HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-18, Page 4; 4 Ths '1 it,TWAtiaMtrAts, NISite'rn r la, 1 % g flSCdI And- Disii1a New$ M. Matids I4 d-ristl, t hens 5 M. Arches MacGrs5tar, Phrtt'ls 1' 77. Kthstnen Name 'Huron Rally institute Hears Year officials 1 Farm Speaker At Carmel Hensall Kinsmen President Harold Knight recently an- !nelnced appointments to tip executive and Committee chair- man for the coming dear. Tnilletin editor is May Austin: and directors include Al (•rerar; John Peitz and George Beer. (' nlnittce chairmen include: • 'Ross .Tin1'is, way's and mean``-, Jelin Heal. service; George Beer. fp 1nu ,d,ip; Al (rerar, overdub s•e at ons; Clay An tin. Kin ed,t cation and publicity; Jelin Peitz, program a n d entertainment; Frank Ellwood, spert*: Jim; Clark. historinn; Bill Clement, fi- ante and budget. Phone Engineer Dies in England Another former well • known Hens -sit resident. Curtis Stone. :man. on of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoneman. Flied re. center. He was an engineer with the Bell Telephone and one of their first engineers tp install the dial system. His wife and dat hter returned to England f'cr his daughter's education. On his retirement a few years age he went. to England where his daughter had graduated as a rlr'ctor. Curtis was a Flying Officer m World War I. Has brother was killed .lust be- fore the armistice in the same -ar. . Kinettes Assl.st_ ! Dir. Ian McAllister, was the, The annual Rally of Huron l speaker at the September meet - Presbyterial was held in Car- ing of ilensa11 Womens Institute met Presbyterian Church, Hen- held on Wednesday speaking on sail. last Tuesday. The theme of "Agriculture and Canadian 1n - the Rally Iva Joy in Believing" Devotional period was .taken • rdustries." He showed pictures by the Blyth Auxiliary- and re pertaining to speaker o g fuss ind ntrri- o.: nn the theme were em- duces] by heirs. ',nine Chapman phasizea by ;Sirs, J. F. Scott, Sealorth. Mrs. S. Dougall pre- and thanked by Mrs. T J, Sher - silent of Hensall Women's Miss. rift. sinnary Society extended the Mrs. Imbert k;lgie commented welcome to the guests. on the motto "It is fine to pray Mrs. R. Wilson, Goderich, re- for a crop, but keep on hoeing, called that' it was forty four • Members answered the roll eell years ago in 1914 that the first by naming an industry in. Huron Huron Presbyterian Rally was County and its location. held in the Carmel Church in Plans were outlined for a bus Hensall, trip to Ford Museum and Green- • Guest speaker, Miss Mary E. field Village. Monday, September Whale. Toronto, director of Over- 22 and arra.ngenients were made seas Missions had inspiring news for Family Night when a turkey from the 'Formosan women.: banquet will be served Wednes- thanking the Canadian women on day, October 9, husbands , and their wonderful work in being families to be special. guests. able to send missionaries to:.Miss M. Ellis contributed a teach them of the works of Godreading and Miss Greta Lammie'. and what a meaningful life they conducted a sing song. President have as he;ng Christians, `"No Airs. Carl Payne presided for matter what rare, creed or color, the business period and Mrs.' we are all one in prayer," she Wesley Richardson for the pro-; .stated, Seaforth Barbara Kirkman , grifastesses were Mrs. Edward Auxiliary presented a skit which ti Haste on, and Mrs, R. J. Ca-, a s enjoyed. Mrs, li'illiam meron; program conveners were Brown of Hensall was guest Mrs