City respectively. W _z b P t q•.
powerful tombi*•tles it Mu'_ new nista.Dopey chi Solder P corn-
ed,. 1 titan. -School house St. Mary'•. 5th
fl+ renes, the S•gaesay, the Ottawa, nod the after Me first day of October n such year. at THE BUBSCRIBERB OFFER Fitzpatrick Ellen Scutt Wm Feb. James Coleman, Esq., Clerk.
Bled doss into laaig.i6nance, ad a al the Westen I..ke. wh,eh,accordiog to the provisions of ter. rid Aet, Q Frommer Chnetisa Thompson Wm The Sitting„ of the Several Conran nill prss•st mosiest divided into a doses little Lake Chaosplais relived from the port
the Jury Lias for oke following year such Co..- FOR p E
el soh, resiled over bypersons w1• ty, Uoion d Comities, or Cit respectively;veemcs punctually at 11 o'clock. A. M.
Imes, P Per• ref At. Joke• m 1847:FryF J WrightWn hl Alex D ARTHUR A('LANU, J. D. C.
conceive themselves formed by eaten M Of Masted Lumber, 7,000,000 feet board thereby required to b, battened from the Jren' THE' f•Ilewi.g LOTS OF LAND 1. the Hill Tlio. Wylie Abraham Goderieh, Sept. 11th, '50 3v-t•xal
Rolls u therein rodded, or if from ■o ether 1 Hill ion Ju West Geot •
set u leaden and legtalalore. There ■n measure. D y Towerhip of STANLEY- g
+orae porous in the Tory patty devertbe 1848
9.000 000
cause meth Lids or either of them skill sot have A. F. MiCKLE, Pnatmarter.N 0 T I 0 lees who ars alias to its forlorn .itiratlo0, 1848 11,000 000 been b.11otted pursuant to fere urines' d the Lot •l 1 2nd Con. CASH for WHEAT e
said Act, it shall rod may be fawfel for the Gov- 7
sad are determined if pesilde to better its 1850 to 10 Oct. 31,785,941 error of the Province, byWarrant Garr his PERSONS desirous of settling on tho
endttia• at all hoards, •mil at seer risk. Coosiuing of 100 Acres, 60 Cleated. 1
•+ 9Aad of Sgeare Timber : Pri•y Seal, a fie soy day sot sooner than four. T the Ooderich Mille. Durham Road in 'the Townships of
These Individol• aro mot 11. annexaUn 1s t847 340,000 tees days from the publication of the .a m• is the Lot 21, 3rd Concession, consisting A Glenel„ Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Kin -
Tories• or the Tories who go for Canadian In 1848 750,000 Official Gazette of the Province, sod ileo a place *1100 Acne, 40 cleared, beteg one and a imir by WILLIAM PIPER. lou and Kincardine, moat apply personally
Indepeadencs, but they are men who from in 1649 1,160,000 n seek County, Union of Coowtia, or City re.. miles from the Godrrioh Mills, 5th December, 1849 46.11 at the Office of the undersigned, and no In.
VILLAGE f+rceercircommtweees.rs nom- peetiveh, forkoldioga8peciotSiuie or ser VILLAGE BRUCEFIELD. NL y LINT; 0 SI' ('L
In 1850 1,860,000 P of t r w + cahom will be confirmed except such as the
pelted is tea the mot's of liberality, roan of each Court for the purpose of balloting J made in accordance with this requirement.
P+ P+ 'poetise's y• ie 1840, the total lumber exports rap to such Joy Lists as therein directed, sad that the On ilio lamer Lot, tb•re is • OOOD LOG g
with a new to catch converts ; but if we 10th of October, amount to the large sem mveral provisions dthe•nid Act rellutg le the HOUSE.. BARN, nice. die.. with •• creek flow- •ETwax] All assignments of interest in lotationa
look farther than theirs professions, we of 61,706,041 test board measure, and the 8itttega m 8esaions o aueh Cotrt iii wl+ieh iha lair though the Fam. Tbero is ales mine zea GALT AND G O D E RI C H r without the knowledge and approval of the
shall Bed that they are not noir acting quantity might perhaps have been gresbr, balbnug of vac! Jory List. oro therein hefor. sena of Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of
hypocritically, het that they aro the very .had not the Richelieu Towing Company n- directed tohedss., shall be exte+de4 and applied FA LL 11'HEAT SOIIN THROUGH IN 18IIOURS ! all right in the locateo or aeeignee.
