HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-11-28, Page 2peeper, sad sot to have • twu.s that we esu M emote( after her.' 'Show the sobers,' cried the aeplsis en the quarter deck ; •let'* sae what bag she.peete,' the &ilfeh sees(. was scree Ionia( from to Semiramis, but the etherealise at Int showed no colours t■ reply. Presently the brat L outeauat, who was watck ig Iter through the glue, cried out, • Brazilian by Jove !' Tete wee • short pause. Every sort of spy glass in the ship was in regnteuttoR — Evory eye was strsised to its utmost roust meows. Th. captain broke the silica with, ' Holies! .b. • cuing -off ; (ui•g to tun for it at last.' ' She's a (retie 10o laic, said the twelve - ant. ' Before the wind thew (ors and -aft echeoaers aretube, though os the wind they're clippers.' • However, it was evident that the schoon- er had at last resolved to rue for her life.— By going offwith the wind she got • good start of the brig ; and although it was her went point dulling, still the breeze was so light that, while it suited her, it was in. sufficient to make the heavier brig sail well. For three hours the chase continued, and mother vessel seemed to gain oq the oilier: but the breeze was now freshening, and the Semiramis at length began to dimini.h the distance between herself and the Brazilian. Right s -head, m the course they were pur suing, lay • point of land projecting far into the sea, and the chart ehoweil a tremendous reef of rock extending some three miles be- y.sd it. It was certain that neither vessel would dear the reef if they held the couree they were then steering. 'Keep her • little motet° windward cried the captain. ' We shall hive her; she will be obliged to haul up in ao..ut an hour's time, and then she can't escape, as woo shall he well to windward.' The hour went by; and still the echnoner showed no sign of altering tier course -- The captain of the Semiramis again examin- ed his charts; but the reef was clearly laid down, and it seemed utterly impossible that the schooner could weather it by the encrae she was than steering. Yet, either from ignorance of the danger, or from the deter- mination to brave it, she tried; knowing that if sbo escspsd the point, she would hare gained an immense advantage over her mummers. It would be impossible to describe the anxiety with which all on bgga,rd the Semirs• ink now watched the lulleBrszillian. 8h6 was hterelly rushing into the jaws of de- struction; and, u ,be rose over each sue. ee..ive wave, it seemed as if she mus: be dashed upon the treacherous reef at the next dip. Still she stood bravely on; and, though doubtless the lips of those on board her aught be quivering at that moment in the agony of.uepenee, the little craft look- ed so beautiful, and ,ailed so gaily, her white sails and slender spars (lashing in the sunlight, that eves her penmen mentally, quite irrespective of the prize money they would lose by her destruction on the rocks. Jack does not like to see a pretty craft run ashore, at any price. They began •Imegt to think that the eebooner 'bore • charmed life, for trim seemed to be boating over the very reef Itself, and white foam of the breakers could be seen all around her. 'Blessed, if i don't think she's the Fly- ing Dutchman,' raid one blue -jacket to another. ' Gammen, Bill—ain't we round the Capel and don't you know that's just where the Flying Dutchman could Dever go i replied his mese-mate. The little schooner bound on merrily— suddenly she staggers, and every spar shi- ver". • She hu struck !' cried twenty voices at once. Now she does with a common wave, and wow she settles down spin with a violence that brings her topmast on the deck. 'Out with the boats; is the order on board the Semiramis, and the men fly to ex - emote it. /mother wave lifts the schooner—anoth- er fearful crash—she rolls over—the decks are rent sunder—ber crew are struggling in the water—and with them (every man shudders at the eight) hundreds of negro**, rnan..Ied to each other and fettered to the lower deck, are shot out Into the foam. Bravely pulled the seamen in the boats of the Semiramis; but two strong swimmers who had foosbt their way to the boiling mart, were all they -saved. So slight was the build of the little schooner, that she bad gone to pieces instantly on striking; and tiithin sight of the Semiramis, within hear- ing of the death-.briek• that rent the air from six Aasdrsd and thirty Arians beings, who, shackled together with heavy iron., were dashed among the waters and panelled slow