Walker Carlisle, Mrs. Wes - soloist. Hiss A. M. Toll of Blyth t , Richardson. extended courtesy remarks to all y the participants in the rally pro- gramming. ivirs. W. Daniels 'Over eighty_ attended with branches represented from Bay -;Tea Room Owner field, Blyth, Goderich. Seaforth, Clinton, McKillop, Auburn, Del- Public funeral services for the i grave and Hensall. Luncheon ; late Mrs, William Daniels, the was served by W,M,S. organiza- , former Isabella Sparks, were tions of the church. t held from the Bonthron funeral Bingo Winners Charity Groups Hensall Kinettes, meting at the home of Mrs. Bob Baker Jr last Tuesday, budgeted 43n.00 to outside charities. presented Mrs. Harold Knight with a baby spoon for her infant son, pre aa_ntation by Mrs. Jack Drys- dale. . rysdale.. president. who presided and decided to has e a travelling ba. vket. They presented 20()'x. attend- ance pins to Mrs. Jack Drys- dale, Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. Jim Clark, Mrs. John Heal, Mrs. George Sawyer, Mrs. William Clement, Mrs. Harold Bonthron. Mrs. Ross Jinks and Mrs. Rob- ert Iteaburn. For recreation merribers made straw flower corsages for Inter -Club here next day. Mrs. George Sawyer son the raffle. Mrs, Harold Bonthron will he hostess for the next meeting September' 23, Personal Items The Evening Auxiliary of Hensall United Church resumed their fall meetings on Monday 'evening with a pot luck supper. President Mrs. William Mickle presided for the business por- tion when plans were finalized for a ;wedding the group are ca- tering to this month. 17r, C. L. Jinks observed his 6O`ti birthday on Wednesda»s with a quiet family dinner at the home of his son and daugh- ter -m -law, Mr, and Mrs. M. C, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd :makes, Gerald and .. Gregory, London, spent. Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Archie lSeakes, Mr. and Mrs, John McMurtrie yr iced recently with Miss Mary Gibson in Brucefield. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie and family • of Centralia were recent visitors with the former's sister, Miss Greta Laramie, chapel on Tuesday, September 16 at 2.30 ,p.m. With. Rev. Chas. Winners at Hensali Legion D. Daniel officiating. Interment Bingo Saturday night were; \iiss was in Hensall (Jnion cemetery, Pearl Tirleswell, Clinton; Mrs., Mrs. Daniels, who was in ber Orville Smith (2); Mrs, John . 78th year, died in Victoria Hos- : Long, Owen Sound (2)•; Mrs. : pita!, London, on Saturday, Sep - Wes \'enner, Mrs, Fleisehauer [ember 13. She was a member and Tom, Kyle (tied); Tom Kyle; - of the United Church and had Mrs. Glenn McKenzie; . Tom resided in Hensall for a num- Kyle, Mrs. Clarence. Reid. Mrs. ber of. years. Fleischauer (tied); 'Sfi's. Fleisch-. For many years she owned. auer, Mrs. W. L. 'Meths, Mrs. , jthe Yellow Lantern Tea Room Clarence Reid: Share the wealth .Jackpot this Saturday will be in Brantford retiring to Hensall jackpot, Mrs. W. L. Meths.i following, her marriage to Iter late husband - worth $80.00 tit 53 calls. Surviving are o n e sister (Babel.) Mrs. E. N. McIntyre, ,Kin Sponsor Port Stanley; one brother, James Sparks, London, one stepson, Jack Daniels, Brantford. Honored On 93rd Birthday Mrs. Annie Richardson of Hen - Scout Troop -The first meeting of Hensall Sall, at present a patient m South Kinsmen was held at tete Koss'Huron Hospital. Exeter, had an Korner Restaurant Thursday enjoyable ninety-third birthday at with president Harold Knight the hospital on Sunday and was presiding. Guests present were well remembered with cards, - Jack Simmons and Bill Coleman , flowers and gifts. of Hensall, Shelden Wein and Past Deputy Governor, Less Par- Her daughter Mrs. Archie ker of Exeter. Noakes made a birthday cake The budget was discussed for which she took to the hospital. 