wont twee In a political point of view, anti need to incur t1• risk of any damages art- to and be is f«c. with re•pret 50 every such See- GEORGE JACKSON, Agent.
the most illiberal in their eoaduet ton, of ala from the Riser Richelieu now -Mild which can he had ata moderate rine. Tbs
Draw -bridge nal Sittings or Serious by any such Warrant so Lou will be sold together or aeparately, u may (a ternlecliea arirA file Singujrors Hsni4ow. C•owe LAND Ottani
all those against whom efforts the Reform on the Montreal and Portland Railwa directed to be held es •for•satd. AND Wwcaaa Ben hock, County of Waterloo.
party bad to cealeed in times 1 When y' by reason of the late period d the year at which he desired. On the Ent in the 2nd concession March 14th
te Iron. herwood. U. R. Gowao The merchandise trade also
a el. the said Act received t1• Royal Assent, and the there are Potash Works in excellent order. 1 t01dME\CI\G on TUESDAY tat of , 1850. •3147
Henryy aid exports fur then pr*essl year, also exhi•
unavoidable delay which has «ctrr.d in mutual- 3vn41d . M. B. SEYMOUR het Co. tJ October, a Stage will leave the Union
and the Torbsto Pserwl, aro found proles• bets an increase of more then tweet five
ging.risme liberality, It a time for rest y- gating the same• the Recon•, Acts, Reports and Hotel, Galt, al 5 o'clock, •. m., and
TO >;. E SOLD. -An Excellent
7+ per newt, over any Fortner year. -St. Jakas -other thi.g. regeir•d to b• made udadnte aid NO TI CS• ibe British Hotel, Goderich, at 5 o'clock, e. Farin of Land.
Reformers to infinite what is mear1, ad.to News, performed under the authority d Me saner in this m., everyday (Sundays excepted,) arriving
examine carefully the acts and professions _ ___ resent reef in sod for the said Counties and BEING Lots No. 15 and 16. on the 14th eon -
of then.• who at butt are nothing but wolves j TO D London, The
eLincommodation of Travellers, starting punce is oi • Superior quality, and well watered. Itd
114 sheep's clothing. The paroles we refer
SCHOONER RUNIC IN LAKE HURON •leu of Counties preparatory to the balloting time, and will continue to ran for the Ac• 200 serer, 7U of which are Bleared. The Land
to are threes who have been active in accu•
sing the MleuVy el eornpUon and ex. The schooners Telegraph and S.F. (sale Coartiey for the year of Oar Lord one thousand
tually at 5 o'clock in the morning. The is situated ten miles from the Town of London,
gases. They have esdea•ored to tow 10 itt. Mer Mopes by paying strict attenli10 on the Macadamised :load. There is • Frame
disown in the Reform reeks, and have HE Subscriber bas received for SALE n so the comforts of the Travelling Public to °° o se the centrnd two e
• Rarostooson t Ioche ltmrmTon
blamed the Government for tbe retention of K p I hid h T receive *share of their support. Buffalopope y•
COMMISSION, Twenty-five Chests place a well adapted for a Store or Tavern
officers sod salaries which they or their away, nod the Gale wont down so rapidly d C d (h I Seeder f ter f Robot, /to., tcroiahed. tand. This Farm is well entitled to the anen-
pay fixed when in prewar, std when they Peace for ter• rid Coweue" er Unions dC j llYON
Anycomplaints made of Drivers will re
could rot obtain their purpose in this way, p tion eopersons ooa desirous of got Orchard Thto b on the
,nL11 cons Immediate attention, and will be at Thera is aloes good Sewing ryroe the
those opts raised the cry of retrenchment, once redressed ae far as redress is parsed- tate Farm• and will be sold on very tare le
• cry which like many oaken, will alway. cable. terms. rot particulars apply to Wm. blcMa-
ub with porous in the country, no matter
Of virtues grades Aloe aa excellent articled Parcels enol any .n,. will convey- nem, on.she adjoining Lot, w w
tow i•eise*n or ill-(ooaded the a..rtioot h sd h ed with core and punctuality, and delivered JAMES McMAHE21,
of trees who expect u benefit by it. Fie- p•••+ by which obey were toablse to reach twelfth day of October tut pan, duly extended at moderate charges. Tow. of Goderieh.
