HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-09-11, Page 14s
"gtEt 14 Tho .TimepAdvocate, Septembrer LL 195B:
Phone 10? Lucan
And District News
Correspondent; Miss Isina Ahlrett
Take Plane Trip
To Visit Holland ;
Mr. and Mrs. Austin liodgins
and family are leaving by plane
on Friday for Holland, where
they will be the guests of Mrs.
Hodgins mother. Mrs. C. de
Munnik of Haarlem. They will
Visit Paris and the Brussels Fair.
Mr. Hodgins will return in
one month but Mrs. Hodgins
and children will remain for
two. Mr. Hodgin's mother. Mrs.
Oscar Hodgins will be in charge
of their home during their ab-
Four Sisters Meet,
Mrs. Norman Gras. nee Ethel
Culbert after visiting her bro.:
ther. Mr. Myron Culbert, and
sister, Mrs. Eldoa Hodgson..
went to Stratford. taking her1
sister with her to visit Mrs. Lela
There the three sisters were .
joined by the fourth. Mrs. Chas.
Carscallen and daughter Helen
Tof Whitby. One of the highlights
of their visit. together was the
seeing of the play "Much Ado -
'About Nothing'. in the Shake.,
spearean theatre.
Trip Highlights
WA Program ;
The United Church Woman's
Association, held its September
meeting in the church parlors
last Wednesday evening with the
second vice-preisdent. Mts. H..
B. Langford in the chair, in the 1
absence •of. the presidents. Mrs..
Cecil Bobh. Mrs. ErleYoung's
group bad charge of the pro-
gram and refreshments. Mrs. :
Dave Park read the Scripture;
During the business session a
,report on the purchase of a
dining room suite for the parson-
age was made.
The choosing of a date for
the turkey dinner and annual
bazaar was left over till the
.next meeting. The kitchen com-
Inittee was commissioned to pun -
.chase more cutlery.
' September's flower committee
.are Mrs. William Cochrane. Mrs.
*Annie Fairies. Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins, Mrs. Cliff Culbert. Mrs. E.
R. Pitt and Mrs. H. B. Langford
A special invitation was ex -
:tended to all members to attend
the semi-annual meeting of the ,
'Middlesex Presbytery W.A. to;
be held at Empress Ave. Church .
London, October 8.
The high -light of the meeting .
was an illustrated talk on the
Murray Hodginsfamily trip to
the coast in July ant.August.
given by Mrs. Hodgins. the •
branch's first vice-president. I
Isucan Ponies Win
Clifford Acheson, who now has '
13 ponies showed four of them ;
•at the Tavistock Fair, winning ;
three secends and one third.
A picture of Clifford and his
sister, Heather appeared i Mon. ,
day's Free Press, holding nn's
Little Dipper a n d Lynwood ;
Lango that placed second in the;
:brood mare and foal class. The ;
ponies are being shown now at
:the Western Fair.
Change Of Bus Lines
Lucan children who previously 1
have been conveyed to SIedway ,
school by the Wall buses are
now baing conveyed by the East ;
;Middlesex High School buses.'
,owned by the Murphy Bros. of '
However, Mrs. J. W. Walls
and his daughter, Mrs. Bob
Drennan still operate two of the armer
buses :which carry the Lucan John McCarthy, 65, after a
and district children, ; lengthy illness died in St. Marys
Girl Hit By Car Hospital, London on. Wednesday,
Joan Young, 14 -year-old daugh- September 3.
He lay at rest in the C. Hes-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Youn's was hit b.. a car while kelt and son funeral home, Lu -
The Luis= Public School re-
opened last Tuesday with an en-
rolment of 195 compared to
193 last year. Principal Wesley
Clow expects there will he a
further increase next week. At
present class enrolment is: Mrs.
Cobleigh. 371 Mrs. Allison. 41:
Mrs. Black, 37; Mr. Desjardine
who succeeds Mr. Swick/.36;
and Mr. Clow, 44.
The board has engaged Mrs.
Don Hearn. a sister-in-law of the
previous part-time teacher, Mrs.