and hdlplese death. only two of [•niers outraged to tell of the number that bad sunk. !Surely, this sad tale may at least ba added - to the catalngue of ills prodneed by ling- tie,w,Il have reverted loth the hand. of the land's 'gond Initiations' to striving to sup - prom the slave -trade. HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY. - ..1EMBER IIB. 16o0. THE CROWN LANDS. Maes been stet riper( Ilex field Oerpeeee ado sot he attired for isle WI they Mea Int bees eabjsrtd M the old Memel sad ezp.asive presses of " ttspecttos sed vele- Wes." Ws really feel ..rry that the immediate" of tbe palette isteseete eves is this comparatively 1 Colosy, .ho.Ml tushed to be hound neck sad keel is the abeordiuee of " precedent legkleues," eves whim expesfse*" Ms mows that to presided was W. We Mee se sympathy Ova readers will Lars, from a notice Is Our with tom. „oft .f iwpeetiew and vst.s- edverturs( columns to-dey, that a portion tion. It bireme the lead" eat el tamerket, of the Public Lands is this Comity are a- gate opened fur male. " Better fatedk.ioe than .erre-do-smell," and homes, we bail the, Notice tee an installment of the coming pro"- psnty of these Dotted Counties. The gale of these lamb has been stopped nos. the month of June 1449, and although the Gov. eromeot or the Department i., in all likeli- hood, ignorant of the fact, 1' it a fact, nev- ertheless, that this apparently trifling act of stopping the gale of these lands, has been the means of ferious injury—nay of partial ruin to hundreds, yea thousand" or our fel- low countrymen ! This will no doubt ap- pear a eery startling and a very rub state, ment to thou who are nnacgnaioted with the ercumatances. But to every man of ordinary sagacity, resident in or about Grail+rich, the statement is perfectly intelli- pibie, without further explanation. The expectation excited by the free -grants in the new county of Brice, and the more ge- neral expectation that abundance of good land was to be purchased in Iluron and Bruce for the reasonable price of eight shit - liege per acre, hare had the effect of bring- ing whole shoals of settlers from other Counties of the Province, with the view of .ettling on the public (and.. Hundreds of these, without any previous preparation or arrangement, brought their families, their luggage, sod, to wine instances, their stock with them—thinking they had nothing to do but purchase a portion of the public lands and enter immediately into pos.ession of it. The number of this ala"s of persons that have arrived in Goderich during the last eighteen months, is really incredible, a-- mounting .mounting certainly to thousands. And we regret to say, that disappointment, incon- venience and difcultiem have been the lot of to to detriment of the pelotas taterost.,earl to the wrioue Minty of a large somber of our fellow Coloaiete, who aril waiting art opportunity of purchasing theta. 1t incurs • wry heavy expense omsaed:stely on the pulite', and wbeequently en the Individual purchasers, and, above all, it is • Deere toe- less sham. Some fou or gee years ago, the Clergy Reserves were subjected to this preliminary proc**s of tepectioe and plea tion, the substance of which, _in many is. stances, was the report of two mea whose knowledge of bush land had perhaps bees acquired in squirrel buntiig or partridge shooting. Those two (Dia travelled along the concession lines of the Township, erne - king their pipes and refreshing them..lves occasionally with a born, and jogging on as leisurely as if they bad reeelv.d to econo- mise a good job, and so they bad. We are not aware that the value of the lands were, is the aggregate, increased by this process; but''we are aware that some of the best lots in the Townships of Ashfield and Waves- omit, aws- oee in this County, were valued and ac - tum sold at two shillings and sixpence per sen ! The 'inspectors" judged from the goalily of the little portion which came De• der their observation as they passed along the concession line, and if the specimec chanced to be swampy, the whole lot was put down as a swamp and valued at balls dollar per acre. This inspection and valu- ation process wu eventually stopped, we think, in consequence of the.00rmou. ex - peen. And certain it is, that the purcha- ser of 100 ( Clergy Reeerve land has now to pay twenty shillings over -and above the price of the land, ae his portion_ of the "ir.spection and valuation" (see ! This is certainly very ridiculous, and therefor* we OII & .1 tbe Daisies Comet wirer weld A Ledge ansewota 'tbat tbe Pepe W $0,41 10S011T0 ilWO MI>t, MUSISY. leek rather cool if their mural eeselemeete 1 Plede..t . The Amid bee *es r M .,4.4. a de. were shoat to be reduced to 111 peewee s Pesos.