ding that their efforts hitherto have sot h h Persons traveling by this Line will not be July 3rd, 1850. v?1419
bees attedd with •eases, they bay .tone Stats tnnaported them to Chicago. to that behalf co menus other times and periods in deprived of rest as on the Route from Gode-
tome out old pretended to be the nal, trio Tbe ofiiesr. and crow loot orerythrsg they which the rose liar• b•eo or hemfter may be York Pnr.• rich to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be-
ad *sly (rials of the pimple. The lest T tween 10 and 11 o'clock at night, and leave
dodge of thew Toric. u • pretssd•d desire 1••f tallow f,cc esu paru•Ily insured in the morning for Hamilton at 6 o'clock -
to n{tad the power of the people, and T P 1" bo 1, h y pec end on the Route from Hamilton to Gode-
plad the a*misuioa and election of all y p ire pe reaper rich the Passengers arrive in Galt as they
officer* in their bands. Is there a Reform• choose, at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon or 12
r o, possessed of Com- t F I d A h rrra he 1pprtted to he heW for the p.rpsa. dssLh o'clock at night, and leave .for Guderich u
er is the country wb C +
mos power of .b•.rvatto., will belies thtato, the iotaresting collectlom of the ballot according to the pro•irous d rho sad Act, eherp for cub or M.rchntabl. Predate 5 in the morning.
tiereoeerted Tories Snore* Mr. Go.- T. M. 'DALY, Proprietor.
an, in his speech to the Jobs•town Comity the sad Coun to be for ch. p• aforasad bird Stratford, Sept. 26, 1850. 3v-n33if
Council the other day said, prodmLo, arch a wheaR jLc., gad two •lsig►• sad beldw ie god fm the rd rwpeeu•o C«a HURON HOTEL
•" With regard to the republican part of
the lioness, be could not see that the
men feet of the Coded being able to ap-
point a sheriff or a Cosetable, .0011 sake
them mon ropeblican than the appointment
of their Warden, Clerk or Treasurer. He
maintained that if. the people paid the offi-
cers, the Govenment paid them, thea let
the Government appoint them."
Tbie i• prettywelcomiag from the aatl•
mei the Bevery nots, and who voted in
Lord Metcalfe'• time'repeatedly to keep
sows elected by a majority of the people
oat of Parliament, ase succeeded too.
The Hoa. H. Sherwood, in his letter to
the Patriot ea a Federal Union, say " be
is convinced One seceemly of introdeeng
the elective principle into our ias►itusiose
more time he, 10 or 11 yeare ago, thought
was compatible with our form of goers -
mot." He further •aye that " he M sew
satiated that the further local eslf-govon-
meet mobs safely and e.laiatwtly sxtos-
d.d it 88... Colonies, the mon eloo*ly
will ear ties of seas.xioa with the serest
MN N eeenstd." He thea goes es to
mimosa as Manias Legislative Growl.
itis really wonderful that this ley for
.Motive isotitsai.se was set .sbibit.d by
these gentleman when in oppesitioe, and
it Manors wesdsrfel still 18.t, baiting theme
.sisi.•m, they did sat stand op ter the
right of golf- , t when it• prise•s
pM wee indeed is the .Borts made to ro-
the Idoenity Bill. Another figs
Toned Patriot, a caassrnliye renal,
of the p.Wlm► .mod et the North Aneri-
emt, a Clear Grit j00 al. T'he Patriot
rein fee en El..tiva i.siWatfv. Conseil, -
the Motion .( all Leel ollie.rs, nbjset to
a vets es the part of the C, , is
dutch Jun Lists and the completion of the Jo -
r Country l Terchanis
Detroit. Nov. 11, 1850. revs' Books for ouch Cotttia and Unions of
• few eights ago came in collision on Lake eight hundred end fifty -ons were not made, done AND OTHERS.
Huron, sheet five miles from Bois Blanc. or performed in time for such battening to take
The bulwark of the Telegraph w u carved
pier or hes et the Sittings or Sessions of the
said Bart sen Quarter Kona e e
that those on board of her could not tell
where ter• was injured. Fifteen minutes he., to be holden next after the fust day ofoOc-
had not elapsed from the time the di•eoy- sober in the present year, aid in eoneege•ace
D r y /hereof the times end periods for the makieg,do-
*rod each others li hta before the G. went 11180N
lights, tog and performing t1• .m• respectively was
down. The crew of the Gale were lucky 'her/epee, by Royal Proclematios coder the
enoughto save the smallboat a a con- Great Bal d t s Province, bearing date the
Mackinac, from whence the steamer Key. is accordance with the provIrne dthe said Aet TOBACCO!
the mid Proclamation int forth, and within Which will be Sold at a small advance oo New
had on board. he cargo, consisting of made, done and performed, accordion o the ext- Potash, Cherry Lumber and Wheat taken re
+ .' grimy of the said Act AND Wexs$A., it hes Exchange.