Ivan Hearn. as part-time teacher
for the coming year. With eight
years experience. Mrs. Hearn
comes highly recommended.
WA's Japan Tea
John W. Mackey !r' *
On Police Force
bish„. op Dedicates
ha el
W. Mackey, 79, died in.
lohn day, September 3. He lay at . , , ' .
rest at the John T. Donohue fun- ' - d oye Cerne
., er
ots Joseph's Hospital Wednes. : - a n
eral home till 10 a.m. FridaY,I By MRS. J. H. PATON
September 5, when requiem. high
mass was celebrated at Si. Pe. On Sunday, the 35th annual
ter's Cathedral. Interment was decoration and Memorial, Day
in St. Peter's Cemetery, service was held at St. James
Mr. Mackey was born neat Anglican Church Cemetery.
Granton and his mother lived
for some. years on Water St..; The Rt. Rev. William A,
ucan. Ti' served on the London Townshend, DD, Suffragan Ilish
police force for 31 year$, re. 1 op, Diocese of Huron, dedieated
the new cemeterY and
'tiring in 1943.
He is survived by three sons • two memorial windows,
and four daughters, Joseph •and ! A •processional was formed in- •
&Some of London, James of eluding cross s bearer, Frank
, Colorful Success Kingston. Mrs. E. F. Lepine . Egan, the Bishop, the chaplain,
„ (Kathleen), Mrs. Robert Groom Earl aloegan, the rural clean,
the oman s Auxiliary of (Alice) of London, Mrs. Leon Crawford, BA, the
Trinity Ch •11
I o a me .lastWed- Ruddy (Annabelle) of Windsor. ' chous the clergy, the church
. nesday afternoon staged a site. Mrs. John Conroy (Mary) of , wardens, the rector, the lay rep-
cessful and colorful Japanese California,
Junior Choir Party resentatives and the cemetery
tea in the Parish Hall, from 3
to 5 p.m.
, Thursday evening was party e‘ommittee. MeRev. Edgar
Baskets of fall flowers, string_
night for the junior choir 01 Roulston, of Clandeboye Voted
of Japanese lanterns and a dis' 1-loly Trinity Church. The lead- P5,4,1"1., led in the responsive
' play table of Japanese articles ' (hureh,
i rs. , . . res an . mens sus
ers, the choir mothers, Res% and r'sie wo memorial windows,
and clothing farmed a pictures.; m i; p p.
, que setting. t d 24 i one in memory of Mrs. 'Myrna
of the choir enjoyed the show Lowry, given hy her parents. Mr,
I dis
play table was "A Lifht in the Forest" at the and Mrs, C. C. Powers, London,
charge of Meg Cliff Shipley, ; Capita Theatre, London, followed
whose sister, Miss Lilias Powell, by refreshments at the Three
a missionarY now stationed in . Little Pigs. .
Japan had sent home most of
the artieles on display.
'Toronto Church
All attendants wore Japanese .
costumes. Ten outfits borrowed
from London, augmented those Nuptial Setting
owned by members or loaned by
Large baskets of autumn flow.
ers formed the setting in St.
Pouring tea at a lace covered i t Bible of St James Church
and the other in memory of
William and Ellen Jane Atkinson,
unveiled by their great-grandson
‘Villiain Michael Atkinson, also
given by Mr. and Mrs. C. C,
Powers — were dedicated,
Following the chapel service,
the processional returned to the
church where the lesson was
read from the '117 -old orig.
. Paul's Anglican Church' Toronto na L. ,
, table. centred with a huge bowl
at 2 p.m. Saturday, September and the sermon was preached by
of red asters, were Mrs. Bob
Mrs, C. IV. Hawkshaw and Mrs. son D.D. united in . marriage Rev. G. Burton Hodgson, director
6 When Archdeacon Cecil Swan -
Coleman, Mrs. William Dickins,
Sunday school re -opened at 10
o'clock with an open session and
good attendance. There were
also 33 out for the junior con-
The flowers on the altar were
in loving memory of the late
Mr. Jack Sprowl.
ins e
silver bowl. for the baptismal
font. donated by Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Wilkinson. in memory of
their parents, was -dedicated by
the rector.