1958-59. It was moved that the and the hospital staff served; club sponsor Boy Scouts (cub tea. Present were Mr. and Mrs. pack), Archie Noakes, Mrs. Leonard On Sunday*, April 5 1959 Zone Noakes, Hensall. Mr. and Mr,s. 1 D. Conference will be held at Lloyd Noakes, London, and Rev.; Hensall, and the committee was. Bren de Vries, and Mrs. de 1 drawn up. This will entail enter-' Vries of Exeter. taming representatives from ap- One of the highlights of her proximately 14 clubs- birthday* was a visit from M.P.P. i Fast Deputy Governor Les of :Huron, C. S. 4'acNaughton, a Parker presented Past Presi- bright spot in her day. ! dent Jack Drysdale with the , Boake :efficiency award. This George Stoneman award is presented for forward.: t ing all reports to National Office Dies lieOSpltai i' and being one of the most effi- cient clubs national lyse Past lack Drysdale ac f Stoneman, son of the late tented the award on behalf of Witham and Maude Stoneman, :the club. died suddenly from thrombosis • Les Parker gave his account of his attendance at the National a 11 Briar Bush hospital, Stouff-j VASA' Ls F FOR convention in Winnipeg August t A former :Hensall boy. George 28.30, and his visit frith T. Tiber He was a veteran of World.; rio of Gimly, Alan„ a former War 1, On reaching 'England he; past president of Hensall Kins- was transferred to the Imperial nieri club. Army and later sent to the Medi Next year National Conven- terranean area where he was (inn will be at St. Andrews by wounded and contracted malaria. i the Sea. September 9.12 1959; After many months in hospital , 1960-Keloney, B.C.; 1961 -Toronto; there and - in England, lie re t 1962 -Regina. • - turned to Toronto. 1 He became a wedl.•khown sus -1 eessful church decorator and ar- 1 Mr. and 'Aire. Hugh McEwen tisi, decorating churches in To -I e Jr. visited recently with rola Foote, :[iamil.ton Bellev111e Sax.; s tines in Kitchener. inc and. Barrie. t c 11r. and ells, :J. Shaddick ofBesides his wife. , 'S erne IJead- t 'Lnncleshoro were recent visitors "8 of $arringhe leaves with Mr. and Digs. I. Shaddick Mrs. Tom 'Kelly (Eva), Saska-' and rill, toon Wilfred, Charles and Rost! Miss Dora Aladr visited recent- of Vancouver , ncouverMrs• Jake Blair! ly- with relatives in London and (� 1d' [ i3 th v'lle Okla - Noma and Harold, Toronto. Personal Items Gnde2•ich, .ere) o ar ev i , ve m eweenmmmeruuems esesies nunmeremumueseess,sseemue sse esssessse a hie s. Interm ent, took place III .Har - 1 Shou ertinte nenernnerinimrnuttriermievo r muni nenrerratimintaidiu riele endinuseruenerimeilile CEMENT, The LAW' Office Of G. Cochran HENS ALL will be tiittlated in the PINK BULLRING One door east of Gtoodwin's Store OGNIM!NCING OCTO$1:,Fi, 1, 105 Office flours '4rtrdN&DAY & SA'rtIRDAY aftertoont from 1:80 LC 5:80 Other Timet,By Appointment Phone Iseter 14 rington United Church cemetery, Personal Items WHY PAY MORE! • ;tuner Sava Brand Creamery . WHY PAY MOREI Liialby'a 1 ainty WHY PAY MORE! Clark's (Ceti<ny Quality Tomah) juIc WHY PAY MORE! Kraft Pi hoaxed Cal -lather, MAPS OF THE WORLD AND CANADA Full Colour Wall `Maps Both Full Size (41" X 28") RIGHT .. . UP TO THE