The r• ea now about to rot as re- thereuponbecome secewr that a Special Sit- HORACE HORTON:
est red o0 board about nines acka • of tie orSeesious d the rid Coapt for the
articles from the industrial Exhibition, for five Counties and Utions d Counties should by N.B. SADDLES, HARNESS
tnetportation o England. Among other sad ...tithing is the Li.e, es•ale.tly n hand,
mioerale of the Promisee has been peeked Ido therefore, is pursuers of the said Act, diH
acrd *rot on board the various articles of reef and appoint • SPECIALrSESSIONS of Gederieh, Nov. 15, 1850. Soso41-3r
here also been embarked. The Committee ties nod U.iesa of Couscieo, ea the following THE Subscriber begs leave to intimNe
are pushing forward the business with the day, end a the plies a which abs tut Sitting, I i to his numerous respectable eustomere,
• ams •he be , which they thin displayed or Semis•• of thea said Court in end for the said and the trete ling public generally, that
from the beginning. Evtrythiog that nae respective Counue• and Uaioasof Cosanes were 0 1 1 t 1 !"! the extensive repairs and improvements
be went before the le leave, will be du- boldest, that is to say : W P
ly boxed up and forwarded. -Mewl. Graz. Slarnost,Dundaasd Gleagarry23rd Dee. 1850. which have been In progress on the Huron
Preston sed Reuel
17th do UNITED COUNTIES Hotel during the course of the summer, are
Fran. -This morningour townsfolk were Leeds end Grenville 17th donow full completed. And as helots confi•
alarmed by the cry of fire. Oa inve•hg*_ Cvletou 17th dodent that his establishment Ie now capable of
flog the none, it was found that a fire was [w•ak and Renfrew ....... 17th de a affording accommodation equal to that of
raging is Morristown, en the opposite side Frosteese, Lenox A Addington 2011 do Council
The County oulle)11 any Hotel in thin section of the country, he
• the river. We have heard no particelarn, Prises Edw•17th do venturers to hope for • cnnnnusneo of that
Hzeuep 17th ds [ATILL MEE'[' in GODF.RICH for the liberal support which he has received duet
Mit we believe the Presbyterian Church of
Nenhurobere.d and Durham -17th do rr Trasmeties of (!nerd Briars, o ppo g
that plane has been completely consumed. Peterborough do the period he has been in business.
-Brockville Recorder, 14th. York 17th do JAMES GENTLES.
Staines 20i1 do Penton. bavieg Claims or Accounts et, or Huron Hotel, Godertch,
Wentworth zed Ilaltoa 17th do Mina Mir Comity Conseil are requested to for- October 16 1850. i v3,135
illia r k e tB . Waterloo 21st do ward them withoet delay to the sebecriber.
Cineole, HaWimaad Welland 20th do
Montreal November 19, 1650. Oxford 17th do (•°•'y Clerk. TEIAT EXCELLENT FARM
Norfolk......... 17th do Ne ember, 1850. 40' V the Hayfield Road, Nine miles from
Floor -Oen e; 20.quotations,daro u 9d forhfiddleen "' "" y
No. 1 Superfine; 10. 9d for Fumy; and HURON. PERTH AND Ifith d. NOTICE GODERICII, and Three from Barfield,
tie 4ed for Extra Soper. BRUCE ..17th do - connoting of 190 Acres of Land, 45 of
Wbest has been firm at 4. 6d 4. 74 per E•t•x. [est 1d .ambtes. 18th do To Teachers and Candidates for Mater- which are cleared, and through which runs
60 Ihe, for geed Upper Canada Mixed. Axe [ 00 Hoed finher direct sod ..join ships for Common Schools throughout that excellent Mill Stream, .the 33 Creek.