Next Sunday the Rev. .7, Grant
Morden will he the guest speak.
er. Mr. Morden served in the
RCAF in World War II, received
his B.A. degree from the 'Una
versity of Toronto, his B.D. from
Wycliffe College, his S.T.M.
from Union Theological College.
New York and is now working
on his doctor's degree at General
(Episcopal) Theological College.
N.Y. He was rector of St. Mat
thew's church, Bloor St. W. To-
ronto. prior to coming to Huron
College as assistant Professor
of Theology.
Next Sunday will be Rally
Sunday and Sunday School pro-
motions. Officers and classes
will occupy the centre section of
the church.
The executive of the Lucan-
Clandeboye Young People met
in the church parlors on Sunday
night. They decided to open the
season with a weiner roast at
Ipperwash Friday night, Septem.
ber 19 and a Sunday meeting
the next Sunday night, Septem-
ber 21.
71: was decided all :Medway
students from Lucan and Clan•
deboye would be eligible to be-
come a member, but must be
14 to cast a vote.
The Pentecostal Holiness
Young People will open their
season on Friday night with a
young people's rally. RCN'. Doug-
las Clarke of Mt. Denis will. be
the guest speaker and a talented
Toronto group will augment the
program put on by the local
young people.
Plans were made for a num-
ber of the congregation to ac-
company the pastor to a service
in the Pentecostal church in
Chatham. Monday evening where
the pastor. the Rev. Fred Thorn•
son would be the guest speaker.
John McCarthy ,
District F
crossing the street in London can where 'prayers were said
last Tuesday. ' for Man at 9 p.m. Friday. Fu. Clinton. I both girls to Lucan on Thursday
She was taken to 'Victoria Hos- ; neral services were held at 9.30 Mr. Reginald Crudge of T - and Mr. and Mrs. Armitage took
pital but was released two clays : a.m. Saturday and then taken sonburg and his daughter, Mrs. 1 Ruby home on Sunday.
later and is now able to attend; to St. Patrick's church, Biddulph Ben Knowles, of Windsor, N.Ss,1 Mr, Jules Desjardine, Lucan's
school, . for requiem high mass at 10 were Monday guests of Mr. and:new Grade 5 and 6 teacher is
a.m. Interment was in St. Pat- Mrs. Pat Crudge. . boarding with Mr. and Mrs,
Plan W.I. Meeting riek's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins ' Harold Whyte,
Mrs, Dave Park. as Horne ten. Mr. McCarthy was the second and family were Friday evening!
i Mr. Ward Hodgins of Clande-
nomics and Health canvener, ' eldest son of the late Mr. and guests of Mr. and Mrs.Ralphlboye, and Mrs. Lloyd Bissell
has secured Miss Janette Mae-, Mrs. Joseph McCarthy, former- Ainslie of St, atarys. ; and Miss Merle Law of London
Donald of Ingersoll to speak on ' ly of concession 2, Bidduiph. He C.F.N. Charles and Mrs. Frost were, Sunday guests of Mr. and
meal planning and to give a . himself farmed on concession 9 of Petawawa are happy to an' Mrs. Murray Hodgins.
table setting demonstration at ' Bicidulph. nounce the birth of a son, born
the next meeting, Septerber 18. His pallbearers were Messrs. Friday, September 5, at Peta. Mrs s . Ralph Loney and Miss
Ch Of D ; Lawrence McCarthy, James ilv. Maxine Loney of Cass City,
Will Haskett. , Mary Elizabeth Shenstone and Lotter. rom
The president of the W.A., Frank Gordon Stanley.
Mrs. T. C. McFarlane and Mrs. : The bride is the daughter of
J. P. Prest welcomed the gaests Mr. and Mrs. William Eric Shen -
and Miss Lina Abbott had charge stone of London, England, and By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD
of the admission.
: the groom is the son of Mr. and
• • Mrs. F. G. Stanley of Toronto
,Evening Auxiliary (the former forrnetly of Lucans). W. M. S.