—Gas• Chabgaester ha* wooed Wee of their demob if iced irk . of Tele year. It is aoaw.ee to talk sheet snore- as order to the trireme n asses( these that ••• M.sampmt., M kmyR a "thereet �' i dl�rent ease's .alar —N o.e man they are hosed t. shutes* from as demos- ` 5w d lbs irisin whish W le the ens ie., 1 J►aaissal 1 Ib" p'ttMmser mei messy.) does labor equival.at loose hundred pees& .trades sed to otter so .ries when under watch haw tse..tly append Is some of one sed receiver that ameoot, that does eel arms. Gem. Carrollton has been appointed inoaKaJ'cai mai Dl,nad.g ertlsmgwdsa" Wit' apologise for the injustice of gam( aaotb.r to the contused of the lot diviaon of the a .w �� an wt ilei. r .i t'psrtt shills. • read Well, if our wtemp.nq sad man a buadred pounds for dote( leo pouoda army in Paris, is the place of Gee. Mer- bis adheasle ebtais any eatidmotle from tasef- ranger. Ing their Cheteh the Established of Goads. worth of labor. The truth i., that the free The .cermet. from Home are coneatisg, sed feel they ave • scows.. of &gait, by muting of "dn.es'ers,"—we weld be sorry to deprive them of the gg,teadlLi•tio.. Bot es all two knew that the Church of Eseland is Case- in is maye et tte sects, --sed se o, ten, .f very .d)one eeaddentl.s ss regards moral is - that will be received by the Clerks and Bai- liffs of the Division Courts, under the extended jurisdiction, would sufficiently re- mnwrate them for their servicer, and leave a surplus adequate to the whole expense of the Adminatratioo of Justice—and the Go, vernaket cutout too twee take the manor tato coseideratio.. 07- We direct special attention to the Warrant of Ills Excellency the Governor Gerimal, in referent to the @election of Jus tore, which appears in our mbrerli.ing ooh mons to -day. ( Ws return oar best thanks fora copy of Mr. Hied's Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry. It is worth a carttosd of L et - term oa the Federal Union, in as far as reel practical information is concerned. Our readers will be favored with copious extracts from these Lectures. nearly all this vast number. On arriving regret to think that the public lands are in Goderich, they learned from the Districtabout to be subjected to the save pepper - Crown Lands Agent that he bad oo lands'snd,.ait process. We will return to this for gale, save a few lots of the Clergy -Re- this subject in our next. serves in the Townships of Asb6eld and R'awanosh, and theme were either so remote WE have just read the Hon. henry Sher- from anything in the shape of a road, or had wood's Letter on the Federative Union of been w often culled and picked, that they the British North American Provinces. It had become in • manger, anwortby of no- bas been neatly printed at the Colonia( of- tice. In these circumstances, the poor fico, in pamphlet form for distribution. It stringers found themselves in a state of is certainly a very remarkable production. comparative destitution, and were forced ei- There is no statistical information in ti— ther to run the risk of squatting, or to cross no detailed statement of advantages likely over to the sdjoi.i.g States, or adopt the to malt from a Federal Union—ie fact, it oaly other alternative, namely, Lease from contains .ctueely one argument is favor of the Canada Company. We do not, by any the great constitutional change on which it means, charge the Government with an in- professes to be written. And on reading it tantion to produce the multitude or injuries over, nee would be almost forced to the • and evils which have resulted from the with- I conclusion, that the learned writer had in- drawal of the public lands from the market. curred the labor of writing, and the expense rho error, we think, is attributable solely of printiog it, merely for the purpose olio. to a want of proper ioformatio■ on the sub- ject. his But we do say, that, though the Go- had recently uodsrgono a considerable vernment had intentionally etndied a policy change for the better—and that he was now for the interest of the Canada Company,the fully aware of the important benefits of Mr. object could not have been mon "obtain- Batdwin's Municipal Act, sod bad even got batty accomplished than it has been by recoociled to the "Godless University" Bill. stopping the sale of the Public Laude !