Pear --►•rheas **Mat 2e )the per mioet. yee the mid Chatterer rod J.etieee and Been of the patted Counties of Huron, Perth and For particulars apply to Mr. NAF7'El., at
Haney -Oats -Bs per millet for Barley, y+. 1• held the and Special *linter or S.mine Bruce. Gnd.•nch.
and 1. fid to 1 s 74 for oats. of the said Cori et the day sod pear sfor.mid September 27, 1650. e3-n33tf
*etordis w Lew, teed lima *rod 1►et•.,. Notice is homy gives that the Board of
Provitdea -PNk ie* leen in do. l premed
R le the balloting d'art' Jery Lista, oil the do- pnblle Iratruetfon will mot at the Huron
1O Hotel, Goderich on Monday, the eth'of
December next, at Twelve o'clock oo0n'for
the Counties of Huron and Bruce ; and at
Stratford on W.do.ed• the 4th December
next, at Twelve o'clock noon, fur the coon)
ty or Perth for the Examination and Classi-
fication of Teachers of common Schools,
u required by the Act 13 nod 14 Vic. chap.
Candidate. will be required to ptodoes
satisfactory certificates of good moral char-
g e ter.
By order of the Board.
Galerich, Nov. 14, i860. yl -n40
maid, audio, to -day, Arm at 68s !Id 7719 lag sad pert rni.p all ether amu, omen and
for Mess; 57. 811th 58. 94; Prime, 61. he t►late d oke said Aet required dyer is that be-
th 5t• 64. Beef ie nominal. half; and the Shenff. and Clerks d the Puree of
Batter--.Cb.ies Iota have been taken for the said Como aid Unities of Counties, and
shipment at led for firsts, tied for seconds, alt ether Clerks, Bailiffs, Co.nablss sad ether
aid 6341 for thirds. OAleto and Muleteer d Ike said Court and
Asbee--Pots hats been in good demand *ewe of ties• ere hereby requited zed etrietly
throughout the week, and as high as 31s omitted tribe permit, adisg and .wising you
teed was paid for ehoiee Hill.. More late- ••d •eery of yes in the Ionia( inch 8peei.t
ly, however, they hays receded to our quo- BSui.g• or B.oioss d the rid Cesrt, a.d m .11
tatfon-10. ed to 3011111. bofeg the p1i0. •tier by tbie •ad tAet by them e.t 01 d tb M
for inferiors, and 31e 6d for firsts or reel. ...tbe rod Aet of Perpemeot d o.jet
P• win, as i.eidnt w their re"pruvs deco. ,e
coning a Targe proportion of that grade. that behalf. Ong ALL wires Passions yea rhe
some M is•tatroo.,-the abslttt.. of .' Petrie have berm is steady moot within said Chairman sad Jenner, the Sheriffs sad
taeNetty eeallicatios fee Meshes of Py. the range .1 9B• to 98 8d. Clerks One Pease of the said Coatis and
lie entr-Um exteseioa of am Hoomboy-lbw York. NOV.!l 1660. Vole., d C.Aii.., ••d all ether sseh Clerks,
itsaid r ,-_Aad Parliament/. Ammo
Q.nm.w.. and .tor Officers • id Mie -
Aeras steady, with • fair ole tad D(1
; 816,111 errs Ibid. iand eery of Ib, end .It others Her
-.s msesditsn of Mhe• mewlwithout for Pm, e5,81 fee Peals. +a,00a-Bet- M.jesty9 y lobjsoan hereby
the •.....t of Patlfae...
st,-d all iha Waited feeling in our market for Waiteand "MAY ehatg.d sad esjri..d to tete met 8.• and
ether articles of the CMN Grit trend. TM ad Stat., wit8 a opeeentivio(.y t• goes' ••..Cess a.serdi.gty.
Parini, •&head it soli appopi .1 ties low grsdea, *d good 11"41:4:11:111.1:1 Afvea aids .sy hod .ad Privy 8.11 et T•-
•deptimr out-osi♦at 1 edieal opuieso ea row, is Uw mid Pew,% .•, iii. TW ENTI-
mideel , mem himself by - predea,fer k asd lasdnill .Iilma Om y of NOVCMDLR is the r•1r d
" riot be holds it to be tie inttt'----M Casa- piroieyN*m la ast[es deemed.- My 1'i4• is the rbee t eight r of flee ..d
diaer_wbsSbs Tray N mos- Salo, 7,000 ►►M" MAI* a 1%4.88!, i• .s Reit& Fetrrtee.t► Year of flee Mtt-
A n te.mordoes to thefir bend.✓-no,.:1/•s Airoe8 4lr. ELGIN ANDRINCARDt18F
Mims, and t wed, the wages of the tee-
vises ramie retard l*dBaffsl m. party er a
- e, Friday Nev. 1111, 1160. It j t.Eaur4
=hash at rawest Airy Web. ie W e Therm war some local sngeity for Soar ad
" wt noticed *IN at rather letter rates ;A Tres Copy Sameorp.