1 Given in marriage by her fa -
1 Plans Floral Sh ther the bride was gowned in of &Insley United Church was
The W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid
OW ; a white tulle ensemble, embroi- held on Wednesday afternoon at
; The Evening Auxiliary of Holy dered with lace, featuring street- the home of Mrs. Dan Lewis of
; Try church held its Septem- ; length bouffant skirt and fitted Ailsa Craig, a former member
ber masque. A finger-tip veil ofeeting at the home of Mrs. ;
Charles Corbett with 14 mem
French illusion fell front a head-
dress. beaded with sequinsi She
; bers
of Brinsley church, with a good
Mrs. Gordon Banting of Ailsa
; The president, Mrs. Clare Stan- carrieda cascade of white or- Craig, sister of Mrs, Lewis, gave
ley presided and led in the pray-
chids; and stephanotis, an interesting talk on her trip
ers and Litany,
Mrs. Jack She was attended by Dr, Ruth to the Maritimes. Mrs. Lewis
Murdy, Mrs. HAllison of Toronto, in leftuce Harold Hardy and sang a solo. After the meeting
Mrs. Jack Steacy were hostess.
green satin. several ladies called on Miss
1 ,
• es, 1 The best man was Mr., David MarY Amos, still a patient at
Mrs. Charles Corbett was in •
Parker and ushers were Messrs. Craigholme.
; '
charge of the study hook, taking Robert Stanley, Stephen Brown Personal Items
1the chapter "The Young Church . and Peter Shenshone, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
;in Japan." ; Music director, Charles Peaker, Prest on Thursday were the for.
R was decided to send $10 to L,R.C.O. played traditional wed- mer's aunt, Mrs. Marion Cun-
Mrs, Kate Chapman, secretary ding music and accompanied the ningham of Clandeboye, and her
; of the West Middlesex Deanery boy's choir who sang several daughter-in-law, Mrs. Art .Cun-
numbers. ningha m •
as a thank offering to go to the
1 Anglican Training College in To. ; At a reception in the Prince Mrs,Roy Hamilton of Liman
ronto to assist in the modereiz- . Arthur House the bride's mother visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
' ing of their kitchen..' ; received in a periwinkle . blue
I Much -of the business session • gown with lemon feather hat Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mercer of
was spent in planning of the and matching corsage. She was Exeter visited on Sunday with
1 flower demonstration t o . he assisted by the groom's mother the former's parents, Mr. and
staged in the Parish Hall Sep- • in a gray lace ensemble, feather Mrs. George Mercer.
, tember 24 by Mrs. McDonald of ' hat and matching corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knapton
McDonald's Flowers, London. For a honeymoon trip to Bor. of Thorndale spent Sunday with
; ;
The dernonstration of autumn , muda the bride changed to a Mr. and Mrs. William Fenton,
; flower arrangements will be fol-; pearl gray suit with red acdes- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton
;lowed by a tea. 1 series.
I The October meeting wil be
1 held at the homPersonal Itemse . of the presi.'
I dent, Mrs. Clare Stanley with ! Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett
spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sigswortb
of Lucan were recent guests of
; hostesses rs. Jack Steacy, Mrs. , and family were Sunday Tucts Mr, and Mrs. Howard Fenton,
Jack J. P. Prest. I Mr. and Mr CharlesK Miss Hazel Lewis left on Sun -
Mrs. non, Mrs. Kay Egan andof Mrs. Garrett's parents and
: •
; Personal Items i were Sunday callers. day to spend some time with
her brother and sister -m -law.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Ardieland Mr Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lewis of
; . and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins Toronto.
Jr. of Exeter were Sunday guests
Misses Gladys McRann and Mary i of the former's parents, Mr. and
Neil, all of London, were Sun. ! Mrs. Cecil Hodgins.
day guests cr Mrs, Eleanor Em-
erick. M
'r. and Mrs. Merrill Edwards
and Mrs.. Ada Walker of London
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crudge and
family spent last Sunday in; were Sunday guests of Mrs.
London, the guests of Mr. and Irene Coursey.