— Take the following extracts, which are, by The Company have thereby been furnished far, the best part of the production:— with hundreds of respectable and industrious "But 1' am now satisfied that the further Lessees, who certainly did not remove from "local self- overome•t earn thhe ...rely enc conri.tenih extended in ee. C their former homesteads with the intention ti the more rieeely will our ti.. of olonconnecies,- of becoming tenants -at -will to the gnat " tion with the parent state be cemented. Landlord Corporation on the shores of Lake " All our inetitutiens and law. rare fouod.d Heron, but were reluctantly necessitated, "upon the broad principles of rsal and rub. by unexpected circumstances, to barter their iod.p.odeece as freemen, for a mew of pottage. Asd however favorably we may have thought and spoken'o'the "leas- ing system," formerly --personal ob lion ser portuoity of obtaining a liberal education sad acquaintance with the system during " is far greater than it Wass few years ago , our residence in Goderich, have brought or " a more extended stage of action shomlc; " be afforded to them." " .tantial freedom.' "Hitherto the exertions of public men " have been confined within the limits of contracted localities ; but now, as every " avenue of learning is thrown open to the " young men of the country, and the op - AN ELEGY. Sacred to the Memory of My Friend Jeers Caewrowo, Emit . Hall of Caldwell, Parish of Beath, Ayrshire, Scotland. A gloom fa's on my spirit Could se the tininess tomb, Aa' ban( my life seems eioki•', L that mirk aa' wearielgloom— A llstleunees comes owre me Like the mewle band o' age, A. si4eths h ponder iso the misty tiey pege— As' eel read the tidie'e drear, Uacbeck'd shall fa' the hest tear. There is sorrow In to rwsmge That brings se beck the put— That tells o' faithless (rieadahips, An' joys that wades last— Throe is sorrow la the tidies Oi feed, haw hearts that roem— A voice o' giiefsweeps mosnie' Own the wreck of boyhood's home— Bet sadder tis, alas, to hear es -0' first, feed friss's untimely bier! The comrade o' life's mornia' See fa' o' freaks an' whirrs. -- The trusty frier' o' manhood, Wi' its visions an' its dreams— Tbe Inc.,' o' friens in sorrow, In ounahiee an' in gloom— My Iral, kind-hearted Crawford is mouldrie' in the tomb ! My spirit quails beneath the stroke As if life's sweetest cords were brok.. Ah, me ! what recollections 0' haugh., sn' glen., as' knowes— O' wand'nn's an' endearments Roan' the Loch!ands a•' the Lowe•— O' the gasbie' heart's oetpo•ri•'s As the blythe boon sped awe, While we spent the happy e'ssie's . is the " sanctum" o' the Ha' Strange memories crowd sue me seo, A' mirror'd in as " fast allies." Ia a' my weary waedri.'s, However far astray. I had se frien' who never Look'd could, or soar, or wae— My errors a' were pardo•'d, My foibles aye gat free. An' the' he (rowe'd on folly, His Irowss war' smiles to me— "We parted (rises, but dreamt sot then, That we should meet ague Light lean opos his bosom The green an' gowasy *weird, Whir' his once warm hart lies chilly in the !suite sold knkyrd— Balt fa' the dews e' ev'ein' Like the tears! wad Mae shed, An' gently rest the moon -beam Os his cash an' dreamless bed, For, truer, kindlier heart osier lay W ithis the narrow heuae o' clay. to the conclusion that it is "partial ruin to We bane sometimes felt a partial leaning a large proportion of alt lbw.. who are nn- , fortunate enough to (et entangled in its towards a Federal Union of the Provinces meshes. Expertise' has now convinced but we candidly declare that our proclaim - every observing man in Huron, that the lions have not been strengthened by then low price of farm produce in this part of the perusal of Mr. Sherwood'. Letter. io Province, and the diifcn!ly of bringing it to short, we conclude that this production i., market, will not allow a man to pay even • 'tither a (rat boar ora great Mlore• nominal rent for bush land, and hone" the current opinion throughout the Huron Tract is, that tea years hence a very large half of all the leased lands now in these coun- Mwetasicl 1SSTITV TF.