MINUTE( Jusl the thing to help your children with their studies, inspire their interest in world events, keep YOU abreast of international devel- opments. Handsomely printed on heavy, high quality paper. Get yours NOW: JUST THE THiNG FOR: • CHILD'S ROOM • RUMPUS ROOM • STUDY • DEN • LIBRARY E h L8 Fn KG, WHY PAY MORE! Aylmer Tomato or Veustabls sc.0 WHY PAY MORE! McCormick'] Premium WHY PAY MORE! New! Newt Johnson's Liquid Wats FEATURE! McLAREN'S BAR -B -Q RELISH DJr. and Mrs. Wilbert i)illi.ng l returned home atter spending t( few days with their daughter, Mi. s Bernice Dillitig and soli and rJauglif@r•in-lasy, 1M.r. and Cla.rehce Dilllitg, and son in Sar- nia. Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons and family Were recent visitors with Air. and Mrs. A. E, Muni and. family In Kitchener. Mrs. Maud Threadgold +if Groton. C.onfi. spent the rite.- ' end, guest of Mr. and Mr's, •Carl ' 1''a yne. Mr. and Alm Colin Hoist of 1taden were Sunday gusts with t Mt . and Mrs. Ow* Hess. Jim Love of Varna will A pear on the amateur. hour on .Fo tis on CXN'K TV Thursday', Sept. i ? 18 at 6 11 Iifr. and Mrs. l,erl Sararas and daughter returned to their ' home :in Toronto ,after sp tidiit several peeks wvltti the former's i ntotheix, Iters. s Skillet during . I t wiiieli tame Mr. Sararas, 'w patlsntt in St. Joseplt'a 1iospitel,.' Loiae1on. r Please ttdrn To Pete 5 4• Open 15 -ox. j a r Friday Saturday Nits 1; -ass. tins 0 ft` 411-nr. tins 20 -of. fins Ib, pkg., 16-nr: tit, Why Pay More For TOP QUALITY MEATS Wieners eek' Li - Boneless, Rolled z Lea• CS. 796 296 436 39! Why Pay More For F SA PRO New! Frozen Food !Economy Pocks LIBBY'S WHOLE Kernel tL m ' L.BBY'S - • WENSAL-L ONTARIO a . • "DOUBLE .WH•AMMY'r DOZEN SALE YOU WON'T .BELIEVE YOUR EYES! Green Giant • l4 -oz. tins Nibiefs .Com 2 R' 37 DOUBLE WHAMMY j Oj DOZEN PRiCE ... . $1.,98 sAvE 240 Pineapple and Grapefruit ° 2Q -off, tins JuiceDEL: MtnNTlr DOUBLE WHAMMY $ j eG! DOZEN PRICE SAVE 270 Deep Browned - 15 -ox. tins c Libby's Beans 2m37 DOUBLE WHAMMY flQ 4a.-, 8 DOZEN PRICE SAYE 240 • Dr. Ballaird's Champion 15 -oz. tins Food 21 e c DOUBLE WHAMMY $1.640 SAVE 47 DOZEN PRICE ................... . ....,.,, TOTAL SAVING $i.17 FEATURE! McLAREN'S BAR -B -Q RELISH DJr. and Mrs. Wilbert i)illi.ng l returned home atter spending t( few days with their daughter, Mi. s Bernice Dillitig and soli and rJauglif@r•in-lasy, 1M.r. and Cla.rehce Dilllitg, and son in Sar- nia. Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons and family Were recent visitors with Air. and Mrs. A. E, Muni and. family In Kitchener. Mrs. Maud Threadgold +if Groton. C.onfi. spent the rite.- ' end, guest of Mr. and Mr's, •Carl ' 1''a yne. Mr. and Alm Colin Hoist of 1taden were Sunday gusts with t Mt . and Mrs. Ow* Hess. Jim Love of Varna will A pear on the amateur. hour on .Fo tis on CXN'K TV Thursday', Sept. i ? 18 at 6 11 Iifr. and Mrs. l,erl Sararas and daughter returned to their ' home :in Toronto ,after sp tidiit several peeks wvltti the former's i ntotheix, Iters. s Skillet during . I t wiiieli tame Mr. Sararas, 'w patlsntt in St. Joseplt'a 1iospitel,.' Loiae1on. r Please ttdrn To Pete 5 4• Open 15 -ox. j a r Friday Saturday Nits 1; -ass. tins 0 ft` 411-nr. tins 20 -of. fins Ib, pkg., 16-nr: tit, Why Pay More For TOP QUALITY MEATS Wieners eek' Li - Boneless, Rolled z Lea• CS. 796 296 436 39! Why Pay More For F SA PRO New! Frozen Food !Economy Pocks LIBBY'S WHOLE Kernel tL m ' L.BBY'S - • WENSAL-L ONTARIO a .