Mrs. Sherman Ryan, Sunday .visitors with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. William Ayle- Mrs, Arnold Morley were Mr.
stock have returned home from and Mrs. Ben Wilcox of Owen
a visit with their daughter, the Sound, Mr. and Mrs, Laverne
Rev. A. Aylestock. of North Allison and family and Mrs, I
Buxton, where they attended the Robert Allison of Parkhill, Mr.!
annual home -coming annivers- and Mrs. Gary Graham and Mr.
ary. and Mrs. Don Thar of London
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cassidy ; and Mr, Fred Armitage of Lu.
of St. Catharines were weekend can.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs Harry McFalls and Mrs.
Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Ham- Grace. Wellburn of London were
ilton Corbett of Toronto were Sunday guestsof Mr. and Mrs.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sheridan Revington.
Corbett. .1
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Patrick
Clifford Acheson was sufficient.
:ly recovered from his recent ac -
Myren Culbert of Lucan were and family of Sarnia and Mr. cident to start school last week.
Sunday guests 'of Mrs. Mel Cul.! ofMNakrgaaroeffft
Margaret AAr.smcitaegcei,l Adlni
bert and family.
Mr. mid Mrs. Erle Rdtatbyys Al ansits own eoefk wweitslti
Gordon were weekend
Mr. and Mrs. George Young of ' McGillivray. Mrs. Allison brought
1 an. Jerry 13oland. Lasvrence Bo -
The date of the SePtember land atid John Boland.
meeting of the United Church ; He is su. .'s• I h .
b , .IcGillivray riled them and Mr, ana mrs, A,: charge of the Mayfair bake -
owing to the Sectional Fail Ratty , ro hos of
September 25 to September 18 Town -411 Royal
1 roeers, Chris- A. Mullins and family of Lon-. shots.
'Church this ydar on September ,
1 Arthur f Detroit,lo37,
r of Tames of Bid-
aks, Mich.. don to Farquhar where they; Mrs. Doug Watterworth and
being held in the Lucan tnited
dulph an Austin of London. were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. 'family have moved to West
26. Melvin Gardiner last Saturday.! Lorne but Mr, Watterworth can't
1 Personal gems Mr. and Mrs. Don Hearn have , leave the hank until his succes-
i moved into the Billing house on 1 sor arrives,
Executive Makes Plans
The executive of the A.Y.P.A.1 Mr, and Mrs, Charles Thomp-- concession 5 next to the Ransil-- I Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden
pf Holy Trinity and St. James ; son of Tbamesford, Mrs. Ben ton garage. ; and Mr, and MI.s. Bob Garland
:churches met in the Parish Hall Abbott and Mrs. Howard Crans- Mrs. T. C. McFarlane retuned: Of Hanover spent the heliday
to Make Plans for the coming ion of London called on Miss home on Monday after spending weekend in Toronte, the guests
•seaeon. It was decided to do.; Lino Abbott last Saturday, a few days with Toronto rola.' of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Ilill.
:new church steps. Sunday, Eel). and family of Toronto were Mts. T. A. Watson and Mrs,1 while there.
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Hodgins fives. They •took in the Toronto Ex.
nate 850 towards the cost of the;
teniber 28 being the annual /anis , weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Haar left by motor! Mrs. Isabel Underwood spent
fly -Communion Sunday at 9 a.m. Wilson flodgins, last week for Vancouver where the holiday weekend with :Mr.
the members Will attend in a Mrs. C. IL George, La Verne they will be the guest of their and Mrs, Guy Ryan and Mr. and
i)Ody for eorporate communiort. and An, who beve been boll- sister, Mrs. Lynn Barnes, whose Mrs. Aljoe Culbert.
M there are a few new mem- daYing at Prince Edward Island, husband passed away A month I Mrs, A. C. Calder, formerly
lets from Clandeboye on the r e t ur n e d home in time for ago. These were accompanied by' of Lucan, who is Huron Diocesan
roll, plans were made to attend school. Russell Radcliffe. I president will be One of the Lon.
the /,39 church service at St. Affer Completing her first Miss Dorete Garrett has be- ' don and area Woman's Auxil.
aarnes church (also on the 25tht week as Frenen teacher in the gun duties as a Oracle 7 teacher . iary members to attend the
kid to hold tho opening mooting Dresden High -School, Mrs, 'War. in Vietoria &hoot, London. _ 1 W.A. Meeting of the Anglican
who Mieh are holidaying with Mr,
Mrs. Garfield Needham,
and Mrs. Charles :"/indsor.
is spending a week with Mr. and.