—We feel rejn)eed that shoe excellent and pr•i.eworthv instit• .ion is in a lnni-hmg condition. it is one that deemed" the support of every man in the city: and it WIDOW, strange to us that with the important advantage* it holds not for the improvement of young men is par- ueulae, shat se few am connected with it. How erweb better wou'd it be foe the many FOUR, ..R who every evening crowd the board -walk., with ewers 'took in their ennetbm, and canes.wieging in their heeds to he fosad is the reading, runt of the In. oblate, deep in the randy .'f genie gond author, learning the tr.nsecti..rdaily pass- ing srosnd thew, or.ngaged is to debating elaou. To the eisechasiee *se word Reed B pi Is M said le gnu'e of the institute, as Company, and the poor Lessees, after hav- ing spent ten years of the best part of life in bardshipe and hard labor, will just be for- ced to make another attack upon the wilder. nem, in order In secure a more permanent home for their children. Under the io,ueece of those views we feel sorry when we see honest, iedustrioos tattlers compelled by uaforessea circumstanees to come under the trammel" of the Company's basing eye. tem—and although the portion of the public land" sow ries for sale, will prevent, to • certain extent, the evil of which we com- plain, yet, as it is only a very limited portion of the polder lands which is put into to market, the good "Reef most also be limit- ed. We and.rstand, that enmities to the receipt of tate notice from the Crown Laude its RIMS 1.7.0., obey sheets be the (rest Department, Mr. Clark, the resident Agent besolture. We feel happy indeed that herr, Mimes applications for from 6es to we the *awe for Me rose are sub u they tin No boomr provide., eosld he sleeted tweet, thooesmd berm, so soon as the Iamb Mee Mr. Mseksesi.—i (estlem•s ofgoat- ss, rites, sod edewlies, and a were friend of the ma.b..!t. We auger greet god from the l..Iitwee the fortheomdmg year; het eat pater rhes we heartily desire ber it.—alike MYrrilli. shield be opened for sale; sad it is probable that the porta* sow brought into to mar- ket will de little more thee .apply to im- mediate drmaed. We also learn that the large quantity of the public lends whish THE DIVISION COURTS. ire giving mese remarks which the Globe lately made os an article of ours on this subject, the Niagara Chronicle says " We thick the 'Heron Signal" moot be " very much mistaken ih his estimate of " the emoluments of the officers of Dhroion a Courts, as given in the aenexed pare- " graph; from the little information we poi - sees on the subject we should ..y that " the Clerks of these Courts de not realism • but sotb,ag of importance has occurred. LONDON MARKET. Little change so Grain muco lout report. Feghah Barley restored late quotation.— Tone-made Flour remained the same.— Fine Barley dear, hot for coarse there is slow sale. English white Wheat 45" a 49e; red 39s • 44s. Livsar.wt. Nov. nth. We cannot note any change for the bet- ter in Beef. Demand not improved. Re- doctlom in prices *remit to make no impr.r. eine on buyer*. Fair inquiry for Pork.— Sales of the week are to as arorege extent, et steady perces. From want of assort - meets, tnnsar-tion• in Baeoo an again limited. The late receipts not well main- tained, and market now Dearly bare.— Shoulders sad hams twain *early as before. Lard high, and holden firm, stock much reduced. Sales of the week about one hundred tow. Fine Cheese moves freely; whilst erdin.ry can only be sold at very reduced pricey,— Globe, 93rd. - . ELECTIONEERING RUMORS. Since our Zest issue, electioneering ru- mors have been very rife, end we have beard at least of half a dozen candidates who in- tend to take it. County by the hand, and demead that anemias to our t*t it se imperatively requires. But as yet we have no elsctioneeriag add no caodldates bare come forward to test their popularity. Nothing but rumors as various as the Townships in the United Counties, each of which Thown.hipe seem to have the idea of bringing forward its Reeve, so far compli- mectary to the Municipal Act of last ses- sion in pointing out the way of arriving at the quintessence of the Township wisdom. The truth is they are all waiting for each other to start. We aro convinced that should one offer, the candidate market will immediately become glutted, and as the question is hkey to be one entirely coolie - ed to local interest, each peculiar claim will be rival to the rest. All these things doubtlessly one ambi- tious friends have well considered. The motor patriae is a very honorable feeling if.