It bebop's• Iw.e B.Aaetaere a be es holders are dr.. The busispss is Wheat DAN•. LIZARS,
thew read *gaunt thew were Mee ee red- was light. Cora doll, with /kW at 611•. Clerk el tbeP• .., 0.►.o, P1rth At Br*a
d.Ny eeeted reed be Mew *ewes, sew No a►aar, is Yrs'Woas.-r16id. O'^d or yon Cissa or ear■ Pater
Godnimbe Mill IAeeoM.r, 1860. 41
twam ntr+ ,.
THE art Montego/ the Shareholdersof this
Society will be bead et the Benne Hotel o•
Seterday evaaiag, the 3011 lseta.t, tmm re-
ceipt d •abrrytisee wed sato of m man
Sharer. WM. RF.NNETT Ri H,
T. (f 34. H. t' .
Oedstic►. Nov. 21. 1850. 3•-.48
Farmers' Mutual haulm , , Oct.,
CAPITAL. 411,000,000.
waitHOPKINS, H•m,ltos, Agent for
the Cooties el Waterloo ed il.rem.
August 27, I*S0. 1,16
C09aI1G, P OB
axe aos
A Coa•idaroMe quantity of
O. Mir.LER.
Ged.rich, Noe. 41h, 1350. •3n39.
100 1-4 ACRE LO IS
1000 SALE is the Tows rot Stratford. Ap-
I` ply to D. HOME LIZARS,
Beratfmd, Mir Noe. 1850. Jv.40ti
CAME Mw the prewired A.dww Margie,
Lee 14 4th Co. of Melton.", a Bleck and
White -STEER, three yeses old, with a white
stripe tem 1•p d the ugh ahenidpr dues to the
while d the belly Asy pups proving property
sled paying eaprwr5 cats take bin eway.
MeiiJlltrp, Rib Nev. 1830. ' 40
1 N0. 10E
To the Clerks and Bailiff's of
the Division Courts.
THE increased demand for Serronese
and other BLANK WRITS, in cnn-
nectioo with the badness of the several DI-
vieion Courts in the District, has warranted
us in printing them In much larger quaoti-
tie.than heretofore, and consequently ens -
hies us to .ell them much cheaper-Iherr-
fore we intimate to the several Officers re-
quiring these Blank Forme, That from this
date, Summonves and all other Writ. be-
longing to the Division Court, will be Snld
at the Signal Once at the reduced price of
ri' Two f`HILLIvo. •!•D Sixrancs rut
Blank Deeds and Memorials,
SORY NOTES, for .ale at the Signal
Office., Every dveriptton of TOOK and
JOB Printing executed with neatness and
ET c UMMOi*ES rrgaired by the New Di.-
S mint Coert Aet, sedanother BLANK
1ORMS aped in the Di.trict and Division
Carte, oe Sale at the Sieved Office Also, e11
kn'1e of JOB PRINTING executed os the
aliened notice, and en moderate terms.
Goderieh, July 19. 1848.
11F.Ge leave to intimate to the inh•hilanfa
of Godenrh and Its vicinity, IMO 1.e hos
HENT to West Street, first doer east of
M. D. Seymour k Co.'s Store, where he
will be prepared to make all kinds of GAR-
MENTS on the shortest nehee, and on 11e
moat rea.onabte terms. Cutting done on
ahnrlest notice.
Goder,ch, Sept. (2, 1850. v8-r,30t(
STRAYED from the enclo.rur of the sub -
Denbo on the Rayfield Read, near the
Town of Go•lenrh, s large Red mid Where
Spotted STEER. Any one riving infor-
mation will be 0111101y few"aided.
Angn.t 141h, 11,50, w3n31
s-rltAsnult(;, W.reateo,
281h February, 11,49.
TimSnhsrnber hereby intimates to hie
friend. and the Travelling Pelle • rents -
rally, that he has removed from New Aber-
deen to the Village -of Miraeburgh, and will
now be found in that well•lnown boos. fnr-
merly nrcepted by Mr. Jones, -where he
will be ready and she to coded to the
comfort of those who may honer kin with
their patronage. And whole he retorter
thanks for past favors, he hepro, by uric*
•ttentlon to th• want. and wi.h.rt of hie
enstnmere, still to mere a coritio secs of
their patronage.
N. B. -Goof STABLES and attentive
(]rooms. •1-n4tl
err eft. L ..(r....;
MiVne' ,