W.M.S. has been chaneed Fren asaa: a Boland of • • sister, • Mrs. Henry Hodgins, accompa.; Mrs. Bud Cooper is again in
strf the fallterm Immediately nAte t obw
erts spent the eek.
iollowing the church service. end at her horhe here.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hamtnehd
lierserial Items of Merriton spent test weekend
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Mee, with Miss Kate nowyer,
Who have been handaying with Mrs, Alvin McLean and Mrs.
the latter's mother, Mrs. Dell E. L. Gibson spent last Friday
PprOWL 1'106 returned to Okla- with their sister, Miss Hattie
MOM a. Hodgins, of the Green Gables
Mt'. and Mrs. berald Atkinson NUraing Home, Parkhill.
Zind family Of tendon were Suri..! Mr, Arid Mrs, AP.Ort Hitkine
day g4te5ta (Sf Mrs, We. Atkin.' and family of Lambeth visited'
Mrs. Will Dian% last Sunday.
Mrs. IT. S. Stanley, Mrs. T. C. Church of Canada to be held in
McFarlane, Mrs. U. F. Stanley, Toronto, September 15 In 18.
and Mr. and Mrs, Clare Stanley' Mr. and Mrs. Rey Sehlueter
attended the Stanley-Shenstone of 14 eech St„ Lucen are happy
wedding in Toronto last week, lio.announee the birth of a (laugh.
Master bey Hodgins whet ter, Kathryn Ittitli( Kathy) at
companied his uncle, Mr. George., St. Joseph's Hospital, London(
Strasser to California early thSePtember 1, a slater fOr help
Julie has returned Mint after al Carol, &Mari and Gordon.
twe Month 'Wait there,Mr. and WS. ;Melt Sf6aey and
Pot the fifth year. Mr. ,Taek family spoilt the holiday week.
Darling has been engaged to look end al Port tigirl, guests of
after the' Denting stableS. I Mr, and WS. fl C rued.,
Phone 156 Grand Bend
/1113111 66666 1111111111113111 ii I ii 1 tt 1 tt I t 11111111111111111111111
SPEAKER—Rev. G. B ur t n
Hodgson, director of Christian
education, Diocese of Michigan,
a native of the •Clandeboye
• dir-
trict, was guest speaker at •the
dedication serviee of St. jellies'
cemetery chapel an Sunday. Mr.
Hodgson began his ministry late
in life, having entered seminary
after 20 years in business during
which he was an accountant and
auditor for several large firms.
He is the son •of Mrs. Mary E.
Hodgson and the late. Eslie
Hodgson and was one of a fam-
ily of nine.
or Christian Education, Diocese
of Michigan. A solo was sung by
I -Miss Marjorie Donaldson,
IHistory of Cemetery
;The historic church and eemes
tery is situated on No, 4 Highway
on the brow of a hill overlooking
the Aux Sauble valley between
Lucan and Clandeboye — the
church by the side of the road.
The pioneer site received from
the crown in 1832 is one of the
best kept church grounds in
Squthwestern Ontario.
A mausoleum was built in
1926, which is now incorporated
in the ,chapel. A stone -!aced
cairn was built in 1932 by Robert
Cronin, London, for Lt. -Col.
James Hodgins, by his descen-
dente. Ile was agent for the
Canada Company, and conveyed
the laud known as Lot I, north
side of London and Goderich
road, set aside for -church and
• The .oldest grave in St. James
Cemetery with a 'tombstone still
. existant is that of William Ward.
died January 12, 1841. The first
supervisor was Leopold Hudgins,
then Joe Armitage, then Charles
Edginton, then Ray Cunningham
and now Moore Cunningham.