- ter f•ter all and we see no particular reason why soother's self interest should be quarrelled with ; except that it interferes with our own. That self denial would lead to the improvement of your neighbor's property rather than your own, is a virtue which has I never been appreciated. In practice itis all moonshine. In theory it is plea'ant to read about, and a candidate oforiog himself from a peculiar section of the Counties, whatever his theoretical views of (.'defusing justice may be, we can only say that if, when per. matted, he fully acts up to his prolusions, be deserves, in this age of electioneering tactics, far mon renown than the most ri- gid votary of the tilted goddess that .we ever read of amongst the ancients. in an electioneering contest, (which will come sooner or later,) we may look forward to its being reduced to • contest between the localities. The election of a member from Rent, will be considered by Lambton as prejudicial to her interests, and the elec- tion of a member from Lambton, is not the moat pleasant thing for the inhabitjlnt. of Kent to contemplate. And while this state of feeling with regard to the Honorable M. Cameron isnot exemplified inasmuch as no comp:aiit can homed' on the score of his partiality for either section, we are ata loin to eonyxture what candidate is likely to come forward within the Counties, who will like him be unobjectionable as having an in. rarest in both. As for the Politics of the candidate, that does not seem at present to constitute the subject of his necessary gbali8cations. We all know however that when the tints draws near the sympathies of either party will be enlisted, and with violent men these cin com•tanees will have weight. But the days of violent contests are at an end. A con- servative now comes into the Geld with words so very like a Reformer, and with promisee on similar, that the latter bas only the advantage of referring to former acts to place bur in • better posttio0 than bis oppo- nent. if the contest is to be carried on between the North and the South, (nod we fancy there are few men who have given the sub- ject • thought, who have not arrived at the conviction that ouch will be the eerie) cannot the Southern electors agree upon their man 1 in similar cases is the United States, by this time they would have bad their meetings, their conventions, and their County conventions, and the friends of either party proposing, would have been pretty accurately ascertained. There is perhaps time enough for all this, Mr. Cam.rnn may yet reconsider his determination, and may yet conelnde to serve the remainder of the present Parlia- ment as our Representative. in fact • late rumour has reached u., that he intim& to delay his resignation, but as it appears "o recently after the apparently well founded rumour of his retiremeni, we sin at a Ione which to believe. it ie to be hoped that be will soon put some authentic information on the subject ie the possession of be con- stituents. on- stiluests. The Amberstburg Courtier has a short article on the subject, and oleo copies from the flewiltes Spectator • few remarks of the latter journal. Both of them mistake Mie re•eoes for rsigtion end with • strove political animus the Courier ex- presses its highly figurative and elegant re - numb to the effort, sad with regard to Mr. Cameros oilwrtmg for Essex that " he would eta.d about as good • (Amoco here .. would • memm•I of the feline species divested of her natural pedal weapon" of Ah ! tell me not o' healing. 0' halm that time will bring To um the woended spirit, Or tooth the sorrowing, 0' frienahtp. aa' fresh pleasures Mair wio•iag than the past,, 0' loves that ever brighten, Aa' joys that ever last— Champ revels ruthlessly on e', An' brightest stars are doom'd to fa'. Towers, thrones u' shortie "itis. That laughs. brav'd the Ceem. crumble wi' the gnawin's 0' time's restless canker -worm, An' fnenehips pore as virtue, An' lova that wades nage, Masa bow bese•th the sceptre 0' weeder -weskits' drags An' earth's but hearts as' hopes minute' Like my hien' CRawtoso o' the He'. I rosy grow amid as' doited. Be clad is peertith's weeds,— I tar forget my kindred. My ki•ars aa' her deeds - 1 may torn deed to friendship, As' deaf to sorrow's wail, My sympathies me a' toe. My met•orie may fad— Bet Death, ala... etas wipe awe My dear remembemeee o' the Hs'. THOMAS MACQUEF.If. Oed.eieb, 97:1 Neeemar, 1850. ARRIVAL OF THE NiAGARA. By telegraph from Now York last night, we Teen that the Niagara arrived yester- day at Twelve o'clock. The war in Germany was at an end.— Other political news unimportant. " an avenge of &100 per annum each and The Arctic went out in ten days and six- " if this be ea they are by so masse over tees bourn. " paid." TM Niagara bria(e a eopy of a letter Th. Editor of the CA►ouisle has either . from Lord Joh. Russell to the Bishop of not read our article, or has misunderstood Derbies, on the esbject of the late seta of n.. We did not assert that the average the Pope, in which the Frontier looks upon annual seems of Division Court Clerks is, the eggrsdon as Insolent and insidious, three, four, or five hundred pounds—we and promisee that the laws es the subject ..id that some of them were in the receipt • "hall be'remised. He charges the proton - of emoloamets to theta 'mourns. And we taint Clergymen in a great measure an her further ..id that on. handfed aoosde would ug the mom of it. be • suf6cl..l romonenlaon for the to int No forther movements have takes ph.o and goaliSeatien seceemry to fill this odic" betimes to Behleewiekere and Danes. It ie any Division Court is Canada. it is is said the latter have received as Menem pe"aible that the litigioee disposition easy tb their formes of 42,000 men. he eompantleely weak i" Naga.—bot 1t is reported that the Portts(is . ,ee- eertsialy Here. 1. .eitbw (h. mostmemo- mamma have invited -Spam to onetime us Imre sot to most 1aw-ridden County is the t►. sdjnutmo.t of !hair difficulties with Gr..t ■. Previ.os, and sum seems oar Mud. that chasge. are oven 1. Haves we hen both Clerk" and at Yale. 6e..c.,—we tassel awl feel tarry to me other- wise mud& people mashie( themselves ridtc.- 1..e by assuming borrowed sin and .tnttieg about s • garb which toes sol ides( to them. Disasters," truly ! h well be..saes • cherish to apply each epttMu, wkese .ember, emiut- bete eatery b.t rase tlne-ferliiap ..ch ler ab.'sppert of religion; a chinch whish w55ld stab. sato atter insipiftoasee is a per were i1 set fee the ebanty exceeded to it fns oke public psis b the people -1U "diameter*" of Csse• ds—end (fee Mose diegr.eef.l to c5e ee•ip eats) by Ike wentiord►ned people of E0(lesel ! Truly the Cherish" had hour In. itself hem the cheep of me.dicsece ere it neem beab sere to bodies doing far mere fee the advse..mest of Christisai,y tbaa it has hue hssored le .&.., and tit by the •uleatary ..stribsti..s of tau own peeps.. But w. Ove .tnyed fres the Cbsw.k's def,... .f John Termite. O.r eotemp.nry ..eerts that Mr. Merphy was wt dissimed became be same before John of Torte without beads, red pray- ed i• the company of meth.dis.--bus twosome he discharged hie duties 'newt isrflielesily," 'erased •o "rend* within the booed. Olds ml•- .loa." and " rendered hinted( very unacceptable to his flock." We readily admit that three, If well beaded, are good rumen for "suing the co.oraton; sad though they sem* wosd.rfilly late is the day sod are directly opposed te the lettere of the Bishop end Archde.coa—nlll, it la setidaeiary to see that the remade of di.mietal alleged by to gredem.o are admitted to be quite stesable, and that new osn are neces- sary. We hate s.. knowledge of Mr. Murphy or of the eirc.met-•ere .l this case further then the newspapers fsioleb—so that ►e cesium die- pote rho statement of our eetempeten,. Ant while di.pnerd t• place every rrs.onable re.fi- Jesee ie his iefurmetimi. we esuot but feel that it would be scarcely .fe to pronounce egairest Mr. Murphy o0 our cotemporay's evidence; and to tell the truth then am features Is the ease which are tether numblisg-blocks is the war of implicit faith. it would be ssrihieg quite ..w. for inmost'', wen it tree that the Thebes ..upgraded... of bis '• children" for "inef6eire- ey" or "eeorcaptabillty"—something altogether aetl-Epiecop•I. Why what an emptying oral o(- i■ep mbeneies would • horrid re•oluttonsry doctrille like this prodoee is "the Church !"— Only think of its lariat applied in England— "efficient" Revere and "aeeeptabls" Bishops / What • fell would that be, my children ! Then• mans, the Bishop, is direct oppoeitioa to the Chord, after refrr(,g to Mr. M.rphy'a was of bends. and his worshipping with "diwntere," ay. distinctly, that, "laking all thew thiage into eoondentios" be must diesel., the eeo- nrzioe. ?fay, Arcbde coo Bethune, after re- ensotiee the tame dire o6•e.... coupled with Mita !trophy's visiting • Methodist church, n ate. frankly " Ie the.. seven) way yo. have Isot the c.n6deseo o(ehnrehnun." Not a won d . boot " ieefficieaey." We are free to confess. too, that the anxiety of the Chord to get up • w eer •t Mr. Murphy as as object of charity to the dawn sod velvet churchmen, goes • gond way ie dispersgemeeu .f ser nnirmponry'. evi- dence. '• His.Lordship the Bishop" (mesas., r Jobs Tote) -the Chrnd tells es, "ie • great dsgm from feeling, of compaesiee, was indttoed to afford him (Mr. Murphy,) • trial in hie Diocese !" Wbat a eompusioast. " Lordship" it mast be—to give en ordained