. During the incumbency of the
Rev. K. Metioun, in January 25,
1923, •a fund was started to he
known as "SI. James Cemetery
Endowment Fund." The first
-decoration and memorial service
Was held September 9, 1923, with
the committee, John Abbott; Eli
H. de' ;,*
" '1' 1 . Jor
Armit age, Gilbert Carter, ja m es
Mellann. A. K. Hodgins and
Moore Cunningham. The last
mentioned is the only surviving
In 1924, the church was re.
decorated and a new set of win.
dews were dedicated hy the Rev.
Canon Andrew, of St. Thomas.
A 11011, iron fence was donated
by the Hon, Ray Lawson at the
Same tiifl0, •
The present cemetery vommit-
tee is Rev. J. Prest, .1. C. Murdy,
secretary -treasurer. Moore Cun-
ningham, Austin Hodgins,
-drew Carter, Karl O'Neil, M. j.
Simpson, Clarence Carter, E. H.
Lewis and James Cunningham.
Robert E. Hodgson
A native of Clandeboye. Robert
E. Hodgson died in an automobile
.accident suddenly in Hazel Park,
Michigan, September 6, 1958, in
his 561.11, year.
lie was the son of Mrs. Mary
E. Hodgson, of Clandeboye, and
the late Eslie Hodgson.
Rs is survived by fits 'nee,.
Louise, and two sons, Robert and
.Clarke, of Hazel Park, Nicha and
Iwo brothers and five .sisters,
Mrs. Clive. Webb (Marion). Ed.
mouton; Mrs. C. E. Sumner
(Merle), and Mrs. Roy McEllis-
ter (Eathicen). both of London;
Mrs. -S. W. Jackson (Stable -I. of
Toronto; Mrs. M. C. Trevithiek
,of Dearborn, Michigan;
Rev. G. R. Hodgson, of Iiirming.
ham, Michigan, and Murray
Hodgson, of Clandeboye.
Funeral was held in Hazel
Park on Tuesday.
Church News
Next :Suuday. the service at
2.30 p.m., at St..james Church
will be taken by Rev. J. Grant
Morden. Mr. Morden served in
the RCAF in World War II, re-
ceived his BA degree front Uni-
versity of Toronto, his BD from
Wycliffe college, his STS1 from
Union Theological -College, NeW
York, and., now is assistant
Professor of theology at Huron
The Unit ed Church,- Clande-
boye, will still continue its 9.43
a.m. service till Thanksgiving.
Clandeboye School
With Mrs. Clarence Carter,
• teacher, the hew pupils of Grade
1, are Donny .Morgan, David
11111, Ricky Railings, Patrick
Newman, Sharon Munn, Laura
flodgins, and Betty Scott,
Personal Items
Mr. Charles Edginton spent
Sunday with his son, George
' L'clginton, and family in London.
Mr. and Mrs. 'John Northgrave
and Mr. end Mrs. Albert Curtis,
of Courtland, and Miss Mary'
; Northgrave, Nisited. Mr. Billie
r and Miss Agnes Northgrave on
; SuGncloaes.
s•ts on Sunday
with Mr,
, Moore Cunningham. and Mrs.
: Fred Simpson, were Miss Jennie
,ILCouinuinoinn,gham, of Tided:on. and
sMr. and Mrs. Garfield Latta, of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Carter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rea .Neil were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Wilton in 'Strathroy on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl O'Neil visit..
ed Mr, Alex 'O'Neil' in St.
, Thomas -Elgin General Hospital
on Sunday evening.
rt Exeter's
Fdi Fair!
-,1—.•• • 1:
•••9;'.03A*71. 4
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'... •S ,
. •33.333;1.:..,::.•";?;i:3•••:•,,, .
and RIVE
the. Dod e
pnionstr tor
We still have some good Used Cars on our Mein Street lot that•are priced
to sell and will give you many miles of happy motoring pleasure.
Phone 200
Fred Dobbs, Prop,
Nights 732.W or 769-M
„as , sarse•
ilis ambition
is to build
a fishing camp
He wants to
equip his home
...so both are buic1diavr7A uro
Putting money in a bank is the first step
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Of the II million deposit accounts in the
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