Minister of its owe .ommaaioa •' a trial ! How gntifyisg it mut be to the dock in Victoria is !mow that the care of their spirituel 101,7 1. is at sees • field for the *cementite( Jobs Tomato's" compos- ites," aid • " trial " (resod for doubtful sub- jects! Aed, lastly we have jest met • eerti6- c•te in favor of Mr. Morph', which, with •11 impartial men, will retitle that gentleman to a bearing ere condemning him .. the Church's assertion. The Cesads Christie Adreeb, the area of the Methodist Episcopal Cbsnb—thea . peaks of dm Rev. gentleman, and then mast be two sides of the story whoa nes of a different d.eemitatio s0 meek el him:— ' We have some keowledg. of Mr. Morph?, having travelled is the tame •reties of the eons - try, and with pleasure we can bear teetiine•y in his (aver—that be was highly spokes e( by the people ammig whom he louvred sod preached. se e psoas. devoted. sed seldom' Weimer of Christ, sed as insatiable sad worthy 1uaa." That don net look like i.sffteiesey m ■npo- polariy—we es•t't gni neer that idea of • eh•.ehrm• being di.miesed for sot beteg poplar! After all, we side with the Bishop and the Arch • deacon, and CO for the bas& and the Methodism is spite of the CAusca's protestatieea—(Tina.. "PROGRESS OF CONSERVATISM." The St. Crabwise' C.tastit.tisal "(lest week e..raita di.efe•eres that place Man. Meek ler is the rear, and which are eaieal•ted a irighte. reformers ix "radicals," iate fits of mdse... He nye Twelve mores keen hardy waxed sod wail- ed, .isee the oey Josr.sk p.blished is due Dis- trict, were the radial Mad and Journal sad the C.snn•tive Niagara Cbresicle. Asd what have w. sew? " W. ave fir ces..reativs se sed one small Radice( ..rise little fri the Jeer - sal, .bis bee bees lilt .lase is his glary ! Or is other weed.. the p.psn apposing the se.asuns of ministers i. the Niagara Dtstnet have a cites - lotion d surly or came is. times th...l, Jur - sal whish .1111 feebly atwsp s to give skeet e last, l..`. liseurkg, hasie,tiag support." Ah Mr. Odes, it ie very wee'` very tajsdi- eims foe yes a kt to eat ..t of the beg is tat way. Yee might have kept .body at Lima esa moos were. Fee dos's yre eve, the p.epts sow see through to w5els smiler. Plow we aro •a- d..gr ! If r.. bad ..ly kept dark's little f.sg.r, the reformers of then ...sten, wa yea knew are es von, (view, would aes all hors treader- reed read r -reed isle bleu-b.11i.d teem by ..r mighty Isle - eau. W. haw* Wee d.iss ear best to ask. se tore" of them ler the Int 1..r years. sad we world ave time ii .lick. W y.. may kept .dol. Bet then use sin is aryls( sow 1 The spelt is briers, the is6.ese• i..g, and "sr we moo!" Jest whoa we were te- ktite stet, deliberate aim, at to whole bevvy,p.s mast mareno.i•g op like • gotv»es, a soy, shoe -e, .boo -o, seat then, and this man sp tM giros and .moil thia(.. It is ems se. Yee M • very wicked as. Mr. Giles, yes m., sal4 t>w did set think it po.dbl. for .w gybe bibse• geed metered te ten ..t se ehsevoaa Oh doe% mention eat Wrestle liwepe ofbneo In the inferior sulphurs Igneous, Oey Isemo* 011 soloselli. Every h portion of cronies," all whit ie very intel- ligible a.d exoes.ively witty. and the Hain - 'Igoe Spectator osder the matronly of 'war underonsod," states that Mr. Cameron has met hie ►t for the Convoy no the pretest that it ie impo.eible for him to e�bet uythrwg.for his co.etitu.ta or the Previtee whilst the a...mbIy) is controlled pFriuli 1 at ome.t by the Fre4.. ec 1exutive." The Is very isggeos*iiou. of the Rpetat.r, mil t yeasty tbedliet. What the Speer we. tater derere.ds is not sedstood is the Cnusy of Kest, in other words the etmas coew smote of the latter is net the en - taking place is the MisiMry memos mos.. of the former with regard l eete thus su►pet.—Ba4 Adeei•timmr. hews that Me "fear e.sorrvt 941901, " that se to my, pestingy"'two and this Cttrss tele two, whisk by oddities soke the roan. all told, have all the wbseri�r•�asd "tee times" se least eters m yeernl ea itis tsdi•al•sM.il aas se oresimiee. We stents WM, eas ssa't• mikes as boom* tin pyalr. we Mw bow p- isg se to sbdee at as elmisifiag one. We have te leek twee to .es ear ewe nbio r. oil if Hervey bedo.• ..sh sh • ase the omelettes .f .. the bleed wwM w hem moor bees disomemi. Thin e passive Mr. OHIO o ur o.sidw is rise 1 toe ..ddist t yes reed of. sad see*, "hewer. We hew sibs mbtamoo leA, bat oy fewd n no , awhim ih takes whits sereise St ellmbet visg, . shell we H l dot e eaui, Mmosses sses es if we dee • du tear es tee whoa we grim .es,. I T. IRS